History & Philosophy

The CCWRC before renovations.
The Centre County Women’s Resource Center, Inc. (CCWRC), now Centre Safe, was begun in 1975 as a grass roots effort by a small group of women. Since then it has grown from a one-room operation in State College to two locations, the Administrative offices and Sylvia Stein Shelter in State College and a counseling and legal advocacy satellite office in Bellefonte. Centre Safe, formerly the CCWRC continues to address the special needs of women in our community and in society at large. Its beginnings are rooted in the desire to provide an environment of support and encouragement for women who are redefining their lives and exploring new opportunities for personal and professional development. Since 1978, the CCWRC has focused its resources and energy on ending domestic and sexual violence in Centre County and providing the specialized services needed by those who have been victimized by such violence.

The CCWRC after renovations.
Throughout its tenure, the Center has grown dramatically and has reached out to thousands of individuals throughout Centre County.