Title IX Coordinators in Centre County
Title IX Coordinators in Centre County
Bald Eagle Area School District:
Doug Dyke, (814) 355-5721, doug.dyke@beasd.net
Bellefonte Area School District:
Michelle Saylor, (814) 355-4814 Ext. 3004 , msaylor@basd.net
CPI (Central PA Institute of Science and Technology):
Maryann Volders, (814) 359-2793, mavolders@cpi.edu
Penn State University:
To file a complaint, visit: http://www.psu.edu/dept/title-ix/ or contact one of the university’s Title IX Coordinators listed below:
Title IX Deputy Coordinators:
- Danny Shaha, Senior Director, Office of Student Conduct
120 Boucke Building, University Park, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 863-0342; Email: jds49psu.edu - Charmelle Green, Associate Athletic Director, Intercollegiate Athletics, 102 Jordan Center, UP, PA 16802
Phone: (814) 865-1104; Email: cag30@psu.edu - Kim Lantz Yoder, Equity Officer Office for Diversity, C1747N
Penn State College of Medicine 500 University Drive,
Hershey, PA 17033-0850
Phone: (717) 531-0003 283353; Email: kyoder1@psu.edu
Penns Valley Area School District:
Brian Griffith, (814) 422-2000, bgriffith@pennsvalley.org
Philipsburg Osceola Area School District:
Leann Shaw, (814) 342-1050 Ext. 3105, lshaw@pomounties.org
South Hills School of Business and Technology:
- State College Campus: Sandy Gibble, (814) 234-7755, sgibble@southhills.edu
- Lewistown Campus: Barbara Harer, (717) 248-8140, bharer@southhills.edu
- Altoona Campus: Holly Emerick, (814) 944-6134, hemerick@southhills.edu
State College Area School District:
Peg Pennepacker, (814) 231-1143, plp12@scasd.org