Does Hobby Lobby Drug Test – What Kind Of Drug Test Does Hobby Lobby Use & How To Beat It

does hobby lobby drug test

As with many big companies in the USA, with lots of people being employed by them, wondering does Hobby Lobby drug test is a common question.

So let’s answer it for you now. I’ll tell you the lowdown on every aspect of Hobby Lobby drug testing. I’ll tell you if they drug test during hiring, or on the job. What happens if you have an accident or are suspected of drug use, and the type of drug test they might use.

Then, I’ll tell you how to beat a Hobby Lobby drug test, no matter when or how it happens.

Background On Hobby Lobby

Although not known outside the USA, it’s a big deal with in the USA in the hobby retail sector.

Founded in 1972, starting as a business in his garage, it now has 900 store locations across the continental USA.

So Hobby Lobby is a big deal in retail generally, and especially in the hobby supply sector, which is why so many people wonder does Hobby Lobby drug test if they are thinking of applying for a job there.

Does Hobby Lobby Drug Test During The Hiring Process?

The first thing you want to know if you are looking at getting a job with Hobby Lobby is do they drug test during the recruitment process? As with a lot of companies in the USA nowadays, the picture is actually mixed. Mostly, no they don’t.

But some locations and some people online have reported they did face a drug test as part of the hiring process, as part of background checks.

So I think you just need to be ready to face a drug test during pre-employment for Hobby Lobby, even though you might not have one.

Does Hobby Lobby Drug Test Existing Employees?

Again, it’s a mixed picture on whether Hobby Lobby conducts drug tests on its existing employees.

Looking at the Hobby Lobby employment contract and company policy available online, it specifically mentions they reserve the right to drug test. This right is stated as random, periodic, with suspicion, or for any other key reason.

The thing is though, in the real world, a lot of Hobby Lobby employees past and present online have said they were never drug tested during their employment. Not during recruitment, or on the job. So again, it’s about location, policy there, and luck.

If you’re in an accident, going for promotion, or you hear about other employees being drug test, then you should potentially expect one in those circumstances. Generally, it doesn’t seem to be widespread, and certainly not any structured, random or periodic testing.

What Kind Of Drug Test Does Hobby Lobby Use?

In every single discussion online around what kind of drug test does Hobby Lobby use, I have only ever seen anyone state that they were asked to submit a urine sample.

This is good because it narrows things down for you. However, note that oral drug testing is catching on more now, because it’s cheaper and anyone can administer it on the spot with little training.

That’s something to read up on, but in this Hobby Lobby drug test guide we are going to focus purely on beating the overwhelmingly used urine drug test.

How Often Does Hobby Lobby Drug Test?

As you’ve already seen, when it comes to how often Hobby Lobby drug test, it’s varied and unpredictable. Overall though, it’s very rare. Not often used during pre-employment, and not often used on the job.

There is a strong chance it could happen if you go for an internal promotion though, or there is strong suspicion that you are inebriated on the job, or there is an accident that you are believed to have caused.

So most of the time when you are employed by Hobby Lobby, you can rest easy. There really doesn’t seem to be a structured policy of random or scheduled drug testing, not even amongst workers who use the light machinery that is sometimes needed for moving stock on and off the shop floor.

How To Beat A Hobby Lobby Drug Test

Now you know when Hobby Lobby does drug tests, how often, and what kind of drug test they mostly do, let’s tell you how to beat one. The thing to remember is that drug testing is always unsupervised unless you have previously failed the test, or it’s for very specific circumstances you will be told about in advance.

Unsupervised means nobody will be in the room with you. Usually, you go into a cubicle/room, which is specially designed to minimize tampering with a sample (for example, blue water in the toilet cistern), then you come out and hand it straight over.

Mostly this means you can use high-quality synthetic urine. It’s easy to smuggle in, as I will explain in a moment. But if the test is supervised, or you simply don’t want to smuggle a sample in, then a detox drink or detox pills (or both combined) is a great alternative strategy.

  1. Synthetic Urine – Best Buy Quick Luck

The easiest way to pass an unsupervised drug test is simply to submit a fake sample of high-quality synthetic urine.

Don’t go for the budget brands, they simply will not work for modern drug testing.

Quick Luck is the best product on the market. It has the following characteristics that set it apart:

  • Highly complex – 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Contains right proportions of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Balanced for both pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Looks, froths, and smells like urine

Overall, this is going to pass validity check and human scrutiny every time under normal drug testing circumstances. All you have to do is ensure that it’s submitted within the correct temperature range to be accepted as a valid human sample. That means handing it over at a temperature between 90°F and 100°F.

Quick Luck is clever because it uses heat activator powder to do this. Just before you enter the building, tap in about one-quarter of the powder, shake it gently until it’s dissolved. It’s undetectable in the drug test and will raise the temperature slightly.

Repeat the process with a little more heat activator powder each time, and watch the temperature strip for about 30 seconds each time, until you get a good reading close to 100°F, but not above that level.

Then, tuck the sample into your underwear (you won’t be intimately searched and it will keep the sample warm) and go in and submit it.

  1. Detox Drink – Best Buy Rescue Cleanse

A detox drink is a good alternative to mask the drug metabolites in your body, but not quite as certain as using Quick Luck. But it’s still above 90% chance as long as you submit your sample within a couple of hours (three or four at most) of using the detox drink.

Don’t buy cheap ones, go for Rescue Cleanse. It’s the most potent formula on the market and doesn’t require the use of additional water which could dilute your sample.

The instructions for using Rescue Cleanse are dead easy. Simply drink the contents of the bottle over about 10 minutes on an empty stomach. Then, allowing it one hour to work its magic, urinate as frequently as you can during that time.

Rescue Cleanse will speed up the removal of all sorts of toxins from the body. Speeding up the amount you urinate, and drawing more toxins through the kidneys and into the bladder during that time.

Doing this means there is a gap created in the flow of toxins into your kidneys and through to your bladder, which should be a minimum of two hours, and usually longer than that. During this time, the fresh urine entering your bladder will be free of toxins, including all types of drug metabolites.

Rescue Cleanse will also keep your sample testing natural and looking natural during that time due to flooding your body with things needed to achieve this.

  1. Detox Pills – Best Buy Toxin Rid

Your third choice is to get permanently clean by accelerating a natural detox with Toxin Rid detox pills.

These can speed up the removal of toxins by the body significantly, sometimes up to 70% or so faster. That would mean even a heavy user or smoker could be clean in a week or less, and light users in a couple of days.

Simply take three pills per hour for the first five hours of the day with plenty of water. On the day before your test, then use the included detox liquid to push out any remaining toxins. It’s that simple to use.

If you still want an insurance policy, on the day of your test, use Rescue Cleanse as I have already outlined. Doing so will flood out any remaining toxins and allow you to definitely be clean because so few are in the body thanks to Toxin Rid.