Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum Review: How Good Is It – Full Instructions Included

Oral Clear gum is pretty much the only serious option you have for passing a mouth swab drug test. Why is that? In this full Oral Clear gum review I’ll tell you exactly why.

Is there actually even an Oral Clear gum alternative? Yes, there are alternatives, but they are slightly less easy to use, and I’ll explain exactly why that is.

You’ll also get full instructions of using Oral Clear, including top tips on how to use it practically in pressure situations.

All that, plus I will tell you exactly where to buy Oral Clear gum at the best price.

Why Oral Drug Testing Is So Dangerous

You’ll be told that facing oral drug testing is not much of a problem because drug metabolites don’t stay in saliva for very long. Fair enough, in some circumstances, for some drug types with light dosing, it can be as little as 24 hours.

But that’s missing the point about oral drug testing. These are the reasons why it’s so dangerous:

  • You can be tested with just a few minutes notice
  • You don’t need to go anywhere special
  • Anyone with a little training can administer the test
  • Test results are available immediately
  • It’s very difficult to beat
  • Someone will literally be right there with you
  • It’s tough to detox for

This is the main reason why Oral Clear is so recommended by many, and why I used it to pass an oral drug test three years ago.

It’s all about the ability to use it discreetly with someone in the room with you, as I will explain in a little while.

How Long Will You Test Positive After Taking Drugs?

There is no easy answer on how long you will test positive after taking drugs if you face an oral drug test.

There are things to take into account, like dose, frequency of dosing, how long since you last dose, age, health, other substances you are taking, water intake, the list just goes on.

Overall though to give you a snapshot of an ‘average’ user, these are the rough detection times:

  • Benzodiazepines up to 24 hours (up to 5 days for slow release)
  • Cocaine up to 48 hours
  • Heroin up to 24 hours
  • THC up to 72 hours (usually less)
  • Amphetamines/methamphetamine up to 48 hours
  • Opiates up to 24 hours (occasionally longer)

But these are ‘average’ times, and it can bear little relation to your situation when you face a drug test. So stop worrying about how long it will take to get clean, and focus on how to pass the test instead.

This Is Why Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum Is So Good

There are several key reasons why Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is the product of choice to pass a short notice oral drug test, so let’s talk you through them now:

  1. Oral Clear is discreet because it’s a tiny capsule of concentrated liquid. A little larger than the standard headache capsule, you can carry it at all times, and use it discreetly even with people around you.
  2. Once you have neutralized your mouth (I’ll give you full Oral Clear instructions in a moment) you can swallow the lot to leave no evidence.
  3. Oral Clear is not detectable on any type of oral drug test – they literally can’t tell you have used it.
  4. With nothing physical on you after use, and even if you have the capsule found how would they prove it was anything to do with avoiding drug testing, there’s no proof you are trying to adulterate your drug test. Legally, they can’t do a damn thing.

How To Use Oral Clear Gum

Let’s talk you through how to use Oral Clear saliva-neutralizing gum in detail now, including some tips on how to use it with people around you.

These are the core instructions for Oral Clear:

  1. Take the capsule out of the wrapper and keep it on you discreetly. Then you can use at any time of day when you are told you are facing a drug test.
  2. Pop the capsule into your mouth, and with your mouth closed, gently split it with your teeth. Then, slowly work the liquid around your mouth. Use your tongue to focus the liquid into the lower part of the jaw, and around your gum line and lower cheek areas.
  3. The last step is simply to swallow the lot. Then you will leave absolutely no trace that you have used Oral Clear to neutralize your saliva.

Following the instructions above, Oral Clear will keep your saliva clean for about 15 minutes. The elements in it which neutralize the saliva by attaching to them to change their shape remain in the mouth for about that time, which means that fresh saliva containing drug metabolites will also be neutralized in that time.

Top Tips For Using Oral Clear Saliva Detox Gum Discreetly

As you can see, it’s really damn simple to use Oral Clear, but as someone who’s used it to pass a drug test and talked to several people closely you have also pass drug test using it, let’s talk you through some real life top tips now.

  1. Firstly, let’s address the issue of using it with someone in the room with you. This is how you do it.
  2. Cup the capsule in the palm of your hand in your pocket, then cough and hold your hand to your mouth. It’s a completely natural action nobody will pay attention to.
  3. Pop the capsule into your mouth and then neutralize your saliva as I’ve already instructed. You can keep your mouth still from the outside while using your tongue to subtly achieve this. Try it now, by looking in the mirror and moving your tongue around with a little liquid in your mouth; you simply can’t see it’s being done.
  4. Then, just swallow everything, and in around 90 seconds you are ready to pass a drug test.

You can even use Oral Clear when you are caught out, or in public settings. For example, Amazon is a company that holds recruitment days.

You turn up and you sit and wait for an interview, then you sit and wait for a drug test. There are people around you all the time.

But now you know the strategy to use it discreetly, you can do this sitting in the waiting area, even with someone sitting next to you. How on earth would they tell what you were doing?

It’s the same by the roadside. The cops are walking towards you, cough and put your hand in your mouth, and move it around. You can even talk to them with the liquid in your mouth, as you could during any drug test preamble because there’s nothing for them to see or detect.

And because it’s such a small amount of liquid in a tiny capsule, you can swallow it instantly to leave no trace.

Oral Clear Gum Alternative: The Best Of The Rest

Oral Clear definitely isn’t the only show in town. It’s also three times the price of other detox mouthwash products. As you’ve seen, you are paying for the concentration of the liquid and the discreet nature of the delivery system.

The best of the rest is Ultra Wash Ultra Klean. It’s a tiny 2 fluid ounce bottle of mouthwash liquid.

In structure it’s very similar to Oral Clear, and just as effective. You use it by pouring it into your mouth and swilling the liquid around for about 60 seconds. But the difference, and the problem, with using it and other mouthwash products is that there is a higher volume of liquid, and a small bottle to use.

How would you do that with someone in the room with you? Also, it’s much tougher to swallow that volume of mouthwash without choking or showing an outward sign that something unusual is going on.

You also have the problem of the bottle to smuggle in and disposal. It’s not easy and more of a risk.

Avoid These Low Quality Detox Mouthwash Products

Before I finish this Oral Clear gum review, I just want to highlight a few popular low-quality detox mouthwash products to avoid:

  • Stinger detox mouthwash (complete scam)
  • Rescue detox concentrated mouthwash
  • Spectrum Labs quick clear detox liquid
  • Magnum detox

All of the above are popular and marketed across the Internet where you are searching for drug test passing products.

But none of them work at all. The track record is awful, and I know people who were stupid enough to use them for a drug test and failed.

Stinger detox is the absolute worst because it contains the exact same ‘proprietary blend’ as it’s detox drinks.

How could the same collection of ingredients both neutralize saliva and flush out drug toxins from the kidneys and bladder? It’s simply a scam where they put the same liquid in every bottle for every product.

Where To Buy Oral Clear Gum

The only place you should be buying Oral Clear gum from is the company who make it, Clear Choice. It’s not sold anywhere else, so looking for it cheaper elsewhere will only lead you to fake products.

Clear Choice Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum isn’t cheap, costing $95 per capsule.

I know, wow. But think about failing the drug test. With a guaranteed pass, what’s 100 bucks?

Walmart Drug Test Policy Guide: Does Walmart Drug Test New Hires In 2024?

Does Walmart drug test new hires in 2024, and what’s the Walmart drug test policy generally? I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to know right now.

It can be confusing, because you’ll read a lot of different information online, and a lot of it is actually out of date. The Walmart drug test policy, and what they actually do in reality, has changed dramatically during and after the pandemic.

But I’ve talked to people and researched, and I’m going to tell you what they do for new hires, on-the-job testing, and advanced roles.

If you’re facing an employment drug test, then these are the products you need to check out:

  • Quick Luck Synthetic Urine
  • Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink
  • Toxin Rid Detox Pills

The Walmart Drug Test Policy Explained

Their drug test policy is pretty standard and in line with most companies in the USA today.

They simply state that they reserve the right to drug test during any stage of your employment.

Typically, this includes:

  • Pre-employment
  • With suspicion
  • Periodic
  • Random
  • Role change
  • After an accident

Let me just explain a couple of things to you. People talk about suspicion, but legally you can’t just accuse someone of taking drugs, because it could be discriminatory.

Also, you can’t just test someone and then use as your defense that you suspect they are taking drugs. There has to be something concrete driving the process. Usually, this will be after an accident, or something else legal.

You will read about vindictive managers continually drug testing poor employees, or those they don’t like, to try and get rid of them. Be aware, you have legal rights and if you’re in that situation, you can fight back.

Does Walmart Drug Test For Employment?

If you’re going for a job at Walmart, then you’re obviously wondering does Walmart drug test new hires in 2024, and 2025 if you’re reading later than that.

Obviously we can’t predict the future, but I don’t think the policy will change much now.

The truth is that Walmart doesn’t really drug test for pre-employment anymore. This was starting to happen before the pandemic, due to the legalization of marijuana especially, but during and after the pandemic drug testing slipped even further.

Because we are talking about low-grade, low paid jobs, and with the cost of drug testing going up, a lot of companies seem to have decided it’s just not worth the cost of the drug tests, follow-ups, and management time, when they are paying you peanuts. It’s a sad truth.

The only time you will be drug tested for pre-employment by Walmart is if you are going to be in a role that involves something more specialist, like sporting goods where guns and ammo could be part of the equation, or if you’re using machinery or a vehicle.

Does Walmart Drug Test On The Job?

It’s very rare that Walmart does a drug test on the job for normal shop floor or warehouse employees.

These are low grade jobs and it’s simply not worth the effort unless there is an accident, or some other situation where they feel they have to, or are legally obliged to.

There are rare exceptions to this, especially if you change roles to something more responsible, but most people working for Walmart I’ve come across state they have never, ever, had a drug test during pre-employment or on the job in the past few years.

Does Walmart Distribution Center Drug Test?

The distribution center jobs are even worse than the shop ones for turnover of staff. So they don’t bother testing the basic employees, it’s just not financially viable.

If you drive a vehicle though, have a specialist role, are a manager, or use machinery, then you probably will be drug tested though, either prior to employment for that type of job, or sometimes on the job.

Just like the stores, you’re very unlikely to ever face a drug test as a basic employee.

How Does Walmart Compare To Other Employers?

Walmart seems to be incredibly lax about drug testing, but it’s by design are not just poor management.

The costs just don’t add up any more with the turnover of staff and the low risk of problems with people using drugs in reality.

Plus, when it would cost so much money to get rid of that employee and get another one in to replace them, then targeting them with drug tests when they might not have taken anything for days but still get caught out, is increasingly dumb, and employees are cottoning on to that fact.

But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. You could face a Walmart drug test, and that’s the same for any company. Situations differ, and although I’m telling you the overall risk profile here, you have to look at your individual situation and how much you want the job, or to keep the job.

For example, Amazon usually do a mouth swab drug test for all new hires, and urine drug testing on-the-job with suspicion or accidents.

What Happens If I Fail A Pre-Employment Drug Test?

There is a legal process that must be followed if you fail a drug test. It’s called the “adverse action process” and is part of a federal law to protect people from being discriminated against through drug testing.

You should get the right to see and understand your full drug test results in a one to one meeting in private with a company representative. That’s the case for pre-employment and on-the-job testing.

You should get the opportunity to explain the circumstances of the failure, and be given a retest should you want one.

As you can see, this is one of the reasons Walmart don’t bother drug testing as much as it used to. Even if you fail, they have to go through a process that costs even more time and money.

Walmart Detox Kit: What Do I Need To Pass An Employment Drug Test?

Despite their actual drug test policy, it’s unlikely that Walmart drug test new hires in 2024 beyond, or generally during employment.

It’s also getting increasingly unlikely with other businesses. However, a lot of them still do under certain circumstances, and you need to have strategies in place to beat them.

I’d still recommend you prepare for a drug test for pre-employment, and have something with you for on-the-job testing, regardless of how little chance you think there is, because there is still a chance with Walmart employees. Walmart also sells detox products, but they are a waste of money.

These are the products you can use to pass a drug test you could face:

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine

If you’re facing a urine drug test then Quick Luck synthetic urine is the best way to pass.

It’s premixed, and doesn’t rely on a heatpad or a microwave to get the temperature right, so it’s perfect for on-the-job drug testing. Even with just two minutes’ notice, out of sight, you can prepare a valid sample.

For pre-employment or any other type of test, it’s also brilliant because you can closely control the temperature, and it’s discreet enough to smuggle in and submit with ease.

These are the characteristics that Quick Luck has:

  • Looks, froths, smells like human urine
  • Contains the right amounts are creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in human urine
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Don’t rely on a heatpad or microwave

Out of sight, simply tap in about one-quarter of the supplied heat activator powder. It’s undetectable, and will slightly raise the temperature.

Keep adding a little more, shaking it, and then watching the temperature strip for about 30 seconds each time, until you get a valid sample temperature (a reading on the temperature strip of between 90°F and 100 Fahrenheit).

That’s how easy it is to use Quick Luck, and you can buy it directly from Quick Luck for just $110 here. Quick Luck is not available in smoke shops, you must buy it online.

  1. Rescue Cleanse detox drink

If it’s a supervised drug test where you will be observed urinating, which would be the case for a failed retest, then a detox drink is your only option at short notice.

Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink on the market. Not only will it flush out more toxins than can be achieved with just water, but it will do it at such a rate that it creates a gap in the flow of toxins being processed by the kidneys of several hours.

It floods the bladder, but is also balanced for what the urine contains, keeping it appearing natural, but clean for a few hours.

Rescue Cleanse isn’t as good as submitting a fake sample, but even a heavy user should get two or three hours completely clean during which they can submit a good sample.

You can buy Rescue Cleanse for just $55 from Clear Choice, by clicking here.

  1. Toxin Rid detox pills

If you’ve got a week before your test, then even as a heavy smoker or user, the seven or 10 day course of Toxin Rid will get you clean in time. With less time, the shorter courses of Toxin Rid will get you partially clean at least.

Then, on the day of your test, use Rescue Cleanse, and because you’ve got less toxins in your body, it will work better, and you’ll be clean for longer.

You can buy Toxin Rid in course lengths from a single day all the way through to 10 days in length, direct from Test Clear by clicking here.


How Long Is Adderall In Your System? Complete Adderall Drug Test Guide

I’m going to tell you how long Adderall is in your system, even if it’s just something like 10 mg of Adderall you’re using. It’s more complex than you might think to answer though.

This is a complete guide to everything you need to know about Adderall in your system, and how to pass a drug test. I’ll cover all the basics you need to know. How long it stays in your system, the different types of Adderall, and the different types of drug tests you could face.

Then, I’ll tell you exactly how to pass both urine and oral drug tests, even with Adderall in your body, so that you never get caught out with an Adderall drug test.

In this guide I refer to the following high-quality products, should you want to check them out first:

  • Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink
  • Quick Luck Synthetic Urine
  • Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum
  • Toxin Rid Detox Pills

How Adderall Works

Adderall is officially prescribed for narcolepsy and ADHD symptom relief. It’s a stimulant medication that contains both amphetamine and dextroamphetamine.

It increases alertness and focus, and helps to calm the mind for ADHD users, and stimulates the mind to keep people awake with narcolepsy problems. Because of these features, Adderall is abused. It improves cognitive performance, and concentration levels, and increases your mental and physical energy.

Put all that together, and unprescribed Adderall use is widespread. But the problem is that even if used moderately, it’s going to appear on a drug test for at least a few days.

How Long Does Adderall Stay In Your System?

It’s really tough to answer how long Adderall stays in your system for. There are a ton of variations for the following reasons:

  • Health
  • Age
  • Kidney or liver problems
  • Frequency of dosing
  • Type of Adderall taken
  • Dosage being taken
  • Other drugs you are taking
  • Weight

When you read online the times Adderall stays in your system, remember that these are average times for moderate users.

What they are saying is that if you’ve taken a single dose of Adderall, then it will leave your body in X days.

For Adderall, that usually means in 72 hours, but can be up to 100 hours. But remember, that’s a single dose.

If you’re taking it more frequently, and even though it’s only got half life of 10 hours, your body never eradicates it all as you take more. This means it could take you a week to get clean, or even slightly longer if you are a daily user.

Note There Are Two Different Types Of Adderall

Remember as well, there are two different types of Adderall. The instant release and the long release versions. So when you see these average times for Adderall to stay in your system, they are talking generally about the short-release version.

When it comes to the long release, it could be released for several days after your last dose, and you don’t know exactly how long that will be.

If you’re taking this frequently, then it could be one or two weeks before you actually start testing clean.

Does Adderall Build Up In Your System?

Unfortunately, yes Adderall does build up in your system. The more you take, the more this happens.

If you aren’t in peak health, and if you’re taking other things, or if you’re not being good to your body, then these times lengthen as well.

Even though Adderall only has a short-ish half-life, regular dosing will mean that if you have been taking it regularly, and have taken in the past seven days, that you should assume you will fail a drug test.

Do Drug Tests Look Specifically For Adderall?

Drug tests don’t need to specifically look for Adderall or anything else that is similar to it. As I’ve said, it contains amphetamine. That means that any drug test that looks for the structure of amphetamines, or amphetamine metabolites, will find Adderall.

The bad news is that the amphetamine drug test panel is on every single standard drug test, from the lowest four-panel test, to the highest 14 panel test. It’s always there, so you will get caught.

How To Pass A Drug Test With Adderall In Your System

So how on earth can you pass a drug test with Adderall in your system, if you are guaranteed to be found using amphetamines?

Well, if you’ve got a prescription, just show them it and explain. If it’s legitimate then there won’t be a problem. But I’m guessing that’s not the situation you are in.

If you haven’t got a prescription, then you have a few choices for passing a urine drug test:

  • Get clean
  • Submit a fake sample
  • Mask the toxins

I’m going to talk about passing a urine drug test first. However, after that, I will cover how to pass an oral drug test with Adderall in your system as well.

1. How To Pass A Urine Drug Test

Urine drug testing is the most common type you would face, and there are three levels of scrutiny you could face:

  • Unsupervised test when nobody is near you (often in a separate room)
  • Supervised test where somebody is near you
  • Observed test where somebody is watching you

Unobserved drug testing is by far the most common, making up over 95% of drug tests done in the USA. You’ll always know in advance if you’re going to be observed in some way.

So you’ve got a variety of situations, but what can you use to avoid detection for Adderall?

Synthetic Urine

If it’s an unsupervised drug test then synthetic urine is definitely the best way of passing. A good quality synthetic urine will pretty much guarantee that you do so. However, most fake urine is awful. It’s always poor quality and complexity, and it doesn’t even look like urine let alone smell or froth like it.

Clear Choice Quick Luck is an exception. It’s not cheap, but it’s the best of the bunch and has no comparison.

Quick Luck has the following key characteristics:

  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in urine
  • Contains the right amounts of urea and uric acid
  • Looks, froths, and even smells like urine

Not only is this advanced enough to pass modern validity checks, even the automated eCup system tests, but it will even pass the visual scrutiny of a curious human.

Better than all that, Quick Luck gets around the main reason why fake urine fails. The reason is that it’s submitted outside the correct temperature range.

Human urine exits the body within a very narrow temperature range, and legally, the sample has to be between 90°F and 100°F to be valid. Most fake urine uses heatpads to keep the sample warm. You have to heat it and then use the heatpad to maintain that temperature, which is problematic.

Quick Luck uses heat activator powder instead. No messing around with microwaves or heating the sample in advance at all.

Just before you go into the building, simply tap in about one-third, shake it until it dissolves (it’s undetectable), and watch the temperature strip. Add a little more until you get a good reading and then go in and submit your sample.

Detox Drink

Detox drinks are great for supervised/observed drug testing, or if you simply don’t have the courage to smuggle in fake urine (although I advise it).

Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink you will find. It’s really powerful and does two things very well.

  1. Firstly, it helps the body flush out drug toxins faster than it can naturally. In doing so it takes a while for the body to catch up again. This can take several hours, and it’s the time during which you can submit fresh, clean urine. Usually, this is around 3 – 5 hours clean.
  2. Rescue Cleanse also floods your body with things found in balanced urine. A lot of this gets pushed through as waste, and even though you flush yourself out, your urine won’t be diluted because it still contains the things that it should.

Rescue Cleanse is dead simple to use. Simply drink the contents of the bottle and then urinate at least three times over the next hour. Then get to your drug test as fast as possible.

It’s not quite as guaranteed as fake urine for unsupervised drug testing but is definitely the next best option if you are facing one at short notice.

Accelerated Detoxification

If you’ve got Adderall in your system, then the best way to confidently pass a urine drug test is to be actually clean.

Sure, as explained, time will detox you. But it’s unlikely you’ll have enough time if you’re a regular user. But you can do accelerated detox using detox pills. Not the rubbish ones that you’ll see cheap online, but the best of the bunch that I’m now going to tell you about.

Toxin Rid is the pill of choice. I’ve used them to detoxify twice. They speed up the removal of toxins in your body by at least 50%, and often more if you really eat healthily, exercise, sweat, and don’t take in any other drugs or alcohol. The five, seven, or 10 day courses should be selected depending on the frequency and dosing of the Adderall you are using.

So, if you’re a moderate user of short-term Adderall, you might get away with the five day course of Toxin Rid. This should have you testing clean in just two or three days.

2. Saliva Drug Test

Saliva drug testing can be problematic because someone can walk up to you and say they are taking your sample almost immediately.

Also, this can be done by somebody at work, by the roadside, by the police, or by probation services. Basically, with a little training and the right equipment they can do it almost on the spot. The good news is that Adderall, like all drugs, doesn’t hang around in saliva for very long. At most, one or two days usually.

But again, if you are using it regularly, it will stay for a day or so longer, and this could be even longer if you’re using slow-release Adderall.

Don’t worry though, there’s an easy way around it called Oral Clear saliva-neutralizing gum.

It’s not actually even a gum, but a capsule of highly concentrated mouthwash liquid. It’s incredibly easy to use and discreet enough to hide anywhere. Pop it in your mouth and split the capsule gently between your teeth with your mouth shut. Then, use your tongue to move the concentrated liquid around the gumline and your cheeks.

Do this for as long as you can and then swallow the lot. It will keep you neutralized of all drug toxins, including amphetamines like Adderall, for up to 15 minutes.

Where To Buy The Products You Need To Pass A Drug Test

When it comes to worrying about how long as Adderall in your system, you don’t have to really worry if you know how to get around the problem.

Even with the accelerated detox, a regular daily user of Adderall will be clean in three or four days. Just be aware that the slow-release version takes longer, although it’s uncommon for people using it recreationally to bother with it.

Let’s finish up here by telling you exactly where you can buy the products I’ve just talked about:

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine is available from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.
  2. Rescue Cleanse detox drink is also available from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.
  3. Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is again also available from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.
  4. Toxin Rid detoxification pills are available in course lengths from a single day through to 10 days in length and are available directly from Test Clear.

Macujo Method Review: Pass A Hair Drug Test Using Old Style Aloe Rid Detox Shampoo

If you’re looking to pass a hair drug test then the Macujo method is definitely the way to achieve it. However, it’s not simple, and you need specialist ingredients to do it.

In this complete Macujo method review, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know to pass a drug test using the Macujo method with old-style Aloe Rid detox shampoo. Not only will I cover the classic Macujo method steps, but I’ll also tell you about how I used it to pass a drug test.

I will compare the original Macujo method to the Jerry G method, and explain the differences between them.

All that, plus we will cover hair drug testing generally, including things that won’t work, such as shaving your body hair (and other urban myths).

So in the next five minutes, you’ll learn all you need to know to pass a hair drug test, with details about the best shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test, and how to use it as part of the Macujo method.

This Is How A Hair Drug Test Happens

Hair drug testing is actually no different to urine drug testing. You go along to a location to submit your sample, it’s tested against various panels, and you get your results.

So, the panel test applies to any type of drug test. You could face a five-panel urine test, or a five-panel hair test, looking for exactly the same substances. The fact it’s a hair test doesn’t mean it’s any more detailed in terms of what it looks for.

The whole process of submitting the sample is basically the same as a urine test as well, in terms of where you go and how it’s collected.

When you submit your hair sample, they will simply cut around 60 strands of hair from your head. They will ensure that they get right to the scalp using a special cutter. That’s because the most recent hair growth is the most important.

The Reason Why Hair Drug Testing Is Feared

The reason why drug testing is so terrifying is that it’s almost impossible to game it.

Even the best shampoo to pass hair follicle drug testing will struggle to get you clean on its own, because of how hair is structured. When you take drugs, they into your bloodstream. Some of the metabolites (waste products) moving around your bloodstream get trapped under the scalp where the hair follicles are.

As the hair grows, so the metabolites that are caught up in the hair follicles grow out within the shaft of new hair growth.

That means that the drugs are hardcoded into your hair, trapped underneath the hard and flexible cuticle layer of each shaft of hair. The cuticle is a layer of tens of thousands of microscopic scales that overlap to give the hair strength and flexibility.

So, the only way to pass a hair drug test is to somehow open up the entire cuticle layer of every strand of hair on your head, flush out the drug toxins, and then close it all up again as if nothing has happened.

How Long Do Drugs Remain Detectable In Hair?

Something that confuses many people about detectability in hair drug testing is how all drugs are detectable for the same amount of time. Basically, as I’ve explained already when you take drugs, some metabolites get trapped in the hair. As long as the hair is on your head then you are going to be caught.

However, legally, only the most recent 90 days of hair growth, and therefore the most recent 90 days of drug use, can be analyzed.

That applies to every type of drug. So, if you haven’t taken anything at all in the past 90 days, then you will pass a hair drug test, no matter what types of drugs it’s trying to detect.

Hair drug testing re-cap:

  • Drug metabolites get trapped within the hair shaft
  • It’s almost impossible to normally remove toxins from within the hair
  • Hair drug tests look for exactly the same drugs as other types
  • The number of panels in the drug test is the number of drugs being looked for
  • Only the most recent 90 days hair growth is used and analyzed

Using Detox Shampoo For Hair Drug Test Success On Its Own

Obviously, hair drug testing is problematic, but all you have to do is use a good quality detox shampoo and you are guaranteed hair drug test success, right?

Unfortunately, it’s not that simple at all. The truth is that no shampoo, even the best shampoo to pass hair follicle drug test, will do the job on its own.

Sure, the best of the bunch, old style Aloe Rid detox shampoo, will get rid of lots of toxins. But it’s not capable of opening up every bit of cuticle layer on every hair shaft, and flushing out all toxins. No drug test detox shampoo is capable of doing that.

So although a good quality drug detox shampoo does most of the heavy lifting, you need a method, a group of ingredients together, that will work in a combined way to achieve complete cleansing.

The two methods you will read and hear most about our called the Macujo method and the Jerry G method. I will go through both of these in detail in a moment, but first let’s tell you more about Aloe Rid detox shampoo.

The Old Style Aloe Rid Detox Shampoo Story

A company called Nexxus made something called Aloe Rid shampoo. It was a powerful clarifying shampoo designed for removing heavy toxins. Used by swimmers, people in heavy industries, and in urban environments where pollution was high, it was very potent at removing free radicals.

However, it was too powerful and people complained of irritated scalps. So the company lowered the potency of the formula.

The problem was that it was very good as a detox shampoo. Used alongside other ingredients, in what was to become methods like the Macujo method and Jerry G method, it really worked to get the hair clean.

So it was a disaster for people who want to get clean to pass drug tests when Nexxus change the formula. Over the next few years, the old formula bottle started to change hands for increasingly stupid sums of money. Then fakes appeared, and it all got completely out of control.

Let me tell you, there have not been any real bottles of the old formula shampoo available for many years now. If we ever see any, they are fakes.

However, seeing gap in the market, a highly reputable company called Test Clear recreated the formula, and called it “old-style Aloe toxin rid detox shampoo”.

It’s a very expensive product, costing $235, but it’s a niche product, and it’s the only shampoo formula potent enough to work with the Macujo method to pass a drug test. If you are serious about passing, it’s your only serious option.

What’s The Best Shampoo To Pass A Hair Follicle Drug Test?

Undoubtedly, as I just explained, the best shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test is old-style Aloe Rid toxin detox shampoo.

It’s the most potent formula that has the capability to open up the cuticle layer and flush out the toxins.

However, it can’t do it alone. That’s why you need a method that uses other ingredients in a chemically progressive way that work together to fully open up the cuticle layer and allow Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo to flush out the toxins over multiple run throughs.

Here’s the bottom line: no hair detox shampoo will cleanse your hair on its own.

So forget all of the claims online that you see. You’ll need a method, not just a detox shampoo if you want to cleanse your hair 100% to pass a drug test.

Another good quality detox shampoo is Zydot Ultra Klean. It’s definitely the second best, but on its own it has no chance of getting your hair clean. What it’s good for is cleansing your head just before you go and submit your sample. You wouldn’t want stray toxins on the outside of your hair, picked up from somewhere, messing things up.

So it’s not good enough on its own to pass a drug test, but it’s a cheap and effective detox shampoo that ensures that all your hard work doesn’t go to waste on the day of your test.

Old style Aloe Toxin Rid detox shampoo

Avoid Poor Quality Detox Shampoo Products

As I’ve already said, Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is the only good quality product out there other than Zydot.

So when you see the myriad of detox shampoo products to choose from, just think one thing: none of these work!

It’s a simple truth, and no matter what people tell you, no matter what the marketing says, they just won’t clear out all the drug toxins.

Now you know exactly how drugs get trapped under the hair shaft, and how no shampoo in the world is capable on its own of lifting that cuticle layer and pulling out the toxins on its own, then you know that what they are telling you is untrue.

Drug test shampoo like:

  • High voltage
  • STAT shampoo
  • Stinger Detox Shampoo
  • Oasis Hair Follice Detox Shampoo
  • Fake Macujo Shampoo on Amazon/Ebay
  • Test Pass Detox Shampoo

And many others, simply don’t work.

Specifically, I also want to seriously warn you about shampoo called Macujo.

The packaging suggests that it is the official Macujo method shampoo. It’s in a smart and well laid out bottle format, and it would easily make you think it was some official product.

They even send it with the Macujo method to reinforce the message that it’s some official and specialist shampoo. It even costs around the same prices old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo that Test Clear sells.

But it’s just a fake, a scam. It doesn’t contain any special ingredients and is normal shampoo in a shiny bottle that makes and big claims to part fools from their money.

The Jerry G Method: This Is Why I Don’t Recommend It

The Macujo method and the Jerry G method are similar in some ways, and the most popular methods used to pass a hair follicle drug test.

Let me tell you right here, the Jerry G method can work to pass a drug test. It’s also cheaper than the Macujo method because it doesn’t use Aloe Rid shampoo for the heavy lifting.

The Jerry G method was made up by somebody with the username Jerry G, just as was the case with the Macujo method (also sometimes called Mikes Macujo method).

The problem with the Jerry G method is simple, in that it uses a lot of ammonia bleach. The combination has not only damage scalps and hair temporarily, but for some people it’s done permanent damage.

Also, it raises a ton of suspicion as well. You have to bleach your hair. That means it’s going to be bleached white, or bleached a color.

Think about it. You go for a job interview with hair that’s one color. Two days later you turn up at a test center with hair that is a completely different color and you have a bright red scalp from all the harsh ammonia bleach that you’ve been using.

So sure, if you don’t care about damaging your hair and scalp, then give the Jerry G method a try. But you’re going to have to give a damn good reason why your hair is changed color, and if your hair doesn’t take well to the repeated bleaching and dries out and starts to fall off all over the place, then you’re really going to have a lot of explaining to do.

What Is The Original Macujo Method?

The Macujo method is similar to the Jerry G method in that it teams up several household products to open up the cuticle layer of the hair and flush out all the drug toxins.

Where it differs is that the ingredients used are milder, and it harnesses the power of old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo to make it the most effective formula that won’t wreck your hair and scalp.

I’m going to give you detailed Macujo Method instructions in a moment. But that’s the thing you need to understand, running through it won’t damage your hair and scalp, and it will clean out all the drug toxins as long as you have enough time to do the Macujo method several times before the day of your test.

Don’t try and cut corners by cutting out the Aloe Toxin Rid detox shampoo. It’s a crucial ingredient that has no comparison and cannot be replaced. If you’re serious about passing a hair drug test, then you have to bite the bullet on this and go for it.

Macujo Method Review: Does The It Really Work For All Drugs?

All the drug toxins get trapped in the hair in the same way. Therefore, removing them happens in the same way.

It doesn’t matter what’s in your hair, the Macujo method will open up the cuticle layer and flush out the toxins/metabolites so you don’t get caught.

I used the Macujo method to pass a drug test three years ago. I know that this method works. Let me just tell you a bit about what happened, so you can understand why it’s the best method out there for passing a hair follicle drug test.

It was a new job, a management position. The new company in the area, and a rare opportunity for me.

I am a daily weed smoker, and the state has legalized weed smoking recreationally as well. But the company I was going to try and get a job with wasn’t tolerant. To me, that’s insane. If you are fit to do the job, and not turning up high, then what’s the problem, when you are doing nothing illegal?

Anyway, I wanted the job so I took drastic measures to make sure I didn’t lose out.

Once I had an interview date, I stopped smoking weed and I started running through the Macujo method. I had six days, and I ran through it seven times (twice on the day before my interview).

I passed the interview really well and was asked to report to a drug test center within 48 hours so that I could submit a sample for a hair drug test. If I passed the hair drug test, and the background check (which I knew would be fine), then I was in with a really good chance.

So, I went along to the test center pretty confident. Seven run-throughs of the Macujo method and no weed smoking meant that I should have been clean.

The results came back negative as expected. The Macujo method really worked for me, which is why I am so passionate about passing the exact method you need to use on here, so that other people don’t get caught out.

Full Macujo Method Steps

Enough of the preamble and explanations, let’s get down to it. This is the original Macujo method. That means it’s the set of instructions that I use, and is most widely used.

Some instructions will talk about alternative products, switching around the order it’s completed in, and questioning how certain products could do what is claimed.

Ignore all the noise, and just stick with this classic method to stand the best chance of passing a drug test.

The first thing you have to do is get all your ingredients together well in advance so that you are ready to go:

  1. These are the things you need to pass a drug test using the Original Macujo method:
  • One bottle of old-style Aloe toxin rid shampoo
  • One bottle of Zydot Ultra Klean detox shampoo
  • Clean & Clear Pink salicylic shampoo (or a similar salicylic shampoo)
  • Tide liquid detergent (or any similar liquid household detergent
  • Heinz vinegar (or any other good quality standard vinegar)
  • Box of latex gloves
  • Roll of clingfil
  1. Let’s talk you through a full Macujo method completion from start to finish now. You’ll need a bath, shower, or at worst a sink, and preferably plenty of warm water as you’re going to use a lot and you’ll get very cold if it’s not a decent temperature.
  2. Wet your hair and then apply vinegar to it. A good handful of vinegar applied to the head, and then worked in with the fingertips (make sure you’ve got those gloves on). Really work this into the scalp and roots.
  3. You’re now going to apply Clean & Clear Pink shampoo to your already stinging scalp. This will make it sting even more, but don’t worry, it’s not doing any damage. Repeat exactly what you did with the vinegar, by working into the scalp thoroughly.
  4. Wrap your head in clingfilm so that every hair strand is compacted and benefiting from the mixture. Leave it on for 30 minutes, no matter how long it stings.
  5. Wash the vinegar and shampoo out with plenty of warm water. Do not condition it or use any other hair products. You can comb it or brush it at this point, but make sure it’s a new comb or brush that isn’t contaminated with toxins.
  6. You’ll next wash your hair with old-style Aloe Rid shampoo. Be generous in the amount you use, and really work into the scalp. Then leave it on for five minutes.
  7. Repeat the process again with the old-style Aloe Rid detox shampoo.
  8. The final step of the run through the Macujo method is to apply a small amount of liquid detergent your hair. Again, really work it in thoroughly to the scalp and roots, until your hair is squeaky. Then, wash it out thoroughly.
  9. At this stage you can use a very mild conditioner, and comb or brush your hair.

macujo method review

Do You Have To Use Zydot Ultra Klean Detox Shampoo?

After your last run through the Macujo method you’ll be good to go and submit your sample. There’s no point in doing all this work if stray toxins get onto the hair and are then submitted.

That’s where Zydot Ultra Klean comes in. It’s a potent detox shampoo that is very affordable, and does a great job.

Use that one hour before you leave, then with a fresh towel and fresh clothes, dress yourself and get ready to go and submit your sample while staying away from all sources of drug contamination.

What Do You Do If You Haven’t Got Seven Days Before Your Hair Drug Test?

Ideally, you will need to run through the Macujo method once per day in the seven days leading up to your test.

If you’ve got less days, then simply do it twice per day. Obviously, this is a commitment in terms of time and effort, but you have no choice here. It gets risky if you do it less than seven times, because you just don’t have enough time to flush out all the drug toxins unless you are a moderate smoker or user.

But you might get lucky, and if you simply don’t have the time, then do it twice per day for as many days as you have before your test.

The Macujo Method And Body Hair

If you haven’t got time to do the Macujo steps seven times, or you don’t want to spend the money, then you could have the smart idea of shaving your head. That’s going to raise some serious issues. For a start, whoever has commissioned the test is going to know you shaved your head, as will the lab you go to submit your sample at.

If they can’t take a sample from your head, they will simply take a sample from elsewhere on the body. Hair on your head grows at 0.5 inches per month, so they will take a sample 1.5 inches long.

If they can’t do that, they will simply take pairs from your body instead because they grow slower, and therefore will still have the same amount of recorded drug use in them.

And don’t even think about shaving all your body hair, because that’s even more of a red flag.

If you haven’t got hair on your head, you can also do the Macujo method for the hair on your body, if you know that they are going to use that. It’s exactly the same process, you simply do it on the hairs on your body, rather than focusing on the hairs on your head. That will take a lot more time and effort, but the end result will be the same.

Zydot ultra clean detox shampoo

Where To Buy Old-Style Aloe Rid Detox Shampoo

There’s only one place you can buy genuine old-style Aloe rid detox shampoo, and that’s direct from Test Clear.

It’s not cheap, costing $235 for a single bottle. But that’s enough to do seven times through the Macujo method. Quite simply, it’s the best shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test. Think about it this way, it’s going to cost you less than $300 to pass a drug test that is important enough for someone to commission an expensive hair drug test for.

So, don’t worry about a few hundred dollars, this is not going to be one of those situations where cutting corners is possible, or saving money will be worth the effort.

What Is A 9 Panel Drug Test (and how to pass it) – Learn How To Pass Any Type Of Urine Drug Test

Let’s talk about how you can pass a urine sample panel drug test easily. I’ll explain what a 9 panel drug test is, and how you can beat it every time.

But this is about beating any type of urine drug test, from the 4 panel through to the 12 panel test. In reality, it doesn’t matter how many panels you’re facing, the strategies you need to use will work for all of them.

So in this quick guide, you going to learn about the different types of panel drug tests, and the methods and the products you need to beat them:

  • Quick Luck synthetic urine
  • Rescue Cleanse detox drink
  • Toxin Rid detox pills

What Exactly Is The 9 Panel Drug Test?

Exactly as it says, the 9 panel drug test contains nine panels that each detect a different type of drug. The exact structure of the panel drug test varies. It can be very cheap set of reactive strips, full plastic panels, or even a digital test that is called the panel test, but actually isn’t.

The truth is it doesn’t matter how many panels are on the test, what you’re interested in is not having the drug in your system detected for any type of test.

The Other Types Of Panel Drug Test You Could Face

There are panel tests from 4 to 12 in the standard panel drug test suite.

The most common is the five panel test. That’s the most common for both pre-employment and on-the-job drug testing. But due to the legalization of cannabis in many places, the five panel test no longer contains a cannabis (THC) panel, and that’s the same all the way up to 12 panels.

Sometimes the panel is switched out for something else. But many employers nowadays simply go for a four panel test instead, known as the 4 panel XM drug test.

That’s why you’ll sometimes also see a 9 panel XM drug test. It simply means that it excludes marijuana. But it means there is a panel replacing it that will be non-standard.

Is The 9 Panel Drug Test From LabCorp Different To Others?

Because LabCorp is the biggest drug testing company in the USA, some people think that the 9 panel drug test LabCorp standard test is different to other companies.

The truth is it’s really not. The only difference is the cut-off levels, the amount of drug metabolites required to trigger a positive result.

The cut-off levels are so similar for all of the testing lab companies out there, that you really shouldn’t be worrying about it. You can’t judge if you are clean or not against those microscopic levels, so you just have to focus on beating the test.

How Far Back Does A 9 Panel Urine Drug Test Go?

Let’s start answering the question around how far back a 9 panel drug test goes (and obviously this is the same for these drugs on any panel test), by showing you what the average detection times are:

  • Cocaine 2-5 days
  • Amphetamines 2-6 days
  • Methamphetamines 3- 5 days
  • Opiates 3-4 days
  • PCP 3-14 days
  • THC 3-30+ days
  • Barbiturates 3-6 days
  • Benzodiazepines 3-30 days
  • Methadone 2-7 days

Note that the lower stated times are for really light users, occasional users. The more you take drugs, and at higher doses, then the longer you’ll stay positive after your last dose.

It’s particularly bad with regular cannabis smoking and slow-release benzos. These can stay in your system for up to 30 days, and some regular cannabis smokers can be testing positive two or three months after the last joint.

If you’re anything other than a really light user and have taken drugs in the past seven days, then you really should assume you will fail a drug test and take the countermeasures I’m now going to tell you about.

Strategies For Passing Urine Panel Drug Tests

If you’re facing a urine drug test, then the first thing you need to know is if it’s supervised or unsupervised.

That’s far more important than knowing how many panels the test will consist of. In fact, it’s almost irrelevant how many panels are test has.

You can’t think you’re safe because you’re facing a four panel test, and officially the drug you have in your system isn’t going to be tested for. Remember, the person commissioning the test can switch out any panel they want, so you are never safe.

But don’t worry, because it’s easy to pass. If it’s unsupervised, then it’s even easier, but even if it’s supervised then you can get through this.

A supervised/observed test is usually only done for retest after failure, or some other reason that you would know about in advance, so you would always be able to prepare for accordingly.

1. Synthetic Urine

 If the test is unsupervised then synthetic urine is the best way to pass.

There’s only really one brand you should be looking at nowadays, that is complex enough to pass the validity checks, and but also physically resembles urine so closely that you would never be able to tell the difference.

It’s called Quick Luck, and is made by a company called Clear Choice, who simply make the best detox products.

Quick Luck has the following characteristics that set it apart:

  • Perfectly balanced for both specific gravity and pH
  • Looks, smells, and froths like human urine
  • Contains the right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Contains a total of 14 common chemicals that would be looked for
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad to maintain the temperature

So Quick Luck is going to pass the modern validity checks because it’s so complex and will contain everything needed even for the most advanced testing.

It’s also going to fool human scrutiny. Not a problem with the digitalized eCup system, but what about the curious person does hold your sample up to the light, or shake it? Well, Quick Luck will fool them.

Then you’ve got the fact it doesn’t rely on a heatpad to keep it warm. You can keep it between 90°F and 100°F with ease using the included heat activator powder.

When you arrive, simply tap in one-quarter of the heat activator powder. The premixed Quick Luck urine is then shaken for about 30 seconds, and then your watch the temperature strip.

Keep adding a little more if necessary, until you get a reading close to 100°F on the temperature strip. Then simply tuck it into your underwear, and go in and submit it within about 15 minutes. It’s dead easy to use.

Quick Luck is a premium brand product. You get what you pay for, and for $110, you get the best available chance of passing a urine drug test.

Click here to take a look at Quick Luck in detail.

2. Detox Drinks

 Detox drinks are another great way to pass a 9 panel drug test, or any other type of urine sample test. This is a great option if you’re facing a supervised test as well.

Rescue Cleanse is the only detox drink I could recommend though. Most of them are little more than flavored water, but Rescue Cleanse is the real deal.

Rescue Cleanse will do the following:

  • Flush out toxins faster than the body can naturally
  • Will replace things lost when flushing out your kidneys and bladder
  • Will keep your urine appearing balanced and clean
  • Can work for up to 5 hours

Instructions for using Rescue Cleanse are pretty damn simple as well. Simply drink the contents of the bottle, and you don’t need any additional water.

Then, urinate as frequently as possible (at least three times) over the next hour, then get to the drug test center as quickly as possible. Even a heavy user or smoker should stay clean for about two hours, a light users up to 5 hours.

So Rescue Cleanse isn’t a detox kit, it’s a masking agent. It simply pushes toxins out of the body faster than can be achieved naturally, so it takes the body a few hours to catch up. Rescue Cleanse is another premium product, but only costs $55 which is actually comparable to most other detox drink products.

Click here to take a look at Rescue Cleanse in detail.

3. Detox Pills

The best detox pills aren’t miracle pills, but they can speed up the removal of toxins from the body up to 75% faster than can be achieved naturally. The only detox pill I could ever recommend are Toxin Rid. I’m telling you, on a course of these, you’ll be astonished what’s coming out of your body over the first two or three days.

Toxin Rid is available in course lengths of between one day and 10 days. If you’re a heavy weed smoker, just get the 10 day course and do as much as you can.

The shorter-length courses are good for partially detoxifying, which will leave fewer toxins on the day of your test. You can then hide the rest with Rescue Cleanse for a few hours. It’s the combo strategy I most recommend.

If you got a week or more before your test, then get the seven or 10 day course, and I promise you it will get you clean even as a heavy weed smoker who would usually take two or more months to get clean.

Toxin Rid pills are available to buy direct from Test Clear for $59.95 for the single day course.

Click here to take a look at the details of Toxin Rid.

Quick Fix Vs XStream Synthetic Urine: Does Synthetic Urine Work In 2024?

I’m going to tell you what the best synthetic urine for a lab test is. Quick Fix Vs XStream is one comparison I’ll do, but I will compare other top brands as well.

I’ll tell you exactly what’s in them, and how complex they are. I’ll tell you how good they have to be to pass a modern drug test, and which brands simply won’t work. I’ll also tell you how to prepare your sample and use fake urine to pass a modern drug test. Does synthetic urine work in 2024? It certainly does, very well, as long as you know what you’re doing.

Plus, I’ll tell you what the best fake urine on the market is, exactly why it is, and do a full review of it as well.

How Does Synthetic Urine Work To Pass A Drug Test?

Here’s what happens when you submit your sample for analysis:

  1. It will go through a temperature check within two minutes of you urinating. It has to be between 90°F to 100°F to be a legal sample. That’s why a good heat maintenance method to use with your fake urine is essential.
  2. As long as it passes the temperature check, it goes through some basic validity checks. This is usually a dipstick test that looks for the presence of adulterants like nitrates, and that it has a few basic chemicals found in human urine. It often also checks for the pH range as well.
  3. If it passes the first two steps, then it will go for urinalysis. This is usually just a dipstick test, or a panel test, where they will react to the drugs being tested for.

Note that modern automated drug testing like eCup 5 panel testing is no different, the steps are just automated rather than being completed by a human.

Does Synthetic Urine Work In 2024 (And Beyond)

Reading the above, you can see that the answer the question: does synthetic urine work in 2024, is definitely yes. But it must achieve the following:

  • Be submitted within the correct temperature range
  • Must pass the validity checks
  • It has to fool human scrutiny, should there be any

Despite there being more than two dozen well-known brands of synthetic urine out there, only two actually consistently work anymore. Don’t worry, I’ll tell you which they are you in a moment.

Will Fake Urine Pass All Types Of Drug Test?

Good quality synthetic urine will pass the validity checks with ease. Therefore, it can pass any drug test.

Even the modern eCup and xCup tests can be passed, even though they have digital reading equipment. In reality, they are just digitalized dipstick tests.

The only real problem with synthetic urine comes with being observed. Supervised drug testing is therefore unsuitable because you won’t get the time out of sight to pour the synthetic urine into the sample cup.

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Composition

Quick Fix urine is one of the most popular synthetic urine brands, and has been for 20 years. Many people wonder if it’s still the best synthetic urine for a lab test in 2024 and beyond.

Quick Fix has the following characteristics:

  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Looks like human urine
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Contains the right amounts of urea and uric acid
  • Comes with a heatpad to maintain the temperature

It’s basic, but it worked for many years. However, times have moved on and Quick Fix hasn’t.

Its allegedly latest formula is 6.3. But with so few ingredients within the correct proportions, how on earth could it have been through this many development stages? It smells of simply stating a higher number to give the impression it’s a complex formula that’s constantly being updated.

Not only is Quick Fix very basic in composition, but it doesn’t really look particularly like human urine. Hold it up to the light, and it can look a little different. Plus, it doesn’t froth or smell like human urine does, so wouldn’t fool the scrutiny of an experienced lab tech person.

Also, the heatpad is very basic as well. The whole kit is very cheap, at just $30 for the basic 2 fluid oz synthetic urine kit. You simply cannot get good quality heatpads and premixed urine for that price nowadays.

XStream Composition

If you think Quick Fix is simple, then XStream will impress you even less. It’s not even primarily designed for passing drug tests, it’s actually marketed as fetish urine.

Now that may just be a cover story for its real purpose, but a lot of the website and its marketing is devoted to that purpose.

XStream claims to have the following characteristics:

  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Looks like urine
  • Froths and smells like urine
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Contains the right amounts of urea and uric acid
  • Also allegedly contains amino acids and proteins

The problem with the above is it’s not really true. For a start, there are dozens of amino acids in proteins, and you could never balance synthetic urine to contain the right amounts of any, let alone all. Plus, they aren’t even looked for on any drug tests, so it all smells distinctly untrue.

XStream is unfortunately all about marketing, and very little about evidence it can genuinely pass a drug test.

Are Either Of These The Best Synthetic Urine For Lab Test Success?

The problem is that you can’t believe what you read from the user reviews, for the marketing hype. Also, remember these brands have been around for a couple of decades, and drug testing used to be more basic so they could have passed, but wouldn’t now.

The truth is that synthetic urine doesn’t have to be that complex, it just has to:

  • Pass human scrutiny
  • Pass validity checks
  • Be submitted within the correct temperature range

But neither of these top brands really does that, so in the battle of Quick Fix Vs XStream synthetic urine, neither wins.

You’ve also got the problem that they both use heatpads, and poor quality heatpads as well. Air-activated heatpads should kick out a gentle heat. You attach them to the sample, and it should keep them within the correct temperature range for several hours.

But you can’t predict the climate around you, or what people will wear. These heatpads can also fail by kicking out less heat, or too much heat.

In fact, when it comes to synthetic urine, more people get caught submitting it outside the correct temperature range, than actually get caught by failing the validity checks. So a reliable way of getting the temperature within the correct range is vital.

Don’t Do The Synthetic Urine Nearby Search

Looking for synthetic urine nearby is not a viable option. Smoke shops and local retailers will just try and sell you the low-grade urine I’ve just talked to you about at a high price. They have no experience or knowledge and don’t care about quality. They buy cheap at wholesale from what’s available, mark the price up massively, and sell it as fast as possible.

Also, some cheap brands contain biocide preservatives, and it’s been rumored for more than five years that some of the big testing labs like LabCorp look for the presence of biocide preservatives in their validity checks.

The truth is that you need a specialist product. These are expensive and aren’t available through wholesalers, and you have to therefore go through specialist online retailers who are the creators of the products.

These Are The Best Brands Of Synthetic Urine

When it comes to passing a modern drug test, in 2024 and beyond, there are basically just two choices.

Both brands far exceed the quality of both Quick Fix and XStream. They are also far superior to other well-known brands like Magnum, U Pass, and Urine Luck.

Let’s talk you through both of them right now, so you can make a better decision.

  1. Sub Solution synthetic urine

Although it’s been around for 10 years, Sub Solution is still the second most complex and convincing synthetic urine on the market. It’s made by Clear Choice, who are just the best company for high-quality and specialist drug test products.

Sub Solution has the following characteristics:

  • A powder that uses filtered water to hydrate it
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Contains the right amounts of urea and uric acid
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in urine
  • Looks, smells, and even froths like human urine
  • Doesn’t contain biocide preservatives (confirmed by company)

So as you can see, this is going to pass the validity checks, and it’s going to pass even the closest scrutiny of an experienced employee. But what about submitting it within the correct temperature range, what about the heatpad? Well, Sub Solution doesn’t even use a heatpad.

Sub Solution uses something called heat activator powder. You get a small vial of it when you buy the urine.

You tap in about one-third of the powder and shake the vial of urine until it’s dissolved fully. Don’t worry, it’s untraceable in a drug test.

The heat activator powder agitates the liquid and raises the temperature. About one-third of the heat activator powder is usually enough; but after a minute of checking the temperature strip, you can always add a little more, bit by bit, until you get a good reading close to 100°F (but not above that level).

Put all that together, and apart from the fact you have to mix the powder with filtered water to get the urine viable to use, Sub Solution is highly complex, will fool human scrutiny, and gets around the problem of the temperature of the sample fully.

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine

Quick Luck is also made by Clear Choice. In fact, it is the successor to Sub Solution, being developed from it.

Quick Luck has the following characteristics:

  • Slightly more complex than Sub Solution (more chemicals)
  • Contains around 16, chemicals found in human urine
  • Premixed for rapid use
  • Comes with heat activator Powder
  • Also comes with a pair of high-quality heatpads

So what you’re getting with Quick Luck is a slightly better version of Sub Solution, and importantly it’s premixed for more rapid deployment.

Using the premixed Quick Luck urine with the heat activator powder out of sight, means that even for short notice drug testing, you could have a viable sample ready to use in just two minutes.

If $15 is important to you, then get Sub Solution, but if you want the ultimate fake urine product on the market, then I’d definitely buy Quick Luck every time.

But why does the synthetic urine kit also include a pair of high-quality heat pads, why would you need them?

Well, mostly you won’t, but consider this scenario.

You’re in a cold climate. When you arrive at the test center, before you go in, the sample is very cold. You’ll have to use a lot of the heat activator powder and mess around for longer to get it viable. But if you slap one of the heatpads, or even both, on the sample before you leave, it’s going to get pretty close to the temperature, and then you can just tweak it with the heat activator powder.

Basically, the heatpads could mean less time spent getting the temperature exactly right. But it’s important for me to state that they aren’t needed, because the heat activator powder is pure genius.

Where To Buy Quick Luck & Sub Solution Synthetic Urine

Quick Luck and Sub Solution are both made by Clear Choice, and the best place to buy them as direct from the company in the USA, through their website “test negative”:

  • Quick Luck currently costs $110
  • Sub Solution currently costs $95

Both of these will pass any level of modern drug test. They are complex enough, you can control the temperature, and they will fool even the most modern drug testing equipment.

Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox Review: Does Nutra Cleanse Work?

If you’re searching for a detoxification program, a detox kit, to pass a drug test for marijuana or other drug use, then the Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox is one you will come across.

Does Nutra Cleanse work? In this full review, I’m going to answer that question.

I’m also going to talk about a couple of alternatives, so if you want to check them out first, you can right here:

  • Toxin Rid Detox Pills
  • Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink

We will cover everything you need to know about this detox kit. How Nutra Cleanse works, and what the instructions are.

I’ll also compare it to another product they sell called Nutra Cleanse clean caps, and whether you need their detox drink the Nutra Cleanse clean shot as well on the day of your test.

What Is The Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox?

This five day detox uses three different types of pills over five days in order to clean out your system to pass a drug test.

You’ll get the following when you buy it:

  • 4 pre-cleanse formula capsules
  • 13 morning formula capsules
  • 30 evening formula capsules
  • 8 post-cleanse formula capsules

The idea is that over five days (in reality seven days), you take the pills with water, live healthily, and drug toxins will be removed from the body at a far faster rate than can be achieved naturally.

Now this all sounded incredibly familiar to me, and I became suspicious. I’ll explain why I was suspicious, and how my suspicions were found to be accurate, later in this review.

How Quick Can You Get Clean To Pass A Drug Test?

If you’re going to use a detox course that claims to be able to get clean in five days, then you have to know of the ingredients stack up to this, and if you can physically get clean in that time as well.

The truth is that yes, you can get clean in five days to pass a drug test. But it depends on a few factors:

  • The actual potency of the pill course or detox kit you are using
  • How many drug toxins you have in your body
  • Your physical ability to get rid of the toxins (general health, age, diet)

So yes, on the surface, the claims you’ll get clean in five days do stack up. But do the ingredients back up those claims?

I’ll talk you through whether Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox can work after I’ve explained the instructions for using it to you.

Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox Instructions

Here are the instructions for completing the Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox:

  1. The night before you start your main five day cleanse, one hour after your evening meal, you will take the pre-cleanse formula capsules with 24 fluid ounces of water.
  2. On each of the five days of the cleanse, you will take six capsules with 24 fluid ounces of water. You will do this at least one hour before you first eat each day.
  3. At the end of each day of the cleanse, so for five evenings, you will take six evening formula capsules with 24 fluid ounces of water.
  4. The day after your five day cleanse, which should be the day of your drug test, you’ll take the eight post cleanse formula tablets with another 24 fluid ounces of water.
  5. You’ll then urinate as frequently as you can after you have taken each set of pills, and on the day of your test, once you’ve urinated three or four times, just before you leave, you’ll do a home drug test kit to make sure you are clean.

Does Nutra Cleanse Work?

Does Nutra Cleanse work? Well, to do so it’s got to get you clean in the time of the course, which means it has to be potent enough.

Looking at the ingredients list, and comparing them to the market leader Toxin Rid (whose ingredients I’ve looked into in detail to see scientifically how they can remove drug toxins faster), this is not as potent.

There’s a good number of ingredients, but the doses per capsule are much lower. I just don’t see how this pushes toxins out at the same rate as a far more effective Toxin Rid capsules.

Looking online, there’s not a lot of positive vibes about this product either. I’m not seeing loads of people saying “fantastic! I passed a drug test using Nutra Cleanse!”.

So for those reasons I’m suspicious this would work. But, as I’m now going to explain, there are another couple of reasons why I know it doesn’t work well, and why it’s not a good choice for you.

These Are The Reasons Why I Do Not Recommend Nutra Cleanse Detox

 I have tested a product called Rescue 5 Day Detox. It claims to be able to get you clean to pass a drug test in just five days.

It contained a “Headstart” packet of four capsules to take the night before your main five day detox. It also contained five days’ worth of morning and evening formula capsules. You take these with 24 fluid ounces of water each time.

There were also eight “ice caps”, which you took on day seven, the day of your test. These acted like a detox drink, masking and removing the last toxins. That’s why when I read the instructions for Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox, I immediately got suspicious because they are identical to the instructions for Rescue 5 Day detox.

Both are made by different companies. Or at least you’re meant to think so, with different logos and websites for each.

But looking at the ingredients list, and number of capsules, they are literally identical. Not only identical, but laid out identically on the ingredients box, and even in the same order.

Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox is just Rescue 5 Day detox repackaged. As that didn’t work well for me, then this won’t work well for you.

Put all that together, and these are the reasons why I cannot recommend Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox to you:

  • This is simply another product repackaged
  • It’s not potent enough to get you clean in five days
  • This product is actually a seven-day detox
  • It’s not as potent as Toxin Rid
  • The pills on the day of your test are not going to mask toxins

What About Nutra Cleanse Clean Caps?

“Nutra Cleanse” also makes a detox drink called the Nutra Cleanse Clean shot, and a product called Nutra Cleanse clean Caps.

Let’s start with clean caps. These are literally just the same pills that are included with Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox, which they call the “post cleanse formula capsules”. They have exactly the same ingredients.

Nutra Cleanse clean caps also have an identical ingredient list to the Rescue 5 Day detox “ice capsules”, which are also sold separately.

Put that all together, and you’ve got exactly the same pills packaged up in three different ways. However, they are packaged, it doesn’t make them any good though.

In terms of the clean shot, it’s a $60 detox drink with the same clean caps included yet again.

There’s hardly any volume to the detox drink, certainly not enough to flush out your system, and the ingredients are not going to speed up the removal of toxins massively while replacing the legitimate ingredients in human urine that are flushed out.

Is Nutra Cleanse A Scam?

I’m going to stop just short of calling it a scam. But here are the facts you have to consider at the end of this Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox review:

  1. This is an identical product to another one called Rescue 5 Day Detox.
  2. Both of those products also have an allegedly stronger 10 day detox version. Again, they are absolutely identical and have big claims.
  3. The clean caps from Nutra Cleanse are exactly the same composition as a couple of other products they sell, and they are all identical.
  4. The clean shot is yet another poor product, with exactly the same clean caps bundled in with it again.

Put all that together, and I think you can see, that the repackaging is a way of sidestepping previous poor results and publicity to keep pushing the same rubbish at an even higher price.

Better Alternative: Toxin Rid & Rescue Cleanse Detox Kit

Toxin Rid is the best detox pill on the market. You can choose from course lengths of between one day and 10 days in length depending on your needs.

You also get a post-cleanse detox liquid that is genuinely potent and for cannabis smokers and an additional fiber supplement which powerfully draws cannabis metabolites into the bowel for removal.


As a heavy weed smoker, you would expect to take up to 3 weeks to get clean naturally. Using Toxin Rid, I was starting to test clean in just five days.


On the day of your test, your insurance policy is Rescue Cleanse. A potent detox drink, it will definitely mask the toxins for up to 5 hours so you can cover up any stray remaining toxins from your cleanse, and guarantee passing.


Put those two together, and you have the most potent combo detox kit on the market, and far superior to anything that you can buy from the Nutra Cleanse range.


You can buy Rescue Cleanse direct from Clear Choice, through their website: test negative.


ToxinRid detox pills can be bought direct from the Test Clear website.

Toxin Rid 1 Day Review: Full Instructions & Guide – Does Toxin Rid Actually Work To Pass A Drug Test?

Even if you can’t get completely clean, Toxin Rid can help you to pass a drug test. In this Toxin Rid 1 Day review I’m going to tell you how the shortest course can help you. I’m not just going to talk about the short course lengths. This is a complete guide to using Toxin Rid to pass a drug test.

I’ll tell you how you can get completely clean using it. Give you top tips on making sure you get clean, and what to do if you can’t. We will talk about drug detection times, and realistic how long it will take you to get clean, including marijuana (which is problematic).

I’ll also cover full Toxin Rid instructions, tell you how it works, and whether you can get Toxin Rid cheap using a coupon code right now.

What Exactly Is Toxin Rid?

Toxin Rid is a course of detox pills teamed up with a detoxification liquid and high-fiber supplement. It’s been around for nearly 20 years, and has the highest feedback and success rate of any detoxification pill course available today.

It can be bought in course lengths from a single day through to the full 10 day course. You can even add additional days on top.

It can be quite confusing to know which course length to choose. But don’t worry, I’m going to go through all in detail for you in this user guide. Does Toxin Rid really work? Yes, it actually does, and I know that because I’ve used it myself to pass a drug test. But don’t just take my word for it, read on and you’ll see exactly why it’s so potent.

Here’s What You Get In Each Toxin Rid Detox Kit

Whether you buy the Toxin Rid 1 day course, or the 10 day course, you’ll get the same three components in it as follows:

  1. You’ll get the pill course. 15 pills per day. So just 15 pills in the single day course, and 150 and the 10 day course.
  2. You’ll also get a high-potency detoxification liquid. This is like a punch to the guts when you use it at the end of the course, but it’s incredibly potent at drawing out the remaining toxins.
  3. You’ll also get a high-potency fiber supplement. Packed with fiber and a mild laxative, it helps to draw cannabis metabolites into the bowel, if you’re looking to detox after marijuana use.

Even if you’re not trying to get clean for marijuana, the first two parts of the course are highly potent and better than anything else on the market for drawing toxins out of the body fast.

Toxin Rid Ingredients

Before we move on to choosing the right course length and then using it, let’s explain exactly what’s in Toxin Rid which makes it so potent.

These are the ingredients in each detox pill:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride
  • Magnesium
  • Alfalfa
  • Calcium
  • Boron
  • Iron
  • Kelp

There may be others, but those are the main ones that are mentioned. The company who makes Toxin Rid don’t publish a full list so this is based upon snippets that have been put together.

The powerful detoxification liquid contains the following:

  • Chlorine
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Lithium
  • Magnesium
  • Sulphate
  • Boron

As you can see, the detox liquid has a similar structure to the pills, but it’s far more potent in the dose that it hits your body with.

Finally, you got the fiber supplement which is used exclusively to draw metabolites from cannabis into the bowel. It contains psyllium husk powder in high density, and a very mild laxative.

As you can see, everything included is natural. It’s GMO-certified, vegan friendly, and all the ingredients have been proven to help speed up the removal of toxins from the body.

How Do I Choose The Right Course Length?

When it comes to choosing the right course length of Toxin Rid it can be confusing. Let’s clear that up for you now.

The first thing you need to know is that Toxin Rid will speed up the removal of toxins in your body by 50% or more. In some cases, around 70% faster than your body can achieve naturally.

Most drugs at moderate use stay in your body for about four or five days. Cannabis a bit longer. But the more you ramp up the doses and frequency of use, the more those toxins build up. For heavy use of most drugs, it can take up to 2 weeks to get clean.

Cannabis is the outlier here. Repeated daily cannabis use builds up so much in the body that it can take a month or more to get clean in rare cases.

So if you’re using drugs regularly, more days of the week than not, and you want to get genuinely clean, then you need the longer pill courses.

So you’re a moderate user, the middle-length courses, and if you just want to push as many toxins out of your body before the day of your test so you can mask the remaining ones with a detox drink, then the short pill courses will work.

Let’s summarize that for you here:

  • 1 – 3 day courses for partial detoxification
  • 4 – 6 day courses for full moderate detoxification
  • 7 – 10 day courses for full heavy user detoxification

So if you’re here specifically looking at how to use the Toxin Rid 1 day kit then you are looking at a partial detoxification to push out more toxins so that a detox drink on the day of your test has less to do.

Is Toxin Rid The Best Marijuana Detox Kit?

Toxin Rid is the most potent detoxification pill course you can buy. When teamed up with the detox liquid and the fiber supplement it’s unbeatable, especially for marijuana.

The pills draw toxins out of the body faster. Between 50 and 70% faster than can be achieved naturally.

Then, at the end of the pill course, the detoxification liquid really floods the body and pushes out a ton of extra toxins.

But specifically for marijuana you’ll want to use the fiber supplement. It’s really high concentration, and has a mild laxative included as well.

When you drink that, it draws cannabis metabolites into the bowel rapidly, because cannabis metabolites attach to fat cells and up to 60% of them actually exits through the bowels rather than the bladder.

So yes, in terms of targeting cannabis, it’s this three-step process helps to put Toxin Rid are above any other comparable detoxification product.

Could I Just Get Clean Naturally?

Of course you could get clean naturally, as long as you’ve got long enough time before your drug test.

If you’re a moderate user, once or twice per week, and you live relatively healthily and are in good health, then you’ll be clean in four or five days. If you’re a heavy user though, especially cannabis, it could be two weeks before you can get clean, and that’s where the problem really lays.

So yes, you can drink plenty of water, exercise, and sweat, eat lean and clean, speed up your metabolism, and get plenty of rest to allow your body to work optimally.

But that’s it, and you’re not going to shave time off those average elimination times unless you use the potency of Toxin Rid to speed up your system and draw out more toxins.

Detox Marijuana Fast: Full 24 Hour Detox Cleanse Guide

I’m going to talk you through how to pass a drug test using Toxin Rid now. I’ll focus on the one Day detox course, but the same rules apply to any of the Toxin Rid course lengths. All that changes is the number of days you are taking the pills. Everything else is identical.

Just be aware that with the Toxin Rid 1 Day detox, you’ll have to do everything on the day before your test, you can’t do it on an actual day.

Toxin Rid 1 Day Detox Instructions

  1. From the first hour you wake up, you will take three pills per hour. Each time you take three pills, you will consume them with 8 fluid ounces of water.
  2. You’ll repeat step one for the first five hours of the day, consuming all of the 15 pills included in the Toxin Rid 1 day detox course. If it was a longer pill course, you’ll just consume 15 pills per day for the length of that Toxin Rid course instead.
  3. Two hours after you finish the last three pills you are going to take the detox liquid. The first step is to mix half of it up with filtered water or orange juice. You should have an empty stomach when you do this as well.
  4. Consume half of the detox liquid you have mixed up. Then wait two hours without eating or drinking anything at all.
  5. Repeat the process with the other half of the detox liquid. Again, wait two hours without eating or drinking anything else.
  6. All the rest of the day, try and only eat fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and drink plenty of water. This is an intense cleansing process which helps to draw out the remaining toxins.
  7. The last step, that you can do a couple of hours after the last half of the detox liquid, is to mix up the dietary fiber supplement and consume that.
  8. When you drink the dietary fiber supplement make sure you drink it down smoothly and quickly in just 30 seconds. Otherwise it can congeal, and be more difficult for your body to process. Make sure you sip water continually after that for a few hours.
  9. Once you’ve done all this do a home drug test to see if you are clean. You probably won’t be unless you’ve only been taking moderate amounts of drugs in the days before this. If you’re clean, you’re fine.
  10. You probably won’t be clean though, so this step is to use Rescue Cleanse detox drink 90 minutes before your drug test. You’ll have cleaned out most of the toxins making it easier for Rescue Cleanse to work. Consume that, urinate frequently over the next hour, and then go and submit your sample within two hours to maximize your chances of passing.

Does Toxin Rid Actually Work?

I’m a regular daily weed smoker, two or three times per night after work. It would take me around two weeks to get clean, and I knew that from research.

I bought home drug test kits, and a bottle of Rescue Cleanse even though I was going to do the full 10 day detox. I was testing negative after day seven, but persisted until day 10. I tested negative on the day of my test, but decided to use Rescue Cleanse as an insurance policy anyway. I passed that drug test.

Just note that with the one Day detox, you’re unlikely to get clean. But it will push out a ton of toxins making it easier for the combo strategy of Toxin Rid pills plus a detox drink work better.

90 minutes before your test, drink a bottle of Rescue Cleanse detox drink and then urinate as frequently as you can over the next hour.

Rescue Cleanse will mask any of the few remaining toxins flowing out of your body at the time for two or three hours which is long enough for you to submit a clean sample in.

But please do the longest course you can with the time you have. If it’s three days your test, don’t be complacent and just use a single day course, go for the three-day course and still then do home drug tests, and use Rescue Cleanse just before you leave to maximize your chances of passing.

Toxin Rid User Reviews

Toxin Rid user reviews are usually very positive, and over 20 years it’s massively positive that so many people, thousands each year, use it successfully to pass drug tests.

I’m not going to paste in a load reviews here, but I will paste in one that highlights a particular aspect of Toxin Rids benefits:

“I am a heavy guy, 250;bs in fact. Smoking weed daily means I’m stacked up for weeks and I knew that I wouldn’t get clean easy but Toxin Rid did the job. Use the 10 day course and tested negative on home drug test on days eight, nine, and 10. Incredible stuff and pass the test like a dream!”

Toxin Rid Side Effects & Warnings

Toxin Rid can be intense. It can give you a stomach upset, and make you feel queasy. You shouldn’t be sick though, and its completely natural ingredients mean there’s no worries.

You will see a ton of stuff coming out of your body. Your urine and stools can change color in the first couple of days you use it.

The only real warning is that because it removes things from your body so fast, it can be tiring and leave you dehydrated with some vitamin and mineral loss. This isn’t a problem for most people, and you can top up with a multivitamin if you feel you need to.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or you have an underlying health condition, then you shouldn’t really be using Toxin Rid.

Is There Are Toxin Rid Coupon Code?

At the time of writing this there is not a working Toxin Rid coupon code available, and I don’t know of one that’s been around in the past couple of years either. To be honest, it’s not a high price to pay, and it’s such a great product with a good track record that they don’t really need to discount anyway.

The only thing I can suggest is joining the mailing list on the Test Clear website in the hope that they will pump out a Toxin Rid discount code to you at some stage.

Where To Buy Toxin Rid: Toxin Rid Near Me?

Don’t bother doing the Toxin Rid near me search on Google, because you won’t find it locally.

In fact, online, I wouldn’t recommend you buy it from marketplace sites like Amazon or eBay either. They will always be fakes because only a few trusted resellers are available.

As with all specialist products, they are best bought from the people who make them. You’ll know it’s quality and original, and you’ll usually get the best price anyway.

Best Place To Buy Toxin Rid Detox Courses

Undoubtedly, the best place to buy Toxin Rid from is direct from Test Clear. You’ll know you’re getting the real deal, and they offer the best prices and freebies anyway.

No matter what course length you select, you’ll get a free drug test kit. So say you are trying to get rid of marijuana, you’ll get a free $10 marijuana home drug test bundled in. You can also buy additional ones for any type of drug from Test Clear.

Make sure you get a few of those home drug test kits in stock, so that you can test yourself towards the end of your course, and on the day of your test. Three or four is usually enough.

In terms of pricing the courses themselves, they really are pretty affordable:

  • Toxin Rid 1 day detox $54.95
  • Toxin Rid 5 Day detox $109.95
  • Toxin Rid 10 day detox $189.95

In each kit you’ll get the detox liquid and the fiber supplement. The only thing that changes as you pay more money for the additional days on top of the first is more pills (150 pills in the 10 day supplement).

Rescue Cleanse is the most potent detox drink on the market. You’ll need that if you’re doing the combo strategy of getting rid of as many toxins as you can on the day before your test with the Toxin Rid 1 day course, so that there is less work for Rescue Cleanse to do on the day of your test.

Rescue Cleanse is available to buy from clear choice direct. It only costs $55, but is definitely the best detox drink for your money.

If you want to get everything from the same place, direct from Test Clear, then the next best detox drink is called Mega Clean. That costs $69.95 and you can buy it with the Toxin Rid course, which will save you postage costs.

Synthetic Urine reviews: Clear Choice Sub Solution Vs Quick Fix6.3 -Which Is The Best?

Any good quality comparison synthetic urine review has to mention Sub Solution Vs Quick Fix, as these are two of the most popular and well-known brands.

In this complete guide, I’m going to tell you everything you need about both of these synthetic urine products.

Are Quick Fix reviews accurate? Is this synthetic urine just too simple in construction to pass a modern drug test?

And, is Sub Solution as good as people say and the only real option for passing a drug test? I’m going to answer all of your questions, compare Sub Solution and Quick Fix, do full reviews of both of them, and explain exactly how, and when, you can use fake urine to pass a drug test.

What Type Of Drug Test Will Synthetic Urine Pass?

These are the three types of drug tests that someone could face:

  1. An unsupervised drug test, where you will be behind a screen, or even in a separate room. Nowadays, with digitalized check-ins and eCup analysis systems, you may not even deal with a human.
  2. A supervised drug test is where someone will be in the room with you, but not directly looking at you. It’s a deterrent and is usually used for retests or failures.
  3. The observed drug test is literally that, someone will be watching you urinate. This is usually only done under specific, and known, circumstances.

Forget anything you read about being able to use fake urine for supervised or observed drug testing. It’s literally impossible, and using something ridiculous like a prosthetic penis, or belt and tap system, will get you caught.

Therefore, Sub Solution and Quick Fix, along with any other fake urine you might be considering, should only ever be used if you are facing an unsupervised drug test.

Quick Fix: How Complex Is It?

Let’s start with a synthetic urine review of Quick Fix first. Quick Fix reviews will often say how affordable it is, but they don’t really speak much about how likely it is to fool someone or pass a drug test.

These are the characteristics that Quick Fix has:

  • It just about looks like real urine
  • Contains urea and uric acid
  • Contains creatinine
  • Is balanced within pH and specific gravity ranges
  • The temperature maintenance method supplied is a heatpad

Overall then, Quick Fix is not complex. But is it complex enough to pass the validity checks and temperature checks that a company like LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics would complete on a submitted sample?

Sub Solution vs Quick fix

Passing A Drug Test With Quick Fix Urine

To pass a drug test using Quick Fix, you’ll have to take the following steps:

  1. The sample will need to be microwaved. Quick Fix is premixed, so it’s just a case of putting it in the microwave oven for a few seconds at a time until you get a reading on the temperature strip at between 90°F and 100°F.
  2. You’ll then activate the heatpad, and tape it to the sample securely. Then, tuck the sample into your crotch under your underwear to keep it warm and secure.
  3. On arrival, before you go into the building, check the temperature. If it’s cooled, you’ll have to find a way to warm it up. For me, that would mean taking a flask of hot water with you. Just make sure it’s not boiling water, as that would melt the plastic container. Also, ensure that you have somewhere to stash (or dump) the flask as that would potentially raise suspicion.
  4. The first thing that will happen after you submit the sample is the temperature of your sample will be checked when you hand it over to the human or place it in the eCup machine. So if the heatpad has failed, or you have messed up on reading the temperature, then you are out of luck at this stage.
  5. If it’s within the correct temperature range, the sample will go through validity checks. This looks for the sample to have the characteristics of human urine, and it will also check for adulterants and other problems with the sample. Quick Fix doesn’t stand better than a 50% chance of passing modern validity checks though.

Overall then, Quick Fix is a simple formula, accompanied by a clumsy and inelegant solution for submitting it within the correct temperature range.

I cannot emphasize that enough. The biggest reason that people submitting fake samples fail the test is simply because the sample is outside the correct temperature range. Heatpads turn this into a lottery, and any product that uses something more reliable than a heatpad has an instant advantage.

Are Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Reviews False Then?

The bottom line is that your fake sample is going to stand around a 50% chance of getting through the temperature and validity checks.

Even if it does manage it, if it comes under human scrutiny then it could still arouse suspicion. Lab technicians have said on social media that they can spot Quick Fix because it look slightly green when held up to the light. Even if that’s not completely true, it shows that experienced lab people are familiar with fake urine, and are switched on to look for it.

Quick Fix is unlikely to stand up to that scrutiny as it doesn’t really look like urine, doesn’t smell like it, and doesn’t froth like it (real human urine froths because it contains albumin). Overall, Quick Fix reviews telling you it could pass a drug test are only partly truthful. They are either old reviews, based on poor information, or simply trying to sell it to you.

The truth is that the answer to the question of does Quick Fix works for modern drug tests is that it would struggle.

Sub Solution: How Complex Is It?

Now we have talked about Quick Fix reviews and quality, let’s talk about Sub Solution by comparison.

Sub Solution has the following characteristics:

  • Is balanced perfectly for pH and specific gravity
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in human urine
  • Contains the right proportion of creatinine
  • Contains the right proportion of urea and uric acid
  • Looks, smells, and even froths like urine (contains albumin)
  • Uses heat activator powder rather than a heatpad

As you can see from the snapshot above, Sub Solution definitely has more going for it than Quick Fix does.

It’s basically a generation ahead in terms of its complexity and ability to pass a drug test.

Let’s focus on a few things here that are important:

  1. Not only does it look like human urine, but it also smells like it and froths like it. This means it will definitely pass human scrutiny.
  2. The total of 14 chemicals in it means that it will pass almost any variation on the basic validity checks that different companies complete on a sample. Clear Choice, the people who make Sub Solution, ensure that the formula is updated annually should they find information out to that suggests labs are looking for something not in Sub Solution.
  3. Sub Solution arrives at your door with heat activator powder rather than a heatpad. This is really easy to use, as I will now explain to you.

Passing A Drug Test With Sub Solution: How To Use Synthetic Urine

Although the instructions for passing a drug test with Sub Solution are broadly similar to Quick Fix, they are notably different in terms of one aspect: the heating method.

  1. Rather than heating the sample, you’ll have to hydrate it as Sub Solution is a powder. Simply fill the vial of powdered urine to the fill level line with jug filtered water. Make sure it’s at room temperature, and don’t use tap water or bottled water because they contain compounds that aren’t found in urine.
  2. Once you hydrate the urine, all you have to do is take it to the venue. You could tuck it in your underwear before you leave, or simply carry it with you because you’re not going to be searched until you get into the building!
  3. On arrival, before you go inside to submit your sample, you’re going to heat the sample temperature up to be within the magical temperature range between 90°F 100°F. To do this, you’re now going to use the heat activator powder.
  4. Tap in about one-quarter of the heat activator powder and shake the urine gently until it is clear and fully dissolved. Then watch the temperature strip carefully.
  5. Repeat with a little more heat activator powder if necessary, until you get a reading that is as close to 100°F as you can achieve, but without going above that level.
  6. Then, simply tuck the sample into your underwear, and go in and confidently submit your sample.

Are Sub Solution Reviews Accurate?

We’ve talked about whether Quick Fix synthetic urine reviews are accurate, so let’s now talk about Sub Solution reviews.

Sub Solution is definitely far more complex than Quick Fix. It’s going to pass those validity checks. It will pass visual scrutiny as well, even if somebody decides to shake it and sniff it.

Plus, the heat activator powder is a game changer. It’s so much more efficient than the heatpad, and it will almost guarantee you being able to submit it within the correct temperature range.

I passed a drug test with Sub Solution two years ago. It got me my current job, and I couldn’t have been happier with the price I spent to get that job.

Why gamble on something cheap, when quality counts?

Sub Solution for me was easy to prepare, easy to smuggle in, and very easy to use.The heat activator powder is a definite game changer, and I would never consider using fake urine with a heatpad ever again. It just makes things so easy, and gives you complete confidence you are handing the sample over within the correct temperature range.

Sub Solution Vs Quick Fix

Overall, when it comes to the direct battle between Sub Solution Vs Quick Fix, there is only one winner and that’s Sub Solution.

Sub Solution holds all the cards, and has the ability to pass standard modern drug testing almost every time.

To put it into percentage terms, Sub Solution has about a 90% chance of passing, while Quick Fix has a 50% or less chance of passing.

Does Quick Fix Work If Nothing Else Is Available?

Quick Fix will work better than nothing. It’s a little better than some of the really poor quality fake urine brands out there, like Urine Luck, Magnum, Monkey Whizz, and U Pass.

So, if you can’t get your hands on Sub Solution, especially if it’s a last-minute drug test, then sure, Quick Fix could work, but it’s one hell of a gamble. My advice is simple. If you think you’re facing a drug test, order Sub Solution online right now. Then, it’s ready and available for whenever you need it without any further worry.

Synthetic Urine Review Conclusion: Sub Solution Should Be Your #1 Choice

There’s just no competition between Sub Solution and Quick Fix nowadays. Quick Fix is a very basic formula that will not stand up to the scrutiny of modern drug testing. You might get lucky, but it’s one hell of a gamble.

By comparison, Sub Solution is highly complex, looks like urine, and stands a great chance of passing.

Plus, it gives you total control over the sample temperature because of the incredible heat activator powder that comes with it.

Where To Buy Sub Solution

There’s only one place that you can buy Sub Solution, that’s direct from Clear Choice.

It’s available via their website at test negative. It currently costs $90, which is three times the price of Quick Fix.

But quality counts, and $30 is never going to pass a modern drug test.

Get Sub Solution in stock now. Shipping within the USA is rapid, and it means that you are ready for a drug test any time you face one, even with just a few hours notice.

Ultimate Gold Detox Drink Review: Ingredients, Instructions & Does It Work?

There is a myriad of detox drinks out there, and Ultimate Gold detox drink is another choice you have. In this complete ultimate goal detox drink review I’m going to tell you everything you need to know.

We will talk about how drug toxins work in the body, and how a detox drink should work to counter them. I’ll tell you a bit about gold detox, and the bizarre confusion some people, including professional reviews, have about it.

Then I will cover the full Gold Detox drink instructions you need to follow, should you choose to buy Ultimate Gold.

How Drug Toxins Work In The Body

To understand how good a detox drink is, you have to understand how drug toxins work in the body, and then how a detox drink should work to counter them. say you smoke weed. When you smoke a joint, THC gets you high, and THC is detectable in your blood, and later in your saliva and urine.

Waste products created during that process, called metabolites, are also created. For weed, the most prolific is THC-NOOH.

All of these things fly around your body until they are processed by the liver and kidneys, and rejected from the body through your stools and urine (a tiny amount is also removed through sweating).

So a detox drink has to deal with that process and hide the fact that you have these things in your body.

That’s the point. It hides them. A detox drink is not a permanent detoxification agent, it merely creates a gap in the toxin flow out of the body, allowing you to submit a clean sample.

This Is How A Detox Drink Should Work

This is what a good quality detox drink will achieve in the body:

  • Will flush out the toxins in your kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract
  • Accelerates the speed at which you urinate
  • Replaces the things found in urine that now will be there
  • Keep your urine looking natural color
  • Creates a gap in the flow of toxins out of your body

Let’s just look at that in a little more detail so you can see if Gold Detox can achieve it, or not.

When you drink a detox drink it floods your body with a lot of liquid. At the same time, it contains things that are diuretics, so you not only urinate more liquid but a lot more frequently. This pushes toxins out of your body far quicker than natural.

Doing that creates a gap. You have maybe a few hours before fresh toxins work through the kidneys and into your urine again.

But more than that, it floods your body with things found in urine. Some are passed through as waste in the correct proportions, meaning your urine still contains them even though it’s just been ruthlessly flushed out.

Finally, it will contain a range of things, including B vitamins, which will keep your urine appearing a natural color, rather than clear and diluted.

What Is The Gold Detox Drink?

So now you understand what a detox drink should do, what exactly is the Gold Detox drink? Ultimate Gold make two different detox drink sizes. 16 fluid ounces and 20 fluid ounces. Other than that, they are identical in the composition of what is in the bottle.

For me, 16 fluid ounces is nothing. There’s really no difference between the two sizes for the practical purposes of flushing out your body.

So if you are going to buy Ultimate Gold, then you should be looking at the 20 oz size for maximum effects.

Don’t Get Confused Between Gold Detox Drink And Gold Fake Urine

When I was looking into Gold Detox drink originally, I was utterly confused by a review I read.

It had a picture of the Gold Detox drink bottle and pictures of the ingredients list. It talked about it containing creatine, and it talked about it flushing out toxins.

But then, it bizarrely started talking about fetish urine and how you would need to microwave it to get the temperature as close to 100°F as possible. Whatever idiot that site had employed, they had got confused in the review between the detox drink and the fake urine product the company also sell.

Don’t make that mistake as well. They are both called Ultimate Gold, but the urine comes in a box, while the drink comes in two different-sized bottles.

Gold Detox Drink Instructions

Now let’s take a look at the exact Ultimate Gold detox drink instructions you will need to follow to stand a chance of passing a urine drug test using it.

  1. Shake the bottle gently and then consume the contents steadily over 15 minutes. Do this 90 minutes before the time of your test.
  2. Refill the bottle with water and drink that steadily over a second 15 minute period.
  3. From the time you start this process, urinate at least three times in the next 60 minutes.
  4. That leaves you with about 30 minutes to get to your test location.

As long as you spend the hour urinating frequently and you get to the test promptly after that, you should have a couple of hours clean during which you can submit a clean sample.

The top tip for me is to ensure that you have a home drug test kit handy. If you fail just before you leave, drink a backup detox drink bottle (the same or different brand), urinate at least once, and then head off.

Does Gold Detox Work?

Any ultimate goal detox drink review that serious has to answer the key question: does it work?

For me, it’s mostly a no.

If you have light levels of toxins in your body, and you can do a 48 hour detox before the day of your test as well, then the 20 fluid ounce bottle might just work for you. But for me, there are several problems with Gold Detox.

First, there just isn’t enough liquid. Even the large bottle is only 20 fluid ounces, whereas the detox drinks I know work contain 32 fluid ounces. More liquid, more ingredients, more potency.

Second, the ingredients just don’t seem potent enough to me. Sure, there is a diuretic in there (Uva Ursi), and some creatine (although on one ingredients list I saw there was no creatine listed). There are also vitamins to alter the shade of your urine.

But there’s not much of any of this, and even more concerning the, there’s even 40 mg of PABA in it, for God knows what reason, which has been linked to causing cancer.

Overall, this just isn’t potent enough to do the job unless you are a really light user and get lucky.

Where To Buy Ultimate Gold Detox Drink

If you still want to use Gold Detox, and you’re wondering where to buy Ultimate Gold, then Amazon is the obvious place. On there right now, you can get a 20 oz bottle for less than $20.

But that should tell you everything you need to know about the quality of this detox drink overall. $20 is a joke, and you can’t expect to get quality for that money.

Better Alternatives To Ultimate Gold Detox Drink

There are far better alternatives out there to the Gold Detox drink.

  1. Mega Clean

Mega Clean from Test Clear is one of the most potent options out there right now.

Mega Clean is a good detox drink. A good balance and potency, and it’s a full 32-fluid-ounce bottle.

If you buy it from Test Clear, you get six free pre-rid pills bundled in as well. Then, all you have to do, is do a 24 hour detox on the day before your test, use the pre-rid pills, and it will push out far more toxins than you can naturally.

Doing that means there’s less work for the detox drink to do. There will just be less toxins to create a gap in the flow of.

The instructions for using a pretty straightforward. Drink the contents, refill the bottle and drink those, and urinate at least three times in the space for an hour. You should be clean for up to 5 hours after (although in reality for a heavy user or smoker, it’s three hours maximum).

Mega Clean with the pre-rid pills is a fantastically powerful combo, probably the most powerful combo out there right now.

  1. Rescue Cleanse

Rescue Cleanse on its own is the most potent detox (on its own) you can buy right now. A full 32 oz bottle, it contains a really good range of ingredients that push out far more toxins than you can naturally, while leaving your urine perfectly balanced.

You don’t even need additional water when using Rescue Cleanse, which is a great sign.

You literally just drink the contents of the bottle, and urinate at least three times during 60 minutes while drinking it and after. Doing that should leave you clean for up to 5 hours (although again, for heavy users it’s usually around three hours).

If you just want a detox drink with a proven track record, and no extra messing around with additional water, then Rescue Cleanse is definitely your best option. It’s not available in Walmart and on Amazon. You can only order it from the manufacturer’s website.