Quick Luck Reviews: Is Clear Choice Synthetic Urine The Best – or Can Quick Luck Fail?

Clear Choice Quick Luck synthetic urine

There’s no doubt that Quick Luck is a premium synthetic urine brand. But when Quick Luck reviews say it’s the best, are they telling the truth? We will cover everything you need to know about Quick Luck right now. It’s composition, and how good those characteristics are for fooling a modern drug test.

I’ll compare it to other top brands like Quick Fix and Sub Solution, and give you full instructions for using it successfully.

Why Is Clear Choice Quick Luck So Good?

Quick Luck isn’t cheap. In fact, it’s the most expensive brand on the market and is double the price of most of the popular synthetic urine brands, like Quick Fix, U Pass, and Xstream urine.

However, the difference is that it actually works, whereas the others will mostly be spotted during the standard validity checks done on the sample. Drug testing has moved on, and these cheap and nasty smoke shop synthetic urine brands, that are marketed well but don’t stand up to scrutiny, haven’t.

These are the characteristics which set Quick Luck apart:

  • Is within the right pH range
  • Is within the right specific gravity range
  • Contains the correct amount of creatinine
  • Contains 14 chemicals common to human urine
  • Looks, smells, and froths like human urine

When you put all that together then you’ve got a machine that will hammer through even more complex than standard validity checks. The validity check is usually a dipstick test that looks at common traits of urine to spot that they are there.

It will also pass the curious human scrutiny. Let’s say the person conducting the test is suspicious, and they look at the urine and hold it up to the light, it will look fine. It will froth if they shake it in the right way, and it will also smell like it, if they really want to dive deep (but it’s been confirmed many times that some employees do a sniff test).

On top of all that, Quick Luck comes with something called heat activator powder rather than just heatpads (you’ll get a pair of high-quality heat pads as well though).

The heat activator powder is actually a simple genius. It’s a white powder that dissolves and raises the temperature as it does so. It’s also undetectable in any drug test.

Put it all together, and you’ve got the most complex fake urine, that is physically identical to real urine and arrives with a method for giving you the ability to ensure it’s submitted at between 90°F and 100°F.

Quick luck reviews

Quick Luck Vs Sub Solution

If you are searching Quick Luck then you’ve probably also heard of Sub Solution.

In fact, Sub Solution is made by Clear Choice as well. It’s the predecessor to Quick Luck, and is slightly inferior for the following reasons:

  • Arrives a powder rather than a premixed liquid
  • Doesn’t come with a pair of heatpads
  • Is slightly less complex

But look, unless you need to use it on the spot, then it takes about two minutes to add jug filtered water to the powder to create hydrated urine. Note that it’s jug filtered water, don’t use tap water or bottled water.

You don’t need to heatpads that come with Quick Luck, they are a luxury that you can use to keep the sample warm up while you travel. But they aren’t essential as the heat activator powder does the heavy lifting.

Although Sub Solution is apparently less complex, it still significantly more convincing than any other brand other than Quick Luck, making it the second best choice and slightly cheaper. And, it also uses the heat activator powder that makes Quick Luck so powerful.

I used Sub Solution to pass a drug test four years ago. The extra step of hydrating it was no bother for me, and it all worked like a dream.

Quick Luck Vs Quick Fix

Although similarly named, Quick Fix is nothing like Quick Luck. There really is no Quick Luck Vs Quick Fix, they are incomparable. Quick Fix is a budget brand. It only costs $30 for the budget 2 fluid ounce size, and $40 for the larger 3 fluid ounce “Plus” product. Both contain exactly the same urine.

Quick Fix has the following properties:

  • Looks like urine
  • Contains the right amounts of urea and uric acid
  • Contains right amount of creatinine
  • Is within the right pH and specific gravity ranges

But that’s where the good news ends. It doesn’t froth or smell like urine, and doesn’t contain any more common chemicals which would get you through more advanced validity checks on your sample.

It also comes with a heatpad that’s so poor in quality that is renowned for its failure rate. It really is a lottery as to whether you will be able to submit it within the correct temperature range using that heatpad.

Quick Fix used to be good enough when drug testing was simpler, but it’s now very much outclassed and I would never, ever, recommend you use it.

What About Those Quick Luck Failed Stories?

Look, if someone fails a drug test with Quick Luck then they will obviously blame the synthetic urine immediately. But you don’t know the circumstances they faced. Was it a supervised test and they got caught with a sample? Did they face some unusual validity check due to a previous failure?

The most common reason people fail with fake urine is submitting it outside the correct temperature range. It is possible to do that even with Quick Luck’s heat activator powder if you are Dunn, and that’s another possible reason.

But overwhelmingly, Quick Luck’s failed stories are simply nonsense trying to sell you something else that’s actually inferior.

Let’s Explain The Type Of Drug Test Quick Fix Will Work For

The three levels of scrutiny in a drug test that you could face are:

  • Supervised
  • Unsupervised
  • Observed

Supervised and observed can be interchangeable, but it just means being directly or indirectly observed while you submit your sample. Obviously in this situation, pulling out a bottle of fake urine, checking the temperature and then using it, will be impossible.

But don’t worry, unless you are told otherwise, the test will be unsupervised. You’ll be behind a screen or in a different room. You can then simply pour the urine into the sample cup.

That’s a vital point to understand, so let me repeat it. You’ll know if the test is going to be supervised in advance. They can’t suddenly spring on you the fact they are going to intimately search you or what you urinate, and you have to agree.

If it’s unusually cooled, then pour in a little heat activator powder before you submit the sample, the whole process will take about one minute, and will be seen as a completely natural the amount of time you spend in the room.

Quick Luck Instructions

The instructions to use Quick Fix are ridiculously simple. Having used this myself, and guided a couple of people through the process as well, you really will find nothing simpler:

  1. It’s premixed and you don’t need a microwave because you get both heat activator powder and a pair of heatpads. No preparation at all is needed here.
  2. If you want to get the process started early, activate one or both of the heatpads, and stick them onto the sample. This will start to get things warm, and could work well if you live in a cold environment. If you live somewhere hot though, then I wouldn’t bother as it will be against your skin anyway.
  3. On arrival at the venue, just before you go in, check the temperature. If it’s cooler than it should be (usually no reading at all and you’ll know it’s cooler due to the environment around you) then tap in about one quarter of the heat activator powder and shake the bottle gently until it’s completely dissolved and clear again.
  4. Repeat adding small amounts and checking the temperature strip for about 30 seconds each time, until you get a good reading on the temperature strip.
  5. Tuck the sample into your underwear right in your crotch area where it can’t be seen as a bulge. Then, go in and confidently submit it. Because it’s an unsupervised test, you can even check the sample temperature and add a little more heat activator powder before you come out and hand it over.

Where To Buy Clear Choice Synthetic Urine

The best place to buy Quick Luck and Sub Solution is direct through their webstore.

The website is called Test Negative, and it’s the best place to buy them because you know you are getting the real deal and not a fake. Quick Luck is slightly more expensive by $15, but as I’ve explained, it’s simply the best synthetic urine on the market today.

You can save a little money by buying Sub Solution, but it’s less flexible. Seriously, for the small amount of extra outlay, Clear Choice Quick Luck should be the only synthetic urine you consider.