Synthetic Urine reviews: Clear Choice Sub Solution Vs Quick Fix6.3 -Which Is The Best?

synthetic urine reviews

Any good quality comparison synthetic urine review has to mention Sub Solution Vs Quick Fix, as these are two of the most popular and well-known brands.

In this complete guide, I’m going to tell you everything you need about both of these synthetic urine products.

Are Quick Fix reviews accurate? Is this synthetic urine just too simple in construction to pass a modern drug test?

And, is Sub Solution as good as people say and the only real option for passing a drug test? I’m going to answer all of your questions, compare Sub Solution and Quick Fix, do full reviews of both of them, and explain exactly how, and when, you can use fake urine to pass a drug test.

What Type Of Drug Test Will Synthetic Urine Pass?

These are the three types of drug tests that someone could face:

  1. An unsupervised drug test, where you will be behind a screen, or even in a separate room. Nowadays, with digitalized check-ins and eCup analysis systems, you may not even deal with a human.
  2. A supervised drug test is where someone will be in the room with you, but not directly looking at you. It’s a deterrent and is usually used for retests or failures.
  3. The observed drug test is literally that, someone will be watching you urinate. This is usually only done under specific, and known, circumstances.

Forget anything you read about being able to use fake urine for supervised or observed drug testing. It’s literally impossible, and using something ridiculous like a prosthetic penis, or belt and tap system, will get you caught.

Therefore, Sub Solution and Quick Fix, along with any other fake urine you might be considering, should only ever be used if you are facing an unsupervised drug test.

Quick Fix: How Complex Is It?

Let’s start with a synthetic urine review of Quick Fix first. Quick Fix reviews will often say how affordable it is, but they don’t really speak much about how likely it is to fool someone or pass a drug test.

These are the characteristics that Quick Fix has:

  • It just about looks like real urine
  • Contains urea and uric acid
  • Contains creatinine
  • Is balanced within pH and specific gravity ranges
  • The temperature maintenance method supplied is a heatpad

Overall then, Quick Fix is not complex. But is it complex enough to pass the validity checks and temperature checks that a company like LabCorp or Quest Diagnostics would complete on a submitted sample?

Sub Solution vs Quick fix

Passing A Drug Test With Quick Fix Urine

To pass a drug test using Quick Fix, you’ll have to take the following steps:

  1. The sample will need to be microwaved. Quick Fix is premixed, so it’s just a case of putting it in the microwave oven for a few seconds at a time until you get a reading on the temperature strip at between 90°F and 100°F.
  2. You’ll then activate the heatpad, and tape it to the sample securely. Then, tuck the sample into your crotch under your underwear to keep it warm and secure.
  3. On arrival, before you go into the building, check the temperature. If it’s cooled, you’ll have to find a way to warm it up. For me, that would mean taking a flask of hot water with you. Just make sure it’s not boiling water, as that would melt the plastic container. Also, ensure that you have somewhere to stash (or dump) the flask as that would potentially raise suspicion.
  4. The first thing that will happen after you submit the sample is the temperature of your sample will be checked when you hand it over to the human or place it in the eCup machine. So if the heatpad has failed, or you have messed up on reading the temperature, then you are out of luck at this stage.
  5. If it’s within the correct temperature range, the sample will go through validity checks. This looks for the sample to have the characteristics of human urine, and it will also check for adulterants and other problems with the sample. Quick Fix doesn’t stand better than a 50% chance of passing modern validity checks though.

Overall then, Quick Fix is a simple formula, accompanied by a clumsy and inelegant solution for submitting it within the correct temperature range.

I cannot emphasize that enough. The biggest reason that people submitting fake samples fail the test is simply because the sample is outside the correct temperature range. Heatpads turn this into a lottery, and any product that uses something more reliable than a heatpad has an instant advantage.

Are Quick Fix Synthetic Urine Reviews False Then?

The bottom line is that your fake sample is going to stand around a 50% chance of getting through the temperature and validity checks.

Even if it does manage it, if it comes under human scrutiny then it could still arouse suspicion. Lab technicians have said on social media that they can spot Quick Fix because it look slightly green when held up to the light. Even if that’s not completely true, it shows that experienced lab people are familiar with fake urine, and are switched on to look for it.

Quick Fix is unlikely to stand up to that scrutiny as it doesn’t really look like urine, doesn’t smell like it, and doesn’t froth like it (real human urine froths because it contains albumin). Overall, Quick Fix reviews telling you it could pass a drug test are only partly truthful. They are either old reviews, based on poor information, or simply trying to sell it to you.

The truth is that the answer to the question of does Quick Fix works for modern drug tests is that it would struggle.

Sub Solution: How Complex Is It?

Now we have talked about Quick Fix reviews and quality, let’s talk about Sub Solution by comparison.

Sub Solution has the following characteristics:

  • Is balanced perfectly for pH and specific gravity
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in human urine
  • Contains the right proportion of creatinine
  • Contains the right proportion of urea and uric acid
  • Looks, smells, and even froths like urine (contains albumin)
  • Uses heat activator powder rather than a heatpad

As you can see from the snapshot above, Sub Solution definitely has more going for it than Quick Fix does.

It’s basically a generation ahead in terms of its complexity and ability to pass a drug test.

Let’s focus on a few things here that are important:

  1. Not only does it look like human urine, but it also smells like it and froths like it. This means it will definitely pass human scrutiny.
  2. The total of 14 chemicals in it means that it will pass almost any variation on the basic validity checks that different companies complete on a sample. Clear Choice, the people who make Sub Solution, ensure that the formula is updated annually should they find information out to that suggests labs are looking for something not in Sub Solution.
  3. Sub Solution arrives at your door with heat activator powder rather than a heatpad. This is really easy to use, as I will now explain to you.

Passing A Drug Test With Sub Solution: How To Use Synthetic Urine

Although the instructions for passing a drug test with Sub Solution are broadly similar to Quick Fix, they are notably different in terms of one aspect: the heating method.

  1. Rather than heating the sample, you’ll have to hydrate it as Sub Solution is a powder. Simply fill the vial of powdered urine to the fill level line with jug filtered water. Make sure it’s at room temperature, and don’t use tap water or bottled water because they contain compounds that aren’t found in urine.
  2. Once you hydrate the urine, all you have to do is take it to the venue. You could tuck it in your underwear before you leave, or simply carry it with you because you’re not going to be searched until you get into the building!
  3. On arrival, before you go inside to submit your sample, you’re going to heat the sample temperature up to be within the magical temperature range between 90°F 100°F. To do this, you’re now going to use the heat activator powder.
  4. Tap in about one-quarter of the heat activator powder and shake the urine gently until it is clear and fully dissolved. Then watch the temperature strip carefully.
  5. Repeat with a little more heat activator powder if necessary, until you get a reading that is as close to 100°F as you can achieve, but without going above that level.
  6. Then, simply tuck the sample into your underwear, and go in and confidently submit your sample.

For a detailed guide on using synthetic urine for a drug test, click here.

Are Sub Solution Reviews Accurate?

We’ve talked about whether Quick Fix synthetic urine reviews are accurate, so let’s now talk about Sub Solution reviews.

Sub Solution is definitely far more complex than Quick Fix. It’s going to pass those validity checks. It will pass visual scrutiny as well, even if somebody decides to shake it and sniff it. Plus, the heat activator powder is a game changer. It’s so much more efficient than the heatpad, and it will almost guarantee you being able to submit it within the correct temperature range.

I passed a drug test with Sub Solution two years ago. It got me my current job, and I couldn’t have been happier with the price I spent to get that job. Why gamble on something cheap, when quality counts?

Sub Solution for me was easy to prepare, easy to smuggle in, and very easy to use.The heat activator powder is a definite game changer, and I would never consider using fake urine with a heatpad ever again. It just makes things so easy, and gives you complete confidence you are handing the sample over within the correct temperature range.

Sub solution powdered urine kit

Sub Solution Vs Quick Fix

Overall, when it comes to the direct battle between Sub Solution Vs Quick Fix, there is only one winner and that’s Sub Solution.

Sub Solution holds all the cards, and has the ability to pass standard modern drug testing almost every time. To put it into percentage terms, Sub Solution has about a 90% chance of passing, while Quick Fix has a 50% or less chance of passing.

For my Sub Solution review click here, and for my Quick fix review, here.

Does Quick Fix Work If Nothing Else Is Available?

Quick Fix will work better than nothing. It’s a little better than some of the really poor quality fake urine brands out there, like Urine Luck, Magnum, Monkey Whizz, and U Pass.

So, if you can’t get your hands on Sub Solution, especially if it’s a last-minute drug test, then sure, Quick Fix could work, but it’s one hell of a gamble. My advice is simple. If you think you’re facing a drug test, order Sub Solution online right now. Then, it’s ready and available for whenever you need it without any further worry.

Synthetic Urine Review Conclusion: Sub Solution Should Be Your #1 Choice

There’s just no competition between Sub Solution and Quick Fix nowadays. Quick Fix is a very basic formula that will not stand up to the scrutiny of modern drug testing. You might get lucky, but it’s one hell of a gamble.

By comparison, Sub Solution is highly complex, looks like urine, and stands a great chance of passing.

Plus, it gives you total control over the sample temperature because of the incredible heat activator powder that comes with it.

Where To Buy Sub Solution

There’s only one place that you can buy Sub Solution, that’s direct from Clear Choice.

It’s available via their website at test negative. It currently costs $90, which is three times the price of Quick Fix.

But quality counts, and $30 is never going to pass a modern drug test.

Get Sub Solution in stock now. Shipping within the USA is rapid, and it means that you are ready for a drug test any time you face one, even with just a few hours notice.