Is The Jerry G Method Reliable To Pass A Drug Test In 2025?

Jerry G method

 If you’re looking to evade a drug test then the Jerry G method is a possibility you will read about pretty quickly.But for a drug test in 2025 and 2026, or even beyond, will it still work? Is modern drug testing advanced enough to spot the Jerry G method – even if it works at all?

Don’t worry, I got you covered here with this fast dive into the Jerry G method and how it compares to the other hair cleaning method you will read about frequently, called the Macujo method.

The Jerry G Method Explained

The Jerry G method is a pair detoxification program that uses only household ingredients. It was developed, you guessed it, by someone on a forum with the username ‘Jerry G’.

It claims to work through the repeated bleaching and dyeing of the hair. In doing this, it opens up the hair shaft, called the cuticle layer, through breaking down melanin and oxidizing hair proteins, thus opening up that layer.

Once open, drug metabolites can be released, therefore getting rid of drug metabolites embedded there, beyond the reach of detox shampoo’s that only work as surfactants – stripping oils and residues from the outside of the hair shaft only.

Here’s a snapshot of why the Jerry G method is still talked about and recommended:

  • Thousands claim it worked for them
  • It’s easy and affordable to do
  • All you need is bleach and other supermarket-available hair products
  • Some scientific evidence it can work

Jerry G Method: Step-By-Step

The Jerry G method is really easy to do, but it will take some time and you do have to be careful. Let’s talk you through it step-by-step.

  1. Get yourself some strong hair bleach and use it to the instructions. You will need 30 or 40 Volume bleach to achieve this. Be careful, because it’s very harsh stuff.
  2. The day after you bleach your hair, you are going to dye it using a hair dye kit. The hair dye must contain ammonia. I’d suggest you use a permanent dye that closely matches your current hair color, so it doesn’t look ridiculously obvious.
  3. On the day of your test, to ensure no surface toxins remain, you will either use a good quality detox shampoo, such as Zydot Ultra Clean or mix up a baking soda paste and apply that to the hair for two hours, as it can also absorb surface contamination.

As you can see, there are many steps to the Jerry G method. You can do it in a couple of days leading up to a drug test, and usually, if it does work, then once is enough for it to do so.

Is The Jerry G Method Safe?

The word safety is subjective. You are not going to die from using this method, and you’re not going to suffer ongoing health problems.

But you are using strong bleach and hair dye, which if you are unlucky, or use it incorrectly, could cause some significant problems:

  • Can damage existing hair
  • Can cause scalp irritation
  • The worst-case scenario is chemical burns
  • In very rare instances could cause follicle damage

Now, as Macaulay Culkin’s character Kevin said in the classic comedy Home Alone – “Don’t get scared now!”. You shouldn’t get too worried about using this method. But you should be cautious.

As long as you are sensible and take it a step at a time, you should be fine. If you really struggle after using the bleach, as in your hair is brittle and obviously struggling, and your scalp is red raw, then don’t complete the next step.

But overall, although there are risks, for the average person, with a normal scalp and hair, then you should be fine.

How Reliable Is The Jerry G Method For Passing A Hair Follicle Test?

To answer how reliable the Jerry G method can be, you have to look at the scientific evidence that it could remove drug metabolites from within each shaft of hair.

There’s not much out there, but a 2000 study did find that bleach could reduce concentrations of drug metabolites within shafts of hair by between 40% and 80%. In addition, that study was completed after a single bleaching.

Another study also found that dyeing and bleaching the hair could alter drug test results, by minimizing metabolite detection of all types of drugs.

So there’s no doubt that this can reduce the amount of drug metabolites in the hair. But can it remove them all? That’s the unknown question that cannot be answered until you take the hair test.

Overall, evidence suggests that the Jerry G method is more invasive and less reliable than the alternative.

Jerry G Vs Macujo Method

The alternative to Jerry G is the Mike Macujo method – unsurprisingly named after another person’s online username. The Macujo method differs slightly in that it doesn’t focus on the use of bleach and dyes containing ammonia; therefore, it should be milder

The Macujo method also opens up the cuticle layer, but it does this through a combination of applying vinegar and a salicylic shampoo, as well as household detergent as a later step.

The Macujo method does rely on a proprietary detoxification shampoo to get rid of more metabolites – old-style Aloe toxin Rid shampoo (now only available through a company called Test Clear).

Click here for the detailed Macujo method instructions and click here for my detox shampoo guide.

This shampoo is very expensive, costing over $200 per bottle. However, its use within the Macujo method flushes out more metabolites than can be achieved with the Jerry G method, which relies on harsh bleaches and dyes to open up the cuticle layer and try and achieve the same.

Overall, these are the reasons why I would choose the Macujo method over the Jerry G method:

  • Does not rely on bleach and hair dye or ammonia hair dye
  • Less harsh on the hair and scalp
  • Less obvious that you have used these things on your hair
  • Opens up the cuticle layer just as effectively
  • The use of the Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo achieves higher levels of removal

On the downside, the Macujo method needs multiple applications to work. You use the Jerry G method once, but you’ll need to use the Macujo method three or four times in the days running up to your test.

But, overall, it’s less harsh, more effective, and is more undetectable when you visit the test center.