Does UPS Drug Test – How To Pass A UPS Drug Test & Beat The UPS Drug Test Policy

UPS drug screen

Does UPS drug test? Yes, but only under very certain circumstances. I’m going to tell you exactly how to beat that UPS urine drug test now. This is a complete guide on the UPS drug test policy, so you can see when the most dangerous situations occur.

I’ll also tell you the exact UPS job roles that will be drug tested, and those which won’t (including drivers and package handlers). Then, I’ll outline three strategies that you can use to pass a urine drug test for UPS, or any other drug testing situation, using the following key products:

  • Quick Luck synthetic urine
  • Rescue Cleanse detox drink
  • Toxin Rid detox pills

What Exactly Is The UPS Drug Test Policy?

You can view the UPS drug test policy online, and without going into the details and boring you, it’s pretty standard stuff.

They reserve the right to drug test you during employment, and specifically in the following situations:

  • During pre-employment process
  • On the job periodically
  • Random drug testing
  • With suspicion
  • Role change
  • Key role recruitment
  • Driving jobs
  • Machinery operators

As you can see, it’s pretty comprehensive, but how much do they stick to that policy? I’ll tell you now, they don’t do random drug testing at UPS. You won’t get caught out by that.

If you’re a driver, covered by the Department of Transport laws, then you will be periodically tested to DOT standards.

I’ll also note that “with suspicion” is very vague, and most companies don’t do it. It’s a legal minefield, especially with disability laws now in place which would prevent you from drug testing someone, because they could say they have a physical or mental impairment that comes across as drug use.

Does UPS Drug Test At Orientation (Pre-Employment)?

UPS doesn’t drug test during the employment process unless it’s for driver jobs primarily. They do also drug test for senior positions, things like management and other key roles both for external and internal recruitment processing.

Generally, though, most employees are not drug tested during pre-employment. So does UPS drug test during orientation? The answer is almost always no, unless it’s a driver’s job or other specialist role.

Does UPS drug test at orientation

Does UPS Drug Test Drivers?

UPS does drug test drivers both during the recruitment process and periodically under the Department of Transport regulations.

However, this doesn’t appear to stretch to some temporary seasonal drivers. I’ve seen evidence online over several years where people have said they do seasonal driving work for UPS and have never been drug tested.

But yes, if you’re a driver going through recruitment, or are on the job with UPS, then there’s a strong chance you will be drug tested due to the DOT federally mandated regulations.

Does UPS Drug Test Package Handlers?

UPS does not drug test package handlers. That’s a 100% certain guarantee.

In fact, amongst UPS employees, there’s a standing joke that if they did drug test package handlers then there would be nobody left to do the work!

does ups drug test package handlers

When Could You Face A Drug Test When Working For UPS?

Put all that together, and this is when you could face a drug test when working for UPS:

  • Permanent driving jobs
  • Machinery operators
  • Management positions
  • Specialist roles
  • Very occasionally with suspicion

Now, the evidence is that UPS drug test policy is not enforced particularly, and the answer to the question does UPS drug test, is “rarely”. But that doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen. What I’ve heard from people online, and people I know, may not be the complete story.

That’s going to be the same with any online resource you read. The truth is they probably don’t, but what happens if you’re caught out?

So let’s work on the assumption that if you’re going for a job at UPS of any type, or you already work for them, that you could face a drug test. So how do you pass a drug test that you are facing, whether it’s for UPS, or if you are working for another company?

How To Prepare For A Drug Test

There are some key things you need to know to prepare for a drug test. We are talking about urine drug testing here, because that’s the only type UPS has ever been linked to completing, and it’s common to most companies.

There are three types of drug test:

  • Supervised
  • Observed
  • Unobserved/unsupervised

Overwhelmingly, most drug tests are unsupervised. That means nobody is going to be watching you, and most likely nobody is even going to be in the same room with you. You’ll be at least behind a screen, and probably behind a door.

Supervised testing is where someone will be with you, but they will be directly looking at you – they will just be in the area.

The worst type is observed drug testing, where somebody will literally be looking at you urinate.

It’s rare that it’s directly observed, but supervised testing is definitely done for failed drug test retesting, and for some other purposes you’ll be told about in advance. Knowing this key information, you can now adapt the method that fits to pass the type of test you are facing.

Proven Methods To Pass A Urine Drug Test

Whether it’s an observed test, supervised test, or the overwhelmingly used unsupervised test, these are the best ways you can pass a urine drug test for UPS or any other employer.

1. Quick Luck Synthetic Urine

If it’s an unsupervised drug test, then submitting a sample of fake urine is the best way to pass, as long as you use the best synthetic urine on the market.

Quick Luck urine is the best you can buy. Most fake urine is really poor quality and will not pass a modern drug test, but Quick Luck has the following crucial properties:

  • Looks, smells, and froths like human urine
  • Contains the right proportions of creatinine, uric acid, and urea
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in human urine
  • Within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Don’t rely on a heatpad to keep the temperature correct

All that together and you’ve got the most complex urine on the market. It will get through the validity checks, and it will fool curious humans.

It also doesn’t rely on a heatpad to keep it warm either, which is unique to Quick Luck. It uses something called heat activator powder instead. Rather than having to use a microwave, and then strapping a heatpad to sample and hoping that keeps it within the correct temperature range, you can carefully manipulate the temperature using the powder.

Simply tap in about one-quarter out of sight before you go in, shake it until it’s dissolved (it’s undetectable in drug tests), and watch the temperature strip. Keep adding small amounts until you get a good reading and then submit your sample.

Click here to view the details of Quick Luck and to purchase it.

2. Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink

If you can’t use fake urine then Rescue Cleanse is the best alternative that works in a short period of time, and last a few hours.

It’s a detox drink. You don’t actually detoxify; it works as a masking agent. It works by pushing toxins out of the body faster than can be achieved naturally. You’ll get about three or four hours clean after drinking it, before the body catches up and processes more toxins into the bladder.

Rescue Cleanse is clever though. It also floods your body with things naturally found in urine, so that some are passed through as waste in the correct proportions. So you’ll still pass the validity checks and have clean urine.

Rescue Cleanse is a high-quality detox drink, the only one of the market I would ever recommend due to its complexity of formula and high success rate.

You can buy Rescue Cleanse direct from Clear Choice, by clicking here.

3. Toxin Rid Detox Pills

If you’ve got a few days before your test, you can detox using high-quality detox pills.

Toxin Rid is the best on the market and will speed up the removal of toxins from your body by up to 70%. That would mean that even a heavy weed smoker, who would usually take weeks to get clean, could be clean in a week or less.

It’s really easy to use, you just take 15 pills per day for the length of the course, and then use the included detox liquid and fiber supplement after that.

There are course lengths from a single day through to 10 days available. Use the shorter lengths to get partially clean (or completely clean if you’re a light user), and the longer courses to get completely clean for moderate to heavy drug use.

If you’re a daily weed smoker, slow-release benzo user, or you’re using drugs more days of the week than not, then just go for the 7 – 10 day courses of Toxin Rid, depending on the time you’ve got before your drug test.

Toxin Rid is only available from Test Clear. Click here to view the range and get more details, and buy Toxin Rid.