How To Use Detox Pills For A Drug Test – Easily Get Clean To Pass Urine, Blood, Or Saliva Drug Screens

drug detox pillss

If you want to guarantee passing that important drug test then being clean is the best way of doing it. But how do you get clean fast? Detox pills are the obvious answer. But they aren’t miracle pills, and you need to know the pros and cons of using them. Don’t worry, I got you covered right here with this full guide on using detox pills successfully to pass an important drug test.

I’ll cover the following in detail:

  • How do you spot the best detox pills
  • How detox pills work
  • Where not to buy detox pills
  • Reviews of the most popular 5 brands of pill
  • How to use the most potent detox pill course
  • How to create a proper detoxification kit

What Are The Best Detox Pills?

Before I go into details a specific detox pills, let’s cover the things you need to consider when choosing detoxification pill courses:

  • Must work quickly
  • Combo detoxification kits are best
  • Multiple course lengths offer best choice
  • Potent and proven natural ingredients are best

Although that all sounds pretty obvious, you’ll be amazed to know the only one product truly ticks all four of those boxes, and I’ll cover it in more detail later.

Here’s How Detox Pills Work

The important point to make about how these pills work is to understand they are not miracle pills that work fast.

So if you’re facing a short notice drug test, then forget using detox pills to get completely clean.

Good quality detox pills speed up the removal of toxins from the body by aiding the process in the following ways:

  • Act as diuretics and laxatives
  • Move toxins to the bowels and bladder faster and more efficiently
  • Ingredients help to draw toxins to the liver and kidneys faster
  • Key ingredients raise efficiency of relevant body functions
  • Support relevant body systems to work optimally
  • Replace things that get removed too fast to maintain health and balance

So look, you’re not going to get clean just by popping a few pills and going in to submit your sample a few hours later. You need to know that good quality detox pills and supporting supplements can get you clean at least 50% faster than naturally. Often, it can be faster than that.

When you look average drug detection times, you’re talking 2 – 4 days for most drugs, so you are halving that time.

For heavier users, which would usually take up to 7 days get clean for most drugs, you could be clean in two or three days.

Cannabis is the odd one out though, for the following reasons:

  • Cannabis metabolites are shaped differently and get trapped in fat
  • Because they get trapped in fat they detach more sporadically
  • Cannabis use therefore means a longer time with metabolites in body
  • 60% of cannabis metabolites exit the body through the bowel
  • There are a myriad of different cannabis metabolites to deal with

A regular weed smoker could take several weeks to get clean. But the good news is that with the most potent detox pills, you could be clean in a week or less.

Detox Combo Kits: Are They Worth Looking For?

There’s a bigger search market for “detox kits”, but are they worth looking for? The answer is mostly no. The reasons are pretty straightforward – it’s mostly around quality. A lot of these drug detox kits are gimmicks. They will add a liquid in with the pills to call it a combo kit.

Mega Clean NT is an example of this. It’s a decent detox drink, but it’s bundled with a pill that claims to help detoxify you.

But Mega Clean NT cannot do that with a single pill. Therefore it’s a gimmick that they charge you more money for. However, that doesn’t mean good combo kits don’t exist, as I will explain later. You can also enhance them by adding a good quality detox drink to them.

Don’t Buy Detox Pills From Walgreens, Walmart, eBay, Or Amazon

It may seem like a great idea to grab some weed detox pills from a big retailer or online marketplace. My advice to you is don’t though.

There are several problems with buying any detox products from places like that:

  • There are lots of fakes
  • There are lots of low quality products
  • Feedback and ratings are easily manipulated
  • The best products are specialist and not available there

So for those reasons, you’ll need to learn to prepare by grabbing proper products. Don’t panic and try and grab things locally, or from fast delivery online retailers, make your decision now and get your strategy in place for when you need it.

Avoid Home Remedies

Before I get onto the good stuff, the last part of educating you and warning you is around home remedies.

The home remedy is as it sounds – using easy to obtain and household items to do the job of a professional product.

For drug testing, detoxification home remedies include the following:

  • Drinking baking powder
  • Consuming various types of vinegar
  • Consuming various types of tea
  • Consuming various types of acidic juice
  • The Certo/sure jell method

All of them are rubbish and don’t work. The Certo/Sure Jell method is slightly different, in that it can partially work. But it’s not a complete solution even for cannabis metabolites.

5 Most Popular Detox Pills Reviewed

Now I’ve given you some background detail, let’s talk you through the 5 most popular detox pill products out there.

This is the good, the bad, and the ugly of detoxification pill products, with surprisingly only one product in the world right now ticking all the boxes for quality, speed, and reliability.

1. Herbal Pre-Cleanse Formula

I’ll start the reviews with the detox pill which isn’t like the other detox pills, which is both good and bad.

Herbal Pre-Cleanse Formula is good quality, but it’s not the pill you think is. It’s not designed to rapidly detoxify your body to pass a drug test.

It’s designed to be used alongside an ongoing natural detox to speed up the process slightly each day, which is why you get one month supply for your money.

Overall, if you want to start winding down the metabolites in your body towards a drug test, which you know is coming, then it can be a good way of getting ahead of the game before using something more dramatic.

  • Good for speeding up natural detoxification
  • Cheap and affordable
  • Not suitable or strong enough for rapid detoxification

2. Rescue 5 Day Detox

This is probably the second best detox pill course/kit that you can buy online right now, and has been for several years.

In fact, the range has got better because they’ve added a 10 day Rescue Detox as well, so if you have heavy levels of metabolites like regular daily weed smokers do, then it will get you clean in 10 days or less.

Note though, that the Rescue 5 Day detox is not actually five Day detox. There are some pre-rid pills you take the day before, and some post course pills that act like a detox drink for the day after (which you should time for the day of your test), so it’s really a seven day course of pills.

Overall, this is what you need to know:

  • The second best course on the market
  • Effective but not as fast or potent as the market leader
  • Simple course of different formulas of pill
  • Very affordable

3. Herbal Clean Detox Products: Q-Shot, Q-Tabs, Q-Caps

Herbal Clean have made detoxification product based around pill courses for many years.

The thing I’ve noticed is that they refresh the range every few years, with new products appearing and others vanishing.

Looking into that a little deeper, I noticed that if you look at the composition of the products, the number pills and what’s in them, they are identical in some cases. To me, Herbal Clean are eradicating old bad feedback by ending those products, introducing new ones that are basically identical in new packaging and starting the hype again.

Overall, this is what you need to know about Herbal Clean detoxification pill products and combo products:

  • Most are actually only same day masking agents
  • The pills are not strong enough individually or in total pill count
  • The ingredients are not wide-ranging enough
  • They may work somewhat but are not trustworthy

4. Detoxify Instant Clean Herbal Cleanse With Metaboost

Detoxify makes Mega Clean, the second-best detox drinks. So you would hope their pill-focused cleanse would be just as reliable.

Unfortunately, that’s not the case. Instant Clean Herbal Cleanse consists of just three pills (cleansing blend, nutrient blend, and metaboost). Yes that’s right, you get a box with three pills in foil for your money.

It claims that all you have to do to get clean is select your day, and take the pills 15 minutes apart with 16 fluid ounces of water each.

It’s main claim is that it’s for “individuals with high toxicity and no time to cleanse”. Nowhere on the packaging does it state that this is a detox drink in pill form, that it will push out more toxins than can be achieved naturally before your body catches up in toxins reappear though.

So this isn’t really how it’s marketed, and it doesn’t do what you think:

  • Detoxify instant clean is not a detoxification program
  • It only keeps you clean for a few hours
  • The pills are not high in the dose and I doubt they would cleanse you much at all

5. Toxin Rid Detoxification Pill Courses

Toxin Rid is a specialist detoxification pill course that’s only available through specialist online retailers.You won’t find this stuff at Walmart or on eBay, and you certainly won’t find an entire pill course for 20 bucks.

I’m going to go through everything you need to know in detail about Toxin Rid in a moment, but broadly, this is why they are the best:

  • Comprehensive range of programs
  • Fastest and most aggressive working pills
  • Ingredients are proven to remove toxins faster
  • True detoxification kit containing three elements
  • Undetectable during a drug test

What’s In The Box? Toxin Rid Components & Ingredients

When you purchase this detoxification kit, in the box you’ll get the following three elements:

  • Course of potent detoxification pills
  • Detoxification follow-up liquid
  • Fiber supplement for cannabis users

Let’s go through each of those components in more detail now.

1. Drug Detoxification pills

You can choose course lengths from a single day through to 10 days in length, and add individual days on above that if you feel you need to.

Each day of the course contains 15 pills. You’ll take 15 per day, and the pill course contains enough for the number of days.

These pills are potent, containing many ingredients linked scientifically to the faster removal of toxins from the body, supporting body system health the faster processing, and helping to maintain balance while things are being drawn out quicker than happens naturally.

This is the ingredients list in each pill:

  • Magnesium
  • Sodium
  • Boron
  • Alfalfa leaf extract
  • Chloride
  • Calcium
  • Iron
  • Kelp
  • Potassium

2. Detoxification liquid

The detoxification liquid is like a mass hit of pills. The idea is you take it after the pill courses to shock your body out of the last few metabolites.

The detoxification liquid contains the following:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride
  • Lithium
  • Boron
  • Magnesium
  • Sulphate
  1. Detoxification fiber supplement

The third part of the kit is the fiber supplement. You will need to use this unless you are trying to remove cannabis toxins from the body.

Cannabis metabolites are drawn to the bowel for removal when high fiber is consumed. It creates bile, and draws them from fat cells into the gut.

The fiber supplement contains powdered psyllium husk and dietary fiber in high concentration to achieve this.

Toxin Rid Instructions

To give you the full picture, let’s talk you through the Toxin Rid instructions you’ll need to follow.

  1. For as many days as you can before your drug test, even before you start the pill course, do a natural detoxification. Eat well, drink plenty of water, urinate frequently, and exercise.
  2. Take three pills per hour with water the first five hours of each day of the pill course. Then, live well for the rest of the day and get plenty of sleep.
  3. On the last day of the pill course, two hours after the last pills, on an empty stomach, consume half the detoxification liquid. Wait two hours and then drink the other half. Then wait another hour at least, and continue eating and drinking sparsely.
  4. To remove more cannabis metabolites and clean up, mix up the dietary fiber supplement and drink it down quickly. Then sip additional water.

As you can see, the instructions are pretty damn straightforward. Nothing complex here at all, just remember to take the pills each day and live well.

Create A Full Toxin Rid Combo Kit

When it comes to creating your Toxin Rid course, you’ll need to understand how many days of pills you need to buy.

Broadly, you can split them into three groups:

  1. The short courses of between 1 – 3 days are mainly for partial detoxification (unless you happen to have low levels of drug metabolites in your body). The idea as you get rid of as many metabolites as possible and then mask the rest with a detox drink.
  2. The moderate-length courses between 4 – 6 days in length are designed for partial detoxification if you are heavy in metabolites, and full detoxification if you have lighter levels of drug metabolites remaining in your body.
  3. The full length courses of seven and 10 days are designed for heavy levels of metabolites in the body. If you’re a regular daily weed smoker, who have taken strong doses of drugs more days than not in the past 7 – 10 days, then these are the courses for you.

Then, having chosen the course length and purchased it, then you’ll also need to grab yourself a bottle of Rescue Cleanse detox drink.

Rescue Cleanse is your insurance policy for the day of your test, or the second stage of the detox process if you are only aiming to partially detoxify due to the number of days you have before your test.

If you are completely clean, still consume the drink though, because it will ensure any stray toxins are pushed out faster, leaving you 100% clean for a few hours to pass the test.

The last part of the detoxification kit you will need is some cheap home drug tests that cover the drugs you know you have in your body. Get a handful of them, so you can monitor your progress, and still have a couple remaining for the day of your test to make sure you are clean before you leave to submit your sample.

Where To Buy The Products You Need

I hope this quick guide on using detox pills has been helpful to you. Toxin Rid are definitely the pills you should be using.

Here’s where to get the things you need to get clean for your drug test:

  1. Toxin Rid pills are best bought direct from Test Clear.
  2. Rescue cleanse detox drink is best bought direct from Clear Choice.
  3. Good quality and affordable home drug test kits can also be bought from Test Clear.