How To Pass A Drug Test With Delta-8 In Your System: Does Delta 8 Even Show Up On Drug Tests?

How To Pass A Drug Test With Delta-8 In Your System

You’ve probably heard lots of cool things about Delta 8, you may have even used it. But if you’re facing one, then how to pass a drug test with Delta 8 in your system?

Do you even need to pass one – does Delta 8 show up on drug tests at all?

Don’t worry, I got you covered right here in the next five minutes. This is a complete guide not only to how Delta 8 reacts during drug tests but also to the other main novel cannabinoids you can buy (such as THCP).

I’ll tell you which of these novel cannabinoids show up on drug tests, and tell you exactly how to pass a Delta 8 drug test, with methods that will work for all cannabinoids including the main Delta 9 THC (the one that gets you high).

What Actually Is Delta 8?

Delta 8, actually called Delta 8 THC, is a trace cannabinoid found in both cannabis and hemp plants.

It’s structurally similar to Delta 9 THC, which is the main cannabinoid found in cannabis that gets you high, but that’s only found in trace amounts in hemp plants. It’s been gaining popularity in the past few years because it produces some interesting effects while being mostly legal to use wherever you are in the USA.

These are the main characteristics of Delta 8 THC:

  1. Delta 8 can produce mild psychoactive effects, such as relaxation, euphoria, and also pain relief. But note that these are definitely milder than with standard THC.
  2. It’s important to understand the most Delta 8 is synthetically created from CBD, the structure of CBD is chemically altered to create Delta 8. This is important for the points made about legality later.
  3. Because Delta 8 is new and mostly synthetically produced, we don’t really know if it’s having side effects that are yet to be noticed, so it should be used with that warning in mind.

Other Novel Cannabinoids That Have The Same Structure And Issues

Delta 10 is very similar to Delta 8 in structure and also with milder psychoactive effects. Some people feel that Delta 8 is more relaxing though, while Delta 10 is more uplifting and stimulating.

HHC – this is a hydrogenated form of THC that is mildly psychoactive. Although milder than Delta 9 THC, most people regard it as more potent than both Delta 8 and 10.THCO(a) – An acetate ester of THC, which is generally more potent than regular THC, although it depends on where you get it in the concentration you get it in. Personally I find it slightly less potent than THC, but one of my friends swears by it.

THCP – this is the newest novel cannabinoid, only discovered in the past couple of years. It’s reputed to be more potent than Delta 9, and certainly I’ve found that smoking it produces an insane hit.

Does Delta 8 Show Up On Drug Tests?

Unfortunately, I have to tell you that Delta 8 will show up on drug tests as cannabis/THC.

The reason is simple, it’s structurally almost identical. Although some drug tests can spot the difference, most normal drug tests will spot the structure Delta 9 THC and record a positive result for marijuana use.

This is the same with all of the novel cannabinoids I’ve talked about, and I’m going to assume it’s the same for every single one you can buy. They are all so structurally similar to THC Delta 9 that you have to assume that they will almost always trigger a positive drug test result for cannabis.

What Type Of Drug Tests Do Novel Cannabinoids Like Delta 8 Show Up On?

When it comes to being drug tested, urine testing is definitely the most common, with mouth swab (oral) drug testing second.

So will novel cannabinoids like Delta 8 show up on all of these drug tests? The answer depends on whether cannabis is being looked for. On the standard 5 panel drug test, both oral and urine drug testing, the answer is yes, it will show up on those tests.

But nowadays, some people request the removal of the cannabis panel, to create a four panel test. This is because it’s legal in their state, or they generally don’t care about cannabis use because it can trigger a positive result even if it’s been days since they had a joint.

But you won’t know if the panel has been removed unless it is a four panel test (although often they won’t even tell you how many panels the test is). The alternative is they switch out the cannabis panel but replace it with something else, retaining the five panel test.

And if it’s a higher number of panels (up to 14 panels are possible with standard drug testing), then you are never going to know if cannabis is going to be on the test. It’s safest to assume that if you are facing a standard drug test you will be tested for the presence of THC, or its metabolite THC-NOOH.

Treat Delta 8 And Similar Cannabinoids As Cannabis Use

My broader advice on using Delta 8 and other cannabinoids is to simply treat it as cannabis use in all aspects, especially cannabis isn’t legal in your state or place of residence.

Even though it’s mild, even though there may be legal grey areas around it, it will be recorded as cannabis use on drug tests, and law enforcement can also you it as THC as well. So don’t think that because it’s grey area legal that you are safe and don’t have to worry about concealing it, or being discreet when using it.

Changes To The Farm Bill 2021 (Farm Bill 2024) That Could Make Delta 8 Illegal

The farm Bill of 2018 tried to create clarity around the production of hemp and what could be produced from it legally but actually created a grey area around these novel cannabinoids, which is why they are now being developed and sold openly.

However, the proposed 2024 Farm Bill is a significant amendment that could impact the status of all of these novel hemp-derived THC products, including Delta-8.  The amendment, proposed by controversial far-right politician Representative Mary Miller (Rep), aims to close the loophole created by the 2018 Farm Bill that allowed the sale of intoxicating hemp products like Delta-8.

The proposed changes would redefine hemp to include only naturally occurring, naturally derived, and non-intoxicating cannabinoids, which would obviously exclude cannabinoids synthesized or manufactured outside of the plant from the legal definition of hemp.

If passed, this amendment could lead to a ban on all ingestible hemp products with any level of THC, significantly altering the landscape for hemp-derived products like Delta-8. So if you’re using these novel cannabinoids, you must be aware of state laws, and you have to keep your eye on the passage of this farm Bill amendment because it could affect you significantly.

How To Pass A Drug Test With Delta 8 (Or Any Other Novel Cannabinoid) In Your System

I love using Delta 8, it calms me and makes me feel slightly fuzzy and happy. But it doesn’t overwhelm me like THC sometimes can, and is only beneficial. I particularly like using a vape with fantastic high-quality Delta 8 cartridges, often blended with other novel cannabinoids.

But you have to assume that if you are using these you will fail a drug test. So let’s now talk you through the methods to pass urine and oral drug tests with these cannabinoids and their metabolites in your system

1. Use Good Quality Synthetic Urine.

The easiest way to pass a urine drug test is to use good-quality synthetic urine. As most drug tests are unsupervised (nobody will be observing you or even near you) it’s simple to use and get away with it.

The best on the market is called Quick Luck, made by a company called Clear Choice.

Quick Luck has the following characteristics:

  • It’s complex (14 common chemicals found in urine)
  • It contains the right amount of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • It’s perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Quick Luck doesn’t rely on a heatpad
  • Quick Luck looks, froths, and smells like human urine

Can see, it’s highly complex, and those characteristics will allow it to pass the validity checks that a sample goes through. The validity checks are basic, and because it contains 14 chemicals found in urine, it will pass even more advanced checks.

It will pass human scrutiny, because it looks, froths, and smells like human urine. I would defy you to tell the difference between it and the real thing.

Plus, it uses something called heat activator powder rather than a heat pad to maintain the temperature. The heat activator powder is pure genius. No need to microwave the sample, or even keep it warm until you arrive at the venue to submit your sample. Simply tap in about one-quarter of the heat activator powder, shake gently until dissolved, then watch the temperature strip on the side of the bottle. Add a little more if necessary, until you get a reading within the temperature range you need (a reading between 90°F and 100°F).

Unsupervised drug testing, apart from the small risk of smuggling in the bottle (you will not be intimately searched, so tuck it into your underwear in your crotch area) it’s the easiest way to almost guarantee passing a drug test for THC, including a Delta 8 drug test.

delta 8 drug test

2. Use A Top Quality Detox Drink.

There’s only one detox drink I can 100% recommend and that’s Rescue Cleanse, a high-quality detox drink from Clear Choice (the same people who make Quick Luck).

It’s highly complex and has the ingredients to flush out toxins faster can be achieved naturally, creating a gap in the toxin flow to your bladder which you can exploit to submit a clean sample for a few hours.

It will keep your urine appearing natural in balanced as well, but the length of time you get toxin free will depend on the amount of drug metabolites in your body. Simply drink the contents of the bottle, urinate three or four times over the next 60 minutes, and then go and submit your sample. I’d also recommend a home drug test kit to ensure you are clean. If it’s a supervised drug test where you will be observed, or you simply don’t have the balls to smuggle in a fake urine sample, then Rescue Cleanse is a good alternative.

Just be clear that if you have high levels of metabolites in your body, even novel cannabinoids like Delta 8, then you may only get an hour or two clean before fresh toxins start to appear in your urine.

3. Use The Best Detox Pills.

Toxin Rid are the best detox pills you can buy. If you’ve got a week before your test then you can use a course of Toxin Rid to get clean under most circumstances.

If you’re heavy multiple times per day weed smoker though, or you’re using novel cannabinoids multiple times per day, then it could take you at least a week to get clean, and you’ll need the full 10 day Toxin Rid cause.

But I found even as a heavy weed smoker that the 10 day course was getting me testing negative for cannabis on home drug test from day five onwards, so it can be less time than that.

Obviously, if you’ve got lower levels of drug toxins in your body, then you’ll need a shorter time to get clean and a short course of pills.

4. Use The Best Combo Method Of Detox Drink + Detox Pills.

If you don’t want to use synthetic urine, and you’ve got more than 24 hours notice before your test, then the best method used to pass a urine drug test is the combo method of a detox drink and detox pills.

Use the detox pills in the days leading up to your test, and then on the day of your test use the detox drink as I’ve already explained. The more days you have, the cleaner you’ll be, which will leave the detox drink less toxins to push out and mask, giving you more hours clean to pass a drug test in.

The best on the market are Toxin Rid. With every course you’ll also get some potent detox liquid to use on the last day, and for THC (including Delta 8 and similar), a strong fiber liquid that helps to draw more of those metabolites into the bowel for eradication, bypassing the urine drug test completely.

5. Use Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum.

Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is the only method I would suggest you use to pass a mouth swab drug test.

It’s not even a gum as described, it’s actually a capsule of highly concentrated mouthwash. It’s expensive, but you’re paying for this highly concentrated liquid that can truly knock out drug toxins by disguising them and removing them from your mouth, and to keep doing that for up to 15 minutes.

Simply pop the capsule of Oral Clear in your mouth, split it with your mouth closed, and use your tongue to work it around the gumline inside and out. Also try and work it around under your tongue.

Then, after about one minute, simply swallow the lot to leave no trace that you have used it (it’s completely undetectable in a mouth swab drug test).

You can use Oral Clear discreetly even with someone in the room with you. Simply cough, and place your hand over your mouth while pushing the capsule in using the palm of your hand. That makes it perfect for on-the-spot testing, and where you have no notice to get out of sight and use it.

Where To Buy The Products You Need For Delta 8 Drug Test

As you can see, it’s very easy to learn how to pass a drug test with Delta 8 in your system. This also applies to any of the similarly structured novel cannabinoids out there.

Let’s finish up here by telling you where to buy the products I’ve just talked about so that a Delta 8 drug test is simply not a concern for you ever again.

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine is best bought directly from Clear Choice. That way, you know it’s not a fake. You can click here to get the latest price and further details.
  2. Rescue Cleanse detox drink is also available from Clear Choice. It’s affordable so I advise you to get two bottles, just in case the first one doesn’t work fully. You can also buy a home drug test kit at the same time to check yourself. Click here to get the latest price and further details.
  3. Toxin Rid pills are available in course lengths from a single day through to 10 days direct from Test Clear. They also sell very affordable home drug test kits. Click here to get the latest price and further details.
  4. Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is also available from the company that make it, Clear Choice. One capsule isn’t cheap, but you can carry it at all times and have complete insurance against failing an oral drug test. Click here to get’s price and further details.