Stinger Detox Vs High Voltage Detox Drink: Can Either Really Mask Toxins To Pass A Drug Test?

Stinger detox Vs high voltage detox: which can pass a drug test? I’m going to tell you which one is the best. It’s actually a pretty simple question to answer, and I’ll give you the answer alongside explaining exactly how a detox drink should work.

I’ll compare the two products, tell you how to use them, and explain the chances of passing a drug test using either of them.

Then, I’ll also suggest a great alternative weed detox drink (which also works for all drugs), that could be a better option.

Stinger Detox: How To Use It & Does It Work?

Stinger Detox is actually a range of products from a company who have been around since 1993 in one form or another.

The name actually refers to a range of six different products:

  • The Buzz 5X Deep System Cleaner
  • Whole Body Cleanser 1 Hour System
  • 5X Instant Cleanser
  • Stinger Instant Cleanser
  • 5X Elite 2-In-1 Combo Pack
  • 5X 7 Day Permanent Cleanser

All of these are available in modest 8 fluid ounce bottles, and all claim to be the most potent products on the market for doing as they state. Using them is simple. You simply drink the contents of the bottle, then refill it twice and drink those. You should avoid dairy products until you have submitted your drug test sample.

There are some real issues with the Stinger detox range though, so let’s highlight them:

  1. The amount of liquid is tiny. You’re using a lot of additional water which could dilute your sample.
  2. All of the products have an identical “proprietary blend”. In all of the products, it only accounts a very small proportion of the ingredients, with the rest being water, sugar, and niacin (vitamin B3).
  3. These drinks all have an incredible amount of sugar, up to 50% of the bottle is just sugar.
  4. They do a mouthwash product as well, and it has exactly the same proprietary blend (L-Taurine, Methylsulfonylmethane, and….more Niacin!).

The problem with all of that when put together a simple, Stinger detox drink can’t work and won’t work.

They all have incredible amounts of sugar, and very little else. The proprietary blend is a minor ingredient, and it’s the same in all of them, so how can the products work differently?

How can the proprietary blend be used as a mouthwash that you don’t even swallow, and yet still work in exactly the same for a supposedly potent detox drink? And where is the creatine? If it doesn’t contain creatine, it can’t be converted to creatinine which is always found in urine.

For me, Stinger Detox is the biggest scam in drug testing products. It’s the same product, with different amounts of sugar, in every bottle, with different labels.

Stinger detox will never pass a drug test. I’m talking never. It physically isn’t capable of masking toxins, replacing lost nutrients, or giving you time to pass a test.

High Voltage Detox Drink: How To Use It & Does It Work?

High Voltage detox drink 16oz reviews online are mostly positive. But can this small bottle of detox drink really pass a drug test?

To answer the question, you have to look at a High Voltage detox drink ingredients.

High Voltage does at least contain creatine. It also contains vitamins which can help speed up your metabolism and stay in your urine the correct color.

High Voltage is also a 16-fluid-ounce bottle, so you will get more of the ingredients you need alongside more liquid. There is also a 32 fluid ounces bottle available now, which is even better. The proprietary blend contains things like milk thistle, which can help with removing toxins faster. It’s the same proprietary blend in all the different drinks but at increased doses in milligrams.

So on the surface, High Voltage could work to pass a drug test. In fact, I’ll go as far as to say that if you are a light drug user, then the 32 fluid ounce one could actually help you pass a drug test. But there just isn’t enough of the key ingredients to make it a certainty. Drug detox drinks work by flushing your body out, flooding it with things found in urine to redress the balance, and doing it enough.

High Voltage detox drinks don’t really contain enough good stuff to do the job as advertised.

high voltage detox drink ingredients

Does Stinger Detox Work Permanently (Same For High Voltage)?

Both Stinger and High Voltage have “permanent detox” drink products in their ranges. They also have pill and drink combo products, that again claim to flush out toxins for seven days, or even permanently.

The problem is that detox drinks don’t work permanently unless you have very low levels of drug toxins in your body which are flushed out by the drinks, and also work their way out naturally in a day or two.

This is how a detox drink should work in your body if it’s to work successfully:

1. Flushes out drug toxins.

A good detox drink obviously has to flush out drug toxins. In doing so, it must be as comprehensive as possible, so the ingredients have to speed up the function of removing toxins from the body above natural speed.

If the toxins are flushed out faster than can be done naturally, then no gap in the toxin flow from the body is created. The gap between that and your body catching up is when you will be toxin free in your bladder to pass a drug test by submitting a clean sample.

2. Replace things flushed out that should be in your urine.

A good detox drink floods your body with things found in urine. Because so much is consumed, some gets passed through as waste through the kidneys and into the bladder. Because it’s done in the correct proportions, your urine is flushed out but still appears natural for drug test validity checks.

3. Keeps your urine looking natural

Good detox drinks contain vitamins and other ingredients that help to stain your urine the correct color so that it appears natural and not adulterated.

Stinger detox drink ingredients

So Can Either Of These Detox Drinks Work?

Stinger detox will never work to pass a drug test because it simply doesn’t contain the ingredients to do so.

High Voltage is slightly better, but there’s just not enough of the key ingredients to guarantee flushing out the toxins and maintaining the balance of your urine.

The key point to remember is that detox drinks are only temporary masking agents. They create a gap in the flow of toxins to the kidneys and out through the bladder, usually of just between two and five hours, during which the fresh urine will appear natural and the drug toxins/metabolites free.

So in a competition consisting of Stinger detox Vs high voltage detox drinks, there is no real winner. High Voltage is slightly better in composition and size, and up against Stinger detox, which simply has zero chance of passing the drug test, it is best.

But it’s an unfair fight, and there really is no winner because neither of them is recommended to pass a modern drug test.

What Exactly Is A Weed Detox Drink?

Before I tell you which detox drink really can work to pass a modern lab drug test, I want to explain what a Weed detox drink is.

Some people will look for detox drinks that can target cannabis metabolites in the body. Some detox drinks will advertise themselves as specifically made for cannabis. As you now know, they work by flushing out toxins temporarily that are heading towards the bladder via the kidneys.

So any drug metabolites will be flushed out by this process to not appear in your urine. So a genuine weed detox drink doesn’t really exist, and a good quality detox drink will work for any type of drug metabolite.

Here’s The Best Detox Drink & How To Use It

Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse is definitely the best detox drink on the market, simply because it does everything I’ve explained a detox drink needs to achieve.

Rescue Cleanse can do the following:

  1. It will flood your body and push a ton of toxins out through your kidneys and bladder. There’s no need for additional water with Rescue Cleanse, you just drink the 32 fluid ounces bottle of potency and you are done.
  1. Rescue Cleanse will flood your body with things found in urine naturally. They are passed through in volume and balance so that they appear in the fresh and clean urine and will stop it being detected as adulterated.
  1. Rescue Cleanse will stain your urine the correct color, keep the smell, and keep the froth that would otherwise arouse suspicion.

Put all that together, and Rescue Cleanse is a very potent detox drink that will give you fresh and clean urine for up to 5 hours, but usually around three hours for a heavy weed smoker.

Rescue Cleanse is more expensive than even High Voltage, which costs around $40.

But you get what you pay for in life, and the $65 you pay for Rescue Cleanse is money well spent because it can genuinely work to pass a drug test, whereas Stinger detox and high voltage simply won’t work I seriously wouldn’t be advising you to look at any other detox drink on the market. None of them are comparable to Rescue Cleanse in terms of their potency.

If you’re not convinced, buy two bottles, and do a home test run before the day of your test, by also purchasing a home drug test kit at the same time.