Full Concentra Drug Test Guide: Everything You Need To Know – How To Pass A Concentra Drug Test

pass a concrenta drug test

As one of the big drug testing companies, of course, you want to know how to pass a Concentra drug test.

In this full guide, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about Concentra drug testing, from the main two types they do (urine and saliva), to how to check Concentra drug test results.

I’ll then cover passing urine and saliva drug testing at Concentra, and tell you the methods and products you can use to beat them.

Why tell you about here applies to any drug testing company, not just Concentra. Is it doesn’t matter if your drug test is at Concentra, LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, or anywhere else. They all follow almost identical testing standards. Cut-off levels, processes, machinery, and technology, is all pretty similar.

There are standards they have to follow, and also legally, if one was wildly different to another in terms of ease of passing, then it would create a legal minefield.

Does Concentra Watch You Pee For Drug Tests

Let’s explain the different types of observation you could face during a drug test. The three levels are:

  • Unsupervised
  • Supervised
  • Observed

Nearly all urine drug tests are unsupervised. You’ll go behind a screen, or even more usually into a separate room to submit your sample.

The only time Concentra would watch you pee is if it was for probation, or you had already failed a drug test, or they were suspicious because they had found paraphernalia on you to try and beat the drug test.

You would know in advance if it was supervised (someone in the room) or observed (someone directly watching you), and you would have to agree to that.

Obviously, for oral and hair drug testing, you would be observed because someone will be putting the mouth swab in your mouth, or cutting the hair sample from your head.

How To Check Concentra Drug Test Results

When it comes to how to check Concentra drug test results, you shouldn’t have to, and probably can’t.

After you submit your sample and leave, the immunoassay will be completed.

Then, the person who commissioned the test (usually an employer) will get the results, and you may also get them directly if you have given an email address or phone number to do so. You will know this because they will tell you.

If you aren’t sure about any of this, simply ask them when you go along to submit your sample. They will tell you exactly who gets the results and when.

Overall though, the person who commissioned the test gets the results. You won’t actually get them unless they allow that. They will tell you directly once they receive them themselves.

What Type Of Concentra Drug Test Is Most Likely?

Overwhelmingly you are going to be sent for a Concentra urine drug test. It’s by far the most common type of drug test conducted in the USA. The next most likely is an oral drug test. Whether it’s an oral (mouth swab) drug test, or a urine sample test, you’ll know in advance when you are given the appointment time.

That’s the same with hair drug testing, but it’s also much rarer. You would be highly unlikely to face a hair drug test for normal pre-employment or on-the-job drug testing.

How Long Will It Take To Get Concentra Drug Test Results?

After you submit your sample and go home it would usually take around 24-hours is to get a negative result returned to the person who commissioned the test.

So you’re basically looking at the sample being put through a temperature check, a validity check, and the panel drug test urinalysis within 24 hours of handing it over, so same day or the next day (more usually).

However, many of these labs are busy, and you sometimes have to allow an extra day to get results.

Also, remember that just because you haven’t heard if you passed or failed, it doesn’t mean the person who commissioned the test hasn’t gotten the results back. That’s a completely separate issue.

Also, if the sample failed the initial immunoassay, then there could be a day or two extra delays while it goes through more rigorous analysis, or the failed drug test could be passed back and a discussion is held about what to do before contacting you.

Rule of thumb though, if you haven’t heard anything within 48 hours of submitting your sample (two complete days have passed since the day) then there’s probably an issue.

How To Pass A Concentra Drug Test

Let’s say that you are going for a drug test at Concentra  or Quest Diagnostics and you know you will fail it.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a urine test or an oral mouth swab test, you have taken drugs of some description in the past few days, and you know you have drug metabolites in your body that will be above the drug test cut-off level.

In that scenario, let’s talk you through exactly how to pass a Concentra drug test right now.

  1. Most Common: Urine Drug Test

For the most common type of drug test, you have two best options:

  • Submit synthetic urine
  • Mask toxins with a detox drink

Here’s what you need to know about each of those options.

Synthetic urine:

Synthetic urine is the easiest way to pass a Concentra urine drug test. Because it will be unsupervised, it’s easy to smuggle in (you will not be intimately searched) by tucking the sample into your crotch area in your underwear.

They might search your bag and items, and pat you down, but they can’t start grabbing your crotch. So putting the sample there and wearing baggy jogging bottoms guarantees success.

Quick Luck is the best synthetic urine you can use for a Concentra drug test for the following reasons:

  • Perfectly balanced for both pH and specific gravity
  • Contains the correct amounts of urea, creatinine, and uric acid
  • Passes advanced scrutiny because it contains 14 common chemicals in urine
  • Looks, smells, and froths like urine
  • Is easy to keep within the correct temperature range

But all that together, and you’ve got the best synthetic urine kit possible for passing an unsupervised drug test. Not only will it pass chemical scrutiny, but it’s also going to pass human scrutiny.

On top of that, it gets around the whole submitting it within the correct temperature range problem.

The legal sample temperature range, between 90°F and 100°F, is very narrow and difficult to achieve with standard heatpads found in cheap and nasty synthetic urine products. Quick Luck gets around this by using something clever called heat activator powder instead.

Literally a white powder that is undetectable once it’s dissolved, when tapped into the urine, it reacts as it dissolves and raises the temperature slightly each time.

Tap in about one quarter, shake it gently until it’s dissolved, then watch the temperature strip for about 60 seconds. Repeat with small amounts until you get a good reading, then tuck the sample back into your underwear and you are good to go.

Detox drink:

Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink on the market. But you must understand that any detox drink is just a masking agent, they don’t fully detox your body.

Rescue Cleanse is easy to use. Simply drink the contents of the bottle in about 10 minutes on an empty stomach. Give it one hour, and urinate as frequently as you can. Rescue Cleanse will push far more toxins through your kidneys and into your bladder than can be achieved naturally.

Doing all this leaves a gap in the flow of toxins out of the body because it’s been accelerated. During this time the fresh urine entering the bladder will be toxin free (usually between 3 – 5 hours).

Rescue Cleanse also floods your body with things found in urine, so some of them are passed through as waste, keeping your urine testing natural as well. If you can’t use synthetic urine because it’s a supervised test, then Rescue Cleanse is the best option.

  1. Oral (Saliva) Drug Test

For the oral drug test, there really is only one choice of product to use to beat one. You can beat a Concentra oral drug test using something called Clear Choice Oral Clear saliva-neutralizing gum.

In truth, it’s not really gum at all but is instead a concentrated capsule of mouthwash liquid.

It’s very potent though, and the capsule is no bigger than a standard headache capsule, allowing you to carry it on you all the time discreetly, and even use it discreetly with somebody in the room with you.

Simply pop the capsule in your mouth, split it between your teeth with your mouth shut, and work the concentrated liquid around using your tongue.

You can do this discreetly with somebody close to you, and in around 60 seconds, your mouth will be neutralized for up to 15 minutes.

Because it stays in the mouth (make sure you don’t swallow very often), fresh drug metabolites entering with fresh saliva will get the powerful solution attached to them, changing their shape and disguising them for the drug test.

Oral Clear gum is undetectable in a drug test as well as being discreet, making it perfect even for on the spot drug testing.