Best Ways To Clean Out Your System In 24 Hours (CVS An Option?)

cvs drug test

 If you’re looking for the best ways to clean out your system in 24 hours then CVS is an obvious option, because of the size it’s range in convenience. But can you even buy good drug test products there?

I going to tell you everything you need to know right now. I’ll explain how long metabolites actually stay in your body, and if it’s even possible to clean out your system in 24 hours or less.

Then I will cover some strategies that will use the following high-quality detox products:

  1. For a full body detoxification – Toxin Rid pills
  1. To mask the toxins temporarily – Rescue Cleanse detox drink
  1. To submit a completely fake sample – Quick Luck synthetic urine

Is It Even Possible To Clean Out Your System In 24 Hours?

Let’s start with the big question first. Is it possible to clean out your system in 24 hours?

The truth is you actually can’t. The caveat to that is that you could if you had really low levels of drug metabolites in the body that would work their way out in 24 hours or less anyway. Let’s say you have taken drugs three or four times in the past week. That’s quite a lot of drug metabolites stacked up in the body and working their way out.

You simply won’t be able to get clean in a day or less to pass a drug test. Therefore, and actual detoxification strategy in that space of time is impossible.

How Long Does It Take Drug Metabolites To Exit Your Body?

You’ll routinely get told about the average detection times in urine for drugs of different types. The thing to remember is that these are for moderate users. So if it says that cannabis is only detectable for three days, that’s only true if you smoke a couple of joints per week.

With all drugs, especially cannabis and slow-acting benzos, the more you take, and the more regularly you take it, the longer it takes to get clean. This is made worse if you are doing multiple things that slow your body down, like drinking lots of alcohol, or not eating/sleeping/being healthy.

The truth is it could take up to a week to get clean for most drugs, so you will definitely not be able to get clean in just 24 hours.

CVS Drug Detox Options

So if you are facing a drug test at short notice, and you’re looking for ways to clean out your system in 24 hours, CVS is one option but what do they actually sell it could help.

In terms of specialist detoxification products, basically courses of pills, there’s nothing potent available from CVS at all. So it wouldn’t matter if you had a full week before your test, the general detoxification products on sale at CVS are not potent enough to clean you out much faster and can be achieved naturally.

CVS also doesn’t sell synthetic urine. For an unsupervised drug test, this is the easiest way to pass. You can only buy high-quality fake urine from specialist retailers.

What About CVS Detox Drinks?

If you’re looking to mask the toxins to pass a drug test, then you’ve got the same problems with CVS detox drinks. None of the brands available are very good. There are a couple that are okay, but most of them are really bad quality with poor track records.

The best of the bunch you can buy on CVS are Ultra Eliminex and QCarbo.

However, QCarbo is a very bad quality detox drink compared to the best on the market which I will talk about in a little while.

Ultra Eliminex used to be a good detox drink, and you could get it from CVS with the confidence it would pass a drug test. However, they changed the formula to save money once it got a reputation, so it’s really no good anymore.

Should You Use CVS Drug Test Products At All?

The truth is that CVS drug test products are not specialists. It’s the same with Walmart and Walgreens.

You can add to that places like Amazon and eBay as well. The truth is if you are looking for ways to clean out your system in 24 hours then CVS is really not an option, and neither are any of the other stores I’ve mentioned.

You need specialist products to make sure that the tried and trusted strategies for passing a urine drug test will work.

The Strategies You Have To Pass A Drug Test At Short Notice

Now I’ve hopefully clarified that CVS drug detox products are not an option, let’s talk you through the strategies and products that definitely will get you through a urine drug test successfully.

1. Synthetic Urine: Submit A Fake Sample

If it’s an unsupervised drug test, and the vast majority of drug tests are unsupervised, then submitting a fake sample is by far and away the easiest way to pass. Synthetic urine isn’t a joke. The best quality products are specially designed to fool professional drug testing.

The best on the market is Quick Luck. It has the following characteristics:

  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Contains the right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Looks, froths, and smells like urine
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad to maintain temperature

As you can see, Quick Luck is a highly complex formula that will fool modern drug testing.

It also doesn’t rely on a heatpad. The biggest reason people fail is that they don’t submit a fake sample within the correct temperature range. Human urine has to be within a very narrow temperature range to pass a drug test, between 90°F and 100°F.

Quick Luck uses heat activator powder instead. Tap in about one-quarter, shake it until it’s dissolved, and watch the temperature strip carefully. Tap in a little more if needed, until you get a good reading on the temperature strip. It’s undetectable in the synthetic urine.

If you are facing a standard drug test, then Quick Luck is the easiest way of passing. No more worrying about ways to clean out your system in 24 hours, because you simply don’t need to bother. Quick Luck is only available from Clear Choice and is not available at CVS.

2. Detoxification: Get Genuinely Clean

If it’s a really important drug test and you want to get genuinely clean, or you think it could be a supervised drug test where you won’t be able to submit a sample of fake urine, then the best strategy is to get genuinely clean.

This means using detox pills to speed up natural detoxification over several days.

If you’re a heavy user, especially if you are a daily weed smoker, it could take you a week, or even two weeks to get naturally clean even if you are eating clean, exercising, drinking plenty of water, and abstaining properly.

But if you use Toxin Rid detox pills then you could remove toxins at least 50% faster than you can naturally. So, if you’re a daily weed smoker, and it will take you to weeks get clean, you should be clean in less than a week to pass a drug test. The course lengths range from between a single day in 10 days in length. The one, two, three day courses are more suitable for partial detoxification, and the longer courses are more suitable for complete detoxification.

Regardless of whether you are just trying to lower the amount of toxins through partial detoxification to mask the rest on the day, or you want an insurance policy, then on the day of your test you’ll need Rescue Cleanse.

Rescue Cleanse is a high-quality detox drink. On the day of your test, using it will ensure that any stray toxins still in your body don’t ruin the drug test. Because you’ve already at least partially detoxed (but hopefully fully) it will work far better and for far longer.

  • Toxin Rid pills are available from Test Clear, and are not available at CVS.
  • Rescue Cleanse is available from Clear Choice, and it is not available at CVS.

3. Detox Drink: Mask The Drug Metabolites

If you’re really facing a short-notice drug test, and you don’t have time to detox and you can’t use synthetic urine, then a masking strategy is the only one left. You can use Rescue Cleanse for this. It won’t clean out your system permanently, but it will flush you out enough to give you a gap in the toxin flow.

It works by pushing toxins out through your kidneys and bladder faster than can be achieved naturally. In doing this, it creates a gap in the removal of toxins through the kidneys.

It will be a few hours before your body then catches up and pushes more toxins through the kidneys and into the bladder again. Usually this is around three or four hours, which is plenty of time to submit a clean sample.

Rescue Cleanse also floods your body with things found in urine. Some of it is passed through as waste in balance, so the fresh urine that’s toxin free will also pass those important drug test validity checks.

Rescue Cleanse is available from Clear Choice, and is not available from CVS.