Can The Best Detox Shampoo For Hair Drug Tests Work On Its Own?

macujo method

Drug tests are difficult to beat. I’ll explain exactly why in this guide. But surely, with the best detox shampoo for hair drug test in your possession, you can beat one with ease?

Actually, the truth is more complicated than that. Just buying a detox shampoo and washing your hair is not going to get it clean to pass a drug test – you need far more involved method on top of the shampoo. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered here. I’ll tell you exactly how drug metabolites get trapped in your hair, and how to unlock them.

I’ll give you the exact detox shampoo that is the best head detox treatment on the market. I’ll also tell you how to use it as part of the ultimate DIY head detox to guarantee you are clean.

This Is How Drug Metabolites Get Trapped In Your Hair

Whenever you use a drug, as it’s processed through your body, waste products called metabolites are created. These stay in the bloodstream for a few hours, or sometimes days, depending on the drug.

As your bloodstream delivers nutrients to the hair follicles, in order for new hair growth, then inevitably drug metabolites also arrive at these follicles, where they get trapped. As new hair grows, the metabolites get incorporated into the growing hair shaft. This occurs because the hair shaft is essentially made up of keratin, a protein that can capture and bind various substances circulating in the blood.

Here are the facts you need about drug metabolites within your hair:

  • Drug metabolites always get trapped by hair follicles
  • Metabolites always get trapped in fresh hair growth
  • Metabolites grow out underneath the hard cuticle layer
  • It is impossible to remove drug metabolites through normal cleaning

What A Detox Shampoo Has To Achieve To Get You Clean

Because drug metabolites are trapped in fresh hair growth, underneath the hard and flexible layer called the cuticle, made up of millions of tiny overlapping scales, you have to open that layer up to flush them out.

Although even plain water can expand this layer, which is why your hair feels fuller and can retain water for a short time, it doesn’t open up enough to flush out metabolites. So, to work, a detox shampoo has to include an ingredient that will fully open up the cuticle layer and have the ability to flush out drug metabolites.

The other problem is this would take many washes. It can’t just happen singly, because nothing on earth can flush out every metabolites from every part of your hair in one go.

Overall then, this is what you need to know about detox shampoo products:

  • No detox shampoo is capable of flushing out all drug metabolites
  • Most detox shampoos cannot open the cuticle layer at all
  • Most detox shampoo products are surfactants that can only remove external metabolites
  • Even the most expensive detox shampoo cannot work on its own

Therefore, if you see a detox shampoo product that claims it’s the best for flushing all drug toxins out of your hair, then it is not telling you the truth.

There is no shampoo product on the market today that can open up the cuticle layer and successfully flush out all drug metabolites, even over multiple uses. All most products do is to clean the outside of the hair and scalp.

The only way to use a good quality detox shampoo is in conjunction with a method that uses other chemicals to open up the cuticle layer prior to the shampoo being used.

Hair detox shampoo

Can You Buy Hair Follicle Detox Shampoo In Stores?

There are no viable options to buy a hair follicle detox shampoo products in stores near you, or online on general marketplace websites. As I’ve already said, all available detox shampoos are only designed to remove toxins from the outside the hair, they are not designed, and are not capable of, lifting the cuticle layer and extracting metabolites.

Even the best shampoo on the market, called old-style Aloe Toxin Rid, which is only available from a specialist company called Test Clear, can only partially achieve this. Even if you used it 10 times you would be unlikely to clear out all the metabolites.

So, please don’t look to buy a hair detox shampoo in-store, or online. It won’t work, and you will fail a drug test.

Best Hair Detox Products That Really Work

As I’ve already highlighted, no detox shampoo will work on its own to get rid of all the drug metabolites trapped within the shafts of hair on your head.

In order to clean your hair fully, you have to use multiple items that achieve the following:

  1. Open up the microscales on each shaft of hair fully.
  2. Flush out drug metabolites clinging to the core text layout within.
  3. Close up and condition the hair so that it is not damaged.

The problem with achieving this is that you can’t get rid of all metabolites in one go. You usually need multiple run throughs of any method to get rid of all the metabolites.

So what you are looking for is a combination product method, rather than a single hair detox product. Let’s talk you through the two methods that are most widely used and actually work.

1. Jerry G Hair Detox Method

Of the two methods most widely used as a potent head detox treatment, the oldest is the Jerry G method.

It’s very straightforward, encompassing the following steps:

  1. Day one – bleach your hair with strong hair bleach. Do not condition.
  2. Day two – dye your hair with an ammonia-based hair dye. Condition.

However, the problem is that studies have shown that only up to 80% of drug metabolites will be removed by bleaching or dying your hair. Now doing both could be enough, but some advocate bleaching your hair on two consecutive days before dying your hair on the third.

This method works. But on the downside, as you have probably guessed, it could cause significant hair and scalp damage. In fact, I’ve read some real horror stories about it causing chemical burns and permanent follicle damage.

For most people, bleach and dye won’t cause such damage, so you might get away with it. But it is a nuclear option, and there is more mild option that achieves better results.

2. The Macujo Hair Detox Method

The best DIY hair detox treatment is called the Macujo method. Designed many years ago by a forum user called Mike Macujo, it used several scientifically proven ingredients to open up the hair cuticle layer and flush out toxins.

The great news is that the Macujo method uses cheap household ingredients. The bad news is that you will also need a bottle of the most potent and specialist detox shampoo for hair drug tests as well.

It’s called ‘old style’ Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo and is based on the original formula from a company called Nexxus that was discontinued for being too powerful for general use. It irritated scalps, and could partially open up the cuticle layer as well. So adding that power to the method gives you the highest chance of success.

To complete the Macujo method, you need the following list of ingredients:

  • Salicylic shampoo (Clean & Clear Pink is often used)
  • Good quality vinegar
  • Aloe toxin rid shampoo
  • Tide liquid detergent or similar

You’ll then run through the Macujo method as follows:

  1. Apply the vinegar to your hair and work thoroughly. Next, work in the shampoo and repeat the process. Then, clingfilm your head and leave for up to 60 minutes.
  2. Wash your hair thoroughly and then use the Toxin Rid shampoo twice.
  3. The last step is to apply a conservative amount of liquid detergent and work it in thoroughly into both your hair and scalp until your hair squeaks under your fingers.

Doing the Macujo method opens up the cuticle layer and will flush out drug metabolites. It’s mild, and although it might burn a little, it’s not doing any damage to your scalp, follicles, or hair.

On the downside, because it’s mild, you will have to complete it several times in the lead-up to your hair drug test. Typically, once per day for at least three or four days leading up to your test, and if you are a heavy smoker or user, maybe as many as seven times at a rate of once per day.

For the step-by-step instructions, click here.

In terms of the specialist detox shampoo for this hair drug test treatment method, old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is only available direct from a company called Test Clear.

The shampoo is an essential ingredient because it’s potent enough to flush out more metabolites than any other type.

Don’t compromise on this, it’s expensive, but it’s the best hair detox shampoo on the market, and in conjunction with the other ingredients, it can flush out every single metabolite to leave you clean to pass an important hair drug test.