How To Pass A 4 Panel Drug Test: What Is A 4 Panel Drug Test & How Far Back Does It Go?

What is a 4 panel drug test? I’ll explain everything you need to know in this easy-to-understand guide on passing any type of urine test.

Whether it’s a 4 panel drug test for employment purposes, or 10-panel drug test for employment purposes, the process to pass when you would otherwise fail is exactly the same.

So don’t worry, I’ve got you covered here, and I’ll tell you exactly how to pass a 4 panel drug test with all the details you need, such as how far back panel drug tests go in terms of detecting drugs, and the products you can use to beat any type of scrutiny.

Panel Drug Tests Explained

Panel drug tests all work the same, so it doesn’t matter how many panels are on them. They are called panel drug tests because they often have physical panels. Each panel contains chemicals that react to the presence of certain drug metabolites.

Often nowadays though, there aren’t physical panels at all. They are chemically analyzed in different ways, often in machines with no human intervention.

But it doesn’t matter what type of drug test it is, and the panel drug test name is a bit of a distraction, you just need to know how to not get caught.

How Are Home Panel Drug Tests Different From Lab Tests?

Home panel drug test kits are cheap and basic. They always have actual panels that react as I’ve just described.

The cut-off levels, and the sensitivity of the test, is usually higher than a professional quality drug test as well unless you pay a lot of money.

But bearing in mind you will usually do a home drug test in the lead-up to attending a professional drug test, then it stands to reason the levels of drugs and metabolites in your body will be lower by the time you have the professional test. So if you pass a home drug test, then you’re probably going to pass the lab test.

What Happens During A Drug Test?

People are often surprised at how basic drug testing still is:

  1. You attend the location and you submit your sample into a cup with a temperature strip on it. Within two minutes they have to have tested the temperature to confirm it.
  2. It then goes through validity checks. These are surprisingly basic and the only checks are done. They usually look for the presence of urea and maybe uric acid, creatinine levels, and pH levels. They may also look for the presence of nitrates, adulterants, and biocide. But that’s it, and it is not a lot.
  3. Your sample is then tested via immunoassay urinalysis. This is your panel drug test, a basic reaction test. Only if it fails this, and then only if it’s been paid for, would it even get near a full gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis that can truly analyze the entire sample.

Let’s Talk You Through The 4 Panel Drug Test For Employment

So in truth, your sample just has to be submitted within the correct temperature range (between 90°F and 100°F) and get through the pretty basic validity checks.

Also, to avoid being spotted by an experienced employee, it should look like urine. If it can froth and smell like it, then that’s even better.

The 4 panel drug test for employment only looks for the following substances:

  • Cocaine
  • PCP
  • Opiates
  • Amphetamines

The four panel test is basically the five panel test that is most widely used but without the marijuana panel.

Just be careful though, because you don’t know if they are using the standard test. You could be facing a four-panel test, but they are not interested in opiates, so they have swapped that out for the marijuana panel. So just be prepared to get clean to fool the drug test, regardless of what you have taken.

How Far Back Does A 4 Panel Drug Test Go?

When it comes to telling you how far back a 4 panel drug test goes, we are basically talking about how long drugs are and their metabolites are detectable in urine.

It’s really impossible to tell you the answer to that. The detection times you’ll see online are “average”, but will probably not apply specifically to you.

So when they say cocaine is detectable in urine for up to 48 hours, that’s average. If your body processes things more slowly, you have taken other types of drugs, you’ve taken a more regular number of drugs recently, you have drunk alcohol, a ton of things feeding into this, then it could be a day or two longer.

I always advise on the basic broad strokes as follows:

  1. If you’re a light user (low to moderate doses occasionally, and only once or twice in the past week) then you’ll be clean after about three days to confidently pass a drug test.
  2. If you’re a heavier user than that, then you should expect to fail a drug test within seven days of the last drugs you have taken.

Also note that slow-release benzos and cannabis metabolites, if smoked regularly, build up in the body and can take weeks rather than days to be eradicated.

How To Pass A 4 Panel Drug Test

Hopefully, you can now understand, and be a little less scared of, the 4-panel drug test for employment or any other purpose.

Let’s tell you how to pass a 4-panel drug test. These product instructions apply to any number of panels.

  1. Quick Luck

If it’s an unsupervised drug test (all drug tests are unsupervised unless you are told in advance) then submitting high-quality synthetic urine instead of your own is the easiest way to pass.

Quick Luck is definitely the best product on the market for this purpose.

highly complex, with the following key characteristics:

  • Within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Contains the right proportions of urea, uric acid, and creatinine
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in human urine
  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine

Not only will Quick Luck pass human scrutiny and advanced validity checks, but it will also be easy to submit within the correct temperature range.

Quick Luck employs something called heat activator powder for the job. Tap in about one quarter of the powder, shake it until it’s dissolved, and it will gently raise the temperature. Repeat the process until you get a good reading on the temperature strip.

Click here to buy Quick Luck and view more details.

  1. Rescue Cleanse

If it’s a supervised drug test, or you don’t fancy smuggling a sample of fake urine, then Rescue Cleanse detox drink is a less certain alternative that will still stand a great chance.

Simply drink the bottle of Rescue Cleanse over about 10 minutes, then urinate frequently over the next hour.

Rescue Cleanse will flush out the toxins to create a gap in the toxin flow of up to 5 hours, but more usually 2 – 3 hours.

As well as doing that, it will also flood your body with things found in urine, so that the fresh urine entering the bladder will not only be drug metabolites free, but also will test natural and not appear adulterated.

Click here to buy Rescue Cleanse and view more details.

  1. Toxin Rid

The absolute best way to pass a drug test is to be genuinely clean to do so. Natural detoxification can take a week or longer if you are a regular user. Toxin Rid is the most potent detox pill on the market that can speed up the removal of toxins in the body by up to 75%, and almost always a far more than 50%.

Simply take three pills per hour for the first five hours of each day of the pill course purchased. Drink plenty of water through the rest of the day, and exercise.

After that, a day or two before your test, drink the included detoxification liquid, and if it’s cannabis metabolites you want to get rid of, then use the included fiber supplement. These are both optional, but I’d advise you still use them.

This is your best chance of getting clean as fast as possible, but make sure you use a home drug test kit though, to ensure you are clean on the day of your test. In fact, two or three, and testing every couple of days, will tell you when you start testing clean.

An excellent insurance policy is to team up Toxin Rid with Rescue Cleanse. That way, even though you know you are pretty certainly clean, you can always use the bottle of Rescue Cleanse to give an extra level of security by flushing out any remaining toxins for a few hours to pass your test.

Click here to buy Toxin Rid and view further details.