Best Synthetic Urine To Pass A Drug Test In 2024 – Fake Urine Reviews

best synthetic urine

You’re going to learn absolutely everything you need to know to successfully pass a drug test in 2024 and 2025 using the best synthetic urine.

Finding the best synthetic urine brand is only one part of the equation though. There are other things you need to consider, and the background knowledge of how drug testing works is conducted, and the circumstances in which you can use fake urine, will improve your chances of passing drug tests significantly.

I’ll also cover using synthetic urine belts (Incognito belts). They seem a bit ludicrous to many people, but can they actually work for supervised drug tests? And what do you do if you can’t use one?

So if you want to use a fake sample of urine to pass a urine test, then I’m going to cover literally everything you need to know right here and now by sharing the deep knowledge you need to not get caught.

Why I’m Telling You This (Synthetic Urine Reviews Are Mostly Awful)

I don’t want you to fail a drug test. I know what I’m talking out about because I’ve been covering this subject for a decade.

My passion started when I failed a drug test. It was weed smoking and other drug use that was occasional, and it wasn’t anywhere near work. I was fired because I failed for marijuana use.

That’s riled me up and it’s never gone away, and I want you to be assured that the end of this you will know literally everything, good and bad, to make the best decision on synthetic urine, and how to use it successfully.

I’ve since passed drug tests using high-quality synthetic urine, and I’m passing on every single thing I know to you here.

Does Synthetic Urine Work For Modern Lab Drug Testing?

It’s actually a bit of an urban myth that modern drug testing is highly complex and will spot synthetic urine instantly.

Yes, if your sample goes through the full lab scrutiny, including the full gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, then they will spot it in seconds. Your sample isn’t going to go through that though because you are too smart to let that happen.

What actually happens is a basic dipstick test, called a validity check. The validity check actually really only looks for the following:

  • Presence of right proportion of creatinine
  • Sometimes urea and/or uric acid
  • The pH range of the sample
  • Occasionally the specific gravity range of the sample
  • Whether it contains adulterants such as nitrates
  • Occasionally whether it contains biocide preservative traces

Although sometimes they are more complex than that, that’s pretty much it. In layman’s terms, they are looking to see if it’s been diluted, adulterated, or switched out.

But this is only really basic stuff, and a good quality synthetic urine, submitted within the correct temperature range, is going to pass that validity check every single time.

Essential Background Info: You Need To Know This To Use Fake Urine

To understand how and when you can use synthetic urine for a drug test, you have to understand the different types of drug tests, what happens during the test, and what happens after the test.

Let’s talk you through each of those things right now in more detail.

1. The Different Types Of Drug Tests You Can Face

There are three levels of scrutiny you could face when you go and submit your sample:

  • Unsupervised test
  • Supervised test
  • Observed test

The supervised/observed terms are used interchangeably by some people. However, what you need to know really is that both of those mean someone will be in the room with you, making the use of synthetic urine impossible unless you have some sort of incognito belt or other dispensing device.

2. What Happens During A Urine Drug Test?

Although the process may be slightly different between companies (LabCorp, Quest, Concentra and others), broadly will face the following:

  1. On arrival, you will complete any paperwork and show relevant ID to prove you are the person who should be submitting the sample.
  2. You’ll be asked to remove anything that could conceal synthetic urine or anything else that could adulterate the test. Coats, hats, outer clothing. You’ll also usually be asked to empty your pockets.
  3. Occasionally, though not often, the collector/administrator can pat you down. They can’t touch an intimate area of the body though, and this would only be cursory on places like pockets where a suspicion had arisen. They must also get your permission to do this.
  4. Don’t take anything unnecessary with you. Anything that could arouse suspicion means more suspicion, so just turn up with nothing other than a phone and any other bare essentials. Try to avoid taking a big bag, or anything else that would have to be looked inside.
  5. You wash your hands and will then be taken to the sample collection area. Usually, you’ll be in a separate room to the person conducting this process. But remember, they could stand just outside the area and listen. You may find the bathroom/collection area strange because to minimize cheating there will be no handles on the sinks, no taps, or these things will be sealed to stop you from adding water to the sample.
  6. You’ll then submit your sample in a sitting or standing position into the sample cup. This is a plastic cup with the temperature strip on the side, and it will require 30 mL of urine to be submitted into it (note it’s 45 mL for US DoT drug tests as they use a split sample process in the event of an initial failure). For Gods sake don’t pour the exact amount in, always go a little over to a random number.
  7. On exiting the area you will hand the sample cup over to the person you have been dealing with. They will usually check and verify the sample temperature with you, although sometimes they will just say thank you and allow you to leave and this is done immediately after.

3. What Happens After A Urine Drug Test?

During the testing process, The first thing that happens is the temperature check. Human urine exits the body within the surprisingly narrow temperature range of 97°F – 100°F.

Also legally, the submitted urine sample has to have its temperature taken and recorded within three minutes of the sample exiting the body. So legally, any sample submitted in the correct range between 90°F and 100°F is admissible to allow for a couple of minutes of cooling.

This initial screening is a panel drug test where the sample is tested physically against panels that react. This is called an immunoassay test. So it’s not actually that complex. Your sample will only ever go through a full analysis if the test is failed and you demand it is so, or you demand a retest of a fresh sample.

Usually, you’ll get your drug test result back within 24 hours, or sometimes 48 hours if the test center is busy.

What About eCup Testing?

Completely hands-free and human-free drug testing is now in operation in some locations (usually big American cities).

Designed by company called eScreen, they are “smart” urine drug tests, that use laboratory equipment to do all the hard work. The 5-panel test is called eCup, and any other number of panel tests are called xCup tests. When you pee into the sample cup, you or someone else, put the cup into an eReader machine. It takes the temperature and does the urinalysis (immunoassay) in moments.

Positive or negative, within about 15 minutes the results are known and will be emailed and texted to everyone the system has been instructed to notify. It will also be put results onto any linked online records, which could include a company application or employment record.

So you don’t need to fear this type of drug test. In fact, it will actually have less human scrutiny than standard drug testing, because often nobody other than you and the machine even actually really looks at the sample physically.

How Complex Does Fake Urine Need To Be To Pass?

Having read what I’ve told you so far, you may be surprised how basic modern drug testing seems to be. The big question though is how complex does synthetic urine have to be to get through the process?

These are the bare minimum characteristics modern synthetic urine needs:

  • Should at least look like human urine
  • Must be within correct pH (4.6 – 8.0) and specific gravity ranges (1.005 – 1.030)
  • Should contain the right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Must not contain biocide preservatives

You might be shocked to know that most of the synthetic urine products available today don’t even take those for minimum requirements above.

In addition, submitting the temperature within the legal temperature range of between 90°F and 100°F is also tough with these products because they use heatpads and these are temperamental and struggle to keep the temperature within such a narrow 10°F range.

Powdered synthetic urine kit

The Three Key Problems With Fake Pee You Must Overcome

Now you understand exactly what happens during a urine drug test, and what you need to achieve to submit your urine sample successfully, let’s look at the problems you have to overcome, the key hurdles you have to jump, to get your sample successfully to the urinalysis stage.

1. Getting The Urine Sample Prepared

Normally with synthetic urine, the first step is to get the sample prepared to transport. This means getting it within the correct temperature range first. You’ll need a microwave, or at the very least a very reliable heating pad to achieve this.

The problem is that heating pads are variable, and you will obviously have to be near a microwave to heat the sample problem. If you’re in a warm environment, body heat will help dramatically, but if you live somewhere cold, then it’s more a problem.

The second part of preparing the sample could be hydrating it. A few synthetic urine products are powders (real urine powder or fake) that have to be hydrated with filtered water. However, most, even the cheap ones, are usually premixed.

2. Smuggling The Fake Sample In

A crucial step is smuggling it in successfully. You’ll need to keep calm to do this. But there is an easy way to do it every time.

Wear two pairs of generous underwear and tuck the sample in between the layers. Not only will this keep this close to your body to keep the sample on body temperature, but it will also be in an intimate area that they can’t directly search.

Then, to disguise the area further, wear baggy jogging bottoms and a casual t-shirt. It just looks like you are acting casual rather than trying to disguise something.

3. Keeping The Synthetic Urine Within The Correct Temperature Range

On the way to the venue, you’ve got to keep the synthetic urine within the correct temperature range to submit it. Remember, that’s that narrow band between 90°F and 100°F. You’ll have the heating pad strapped to the sample, which should help as long as it doesn’t fail (unfortunately, this does happen quite frequently though).

The ambient temperature will also matter. If you’re in Florida in high summer it’s going to be very different to being in New York in January. Some people resort to taking a flask of warm water with them to pour over the sample to warm it up if necessary. Otherwise, to cool it down, you need access to a cold tap.

However you do it, it’s tough to achieve. That’s why it’s the biggest reason why people get caught using synthetic urine.

keep synthetic urine warm for a drug test

These Synthetic Urine Brands Don’t Even Meet The Basics

Now you know a lot more about synthetic urine and how it can pass a drug test, as long as it meets minimum standards and you submit it correctly, let’s talk about the brands that won’t work passing drug tests.

You’ll be surprised at how many fake pee brand names you recognize on the list. So before explaining why, here’s the Hall of Shame:

I will not go into details of each, but these are broadly the reasons why they won’t pass a modern drug test:

  1. Quality fake urine samples should mimic natural urine, but none of them fully look, froth, and smell like natural urine. Some achieve some of that, others basically none of it. Some of them are marketed as fetish urine, but they contain urea and uric acid, some do, but not the right amount.
  2. Apart from Quick Fix and Monkey Whizz, I suspect that all of the above contain biocide preservatives. Their failure rate shot up when it was first rumored drug companies were detecting them.
  3. They all use air activated heaters. When most of them also cost less than $50, and some less than $30, how much quality in the heat pads can you get?
  4. Do NOT buy synthetic urine in smoke shops.

Quick fix fake urine

Using Fake Urine For Supervised Testing: Do Synthetic Urine Belts Work?

There’s a lot of discussion around using synthetic urine belts, Incognito belts, to smuggle your sample in and submit it naturally, so it fools someone supervising you.

Let’s be clear here, we are talking about belts that have a tap and tube dispenser on them so you can sit or stand in a natural position. Some can even have a prosthetic penis attached that you can squeeze to let liquid out and let go to stop it again, for an even more natural look if somebody glances at you. You could of course use it for unsupervised drug testing. It holds the urine close to the body, can be convenient and easy to wear and use, and doesn’t cost a lot more than just the urine alone.

However, there are a couple of key problems for me:

  1. For supervised drug testing, that plastic penis or the tube hanging between your legs if you are female, is not going to fool anyone observing you, even indirectly. This is especially the case if you are fiddling with a tap dispenser or tube lock/clasp.
  2. For unsupervised testing it’s overkill. Nobody is in the room with you, so why the hell does it matter how you pour it into the sample cup?

So for me, there are pros and cons to using an incognito belts I think you should be aware of.

Here are the pros:

  • Could allow you to pass a supervised test
  • The belts are very affordable
  • For most people, they should be relatively easy to use
  • Suitable for both men or women
  • Good at keeping the sample secure against your body

And these are the incognito belts cons:

  • The tube and tap dispensers are an extra complication
  • Nobody looking at you even indirectly would be fooled
  • Some incognito belts have one large pouch which sticks out at stomach height
  • What do you do if the tap fails before or during your test?

Best Buy: Clear Choice Quick Luck Incognito Belt

I think you can probably guess from what I’ve just said that I’m lukewarm on the use of incognito belts.

There only seems to be a point to using them during supervised testing. They are completely irrelevant and a complication for unsupervised testing.

Also, if you buy Quick Luck in the Incognito belt version then you have to use heatpads, which deprives you of using one of its biggest assets – heat activator powder (more on that later). It might work for you, but it’s a big risk, and you need to be aware of that before you go blazing into buying one and using it.

If you do want to use a synthetic urine belt, then the best of the bunch is the Clear Choice Quick Luck Incognito belt. It only costs $25 more to get Quick Luck synthetic urine kit with the belt, than it would just get it without.

These are the reasons why I think the Quick Luck Incognito belt is the best:

  • Very affordable
  • good quality and an easy fit
  • comes with a pair of very slim and reliable heat pads
  • Synthetic urine is the best on the market

How To Use A Synthetic Urine Belt To Pass A Drug Test

It doesn’t matter if you are male or female, the use of an incognito belt offers the same opportunities and problems for both sexes.

So let’s say you are facing what you know will be a supervised urine test, how could you use an incognito belt successfully?

The key is in practicing. Unfortunately, you can’t practice with the belt kit because once the urine has been let out, you can’t get it back in! But you can put it on and practice the process discreetly. Do it with a mirror so that you can try and create an angle where you wouldn’t be seen at all and can open and shut it in a natural manner.

If it’s unsupervised testing, my advice is don’t bother with a belt at all though. If it is supervised testing, and you really unconvinced by the belt, then you could use a high-quality detox drink instead.

Rescue Cleanse is the detox drink you should use, and you can buy it from Clear Choice, which is the same company who make Quick Luck synthetic urine.

Synthetic Urine Reviews – Best Fake Urine For A Modern Lab Drug Test

Right, I think we’ve educated you pretty well on the basics of drug testing and synthetic urine now?

Let’s crack on then, by telling you about the two products you should use. Don’t consider any other fake urine brands beyond these two fantastic products is my advice. If you see any other synthetic urine brands with reviews saying they aren’t any good, and recommending other brands, click away immediately because they aren’t serious reviews.

If you really want to pass that important drug test, these are the only products that will pretty much guarantee you do.

1. Quick Luck (Clear Choice) -Best Synthetic Urine Kit 2024

I’ve mentioned this several times during this best synthetic urine guide, so there’s no real drumroll required here.

Clear Choice is the company that makes the best fake urine products, and if you’ll forgive the pun, Quick Luck is the clear choice you should make.

These are the characteristics of Quick Luck urine kit that make me rave about it:

  • Looks, smells, and froths like human urine
  • Contains the right proportions of urea and uric acid
  • Contains the right proportion of creatinine
  • Contains a total of 14 common chemicals found in human urine
  • Is within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Don’t rely on a heating pads
  • Premixed so convenient and perfect for short notice drug testing

Put all that together and you’ve got a very complex product that will pass any standard validity checks.

Even if it’s a more advanced validity check, the fact it contains 14 of the most common chemicals found in human urine means that you will pass any known modern standard analysis.

It will also increase the curiosity of humans. It looks like real urine, it froths like real urine, it if you shake it, and it smells like it (yes some lab people do sniff it). I would defy you to tell it apart from the real thing. I said earlier that the #1 reason why synthetic urine users are caught is because they submit it outside that narrow temperature range of between 90°F and 100°F.

Quick Luck gets around the entire problem with ease. No microwaves, no hot water, no heat pad. In fact, no preparation at all.

It is premixed, and it comes with heat activator powder in a separate little container. The activator powder is very clever because it raises the temperature of the liquid gently but leaves no trace within that liquid.

To use it, simply tap in about one-quarter out of sight. Do this just before you go into the building to start the process of submitting your sample.

Shake the bottle gently until it’s completely dissolved and fully and then watch the temperature strip for about one minute.

If you don’t get a reading on the temperature strip, tap in a small amount extra and repeat the process. Do this until you get a good reading on the temperature strip at close to 100°F then tuck the sample back into your underwear and you are ready to pass your drug test.

If you worry about making a mistake you can buy a urine simulation kit from Clear Choice, it’s called the practice kit.

2. Clear Choice Sub Solution Powdered Urine Kit

You can’t really look far beyond Quick Luck, but if you want to save $15, then Sub Solution is almost identical.

In fact, Sub Solution is also made by Clear Choice and is actually the predecessor of Quick Luck.

  • Exactly the same attributes as Quick Luck
  • Comes with that excellent heat activator Powder
  • It Is a powder in a medical vial meanwhile Quick Luck is in liquid form

They are identical in the formula. You are literally paying for one key difference: Quick Luck is premixed urine while Sub Solution is a powdered urine kit.

This means there is a preparation step using Sub Solution. You need filtered water (one of those jug filters you put in your fridge) to fill the powdered vial. Then you shake it, and it becomes exactly the same urine as you get with Quick Luck.

So you’re paying the $15 extra for Quick Luck mainly because it’s already hydrated and you don’t have to mess around doing so, or finding filtered water (for example, I don’t have jug filter at home).

There is one other small difference, and that’s the Quick Luck comes with a pair of thin heatpads (the same heatpads that you get with the Quick Luck incognito belt kit).

For me, they are superfluous because of the heat activator powder, if you live somewhere extremely cold, then they could help to elevate the temperature of the sample while you transport it, leaving less work for the heat activator powder to do before you go in.

All in all, there’s not much to choose between them. If price matters to you, and you’re not interested in the heatpads, and you have access to filtered water, then you could save yourself 15 bucks by buying Sub Solution instead of Quick Luck.

Overall though, I’d just go with Quick Luck because $15 is peanuts if you don’t have to mess around at all.

how to use synthetic urine

My Experiences Using Clear Choice Urine Brands To Pass Employment Drug Tests

Five years ago (my god doesn’t time fly!) I faced a pre-employment drug test. I had not smoked weed for a couple of weeks, but before that, I had smoked multiple times per day for months on end.

Rather than messing around trying to detox, I decided to just use high-quality Clear Choice urine. I knew it would be a basic unsupervised test. Sub Solution worked like a charm for me (Its a powdered urine kit a urine concentration). At the time I did have a jug filter in my fridge, I ditched it shortly after because it was costing money for the filters though.

I hydrated it, transported it, used the heat activator powder in 60 seconds, and passed the drug test. Fast forward to last year, and I changed jobs. This time, I just went straight for the new version called Quick Luck.

No preparation at all, just transported them in my bag to the venue. Outside, out of sight of the entrance, I simply tapped in the activator powder until I got the temperature very close to 100°F. Then, I ditched the heat activator powder in a flower bed, and strode in and submitted the sample within five minutes.

Of course, you know how this story ends, I passed that drug test and got the job.

Where To Buy The Two Best Synthetic Urine Kits

Hopefully, I’ve given you all the information you need to pass a drug test using the best synthetic urine kits.

Yes, fake pee works, and you don’t necessarily need a synthetic urine belt unless you’re really brave and think you can get away with it. Buying fake urine for drug test success is hard though, because there really are only two products that genuinely still work.

For God’s sake, don’t do that synthetic urine near me search. You will only find the rubbish products I’ve already warned you away from in local shops.

Both Quick Luck and Sub Solution are available directly from Clear Choice:

  • Click here to view details and by the Quick Luck synthetic urine kit.
  • Click here to view details by the Sub Solution Powdered synthetic urine kit.
  • Click here to view details by the Quick Luck incognito belt + synthetic urine kit.

Frequently Asked Questions

How common is it to fail a drug test?

If you have no drugs in your system then it’s very uncommon to test positive. There are a few false positives that can cause a failure, but these are getting rarer as drug testing gets more advanced. If trying to pass a drug test with fake pee or detox drinks, then it’s not very common at all, as long as you follow the processes to minimize the risks.

Does synthetic urine work for modern lab drug testing?

Synthetic urine definitely works for modern drug testing, but only if you use complex synthetic urine that will also pass full human scrutiny.

It can’t just be one of the budget brands only contains creatinine, urea, and uric acid. It can’t only look like urine. What happens if a curious human shakes it and it doesn’t froth like human urine does (due to containing albumin)?

There’s only one product on the market that offers complexity, the ability to fool humans fully, and that has a reliable heat maintenance method. It’s called Quick Luck and it’s the only product anyone honest and knowledgeable would recommend to try and beat a modern drug test.

Does Monkey Whizz work?

Monkey Whizz can work to pass a drug test. However, I say that with a very large red flashing light caveat attached to it. I’ll also raise a red flag and wave that around for you as well just to make sure.

Monkey Whizz contains the very basics that a validity check would look for. Creatinine, urea, uric acid, and potentially pH and specific gravity. It also looks pretty much like urine (although a little yellow for me).

But if the validity check is any more complex, or someone pops the lid off the sample and sniffs it (yes that’s a thing under suspicion) then Monkey Whizz will let you down every time.

On top of that it relies on a cheap air activated heatpad to maintain the temperature within the legal range. This often fails, and can leave you high and dry at the crucial moment.

What happens during a urine drug test?

The process is pretty simple. On arrival you will be cursorily searched (unless it’s a supervised test in which case they can search you more thoroughly). Some box ticking and checks are done. You’ll fill in some paperwork, and handover some identification to prove that you are the person who should be submitting the sample.

Then, for standard unsupervised urine testing, you’ll go into a separate little room. This room is specially designed so you can’t use water within the room to adulterate the sample (which I never understand – because it will test is diluted anyway).

Once you have urinated into the sample cup, you will come out and hand it over. They will take the temperature (which must be between 90°F 100 Fahrenheit) and then you go home.

Monkey Whizz synthetic urine kit review

A Monkey Whizz synthetic urine kit review is easy to do. Let’s answer the following key questions.

  1. Is Monkey Whizz complex enough to pass a modern drug test? Mostly, no.
  2. Is it going to fool human scrutiny, looking/frothing/smelling like urine? No.
  3. Does Monkey Whizz use a reliable heat maintenance method? No.

It’s really not a great product at all, in common with most of the other low-priced brands that come packed with a heatpad.

You’re far better buying Quick Luck from Clear Choice. Complex in formula, it looks, froths, and even smells like real human urine. It also uses heat activator powder to give you complete control over the sample temperature.

How complex does fake urine need to be to pass?

How complex fake urine *needs* to be against how complex fake urine *should* be are very important distinctions in increasing your chances of success.

It only needs to contain the very basics of urea, uric acid and creatinine. It only has to look like urine. It has to be submitted within the correct temperature range. This is usually enough to pass the basic validity checks done.

But not all companies are the same, not all validity checks are the same. If they look for anything else, then your simplistic fake urine won’t contain it. If a human gets curious, it will fail them shaking it or even sniffing it.

The more complex a brand is, the closer it resembles urine, and the easier it is to keep within the right temperature range, then the more chance you have a passing. Quick Luck is the product you need.

Here’s what actually happens when you submit a urine sample

When you submit your urine sample the process is pretty simple. If it’s an unsupervised test, you’ll complete some paperwork, show some ID, and be searched (but not intimately).

You will go behind a screen, or usually into a different room, where you will urinate into a cup. You’ll immediately bring it out and hand it over. Legally, within two minutes they have to test the temperature and record it.

After you leave, it will go through validity checks. These look for common things found in urine, along with, sometimes, pH and specific gravity range, and they will check for the presence of nitrates or other adulterants. This is usually a basic dipstick test, and is not a full sample analysis.

After that, as long as it passes the validity check without suspicion then it will go for urinalysis. This is an immunoassay that is either digital or tested against physical panels. You’ll then get the results via the person who commissioned the test.

Mixing powdered urine with water – steps

There are many brands of powdered urine out there. The most popular and highest quality are Sub Solution from Clear Choice, and the powdered urine from Test Clear. There’s really only one step to take. You need jug filtered water. You know those jugs that you put in the fridge where you pour water in and it filters through? Those are what you need water from.

They get rid of impurities that leave it closer to the composition of human urine. Don’t use mineral water, ionized water, tap water, or any other type of water, because they will be spotted because of the mineral content differences.

Simply pour in the jug filtered water up to the fill level on the powdered urine mixing bottle, put the lid on, then shake it gently until it’s dissolved and clear. That’s all there is to it.

The three key problems with fake pee you must overcome

The three key problems with fake urine that you must overcome to pass a drug test using it are as follows:

  1. It has to fool human scrutiny. This means looking, frothing, and hopefully smelling like human urine. Unfortunately, there are only two products which do this. The first is called Quick Luck, and the second is Sub Solution.
  2. It has to be submitted within the correct temperature range. This is the biggest problem people face because the temperature range is so narrow (between 90°F and 100°F to be legal). Both Quick Luck and Sub Solution come with heat activator powder which allows you to get the temperature actually how you need it. Avoid products that use heatpads because they are so variable in the temperature they kick out.
  3. Fake urine has to be complex enough to pass validity check scrutiny. Although validity checks can be very basic, only looking for creatinine, urea, uric acid, and structure like specific gravity and pH range, some are more advanced and look for more. Most fake urine would fail at that point because it simply doesn’t contain it.

Clear Choice urine -heat activation process

Clear choice Sub Solution and Quick Luck are two brands that use their unique heat activator powder. Let’s tell you exactly how to use it right now. You’ll get a little vial of white powder with the synthetic urine. You don’t use all at once, as that would raise the temperature far too high.

The first step is to check the temperature. You should be monitoring the temperature strip while you travel, keeping it close to your skin. In a hot environment, you may not even need the heat activator powder, but always carefully monitor the temperature.

If it’s too cold, you’ll tap in about one quarter of the heat activator powder. Then, close the lid and shake it gently until it’s fully dissolved.

Once it’s dissolved, watch the temperature strip carefully for about 60 seconds. If you don’t get a reading, or it’s not high enough on the temperature strip, tap in a little more and repeat the process until you get a reading that is close to 100°F, but not above that level.

Is Monkey Whizz legal to use?

If you are going to use synthetic urine to try and pass a lawfully administered drug test then no, it is completely illegal. Having said that, I have never, ever, heard of anyone being arrested and charged for trying to submit a fake sample during a drug test. At worst, you simply don’t get the job, or lose the job.

However, you must be aware that for probation purposes, being caught could have significant consequences because you are committing an illegal act.

What about eCup testing?

There’s good and bad about eCup drug testing. It’s important to note that eCup is a brand name for standard five panel drug tests that are fully automated. The same company do drug tests with higher numbers of test panels called xCup testing.

With eCup testing, there won’t even be anyone present with you a lot of the time. You’ll check-in with an automated system, have your ID scanned, and accepted.

You’ll then pick up an “smart” submission cup. You’ll urinate into it, and then put it into the eReader machine.

This machine takes the temperature, and analyses the sample. It does validity checks, and stops and reports it to a human if there’s a problem. If not, it continues the test and does the urinalysis to check the presence of drugs.

Once the test is complete, then emails and texts the person commissioning the test, and notifies the drug testing company systems of the result. It also, if hooked in, can even update employee records or other company records immediately as well.

What ingredients are present in UPass urine?

U Pass contains urea, creatinine, sodium chloride, potassium chloride, sodium phosphate, some preservatives, and a yellow coloring.

Put together, they are meant to mimic real human urine. The goal is to have enough complexity to pass the validity checks done on a sample. Also, by looking like urine, it will pass human scrutiny as well.

The problem is that it doesn’t contain uric acid, and it doesn’t contain several other common chemicals found in urine either. If the validity checks done on the sample anything other than very basic, then it will fail.

Are there any reliable reviews of Quick Fix Plus synthetic urine?

If you’re review is reliable, then it’s truthful. I can tell you the truth about Quick Fix Plus right now. Quick Fix Plus is not a better urine than standard Quick Fix. It’s simply a bigger product that contains one more fluid ounce of synthetic urine.

Quick Fix is a very basic formula. It only contains the bare minimum of chemicals (creatinine, urea, uric acid). It’s within the correct specific gravity range and the correct pH range. That’s it. Any more scrutiny, and it fails.

It also only “sort of” looks like human urine. It also doesn’t froth like it, and it certainly doesn’t smell like it. Curious humans will spot it instantly.

On top of all that, because it’s dirt cheap to buy, the heatpad isn’t great either. You may need hot or cold water just before you go into the venue to submit your sample to balance it correctly, because the heatpad can fail.

How are labs detecting synthetic urine?

The great news is that labs are only detecting synthetic urine because people allow them to, by making mistakes in the product they select and the temperature they submit the sample at.

The truth is that drug testing isn’t much more advanced than it was 20 years ago. The same validity checks are pretty much done, and they are still very basic. A dipstick test panel test, looking for basic chemical ingredients, and basic adulterants.

But to help you out here with the summary, this is where labs are mostly detecting synthetic urine:

  • When it’s submitted outside the correct temperature range for human urine
  • When you are caught with a sample on you
  • When it doesn’t contain something basic that it should during composition validity checks
  • When a human gets curious because the sample doesn’t look right

All of those are pretty easy to get right if you use high-quality synthetic urine, smuggle in correctly, and submitted within the correct temperature range.

Quick Luck is your weapon of choice. It’s complex enough to pass advanced validity checks. It looks and smells like human urine, and even froths like it because it contains albumin. Quick Luck it is easy to submit within the correct temperature range, because it uses heat activator powder which gives you complete control over the temperature.

Plus, it’s only a small vial of liquid, so it’s easy to smuggle in by simply tucking the bottle of liquid into your crotch area where you cannot be searched.

What is the shelf life of Quick Fix urine products?

Most synthetic urine has a shelf life of around one year. Well, at least that’s what is printed on the box to make you buy it again each year. The truth is that if kept well, in cool conditions out of sunlight, then it could last for much longer than that, several years in fact.

Overall though, I’d always recommend you buy Quick Fix, or any other fake urine, as close to your drug test as possible, and always from a reputable seller who will have higher turnover of stock and therefore the freshest stock.

What happens if I can’t pee for a probation drug test?

If you can’t urinate to produce a sample for a drug test, then they will give you a little time. They will also allow you to drink a little additional water, but not very much in case it could dilute the sample you give.

You will not be allowed out of sight, or to go home. You have to remain in the test center until you can urinate. Sometimes, although not usually, they may even do a test to see if you are dehydrated.

If you can’t urinate after one hour, then they will either arrange for different type of drug test to be done on you (depending on who commissioned it and the conversation had), or you will have to come back and repeat the test after being advised on drinking more water in the lead up to the test.