Does Tractor Supply Drug Test New Hires? All Your Questions On Tractor Supply Drug Testing Answered

Tractor Supply is a big deal in niche retail in the USA, which is why so many people ask the question: does Tractor Supply drug test new hires? Not only is that a perfectly valid question, especially when it comes to drug testing people in states where marijuana is legal now, but the great news is it’s easy to pass one.

I’ll tell you the type of drug test that Tractor Supply does, and when they do it. Then you’ll know exactly when you are most at risk and can prepare.

Then, I’ll tell you exactly how to pass a Tractor Supply drug test, so that you never get caught out.

What’s Tractor Supply’s Drug Testing History On Employees?

Tractor Supply is an old company, having been around for 85 years and growing dramatically to around 2200 stores across 49 states in 2024. The largest rural lifestyle retailer in the USA, it employs more than 50,000 people across our continent.

It’s not just tractors though, they sell domestic lawn and garden supplies, sprinklers, power tools, fencing, basically anything for the agricultural and domestic outdoors market.

Having captured the niche, they obviously want good staff. Drug testing was definitely a thing, but how has it changed since the pandemic, and changed with modern attitudes towards cannabis?

What Type Of Drug Test Does Tractor Supply Use?

Overwhelmingly, the same with most retailers, Tractor Supply utilizes third-party companies to conduct urine drug testing on employees. However, in some locations, I’ve seen a few reports of oral drug testing being done. That’s both for pre-employment and on-the-job testing.

But oral drug testing is still incredibly rare it seems, and I’ve only ever seen a handful of reports of it anywhere online that are credible.

So if you are facing a Tractor Supply drug test, then it would most likely be a urine drug test and it’s the one you should definitely prepare for.

Does Tractor Supply Drug Test New Hires?

Although Tractor Supply did test new hires, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Again, talking to contacts and researching online, I can find very little credible evidence that new employees get drug tested during the employment process.

I’m not saying it can’t happen, but it certainly isn’t widespread, and I don’t think you’re going to face one for a standard retail employee position.

When Does Tractor Supply Test On The Job?

You’ll be pleased to know that there is very little evidence of Tractor Supply drug testing employees randomly or periodically for no reason.

The only evidence that has any depth to it online is around testing after an accident.

That always makes sense to me, because it covers your backside legally. If you don’t drug test, how can you prove in court that you are doing all you can to lower instances of accidents happening in your workplace and protect your staff and customers?

But other than that, it doesn’t seem to happen at all. Not for certain roles, not for promotions, not for any reason you can get concrete evidence for.

Will I Be Drug Tested By Tractor Supply?

Overall, the chances of an employee being drug tested by Tractor Supply are minimal. During pre-employment it doesn’t seem to happen anymore. If it does, it’s very rare and it’s a urine test.

On the job, it doesn’t happen as part of any structured deterrent program, because they can’t just test the suspicion nowadays because it can be seen as discrimination. They don’t seem to test for promotion, for roles where you use machinery, or even for specialist positions like management.

The only consistent evidence for practice by drug testing is after an accident. Then, overwhelmingly, you are sent for a urine drug test within 24 hours of the incident.

How To Pass A Tractor Supply Drug Test: Synthetic Urine

The great news is that it’s not actually that difficult to pass a Tractor Supply drug test. The drug test will be unsupervised, meaning that you will be searched (not intimately), fill in a form, and then submit your sample in a room on your own.

You’ll come out, and hand the cup over to a person, or put it into a machine, where the temperature will be read, and then usually after you leave, validity checks will be done on it before the immunoassay drug test.

With that knowledge, you can subvert the process simply by submitting fake urine while you are out of sight.

But how do you smuggle it in? Well, it’s pretty simple, as they can’t touch you intimately, just wear two pairs of underwear to secure the sample, and tuck the sample right underneath them in your crotch area.

Male or female, that’s going to be kept tight against your skin which will keep it warm, and stop the tell-tale bulge. Then, wear baggy jogging bottoms over the top, and nobody is going to touch you there or see it there.

The best fake urine on the market is called Quick Luck, from a company called Clear Choice who have years of expertise in producing synthetic urine that passes drug tests.

Quick Luck is the predecessor of the best synthetic urine you could buy called Sub Solution.

Quick Luck is better than Sub Solution for the following reasons:

  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine
  • Is premixed as a liquid for instant use
  • Contains 14 common chemicals that are always in human urine
  • Contains right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Is within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges

When you put all that together, you have one hell of a mix. The power and flexibility of this urine kit is unmatched.

It will pass even skilled human scrutiny. The curious employee, or the suspicious lab assistant. Against the light, even sniffing it, it is not going to be suspicious.

It’s got so many of the common chemicals found in urine in it, that if the validity check is more detailed than the usual cursory one then it will still come up trumps.

On top of all that, Quick Luck uses something called heat activator powder rather than a heatpad to maintain the temperature within the needed range.

Heat activator powder has the following advantages:

  • Can alter the temperature instantly by raising it
  • Discreet and quick to use
  • Undetectable in a drug test

It’s really easy to use as well. Check the temperature, and if there’s no reading and you know it’s cool, then you can raise it quickly using the heat activator powder. Tap in about one quarter of the supplied vial and shake the container of urine gently for about one minute. Then, look at the temperature strip and watch for a reading.

If you don’t get one, or it’s only just above 90°F, then add a little bit more and repeat the process. You’re looking for a temperature close 100°F on the reading, but not above that.

As you can see, Quick Luck is complex and will pass validity checks.

It’s also going to pass curious human scrutiny, which most synthetic urine simply cannot achieve.

Plus, he gets around the biggest reason why synthetic urine fails, which is that it’s submitted outside the legal temperature range between 90°F and 100°F.

Best Alternative: Detox Drink

If you don’t want to smuggle a sample in, or it’s a supervised drug test where you realistically can’t, then the best alternative is a detox drink. Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink on the market right now and has been for many years. You don’t need additional water, and you just need an empty stomach and 10 minutes to consume it.

Then, after that, you’ll need an hour for it to work. It will flush drug toxins through your body faster than can be achieved naturally. Urinate several times, and you will quickly clean yourself out.

No, it’s not a permanent detox, it just creates a gap in the flow of several hours. Once your body catches up and processes drug metabolites through the kidneys again, you will start testing positive. You should get three or four hours clean though, which is more than enough to go and pass a test.

If you have a couple of days’ notice, you can also use Toxin Rid detox pills to accelerate a natural detox before the day of your test as well.

Then, on the day of your test, use Rescue Cleanse as I’ve just stated, and you’ll have fewer drug metabolites for it to flush through, meaning longer clean.

Rescue Cleanse will also keep the balance of your urine natural while keeping it looking natural.

Put all that together, Rescue Cleanse can do the following for you:

  • Easy-to-use
  • Gets you clean for one hour
  • Keeps your urine balance natural
  • Keeps your urine looking natural
  • Keeps your urine toxin-free for up to 5 hours
  • Undetectable in drug testing

That’s how easy it is to use Rescue Cleanse to pass a drug test. You don’t stand such a high percentage chance as you do with Quick Luck, but used correctly, it will be around a 90% chance of passing a drug test even after three or four hours since you consumed it.