How To Detox After Steroid Cycle & Pass A Steroid Drug Test

pass a steroid drug test

If you’re facing a drug test and feel it could look for steroid use, then this guide on steroid drug test passing contains everything you need to know.

I’ll tell you how long steroids like Anavar stay in your system, and which sorts of drug test could look for the presence of anabolic steroid metabolites.

Then, I’ll tell you how to pass urine drug tests, and hair drug tests, using some really easy and affordable strategies. During this guide, I’ll be discussing the following high-quality products, so check them out in advance here if you are impatient to know more:

  • Quick Luck Synthetic Urine
  • Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink
  • Toxin Rid Detox Pills
  • Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo

So, if you’re looking to detox after a steroid cycle and pass a drug test, then everything you need to know is right here to learn in the next five minutes.

What Panel Drug Tests Do Steroids Show Up On?

There’s some great news if you are worried about a steroid drug test though. Steroids aren’t looked for on standard drug tests.  So, if it’s something like a pre-employment drug test, a standard five-panel test, then you’re not going to be found for using steroids.

Also, for most normal purposes, steroid use isn’t going to be an issue anyway. Although they are legal, for most purposes in society, they are irrelevant. This is also true of the military. The standard drug testing completed in the military does not look for steroid use.

But there are some issues.

A standard panel test can have a panel swapped out for one that does look for steroid metabolites. This is rare, and would obviously depend on who was commissioning the test, but it’s possible.

Then, you’ve got the specialist sporting drug test, the PED (Performance Enhancing Drug) test. Obviously, this does look for steroid use, but you would know in advance if you are facing it.

How Long Does Anavar Stay In Your System?

The more general question is how long do anabolic steroids stay in your system? But as an example, let’s answer the question of how long does Anavar stay in your system? Anavar is a classic synthetic androgen and anabolic steroid, that leaves metabolites in the body that can be detected in a drug test.

Here’s the thing. Most anabolic steroids are detectable in urine for around 14 days. That’s the average that most regular users will face.

However, some people who use heavily and have slower metabolisms could be detectable for up to 30 days. So if you have used steroids regularly within the last month, then you probably have traces in your system that could be detected.

The Two Types Of Drug Test You Might Face

There are two types of drug test: supervised and unsupervised. As they suggest, one will mean you are not looked at while you submit your sample and the other will.

If it’s an unsupervised drug test, then the best strategy is to submit a fake sample. Alternatively, you can get clean or mask the toxins.

For a supervised drug test then you only have one option, as you cannot stand in front of someone and poor fake urine into the specimen cup. You either have to get clean in advance, or mask the toxins on the day of your test.

Unsupervised Drug Test: Synthetic Urine

For an unsupervised drug test, synthetic urine is by far and away the easiest way of passing. It’s the least risky, despite what your first thought might be about how easy you would expect it to be for a professional lab to spot a fake sample.

Here’s the thing. A sample goes through the following steps:

  1. Within two minutes of handing your sample over the temperature is checked. As long as it’s within the correct temperature range, it’s valid.
  2. It then goes through a series of basic validity checks. But it’s important to understand that these don’t look at the advanced composition of the liquid. They look for the presence of things that shouldn’t be in the sample, like adulterants, and your fake sample won’t contain them.
  3. If it’s handled by a human, then as long as it closely mimics urine, then no suspicion will be aroused. The best synthetic urine on the market today is called Quick Luck, and is made by the very trustworthy and reputable company Clear Choice.

It has the following characteristics:

  • Perfectly balanced for specific gravity and pH range
  • Contains the right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Looks, froths, and even smells like human urine
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in real urine
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad for temperature maintenance

So Quick Luck has the complexity to get past the testing, and the physical characteristics to get past human scrutiny.

The main reason people fail drug tests when submitting a fake sample is due to submitting it outside the correct temperature range (between 90°F and 100°F) due to the sample cooling before they hand it over, due to a faulty heatpad.

Quick Luck gets around that completely by not using one. Quick Luck uses heat activator powder. This is a little container of white powder that you tap a little of into the liquid. You shake it until it dissolves, and it will agitate the liquid and raise the temperature.

You just keep adding a little in, shaking it until it dissolves, and then watch the temperature strip until it’s within the correct temperature range to submit. Then, you can go into the building and do so confidently.

Don’t worry, it’s undetectable during validity checks, which makes it even more brilliant.

Plus, because it’s unsupervised drug testing, if the temperature has cooled just before you pour into the sample cup, because you are behind a screen, you can simply tap in a little more and get the temperature right. If you are new to synthetic urine, please check out our guide.

Supervised Drug Test: Detox Pills

If you don’t fancy using fake urine, or it’s a supervised drug test, then a natural detox that is accelerated using detox pills is the best strategy.

Toxin Rid is the best pill on the market. They will speed up the removal of toxins by at least 50%. If you’re a regular user of steroids, then the 7 or 10 day courses are the best length ones, and you should allow at least a week for them to work and get you clean (although you could be clean far faster).

Simply take the pills each day, live a healthy lifestyle, and drink plenty of water. If it will take you 14 days to get clean, then you could be clean in less than a week using Toxin Rid.

Make Sure You Have An Insurance Policy In Place

If you are using detox pills alongside a natural detox, then there is a chance that not all the toxins will be removed from the body by the day of your test. You could use a home drug test And test negative, but stray toxins could then still get passed through into your urine, although that’s unlikely.

The best strategy is to use Rescue Cleanse detox drink 90 minutes before you leave. It will push out everything passing through your kidneys and bladder, leaving you clean for a couple of hours during which you can submit your sample with clean urine, knowing that your body will take a few hours to catch up and process any toxins back into your bladder.

Rescue Cleanse is available from Clear Choice, and is the premium detox cleanse drink brand on the market.

Facing A Steroid Drug Test At Short Notice

If you’re facing a steroid drug test at short notice, then your only option really is Rescue Cleanse. It’s a high-risk strategy because the gap in the toxin flow will be shorter due to Rescue Cleanse flushing toxins out, so it will be a shorter period of time before more are processed through the kidneys.

However, unless you are still hammering steroids every day right up to the day of your test, then you still stand around a 95% chance of passing.

Even if you are currently using high doses of steroids, you still stand a 75% chance or better of passing when using Rescue Cleanse as your emergency strategy.

What About Hair Drug Testing?

Hair drug testing is the second most popular type of drug test when it comes to specialist PED testing.

The hair drug test is really difficult to evade because any drug metabolites will get caught up in the hair follicles, and become trapped inside the hair shaft as it grows out of the follicle. This forms an indelible record of your steroid use.

There is only one way to get clean, and that’s the Macujo method. It requires you to go through this method multiple times before your test, usually seven times at least in the days leading up to your hair steroid drug test.

But you can’t detox from steroids for a hair drug test, you have to flush them out of your hair using the Macujo method. The Macujo method uses old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo, which you can buy directly from Test Clear as part of the method.

Overall, the Macujo method is the only way you can get clean to detox after steroid cycles if you are facing a hair drug test.