Cheap Whizzinator Alternatives – Should You Use A Synthetic Urine Belt To Pass A Drug Test?

whizzinator alternatives

If you’re facing a drug test then the allure of claims made about the ease of using synthetic urine belt can be compelling. Whizzinator is stated as the best, but are there cheap Whizzinator alternatives?

Don’t think of this as a Whizzinator review. This is a complete guide to using an incognito urine belt to pass a drug test.

But the key question to answer is: should you use synthetic urine belt at all? What type of drug test will it work for, and when is it not needed? And, are there better ways to pass a urine drug test without fiddling around with a belt at all?

Let’s answer all those questions now, with product reviews and recommendations on the best fake urine to use.

What Exactly Is A Synthetic Urine Belt?

The synthetic urine belt is exactly that. It’s a belt, usually with additional straps that go around your thighs, that holds in place a pouch of synthetic urine.

The idea is that the combination of a warmed heatpad and body temperature will keep the urine close to the right temperature needed to submit it in. Unfortunately, that’s often I hope that isn’t fulfilled. It’s mainly designed though to submit the urine in a natural sitting or standing position.

Some belts come with a simple clear plastic tube and dispensing tap, or rolling lock, that allows you to start and stop it.

Others, like the Monkey Dong and the original Whizzinator, are dispensed through a prosthetic penis, available in different shades to match skin color.

The idea is that they could be used even if somebody gets a glance of you urinating. The problem is though, if you’re thinking of using such a device, then you are not understanding the different types of scrutiny you could face and you could get caught out.

When You Can Use A Urine Belt

When it comes to drug testing, there are three levels of scrutiny you could face when you submit your sample:

  • Supervised test
  • Observed test
  • Unsupervised test

Obviously, you don’t need to use an incognito belt to smuggle in a sample and submit in a natural position if it’s an unsupervised drug test. What would be the point when nobody will be in the room looking at you?

Observed testing is when someone will be in the room with you, but not directly watching the urine leave your body, while supervised testing is where someone will be. The problem is that although you’ll know it’s going to be an observed/supervised test, the terms are used interchangeably, and so you won’t know exactly how much scrutiny you’ll receive.

Put it this way, if you rock up with a fake penis or tube between your legs, and someone catches even a glimpse of it, do you honestly think they are going to be fooled? Likewise, if you are female, and someone is observing you even indirectly while you are fiddling around between your legs with a tap in tube dispenser, again, will they be fooled?

Instructions For Using Synthetic Urine Incognito Belt

How do you actually use synthetic urine belt to try and pass a drug test anyway?

It’s all about preparation, temperature maintenance, and concealment. If you fail on any aspect of that then you will fail your chance of even getting to the stage of the urinalysis.

Steps to follow:

  1. First, you need to get the temperature on the urine correct. If it’s a separate vial of urine, you can microwave it to get it within the correct temperature range (as shown on the temperature strip), but if it’s pre-packed into the belt then that’s more problematic.
  2. The second thing you’ll do is activate the heatpad and tuck it behind the urine to start maintaining the temperature. You may wish to activate it a little in advance so it gets to a steady heat over about 10 minutes.
  3. You’ll then put the belt on. I advise you to practice ahead of the day because then you won’t waste time, which could lower the temperature of the urine.
  4. The last step is to conceal it. You’ll wear baggy trousers, otherwise it could be noticed when you arrive and search. But remember, if it’s an unsupervised test they can’t intimately touch you will get you to strip, but if it’s a fully supervised test (you’ll know in advance) then they could and they will find the belt.

The Different Brands Of Fake Urine Belt To Choose From

I’ll now talk you through the four top fake urine belt products, including a Whizzinator review. Once I’d done that, I’m going to tell you an eye-opening revelation about two of the companies involved.

1. Whizzinator Review: The best fake dong?

There are two variants of the Whizzinator, but mostly it’s about the skin tone of the prosthetic, and is a marketing gimmick.

You get an Incognito belt, with a pouch of urine. You’ll also get a syringe. The idea is that the pouch can be reusable, so you can inject urine into it.

It’s comfortable to wear, but I’m not convinced it’s particularly discreet. Even with big baggy jogging bottoms on, that plastic prosthetic penis is going to be sticking out oddly. It’s also meant to be easy to dispense, simply by squeezing and letting go of the prosthetic. When testing though, it comes out quite forcibly, and certainly, if someone saw that, or heard that, then it would be unusual.

Plus, unless you get the flow right, it could splash right out of the little cup in your other hand, and is just problematic.

2. Monkey Whizz Synthetic Urine Belt

Everything I’ve just said applies to the Monkey Whizz synthetic urine belt as well. Note though, the Monkey Whizz synthetic urine belt uses a tap dispenser, and isn’t a prosthetic penis. Whizzinator do an equivalent called ‘Lil Whizz’, which also uses a tap dispenser and is exactly the same.

Monkey Whizz sell a product called monkey Dong. That’s actually the synthetic urine kit with the prosthetic penis attachment. In comparison to the Whizzinator, it’s identical. In look, mechanism, and operation in use, nothing is different.

3. Clear Choice Incognito Belt

Clear Choice also make an Incognito belt. Again, it’s a white material belt with Velcro that you strap to your body. There is a pre-filled pouch of Quick Luck urine, and heatpads to keep it warm. In use it’s identical to the previous two products I’ve mentioned. The real difference in the quality of the urine.

Clear Choice Quick Luck is the most complex and serious fake urine on the market, head and shoulders above Monkey Whizz and Whizzinator urine.

4. Spectrum Labs Quick Fix Urine Belt

Our list of the most popular synthetic urine belts is the one from Spectrum Labs, the people who make Quick Fix urine.

It’s exactly the same waist and thigh construction, with the pre-filled pouch of Quick Fix urine, complete with a heatpad. It’s dispensed through a clear plastic tube and tap dispenser system. So not a prosthetic system.

Quick Fix is also poor quality urine. It’s just not good enough to fool modern drug testing scrutiny though.

So with this, the same as Whizzinator and Monkey Whizz, you have the combo of a difficult to handle belt that will be impossible to hide, and poor quality urine that will struggle to pass sample validity checks.

Whizzinator Vs Monkey Whizz

There is actually a clue in the names of these two different brands. They are in fact the same company.

If you look at the two websites, you’ll see many similarities. You’ll see that the heatpads are absolutely identical in design. You will also see that the urine flasks and temperature strips are identical. The product packaging is very similar.

On top of that, both of the basic premixed urine products, where you get a heatpad and a bottle of urine, are called Whizzinator Flask and Monkey Flask.

So that tells you everything you need to know. The products are exactly the same, and the synthetic urine will be identical as well. They just sell it under two different brands to maximize their money on the market.

Here’s what you need to know about both of these popular synthetic urine belt products:

  • The synthetic urine is poor quality
  • The prosthetic penis is a waste of time
  • The heatpads are a joke and very unreliable

Should You Use The Monkey Whizz Synthetic Urine Belt (Or Any Belt)?

Look guys and girls, I don’t think you should be using a synthetic urine belt at all. If it’s a supervised test, even indirectly, then it could be found during the search before you submit the sample, and any glance at a tube or fake penis is going to find you out.

And if it’s an unsupervised drug test then you don’t need a belt at all, you can simply tuck the vial of synthetic urine into your underwear because you won’t be touched intimately anyway.

I’ve even seen suggestions for cheap Whizzinator alternatives on sites like Reddit, by basically making your own. Please don’t do that. It will be even more unstable and unsatisfactory than using one of the Incognito belts I have reviewed here.

What you should be focusing on is the quality of the synthetic urine. You can’t use fake urine for a supervised test, so for an unsupervised test just focus on buying the best fake urine on the market that you can get your hands on.

What About The Whizzinator For Women?

It’s the same deal with the Whizzinator for women. Ladies, please don’t use it.

Fiddling around between your legs with a tap dispenser is not going to fool anyone who is even glancing at you. There are even internal things that you can use, I’ll leave that to your imagination. But they are really problematic because they can pop out, and squirt the urine out in a ridiculous fashion

Here’s What To Do If You Are Facing A Supervised Drug Test

If it’s a supervised drug test, then you need to mask the toxins in your body so that you can submit a clean sample.

The best way of doing this is to use Rescue Cleanse detox drink. Try and do a detox for at least 24 hours before the day of the test if you can. This will ensure there are slightly less drug metabolites working their way out of your body.

90 minutes before your test, simply drink the bottle of Rescue Cleanse and then urinate frequently over the next hour.

Rescue Cleanse works by pushing metabolites through your kidneys and out of the body at a faster rate than can be achieved naturally. Is it will take up to 5 hours for your body to catch up and process more metabolites through the kidneys, fresh urine in the bladder before that time will be clean of toxins.

Best Synthetic Urine To Pass An Unsupervised Drug Test

Quick Luck is the synthetic urine you should be using to pass a drug test. Nothing else gets close.

These are the reasons why Quick Luck is the perfect choice:

  • Is within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Contains creatinine, urea, uric acid
  • Also has 14 other common chemicals found in human urine
  • Looks, smells, and froths like urine

In addition to all that quality that will get you through the validity checks that your sample will undergo before it even gets to a drug test, is the fact you don’t have to worry about heatpads.

You’ll get a vial of white powder called heat activator powder with this synthetic urine kit. On arrival, before you enter the building, you will discreetly tap in about one quarter of the white powder and shake it gently until it’s dissolved. Then you’ll watch the temperature strip carefully.

Tap in small amounts and repeat the process until you get a reading on the temperature strip that is close to 100°F, but not above that level.