Ultra Pure Synthetic Urine is one of the many budget brands out there right now. In this review I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about Ultra Klean Ultra Pure urine. The good and the bad.
Synthetic urine is still the best way to pass an unsupervised drug test, but can you achieve that using Ultra Pure?
Ultra Pure Urine – What Exactly Are You Getting?
Ultra Pure is a synthetic urine product from a company called Ultra Klean, who also make a mouthwash product that is actually pretty good – because it does neutralize saliva for up to 15 minutes.
When you buy the box, the urine kit is pretty basic, containing just the following:
- 2 fluid ounces of pre-mixed synthetic urine
- Heat pad
- Elastic band
Not particularly inspiring, but it’s everything you need in a synthetic urine kit to pass.
Note that there is a larger 4 fluid ounce product available. It’s exactly the same in terms of the quality of the urine, you just get double the volume of it.
Ultra Pure Urine Ingredients & Characteristics
Unfortunately, we don’t really know what’s been Ultra Pure urine. The formula has actually been released or confirmed by the company that make it (Ultra Klean).
Websites that sell it state different things, with some resorting to general and unprovable claims, such as “all the ingredients of real human urine”.
Generally, the characteristics are thought to be these:
- Contains urea and uric acid
- Contains creatinine
- Is within the correct pH and specific gravity ranges for human urine
- Looks like urine
You can see the problem; we simply don’t know what the composition is. So how can you review it and say it’s reliable? It looks like urine, but it doesn’t froth like it, and it certainly doesn’t smell like it. It’s not going to convince someone who is suspicious in the lab.
Also, what is clear, is that it’s a very basic formula. If your sample faces anything more than an initial and cursory validity check (a simple dipstick check that looks for a handful of characteristics), then it will fail.
Add to that issue, because it’s a cheap product, you have also only got a single cheap heat pad included with it.
If you need to heat to get the temperature within the correct range just before you submit it (you don’t live somewhere warm and don’t have access to hot or cold water just before you go into the building to submit it) then it could fail.
Ultra Pure Urine Instructions
The instructions for using Ultra Pure are pretty straightforward, the same as for any other premixed urine with a heat pad:
- Step one is to activate the heat pad. Do this five minutes before you prepare the vial of urine so that it’s emitting a steady heat.
- You may need to microwave the sample to get it within the correct temperature range, but it may not be necessary if you live somewhere hot. Simply putting it in a warm place in advance can be enough. It needs to get a reading at between 90°F and 100°F.
- If you need to microwave it, then do it in short bursts of 10 seconds on full power. Shake the bottle after each time and watch it 30 seconds to see if there is a reading on the temperature strip. Be careful here, because if you overheat it, it still won’t have a reading and you could be fooled into continuing to eat it.
- Strap the heat pad to the sample, and tuck it carefully into your underwear, tight in the crotch area, both to keep it warm and to conceal it. You can’t be intimately searched during standard drug testing, so it will be safe.
- On arrival, before you enter the building, you’ll have to check the temperature strip. If it’s cooled, then you will need to warm the sample, which could mean using a flask of hot water.
The Million Dollar Question: Can Ultra Pure Pass A Modern Drug Test?
Ultra Pure is a very basic formula, and I’ll be honest I’m not even sure what’s in the damn stuff. Therefore, I can’t recommend it. Any honest review of Ultra Pure has to conclude that it’s probably outdated and unsafe to use now.
Also, it may contain biocide preservatives, which can potentially be detected by drug test validity checks.
The company and retailers selling it advertise it as a formula with 25 years pedigree behind it, which implies that it hasn’t changed in that time, so it may not have been adapted to get rid of the biocide preservatives.
Avoid All Of These Low-Quality Brands
Ultra Pure synthetic urine is not good quality, it’s one of the budget brands out there that are all very similar. All of these should be avoided because none of them tick all the boxes needed to pass a modern drug test:
- Ultra Pure
- Synthetix5
- Monkey Whizz
- Quick Fix
- U Pass
- Xstream
You Should Only Be Using Clear Choice Quick Luck
By far the best synthetic urine on the market today is Quick Luck, made by the highly reputable company clear choice.
It’s the best for the following reasons:
- Constructed with 14 common ingredients of human urine
- Looks, froths, and smells like human urine
- Uses heat activator powder rather than a heating pad
This is complex enough to pass even advanced validity checks. It will also fool even expert human scrutiny. The real genius is the heat activator powder that is stacked on top of the quality of the urine, which together makes it unbeatable.
Forget about a heat pad that can fail, you simply tap in about one-quarter of the powder if you need to heat it. Shake it until it’s dissolved, and then watch the temperature strip for about 60 seconds.
Repeat the process with small amounts of heat activator powder as needed. You can even do this while you are in the room where you should be submitting your sample (all standard drug testing is unsupervised – so you will be out of sight), giving you complete control over your own success.