Does Fake Pee Work At Quest Diagnostics (Tampa, Gainesville, Or Any Other Location)?

If you know your drug test is at Quest diagnostics, or one of their licensed third-party collection centers, then it’s reasonable to ask does fake pee work at Quest Diagnostics?

You may be visiting a specific Quest location, like Tampa, Fl, for example. Are there different testing standards and criteria you need to know about? Plus, what happens with the drug test, and will Quest diagnostics call if I fail a drug test, or do they just notify the person who paid for the test?

I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about drug testing at Quest Diagnostics (which also applies to every other drug testing company as well).

Not only will I be talking about using synthetic urine, but I’ll be specifically referring to the best on the market right now called Quick Luck, which you can check out in advance here:

>>> Clear Choice Quick Luck high-quality fake urine

The Big Question: Do Drug Testing Companies Actually Look For Fake Urine?

To answer the question around whether fake pee works at Quest Diagnostics, we can help everyone here by answering a bigger question: Do drug testing companies try and detect fake urine and will it work to pass a drug test?

Drug testing companies don’t actually specifically look in detail for fake urine. They are not looking for markers, or footprints, or characteristics, that would specifically detect it.

The only exception to that is the potential for them to look for biocide, a common preservative. There is a little evidence, although it’s not complete, that drug testing companies do look for that in some validity checks. However, I’ve never seen it formally acknowledged by any drug testing company.

They look for these basics in what are called the validity checks directly after you submit your sample:

  • Common adulterants such as aspirin and nitrates
  • Whether it contains creatinine
  • Whether it contains urea and uric acid (sometimes)
  • If it’s within the correct pH and specific gravity range

The truth is that the validity checks are mostly just a dipstick test that look for those few common traits, whether it’s a human testing the sample, or one of the modern eCup automated systems.

The second question is does synthetic urine work at Quest and other companies?

The answer is yes. As long as you submit it within the correct temperature range, and it ticks all the boxes I’ve just mentioned for the validity checks, then it’s going to pass the urinalysis to try and detect drugs.

How Complex Does Synthetic Urine Have To Be To Pass?

As you’ve now seen, fake pee can work at Quest and elsewhere, and it doesn’t actually have to be that complex. It has to be complex enough to pass the validity checks. So it has to contain a few common chemicals found in urine, and it must not contain biocide preservatives.

It also has to look, froth, and preferably smell like urine, in case somebody gets suspicious. It’s unlikely, but it can happen.

Most importantly for you, it has to be submitted within the correct temperature range. Legally, this has to be between 90°F and 100°F. This is the bit that you can affect most.

quest diagnostics urine lab test

Does Synthetic Urine Work At Quest?

So to answer your main question, around does fake pee work at Quest Diagnostics, no matter what the location is, whether it’s Tampa, or anywhere else, is yes it will work.

And no, they don’t specifically look in detail for fake urine. As long as it jumps through the hoops they put in place, which are pretty basic, then it’s going to pass.

As I’ve mentioned, it has to have the basic characteristics to do that, and it has to have the ability to be easily submitted within the correct temperature range. Most fake urine brands use heatpads to achieve this, but they aren’t really reliable.

Here’s What Happens When You Submit A Sample At Quest

Let’s now talk you through exactly what happens when you submit a sample at a lab company like Quest diagnostics, LabCorp, or Concentra.

Remember also, that all of these big companies outsource to third-party testing centers and companies around the nation. They all have pretty much identical processes, and/or have to follow the process outlined by the company paying for the test.

  1. On arrival you will usually be searched. But this is mostly cursory, removing bags, hats, and coats. They may then pat you down in case you are carrying fake urine. But they can’t touch you intimately, which is why you will put the small vial of premixed urine into your underwear, tucked into your crotch and then hidden with baggy trousers or shorts.
  2. Straight after you have urinated into the little sample cup you will hand it over immediately and within two minutes of this happening, they must record the sample temperature. It has to be between 90°F and 100°F be legal. That’s why a reliable heating source is so important.
  3. A validity test will then be done. This is a dipstick test which is tested against panels usually, but it can also be automated along with the rest of the test if it’s an digital eCup test. This looks for basics in the composition of the urine and the presence of any major adulterants. But it is a basic and cursory test.
  4. As long as it passes the previous steps then it will undergo urinalysis. This is basically another dipstick test against panels. So with a five panel drug test was pay for, then it will be tested against five panels to see if they react.

That’s it. That’s all the steps taken. It’s pretty basic in reality as long as no suspicion is aroused around your sample. A good quality fake urine will dance through that process with ease.

How Long Does Quest Diagnostics Take For Urine Results To Come Back?

Positive or negative result from Quest diagnostics will usually come back within 24 hours.

In terms of how long does Quest diagnostics take the urine results if it’s positive, that can also be 24 hours, but occasionally can be slightly longer if they decide to do a full gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis on it, but that’s rare with the initial testing.

Note that with the modern digital eCup system results can actually be texted and emailed immediately after the automated testing is complete.

The Characteristics Of The Best Synthetic Urine

As you now know, you can pass a drug test with fake urine, and it doesn’t have to be that complex. To pass a drug test, all it needs to do is be good enough to pass the basic checks that will be completed.

Does synthetic urine work at Quest? Yes, it certainly does, but only if it has the following characteristics:

  • Must look, froth, and smell like human urine
  • Must be easily submitted within the correct temperature range
  • Has to contain more than the basics of creatinine, uric acid, and urea
  • Has to be within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges

Quick Luck is the only synthetic urine out there that does this and more, as it contains 14 chemicals found in human urine, so it will pass even the more complex validity checking,

Quick luck reviews

How To Pass A Drug Test Using Quick Luck

  1. There’s no preparation because it’s premixed and you don’t have to mess around with a heatpad. Simply conceal it on yourself and head towards the test center.
  2. On arrival, before you go into the building, out of sight you will prepare the sample. Check the temperature then tap in about one quarter of the heat activator powder that you get with the product. Shake it until it’s dissolved. This agitates the liquid and will raise the temperature slightly. Check for a reading after about one minute, and repeat the process until you get one.
  3. Go in and submit your sample. Because it’s an unsupervised test, you can even check the vial temperature before you pour into the sample cup and if it’s cooled and isn’t getting a reading, you can even cheekily add a little more heat activator powder to ensure that you simply cannot fail the temperature check.

Where To Buy Quick Luck

As you can now see, the answer the question around does fake pee work at Quest diagnostics in Tampa, or any other location in the USA, is yes it will.

As long as you use Quick Luck, then due to its complexity and ability to control the temperature, then it’s pretty much certain that you will pass unless something abnormal happens, which is very rare because the companies just want to make as much money as possible from your sample by intervening as little as possible in any extra scrutiny.

Quick Luck is made by Clear Choice. It costs $100, which is the most expensive on the market but now you can see exactly why it is the premium brand.

It’s available to buy only direct from Clear Choice through their web store at test negative.