Xstream Synthetic Urine Review: Will It Pass A Drug Test?

There are a ton of fake urine brands out there, so how do you know which ones are any good? In this complete XStream synthetic urine review, I’m going to talk about one of the most popular brands.

I’ll cover everything you need to know, and compare XStream to the two most complex and bestselling fake urine products. If you want to check them out now, you can view the details here:

I’ll cover how drug testing works, and how good synthetic urine has to be to pass. I will talk about the characteristics it needs to have, and give you full XStream drug test instructions. Is XStream more than a fetish urine? Let’s find out now.

How Urine Drug Tests Work

When you submit your sample, it goes through the following stages of scrutiny. The sample has to have the characteristics to pass the first three:

  1. Within two minutes of handing the sample over they have to record the temperature. Therefore, you have to be able to manipulate the temperature of the fake sample you hand over to be within the correct temperature range, which is legally between 90°F and 100°F. If it’s outside this range, the sample is rejected and you automatically fail.
  2. Next, your sample will go through some validity tests. This is usually a dipstick panel test. It checks for adulteration, things like nitrate presence. It checks that the specific gravity and pH range is correct for human urine. It looks for the right range of creatinine (a waste product of creatine which is used by our muscles). Sometimes it also looks for the presence of biocide preservatives, and (very rare) urea, uric acid, and some other chemicals.
  3. Your sample will then be analyzed for the presence of drug metabolites. This is an immunoassay, otherwise known as the panel drug test. If they pay for a five panel test, it’s tested for five substances. Obviously if any of those test positive then you have potentially failed the drug test.
  4. If it fails validity checks or the immunoassay, then it goes to full gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis. This is very rare though. If it goes to this level, it will delay your sample results by couple of days, and I’m telling you that no fake urine on earth will pass that level of analysis.

How Good Does Synthetic Urine Have To Be To Pass A Drug Test?

So just how good does XStream have to be a drug test success? You now understand the scrutiny it will go through, so how would XStream deal with that? XStream is primarily a fetish urine. That’s what it’s sold as, that’s what it’s labelled as. But they also claim it’s complex enough to pass a drug test.

XStream has the following characteristics:

  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • It looks like urine
  • Use a heatpad to keep it warm
  • Contains creatinine
  • Contains urea and uric acid
  • Does not contain biocide preservatives

If you are new to synthetic urine, I highly recommend to check out my detailed  guide.

How Complex Is Xstream Fetish Urine?

So look, it ticks a lot of boxes. For a basic pre-employment drug test, XStream is more than fetish urine, and it could pass.

The problem comes with any deeper scrutiny. It’s claimed it contains amino acids and other things found in urine. This is nonsense. It’s just inaccurate marketing on third-party reseller sites that claim this complexity. XStream is a very basic urine.

It doesn’t froth or smell like urine like the top brands do. So it won’t pass an in-depth visual scrutiny from a curious lab assistant. It’s not that complex, and if the testing looks for anything other than the basics, then they will not be there. The heatpad isn’t great either. It’s unreliable enough to drop your chances of passing dramatically.

Xstream Instructions (Including Top Tips)

The instructions for using XStream drug test urine are pretty straightforward. They are exactly the same as any other premixed urine that uses a heatpad to maintain the temperature within the correct range (between 90°F 100°F).

  1. Microwave the sample for about 10 seconds. Shake it gently, and watch the temperature strip. If you don’t see a reading after about 90 seconds, microwave it for another 10 seconds. Keep doing this until you get a reading on the temperature strip that is as close to 100°F as possible, without going above that (because there will not be a reading then).
  2. Shake the air activated heatpad. You’ll start to feel it warm in your hand. Tape it to the sample bottle. Make sure you do this on the opposite side to the temperature strip so you don’t get a false reading.
  3. Tuck this prepared sample between two pairs of underwear. Then put on baggy jogging bottoms, and a casual top, so you don’t look unusual.
  4. Just before you go into the building to submit your sample, you’ll need to check the temperature is still within the correct range. My top tip is to take a flask of hot water with you. If the temperature has cooled, you can pour hot water on to the sample to raise it. Make sure it’s a cheap flask you don’t have to take it into the building with you, and just leave it outside somewhere.

Xstream synthetic urine instruction

Xstream Synthetic Urine LabCorp Test: Can It Fool Them & Does It Work?

So the million dollar question in this XStream synthetic urine review has to be will it pass a drug test? It’s a basic but good formula and it does look like urine. So, it could pass a basic drug test where there’s no complications.

However, it’s not 100% reliable. It’s not complex enough falls levels of normal scrutiny, it doesn’t smell and froth like urine, and the heatpad as a source of temperature maintenance is badly unreliable.

That’s the same with all urine products that use a heatpad. They are dirt cheap to make, don’t kick out a steady heat, and fail often. In terms of XStream synthetic urine LabCorp, or other top drug testing labs, the processes they use nowadays are enhanced and they can spot bad fake samples more easily. You are taking a risk using XStream.

Other Fake Urine Brands You Can’t Rely On

XStream fetish urine is one of many cheap fake urine brands that you can buy online, and often locally in smoke shops are greatly inflated prices as well. If the fake urine is dirt cheap, it’s not going to be very complex and stands a good chance of being caught out.

These are the brands I would advise you to treat with caution and only use in an emergency:

  • XStream
  • Magnum
  • Urine Luck
  • U Pass
  • Quick Fix
  • Monkey Whizz

Magnum is just awful, and you shouldn’t go near that at all. It’s not even properly set up with urea and uric acid in it. For the others, you could pass a basic pre-employment drug test with them. But it’s a risk, and you just don’t need to take it when there are better options out there.

Xstream Vs Sub Solution

Sub Solution is the best selling fake urine in the USA. It costs $85, so nearly 3 times the price of XStream. But, as with everything in life, you usually get what you pay for.

Sub Solution has the following characteristics:

  • Looks, froths, and even smells like urine
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Contains creatinine
  • Contains urea and uric acid
  • Contains a total of 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Uses heat activator powder

So as you can see, it’s far more complex than XStream, and even smells like urine as well.

The only downside is that it’s a powder. It has to be mixed with filtered water prior to use. That means it can’t be used at short notice. However, without a microwave, you couldn’t use premixed XStream at short notice either. For me, the extra money is worth it just for the heat activator powder. No need to mess around with a heatpad, you just use the powder for you go in to the building where you will submit your sample.

Tap in about one third, shake it until it dissolves, and then carefully watch the temperature strip. If you don’t get a reading, or it’s not quite warm enough, tap in a little more until it as close to 100°F as possible, but without going above that.

It gives you instant, granular, control over the sample temperature. No variable heatpad temperature being kicked out, and no chance of failure. Also, no messing around with a flask of hot water around the corner from the building.

Xstream Urine Vs Quick Luck

Compared to XStream, Quick Luck is a different universe. Just like Sub Solution, it’s highly complex. It’s actually pretty much Sub Solution but premixed. Both made by Clear Choice, it’s the newest version that builds on Sub Solutions pedigree by being premixed.

You actually get a pair of heatpads with Quick Luck as well, in case you want to raise the temperature and keep it there in advance, so the heat activator powder has less work to do. But, just like Sub Solution, it uses the incredible heat activator powder and you don’t have to rely on a heatpad at all if you don’t want to.

It’s perfect for on-the-job, short-notice drug testing, and far more advanced than XStream.

Both Quick Luck and Sub Solution are available to buy direct from Clear Choice.


Xstream Synthetic Urine FAQ

How long is Xstream synthetic urine good for?

There are actually two answers to this question, so let’s work through both of them for you.

First, if it’s unopened, then a box of premixed urine should be good for a year, or even longer. Though, the fresher it is then the less likely there are to be problems when using it. Second, if it’s been opened, even if it’s refrigerated, it will start to deteriorate immediately. Within 24 hours bacteria will have entered and grown enough to alter the sample and make it unusable.

Always use fresh synthetic urine, and I would advise only opening it a couple of hours before you are due to submit it.

Where can I buy Xstream synthetic urine?

Xstream synthetic urine is available from several online retailers, specialists and general. It’s even available on sites like eBay and Amazon. But look, it’s not great quality. It’s cheap and nasty. Modern drug testing and the people involved in it know what they are doing and what they are looking for.

Do you think if you rock up with a fake urine sample that barely contains the basics that would be looked for in the most minimal of validity checks, and that doesn’t smell or froth like urine, that it’s going to stand a great chance of passing?

I would always advise using Quick Luck from Clear Choice, rather than any of the cheap and nasty brands you may be considering.

How good is Xstream synthetic urine?

 Honestly? It’s really poor quality. Sure, it contains urea, uric acid, and creatinine. There are lots of claims about what else is in it, but nothing has been verified. Also, consider that they claim it’s used to calibrate lab testing equipment. Come on, do you really believe that LabCorp or any lab in the world is using Xstream fetish urine to calibrate million dollar equipment?

The simple fact is that it doesn’t even contain the basics that are looked for in modern validity checks. The heatpad is poor quality and can fail, and it doesn’t look, froth, and smell like urine either.

Can Xstream synthetic urine pass a LabCorp urine test?

I’m not going to tell you that this urine can pass a LabCorp urine test. It might, but I doubt it. Xstream is not complex. It’s not convincing chemically. It’s so limited in its chemical structure that any slightly more advanced validity checking will spot it.

It also doesn’t mimic the physical characteristics of human urine well. It looks like urine, but it doesn’t smell or froth like it. Anyone who looks at it closely with experience will spot it.

You’ve also got the heatpad issue to deal with. Urine needs to be submitted within a very narrow temperature range of between 90°F and 100°F. The chances of the poor-quality heatpad keeping the sample within that narrow temperature range for an hour or longer while you get to the lab and submit it are pretty much zero.

Does Xstream urine have uric acid?

Yes, Xstream urine does contain uric acid. It also contains urea, which is less commonly looked for in drug tests. On top of those, it only also contains creatinine, a common waste product found in urine that is created from creatine when muscles burn energy.

Those three things might not be enough for modern validity checks though, which is why I don’t recommend you use it.

Compare those 3 chemicals to the market leader Quick Luck, which contains 14 common chemicals found in human urine, and you can see how weak it’s composition is, and how likely it is to fail analysis.

How to heat up Xstream synthetic urine?

The obvious way to heat urine up is with the heatpad that’s supplied with the product. However, on their own, they can take a while to do that, especially if the weather or the urine itself is quite cold . You can accelerate the process with a microwave, by heating it in short bursts of 10 seconds or so until you get a reading on the temperature strip that’s close to 100°F, but not above that level.

Then you would strap the heatpad to the heated sample and tuck it into your underwear to keep it close to your body and body temperature as well. The problem with all this is the variables. There are so many here, and with such a narrow temperature range to keep the sample in (between 90°F 100°F) to be legal, it’s a minefield of uncertainty.

If you live somewhere cold, take a flask of hot water with you or ensure you have access to a hot tap just before you head into the building to submit your sample. If it’s hot weather, you might have to be prepared to cool the sample down with cold water. Whichever way it goes, it’s a mess to get right.

Compare that to Quick Luck, which uses something called ‘heat activator powder’ instead. If the sample is too cold, simply add about one-quarter to the premixed urine and shake it gently 30 seconds. Watch the temperature strip, and repeat the process until you get a good reading.

What are the ingredients in Xstream urine?

Xstream synthetic urine does contain the basics needed to pass a validity check. Namely, urea, uric acid, and creatinine. It’s also within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges for human urine. It also looks like human urine.

Overall then, it could pass a very basic validity check done on the sample. But anything more advanced than that, which is more normal nowadays, and you are screwed.

Does Xstream synthetic urine go bad?

All synthetic urine will go bad eventually. If unopened, after around 12 months it will start to spoil. If opened, bacteria get in immediately and start to multiply. Within 24 hours, even if refrigerated, it could alter its composition enough for it to be spotted as fake. If it starts to go bad, not only with its composition change, bit it can start to change physically. It can go cloudy, and even start to contain thin strings that are visible if held up to the light.

What is the best Xstream synthetic urine alternative?

The best alternative to any other fake urine is called Quick Luck, made by the trusted company Clear Choice.

It’s highly complex, containing 14 chemicals commonly found in human urine. This stuff will pass even advanced chemical scrutiny during validity checks. It looks, froths, and smells like human urine. A curious employee is not going to get suspicious.

It also doesn’t rely on a heatpad to keep it within the correct temperature range. It uses white powder called heat activator powder instead. When put it into the urine it raises the temperature as it dissolves. So it’s easy to get granular control over the sample temperature by adding small amounts, shaking it, and watching the temperature strip. It’s also impossible to detect once dissolved.