How To Use Saliva Detox Mouthwash To Pass A Drug Test

 Oral drug testing is often seen as easy to pass because drug metabolites don’t stay in your saliva for very long. That’s far from the truth though. It’s actually very dangerous, which is why you’ll need a saliva-cleansing mouthwash to make sure of passing one.

In this complete guide, I’m going to tell you how to pass an oral drug test using saliva detox mouthwash and gum products. I’ll also cover how you can (maybe) pass one naturally.

You’ll learn how long drug toxins stay in saliva, and I’ll explain exactly why this type of drug test can be so dangerous for you. I’ll talk about scenarios you could face an oral drug testing, and how to not get caught out.

Then, I will cover the best and worst of the detox products out there to pass a drug test, and also talk to you about the best product you can use to discreetly pass an oral drug test in literally any situation.

How Long Do Drug Toxins Stay Detectable In Saliva?

The good news is that drug toxins aren’t actually detectable in saliva for very long. But that depends on what type of user you are. If you’re an occasional smoker or user, say twice per week at moderate dose levels, then you’ll be clean to pass an oral drug test within two or three days of your last taken drugs, often less than two days.

But the more regularly you use drugs, the longer that time to get clean is. Three, four, even five days becomes the normal time.

It’s worse for regular cannabis smokers. Because of the way the cannabis metabolites cling onto fat cells in the body, they can work their way out irregularly over days and weeks. You can still have cannabis metabolites in your saliva one or two weeks after your last joint.

That’s the same with some other drugs as well, like slow-release benzos taken regularly. The toxins build up in the body and can take several weeks to work their way out.

This Is Why Oral Drug Testing Is So Dangerous

Oral drug testing is dangerous because of the immediacy of the testing. Literally anyone can do it with 10 minutes of training. They can also get the results fast. They simply put the swab sample they’ve collected into a panel drug test container and it will react to show positive results.

All drug testing can be done straight after an interview, on the job, after an accident, and even by the roadside. Probation, law enforcement, insurance, it’s endless. You could face a drug test with just 10 minutes’ notice and no way out.

It Is Possible To Pass An Oral Drug Test Naturally

Although a good detox mouthwash is optimal, it is possible to pass an oral drug test naturally by speeding up the removal of toxins

Doing the following can speed up the removal by about 24 hours, meaning you could be clean much quicker to pass.

  • Brush your teeth every three or four hours and focus on the gum line
  • Use a good quality mouthwash at the same time as you brush your teeth
  • Drink water regularly (sip it throughout the day)
  • Exercise and sweat daily
  • Eat small and lean meals to maximize processing speed
  • Obviously, stop taking drugs
  • Drink a diuretic such as green tea
  • For cannabis, eat fibrous foods

Doing all that will help your body to pull drug toxins out faster. It’s just allowing it to work at peak efficiency.

However, if you are more than a moderate/occasional user, this will still leave you leaking toxins into your saliva for three or four days. This is when mouthwash or gum becomes your only weapon.

How Oral Drug Tests Are Administered

The aim of an oral drug test is to collect a sample from the areas of the mouth where drug metabolites are most likely to be. This is going to be around the gumline both inside and out, and between the teeth and the cheek at the bottom of your mouth.

To achieve this they will use a dipstick like a large cotton bud/swab to collect the sample. Once this has been collected, it is either sent off in a container to be analyzed elsewhere, or it’s put into a liquid within a panel test kit that reacts within a few minutes.

There are two ways that these tests are done:

  • The most common way is to rub the swab around the teeth and gums to collect the sample in a minute or so. The collection focus will be on the gumline.
  • The less common way is to push the collection swab between the lower set of teeth and cheek, and then let it sit there for up to 10 minutes to collect the saliva which will inevitably be produced and gather due to this.

oral drug testing

Can You Really Use A Detox Mouthwash To Pass A Drug Test?

It’s perfectly possible to use a neutralizing mouthwash to pass an oral drug test. There are just a few things you need to be aware of though:

  1. It has to be a good quality mouthwash with the ingredients that are capable of neutralizing saliva, which is not as common as you would think.
  2. You have to avoid the low-quality brands of mouthwash (I’ll tell you what they are a moment).
  3. You have to understand the limitations of a mouthwash, both in when you can use it, and how long it will neutralize your saliva for.

The Top Two Saliva Detox Mouthwash Products

In terms of actual saliva detox mouthwash products that work, these are the two that I’ve tested with home drug test kits, and have had independent verification about from people I know who’ve used them.

1. Toxin Rid Rescue Wash

A close friend of mine actually used this just over a year ago from an Amazon recruitment open day in his local city. Go along for an interview, fill in some forms, and then wait to hear if you’ve got the job or not.

However, I warned him that he could well face a drug test straight after. I know that Amazon do mouth swab drug testing rather than urine testing. I warned him that even if it was urine testing, they could have somebody from a drug test company there to take samples on the day, as Amazon are big employer.

So he used a detox drink to create a gap in the toxin flow in his urine, and it also took a small bottle of Toxin Rid Rescue Wash with him.

He was concerned he wouldn’t be able to use it. But as I reassured him, for most occasions, they are hardly going to ban you from visiting the toilet between the end of your interview and the mouth swab test; that would be weird.

Long story short, he skipped to the toilet, used Rescue Wash in a minute, and passed the drug test.

Toxin Rid Rescue Wash for me is the best neutralizing mouthwash. A small 2 fluid ounce bottle, you pour half into your mouth and swill it around for about one minute, and then repeat the process with the other half. You should then be neutralized for about 15 minutes.

2. Ultra Klean Ultra Wash

Toxin Rid Rescue Wash only costs $30. For five dollars more, you can get Ultra Klean Ultra Wash. In my opinion it’s not quite as effective as Rescue Wash; I don’t think it neutralizes the toxins for quite as long with my testing.

However, when it’s just five dollars difference, and you are arguing over maybe five minutes extra, there’s not a lot in it. Instructions for using Ultra Wash are exactly the same. Put half in your mouth and move it around for about 60 seconds, spit it out, then repeat the process.

So both are good if you can get that time out of sight. But the problem with these mouthwash products is it’s difficult to swallow that much liquid without vomiting, and you have a small bottle on you which is a risk, albeit a very small one.

Avoid These Low-Quality Saliva Cleansing Mouthwashes

Now I’ve told you about the two best saliva-cleansing mouthwash options, let’s just tell you about the worst.

Under no circumstances should you use any of these:

  • High voltage detox mouthwash
  • Magnum detox mouthwash
  • Stinger detox mouthwash

Although these are quite popular, they are awful products that will not neutralize your saliva. Just an hour of researching the ingredients and comparing them will tell you this. For me, Stinger detox mouthwash is probably the biggest con out there. The same ingredients are in the detox drinks they sell, in almost the exact same proportions.

How can the same ingredients draw toxins out through your urine, and neutralize your saliva in the mouth? It’s impossible, and it points to them just producing a single liquid they put in different-sized bottles and label up as detox drinks, mouthwash products, or whatever they decide it’s going to be called.

Another giveaway is user reviews. All of these product reviews predominantly say they are not great. You can see them on Amazon and places like Reddit. Also, look at the pedigree of the other products the company sells. For example Stinger detox drinks have a really bad reputation, and if you look at the ingredients, they are just 95% sugared water.

It’s the same with Magnum fake urine. Originally designed as a fetish urine, it didn’t even contain uric acid. They eventually started including a separate vial of it, that you just pour in before you use it. A ridiculous stopgap solution that tells you everything you need to know.

The #1 Way To Pass An Oral Drug Test: Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum

If you’re serious about using mouthwash to pass a drug test, then you should be looking at Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum.

It’s superior for two reasons:

  1. It’s highly discreet. I’ll explain why in a moment.
  2. It’s highly concentrated. Nothing else is as potent for neutralizing your saliva for up to 30 minutes.

Oral Clear is expensive. $90 for a single capsule. Capsule? Yes, it’s not really gum.  It’s actually a small capsule, think like a large medicine capsule, filled with a highly concentrated neutralizing mouthwash solution.

So, it’s very expensive, but very potent and extremely easy to use, even if somebody is almost literally standing in front of you.

Why Oral Clear Gum Is So Effective In Any Situation

You might be looking at the headline here of $90 and think that it’s just not worth it when the mouthwash products are only $30.

But you have to look at the context in which you will be using it. As I’ve highlighted, oral drug testing is often administered with just a few minutes notice. That’s the point of it, it’s not hugely effective, but it scares the hell out of people because it can catch you out quickly.

Having a capsule of Oral Clear on you get you out of that problem completely. As long as you carry it on your person, you are going to be pretty much immune from short notice oral drug testing.

Imagine you are in your car and you’re stopped by the cops. They are going to administer an on the spot mouth swab test potentially.

As they get out of the car, you just pop the capsule in your mouth, work it around, and then swallow it. You can do that even while they are talking to you, just keep moving the liquid around as if it’s gum.

There is no proof, there’s no evidence. Swallow the lot, take your test, and be on your way.

Oral Clear Instructions For Use

Oral Clear is definitely the best option. It’s the most potent, and the most flexible to use.

These are the really easy instructions for using this potent and concentrated detox mouthwash:

  1. Even with someone in sight, cup the capsule in your hand and pop it in your mouth. Discreetly crush the capsule between your teeth, and without swallowing, work the concentrated liquid around in your mouth for a minimum of one minute.
  2. While in your mouth, make sure you focus on the bottom of your mouth, and use your tongue to work it into the gumline (both inside and out).
  3. Then, hopefully after a minimum of one or two minutes, at the last possible moment, swallow everything so there is no trace. It’s completely undetectable to any drug test.

Just imagine you are sitting there at the end of your Amazon interview. They tell you that you are going to have a mouth swab test.

As soon as a head is turned, you do exactly what I’ve just explained to do above. You can do it discreetly, you can even cough and put your hand over your mouth to put the capsule in, and then keep your hand there pretending to stop yourself coughing while you pop it and move it around. Even if they ask if you’re okay, you can say you had some gum inside of your mouth. Then, just swallow it and all suspicion is gone.

Right now, with Covid, nobody is going to look at you twice for putting your hands of your mouth when you cough or pretending to stop yourself coughing, even repeatedly. They will actually be reassured.

Even better, if it’s a drug test where you are sitting with other people to wait for it, you can put a mask on. That’s completely normal behavior now, that will completely disguise the use of the Oral Clear capsule which you can put in your mouth while you are putting the mask on.

Where To Buy Detox Mouthwash At The Best Price

As you can see, depending on the type of test you think might face, there are three great detox mouthwash products out there you can use. When it comes to where to buy detox mouthwash, you are really looking at two dedicated and specialist online retailers.

First, Toxin Rid Rescue Wash is available from Test Clear. These are the guys you also produce the really high-quality detox pills called Toxin Rid. The second place is Test Negative. They are the sellers of the Clear Choice brand name, and Oral Clear is in that product range.

The Clear Choice range consists of Oral Clear gum, Sub Solution fake urine, Quick Luck fake urine, a high-quality Quick Luck urine dispensing belt, and Rescue Cleanse (the best detox drink you can buy).

For me, I would be preparing belt and braces if I was facing a potential drug test. I’d buy the Oral Clear gum, some fake urine, and the detox drink.

Then, you are prepared for any type of drug test. But as this guide is about using mouthwash to pass your drug test, you’ll have a capsule of highly concentrated and discreet Oral Clear gum that you can carry on you on your job, to your interview, in your car, wherever you go, and it will guarantee you against getting caught out.

All You Need To Know About OralTox Drug Test: Results, Test Strip Colors, Drugs Looked For – How To Pass An OralTox 6 Panel Test

 The OralTox drug test is becoming more popular in the USA. But why is that? I’m going to tell you everything you need to know right now about this six panel test. I’ll explain exactly what the OralTox drug test is, and how it works. I’ll explain in detail why it’s dangerous and why it’s catching on with more companies and organizations.

In this quick session, you’ll learn everything you need to know about OralTox drug test results, and, crucially, how you can beat this invasive mouth swab drug test.

What Exactly Is The OralTox Drug Test?

At its heart, the OralTox drug test is simply a mouth swab test, and oral drug test kit that offers a convenient “all in one” solution.

It’s very affordable as well. Around $10 per kit if you buy a pack of 25, and for higher volumes, as low as seven dollars per test. That obviously makes it affordable to any size company or organization that wishes to conduct drug tests.

To be clear, there are plenty of other affordable and similar test kits out there, so it’s not unique. But it is increasingly well known, and the name is beginning to be used generally for this type of all-in-one test.

Each test kit has the following key characteristics:

  • A special collection swab with a locking handle mechanism
  • The smart swab has indicated strips to show when the sample is collected
  • Completely automated and self-contained test device
  • Results in 10 minutes

Cheap and easy to use, easy to train people, and with fast results, it offers companies and organizations the ability to do rapid drug testing whenever they want.

Drugs Looked For On The OralTox Drug Test 6 Panel & 8 Panel Kits

The OralTox 6 panel test looks for the following drugs:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines
  • Methamphetamines
  • Opiates
  • PCP

Although the Oral Tox drug test 6 panel is the one everyone is talking about, there is also an 8 panel that looks for the substances:

  • Methadone
  • Opiates
  • Oxycodone
  • Cocaine
  • Marijuana
  • Amphetamines
  • Methamphetamines
  • Benzodiazepines

As you can see, the 8 panel test is heavy on looking for opiates, with oxycodone, opiates generally, and Methadone all looked for.

This Is Why The OralTox Drug Test Is Dangerous

The OralTox test, like all of these self-contained and easy-to-use mouth swab tests, is dangerous for the following reasons:

  1. The cost per unit is low. Even a small company can buy 25 kits for just $10 each. This means that training, testing, and even retesting all become affordable to implement.
  2. The training is simple. Because it’s self-contained, all you need to know is how to observe someone before the test, how to administer it, and how to monitor the time before the results show or it voids.
  3. Because the cost is so low, if the test is positive, a second confirmation test could be done immediately to verify this. It’s a cheap way of the company or organization to show due diligence and prove the result.

How The OralTox Mouth Swab Test Is Conducted

To show you how easy it is to use, let’s talk you through the OralTox instructions now, so you can understand how it’s conducted and how the results are obtained.

  1. The person being tested is handed a large sponge swab attached to a plastic collection device. This device has a screw top, and saturation strip that shows progress and when enough has been collected.
  2. They put the swab in the mouth and moved it around as instructed. Because it’s so big, it absorbs rapidly and is impossible to game by placing in certain parts of the mouth. Plus, progress is observed via the collection strip so you can’t undercover.
  3. Once enough saliva has been collected, the collector is placed into the testing device. It’s pushed in and screwed down. Then the person administering the test watches it for 10 minutes.
  4. Within two minutes control line should appear for each test strip/panel. This shows that enough saliva has reached that strip for a test to be conducted.
  5. It must be watched for 10 minutes in total, to observe if a positive or negative result is shown for each collection strip. This is the “presumptive positive” result.

How To Read The Results (What Do The OralTox Drug Test Colors Mean?)

The Oral Tox results are easy to read. There are two things you need to look for.

  • Firstly, the top line shows that the test is successful. For each drug test strip a red line will appear, you need all six (or eight) to appear for the test to be valid.
  • The second set of red lines showed negative results. Again, all six, or eight, should show a second red line underneath the first.

So when it comes to knowing what the OralTox drug test colors mean, there aren’t any to worry about. It’s just a line that has to be there, or not. If there is no line under the control line after 10 minutes, then the drug test is positive for that drug.

Note that it’s called an “presumptive positive” result, rather than an actual positive result. That’s because it needs to be verified. This is either done through a second test, or the original test being sent off for gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis.

Be Aware Of False Positives On Mouth Swab Tests Like OralTox

Drug tests can kick up false positives, and because of the nature of the OralTox drug test, in being administered potentially by employees who are not experts at a drug testing company, you need to be aware of false positives to protect yourself.

There are several reasons why false positives can occur:

  1. Cross-reactivity is a thing when mimicking the chemical structure of illicit drugs can occur in non-illegal drugs. For example, some over-the-counter medications, and prescription drugs. Even things like decongestants and antihistamines.
  2. Contamination can occur, where something in the mouth, usually stuck in the teeth, can interfere with the test.
  3. Some completely innocuous substances can break down into structures in the mouth that can resemble the shape of some drug metabolites, which could trigger a false positive result.

Moving to the specific types of substances that can trigger results, to give you an idea of things to watch out for, these are the sorts of things that can cause false positives:

  • Decongestants like Sudafed can trigger as amphetamines
  • Ibuprofen has been shown to occasionally trigger THC results
  • Naproxen can trigger a false positive for THC
  • Antidepressants are a real problem for drug testing
  • TCA antidepressants can trigger opioid or amphetamine false positives
  • Some antibiotics (penicillin-based) can trigger as cocaine use
  • Dietary supplements can trigger a lot of false positives
  • Cough medicines can occasionally trigger a positive response for PCP or opiates
  • Poppy seeds are well known for triggering opiate false positives

One big thing you can do to not fail a drug test through no fault of your own is to ensure that when you go for a drug test, especially if it’s an employee of your company and not a specialist company, is that you tell them about anything you are taking.

How You Can Pass An OralTox Drug Test Every Time

So there’s nothing really new about the OralTox mouth swab drug test, it’s just a convenient format that is very affordable.

But it is dangerous, because of the low bar for using it, and how difficult it is to beat it because the instructions include the specific one that you must remain in sight for 10 minutes before the swab is taken. Obviously designed to stop you from adulterating your saliva, it is still very beatable.

The way you can beat it is to use Oral Clear saliva-neutralizing gum.

You’ll have to play brinkmanship because if you take it too early, it can only last 15 minutes under most circumstances. So if you take it before you go into the room to be observed for 10 minutes, will it still have the strength to neutralize metabolites?

The best strategy is to keep it in your pocket:

  1. Go into the room, put your hand in your pocket, and cup the capsule in it. At an opportune minute (they can’t stare straight at you for 10 minutes) you simply cough, place your hand over your mouth – or if they have turned away you don’t even need to cough, and put the capsule in.
  2. With your mouth closed, split the capsule in your teeth, and without moving your mouth and lips, let the liquid seep around the mouth for a couple of minutes.
  3. Then, use your tongue when not been directly observed, to discreetly move the liquid around your gum line and cheeks. Practice this in the mirror in advance so you can master doing it without external movement.
  4. Just before they put the swab in your mouth, swallow the lot to leave no trace you have adulterated the test.

For our detailed Oral Clear Gum review, click here, to purchase Oral Clear visit the manufacturer’s webshop.

Everything You Need To Know About The Military Drug Test: Drugs Tested For, Cut-Off Levels & How To Pass It

In this guide, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about military drug testing. The panel drug tests used, drugs looked for, cut-off levels, and how the tests are performed. I’m not in the military, but I do know a lot about drug testing. I’ve also tapped up a friend in the army (eight years of service) to verify the information in this guide.

Why does the military take such a firm stand on drug use?  Simple. Any lapse in judgment or impairment can lead to devastating consequences in the line of duty. So there is a great reason why they can drug test, and they do drug test frequently.

Overview Of Drug Testing Policies In The U.S. Military 

The U.S. military unsurprisingly operates a zero-tolerance policy on drug use. If you’re caught using illegal substances, then there are usually serious consequences. To enforce this policy, the military doesn’t leave any stone unturned. Drug testing programs are designed not only to detect illicit substances but also to deter service members from engaging in drug use in the first place.

The requirement is for a unit commander (usually a battalion commander) to drug test 10% of their personnel each month. In reality, some order more, and can even do a 100% drug test on the entire unit whenever they want.

So there’s no hard and fast rule, and the unit commander’s approach and attitude dramatically determine how often you are drug tested, but the 10% rule means that you will be at some stage each year, at least once.

When Could You Face A Military Drug Test?

Drug testing isn’t a one-time event in the military. It’s an ongoing process that occurs in several contexts. Let’s talk you through the main scenarios now.

  1. Enlistment and Commissioning

Every new recruit undergoes drug testing before they officially enter service. It’s a straightforward process. Test positive? You’re out.

There’s no second chance or probationary period here. For the military, integrity and reliability start from day one. But note that this is actually the same as in almost all civilian jobs. How many people would get a job if they tested positive during the recruitment process?

  1. Random Testing

Service members are subject to potential random testing throughout their careers. The element of surprise ensures compliance and accountability.

  1. Probable Cause Testing

Probable cause testing isn’t done on a whim, there has to be clear evidence or reliable information indicating possible drug use. Commanders have the authority to request tests under these circumstances. If there is suspicion, this can even be more than one test, and you could be targeted for weeks and months after an event that has prompted the suspicion.

  1. Pre/Post-Deployment and Post-Leave Testing

Returning from a deployment or an extended period of leave? You’re likely to face a drug test. This precautionary measure ensures that service members haven’t engaged in drug use during periods away from the military, or at a time when they need to be at their sharpest.

  1. Post-Accident Testing

If there’s an accident or an incident, then testing can be conducted to rule out drug involvement. Whether it’s an equipment failure or a tactical error, knowing whether drugs played a role is a key part of the investigation.

How Does The Military Test For Drugs?

The Army drug test is primarily urinalysis, and that’s the same for the Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force. It’s used most widely for the same reasons as in civilian circumstances – it offers the best balance of cost, reliability, and duration of detection.

These are the things you need to know about the military drug test process

  • Supervised collection process
  • Meticulous chain of custody
  • Accredited lab analysis
  • Zero tolerance policy for failure

Service members are required to provide a urine sample under strict conditions. While privacy is respected, samples are monitored closely enough to prevent tampering or substitution.

Once the sample is collected, it’s sealed and labeled with precision. Every step from collection to analysis is documented meticulously.

The military uses accredited drug testing laboratories for analysis. At these facilities, the samples undergo an initial screening, usually using enzyme immunoassay tests. If the initial test flags a sample as positive, then a confirmation test is done.  That employs more sophisticated techniques like gas chromatography-mass spectrometry (GC-MS) or liquid chromatography-tandem mass spectrometry (LC-MS/MS).

passing a military drug test

Types Of Drug Tests Conducted – What Drugs Do The Military Test For?

The military uses several types of drug tests, each designed to detect a specific range of substances. These are the typical tests used:

1. Industry standard 5-Panel Test

This is the most common drug test and is exactly the same as the standard test used in civilian circumstances, including Department of Transport (DoT) regulated industries.

It screens for five key substances:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines/methamphetamines
  • Opiates
  • PCP

2. Extended 10-Panel Test

The 10-panel test broadens the scope, adding these additional drugs to the screening list:

  • Benzodiazepines
  • Barbiturates
  • Methadone
  • Propoxyphene
  • Quaaludes

This expanded list covers not just illicit drugs but also prescription medications that can be misused.

3. Military 26-Panel Test

The 26 panel test used by the military is crazy over the top, but it’s designed to be completely comprehensive. It looks for a wide range of substances, including newer synthetic and designer drugs that are increasingly widely used but that are normally not detectable on standard drug testing. This test includes all the substances from the standard 5-panel and extended 10-panel tests, plus many more. The aim is to detect as many drug types as possible and act as the ultimate deterrent.

The 26-panel test looks for:

  • Marijuana (THC)
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines (including methamphetamine)
  • MDMA (Ecstasy)
  • MDA (Adam)
  • Opiates (such as morphine, codeine, and heroin)
  • Hydrocodone
  • Oxycodone
  • Hydromorphone
  • Oxymorphone
  • Benzodiazepines (such as Valium and Xanax)
  • Barbiturates (such as phenobarbital)
  • Methadone
  • Propoxyphene
  • Synthetic Cannabinoids (also known as Spice)
  • Synthetic Cathinones (such as bath salts)
  • Fentanyl
  • Tramadol
  • Buprenorphine
  • Ketamine
  • LSD
  • PCP (Phencyclidine)
  • Steroids
  • Carisoprodol (Soma)
  • Meprobamate
  • Methaqualone (Quaaludes)

Interestingly, the military does not look for magic mushroom use in standard testing, but it does have the capability to test for psilocybin if there is a specific reason to do so. This is specialized testing that can be requested and conducted by the Armed Forces Medical Examiner System (AFMES) if there is suspicion.

Another point to note is that the use of the 26-panel test is not common. It’s reserved for situations where there’s a need for heightened scrutiny. This could be a special investigation, cases involving high-ranking personnel, or even scenarios where there’s suspicion of synthetic drug use that is being missed by standard 5/10 panel testing.

What Are The Consequences Of A Positive Drug Test Result?

For the most positive results, the military initiates and immediate administrative action process. This usually leads to an administrative discharge. It’s swift and definitive. The message is clear—there’s no room for illicit drug use in the ranks. Note that this also includes marijuana use. And not just marijuana, but dabs, novel cannabinoids, or even hemp products that have above the legal limit of THC in them.

In more severe cases, such as the dealing and distribution of drugs, or the use of particularly dangerous substances, then your face a court-martial. This can be a full court-managed justice system that leads to imprisonment within the military prison system, or discharge followed by you being passed to the police for investigation.

There is some room for rehabilitation. In some cases, especially for first-time offenders, or those dealing with prescription drug misuse, service members may be referred to rehabilitation programs instead.

These programs aim to address the root causes of drug misuse and help personnel return to duty. However, from everything I have read and learned, this is rare and you would be very lucky to get this. I suspect if you are a highly financially invested service member (specialist role) then you might, but your basic “grunt” will be discharged

Is It Possible To Beat A Military Drug Test?

It certainly is possible to beat a military drug test, no matter what type of test it actually is.  Some people in these situations obsess over military drug test cut off levels. Look, the same as in the civilian well, my advice is to forget those.

Cut off levels vary, and even if you test negative on a home drug test, because they are less sensitive, it could still mean failure on a military drug test – especially as these go straight for lab analysis.

Note that because of the close supervision and lab analysis, there is no way that you can use synthetic urine to beat a military drug test.

The ways to beat the military urinalysis are as follows:

  1. Use Rescue Cleanse detox drink. 90 minutes before your test, consume it and then urinate three or four times.As long as you have abstained for 24 – 48 hours before the day of your test as well, then you stand a really good chance of it masking the toxins in your body for long enough to pass a test (you’ll get up to 5 hours clean). Click here to buy Rescue Cleanse.
  2. Fully detox your body using Toxin Rid pills. The more drugs you have taken, the longer the course of pills you will need. Detox as much as you can using the pills, then use Rescue Cleanse on the day of your test, and the combination will give you an even better chance of testing clean. You can buy Toxin Rid straight from the manufacturer.

Best Ways To Clean Out Your System In 24 Hours (CVS An Option?)

 If you’re looking for the best ways to clean out your system in 24 hours then CVS is an obvious option, because of the size it’s range in convenience. But can you even buy good drug test products there?

I going to tell you everything you need to know right now. I’ll explain how long metabolites actually stay in your body, and if it’s even possible to clean out your system in 24 hours or less.

Then I will cover some strategies that will use the following high-quality detox products:

  1. For a full body detoxification – Toxin Rid pills
  1. To mask the toxins temporarily – Rescue Cleanse detox drink
  1. To submit a completely fake sample – Quick Luck synthetic urine

Is It Even Possible To Clean Out Your System In 24 Hours?

Let’s start with the big question first. Is it possible to clean out your system in 24 hours?

The truth is you actually can’t. The caveat to that is that you could if you had really low levels of drug metabolites in the body that would work their way out in 24 hours or less anyway. Let’s say you have taken drugs three or four times in the past week. That’s quite a lot of drug metabolites stacked up in the body and working their way out.

You simply won’t be able to get clean in a day or less to pass a drug test. Therefore, and actual detoxification strategy in that space of time is impossible.

How Long Does It Take Drug Metabolites To Exit Your Body?

You’ll routinely get told about the average detection times in urine for drugs of different types. The thing to remember is that these are for moderate users. So if it says that cannabis is only detectable for three days, that’s only true if you smoke a couple of joints per week.

With all drugs, especially cannabis and slow-acting benzos, the more you take, and the more regularly you take it, the longer it takes to get clean. This is made worse if you are doing multiple things that slow your body down, like drinking lots of alcohol, or not eating/sleeping/being healthy.

The truth is it could take up to a week to get clean for most drugs, so you will definitely not be able to get clean in just 24 hours.

CVS Drug Detox Options

So if you are facing a drug test at short notice, and you’re looking for ways to clean out your system in 24 hours, CVS is one option but what do they actually sell it could help.

In terms of specialist detoxification products, basically courses of pills, there’s nothing potent available from CVS at all. So it wouldn’t matter if you had a full week before your test, the general detoxification products on sale at CVS are not potent enough to clean you out much faster and can be achieved naturally.

CVS also doesn’t sell synthetic urine. For an unsupervised drug test, this is the easiest way to pass. You can only buy high-quality fake urine from specialist retailers.

What About CVS Detox Drinks?

If you’re looking to mask the toxins to pass a drug test, then you’ve got the same problems with CVS detox drinks. None of the brands available are very good. There are a couple that are okay, but most of them are really bad quality with poor track records.

The best of the bunch you can buy on CVS are Ultra Eliminex and QCarbo.

However, QCarbo is a very bad quality detox drink compared to the best on the market which I will talk about in a little while.

Ultra Eliminex used to be a good detox drink, and you could get it from CVS with the confidence it would pass a drug test. However, they changed the formula to save money once it got a reputation, so it’s really no good anymore.

Should You Use CVS Drug Test Products At All?

The truth is that CVS drug test products are not specialists. It’s the same with Walmart and Walgreens.

You can add to that places like Amazon and eBay as well. The truth is if you are looking for ways to clean out your system in 24 hours then CVS is really not an option, and neither are any of the other stores I’ve mentioned.

You need specialist products to make sure that the tried and trusted strategies for passing a urine drug test will work.

The Strategies You Have To Pass A Drug Test At Short Notice

Now I’ve hopefully clarified that CVS drug detox products are not an option, let’s talk you through the strategies and products that definitely will get you through a urine drug test successfully.

1. Synthetic Urine: Submit A Fake Sample

If it’s an unsupervised drug test, and the vast majority of drug tests are unsupervised, then submitting a fake sample is by far and away the easiest way to pass. Synthetic urine isn’t a joke. The best quality products are specially designed to fool professional drug testing.

The best on the market is Quick Luck. It has the following characteristics:

  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Contains the right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Looks, froths, and smells like urine
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad to maintain temperature

As you can see, Quick Luck is a highly complex formula that will fool modern drug testing.

It also doesn’t rely on a heatpad. The biggest reason people fail is that they don’t submit a fake sample within the correct temperature range. Human urine has to be within a very narrow temperature range to pass a drug test, between 90°F and 100°F.

Quick Luck uses heat activator powder instead. Tap in about one-quarter, shake it until it’s dissolved, and watch the temperature strip carefully. Tap in a little more if needed, until you get a good reading on the temperature strip. It’s undetectable in the synthetic urine.

If you are facing a standard drug test, then Quick Luck is the easiest way of passing. No more worrying about ways to clean out your system in 24 hours, because you simply don’t need to bother. Quick Luck is only available from Clear Choice and is not available at CVS.

2. Detoxification: Get Genuinely Clean

If it’s a really important drug test and you want to get genuinely clean, or you think it could be a supervised drug test where you won’t be able to submit a sample of fake urine, then the best strategy is to get genuinely clean.

This means using detox pills to speed up natural detoxification over several days.

If you’re a heavy user, especially if you are a daily weed smoker, it could take you a week, or even two weeks to get naturally clean even if you are eating clean, exercising, drinking plenty of water, and abstaining properly.

But if you use Toxin Rid detox pills then you could remove toxins at least 50% faster than you can naturally. So, if you’re a daily weed smoker, and it will take you to weeks get clean, you should be clean in less than a week to pass a drug test. The course lengths range from between a single day in 10 days in length. The one, two, three day courses are more suitable for partial detoxification, and the longer courses are more suitable for complete detoxification.

Regardless of whether you are just trying to lower the amount of toxins through partial detoxification to mask the rest on the day, or you want an insurance policy, then on the day of your test you’ll need Rescue Cleanse.

Rescue Cleanse is a high-quality detox drink. On the day of your test, using it will ensure that any stray toxins still in your body don’t ruin the drug test. Because you’ve already at least partially detoxed (but hopefully fully) it will work far better and for far longer.

  • Toxin Rid pills are available from Test Clear, and are not available at CVS.
  • Rescue Cleanse is available from Clear Choice, and it is not available at CVS.

3. Detox Drink: Mask The Drug Metabolites

If you’re really facing a short-notice drug test, and you don’t have time to detox and you can’t use synthetic urine, then a masking strategy is the only one left. You can use Rescue Cleanse for this. It won’t clean out your system permanently, but it will flush you out enough to give you a gap in the toxin flow.

It works by pushing toxins out through your kidneys and bladder faster than can be achieved naturally. In doing this, it creates a gap in the removal of toxins through the kidneys.

It will be a few hours before your body then catches up and pushes more toxins through the kidneys and into the bladder again. Usually this is around three or four hours, which is plenty of time to submit a clean sample.

Rescue Cleanse also floods your body with things found in urine. Some of it is passed through as waste in balance, so the fresh urine that’s toxin free will also pass those important drug test validity checks.

Rescue Cleanse is available from Clear Choice, and is not available from CVS.

How To Protect Yourself From Abuse And Being Drugged When Dating

This is a tough topic to deal with for many people. A site like this needs to address it front on though, and you can’t pull punches when talking about a subject like this which can have such devastating results.

We are going to go through all the main points you need to know to protect yourself from being drugged while dating, hurt in any way, or setting yourself up for abuse down the line by giving away details that you shouldn’t.

Please remember that overwhelmingly, people are good. As I will cover later, some things which could feel like red flags actually aren’t. It’s always important to not be anxious and remain realistic, while also being switched on.

Do Not Be Scared To Go Out And Have Fun – It’s Great To Meet People

First up let’s not scare you. You’re here because you are worried about going on a date and something bad happening.

Perhaps bad things have happened in the past, and it’s totally understandable that you would feel this way. Even if they haven’t, protecting yourself is crucial. Balance is important though. Most people aren’t out to get you, and even things that feel odd at times aren’t.

If you do have triggers that could impact on your decision-making or calmness during the day, then ensure that you understand them and don’t get yourself into a situation where they can be triggered. Set rules for yourself, and on arrival, or even before, with your date, so that they honor them.

Also remember, you don’t have to explain yourself. If you ask for a precondition meeting, then any reasonable person should understand that as a woman you might want that reassurance, and will readily give it.

Have A Safety Plan

Preparation is key. Before you head out, make sure someone knows where you are and who you’re with. Share your location with a trusted friend or family member and agree on a check-in time. If you don’t check in as planned, they’ll know to follow up.

Having a pre-arranged code word or phrase can also be a discreet way to signal that you need help without raising suspicion. This simple system offers a layer of protection that you can count on if things take an unexpected turn.

When on the date, have an exit plan in mind. Don’t go somewhere that you are unfamiliar with for your dates. Then you’ll know where the toilets are, the bar staff numbers and layout, exits and how busy it will be. Ideally, it should be somewhere where you can go to the toilet and then exit the building without being seen. That way you can make the excuse to go to the toilet, and then exit and escape instead.

With that in mind, positioning yourself on a table where you could facilitate an unobserved exit is a good idea.

Stay Aware Of Your Surroundings

Awareness is your first line of defense. Wherever you are, whether it’s a crowded bar or a quiet café, make a habit of taking in your environment. Notice exits, observe the people around you, and pay attention to subtle changes in the atmosphere.

If something feels off, don’t hesitate to act on it. Staying aware doesn’t mean being paranoid though; it’s about staying prepared.

Remember as well, if you are drinking that this will soften your attitude and your awareness. Split up your drinks, have weaker drinks, and just ensure that you can stay alert.

Keep An Eye On Your Drink

One of the simplest yet most effective safety habits is guarding your drink. A combination of getting your own drinks, and make sure you can watch the bartender prepare the drinks, along with your dates passage with them back to the table is crucial. They should always be in sight.

Obviously, it’s going to look rude if you go to the toilet and come back to half of a drink and you discard it. So, the best advice is to ensure you finish your drink and tell them you’re going to go to the toilet and will get drinks for you both on the way back. This takes some awareness and timing, but completely gets around the situation in a polite and discreet manner.

By structuring it that way, you can’t have a situation where you arrive back at the table to find a fresh drink is waiting and you have no idea if something has been done to it.

Trust your instincts

Your instincts are powerful. If something feels wrong, it usually is. Many people are conditioned to be polite or to avoid making a scene, but when it comes to your safety, trust your gut without hesitation.

Maybe someone is acting overly friendly too quickly, or perhaps their behavior doesn’t match their prior words. These small inconsistencies might be warning signs, so don’t brush them off.

If something feels off, excuse yourself, and leave. There is no harm in being cautious. But again, remember to be balanced and to understand if you have triggers which could kickstart a false response.

Watch Your Alcohol Intake

Alcohol impairs judgment, slows reaction times, and makes it easier for others to take advantage of you. Know your limits and stay in control, especially when in unfamiliar settings.

Stick to drinks that are harder to tamper with, like beer in a bottle, and avoid anything that leaves your drink exposed for too long. It’s easy to get caught up in the moment, but drinking responsibly keeps you sharp and aware, which is crucial in maintaining control over your safety.

If you do feel strange then always reach out to bar staff and don’t make an exit from the building. If you do get into a situation where the police are involved due to suspicion, then always be open to, and suggest drug testing such as urinalysis, that could tell you if your fears were founded or not.

Stay Connected

In today’s digital world, your phone is more than just a means of communication; it’s a safety tool. Make sure your phone is fully charged before going out, and that your location services are on. Apps like Find My Friends or Google Maps allow you to share your real-time location with trusted contacts, so someone always knows where you are.

In an emergency, the quicker someone can find you, the better. Staying connected keeps you one step ahead, giving you peace of mind throughout your night.

However, it’s important to be discreet and polite. If you’re constantly looking your phone, not only is it rude, but it could give someone the impression that you are deeply untrusting and make them exit the day instead when there’s actually nothing wrong. As with everything, balance is important.

Watch For Red Flags – But Remember Not Every Red Flag Is A Genuine One

There are lots of red flags to watch out for. For example, taking a very keen interest in aspects of your life through direct and indirect questioning. You’re always told to be cautious about giving personal details, in case they are building up a picture from which they can stalk you, by finding where you live and work.

But remember, not everyone is a lunatic or a stalker. Sometimes questions like this can be completely natural. If someone asks you where you live, especially if they are nervous, it can be to spontaneous general question that many people ask. Don’t immediately decide they are out to get you, but are just being general and polite instead.

You could even just give a completely wrong area of the city you live in as your answer. It satisfies that curiosity and calms them down, but without actually giving anything away.

Later down the line if you click, you can explain the truth and any reasonable person will understand that as a female in the modern world, you do have to protect yourself in this way.

Avoid A Crowded Nightclub Or Bar

Almost all instances of having date rape drugs injected are in crowded nightclubs and bars. That’s because people are brushing against you and are in close proximity without arousing suspicion. This is backed up by drug testing evidence from multiple studies across multiple countries.

So, for your first few dates with someone new, it’s best to avoid crowded situations where you are moving around a lot. Always look for somewhere you can sit down and where it’s only moderately busy.

A great strategy is to do most of your dating earlier in the week when even busier locations that are open will be quieter.

Only Move Locations During The Date If It’s Very Close And Populated

Sometimes it can feel very natural if you are clicking with someone to move to a different location and get a change of scenery. If things are going well, that’s great as long as you are still switched on.

If you suggest the move, then obviously that’s going to reassure you. But if the man suggests the move, then naturally you should be cautious. Always make sure it’s still somewhere you know, and not somewhere completely new to you.

Also, ensure that it’s only a couple of minutes’ walk away along busy streets, with no cut-throughs or quiet locations along the route.

Does UPS Drug Test – How To Pass A UPS Drug Test & Beat The UPS Drug Test Policy

Does UPS drug test? Yes, but only under very certain circumstances. I’m going to tell you exactly how to beat that UPS urine drug test now. This is a complete guide on the UPS drug test policy, so you can see when the most dangerous situations occur.

I’ll also tell you the exact UPS job roles that will be drug tested, and those which won’t (including drivers and package handlers). Then, I’ll outline three strategies that you can use to pass a urine drug test for UPS, or any other drug testing situation, using the following key products:

  • Quick Luck synthetic urine
  • Rescue Cleanse detox drink
  • Toxin Rid detox pills

What Exactly Is The UPS Drug Test Policy?

You can view the UPS drug test policy online, and without going into the details and boring you, it’s pretty standard stuff.

They reserve the right to drug test you during employment, and specifically in the following situations:

  • During pre-employment process
  • On the job periodically
  • Random drug testing
  • With suspicion
  • Role change
  • Key role recruitment
  • Driving jobs
  • Machinery operators

As you can see, it’s pretty comprehensive, but how much do they stick to that policy? I’ll tell you now, they don’t do random drug testing at UPS. You won’t get caught out by that.

If you’re a driver, covered by the Department of Transport laws, then you will be periodically tested to DOT standards.

I’ll also note that “with suspicion” is very vague, and most companies don’t do it. It’s a legal minefield, especially with disability laws now in place which would prevent you from drug testing someone, because they could say they have a physical or mental impairment that comes across as drug use.

Does UPS Drug Test At Orientation (Pre-Employment)?

UPS doesn’t drug test during the employment process unless it’s for driver jobs primarily. They do also drug test for senior positions, things like management and other key roles both for external and internal recruitment processing.

Generally, though, most employees are not drug tested during pre-employment. So does UPS drug test during orientation? The answer is almost always no, unless it’s a driver’s job or other specialist role.

Does UPS drug test at orientation

Does UPS Drug Test Drivers?

UPS does drug test drivers both during the recruitment process and periodically under the Department of Transport regulations.

However, this doesn’t appear to stretch to some temporary seasonal drivers. I’ve seen evidence online over several years where people have said they do seasonal driving work for UPS and have never been drug tested.

But yes, if you’re a driver going through recruitment, or are on the job with UPS, then there’s a strong chance you will be drug tested due to the DOT federally mandated regulations.

Does UPS Drug Test Package Handlers?

UPS does not drug test package handlers. That’s a 100% certain guarantee.

In fact, amongst UPS employees, there’s a standing joke that if they did drug test package handlers then there would be nobody left to do the work!

does ups drug test package handlers

When Could You Face A Drug Test When Working For UPS?

Put all that together, and this is when you could face a drug test when working for UPS:

  • Permanent driving jobs
  • Machinery operators
  • Management positions
  • Specialist roles
  • Very occasionally with suspicion

Now, the evidence is that UPS drug test policy is not enforced particularly, and the answer to the question does UPS drug test, is “rarely”. But that doesn’t mean it’s never going to happen. What I’ve heard from people online, and people I know, may not be the complete story.

That’s going to be the same with any online resource you read. The truth is they probably don’t, but what happens if you’re caught out?

So let’s work on the assumption that if you’re going for a job at UPS of any type, or you already work for them, that you could face a drug test. So how do you pass a drug test that you are facing, whether it’s for UPS, or if you are working for another company?

How To Prepare For A Drug Test

There are some key things you need to know to prepare for a drug test. We are talking about urine drug testing here, because that’s the only type UPS has ever been linked to completing, and it’s common to most companies.

There are three types of drug test:

  • Supervised
  • Observed
  • Unobserved/unsupervised

Overwhelmingly, most drug tests are unsupervised. That means nobody is going to be watching you, and most likely nobody is even going to be in the same room with you. You’ll be at least behind a screen, and probably behind a door.

Supervised testing is where someone will be with you, but they will be directly looking at you – they will just be in the area.

The worst type is observed drug testing, where somebody will literally be looking at you urinate.

It’s rare that it’s directly observed, but supervised testing is definitely done for failed drug test retesting, and for some other purposes you’ll be told about in advance. Knowing this key information, you can now adapt the method that fits to pass the type of test you are facing.

Proven Methods To Pass A Urine Drug Test

Whether it’s an observed test, supervised test, or the overwhelmingly used unsupervised test, these are the best ways you can pass a urine drug test for UPS or any other employer.

1. Quick Luck Synthetic Urine

If it’s an unsupervised drug test, then submitting a sample of fake urine is the best way to pass, as long as you use the best synthetic urine on the market.

Quick Luck urine is the best you can buy. Most fake urine is really poor quality and will not pass a modern drug test, but Quick Luck has the following crucial properties:

  • Looks, smells, and froths like human urine
  • Contains the right proportions of creatinine, uric acid, and urea
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in human urine
  • Within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Don’t rely on a heatpad to keep the temperature correct

All that together and you’ve got the most complex urine on the market. It will get through the validity checks, and it will fool curious humans.

It also doesn’t rely on a heatpad to keep it warm either, which is unique to Quick Luck. It uses something called heat activator powder instead. Rather than having to use a microwave, and then strapping a heatpad to sample and hoping that keeps it within the correct temperature range, you can carefully manipulate the temperature using the powder.

Simply tap in about one-quarter out of sight before you go in, shake it until it’s dissolved (it’s undetectable in drug tests), and watch the temperature strip. Keep adding small amounts until you get a good reading and then submit your sample.

Click here to view the details of Quick Luck and to purchase it.

2. Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink

If you can’t use fake urine then Rescue Cleanse is the best alternative that works in a short period of time, and last a few hours.

It’s a detox drink. You don’t actually detoxify; it works as a masking agent. It works by pushing toxins out of the body faster than can be achieved naturally. You’ll get about three or four hours clean after drinking it, before the body catches up and processes more toxins into the bladder.

Rescue Cleanse is clever though. It also floods your body with things naturally found in urine, so that some are passed through as waste in the correct proportions. So you’ll still pass the validity checks and have clean urine.

Rescue Cleanse is a high-quality detox drink, the only one of the market I would ever recommend due to its complexity of formula and high success rate.

You can buy Rescue Cleanse direct from Clear Choice, by clicking here.

3. Toxin Rid Detox Pills

If you’ve got a few days before your test, you can detox using high-quality detox pills.

Toxin Rid is the best on the market and will speed up the removal of toxins from your body by up to 70%. That would mean that even a heavy weed smoker, who would usually take weeks to get clean, could be clean in a week or less.

It’s really easy to use, you just take 15 pills per day for the length of the course, and then use the included detox liquid and fiber supplement after that.

There are course lengths from a single day through to 10 days available. Use the shorter lengths to get partially clean (or completely clean if you’re a light user), and the longer courses to get completely clean for moderate to heavy drug use.

If you’re a daily weed smoker, slow-release benzo user, or you’re using drugs more days of the week than not, then just go for the 7 – 10 day courses of Toxin Rid, depending on the time you’ve got before your drug test.

Toxin Rid is only available from Test Clear. Click here to view the range and get more details, and buy Toxin Rid.

How To Beat The Most Common Drug Test For Employment: Pass A Pre-Employment Drug Test Anytime!

Let’s tell you exactly how to pass the most common drug tests used during employment. We will cover how to pass a pre-employment drug screen, and how to pass on the job drug testing.

This guide will be quick but detailed, covering all the types of drug tests you could face, and how to pass them every time. You’ll never worry about a drug test again. If you don’t do what I tell you, and you fail a drug test, then I’ll also cover what the best defense for a positive drug test is.

If you’d like to check out the high-quality products referred to in this guide before you get started, then these are the places to start:

  • Quick Luck synthetic urine
  • Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum
  • Rescue Cleanse detox drink
  • Macujo method Toxin Rid shampoo
  • Toxin Rid full body detoxification pills

What Is The Most Common Drug Test For Employment?

Well, here’s the million-dollar question right at the start of this drug test for employment guide: which is the most common drug test for employment?

  1. The most common type of drug test used in the USA today is the urine drug test. It offers an employer the best balance of cost and catching people out even after two or three days since using drugs.
  1. The mouth swab (oral) drug test is also common. Not as common as urine drug testing, but some of the biggest employers use it, for example Amazon, which means you could easily face one if you are going for a job interview with a major employer.
  1. The hair drug test is rare during employment. A few companies do use it, but it’s expensive and not very common.
  1. Don’t worry about blood testing. No drugs, alcohol, or tobacco really hang around in blood for more than 24 hours, and because of the cost and the fact they have to be administered by a trained person, they are not really used for employment drug testing purposes.

NJ CREAMMA Pre-Employment Drug Test Situation (Legal Cannabis Use)

When New Jersey voted to legalize recreational marijuana, it opened up a can of worms around the legality of excluding people from jobs, or firing people, because of positive marijuana test results.

CREAMMA was a response to this, which stated when and how employers could take positive cannabis results into account. It states that you cannot take one into account during employment drug testing unless it is on the job. Meaning they believe you are under the influence.

The problem is twofold though:

  1. As marijuana can stay in your body as a regular smoker for many weeks, you would still test positive even though you hadn’t smoked a joint anywhere near being on-the-job, but the drug test would show positive for an on-the-job drug test, giving them a chance to fire you.
  2. If they test for cannabis during pre-employment in New Jersey, or any other state where it’s been legalized, then why are they doing that? Do you really believe they are just paying for that panel on the drug test for no reason? They don’t want you to be employed by their company and will still rule you out.

So overall, you can ignore the guidelines. You have to work on the assumption that if you test positive for marijuana, even in a state where it’s completely legal to use it recreationally, you will still face negative employment consequences.

pre employmment drug screen

How To Pass A Pre-Employment Drug Screen

Now you know about the four types of drug tests out there, and the most common drug test for employment purposes used, let’s talk you through how to pass all types of common test right now:

1. Urine drug test method #1: synthetic urine

Pre-employment drug testing will pretty much always be unsupervised. This can be different for on-the-job testing, or return to work drug testing after a failure though, where it would probably be supervised and fake urine would be unsuitable.

The best product out there is called Quick Luck. It has the following product qualities to pass a test:

  • Looks, smells, and froths like human urine
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Uses heat activator powder to maintain temperature

There’s no real prep with Quick Luck. It’s premixed, so simply tuck it into your underwear to keep it close to body temperature and hide it, and take it along to the venue. Just before you go into submit your sample, tap in about one quarter of the heat activator powder and shake it until it’s dissolved.

Check the temperature strip, repeat until you get a reading at between 90°F and 100°F, and go in and submit your sample.

Look, don’t worry about anything else. If it’s an unsupervised urine drug test, Quick Luck is pretty much undetectable and guaranteed to pass. Don’t mess around with cheap brands, just spend the money and get it.

2. Urine drug test method #2: detox drink

If the drug test is supervised, or you just don’t have the balls to smuggle in a fake sample, then Rescue Cleanse is a detox drink that offers an alternative.

It has the strength to flush out more toxins from your body than water can. That will create a gap in the flow of toxins being processed through the kidneys of up to 5 hours.

It also floods your body with things found in urine, so that some are passed through as waste to maintain the look and balance of your urine. During that time, you can submit a drug toxin free sample that will test completely naturally during validity checks on it, and will then obviously pass a drug test. Simply drink Rescue Cleanse 90 minutes before your test, urinate at least three times in the hour after that, and then head to the test center to submit your sample.

3. Urine drug test method #3: full detoxification

If you’ve got the time, then you can fully detoxify to pass a drug test naturally. It could take up to a week for most drugs, and if you’re a regular cannabis smoker, it could take two or three weeks to get clean.

You can speed this up with Toxin Rid detox pills. If you’ve got a week before your test, and you’re an occasional smoker, then a seven day course will probably be enough to get you clean.

For a regular cannabis smoker, you’ll want the full 10 day Toxin Rid course. Toxin Rid will speed up the removal of toxins by more than 50%, so where it will usually take you literally weeks to get clean, you’ll be clean in a week, or even less than that.

If you’ve got the time, and you want to be genuinely clean, then Toxin Rid is the only way to go to accelerate the removal of toxins permanently.

4. Urine drug test method #4: combo strategy

If you don’t want to use fake urine, and you don’t have time to get completely clean with Toxin Rid pills, then the combo strategy is the best. You’ll need a short course of Toxin Rid pills, a one, two, or three day course depending on the time you have. Then you’ll also need the Rescue Cleanse detox drink.

Use the pills for as many days you can before your test. Then use Rescue Cleanse 90 minutes before your test.

The Toxin Rid pills will eliminate a lot of the toxins in your body, meaning less are flowing through and out into your bladder. That means Rescue Cleanse has less to do, and it will lengthen the guaranteed time clean, which even as a heavy weed smoker could be three or four hours.

5. Saliva drug test method #1: Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum

For oral drug testing, this is the only thing I could ever recommend. Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum has the following characteristics:

  • Completely neutralizes saliva in the mouth for at least 15 minutes
  • Neutralizes fresh saliva appearing in the mouth for at least 15 minutes
  • Highly concentrated mouthwash in a very small capsule (headache capsule-sized)
  • Completely discreet and safe to use anywhere

Amazon is the biggest company in America that use oral drug testing. You’ll get short notice oral drug test, especially if it’s an Amazon employment event. But there are others do the same short-notice mouth swab drug testing.

The only way to counter this is to use Oral Clear. It’s literally a small capsule you can pop into your mouth without being seen, even with people in the room.

Split the capsule with your teeth, and discreetly work this powerful solution around the mouth, using your tongue to focus on the gumline. Then, swallow the lot to leave you untraceably clean.

6. Hair drug testing method #1: the Macujo method + Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo

Once drug toxins get trapped in the hair follicle, and then grow out inside newly formed hair, it’s almost impossible to get them out. That’s why detox shampoo on its own never works.

But what you can do is use the most potent detox shampoo, called Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo, in conjunction with a method that uses household chemicals that don’t damage the hair, to open up the cuticle layer of the hair and flush out the toxins.

It’s called the Macujo method. It takes a few run-throughs to get every toxin out of your hair, and you’ll probably need to do it once or twice a day in the week leading up to your test, probably a minimum of seven or eight times if possible.

There’s quite a lot of steps which I can’t detail here, so if you want to check out the exact method you need to use to pass a pre-employment drug screen or any other type of hair drug test, then you can by clicking here.

What About On The Spot/On-The-Job Drug Testing?

On the spot, and on-the-job schedule drug testing is really no different to pre-employment drug testing.

The only difference is that almost all on-the-job testing is mouth swab or urine testing, no hair or blood testing. For a urine drug test, use Quick Luck. It’s premixed, and the heat activator powder will get it within the correct temperature range in about two minutes. You just need that short time out of sight.

Oral Clear saliva-neutralizing gum can be used even with someone in the room with you preparing the test, simply by coughing and placing your hand over your mouth.

Best Defense For Positive Drug Test: What To Do If You Fail

Before you panic, you have to know if this is a failure of the initial urinalysis, the antibody test. These can often throw up false positives, particularly for amphetamine use. Sometimes you will be informed of the initial failure, and sometimes only after the follow-up confirmation test.

Always ensure that the confirmation test has been done, so you truly know if you’ve been caught or not.

The only time you would need a defense is on the job. If it’s a pre-employment 4-panel drug test or similar, then you’re just not going to get the job So unless you’re employed, you don’t need a defense. You will simply not get the job and must walk away and start again. Learn the lesson, and ensure you prepare properly the next time.

Where To Buy The Products You Need To Pass A Drug Test

Let’s tell you exactly where to buy the high-quality products I’ve talked about in this guide, so that you can always pass a pre-employment drug screen.

  1. Quick Luck is made by a company called Clear Choice. It costs $100 for the premixed urine and the heat activator powder. You can buy it here.
  2. Rescue Cleanse is also made by Clear Choice. It costs around $55, and is available to buy here.
  3. Toxin Rid pills are made by Test Clear. You can buy course lengths from one day through to 10 days in length, and they are available to buy right here.
  4. Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is made by Clear Choice. It costs $100 and is available to buy direct from them here.

Can Synthetic Urine Be Detected In A Lab Test? All You Need To Know About Passing A Drug Test With Fake Urine

 Asking questions about whether synthetic urine is looked for during a drug test shows confusion about what actually happens in a drug test. But don’t worry, I’ll tell you right now whether synthetic urine can be detected in a lab test or not.

Does LabCorp test for synthetic urine specifically? Do panel drug tests detect fake urine? I’ll answer all of those questions right now.

Plus, I’ll explain the characteristics of synthetic urine that will pass a drug test, tell you what the best brand on the market is, and give you clear instructions on exactly how to use it to pass a drug test.

Can Synthetic Urine Be Detected In A Lab Test?

Let’s answer the big question first because it will give you clarity on exactly what a lab test actually looks for. The answer is that technically, yes it can. That’s only in the extreme circumstances though, where you fail a retest and your sample is sent for a full gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis.

Let me tell you, that’s quite rare because it’s expensive to do and they prefer to just fail you and refer you back to the person you paid for the test to explain why.

Here’s what actually happens when you submit your sample:

  1. Within two minutes of urinating, the temperature has to have its temperature tested. This is the point at which most fake urine fails because people don’t keep it within the correct temperature range (between 90°F and 100°F).
  2. As long as the temperature shows its within that temperature range, then it will go through some pretty basic validity checks. This is a dipstick test to see if anything reacts. It will check the liquid is within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges, and that it contains the right proportion of creatinine. Plus, it will look for adulterants specifically nitrates, and very occasionally one or two other common chemicals found in urine.
  3. If it passes the validity check then it goes through a urinalysis (immunoassay). This just looks for drug metabolites and is not analyze the composition of the urine.

So as you can see, at no point during standard drug testing, do they try and spot things in the synthetic urine that aren’t in real urine, look for much that could be missing, or do a wide analysis of the entire sample.

If your sample of fake urine ticks those basic boxes, then it’s good enough to get through and pass a drug test.

Does LabCorp Test For Synthetic Urine Specifically?

No LabCorp doesn’t test for synthetic urine specifically. I’ve explained the tests that happen, and when they happen. So there’s really not much to worry about.

It’s the same with Concenrta and Quest Diagnostics, and all the big testing companies. So does fake pee work for Quest Diagnostics as well, the answer is also yes.

The only time any of these companies complete tests that could what fake urine is if they do a full gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, but even then, it’s a composition analysis, and not trying to spot fake urine specifically.

Can A 5 Panel Drug Test Detect Fake Urine?

Five-panel drug tests do not look for fake urine. It just looks for five different drug substances. In terms of the validity checks, processes, and outcomes, it’s exactly the same as I’ve just explained to you.

The type of panel drug test you are completing is irrelevant, every single panel drug test goes through exactly the same process, and fake urine would only be spotted if it underwent a full analysis, or somebody got suspicious.

Does Fake Piss Work For Passing A Drug Test?

You’re probably wondering if fake piss does work for passing a drug test, or whether it all seems too good to be true.The truth is that it certainly can. But you have to pick the best brand with the characteristics to get around those checks I’ve just talked about in detail.

So sure it can work, but you need to know about the characteristics of high quality fake urine, so you understand exactly what they are, and what you need to do to make sure you would pass when using it.

can labs detect fake pee

Best Synthetic Urine For A Lab Drug Test 2024

The basic characteristics that good quality synthetic urine needs pass a drug test are as follows:

  • Must be within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Has to contain the right proportions of urea and uric acid
  • Must contain the correct proportion of creatinine
  • Must look, froth, and smell like urine
  • Has to be submitted within the correct temperature range

Those characteristics will get the sample through temperature check, validity checks, and any human scrutiny. From that point on, it’s not going to be found out simply because it’s not going to be found to be fake. The immunoassay just looks for the presence of the paid for drug metabolites.

It’s incredible that most synthetic urine doesn’t even achieve those basics though.

For example, Quick Fix, a very popular brand, doesn’t really look like urine, and it definitely doesn’t smell or froth like it. Plus, it doesn’t contain anything else other than urea, uric acid, and creatinine. So if something else was looked for in the validity checks, any other common chemical, it wouldn’t be found.

The only brand on the market that ticks all those boxes, and offers additional security, is Quick Luck, which has the following characteristics:

  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Contains the correct proportion of creatinine
  • Contains the right amounts of urea and uric acid
  • Also contains 11 other common chemicals found in urine (14 in total)
  • Looks, froths, and smells like urine
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad for temperature maintenance

Put that all together, and you’ve got the best chance of passing a drug test using Quick Luck. It exceeds the minimum requirements needed, and is incomparable on the market right now.

Instructions For Using Quick Luck To Pass A Drug Test

Quick Luck is incredibly simple to use. Preparation is minimal, and you don’t need any extra materials.

This fact makes Quick Luck perfect for short-notice, on the spot job drug testing. With just two minutes out of sight you can get a viable sample to submit, so it’s perfect for industries which are highly regulated.

These are the instructions you need to know:

  1. There’s no preparation at all. It’s premixed, and you don’t need to use a heatpad or microwave. It’s ready to use.
  2. So all you have to do before you leave is work out how you’re going to disguise the sample. Synthetic urine is only suitable for unsupervised drug tests (all are unless you are told in advance), so bear this in mind. Wear baggy jogging bottoms, and tuck the sample into your underwear in the crotch area. They can’t search you intimately, so this will disguise it well enough.
  3. On arrival, you’re going to make sure that the Quick Luck sample is within the correct temperature range. The magical range is between 90°F and 100°F to be a legal sample. This is really easy to do and involves the heat activator powder.
  4. Tap in about one-quarter of the heat activator powder, shake it gently until it dissolves, and watch the temperature strip carefully. Don’t worry, the heat activator powder is not a footprint and can’t be detected during a drug test.
  5. If there’s no reading on the temperature strip after 60 seconds, then tap in a little more. Repeat this process with small amounts until you get a good reading on the temperature strip that is close to 100°F.
  6. Finally, simply tuck the sample back into your underwear and go in and confidently submit it within 15 minutes to ensure it’s within the correct temperature range.

Where To Buy Clear Choice Quick Luck Synthetic Urine

I have passed a drug test using Sub Solution. It’s the predecessor to Quick Luck that was very similar, but wasn’t premixed. Quick Luck even takes that step away, making it instantly usable.

Quick Luck is the most complex and easy-to-use brand of fake urine on the market. It also completely gets around the biggest reason why synthetic urine fails, and that’s because the heatpad fails and it’s outside the correct temperature range when you submit it. This doesn’t come cheap though. Quick Luck costs $100. In the box you’ll get the premixed urine, vial of heat activator powder, and a pair of thin and high-quality heatpads.

You probably won’t ever want to use the heatpads, but they give you an additional option should you want to partially warm the sample on your way to the testing facility. If you live somewhere really cold, this could be advantageous as it will mean you are messing around with less heat activator powder and it will mean a quicker job for you.

Quick Luck is only available to buy legitimately from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.

Court Ordered Drug Test Procedure: What’s The Process & How To Avoid Failing A Court Ordered Drug Screening

Being told that you must undertake a court ordered drug screening can be intimidating. Obviously though, there are a lot of individual circumstances to think about here.

Don’t worry about the actual court ordered drug test procedure, it’s really no different to other structure drug testing like Department of Transport drug testing. The standard of drug test is exactly the same as for any other purpose, and you will go through the same process.

All that is different is that court-ordered drug tests are closely monitored for the procedure, and obviously, there are usually more significant outcomes hanging on the result than the usual problems with employment.

So let’s take a look now in detail at court ordered drug test processes and what actually happens during and after you submit your sample.

When Could You Face A Court Ordered Drug Test?

There are very certain circumstances under which you could face a court ordered drug screening, so let’s talk you through them in detail now.

1. Criminal Cases

This may be obvious, but if you’re convicted of a crime and placed on probation or parole, then regular drug testing might become part of your life. Courts want to make sure you’re staying clean and not violating any terms of your release.

This is particularly common for people with DUI or drug-related offenses. If the charges involve drugs or alcohol, expect the court to order a drug test, both to confirm if substances were involved in the crime and to monitor your compliance during any treatment or rehabilitation program.

2. Family Court Cases

When it comes to family law, drug tests can play a huge role, especially in cases of child custody rightly) or visitation disputes. If one parent accuses the other of drug use, or if the court has concerns about the children’s safety, a drug test may be ordered.

The priority in these cases is always the wellbeing of the child, and a positive test could significantly impact custody arrangements. Child Protective Services (CPS) often steps in during cases of alleged child neglect or abuse, and drug testing becomes a critical part of the investigation to determine if a parent is fit to care for their children.

3. Divorce Cases

Divorce proceedings can get messy, especially if substance abuse allegations come into play. Courts take these claims seriously. If one party accuses the other of drug use, it could lead to a court-ordered drug test.

This isn’t just about your reputation; it can influence key decisions like custody, alimony payments, and even how assets are ultimately divided. If drug use is suspected of impairing judgment or posing a risk to family members, the court won’t hesitate to act.

4. Employment Law Cases


Drug tests can also come into play in employment law cases. If there’s a workplace accident or injury, and there’s suspicion of drug use, the court may order a drug test. Employers want to ensure that substance use didn’t contribute to the incident, and these tests can be crucial in determining liability.

In workers’ compensation claims, for instance, if the employer thinks drugs were involved, testing may be required to confirm or dispute the employee’s claim. That’s why almost every company drug tests after an accident, and if the incident becomes a legal issue, further drug testing can be used on the person who caused the accident to try and deflect fault onto the individual.

5. Rehabilitation or Treatment Programs

Drug treatment courts are specialized legal programs focused on helping people with substance use disorders. If you’re in one of these programs, regular drug testing is usually conducted.

Designed to help non-violent offenders avoid jail time by going through rehabilitation instead, failing a test here can have serious consequences, like being sent back to jail or being required to attend more intensive treatment. This will obviously depend on the severity of your offence and if it’s a first or subsequent failure.

6. Civil Lawsuits

Drug tests can come into play even in civil lawsuits, and particularly in lucrative personal injury cases. If drug use might have contributed to the injury, a court-ordered test will almost certainly be ordered.

For instance, in a car accident, if there’s suspicion that the defendant was using drugs, the court could order a test to determine liability. In other civil cases, like breach of contract disputes where a drug-free clause is in place, a court may also demand testing to resolve the case.

7. Adoption or Foster Care Applications

If you’re looking to adopt or become a foster parent, drug testing is likely part of the process. Courts or adoption agencies will definitely order a test to ensure that the child is placed in a stable, drug-free environment.

Any positive test result would obviously hurt your chances of success, as the goal is to ensure the safety and wellbeing of the child. In many instances, regular drug testing is performed during the adoption or fostering process, rather than just one.

8. Mental Health Cases

Substance abuse often links strongly to mental health issues, and in some mental health court cases, drug testing is part of the solution. These courts work with individuals dealing with mental health disorders, and if substance abuse is suspected, the court may order tests to ensure compliance with treatment plans or other legal requirements.

This approach aims to rehabilitate as its goal, but failure to comply with drug testing can lead to more severe outcomes.

9. Juvenile Court Cases

If a minor is in legal trouble, especially for drug- or alcohol-related offenses, juvenile courts may order drug testing. This is to determine whether substance abuse is a problem and to guide decisions about treatment or punishment.

Again, the courts aim to steer minors toward rehabilitation rather than to punish them, but repeated failures could result in stricter penalties.

10. Protective Orders or Domestic Violence Cases

In domestic violence cases, where substance abuse might be contributing to violent behavior, courts sometimes order drug tests. If a protective order is in place and there’s a suspicion that drugs are involved, the court will use testing to assess the risk. If a legal order is in place and then drug testing is almost always used to help enforce it.

The results can significantly impact the case, influencing decisions about restraining orders, custody, and other legal protections.

Steps Taken To Order And Perform Court-Ordered Screening

In the USA, a typical court-ordered drug test procedure generally involves the following steps.

  1. Referral

The individual is referred by a legal authority.

  1. Scheduling

The individual is scheduled for an appointment with a certified professional or addiction specialist.

  1. Evaluation

The evaluation includes a series of questions about the individual’s substance use history.

  1. Physical Test

A physical drug test is conducted. This is usually a urine test, but alternatively it could be a saliva test. In very rare circumstances it could even be a hair test.

  1. Results

The results are analyzed and reported to the court and other parties. They will then deliberate, before notifying you of the results and next course of action.

  1. Follow-Up

After passing or failing, then depending on the circumstances follow-up consequences and actions will take place. There may also be follow-up drug testing that can be completely random and on the spot.

Drug test FAQs

Will I know which type of drug test is issued?

Unfortunately, you will not know which type of drug test is being issued under a court order. The only time you will find out is when you get your appointment, or meet the person conducting the test.

Will I know in advance if a drug test is going to be requested ordered?

No, you will not be told this information usually, because it’s not known until the court has decided.

How long after the order will I have to get a drug test?

The court sees that a court order drug screening requires immediacy to stop lower quality results, or a positive result earning negative. Usually, it will be 24 hours or less. Some courts, depending on the location and type, even have drug testing facilities on the site so that an immediate drug test can be conducted after it has been ordered.

How To Pass A Drug Test With Delta-8 In Your System: Does Delta 8 Even Show Up On Drug Tests?

You’ve probably heard lots of cool things about Delta 8, you may have even used it. But if you’re facing one, then how to pass a drug test with Delta 8 in your system?

Do you even need to pass one – does Delta 8 show up on drug tests at all?

Don’t worry, I got you covered right here in the next five minutes. This is a complete guide not only to how Delta 8 reacts during drug tests but also to the other main novel cannabinoids you can buy (such as THCP).

I’ll tell you which of these novel cannabinoids show up on drug tests, and tell you exactly how to pass a Delta 8 drug test, with methods that will work for all cannabinoids including the main Delta 9 THC (the one that gets you high).

What Actually Is Delta 8?

Delta 8, actually called Delta 8 THC, is a trace cannabinoid found in both cannabis and hemp plants.

It’s structurally similar to Delta 9 THC, which is the main cannabinoid found in cannabis that gets you high, but that’s only found in trace amounts in hemp plants. It’s been gaining popularity in the past few years because it produces some interesting effects while being mostly legal to use wherever you are in the USA.

These are the main characteristics of Delta 8 THC:

  1. Delta 8 can produce mild psychoactive effects, such as relaxation, euphoria, and also pain relief. But note that these are definitely milder than with standard THC.
  2. It’s important to understand the most Delta 8 is synthetically created from CBD, the structure of CBD is chemically altered to create Delta 8. This is important for the points made about legality later.
  3. Because Delta 8 is new and mostly synthetically produced, we don’t really know if it’s having side effects that are yet to be noticed, so it should be used with that warning in mind.

Other Novel Cannabinoids That Have The Same Structure And Issues

Delta 10 is very similar to Delta 8 in structure and also with milder psychoactive effects. Some people feel that Delta 8 is more relaxing though, while Delta 10 is more uplifting and stimulating.

HHC – this is a hydrogenated form of THC that is mildly psychoactive. Although milder than Delta 9 THC, most people regard it as more potent than both Delta 8 and 10.THCO(a) – An acetate ester of THC, which is generally more potent than regular THC, although it depends on where you get it in the concentration you get it in. Personally I find it slightly less potent than THC, but one of my friends swears by it.

THCP – this is the newest novel cannabinoid, only discovered in the past couple of years. It’s reputed to be more potent than Delta 9, and certainly I’ve found that smoking it produces an insane hit.

Does Delta 8 Show Up On Drug Tests?

Unfortunately, I have to tell you that Delta 8 will show up on drug tests as cannabis/THC.

The reason is simple, it’s structurally almost identical. Although some drug tests can spot the difference, most normal drug tests will spot the structure Delta 9 THC and record a positive result for marijuana use.

This is the same with all of the novel cannabinoids I’ve talked about, and I’m going to assume it’s the same for every single one you can buy. They are all so structurally similar to THC Delta 9 that you have to assume that they will almost always trigger a positive drug test result for cannabis.

What Type Of Drug Tests Do Novel Cannabinoids Like Delta 8 Show Up On?

When it comes to being drug tested, urine testing is definitely the most common, with mouth swab (oral) drug testing second.

So will novel cannabinoids like Delta 8 show up on all of these drug tests? The answer depends on whether cannabis is being looked for. On the standard 5 panel drug test, both oral and urine drug testing, the answer is yes, it will show up on those tests.

But nowadays, some people request the removal of the cannabis panel, to create a four panel test. This is because it’s legal in their state, or they generally don’t care about cannabis use because it can trigger a positive result even if it’s been days since they had a joint.

But you won’t know if the panel has been removed unless it is a four panel test (although often they won’t even tell you how many panels the test is). The alternative is they switch out the cannabis panel but replace it with something else, retaining the five panel test.

And if it’s a higher number of panels (up to 14 panels are possible with standard drug testing), then you are never going to know if cannabis is going to be on the test. It’s safest to assume that if you are facing a standard drug test you will be tested for the presence of THC, or its metabolite THC-NOOH.

Treat Delta 8 And Similar Cannabinoids As Cannabis Use

My broader advice on using Delta 8 and other cannabinoids is to simply treat it as cannabis use in all aspects, especially cannabis isn’t legal in your state or place of residence.

Even though it’s mild, even though there may be legal grey areas around it, it will be recorded as cannabis use on drug tests, and law enforcement can also you it as THC as well. So don’t think that because it’s grey area legal that you are safe and don’t have to worry about concealing it, or being discreet when using it.

Changes To The Farm Bill 2021 (Farm Bill 2024) That Could Make Delta 8 Illegal

The farm Bill of 2018 tried to create clarity around the production of hemp and what could be produced from it legally but actually created a grey area around these novel cannabinoids, which is why they are now being developed and sold openly.

However, the proposed 2024 Farm Bill is a significant amendment that could impact the status of all of these novel hemp-derived THC products, including Delta-8.  The amendment, proposed by controversial far-right politician Representative Mary Miller (Rep), aims to close the loophole created by the 2018 Farm Bill that allowed the sale of intoxicating hemp products like Delta-8.

The proposed changes would redefine hemp to include only naturally occurring, naturally derived, and non-intoxicating cannabinoids, which would obviously exclude cannabinoids synthesized or manufactured outside of the plant from the legal definition of hemp.

If passed, this amendment could lead to a ban on all ingestible hemp products with any level of THC, significantly altering the landscape for hemp-derived products like Delta-8. So if you’re using these novel cannabinoids, you must be aware of state laws, and you have to keep your eye on the passage of this farm Bill amendment because it could affect you significantly.

How To Pass A Drug Test With Delta 8 (Or Any Other Novel Cannabinoid) In Your System

I love using Delta 8, it calms me and makes me feel slightly fuzzy and happy. But it doesn’t overwhelm me like THC sometimes can, and is only beneficial. I particularly like using a vape with fantastic high-quality Delta 8 cartridges, often blended with other novel cannabinoids.

But you have to assume that if you are using these you will fail a drug test. So let’s now talk you through the methods to pass urine and oral drug tests with these cannabinoids and their metabolites in your system

1. Use Good Quality Synthetic Urine.

The easiest way to pass a urine drug test is to use good-quality synthetic urine. As most drug tests are unsupervised (nobody will be observing you or even near you) it’s simple to use and get away with it.

The best on the market is called Quick Luck, made by a company called Clear Choice.

Quick Luck has the following characteristics:

  • It’s complex (14 common chemicals found in urine)
  • It contains the right amount of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • It’s perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Quick Luck doesn’t rely on a heatpad
  • Quick Luck looks, froths, and smells like human urine

Can see, it’s highly complex, and those characteristics will allow it to pass the validity checks that a sample goes through. The validity checks are basic, and because it contains 14 chemicals found in urine, it will pass even more advanced checks.

It will pass human scrutiny, because it looks, froths, and smells like human urine. I would defy you to tell the difference between it and the real thing.

Plus, it uses something called heat activator powder rather than a heat pad to maintain the temperature. The heat activator powder is pure genius. No need to microwave the sample, or even keep it warm until you arrive at the venue to submit your sample. Simply tap in about one-quarter of the heat activator powder, shake gently until dissolved, then watch the temperature strip on the side of the bottle. Add a little more if necessary, until you get a reading within the temperature range you need (a reading between 90°F and 100°F).

Unsupervised drug testing, apart from the small risk of smuggling in the bottle (you will not be intimately searched, so tuck it into your underwear in your crotch area) it’s the easiest way to almost guarantee passing a drug test for THC, including a Delta 8 drug test.

delta 8 drug test

2. Use A Top Quality Detox Drink.

There’s only one detox drink I can 100% recommend and that’s Rescue Cleanse, a high-quality detox drink from Clear Choice (the same people who make Quick Luck).

It’s highly complex and has the ingredients to flush out toxins faster can be achieved naturally, creating a gap in the toxin flow to your bladder which you can exploit to submit a clean sample for a few hours.

It will keep your urine appearing natural in balanced as well, but the length of time you get toxin free will depend on the amount of drug metabolites in your body. Simply drink the contents of the bottle, urinate three or four times over the next 60 minutes, and then go and submit your sample. I’d also recommend a home drug test kit to ensure you are clean. If it’s a supervised drug test where you will be observed, or you simply don’t have the balls to smuggle in a fake urine sample, then Rescue Cleanse is a good alternative.

Just be clear that if you have high levels of metabolites in your body, even novel cannabinoids like Delta 8, then you may only get an hour or two clean before fresh toxins start to appear in your urine.

3. Use The Best Detox Pills.

Toxin Rid are the best detox pills you can buy. If you’ve got a week before your test then you can use a course of Toxin Rid to get clean under most circumstances.

If you’re heavy multiple times per day weed smoker though, or you’re using novel cannabinoids multiple times per day, then it could take you at least a week to get clean, and you’ll need the full 10 day Toxin Rid cause.

But I found even as a heavy weed smoker that the 10 day course was getting me testing negative for cannabis on home drug test from day five onwards, so it can be less time than that.

Obviously, if you’ve got lower levels of drug toxins in your body, then you’ll need a shorter time to get clean and a short course of pills.

4. Use The Best Combo Method Of Detox Drink + Detox Pills.

If you don’t want to use synthetic urine, and you’ve got more than 24 hours notice before your test, then the best method used to pass a urine drug test is the combo method of a detox drink and detox pills.

Use the detox pills in the days leading up to your test, and then on the day of your test use the detox drink as I’ve already explained. The more days you have, the cleaner you’ll be, which will leave the detox drink less toxins to push out and mask, giving you more hours clean to pass a drug test in.

The best on the market are Toxin Rid. With every course you’ll also get some potent detox liquid to use on the last day, and for THC (including Delta 8 and similar), a strong fiber liquid that helps to draw more of those metabolites into the bowel for eradication, bypassing the urine drug test completely.

5. Use Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum.

Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is the only method I would suggest you use to pass a mouth swab drug test.

It’s not even a gum as described, it’s actually a capsule of highly concentrated mouthwash. It’s expensive, but you’re paying for this highly concentrated liquid that can truly knock out drug toxins by disguising them and removing them from your mouth, and to keep doing that for up to 15 minutes.

Simply pop the capsule of Oral Clear in your mouth, split it with your mouth closed, and use your tongue to work it around the gumline inside and out. Also try and work it around under your tongue.

Then, after about one minute, simply swallow the lot to leave no trace that you have used it (it’s completely undetectable in a mouth swab drug test).

You can use Oral Clear discreetly even with someone in the room with you. Simply cough, and place your hand over your mouth while pushing the capsule in using the palm of your hand. That makes it perfect for on-the-spot testing, and where you have no notice to get out of sight and use it.

Where To Buy The Products You Need For Delta 8 Drug Test

As you can see, it’s very easy to learn how to pass a drug test with Delta 8 in your system. This also applies to any of the similarly structured novel cannabinoids out there.

Let’s finish up here by telling you where to buy the products I’ve just talked about so that a Delta 8 drug test is simply not a concern for you ever again.

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine is best bought directly from Clear Choice. That way, you know it’s not a fake. You can click here to get the latest price and further details.
  2. Rescue Cleanse detox drink is also available from Clear Choice. It’s affordable so I advise you to get two bottles, just in case the first one doesn’t work fully. You can also buy a home drug test kit at the same time to check yourself. Click here to get the latest price and further details.
  3. Toxin Rid pills are available in course lengths from a single day through to 10 days direct from Test Clear. They also sell very affordable home drug test kits. Click here to get the latest price and further details.
  4. Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is also available from the company that make it, Clear Choice. One capsule isn’t cheap, but you can carry it at all times and have complete insurance against failing an oral drug test. Click here to get’s price and further details.