The Sure Jell Drug Test Hack: How To Use Certo Pass A Drug Test

This is a complete guide to the Sure Jell drug test hack. I’ll give you the complete Sure Jell/Certo detox method (the full and original one) in detail.

I’ll explain the scientific background to how this hack could actually work in the body, and how drug generally metabolites work inside your as well. Using Certo to pass a drug test could be a cheap and effective way of doing so, but does it actually work? I’ll answer that question for you clearly.

As well as telling you exactly how to use the fruit pectin method and where to buy Certo, also I’m going to tell you about professional alternatives to passing a urine drug test as well.

What Exactly Is The Sure Jell Drug Test Hack?

The Sure Jell drug test hack uses Sure Jell, Certo, or similar fruit pectin along with some other easily obtainable ingredients to try and pass a urine drug test.

The idea is that it draws cannabis metabolites to the bowel in order to eradicate them more quickly, and flushes out the bladder so that you test negative even with drug metabolites still in your body.

So here’s the thing. It only really works for cannabis metabolites. No other type of drug metabolites (waste product) are shaped in the same way, and don’t get drawn out through the bowel as frequently.

Lots of people have tried Certo drug test methods because they don’t want spend money, are convinced by what they read online, or are desperate.

If you’re desperate, Reddit and other forums are full of the same questions “ does certo work for probation drug test” , or “ how to not lose custody of your kids”, or perhaps the toll taken by something like domestic abuse has led you astray, then it’s something you could grab at because it seems so simple to do.

How Drug Metabolites Work In The Body

Whatever type of drug you take, it eventually works out through your body mostly through the bladder and bowels.

Mostly, the detectable substance in the body that is looked for during drug tests is a metabolite. This is a waste byproduct created when the drug itself is metabolized. This isn’t always the case, but it is mostly.

With cannabis metabolites things a little different. They are a different shape to most types of drug metabolites, and because of this they claim to fatty cells in the body.

This means that they can hang around for a lot longer, and they can detach and exit randomly through urine and stools.

In fact, studies have shown that chronic weed smokers can take up to 4 months to eradicate all the metabolites caught up in the body.

Also, because they are attached to fatty cells, cannabis metabolites work their way out through the bowels in a way that most drug metabolites don’t. In fact, up to 60% of them exit through the bowels, rather than the usually more than 90% exiting through urine for other drugs.

Is There Any Scientific Evidence That Fruit Pection To Pass A Drug Test Work?

Certo and Sure-Jell are brand names. They are both fruit pectin products. Fruit pectin is a concentrated fruit extract that is high in fiber.

I hit your body with this intense hit of fiber, you are creating more stills, and creating more bile. This process can draw more cannabis metabolites into and out through the bowel.

Also, you mix the pectin with a sports drink like Gatorade. Because sports drinks are high in dextrose and sugar, carbohydrates, they can enhance this move through the bowels, and also slow the breakdown of fat to enhance this, and stop more of the metabolites from moving through the kidneys and into your urine.

So yes, for cannabis, there is scientific evidence that it could work to pass a drug test. However, that leaves a couple of crucial problems:

  1. Can it get rid of all the drug metabolites in your body so you test clean?
  2. If it can’t get rid of all metabolites, can it flush them out and keep your urine balance appearing natural for a few hours, so that you can pass?

How To Use Certo/Sure Jell To Pass A Drug Test (Full Method)

Let’s talk you through the full Sure Jell drug test hack to you can see exactly how it works.

This is the original method, not the copied and changed rubbish that most websites serve up.

You will need the following to do the fruit pectin drug test method:

  • 2 x bottles of Gatorade (or similar sports drink)
  • 2 x Multivitamin pill
  • 10 g creatine powder
  • 2 x standard aspirin pills
  • 2 x Sachets of fruit pectin

Once you gather the ingredients, these are the Certo detox steps you need to follow.

  1. The night before your test mix-up one bottle of Gatorade with half the fruit pectin. Drink it down over five minutes. Then sit on 16 fluid ounces of water over the next hour. Urinate several times before bed.
  2. On the morning of your test, don’t eat anything. Six hours before your test, mix-up the other half of the pectin with Gatorade and drink. Drink 8 fluid ounces of extra water over the next hour and urinate frequently.
  3. Four hours before your test take an aspirin pill. Also, take the multivitamin pill and half of the creatine. Take these with 16 fluid ounces of water. Continue to urinate as often as possible.
  4. Two hours before you leave take the second aspirin pill and the second multivitamin pill. Also mix up and take the other half of the creatine. Do this with another 16 fluid ounces of water.
  5. One hour before the time of your drug test make sure you take a home drug test to ensure that it has worked.

certo drug test

Does The Certo Detox Work For A Urine Test?

Whether you call it the Sure Jell hack, Certo drug test method, the Certo detox, or whatever, it doesn’t really matter. The key question is does using fruit pectin in the method described above get rid of cannabis metabolites so you can pass a drug test?

Although this can draw out more cannabis metabolites through the bowels, and it can accelerate the removal of cannabis toxins faster than usual, it cannot get rid of them all.

So you’re looking at whether you can flush them out for long enough and retain the balance of your urine using the multivitamins and the creatine, while also potentially generating a false negative using aspirin.

Look, it could work. The science is there. But it only works for cannabis metabolites. Plus, you’ve probably got about 75% chance of it working.

75% is not great odds, and those are my best-estimated odds if you do everything right and get lucky. For me, it’s more of a 50-50 toss of the coin when submitting your sample as to whether you pass or not. To me, that’s a huge risk when there are far better methods out there.

Methods To Pass A Urine Drug Test

Hopefully, you can see that the Sure Jell hack is a huge risk and should only ever be done if you have literally no other options open to you.

Thankfully, there are three great strategies you can use to stand an incredible chance of passing a drug test. With the three methods about outline, better than 90%, and even close to 100% with a bit of good luck.

1. Accelerated Natural Detox

The absolute surefire way to pass is to not have drug metabolites in your body at all. That way you simply can’t fail.

There are a couple of problems with that though. First, if you are a regular user, you are unlikely to have more than a week’s notice, and often far less. Second, cannabis metabolites can hang around a lot longer than other types.

Natural detox can take several weeks. Even then you aren’t completely safe. That you can accelerate this and push out more toxins using high-quality detox pills in order to get completely clean fast.

Toxin Rid is the only brand I would recommend. They aren’t cheap, but they offer huge potency and flexibility.

You can get a single day course through to 10 day course. If you’re a chronic user or smoker I suggest the seven or 10 day course (preferably 10).

Do a natural detox and take the pills each day. Toxin Rid can half the amount of time it takes you to get completely clean. Just be warned that for the first few days your urine and stools will look really bad as it pushes out the toxins at an accelerated rate.

2. High-Quality Detox Drink

Another great strategy, especially if you have only short notice until your drug test, is a high-quality drug detox drink. Don’t be misinformed here, a detox drink doesn’t detoxify you. It’s a masking agent.

Detox drinks work by flushing out the toxins more efficiently than water can alone. They also flood the body with the major things found in normal urine, so that some gets passed through as waste. That way, the urine is toxin free and appears balanced for a few hours. As more toxins work their way through into your bladder, you will test positive again. Usually, you’ll get three or four hours clean.

You can extend this time, and ensure a greater chance of success by teaming the detox drink up with 24 or 48 hour detox. You can also use a one or two-day course of Toxin Rid to push out far more toxins.

Eye doing that, there will be fewer toxins on the day of your test, meaning less work for the detox drink, and more time potentially clean to submit your sample.

The two best brands are Rescue Cleanse and Mega Clean. I would go for Rescue Cleanse unless you can get Mega Clean with the six pre-rid pills combo (only available from Test Clear) which will give you a more potent 24-hour detox. If you are interested in more detox product reviews, I highly recommend’s How to pass a drug test guide.

3. (Best Method) High-Quality Synthetic Urine

I’ve left the best method until last. Although getting clean naturally is actually best, it’s very rare you will be able to achieve this in time. So, using high-quality synthetic urine is the best overall method because you’re never going to get caught with drug metabolites in your sample because it’s fake.

As long as you use a high-quality brand, it will pass the validity checks and not be detected.

Quick Luck is the best brand on the market. It was expensive $100 but is highly complex. Not only does it contain 14 chemicals found in urine, but it’s also perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity. It also smells, froths, and looks like urine.

The second best is Sub Solution. It’s actually almost identical to Quick Luck (the same company makes both).

The only difference is that it’s a powder, so you will have to mix it with filtered water to create your sample. It’s not a big deal, but it is an extra step that would really be out for use at work or on-the-spot drug testing. However, it is $15 cheaper.

Both Quick Luck and Sub Solution use heat activator powder rather than a heating pad. You don’t need a microwave, and you don’t have to transport it with a heat pad strap to it.

Just before you in submit your sample, simply tap about one-third of the heat activator powder into the sample, and gently shake it until it dissolves. This action raises the temperature, and you just keep adding a little bit at a time and watching the strip over a minute each time until it reads at close to 100°F (but not over).

If you can’t get your hands on Quick Luck or Sub Solution, or you can’t afford them, then Quick Fix is a viable alternative and costs just $30. It’s a very basic formula that only contains creatinine, urea, and uric acid. But it is balanced for pH and specific gravity and looks like urine.

It also uses a heatpad, which will mean slightly more variability and a chance on keeping it within the correct temperature range (three 90°F 100°F). If you take a flask of hot water with you then you can pour it over the sample before you enter the building if it’s cooled.

Detox Kits Walmart Options For Cleaning Out Your System In 24 Hours Or Less

If you’re facing a drug test at short notice, say within the next 24 hours or so, then your options are limited. Getting a detox kit from Walmart, or somewhere similar where you can grab it quickly, is the obvious solution.

However, is it the best strategy, or even a strategy at all? Does Walmart sell cleansing drinks, mouthwash products, shampoo, or anything else that can truly help you to pass a drug test?

In this complete guide, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know. I’m going to tell you exactly what THC detox Walmart sells, and how good it is for passing a drug test.

I will then tell you exactly how to pass a drug test, and what your options are. I will tell you the products I’ve used and recommend, and which ones genuinely work even with very little notice of the test.

Is It Possible To Clean Out Your System To Pass A Drug Test At Short Notice?

Let’s answer the big question first, because if it’s not possible to clean out your system fast if you can’t clean out for short notice drug test that coming within the next 24 hours or so, then you’ll have to look at another strategy.

For most people, it’s going to be impossible to clean yourself out with 24 hours’ notice. You simply cannot remove the drug toxins in that time unless you have very few in your system.

If you are a really light user or smoker, say you’re only doing something once per week, and you haven’t taken anything in the past four or five days then you’ll probably be pretty much clean anyway. Do a home drug test kit and find out.

But if you have taken drugs in the past five days, or you haven’t but before that, you have taken them more than once per week over several weeks, then you are a more than a moderate user and you will probably test positive.

Obviously, if you are smoking weed every day, using benzos, or doing something else every two or three days then you will definitely test positive.

That means you are looking at masking and avoidance strategies because you simply cannot genuinely get clean by removing the toxins in such a short space of time. So would any of the detox kits available from Walmart or anywhere else actually work anyway?

Why Do People Search For Walmart THC Detox Kits?

The reason why people look for a detox kit at Walmart is simple: convenience. Just like with Amazon, there is a belief that everything is available, and cheaply.

Unfortunately, that’s not really the case. Amazon doesn’t sell everything, and neither does Walmart, GNC, or Walgreens.

The truth is that the specialist drug test avoidance product out there are mostly not available from general retailers at all. But what can you buy from Walmart to pass a drug test, is there anything you can use at short notice to get clean?

What Exactly Is A Walmart Detox Kit (Or Indeed A Detox Kits From Anywhere)

The term “detox kit” that people use, implies that there is some sort of magic box out there that contains various things to get you clean.

The truth is there’s no detox kit from Walmart or anywhere else. They simply do not exist.

What you actually have is the following products:

  • Detox drinks
  • Synthetic urine
  • Detox mouthwash
  • Detox shampoo
  • Detox pills

Out of all of those, detox drinks are the only thing that very occasionally comes with detox pills bundled in, creating more of a kit than anything else.

So what you’re actually looking for is products to pass a specific type of drug test. There is no magic box, no ready-to-go option that gets you through.

Detox Drink: Walmart Options

So what detox drink Walmart options are there out there that you can use?

These are the main detox drinks that Walmart sells:

  • Champ flush out detox
  • Qcarbo range (16, 20, 32)
  • Vale detox
  • High voltage detox
  • Mega Clean
  • Stinger detox range
  • The Stuff detox
  • Ultra Eliminex

As you can see, that’s quite a selection with some more of the well-known detox drinks out there (if you have been doing your research).

However, most of those simply don’t work. Stinger Detox, The Stuff, Vale detox, and High Voltage, are all awful. Poor ingredients, and almost zero genuine track record of passing.

Ultra Eliminex used to be the best detox drink out there, but they changed the formula last year and it’s now no better than the company’s earlier detox drink range called Qcarbo. You can also discount anything working other than the full 32-fluid-ounce detox drinks because they simply don’t have the potency to flush out enough toxins in the short amount of time available.

That basically leaves you with Mega Clean 32 oz as your only decent option for a detox drink from Walmart.

detox drinks walmart

Do Walmart Detox Mouthwash Products Work?

If you’re facing a mouth swab drug test (oral drug test), then what Walmart detox mouthwash products are out there that you can use to neutralize drug toxins?

The truth is, Walmart doesn’t sell a single mouthwash product that is suitable to pass a drug test. To do so, the mouthwash has to be constructed to specifically target and neutralize drug metabolites. Nothing like that is sold by Walmart.

These are the two mouthwash products you should be looking at buying, and they are only available from specialist retailers:

Toxin Rid Rescue Wash, which is exclusively available from Test Negative. Really high-quality, and I’ve tested this with a home drug test kit.

With Toxin Rid Rescue Wash, use half the bottle to wash out your mouth over 30 seconds, then spit it out. Repeat the process, hide the bottle, and you should be neutralized for up to 30 minutes.

But the best option to pass an oral drug test is Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum.

Oral Clear actually isn’t actually gummed at all. It’s a highly concentrated mouthwash in a small capsule. That makes it highly discreet, and you can use it even with somebody in the room in front of you.

Pop the capsule in your mouth split it with your teeth, and work the liquid around for about one minute. Then swallow the lot for undetectable, neutralized saliva for up to 30 minutes.

Walmart Detox Mouthwash

Is There Are Walmart Detox Shampoo Options?

You’ve probably already guessed this now, but the answer to that question is no, there is no Walmart detox shampoo that will pass a drug test.

That’s because you can’t use shampoo to pass a hair drug test on its own. It’s simply not possible because you have to open up the hard and flexible cuticle scale layer of the hair and flush out the toxins.

That requires a range of ingredients, including Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo as part of that process.

The process you need to follow is the Macujo method. It requires a range of products, takes about one hour each time, and you’ll need to do it five or six times at least before your test, at a rate of once or twice per day.

Does Walmart Sell A Single Thing That Will Help You Pass A Drug Test?

Again, you’re probably well ahead of this now and realize that Walmart doesn’t really sell anything to help you pass a drug test.

However, on its own, Mega Clean is the best of the bunch. It’s a good detox drink, but not quite as potent as the number one specialist brand.

If you’ve got low-to-medium toxin level exposure, and you can get 24 hours to detox before the day (even better if you can use high-quality detox pills like Toxin Rid during that 24 hours as well), then you stand a good chance of masking the toxins for a few hours to pass.

Here Are The Two Detox Drinks That Really Work To Pass A Drug Test

  1. Mega Clean

The first detox drink that will definitely pass a drug test, unless you are incredibly unlucky, is Mega Clean.

Sure, you can get Mega Clean from Walmart. However, it’s best bought from Test Clear.

If you buy Mega Clean from Test Clear then you get six pre-rid pills bundled in. As long as you’ve got 24 hours notice, which you usually will get, then you can do a potent 24-hour detox and push out more toxins than you can naturally.

This leaves Mega Clean less hard work to do on the day of your test, and you’ll create a larger gap in the flow of toxins from the kidneys to the bladder, usually of several hours (although rarely more than three or four if you are a regular user).

Instructions for Mega Clean are pretty straightforward:

  1. Drink the contents of the bottle for over 10 minutes.
  2. Refill the bottle and drink that for another 10 minutes.
  3. From the time you start drinking Mega Clean urinate several times, three or four is a minimum to flush out the toxins and leave room for fresh urine that isn’t full of drug metabolites.
  4. Leave it at least 45 minutes to urinate three or four times, then do a home drug test, and as long as you are negative, leave to submit your sample within an hour or so.

Mega Clean detox walmart

  1. Rescue Cleanse

The best detox drink you can buy is Rescue Cleanse. But you can only buy it from Test Negative, it’s not available from anywhere else. So it’s not a detox drink you can buy Walmart, Walgreens, or even Amazon (although you will see fakes there).

Instructions for using Rescue Cleanse are the simplest you will find:

  1. Drink the contents of the bottle smoothly for about 10 minutes.
  2. During one hour from the point you drink Rescue Cleanse, urinate three or four times.
  3. After that hour take a home drug test. As long as you are clean, get to the test center and submit your sample within an hour or so after that.

Rescue Cleanse is the most concentrated and advanced formula. It will flush out the toxins better than any other drink. This will create a gap in the toxin flow, so there is a time of a few hours when fresh urine appears won’t have drug metabolites in it.

Rescue Cleanse also keeps your urine balanced. It floods the body with things found in urine so that some are passed through as waste and appear in your fresh urine.

So overall, Rescue Cleanse on its own is the best drink to pass a drug test. But, if you can do a 24-hour detox before your test, and you can grab some good quality detox pills like Toxin Rid, then you can enhance your chances of it being effective.

Best Option For Unsupervised Drug Testing: Synthetic Urine (And No, You Can’t Buy It At Walmart)

You can’t buy good detox kits at Walmart, and you certainly cannot buy synthetic urine from Walmart.

The two best options for using synthetic urine to pass a drug test, as long as it’s unsupervised so you will not be observed, are Sub Solution and its big brother called Quick Luck. Sub Solution is a powder, while Quick Luck is premixed. That’s why Quick Luck costs $100 and Sub Solution costs $85.

Both are highly complex formulas that will pass basic validity tests and more advanced scrutiny, including visual scrutiny.

The biggest reason people fail a urine sample drug test with fake urine is they submit the sample outside the correct temperature range for human urine (legally between 90°F and 100°F).

Sub Solution and Quick Luck use heat activator powder. This means you don’t have to prepare a sample at all.

Just before you go in, tap in about one-third of the activator powder and shake the bottle until it dissolves. This will agitate it and raise the temperature. Watch the temperature strip, and as soon as you’ve got a reading close to 100°F, go into the building and get ready to submit your sample as quickly as possible.

The Different Types And Campaigns Of Domestic Abuse

Domestic violence is just one part of domestic abuse, and there are also many other ways that abuse can manifest itself. Often, until it gets bad, the person involved doesn’t realize it until it’s too late, or they are in denial.

It can happen to everyone, not just women. Although it is predominantly men abusing women, every person could find themselves in that position.

What I’m going to do here is quickly talk you through all the different types of abusive behavior so that you can decide if one or more of those areas applies the relationship you are in right now.

Everyone Can Be The Target Of Domestic And Sexual Abuse

As I said, everyone can be in an abusive relationship. Don’t just think of this as men against women.

Also, there are so many different things that can feed into abusive behavior that often many people just don’t spot them. Some of those behaviors are often seen as “normal” in some societies, but in human terms, they actually aren’t how people should treat each other.

Note also that the abused person’s history can feed into this. Somebody who has had previous abusive relationships can actually gravitate towards that type of relationship in person because it feels “normal” to them.

Plus, you may not notice it happening until it’s too late. Many people who have survived abusive relationships talk later about feeling they were groomed. That means it was a deliberate ramping up of the abuse, a campaign to break them down in condition them over time so they didn’t even really notice the progression.

What Actually Is The Definition Of Abusive Behavior?

Domestic abusive behavior is generally defined as a pattern of incidents that is unhealthy. Controlling, threatening, coercive behavior is often accompanied by violence and psychological warfare in order to break a person down.

Mostly, it’s about control. Through the fear tools in the conditioning, they seek to take complete control of you to feed and deal with their own issues about relationships. But it can also be about insecurities. Somebody who has been previously cheated on, or feels that partner is better looking than them, could develop controlling tendencies.

So to be clear, abuse can be psychological, physical, sexual, financial, and emotional. It can also (and often is) all of those things together.

Physical Abuse: What It Exactly Consists Of

Physical abuse covers everything physical. It doesn’t have to be outright physical violence. It can be touching, pushing, even the threat of physical violence rather than actually doing it.

The response is what matters, a fear of being physically hurt. However it manifests itself, it’s about inflicting physical pain and resulting fear on someone else.

Examples include:

  • Pinching and slapping
  • Dragging
  • Scratching
  • Choking
  • Biting
  • Punching
  • Kicking
  • Being scolded or burnt
  • Being poisoned
  • Enforced eating
  • Thrown objects (including food)
  • Violence against humans or animals to control the partner
  • Withdrawal and control of medication

As you can see, it’s a huge range of things that some people would see as normal. For example, many women routinely dig than nails into men when they are angry, or scratch. This is abusive behavior, so it’s not just men who are physically violent.

Generally, throwing objects, even if they don’t hit the person are not even thrown at a person, is still physical abuse. It creates a fear that they will throw something at you, which conditions a person’s response to be fearful and submissive.

Emotional And Psychological Abuse

Emotional and psychological abuse is often the most difficult to discuss because it’s difficult to pin down exactly what is going on in some situations.

For example, psychological abuse can include gaslighting. This is where someone deliberately, and in a sustained manner, makes you question your own sanity by denying reality and changing things you know happened. For example, moving your car keys.

However, some of the key traits of emotional and psychological abuse are:

  • Intimidation
  • Trying to turn friends and family against you
  • Using affection as a weapon
  • Silent treatment
  • Insults
  • Being put down all the time
  • Littering opinions
  • Using social media against you
  • Abusing you physically and then blame you for it
  • Creating situations where you doubt your sanity
  • Accusations of affairs
  • Mocking sexual performance or something else in front of others
  • Creating ongoing fear through implied threat


The next type of abusive behavior to talk about is isolation. That’s where somebody’s ability to interact is limited or completely taken away in order to break them down and control them.

It could include things like not having access to friends and family. Either through denying them, or starting to poison that person against them.

It can be limiting time outside, and removing money so that nothing can be done anyway. It could be taking away a car, or some other mode of transport.

Even if allowed out, isolation abuse includes constant checking up on someone and demanding to know where they are and who they are with, even potentially through GPS tracking apps and constantly demanding to use video calling so that they can see exactly where you are.

At the extreme, it could be locking somebody in a room or restraining them in some way, so that they physically cannot leave.

Overall, isolation is about removing someone’s ability to escape, or even speak to somebody else about the abuse they are suffering. It’s a control mechanism that completely removes that person’s independence.

Power And Control

Power and control are at the heart of all abuse, but it can be the main focus in some situations.

Most abusers want to control the people around them, especially their partners and partners children. Power and control could be things like forced marriages, or breaching family court orders, or refusing access to children.

It could be using force to maintain, or it could be a combination of physical and verbal tactics.

It can also be about physical violence used to maintain the rules set.

Financial Abuse

Financial abuse is usually also about control. However, it can also be about stealing money for someone else’s purposes, or about fueling a drug habit.

Economic/financial abuse usually consists of controlling all of the person’s income, and generally all income they can. Money cannot be spent without permission; many things will be refused. That person will also have to account for every penny they spend.

If they spend money, they will be made to feel guilty and will therefore spend less and less even when they really need to.

It can also include things like defaulting on payments, running up bills in someone else’s name, setting up false accounts, credit cards or companies to embezzle funds, and otherwise gaining money through deceit that will come back on the other person.

Sexual Abuse

Sexual abuse is about many different things:

  • Harassment and pressure
  • Forcing into sexual acts
  • Degrading language and acts
  • Forced involvement of others
  • Physical and mental abuse during sex
  • Lying about contraception

Note that some relationships consensually involved these things (other than contraception issues), and you should never judge somebody’s relationship based on bruises or things they say, unless a lot of nonsexual evidence is also available.

Control Through False Allegations And Threats Of

This is a style of abuse that many people do not think about. False allegations, or threats of making them, as a tool of control that is often used.

If you leave me, I will tell the police XYZ. I will tell people you raped me. I will tell them you abused your child.

Those types of threats can be incredibly potent, as they could destroy someone’s entire life if they are believed. Even if they aren’t, it throws doubts on someone’s personality and integrity, which can be enough.

It can also be actually making false allegations. Usually, the abuser could go to the lengths of counterclaiming abuse and the relationship, or getting in first and ensuring that you are under the microscope with the police and authorities.

It could be threatening to tell your employer so you lose your job, which would bring even more power to the other person.

Although often overlooked, single accusations can be incredibly powerful and mean that somebody hands over complete control to another person in order to avoid the accusations being made.



Stalking is another sign of abuse. It’s not just about crazy fans or strangers following people around.

Partners can stalk physically. Following you to see where you go. Checking up on you that you are doing what you say. Watching you to make sure you are not doing anything they don’t like, which is mostly around rapid fears that you are cheating on them.

But nowadays, it can also be online stalking. Creating fake accounts to trying to get information out of you. For example, flirting with a partner using a fake account to see how they respond.

It can also be using the Internet to track where you go and what you do online and physically.

Digital stalking can also include keyloggers, GPS tracking apps, physical tracking devices, creating fake accounts, hacking into accounts or stealing passwords. All of these things are done in order to exert control and deal with paranoia.

What Exactly Is Coercive And Controlling Behavior?

Although it is sometimes described merely as coercive and controlling behavior within the context of these relationships, the term actually covers a huge range of different behaviors.

Sometimes it’s tough to spot what actually is coercive controlling behavior because it interlinks with other types of abuse such as physical and sexual abuse.

So in this quick guide, we’re going to cover everything you need to know about coercive and controlling behavior.

We will go through each of the basic groups of coercive controlling behavior, and talk about how they link into the big picture of domestic abuse.

Deprivation Of Basic Needs

When someone deprives your basic needs, they either deprive you the means to get them, or they physically stop you from obtaining and using them.

Basic needs can be anything from food, to sanitary products, cleaning and dressing, and many other areas of human dignity. By controlling, and using as a weapon, those basic needs, it emphasizes the complete control they have over your life.

Basic needs can also be financial, although this tends to be classed as financial/economic abuse within its own description.

Also, deprivation of basic needs doesn’t just mean the abused person. Often it means their children. They are denied toys and other basic needs in order to control them and ensure gratefulness when things are provided to children.

Isolation From People Around You

Being isolated from the people around them is another form of coercion and control.

This isolation can be completely total. They are never allowed out. Sometimes even the extent of being physically restrained to stop them. This is extreme but it happens.

The isolation tends to start gently. Suggesting they don’t go out but stay with the abuser. Then this becomes more consistent until, through various methods, they give up all control over who they see.

Also, they will turn people against them and vice versa. They will sow seeds in their mind about the trustworthiness of that person, or imply that they have done or said something against them.

Through various strategies the idea is to get them to completely rely on their stop to not see anyone else other than them, and for them to have absolute control over when they go out, and who they see.

At the heart of this, path and control, is usually intense jealousy. They are scared that they will meet someone else, or realize how bad they are. Therefore, by cutting them off, there is less chance of this happening.

Also, the fewer people they have around them, the less support they have to fight back. They will be completely on their own and at the mercy of the abuser.

Financial & Economic Control

Financial and economic control are actually slightly different, although part of the same abuse strategy. Financial control is where the money of the abused person is limited or monitored, or sometimes both.

They will have to justify every single penny they spend. They will be checked up on, and they will never be given enough money if any.

Every penny that is earned goes through the abuser, who will not justify their own spending at all and will get angry and make out that you are a bad person if you challenge them. But it’s also about economic control. This is as extreme as stopping the person from working completely so that they have no independent power within the relationship, or to leave it.

It could also be limiting the job they do, limiting the hours they do, or insisting that they work at certain times.

Some abusers will deliberately enforce menial and degrading jobs on someone who is intelligent in order to break them down and make them feel worthless. So economic control goes far beyond financial control because it deliberately limits and damages someone’s ability to escape.

Controlling Where You Go And Who You See

Controlling where you go on who you see is the classic coercive controlling behavior mechanism of control over another. In controlling who they see, they limit their access to outside resources and opinions. It also strengthens their bond with the abuser because the only human interaction they get is with them.

It also is about jealousy. They will demand to know who you are with and where you are all times, and will never really believe you.

They will also limit you from seeing people they know could be problematic. For example, if it’s a friend they don’t like, who they feel could tell the abused person that that is the case and how they need to get out, then that person will be made bad and they won’t be allowed to see them.

So controlling where you go on who you see is also about turning you against other people, and turning them against you, as well as general control.

Forcing You Into Criminal Activity

Many abuse survivors have been forced into criminal activity. It could be as simple as ignoring drug use under their roof.

But it could also be knowing that someone is dealing drugs, and even having to handle drugs and money for them.

Sometimes, it goes as far as them being used as the drug mule in order to implicate them through fear, gaining more control over them.

But it could be anything illegal. It could be fraud or some other financial crime. Whatever it is, it has the dual purpose of moving their risk to you and implicating the you so that you are trapped with the abuser even more.

Forcing You Into Sexual Activity

Forcing someone into sexual activity with the abuser, friends of the abuser, or even for money the abuser keeps, is more common than is thought by many. By forcing someone into sexual activity they degrade them and take control of their very nature.

This is mostly done through threats of violence, and after ensuring that the victim has fallen in love with the abuser.

Often, money is made from that person as part of a strategy of the abuse which turns that person into little more than an object.

abused woman

Stalking, Following, And Tracking You

Abusive partners often stalk the people they are with. This can be physically following them, remotely following them, or a combination of both.

Stalking and physically means following them. Trying to catch them out, trying to catch them in the act of whatever is in their twisted mind they think is going to happen. Usually, they are terrified that the abused person is going to meet someone who could turn them against the abuser.

It’s also a fear that they will come back, which would break the chain of abuse.

The tracking can also be remote. There have been a lot of talks recently about the Apple GPS tracking devices that are designed for things like bags, which have been used to track people’s whereabouts instead.

Creating Dependency To Control

Dependencies are created in vulnerable people by taking control of their emotions first. Usually, a manipulative person will flood the abused person with love and attention to get them to fall for them, once they have feelings, it puts them under their control even more.

As well as the dependency on love is the dependency of shared space. Abusive partners tend to move in as quickly as possible and dominate their partner’s space, making it their own and taking control of everything.

Taking away resources such as money, controlling food, where they go, and relying on the abusive partner to take them places will give them permission, it all creates a growing dependency on the abuser in order to function.

Manipulation Of Professionals So They Work Against You

An abuser will try and manipulate any professionals who could come between them and the person they control.

It could be convincing healthcare professionals that there are mental health problems in the person that manifest themselves in self-harm or delusion. Anything to be able to turn doubt onto the claims made.

It could be trying to manipulate the courts in order to gain custody so that the children can then be used as a weapon.

I know one extreme situation where a corrupt doctor was paid by a drug dealer for the prostitutes he pimped. That Doctor would diagnose them with mental health problems and prescribe antidepressants.

Worse than that, the doctor would convince the women that they were mentally unwell and get them to sign paperwork that handed power of attorney to the abuser. This paperwork was entirely false, but the victims were so confused that they believed they had signed away their rights and now legally had to do as they were told.

Limiting Options To Get Away From The Relationship

Once control has been established, you don’t want all that hard work to go to waste as an abuser, do you? That’s why abusive people always try and limit the options for the other person to escape the relationship once they have total control over it and that person.

Financially they will take all the money away and control it. They may allow the person a car, but it not will be in their name. The house or rent will always be in the abusive partners name so that there is nowhere for the other person to go.

Basically, they were limit options of escape so that if the person has to get away, they have literally no resources do it with.

Best Synthetic Urine Reviews 2024: Top 4 Fake Urine Brands For Drug Test

If you’re facing an unsupervised drug test then the best synthetic urine, used correctly, is the easiest way to pass every time.

This is a complete guide to doing just that. A full set of synthetic urine reviews, tells you how to use the top four best synthetic urine brands.

But it’s more than that. I will also cover the brands of fake urine that you shouldn’t use, and why the fake urine kits they produce just aren’t up to standard. I will talk to you about my own experiences in passing drug tests. I’ve passed one with the detox drink, and two with the same brand of synthetic urine kits.

So this will also contain my top tips on using fake pee for drug tests, and how to minimize your chances of getting caught out.

Let’s Start By Explaining The Three Different Types Of Urine Tests

You should only use a synthetic urine kit for an unsupervised urine test. Let me just explain what the three different types of drug tests you could face are:

  1. The unsupervised drug test is where you are not being observed. You will either be behind a screen or even in a completely separate room when you submit the sample.
  2. A supervised drug test is where someone will remain in the room with you when you submit the sample into the cup. That doesn’t mean they are staring straight at you, but they will be a huge deterrent.
  3. An observed drug test is where someone directly watches you urinate into the cup. This is to 100% verify that the specimen is yours.

Now, a little confusion is that supervised and observed drug testing can be the same thing. So it could be called a supervised test, and you could be directly observed.

But the thing is, you shouldn’t ever face a supervised/observed drug test unless the drug test is for law enforcement, probation, or court purposes. The only time that you could face a supervised test without any of the above being in force is if you have failed a previous drug test and are having a retest.

As long as it’s a standard drug test, say for a job interview, or whatever, then you shouldn’t have anyone observing you when you urinate, which makes it perfect for using fake urine.

Fake Urine & Drug Testing

If you’re facing a urine drug test, you have three strategies to pass it is someone who smoked weed or take something else that could show up on the test:

  1. You get yourself naturally clean. You could accelerate this with something like Toxin Rid, a course of detox pills that rapidly eliminate toxins from the body.
  2. You can mask the toxins up to four hours with the detox drink. This could be used in conjunction with a natural detox of short, or longer duration, to minimize the toxin levels.
  3. You submit a synthetic piss sample by passing any analysis of your own urine at all.

The best way to get clean is to be naturally clean. However, that can take several weeks if you are a chronic weed smoker (some studies have shown that weed metabolites can stay in the body for two months or more if there are high levels of them), and even a couple of weeks for a heavy user of something else.

Even accelerated with detox pills, it’s going to take you at least a week to get clean and you may not have that time.

Detox drinks definitely work, but only for a few hours. If you have tons of drug metabolites in your body, you may only get two hours, and there’s always a chance that toxins could leak into your urine stream early.

That’s why for supervised standard drug testing, fake urine should be your number one strategy.

Why Can’t I Just Use Someone Else’s Urine For Free?

This is a brilliant question and there’s absolutely no reason why you can’t use someone else’s urine. You’ve still got some issues though.  You’ve still got to smuggle it in. You also have to make sure it’s within the correct temperature range.

Plus, you’ll have to do it fast. Even in the refrigerator, it’s only going to last a few hours before the sample starts to go cloudy and stringy.

On top of all that, how can you be sure the urine is clean? Your buddy might be telling you they haven’t taken anything for weeks, what about if they have forgotten something?

Overall, why take a huge risk to save $100 or less, when just by investing a bit of cash can almost guarantee to pass any level of drug test scrutiny? I know someone who did exactly this a few years back and they failed. It didn’t take a genius to just look at the urine and see that it hadn’t been freshly done. There are clear signs.

If you don’t believe me, urinate into a clear container, screw on a lid, and then leave it for three hours at room temperature.

What The Best Synthetic Urine Kits Consist Of

So how exactly do you spot the best synthetic urine kits when there is a myriad of products out there?

Well, you can partly look at user reviews. Synthetic pee reviews can be a good benchmark, as long as there are plenty of positive ones from diverse sources. But mostly, it’s looking at two factors. What the urine consists of, and what options it gives you the heating it up and keeping it within the correct temperature range?

Here’s what the best synthetic urine has to have going for it (as a minimum):

  • Urea
  • Uric acid
  • Creatinine
  • Balanced for ph
  • Within the correct specific gravity range
  • Looks like actual human urine

That’s the bare minimum, although I will point out that urea and uric acid aren’t actually looked for during standard drug testing validity checks. However, if more advanced scrutiny is undertaken then they need to be present.

Creatinine is a byproduct of creatine, which is used to fuel muscles. It’s always present in urine. If it’s not there, and it’s not there within the correct balance, then it shows either a diluted or a fake pee sample.

fake pee for drug test

Keeping Fake Pee Within The Correct Temperature Range

The other vital factor is ensuring that the sample is submitted within the correct urine temperature range.

Real human urine actually exits the body within a very narrow temperature range, usually between 98°F and 100°F. Very occasionally, it can be slightly hotter if you are very unwell (have a fever and would not be going for a drug test), and occasionally a little lower.

Legally, urine samples have to be accepted if they are within 90°F and 100°F though. The lower band of 90°F is to allow for two minutes of cooling.

You have to hand over your sample, and it has to be tested for its temperature, within two minutes of it being done. Watch out for that when you submit yours.

So when you are using synthetic urine, you need to be sure that the synthetic urine kit you are buying contains a method to heat it up, or at least keep it within the correct temperature range.

Heating synthetic urine is the trickiest part!

The most common method is an air-activated heat pad. You strap it to the side of the sample, and it kicks out a steady heat within that temperature range so that it stays warm for one or more hours, allowing you to transport and submit it.

Only specialist heat pads do this though, not just any heat pad. I highly recommend you check out onlymyhealth’s fake urine guide.

The problem with heat pads, as a couple of people I know, have found, is that they don’t kick out a steady heat for very long. If you are late, you prepare the sample early, or it’s a faulty pad, you can have a sample that’s too hot, or too cold.

The other method is heat activator powder. Only two products use it, so I will cover using that in the synthetic urine reviews later in this guide.

synthetic urine heat pads

Validity Checks & How A Urine Sample Is Tested

When you hand over your sample, within two minutes, they have to check the temperature range is within the 90°F and 100°F range. If it’s outside that, the specimen will be rejected. The next step of the process is to check that it’s a valid sample. This will be done almost immediately after you leave.

A dipstick is used with the sample, usually with five different reactive strips on it. They will react to the following five things:

  • Creatinine levels
  • Specific gravity
  • Ph level
  • Nitrate levels
  • Oxidant/PCC presence

Creatinine is always present in real human urine, and if it’s at low levels then it points to a diluted sample.

Specific gravity and pH levels need to be within the correct ranges in actual urine, otherwise, it again points towards a diluted or adulterated sample.

Higher levels of nitrates in a urine sample also point to an adulterated specimen. Nitrates are present in several substances which have the ability to oxidize drug metabolites, especially cannabis metabolites.

Bleach, iodine, peroxide, and a few other substances can be used to oxidize drug metabolites. That’s why PCC presence is also checked for.

If it passes that validity test, then your sample will be tested using the panel drug test level it’s been paid for. This panel drug test could be done on physical panels, or via digital equipment (immunoassay).

If any of the validity tests flag up, or visual scrutiny arouse suspicion, then your sample will be sent for a full mass spectrometry – gas chromatography analysis. If this happens, then nothing is going to pass, but that situation is very rare.

fake urine sample

Cheap Synthetic Urine Products That You Should Avoid

To stand up to any level of scrutiny you are going to have to use the best fake pee you can find.

There are several synthetic urine brands out there that have a good reputation, and strong reviews, people say they look like: “real human urine” and “natural urine” but are actually terrible for passing drug tests.

Part of the problem is that they are old synthetic urine products. So they have been around a long time and built up a lot of online reviews and chats. The trouble is that the volume of good reviews is shown first, which means the more current bad reviews don’t get as much scrutiny.

Plus, some synthetic pee brand is just crap. It’s designed for fetish use, or even used as an animal repellent and just doesn’t contain any of the chemical structure required to pass a drug test.

These are the five synthetic urine brands that I definitely recommend you do not use:

  • Ultrapure synthetic urine
  • Magnum synthetic urine
  • Agent X synthetic urine kit
  • Xstream synthetic urine
  • U Pass synthetic urine kit

let me just talk about Magnum premixed synthetic urine so you can understand how poor these urine products are.

People started pointing out that Magnum didn’t contain uric acid. If it went for a more thorough analysis, it was bound to fail a urine test. So Magnum just started adding a vial of uric acid to the box they sold. The idea was that you would pour it into the actual fake pee.

That’s obviously ridiculous. No reformulation, just handing responsibility to the person who bought it to hope that this half measure paid off.

Let’s Talk About Biocide

A few years back there was a sudden uptick in reports of fake urine failing drug tests.

It seemed to be most brands that were suddenly failing. People on knowledgeable forums, and places like Reddit, were starting to think that drug testing companies had found a way to spot fake urine.

However, it turned out that a handful of brands, actually the better ones mostly, were still working. So it wasn’t just that they had found a way to spot a synthetic urine sample. There seemed to be a footprint, something common to all these products which were being looked for. The chief culprit was biocide preservatives.

Biocide is found in many products from makeup to household cleaners, and they help to keep products fresh and lengthen their shelf life.

Biocide is also in many types of fake urine. Lots of analysis, by lots of people including me, over a couple of years came to the conclusion that it was biocide that was being looked for as an extra dipstick reaction panel on the initial validity testing strips.

To my knowledge, there are only four reliable and high-quality brands of fake urine on the market right now, which can pass a drug test and that don’t contain biocide. So let’s take a look at them now with detailed reviews.

Detailed Synthetic Urine Reviews: Top Four Best Synthetic Urine Kits

For me, these are the four best synthetic urine kits you can buy right now. I’m doing a detailed review of each of them, including instructions for use so that you can compare the quality and process.

1. Clear Choice Quick Luck – Best Synthetic Urine Product 2023

Quick Luck premixed synthetic urine isn’t cheap. It costs $100. But it’s a high quality synthetic urine product right now, and the best you can buy. It has the following properties which make it stand out from almost everything else:

  • Looks, froths, and even smells like normal urine
  • Balanced for ph and specific gravity
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Contains the right amount of uric acid and urea
  • In total it contains 14 chemicals that are found in urine
  • Comes with the incredible heat activator powder
  • Also included in the kit is a heat pad
  • Longer shelf life Compared to other Synthetic pee brands

You are getting the best fake urine you can buy. Premixed, ready to use, complex in the formula. This will even pass the scrutiny of a full immunoassay and analysis. So whatever level of scrutiny it faces, it’s going to be your best chance of passing.

Here are the instructions for using Quick Luck:

  1. It’s possible to preheat this. You can use a microwave, and warm it in 15-second bursts until it registers on the temperature strip.
  2. If you want to preheat it, before you start microwaving, activate the heatpad so that it’s ready for when the sample reaches the right temperature. Then attach the two together.
  3. Whether you pre-warm it or not, you will then head off to the location you are submitting your sample at. Just outside, you will check the temperature.
  4. Whether it’s cooled or not, you can use the heat activator powder to raise the temperature. Add a little bit, shake it up until it dissolves, and monitor the temperature. Only add more in small amounts, and eventually, it will reach the temperature range required.

That’s really all there is to it. Just make sure that you submit your sample within about 15 minutes of getting it to within the right temperature range if you are only using heat activator powder not the heat pad.

The heat pad is really an insurance policy. It allows you to transport the sample prewarmed, and then just use the heat activator powder to top it up if necessary.

But for me, I just wouldn’t bother with the heat pad. The heat activator powder works fine on its own. About one-third of the total powder supplied is enough to usually raise the temperature to between 90°F and 100°F, and it makes the sample far less bulky to smuggle in.

Overall, the combo of the complexity and the power in the heat activator powder takes all the stress out of passing a drug test. Unless you are very unlucky, then it’s worth every penny due to its ability to pass scrutiny.

I’ve actually never used Quick Luck to pass a drug test, but I have used its sister product I’m now about to talk about. If I face another one any time soon, it’s Quick Luck I will be using now.

2. Sub Solution Synthetic Urine Kit (Best all-around choice)

Sub Solution is like the little brother of Quick Luck. A few years older, and ever so slightly simpler in the formula, just like Quick Luck though its formula is updated annually.

It’s the best all-around choice when you consider everything about it. It costs $85. It gets the heat activator powder into your hands, and the formula is pretty much the same as Quick Luck.

The only downside to Sub Solution Vs Quick Luck is that Sub Solution is a powdered urine kit while Quick Luck is in liquid form. You will get it in powder form and you need to mix it with filtered water to use it.

But overall, apart from the premixing thing, there’s really not much to choose between them, and usage instructions are pretty much the same:

  1. The first thing you need to do is hydrate the bottle of powdered synthetic urine that you receive. Use filtered water (not bottled water or tap water) to do this. Fill the bottle to the line and then shake it until it’s dissolved and clear, basically looking like urine.
  2. Unlike with Quick Luck, you can’t heat the sample in advance. There is no heat pad with the fake pee kit for you to do this, so you’ll just have to do it on arrival.
  3. When you arrive at the venue you will submit your sample, just before you go in, tap in about one-third of the heat activator powder. Shake it gently until it dissolves, and then watch the temperature strip. If after two minutes nothing’s happened, add a little more and repeat the process. Keep doing this until a reading registers and then get the temperature as close to 100°F as you can without going over.

That’s all the steps there are in the Sub Solution. Just one more step than Quick Luck, and that’s mixing up the powder.

No, you don’t get the heat pad as an additional heat source option, but it’s really not necessary.

The beauty of Quick Luck and Sub Solution is that because the drug test will be unsupervised, you can even check the temperature when you are behind a screen or in a cubicle. If it’s cooled too much, you can simply tap in a more heat activator powder and get the temperature into the legal range before you hand it over.

Sub solution review

3. Quick Fix Pre mixed synthetic urine

Third, on my list is Quick Fix. For me, it’s the best budget fake urine kit you can buy.

Usually costing just $30, you can even upgrade to Quick Fix plus for another $10. Let me just say at the start of this review that Quick Fix plus isn’t a better product. You just get 3 fluid ounces of premixed urine rather than 2 ounces.

For most drug tests that’s not really an issue, but some drug tests do ask for a bigger sample. Although, none of them require anything approaching 2 fluid ounces, let alone three. Quick Fix is a liquid urine kit. It’s not as complex as the best synthetic urine kits Sub Solution and Quick Luck though, but it does contain creatine, urea, and uric acid.

It also looks like human urine but doesn’t really smell or froth like it. It’s great for a basic drug test though where there isn’t much scrutiny on it.

These are the instructions for using Quick Fix to pass a drug test:

  1. Activate the heating pad so that it’s warm when it are attached to the urine sample. It only needs a couple of minutes to reach its maximum temperature.
  2. Because it’s premixed you simply need to heat up in the microwave. Loosen the lid and put it in. Then microwave on full power for about 15 seconds. Take it out and gently agitate it and check the temperature strip.
  3. Repeat step one until you get a reading on the temperature strip. You’ll want to get it as close to 100°F as possible without going over. Look for a stable temperature as close to 100°F as possible that stays there for a couple of minutes.
  4. Attach the pre-activated heating pad using the supplied elastic band, or preferably some secure tape.
  5. When you arrive at the venue, check the temp strip. If it’s cooled and it hasn’t got a reading on the temperature strip, then you’ll need to warm it up. Unfortunately, the only way to do this is to use an external heat source, but I will talk about that in the section on top tips for using fake pee for drug test after the reviews.

So as you can see, Quick Fix is a very basic formula and it uses a heatpad that could fail (although the failure rate is low).

But it’s plenty good enough to pass a basic pre-employment drug test or similar, and if you are on a budget or don’t care very much, then it’s a perfect solution.

  1. Test Clear Powdered Urine (Dehydrated urine)

The last of my four top synthetic urine reviews is for Test Clear powdered urine kit.

Costing $50, it’s the middle ground in terms of price. It is powdered urine like Sub Solution, so you will need to hydrate it.

It claims to be clean human urine, not synthetic urine. I’m not sure if that’s true or not, but when hydrated it definitely looks and smells like real urine.

Here are the instructions for using Test Clear powdered urine:

  1. Step one is to activate the heat pad so that it pre-warms and doesn’t allow cooling of the sample when attached.
  2. Using only filtered water, fill up the bottle of powder and hydrate it. Shake it gently until the powder vanishes.
  3. Microwave the sample gently for 15 seconds, then gently shake it and check the temperature strip. Put it back in for another 15 seconds, and repeat until it shows a reading on the temperature strip. You wanted to be as close to 100°F as possible, without it being above that.
  4. When it’s within the correct temperature range you can attach the heat pad to the bottle using tape to connect them firmly and ensure the join creates a steady heat from the heat pad into the urine.
  5. Again, just like with Quick Fix, you’ll need to check the temperature strip just before you enter the building where you will submit your sample. If it’s cooled too much, then you’ll have to warm it up.

The Test Clear powdered urine is a great middle-ground product. A bit better in quality than Quick Fix, it will pass scrutiny better.

Top Tips For Passing A Urine Drug Test (Built On My Personal Experiences)

Now you have my top four synthetic urine kit recommendations.

Quick Luck for the premium all-around experience, Sub Solution for the best of the bunch for the money, Quick Fix if you are on a budget, and Test Clear if you want that middle ground of affordable quality.

I want to finish by talking you through my experiences with drug testing and how you can maximize your chances of passing using fake pee for drug tests.

I just want to finish by saying that it’s actually really easy. As long as you’ve got the guts to hide the sample, and you use high-quality fake urine then it’s a cinch.

If you use Sub Solution synthetic urine or Quick Luck, I would recommend you also buy “the practice kit”. That contains the heat activator powder and allows you to practice with it to see how it reacts in liquid and warms it up before the day of your test.

Here are my top two tips to help you pass that test.

Tip #1

Let’s talk first about the cooling issue. With Sub Solution and Quick Luck, it’s not a problem because of the heat activator powder. That will simply raise the temperature in seconds.

But with a synthetic urine product that uses a heating pad, you have no additional heat source to use. So what do you do if you arrive and check the temperature and it’s cooled below 90°F?

Well, my top tip is to take a flask of hot water with you. Not boiling, as that could melt the plastic bottle the urine is in, just close to boiling.

Gently pour it on a bit at a time (being careful to avoid your hand), and shake it gently every so often then check the temperature strip. That should do enough to raise the temperature the few degrees that are needed.

Tip #2

My second tip is how to hide synthetic urine. You need to hide it discreetly. Although it’s unsupervised, and you can’t be directly searched (you can be patted down but not touched intimately), then there’s really only one place to put it. What you’ll need is two pairs of sizeable underwear. Tuck it in between the two pairs, so that it’s not against your skin but is in close proximity and securely fits and doesn’t slip.

Make sure it’s right in the crotch where they can’t touch you. Not only does this keep it safe, but it will keep it warm and closer to body temperature.

Just make sure you wear baggy jogging bottoms and a matching top or t-shirt so that you don’t arouse suspicion and look natural while concealing the bulge.

Frequently Asked Questions


How Long Does Synthetic Urine Last?

If sealed, synthetic urine will usually last about one year, often longer if it’s a powder rather than premixed. Once open, even if kept in a refrigerator, 24 hours is the maximum time you can use it within, without it starting to spoil and risking being noticed.

Whether your sample is real urine from someone else, premixed urine, or powdered synthetic urine you have mixed with filtered water, you should be submitting it within about four hours of it being first exposed to air. Do NOT freeze synthetic urine!

How To Conceal Synthetic Urine?

For unsupervised drug testing, synthetic pee is the absolute best way to pass a drug test. Synthetic urine is best concealed in the crotch. Wear two pairs of underpants and tuck the fake sample between them. Then put on baggy jogging bottoms.

Although you can be searched generally, including the items you are carrying and being patted down they cannot search you intimately. Therefore, concealing the items intimately is the only way you can guarantee being able to smuggle them in.

The exception to this is supervised drug testing. If you are returning after failed tests, or it’s supervised because it’s something like a probation drug test, then you could be searched more thoroughly. That will be discussed and known in advance though, so you won’t get caught out.


How To Keep Urine Warm For A Drug Test?

If you’re going to keep urine warm to pass urine drug tests and it has to be submitted within a very small temperature range. Legally, a sample has to be between 90°F and 100°F to be , that is the normal body temperature. Trying to keep a liquid synthetic urine within such a tight temperature range is pretty tough.

The best way to do it is to not submit your own urine at all, it’s to buy Sub Solution or Quick Luck. These closely mimic human urine and contain everything looked for during validity tests.


What Is The Shelf Life Of Synthetic Urine?

Most synthetic urine has a shelf life of around one year. If it’s a liquid, you probably won’t get away with using it much after that.

However, if it’s powdered urine like Sub Solution, then as long as the sealed plastic bottle is not open, then it should be good for many months after that.

Can A Modern Lab Test Detect Synthetic Urine?

A modern urine drug test can detect poor synthetic urine brands such as magnum, monkey whizz, urine luck etc..

How Long Can Pee Last In A Bottle For a Drug Test?

If kept in a refrigerator you might keep real urine fresh for 24 hours. But that’s a maximum, and it will still deteriorate. This deterioration can be observed, and potentially picked up because the chemical balance will change.

If kept at ambient temperature, urine is only going to last a maximum of around six hours before it starts to deteriorate.

Even if you think you can get a human sample to the drug testing lab before it starts to deteriorate, you still have to solve the problem of how you are going to submit it within the narrow temperature range between 90°F and 100°F for it to be a valid sample.

That’s why brands like Sub Solution and Quick Luck are so potent. They are highly complex to fill validity checks, they don’t deteriorate in the way human urine does, and they use heat activator powder to give you granular control over the sample temperature.

What Is The Difference Between Powdered And Liquid Synthetic Urine?

The only difference between powdered form and liquid synthetic urine is that synthetic urine is a liquid that has been hydrated.

In terms of submitting premixed and powdered urine, they are exactly the same. That’s why Quick Luck and Sub Solution are the same compositions. The only difference between them is that Sub Solution is a powder, whereas Quick Luck comes premixed for convenience.

Just make sure when you are mixing up the powdered urine kit that you don’t just use tap water or bottled mineral water. These contain compounds that are not found in normal urine because they are filtered out by our kidneys. Always used jug-filtered water to remove the minerals and other compounds.

Can Synthetic Urine Be Detected In Lab Test?

The only way that fake urine can specifically be found is if it contains biocide preservatives. These are sometimes looked for during validity checks. Most poor quality brands use these preservatives.

The best selling synthetic urine kit is Quick Luck which does not use biocide preservatives, they are like drug free human urine and therefore cannot be specifically detected.

The only other way fake pee can be detected is if during the validity checks, they look for something which isn’t there (and the more complex fake pee will have you covered), or it doesn’t look, froth, or smell like urine if it comes under intense scrutiny.

Is Synthetic Urine Legal?

Yes, in most states it’s perfectly legal to buy and sell synthetic pee. To check the exceptions google “synthetic urine legal + your state”

How Much Synthetic Urine Do You Need For A Drug Test?

Where Can I Buy Synthetic Urine?

The best place to buy synthetic urine is from online specialist retailers. Sub Solution and Quick Luck, the two best synthetic urine products on the market, can both be bought direct from Clear Choice via the testnegative website.

Do not buy fake pee from physical stores. They only sell poor-quality synthetic urine brands like Urine Luck, U Pass, Magnum, and Monkey Whizz.

Challenging The Biggest Myths About Domestic/Relationship Abuse

When it comes to domestic and relationship abuse, there are some huge myths that have been perpetuated over decades. Even though there’s a lot of behavioral science studying all aspects of this now, some of these myths persist.

These myths persist generally, but some species in certain cultures, especially religious, certain countries, and certain classes as well.

But generally, these myths, and situations can apply to anyone, anywhere in the world. So let’s take a look at the top myths about abuse and discuss why they are mostly wrong.

  1. Alcohol And Drugs Make People Violent And Abusive

This is certainly true. People kick off under the influence of alcohol and drugs far more than they do when they are sober. So it stands to reason that people are going to be more violent and abusive relationships and the influence of alcohol and drugs.

But it doesn’t make normal people become abusive. It can make people angry, and very occasionally make them lash out depending on the situation and their mental health, but it does not make someone abusive or excuse the abuse.

Alcohol and drugs make abusive people more abusive. It will tip them over the edge, bring it out into the open, and amplify behaviors they already have.

So although it will be claimed, for example, that men are more violent under the influence of alcohol and drugs in relationships, the truth is that those men would be violent and aggressive anyway.

  1. If It’s So Bad Then Why Don’t They Just Leave?

Thinking this ignores all of the knowledge about how abusers break down their victims so that their mental health suffers. They become incapable of leaving sometimes or are just too scared.

They can be terrified of physical and social repercussions against themselves, their family, or their children as well. That’s why so many women have to run in the night because they are scared of what will happen.

In addition, abusers always take control of finances and other resources. There are simply very few options for the person who is being abused to take.

  1. Abuse Always Involves Physical Violence And Coercion

This is definitely not the case. Women can abuse men without any physical violence or threat at all. They use skillful emotional and sexual manipulation instead.

Whichever sex is doing it, what really breaks someone down is a pattern of controlling, threatening, degrading, and coercive behavior that gets the person confused, depressed, anxious, and starts to break down their sanity.

Add in financial abuse, harassment, stalking, sexual abuse, and online abuse, alongside coercive and controlling behavior, and it’s perfectly possible to be in an extremely abusive relationship without any hint of a physical threat.

abuse at home

  1. They Can Be A Good Parent And Don’t Abuse Children

Abused women often make this excuse to justify staying in the relationship, and to fool themselves into thinking that the children are safe.

Of course, someone can be a good parent and be abusive. They can even not be abusive towards the children at all. However, that is not the most common way things happen.

It’s estimated that 90% of children in abused relationships witnessed abuse under-affected by it for the long term. Therefore, even if it’s not directly abuse of the children, the atmosphere and situation in the house can have lifelong effects, which can also normalize abuse and turn the children into abusers in adult life.

  1. They Were Provoked By My Bad Behavior

Abusers always blame the victim. They will make out that they were provoked physically, or emotionally, to lash out and lay into the abused victim.

This puts guilt on the abused party, and it becomes deep-rooted. It not only relieves the abuser of responsibility for their own actions, but it also makes the entire situation twisted into the person who has been abused taking responsibility for the abuse happening.

Sustained abuse is never the victim’s fault. Although people can be cruel and provoke the other person into acts, and then turn against them in an abusive manner, sustained abusive relationship cannot ever be the fault of the victim, no matter what the individual acts they do in retaliation.

However, it is possible for two people to develop a codependent abusive relationship where both are continually provoking bad behavior in the other.

  1. It’s A Private Family Matter And Nobody Else Needs To Know

This attitude is especially prevalent in certain cultures, especially India, Asia, and the Middle East, although it can happen anywhere, especially if there is a religious background to the family.

It’s often linked to family honor, religion, and social conditioning. It’s all designed to create social cohesion at the expense of individual liberties.

Abuse is never a private family matter. Society pays huge prices for the problems it creates, especially with children who end up being unable to go through the education system, and then who move into criminality.

If you are being abused, it is not a private matter. You need to seek help and escalated as widely and quickly as you can to escape.

An abusive partner will also emphasize that they believe it’s a private matter, and will aggressively stop you from trying to make this otherwise. Of course, making it public loses control, which is not what they want, therefore they try and convince you that keeping your suffering private is the right thing to do.

  1. Women Are Just As Abusive As Men (Although This Is Becoming More Contested)

It is somewhat a myth that women are as abusive as men. Overwhelmingly, the reported cases of domestic abuse in every country in the world are experienced by women who are partners to men.  Death rates in abusive relationships are overwhelmingly amongst women and not men.

However, this is contested due to the ways that the different sexes are abusive and manipulated.

In a relationship, they can also be incredibly cruel, belittling men’s performance and manhood, and breaking them down just as badly as men do.

Although domestic violence does usually involve men abusing women, and does usually involve physical violence, simplifying it to saying men equal physically violent and abusive and women do not is simplistic and wrong.

Another problem with organizations claiming that women are not as abusive as men, is that they disregard the growing evidence that men simply do not report it. Men are not believed, they are ridiculed and laughed at, and not taken seriously in the way that women are.

Because men are expected to be men, and this “suck it up, you’re a man” attitude is still prevalent, abuse by female partners on male partners is a hidden epidemic that is not getting the attention it deserves in many countries.

  1. Women Often Lie About Partner Abuse To Get Children Or Money

Some women do lie about partner abuse to get children or money through custody battles. This is an undeniable fact. However, it is a very small minority in the overall numbers. There are always bad apples, and sex does not define that.

The truth is that all people are just as capable of lying over children and money to try and get an advantage during a breakup, regardless of their sex. However, because women tend to want custody of children, and men don’t, then they are often prepared to do more to get the children and the money to support them, even if it does mean using abusive behavior to achieve their goals.

  1. Women Are Attracted To Abusive Men (This Is Contested)

It is a myth that women are attracted to abusive men. Generally, women are simply not attracted to these traits. However, some women definitely are. Sometimes this is due to social conditioning, sexual preferences, or conditioning through seeing how parents acted.

Also, it can be a sign of previous abuse in childhood or previous abusive relationships that have normalized abusive men.

There are also women who do like “bad boys”, they do like men who are on the edge. They like men who fight, who lash out, and they like to be made to feel small and female. They see this knife edge as exciting until it spills over into inevitable relationship abuse.

But this is a small minority, and it is a complete myth that women generally are attracted to men who are abuse.

  1. People Who Are Abusive Had Abusive Parents

Domestic abuse is prevalent in all classes of society and in all countries. It simplistic to say that men who abuse women had fathers who abuse their mothers, and vice versa.

But the majority of people who had abusive parents will not turn into abusers themselves. It can be a trigger because it has normalized that type of behavior, but conversely it can make people sensitive and hyper-aware of any type of abuse.

Abuse is triggered by many things. There are a lot of reasons why people become abusive and controlling. In many instances, a partner feels that they will be cheated on due to a previous relationship, for example.

But the truth is that there is no overall pattern that suggests that people who are abusive did have abusive parents, although it is acknowledged that it is one of the triggers that can generate abuse in that person towards others.

The Top Warning Signs Of Potential Domestic Abuse

Some of the obvious signs of domestic abuse can raise immediate warning signals in the people around the woman (usually), or the man suffering them. You may think it makes it easy to identify, but that’s not always the case.

Whether you are looking at someone you think is in an abusive relationship, or you think you are in one yourself, there are several key signals to look out for potential problems, or that you are ignoring or covering up sexual abuse.

What I’m going to do here is talk you through the top warning signs, both physical and emotional.

We will also cover some of the confusion that people can have which leads to accusations that aren’t actually true I’ll also cover the fashionable new buzz term “gaslighting” and explain exactly what it is, and what it isn’t.

Physical Signs Of Potential Physical Abuse

Not all abuse is physical. However, there are usually physical signs that physical coercion and aggression is part of the tactics being used. Sometimes physical abuse is calculated, while other times it is pure lashing out and aggression. Sometimes it’s a combination of both.

There are a ton of physical signs, consistent with being pushed over, being punched, choked, being hit with things, or other signs of physical abuse/torture. The most obvious ones will be facial features ones, then the arms and legs, and then the torso. Also, marks around the neck can be a signal as well.

If you notice a friend covering themselves up when they did previously, especially in inappropriate circumstances then it can be a signal.

Likewise, if somebody used the go swimming, or to the beach, and is now not doing that, always wearing unusual clothing, then it could all be assigned.

However, also be aware that there are physical signs that are not abusive. It could be consensual sexual play, it could merely be accidents, or even an underlying health condition causing bruising that they just don’t want to talk about.

Emotional Signs Of Potential Abuse

Emotional signs of physical abuse are far more difficult to spot, and far more subjective.

Often, they can just be a signal that something else is going on. They could just be general unhappiness with the relationship, or it could be something like depression that is completely unrelated.

That’s why confronting someone about what you see as signs of emotional abuse can be so much more challenging unless you directly see them for yourself.

Some of the key signals of emotional abuse that could point towards this happening are:

  • Agitation and anxiety
  • Developing drug or alcohol problems
  • Change in sleep patterns
  • Loss of interest in daily activities
  • Fearful outlook
  • Depression
  • Look of fear when someone is angry
  • Suicidal thoughts and comments
  • Low self-esteem
  • Fear of partner
  • Not wanting to talk about partner
  • Constantly defending partner

These can be your own signals, or you can spot them and someone else. But again, every single one of these can be due to another reason, you have to look at a bigger trend to see if someone could be in danger.

If this is you reading and trying to work out if you have symptoms of emotional abuse, and usually deep down you do know. If you look at that list and see many things on there and the root cause is the partner, then you know the truth.

Gaslighting: What It Is & What It Isn’t

Gaslighting is a phrase which is thrown around more and more nowadays. In extreme circumstances, simply disagreeing with someone’s recollection gets you accused of gaslighting.

The truth is that most people have very limited recollection skills. Studies have shown that people’s recollection of events can be hugely different. One person is adamant someone was wearing a certain color, and someone else states a completely different color.

The second thing to understand is that anxiety and previous bad experiences can cause you to project this onto a partner with no evidence at all.

The third problem is that drugs and alcohol can affect how people recollect things and this increases the severity of the differences in the realities perceived.

To be clear, gaslighting is a consistent, orchestrated, campaign to make you lose your mind. A person will deliberately move things, lie, and state that black is white to make you uncertain and back down.

It’s a control mechanism designed to break the person down and get them to not believe their own thoughts, and to completely rely on the person conducting the campaign. It’s psychological abuse in order to condition for complete control.

Forgetting where you put your car keys is something we all do. But if you have got it into your head that your partner is gaslighting you, then finding them where you didn’t expect them immediately makes you think that they moved them deliberately to mess with your head. But nine times out of 10, you simply forgot.

So don’t fall for the modern trend of attacking anyone or whose perception is different to yours. You have to look at the long-term trend of the person in relation to you, and you have to take into account your own biases, past experiences, and mental health.

Gaslighting is something incredibly difficult to prove. However, by understanding what it really is and taking a step back you can spot the long-term trend confirmed yourself if it’s happening, or whether there is something else going on.

Behavioral Changes That Can Occur With Domestic Abuse

Behavioral changes are actually the biggest sign that something is going on. Both with yourself, or someone you know, it’s the behavior changes that are often most noticeable and the biggest red flag.

For example, someone who was previously outgoing and happy and suddenly becomes withdrawn, especially a few months into a new relationship, could be suffering from abuse.

But it might not be that. It could be another health concern, money worries, depression, literally a myriad of other things changing them. Generally, though, you’re looking for several notable behavioral changes. It’s not about someone happy becoming miserable, it’s about big swings in usual and established behavior patterns.

This can be isolating where previously they were outgoing. But on the other side of that coin it can be someone who is usually reserved demanding to go out and then getting very drunk and angry.

So it’s not necessarily about what you would assume, withdrawing, cutting off, going quiet. It is about a big swing in established, normal behavior, into abnormal behavior.

What Controlling Behavior Looks Like & What It’s Not

It’s very easy to assume controlling behavior, and often that is the case. But you should remember that every relationship is different and not judged by your standards, or the cookie-cutter standards of newspapers or advice columnists.

Someone could be completely happy in that style of relationship and be thriving on it, even though you feel it’s unhealthy.

So controlling behavior is not always black and white. However, if someone is referring to the partner as moody, or having a temper, and their previously established behavior patterns are dramatically different, then it is a big red flag.

Physical violence signs, emotional abuse of signs, limiting on socializing, control over all aspects of life, questioning, short temperedness, fear, dramatic swings in previous behaviors, shunning family and friends; you have to put together the big picture if it’s someone you are concerned about.

Should You Step In If You See Any Of The Physical Or Mental Signs?

As you can see, it’s not simple. Although sometimes it is blatantly obvious, and the person may say it to you, or if it’s you, you will know, it’s not always clear-cut.

If you have concerns about someone, you should try and get close and observe. The more information you get, the more you can reach a good conclusion, rather than a knee-jerk one that could be wrong.

For example, many guides say that “excessive privacy” around their partner’s relationship is a warning sign. But think about that, why is it? Many people are very private and don’t talk about themselves.

Also, consider alternative lifestyles. Some people have unusual relationship types that they both thrive in.  BDSM-influenced relationships, for example, can look incredibly odd and abusive on the outside but are actually very close and mutually consenting. Just because you don’t understand it, it doesn’t mean it’s abusive.

Consent is crucial, and if somebody understands that and expresses it to you, you must accept their word, whatever your own views.

So you cannot look in isolation, or look at a handful of things. If you spot signs, you need to be educated and spot many of them before you can have the confidence to consider stepping in. Stepping in should also be very gentle. It should be sitting with that person alone and prompting a discussion where they could open up. Give them signals that you are concerned.

Whatever you do, do not go wading in accusing people of abuse, gaslighting, physical violence, demanding that the relationship breaks up, and attacking both parties.

If there isn’t any abuse and you have misjudged, then you are causing trauma and being abusive yourself. If there is abuse, it could trigger a circling the wagons that create a shared attack which strengthens resolve and leaving you unable to have access at all.