Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox Review: Does Nutra Cleanse Work?

If you’re searching for a detoxification program, a detox kit, to pass a drug test for marijuana or other drug use, then the Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox is one you will come across.

Does Nutra Cleanse work? In this full review, I’m going to answer that question.

I’m also going to talk about a couple of alternatives, so if you want to check them out first, you can right here:

  • Toxin Rid Detox Pills
  • Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink

We will cover everything you need to know about this detox kit. How Nutra Cleanse works, and what the instructions are.

I’ll also compare it to another product they sell called Nutra Cleanse clean caps, and whether you need their detox drink the Nutra Cleanse clean shot as well on the day of your test.

What Is The Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox?

This five day detox uses three different types of pills over five days in order to clean out your system to pass a drug test.

You’ll get the following when you buy it:

  • 4 pre-cleanse formula capsules
  • 13 morning formula capsules
  • 30 evening formula capsules
  • 8 post-cleanse formula capsules

The idea is that over five days (in reality seven days), you take the pills with water, live healthily, and drug toxins will be removed from the body at a far faster rate than can be achieved naturally.

Now this all sounded incredibly familiar to me, and I became suspicious. I’ll explain why I was suspicious, and how my suspicions were found to be accurate, later in this review.

How Quick Can You Get Clean To Pass A Drug Test?

If you’re going to use a detox course that claims to be able to get clean in five days, then you have to know of the ingredients stack up to this, and if you can physically get clean in that time as well.

The truth is that yes, you can get clean in five days to pass a drug test. But it depends on a few factors:

  • The actual potency of the pill course or detox kit you are using
  • How many drug toxins you have in your body
  • Your physical ability to get rid of the toxins (general health, age, diet)

So yes, on the surface, the claims you’ll get clean in five days do stack up. But do the ingredients back up those claims?

I’ll talk you through whether Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox can work after I’ve explained the instructions for using it to you.

Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox Instructions

Here are the instructions for completing the Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox:

  1. The night before you start your main five day cleanse, one hour after your evening meal, you will take the pre-cleanse formula capsules with 24 fluid ounces of water.
  2. On each of the five days of the cleanse, you will take six capsules with 24 fluid ounces of water. You will do this at least one hour before you first eat each day.
  3. At the end of each day of the cleanse, so for five evenings, you will take six evening formula capsules with 24 fluid ounces of water.
  4. The day after your five day cleanse, which should be the day of your drug test, you’ll take the eight post cleanse formula tablets with another 24 fluid ounces of water.
  5. You’ll then urinate as frequently as you can after you have taken each set of pills, and on the day of your test, once you’ve urinated three or four times, just before you leave, you’ll do a home drug test kit to make sure you are clean.

Does Nutra Cleanse Work?

Does Nutra Cleanse work? Well, to do so it’s got to get you clean in the time of the course, which means it has to be potent enough.

Looking at the ingredients list, and comparing them to the market leader Toxin Rid (whose ingredients I’ve looked into in detail to see scientifically how they can remove drug toxins faster), this is not as potent.

There’s a good number of ingredients, but the doses per capsule are much lower. I just don’t see how this pushes toxins out at the same rate as a far more effective Toxin Rid capsules.

Looking online, there’s not a lot of positive vibes about this product either. I’m not seeing loads of people saying “fantastic! I passed a drug test using Nutra Cleanse!”.

So for those reasons, I’m suspicious this would work. But, as I’m now going to explain, there are another couple of reasons why I know it doesn’t work well, and why it’s not a good choice for you.

These Are The Reasons Why I Do Not Recommend Nutra Cleanse Detox

 I have tested a product called Rescue 5 Day Detox. It claims to be able to get you clean to pass a drug test in just five days.

It contained a “Headstart” packet of four capsules to take the night before your main five day detox. It also contained five days’ worth of morning and evening formula capsules. You take these with 24 fluid ounces of water each time.

There were also eight “ice caps”, which you took on day seven, the day of your test. These acted like a detox drink, masking and removing the last toxins. That’s why when I read the instructions for Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox, I immediately got suspicious because they are identical to the instructions for Rescue 5 Day detox.

Both are made by different companies. Or at least you’re meant to think so, with different logos and websites for each.

But looking at the ingredients list, and number of capsules, they are literally identical. Not only identical, but laid out identically on the ingredients box, and even in the same order.

Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox is just Rescue 5 Day detox repackaged. As that didn’t work well for me, then this won’t work well for you.

Put all that together, and these are the reasons why I cannot recommend Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox to you:

  • This is simply another product repackaged
  • It’s not potent enough to get you clean in five days
  • This product is actually a seven-day detox
  • It’s not as potent as Toxin Rid
  • The pills on the day of your test are not going to mask toxins

What About Nutra Cleanse Clean Caps?

“Nutra Cleanse” also makes a detox drink called the Nutra Cleanse Clean shot, and a product called Nutra Cleanse clean Caps.

Let’s start with clean caps. These are literally just the same pills that are included with Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox, which they call the “post cleanse formula capsules”. They have exactly the same ingredients.

Nutra Cleanse clean caps also have an identical ingredient list to the Rescue 5 Day detox “ice capsules”, which are also sold separately.

Put that all together, and you’ve got exactly the same pills packaged up in three different ways. However, they are packaged, it doesn’t make them any good though.

In terms of the clean shot, it’s a $60 detox drink with the same clean caps included yet again.

There’s hardly any volume to the detox drink, certainly not enough to flush out your system, and the ingredients are not going to speed up the removal of toxins massively while replacing the legitimate ingredients in human urine that are flushed out.

Is Nutra Cleanse A Scam?

I’m going to stop just short of calling it a scam. But here are the facts you have to consider at the end of this Nutra Cleanse 5 Day Detox review:

  1. This is an identical product to another one called Rescue 5 Day Detox.
  2. Both of those products also have an allegedly stronger 10 day detox version. Again, they are absolutely identical and have big claims.
  3. The clean caps from Nutra Cleanse are exactly the same composition as a couple of other products they sell, and they are all identical.
  4. The clean shot is yet another poor product, with exactly the same clean caps bundled in with it again.

Put all that together, and I think you can see, that the repackaging is a way of sidestepping previous poor results and publicity to keep pushing the same rubbish at an even higher price.

Better Alternative: Toxin Rid & Rescue Cleanse Detox Kit

Toxin Rid is the best detox pill on the market. You can choose from course lengths of between one day and 10 days in length depending on your needs.

You also get a post-cleanse detox liquid that is genuinely potent for cannabis smokers and an additional fiber supplement that powerfully draws cannabis metabolites into the bowel for removal.

As a heavy weed smoker, you would expect to take up to 3 weeks to get clean naturally. Using Toxin Rid, I was starting to test clean in just five days.

On the day of your test, your insurance policy is Rescue Cleanse. A potent detox drink, it will definitely mask the toxins for up to 5 hours so you can cover up any stray remaining toxins from your cleanse, and guarantee passing.

Put those two together, and you have the most potent combo detox kit on the market, far superior to anything that you can buy from the Nutra Cleanse range.

You can buy Rescue Cleanse direct from Clear Choice, through their website: test negative.

ToxinRid detox pills can be bought directly from the Test Clear website.

Toxin Rid 1 Day Review: Full Instructions & Guide – Does Toxin Rid Actually Work To Pass A Drug Test?

Even if you can’t get completely clean, Toxin Rid can help you to pass a drug test. In this Toxin Rid 1 Day review I’m going to tell you how the shortest course can help you. I’m not just going to talk about the short course lengths. This is a complete guide to using Toxin Rid to pass a drug test.

I’ll tell you how you can get completely clean using it. Give you top tips on making sure you get clean, and what to do if you can’t. We will talk about drug detection times, and realistic how long it will take you to get clean, including marijuana (which is problematic).

I’ll also cover full Toxin Rid instructions, tell you how it works, and tell you whether you can get Toxin Rid cheap using a coupon code right now.

What Exactly Is Toxin Rid?

Toxin Rid is a detox product, course of detox pills teamed up with a detoxification liquid and dietary fiber supplement. It’s been around for nearly 20 years and has the highest feedback and success rate of any detoxification pill course available today.

It can be bought in course lengths from a single day through to the full 10 day course. You can even add additional days on top.

It can be quite confusing to know which course length to choose. But don’t worry, I’m going to go through all in detail for you in this user guide. Does Toxin Rid really work? Yes, it actually does, and I know that because I’ve used it myself to pass urine drug tests. But don’t just take my word for it, read on and you’ll see exactly why it’s so potent.

Here’s What You Get In Each Toxin Rid Detox Kit

Whether you buy the Toxin Rid 1 day course, or the 10 day course, you’ll get the same three part detoxification system:

  1. You’ll get the pill course. 15 pills per day. So just 15 precleanse pills in the single day course, and 150 and the 10 day course.
  2. You’ll also get a high-potency detoxification liquid. This is like a punch to the guts when you use it at the end of the course, but it’s incredibly potent at drawing out the remaining toxins.
  3. You’ll also get a high-potency fiber supplement. Packed with fiber and a mild laxative, it helps bowel movements and draw THC metabolites into the bowel, if you’re looking to clear toxins after marijuana use.

Even if you’re not trying to get clean for marijuana, the first two parts of the course are highly potent and better than anything else on the market for drawing toxins out of the body fast.

Toxin Rid Ingredients

Before we move on to choosing the right course length and then using it, let’s explain exactly what’s in Toxin Rid which makes it so potent.

These are the natural ingredients in each detox pill:

  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Chloride
  • Magnesium
  • Alfalfa
  • Calcium
  • Boron
  • Iron
  • Kelp

There may be others, but those are the main ones that are mentioned. The company that makes Toxin Rid doesn’t publish a full list so this is based on snippets that have been put together.

The powerful detoxification liquid contains the following:

  • Chlorine
  • Sodium
  • Potassium
  • Lithium
  • Magnesium
  • Sulphate
  • Boron

As you can see, the detox liquid has a similar structure to the pills, but it’s far more potent in the dose that it hits your body with. Finally, you get the fiber supplement which is used exclusively to draw metabolites from cannabis into the bowel. It contains psyllium husk powder in high density and a very mild laxative.

As you can see, everything included is natural. It’s GMO-certified, vegan friendly, and all the ingredients have been proven to help speed up the removal of toxins from the body.

Toxin Rid detox pills

How Do I Choose The Right Course Length?

When it comes to choosing the right course length of Toxin Rid it can be confusing. Let’s clear that up for you now.

The first thing you need to know is that Toxin Rid will speed up the removal of toxins in your body by 50% or more. In some cases, around 70% faster than your body can achieve naturally.

Most drug toxins at moderate exposure stay in your body for about four or five days. Cannabis is a bit longer. But the more you ramp up the doses and frequency of use, the more those toxins build up. For heavy toxin exposure, it can take up to 2 weeks to get clean.

Cannabis is the outlier here. Repeated daily cannabis use builds up so much in the body that it can take a month or more to expel toxins in rare cases. So if you’re using drugs regularly, more days of the week than not, and you want to get genuinely clean, then you need the longer pill courses.

So you’re a moderate user, the middle-length courses, and if you just want to push as many toxins out of your body before the day of your test so you can mask the remaining ones with a detox drink, then the short pill courses will work.

Let’s summarize that for you here:

  • 1 – 3 day courses for partial detoxification
  • 4 – 6 day courses for full moderate detoxification
  • 7 – 10 day courses for full heavy user detoxification

So if you’re here specifically looking at how to use the Toxin Rid 1 day kit then you are looking at partial detoxification to push out more toxins so that a detox drink on the day of your test has less to do.

Are Toxin Rid Pills The Best THC Detox Kit?

Toxin Rid is the most potent detoxification pill course you can buy. When teamed up with the detox liquid and the fiber supplement it’s unbeatable, especially for marijuana.

The THC detox pills draw toxins out of the body faster. Between 50 and 70% faster than can be achieved naturally. Then, at the end of the pill course, the detoxification liquid really floods the body and pushes out a ton of extra toxins.

But specifically for marijuana, you’ll want to use the fiber supplement. It’s really high concentration and has a mild laxative included as well.

When you drink that, it draws cannabis metabolites into the bowel rapidly, because cannabis metabolites attach to fat cells and up to 60% of them actually exits through the bowels rather than the bladder So yes, in terms of targeting cannabis, it’s this three-step process helps to put Toxin Rid are above any other comparable THC detox kit.

Toxin Rid THC detox pills

Could I Just Get Clean Naturally With a Healthy Diet?

Of course you could get clean naturally, as long as you’ve got long enough time before your drug test.

If you’re a moderate user, once or twice per week, and you live relatively healthily and are in good health, then you’ll be clean in four or five days. If you’re a heavy user though, especially cannabis, it could be two weeks before you can get clean, and that’s where the problem really lays.

So yes, you can drink plenty of water, exercise, and sweat, eat lean and clean, speed up your metabolism, and get plenty of rest to allow your body to work optimally.  But that’s it, and you’re not going to shave time off those average elimination times unless you use the potency of Toxin Rid pills to speed up your system and draw out more toxins.

Detox Marijuana Fast: Full 24 Hour Detox Cleanse Guide

I’m going to talk you through how to pass a drug test using Toxin Rid detox pills now. I’ll focus on the one Day detox program, but the same rules apply to any of the Toxin Rid course lengths. All that changes is the number of days you are taking the detox pills. Everything else is identical.

Just be aware that with the Toxin Rid 1 Day detox program, you’ll have to do everything on the day before your test, you can’t do it on an actual day.

  1. From the first hour you wake up, you will take three pre rid pills per hour. Each time you take three pills, you will consume them with 8 fluid ounces of water.
  2. You’ll repeat step one for the first five hours of the day, consuming all of the 15 pills included in the Toxin Rid 1 day detox course. If it was a longer pill course, you’ll just consume 15 pre rid tablets per day for the length of that Toxin Rid detox program instead.
  3. Two hours after you finish the last three pills you are going to take the detoxifying liquid. The first step is to mix half of it up with filtered water or orange juice. You should have an empty stomach when you do this as well.
  4. Consume half of the liquid detox solution you have mixed up. Then wait two hours without eating or drinking anything at all.
  5. Repeat the process with the other half of the detox liquid. Again, wait two hours without eating or drinking anything else.
  6. All the rest of the day, try and only eat fruit and vegetables, whole grains, and drink plenty of water. This is an intense cleansing process which helps to draw out the remaining toxins.
  7. The last step, that you can do a couple of hours after the last half of the detox liquid, is to mix up the dietary fiber supplement and consume that.
  8. When you drink the dietary fiber supplement make sure you drink it down smoothly and quickly in just 30 seconds. Otherwise it can congeal, and be more difficult for your body to process. Make sure you sip water continually after that for a few hours.
  9. Once you’ve done all this do a home drug test to see if you are clean. You probably won’t be unless you’ve only been taking moderate amounts of drugs in the days before this. If you’re clean, you’re fine.
  10. You probably won’t be clean though, so this step is to use Mega Clean Detox drink or Rescue Cleanse drink 90 minutes before your drug test. You’ll have cleaned out most of the unwanted toxins making it easier for the cleansing drink to work. Consume that, urinate frequently over the next hour, and then go and submit your urine sample within two hours to maximize your chances of passing.

Toxin Rid instructions

Does Toxin Rid Detox Pills Work?

I’m a regular daily weed smoker, two or three times per night after work. It would take me around two weeks to get clean, and I knew that from research.

I bought home drug test kits, and a bottle of Mega Clean drink even though I was going to do the full 10 day detox process. I was testing negative after day seven, but persisted until day 10. I tested negative on the day of my test but decided to use Mega Clean as an insurance policy anyway. I passed that urine drug test.

Just note that with the one Day program, you’re unlikely to clear toxins completely. But it will push out a ton of toxins making it easier for the other detox products or combo strategy of Toxin Rid pills plus a detox drink to work better.

90 minutes before your test, drink a bottle of Mega Clean detox kit and then urinate as frequently as you can over the next hour. Mega Clean will mask any of the few remaining drug metabolites flowing out of your body at the time for two or three hours which is long enough for you to submit a clean sample in.

But please do the longest detox period you can with the time you have. If it’s three days for your test, don’t be complacent and just use a single day course, go for the three-day course and still then do home drug tests, and use Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean drink just before you leave to maximize your chances of passing.

Toxin Rid Reviews Online

Toxin Rid user reviews are usually very positive, and over 20 years it’s massively positive that so many people, thousands each year, use it successfully to pass drug tests.

I’m not going to paste in a load of reviews here, but I will paste in one that highlights a particular aspect of Toxin Rid pills benefits:

“I am a heavy guy, 250;bs in fact. I had an upcoming pre employment drug test. Smoking weed daily means I’m stacked up for weeks and I knew that I wouldn’t get clean easy but Toxin Rid did the job. Used the 10 day detox program and tested negative on home drug test on days eight, nine, and 10. Incredible stuff and pass the test like a dream!”

Toxin Rid Side Effects & Warnings

Toxin Rid detox programs can be intense. It can give you a stomach upset, and make you feel queasy. You shouldn’t be sick though, and its contains only natural ingredients means there are no worries.

You will see a ton of stuff coming out of your body. Your urine and stools can change color in the first couple of days you use it.

The only real warning is that because it removes things from your body so fast, it can be tiring and leave you dehydrated with some vitamin and mineral loss. This isn’t a problem for most people, and you can top up with a multivitamin if you feel you need to.

If you are pregnant, breastfeeding, or you have an underlying health condition, then you shouldn’t really be using detox solutions.

Is There Are Toxin Rid Coupon Code?

At the time of writing this there is not a working Toxin Rid coupon code available, and I don’t know of one that’s been around in the past couple of years either. To be honest, it’s not a high price to pay, and it’s such a great product with a good track record that they don’t really need to discount anyway, not to mention they give money back guarantee for all of their products.

The only thing I can suggest is joining the mailing list on the Test Clear website in the hope that they will pump out a Toxin Rid discount code to you at some stage.

Where To Buy Toxin Rid: Toxin Rid Near Me?

Don’t bother doing the Toxin Rid near me search on Google, because you won’t find Testclear Toxin Rid products locally. In fact, online, I wouldn’t recommend you buy it from marketplace sites like Amazon or eBay either. They will always be fakes because only a few trusted resellers are available.

As with all specialist detox kits, they are best bought from the people who make them. You’ll know it’s quality and original, and you’ll usually get the best price anyway.

Best Place To Buy Toxin Rid Detox Kits

Undoubtedly, the best place to buy Toxin Rid detox pills is directly from Test Clear. You’ll know you’re getting the real deal, and they offer the best prices and freebies anyway.

No matter what course length you select, you’ll get a free drug test kit. So say you are trying to get rid of marijuana, you’ll get a free $10 marijuana home drug test bundled in. You can also buy additional ones for any type of drug from Test Clear.

Make sure you get a few of those home drug test kits in stock, so that you can test yourself towards the end of your course, and on the day of your test. Three or four is usually enough.

In terms of pricing the toxin rid detox programs, really are pretty affordable:

  • Toxin Rid 1 day detox $54.95
  • Toxin Rid 5 Day detox $109.95
  • Toxin Rid 10 day detox $189.95

In each toxin rid programs, you’ll get the liquid detox solution, pre rid pills, and dietary fiber. The only thing that changes as you pay more money for the additional days on top of the first is more pills (150 pills in the 10 day supplement).

Rescue Cleanse is the most potent detox drink on the market. You’ll need that if you’re doing the combo strategy detox plan of getting rid of as many toxins as you can on the day before your test with the Toxin Rid 1 day course, so that there is less work for Rescue Cleanse to do on the day of your test.

Rescue Cleanse is available to buy from Clear Choice Direct. It only costs $55, but is definitely the best detox drink for your money.

If you want to get everything from the same place, direct from Test Clear, then the next best detox drink is called Mega Clean. That costs $69.95 and you can buy it with the Toxin Rid course, which will save you postage costs.

Test Clear Toxin Rid FAQ

What do detox pills do?

Detox pills do several things in the body. They act as diuretics to speed up the removal of toxins. They can also contain fiber which helps to speed up the removal of cannabis metabolites through the bowel. In addition, they contain ingredients like vitamins and minerals help your body to work at maximum efficiency, including things like aiding kidney health and efficient blood filtering. Put all that together, and potent Toxin Rid detox pills can speed up the removal of toxins in the body by 60% or faster than can be achieved naturally.

What is in Toxin Rid?

It is the most popular course of detoxification pills on the market today. It contains a three part detoxification system (that vary depending on the days of the course you buy), a powerful detoxification liquid, and an optional dietary fiber supplement that is used to help draw THC metabolites out through the bowels more quickly.

Simply take the pills each day, drink plenty of water, and abstain from drugs, and they will dramatically increase the rate the toxins leave the body at. Toxin Rid also has a version for hair follicle drug tests, it’s called Aloe toxin rid.

How does Toxin Rid work?

Toxin Rid works by combining completely natural ingredients together to aid your body in eliminating drug toxins at the fastest possible rate. It does this through a potent combination of diuretics, vitamins, minerals, and other natural ingredients to speed up the flow of toxins from the body through your urine and bowels.

How long does Toxin Rid last?

Toxin Rid isn’t a temporary masking agent. The pills will get you clean permanently as part of a natural detox. If you don’t put drugs in your body subsequently, then it lasts forever. As soon as you know you’ve got a drug test, stop taking drugs, take the Toxin Rid pills, and then use the powerful detoxification liquid you also get to push out the last toxins before your test.

Where to buy Toxin Rid in store?

You cannot buy Toxin Rid in physical stores. It’s not even available from third-party stores or affiliates. The only place you can purchase Toxin Rid detox products is from Test Clear. The course lengths range from a single day through to 10 days in length, so you simply select the number of days you think you’ll need to get clean in.

How long does Toxin Rid keep you clean?

Toxin Rid is a permanent detoxification pill course. As long as you don’t take any more drugs, once the pills have got you clean, then you’ll stay clean. It’s not a masking agent that hides the toxins, it pushes toxins out faster than can be achieved naturally as part of a natural detoxification to leave you permanently and completely clean.

Detox Drinks For Drug Test: Amazon, Walgreens & CVS – Do They Sell Good Drug Detox Kits?

Finding the best detox drink to pass a drug test can be tough with so much bad information out there.

What I’m going to do in this complete guide is quickly tell you how to find the best drinks to pass a drug test, and if drinks from Amazon, Walgreens, and CVS are among the best.

Plus, I will talk about some other detox drink options that aren’t sold at those big retailers. Sure, you can’t grab them as quickly, but with a little preparation, they will be better at passing a drug test.

On top of all that, I will tell you exactly how a drug detox drink works, and what it can’t do for you. Put all this together, and it’s everything you need to know about using detox drinks to pass a drug test in just five minutes.

>>> Click Here To Check Out The Best Detox Products

How Drug Toxins Work In The Body

When people talk about drug toxins, they are mostly talking about metabolites. These are cell-sized waste products that are formed, or leftover, from the body processing the active ingredients in any drug.

So, for example, with cannabis, the main active ingredient is, as you probably know, THC. The main metabolite, the waste product created after you get high, is THC-NOOH. Although cannabis has more than 80 waste product metabolites, it’s this main metabolite and THC itself which are detectable by drug tests.

So whatever you take, something in it is going to be detectable on a drug test, whether it’s the active ingredient, or one or more metabolites (toxins).

When you get high on drugs, they are processed and then work their way out of the body from your bloodstream, through your kidneys and liver, then out through your skin (not much this way) and your stools, but mainly through urine.

The Misconception About Cleansing Drinks: How They Work In The Body

When people talk about detoxification, the assumption is that they are talking about removing all of those toxins, including the active ingredient, from your body so that you are clean and undetectable.

Let’s clear up that misconception right now. It’s impossible to completely clean out the body in 24 hours or less, and often even with several days to do so.

If you’re a really light user, like once a week at a moderate dose, then sure, after two or three days, you’re going to test clean.

If you’re a regular user though, even two or three times per week at higher doses, then you are going to be detectable for quite some time. For chronic use of drugs like meth, cannabis, or whatever, it can take over a week to get clean.

Detox drinks or “cleansing drinks” are not miracle potions. They do not have the ability to remove all the drug toxins from your body.

This is how drug detox drinks to pass drug tests actually work in the body:

  1. The body is flooded with liquid. This makes you urinate more, which empties the bladder. This liquid isn’t water though, it’s smart because it’s filled with other things.
  2. The first things in this smart liquid are diuretics which help to push more urine out of the body. This cleans out the toxin-filled urine in your bladder and gets urine passing into it through your liver and kidneys faster.
  3. The second thing this smart liquid does is draw out more toxins at a faster rate than can be achieved naturally. So you are urinating more, and that urine will contain more toxins. This creates a gap of several hours between what’s just been removed and fresh toxins coming into your urine. This is the clean zone, the gap you have created where your urine is clean and your body hasn’t caught up with processing yet, that allows you to submit a clean sample within. But the heavy users, and can be as little as two hours long.
  4. These smart detox drinks also flood the body with things found in urine. Because of the high quantities consumed, some of this is passed through as waste into your urine. Because they are balanced in the way they flood the body, the fresh urine is not only toxin-free but appears to be unadulterated because it contains the things urine should within the balance ranges it should.

So overall, a detox drink will flush out all the toxins fast and create a gap during which will be clean. It will also keep your urine appearing natural because it won’t appear adulterated or diluted.

But, it’s just a temporary masking agent. Once your body processes more waste through the kidneys, any toxin still in the body will start to pass into your urine again.

Therefore, do not think a detox drink is going to permanently flush out the toxins. Within a handful of hours at most, you’re going to test positive again. But it is a small window of opportunity that you have to be switched on to use properly.

Using Detox Drinks To Pass A Drug Test For Supervised Drug Testing

I’ll be honest, the best way to pass a standard unsupervised drug test, where you will be in a different room to the person administering the test, or at least behind a screen, is to use fake urine. It’s easy to use, and the complex modern formula is will fool everything but the most advanced scrutiny.

If you just don’t want to smuggle in a fake sample, or it is going to be a supervised test, then it’s not an option though.

Also, you could be in a situation where you don’t know if it’s going to be observed. For example, if a previously submitted sample fails, when you go back to resubmit, it could be supervised. Legally, that’s the case but it doesn’t always happen.

That’s where detox drinks for drug tests from Amazon, and more specialist retailers, are the only tool available.

Do Detox Drinks Work?

Before I go on to tell you how to use them, and which are the worst and best brands you can buy, let’s answer this key question: do detox drinks work?

The answer is yes. But there are several caveats with how effectively they do so:

  • The number of drugs you take
  • Your metabolism
  • Your age and other factors
  • Time to prepare before your test
  • Quality of the detox drink
  • Sensitivity of the test you are facing

Let me tell you there are a lot of bad quality detox drinks out there. Unfortunately, most of them are actually sold by Walgreens, Walmart, Amazon, GNC, and CVS. I’ll go through each store in detail in a moment, as you can compare what’s out there to see the best and worst.

But, with the right drink, the right preparation, and some luck, a good quality detox drink will pass a drug test.

Ways You Can Enhance Your Chances Of A Detox Drink Working

Whichever detox drink you buy, otherwise known as a drug detox kit if it contains a combo of pills and liquid, the process is pretty much the same:

  1. You’ll drink/take whatever it is supplied when you buy the product.
  2. You may have to drink some additional water. If you are asked to drink more than the total volume of liquid contained in the original product, that’s a huge red flag warning that it’s a poor-quality detox drink that could dilute your sample.
  3. You’ll urinate as frequently as possible during and after. Over an hour, at least four times. That cleans out the old toxins fast and allows fresh urine that is free of toxins to flood into your bladder. You need to then get to the test location and submit a clean sample as fast as you can.

To enhance your chances of passing, the biggest thing you can do is to complete an accelerated natural detox for as many days as possible before your test.

Sometimes, this is impossible if you are facing a drug test at short notice, but often you’ll get at least a couple of days’ notice.

Even a single 24-hour period of abstinence, drinking plenty of water, sweating, eating small and lean meals, eating fatty foods if it’s cannabis you are trying to hide, and getting plenty of rest, can allow your body to get rid of a lot more toxins.

You’ll then accelerate this with a course of detox pills. Toxin Rid is the best of the bunch.

Toxin Rid will eliminate far more toxins. In my experience, it will get you clean 50% quicker.

Just 24 hours of full detoxification will push a ton of toxins. That leaves far less on the day of your test, which means the detox drink has less work to do, and there will be a longer gap between fresh toxins being processed and appearing in your urine again. For a detailed Toxin Rid review, click here. You can purchase it straight from the manufacturer.

waays to clean yoour systemDrug Detox Kits Walgreens – Weed Detox

Drug detox kits at Walgreens are very limited. Let me tell you, you are pretty much wasting your time trying to look for professional-grade detoxification products through Walgreens. Virtually every product is low quality or designed for ongoing detoxification alongside the clean living. They are not designed for a short, sharp, shock of ingredients that draw out drug toxins.

The only detox drink of any note that they sell is Qcarbo. Right now, they don’t even sell the large 32 fluid ounce size, they only sell the small QCarbo16 version.

So don’t look for drug detox kits through Walgreens. Detox drinks, and pills, all of them are completely pointless and a waste of money.

This is the same for weed detox Walgreens products as well. Those detox kits are marketed as targeting cannabis metabolites. Although this is partly possible, I’ve never seen a kit that contains enough of the ingredients needed to draw more cannabis metabolites out through the bowels.

Walgreens detox kit

Drug Detox Kits CVS

Detox drinks from CVS suffer exactly the same problems and limitations as those from Walgreens.

Most of them are absolute rubbish. They are poor-quality products that aren’t going to do much at all, and will only work for the long term over several weeks alongside a natural detox. Again, the only detox drink of any quality is QCarbo. Unlike Walgreens, they do sell the full 32 fluid ounce version, which you really need regardless of your toxin intake or body size.

But other than that, it’s another detoxification kit wasteland. Just like Walgreens, CVS is not the place to buy a detox kit capable of passing a drug test.

CVS drug detox kit

Drug Detox Kits GNC

GNC has another large range of detox cleanse products. However, in common with all the other major retailers, they are mostly awful quality or designed for long term cleansing.

GNC do sell three detox drinks that are capable of passing a drug test:

  • QCarbo 16
  • QCarbo 32
  • Ultra Eliminex

None of these are very good. Ultra Eliminex is the best of the bunch by considerable distance though.

Ultra Eliminex was the strongest detox drink on the market when it launched, and I used it to pass a drug test three years ago.

However, a lot of people have said the Ultra Eliminex has failed them. I looked at the ingredients list and compared it to old images online of the original ingredients label, and it’s definitely different.

So, even Ultra Eliminex isn’t good enough anymore. It’s the best option you have from GNC for drug detox kits, but it’s not a quality product any longer

Drug Detox Kits Amazon

As the biggest retailer in the world, you’d think Amazon would sell every type of detox drink and you should be spoiled for choice at the best prices.

Unfortunately, detox drinks for drug tests on Amazon are actually a bit of a minefield. For a start, there are a lot of out-of-date products for sale there, and a lot of fake products.

Secondly, some of the specialist products simply aren’t available on general retail sites, they are only available from specialist sellers.

They do sell a wide range of names people recognize. Stinger, Ultra Eliminex, QCarbo, the Detoxify range, High Voltage Detox, and even Rescue Ice Detox.

Out of all, the only one I would trust is Detoxify Mega Clean. However, it’s not the best place to buy it because there is a much better combo deal available elsewhere. I will tell you were at the end of this guide.

Overall though, Amazon is the best of the bunch of the main retailers. You can get drug detox kits, detox pills, and detox drinks that do have some track record.

But they are not the best ones to buy. In terms of detox pills, Toxin Rid is really the only one you should be looking at, and in terms of detox drinks, there are really only two right now which have the potency and the track record to pass consistently.

Detox Drinks For Drug Test Amazon

Avoid These Brand Name Detox Drinks

To steer you away from the bad-quality drug detox kits at Walgreens and similar places that sell, let’s give you the brand names I’ve tested using home drug test kits over the past few years, and which I found just don’t really work consistently.

These are the detox drinks for drug tests I do not recommend buying from Amazon, or anywhere else:

  • Stinger Detox Range
  • High Voltage Detox (including double flush and five day flush)
  • Qcarbo 16 & 32
  • Ultra Eliminex
  • Rescue Detox Ice
  • All Smaller Detoxify Products
  • The Stuff Detox
  • Champ Detox
  • Omni Detox Range
  • Herbal Clean Q Caps Detox Kit
  • Zydot Original Detox

None of the above have a really good track record. Some of them are okay, and if you can get a couple of days to detoxify your body before the test, then you could pass. They are far better than nothing.

But overall, getting detox drinks for drug test from Amazon is a poor strategy, as it is from the other big retailers I’ve mentioned.

amazon detox drinks

The Top Two Detox Drinks To Pass A Drug Test

Now I’ve covered the good, bad, and ugly available detox drinks for a drug test from Amazon, Walgreens, and other big retailers, let’s look at the great detox options that I’ve used to pass drug tests, and can recommend.

Not only have I used both of these to pass real part-time retail job pre-employment drug tests, but I know other people who have passed even more important ones with these products. Drug detox drinks work if you get the right ones, and you try and do a natural detox before the day of your test (if you’ve got time).

So let’s talk you through the best detox drinks on the market, and what the best strategy is for using them in a full guide/review of each.

  1. Mega Clean – Detox Drink Available On Amazon

I’ve put Mega Clean as number one, even though it’s a slightly weaker detox drink than Rescue Cleanse, my second recommendation.

The reason I put it is the number one choice is due to one simple fact. If you buy it from Test Clear, they will bundle in a 24-hour course of Toxin Rid pre-rid pills free.

So you are getting not only a good quality detox drink but the ability to do accelerated 24-hour detox before your test as well. Combined, that’s highly potent and pretty much your best chance of passing a drug test.

Mega Clean instructions are pretty straightforward:

  1. Do a 24-hour detox and accelerate it using the pre-rid pills.
  2. 90 minutes before your test, drink the detox drink smoothly over 15 minutes.
  3. Refill the bottle and drink the extra water over 15 minutes as well.
  4. From the 90 minutes start time, over the next hour, urinate at least three times and preferably four times to make sure the toxins are pushed out.
  5. You’ve then got about 30 minutes to get your test. Get there and submit your sample promptly to stand the best chance of submitting a clean sample.

On its own, Mega Clean is second best. But if you can do the 24-hour detox with the accelerated pre-rid pills, it’s the most potent combo you can get right now. You can purchase it from

  1. Rescue Cleanse

Rescue Cleanse is my second choice here, but only when put up against Mega Clean with the pre-rid pills. If you just want the absolute best quality detox drink with the best chance of getting clean on its own, then Rescue Cleanse is the one.

Rescue Cleanse is not one of the detox drinks for drug tests from Amazon, Walgreens, or anywhere else. It’s not available from anyone other than Test Negative, home of the Clear Choice detox range which includes Sub Solution (the best fake urine you can buy).

The instructions for using Rescue Cleanse are even more straightforward than Mega Clean:

  1. Do a 24-hour detox. Use a 24-hour course on Toxin Rid. If you don’t have time to do this, Rescue Cleanse can still work though. It’s that powerful.
  2. 90 minutes before your test time, drink the contents of the bottle smoothly for over 15 minutes. That’s it, it’s so concentrated and potent that there’s no need for additional water either. But they do say that you can drink an additional 8 fluid ounces if you want.
  3. Urinate at least three times in the next 30 – 45 minutes.
  4. Rescue Cleanse can give up to 5 hours clean, but it’s likely to be closer to 3 hours if you are a heavy weed smoker or another drug user. Get there fast and submit your sample.

Conclusion: Don’t Buy Detox Drinks For Drug Tests From Amazon Or Other Major Retailers

Rescue Cleanse costs just $55 from Test Negative. Mega Clean with the pre-rid pills bundled in free costs $69.99 from Test Clear. The absolute best combo is rescue cleanse from Test Negative and a full 24-hour course of Toxin Rid pills from Test Clear.

But, from a single specialist retailer, the Mega Clean and pre-rid pills bundled is the overall most potent, but only if you get time to do the 24-hour detox the day before your test.

My final word of advice here is to always buy a second bottle of whichever drink you choose, and also a couple of home drug test kits.

Just before you leave to submit your sample, do a test. If it fails, drink the contents of the second bottle, urinate once, and then do a second test.

That way, you’ll know you are definitely clean, and you’ll have the reassurance that you can confidently get to the testing facility fast and submit a clean sample. If you are still not clean, use synthetic urine, it always works if the test is unsupervised, for more info on synthetic urine, check my detailed guide.