Is The Jerry G Method Reliable To Pass A Drug Test In 2025?

 If you’re looking to evade a drug test then the Jerry G method is a possibility you will read about pretty quickly.But for a drug test in 2025 and 2026, or even beyond, will it still work? Is modern drug testing advanced enough to spot the Jerry G method – even if it works at all?

Don’t worry, I got you covered here with this fast dive into the Jerry G method and how it compares to the other hair cleaning method you will read about frequently, called the Macujo method.

The Jerry G Method Explained

The Jerry G method is a pair detoxification program that uses only household ingredients. It was developed, you guessed it, by someone on a forum with the username ‘Jerry G’.

It claims to work through the repeated bleaching and dyeing of the hair. In doing this, it opens up the hair shaft, called the cuticle layer, through breaking down melanin and oxidizing hair proteins, thus opening up that layer.

Once open, drug metabolites can be released, therefore getting rid of drug metabolites embedded there, beyond the reach of detox shampoo’s that only work as surfactants – stripping oils and residues from the outside of the hair shaft only.

Here’s a snapshot of why the Jerry G method is still talked about and recommended:

  • Thousands claim it worked for them
  • It’s easy and affordable to do
  • All you need is bleach and other supermarket-available hair products
  • Some scientific evidence it can work

Jerry G Method: Step-By-Step

The Jerry G method is really easy to do, but it will take some time and you do have to be careful. Let’s talk you through it step-by-step.

  1. Get yourself some strong hair bleach and use it to the instructions. You will need 30 or 40 Volume bleach to achieve this. Be careful, because it’s very harsh stuff.
  2. The day after you bleach your hair, you are going to dye it using a hair dye kit. The hair dye must contain ammonia. I’d suggest you use a permanent dye that closely matches your current hair color, so it doesn’t look ridiculously obvious.
  3. On the day of your test, to ensure no surface toxins remain, you will either use a good quality detox shampoo, such as Zydot Ultra Clean or mix up a baking soda paste and apply that to the hair for two hours, as it can also absorb surface contamination.

As you can see, there are many steps to the Jerry G method. You can do it in a couple of days leading up to a drug test, and usually, if it does work, then once is enough for it to do so.

Is The Jerry G Method Safe?

The word safety is subjective. You are not going to die from using this method, and you’re not going to suffer ongoing health problems.

But you are using strong bleach and hair dye, which if you are unlucky, or use it incorrectly, could cause some significant problems:

  • Can damage existing hair
  • Can cause scalp irritation
  • The worst-case scenario is chemical burns
  • In very rare instances could cause follicle damage

Now, as Macaulay Culkin’s character Kevin said in the classic comedy Home Alone – “Don’t get scared now!”. You shouldn’t get too worried about using this method. But you should be cautious.

As long as you are sensible and take it a step at a time, you should be fine. If you really struggle after using the bleach, as in your hair is brittle and obviously struggling, and your scalp is red raw, then don’t complete the next step.

But overall, although there are risks, for the average person, with a normal scalp and hair, then you should be fine.

How Reliable Is The Jerry G Method For Passing A Hair Follicle Test?

To answer how reliable the Jerry G method can be, you have to look at the scientific evidence that it could remove drug metabolites from within each shaft of hair.

There’s not much out there, but a 2000 study did find that bleach could reduce concentrations of drug metabolites within shafts of hair by between 40% and 80%. In addition, that study was completed after a single bleaching.

Another study also found that dyeing and bleaching the hair could alter drug test results, by minimizing metabolite detection of all types of drugs.

So there’s no doubt that this can reduce the amount of drug metabolites in the hair. But can it remove them all? That’s the unknown question that cannot be answered until you take the hair test.

Overall, evidence suggests that the Jerry G method is more invasive and less reliable than the alternative.

Jerry G Vs Macujo Method

The alternative to Jerry G is the Mike Macujo method – unsurprisingly named after another person’s online username. The Macujo method differs slightly in that it doesn’t focus on the use of bleach and dyes containing ammonia; therefore, it should be milder

The Macujo method also opens up the cuticle layer, but it does this through a combination of applying vinegar and a salicylic shampoo, as well as household detergent as a later step.

The Macujo method does rely on a proprietary detoxification shampoo to get rid of more metabolites – old-style Aloe toxin Rid shampoo (now only available through a company called Test Clear).

Click here for the detailed Macujo method instructions and click here for my detox shampoo guide.

This shampoo is very expensive, costing over $200 per bottle. However, its use within the Macujo method flushes out more metabolites than can be achieved with the Jerry G method, which relies on harsh bleaches and dyes to open up the cuticle layer and try and achieve the same.

Overall, these are the reasons why I would choose the Macujo method over the Jerry G method:

  • Does not rely on bleach and hair dye or ammonia hair dye
  • Less harsh on the hair and scalp
  • Less obvious that you have used these things on your hair
  • Opens up the cuticle layer just as effectively
  • The use of the Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo achieves higher levels of removal

On the downside, the Macujo method needs multiple applications to work. You use the Jerry G method once, but you’ll need to use the Macujo method three or four times in the days running up to your test.

But, overall, it’s less harsh, more effective, and is more undetectable when you visit the test center.

Can The Best Detox Shampoo For Hair Drug Tests Work On Its Own?

Drug tests are difficult to beat. I’ll explain exactly why in this guide. But surely, with the best detox shampoo for hair drug test in your possession, you can beat one with ease?

Actually, the truth is more complicated than that. Just buying a detox shampoo and washing your hair is not going to get it clean to pass a drug test – you need far more involved method on top of the shampoo. But don’t worry, I’ve got you covered here. I’ll tell you exactly how drug metabolites get trapped in your hair, and how to unlock them.

I’ll give you the exact detox shampoo that is the best head detox treatment on the market. I’ll also tell you how to use it as part of the ultimate DIY head detox to guarantee you are clean.

This Is How Drug Metabolites Get Trapped In Your Hair

Whenever you use a drug, as it’s processed through your body, waste products called metabolites are created. These stay in the bloodstream for a few hours, or sometimes days, depending on the drug.

As your bloodstream delivers nutrients to the hair follicles, in order for new hair growth, then inevitably drug metabolites also arrive at these follicles, where they get trapped. As new hair grows, the metabolites get incorporated into the growing hair shaft. This occurs because the hair shaft is essentially made up of keratin, a protein that can capture and bind various substances circulating in the blood.

Here are the facts you need about drug metabolites within your hair:

  • Drug metabolites always get trapped by hair follicles
  • Metabolites always get trapped in fresh hair growth
  • Metabolites grow out underneath the hard cuticle layer
  • It is impossible to remove drug metabolites through normal cleaning

What A Detox Shampoo Has To Achieve To Get You Clean

Because drug metabolites are trapped in fresh hair growth, underneath the hard and flexible layer called the cuticle, made up of millions of tiny overlapping scales, you have to open that layer up to flush them out.

Although even plain water can expand this layer, which is why your hair feels fuller and can retain water for a short time, it doesn’t open up enough to flush out metabolites. So, to work, a detox shampoo has to include an ingredient that will fully open up the cuticle layer and have the ability to flush out drug metabolites.

The other problem is this would take many washes. It can’t just happen singly, because nothing on earth can flush out every metabolites from every part of your hair in one go.

Overall then, this is what you need to know about detox shampoo products:

  • No detox shampoo is capable of flushing out all drug metabolites
  • Most detox shampoos cannot open the cuticle layer at all
  • Most detox shampoo products are surfactants that can only remove external metabolites
  • Even the most expensive detox shampoo cannot work on its own

Therefore, if you see a detox shampoo product that claims it’s the best for flushing all drug toxins out of your hair, then it is not telling you the truth.

There is no shampoo product on the market today that can open up the cuticle layer and successfully flush out all drug metabolites, even over multiple uses. All most products do is to clean the outside of the hair and scalp.

The only way to use a good quality detox shampoo is in conjunction with a method that uses other chemicals to open up the cuticle layer prior to the shampoo being used.

Hair detox shampoo

Can You Buy Hair Follicle Detox Shampoo In Stores?

There are no viable options to buy a hair follicle detox shampoo products in stores near you, or online on general marketplace websites. As I’ve already said, all available detox shampoos are only designed to remove toxins from the outside the hair, they are not designed, and are not capable of, lifting the cuticle layer and extracting metabolites.

Even the best shampoo on the market, called old-style Aloe Toxin Rid, which is only available from a specialist company called Test Clear, can only partially achieve this. Even if you used it 10 times you would be unlikely to clear out all the metabolites.

So, please don’t look to buy a hair detox shampoo in-store, or online. It won’t work, and you will fail a drug test.

Best Hair Detox Products That Really Work

As I’ve already highlighted, no detox shampoo will work on its own to get rid of all the drug metabolites trapped within the shafts of hair on your head.

In order to clean your hair fully, you have to use multiple items that achieve the following:

  1. Open up the microscales on each shaft of hair fully.
  2. Flush out drug metabolites clinging to the core text layout within.
  3. Close up and condition the hair so that it is not damaged.

The problem with achieving this is that you can’t get rid of all metabolites in one go. You usually need multiple run throughs of any method to get rid of all the metabolites.

So what you are looking for is a combination product method, rather than a single hair detox product. Let’s talk you through the two methods that are most widely used and actually work.

1. Jerry G Hair Detox Method

Of the two methods most widely used as a potent head detox treatment, the oldest is the Jerry G method.

It’s very straightforward, encompassing the following steps:

  1. Day one – bleach your hair with strong hair bleach. Do not condition.
  2. Day two – dye your hair with an ammonia-based hair dye. Condition.

However, the problem is that studies have shown that only up to 80% of drug metabolites will be removed by bleaching or dying your hair. Now doing both could be enough, but some advocate bleaching your hair on two consecutive days before dying your hair on the third.

This method works. But on the downside, as you have probably guessed, it could cause significant hair and scalp damage. In fact, I’ve read some real horror stories about it causing chemical burns and permanent follicle damage.

For most people, bleach and dye won’t cause such damage, so you might get away with it. But it is a nuclear option, and there is more mild option that achieves better results.

2. The Macujo Hair Detox Method

The best DIY hair detox treatment is called the Macujo method. Designed many years ago by a forum user called Mike Macujo, it used several scientifically proven ingredients to open up the hair cuticle layer and flush out toxins.

The great news is that the Macujo method uses cheap household ingredients. The bad news is that you will also need a bottle of the most potent and specialist detox shampoo for hair drug tests as well.

It’s called ‘old style’ Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo and is based on the original formula from a company called Nexxus that was discontinued for being too powerful for general use. It irritated scalps, and could partially open up the cuticle layer as well. So adding that power to the method gives you the highest chance of success.

To complete the Macujo method, you need the following list of ingredients:

  • Salicylic shampoo (Clean & Clear Pink is often used)
  • Good quality vinegar
  • Aloe toxin rid shampoo
  • Tide liquid detergent or similar

You’ll then run through the Macujo method as follows:

  1. Apply the vinegar to your hair and work thoroughly. Next, work in the shampoo and repeat the process. Then, clingfilm your head and leave for up to 60 minutes.
  2. Wash your hair thoroughly and then use the Toxin Rid shampoo twice.
  3. The last step is to apply a conservative amount of liquid detergent and work it in thoroughly into both your hair and scalp until your hair squeaks under your fingers.

Doing the Macujo method opens up the cuticle layer and will flush out drug metabolites. It’s mild, and although it might burn a little, it’s not doing any damage to your scalp, follicles, or hair.

On the downside, because it’s mild, you will have to complete it several times in the lead-up to your hair drug test. Typically, once per day for at least three or four days leading up to your test, and if you are a heavy smoker or user, maybe as many as seven times at a rate of once per day.

For the step-by-step instructions, click here.

In terms of the specialist detox shampoo for this hair drug test treatment method, old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is only available direct from a company called Test Clear.

The shampoo is an essential ingredient because it’s potent enough to flush out more metabolites than any other type.

Don’t compromise on this, it’s expensive, but it’s the best hair detox shampoo on the market, and in conjunction with the other ingredients, it can flush out every single metabolite to leave you clean to pass an important hair drug test.

Buying Synthetic Urine On Amazon And Walgreens

The fastest and easiest way to pass a drug test is to submit a fake sample. Even in 2024 and 2025, this is still the truth.

When it comes to making a good choice on the urine you buy and use, that’s more difficult than ever unless you know exactly where to look. Don’t worry though guys, I got you covered here with a full guide in five minutes.

I’ll tell you about buying fake urine that big places like Amazon and Walgreens, GNC, Amazon and eBay. Can you get bargains or quality – and can you get it fast for short notice tests?

>>>>> Click Here To Buy The Best Quality Fake Urine Online <<<<<

Let’s Talk About The Quality Of Synthetic Urine

When people see the quality of synthetic urine that is needed to pass a modern drug test, they are usually surprised at how basic it needs to be:

  • Should contain urea and uric acid
  • Must contain the right proportion of creatinine
  • Should look like urine
  • Must be within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Has to be submitted within the correct temperature range (between 90°F and 100°F)

If the sample just goes through a standard and basic validity check, where a dipstick test is done on it to see if panels react for the presence of adulterants, and even just a few basic compounds found in urine are there, then it will be fine.

Also, if the sample only goes through standard scrutiny, where someone just looks at it while processing it, then it will also be fine.

Unfortunately though, most fake urine out there, especially cheap products that are mostly sold by people like Amazon, Walgreens, and marketplace sites like Amazon and eBay, are where the poorest quality is found that won’t even tick those basic boxes.

The Heat Source To Maintain Temperature Is Crucial

One of the biggest reasons why people submitting a fake sample fail the test is because they submit it outside the golden temperature range of between 90°F and 100°F. Outside of this narrow temperature range it cannot have come from the human body and isn’t a legal sample.

Therefore, the heat source for your synthetic urine is crucial, and you have the following options to maintain that temperature just before you submit the sample:

  1. Use hot and/or cold water to get a good reading on the temperature strip. You will have to have access to some hot or cold water just before you enter the test location though.
  2. You can use a heatpad. These are air activated and last several hours. However, they aren’t particularly reliable because they can kick out a variable heat. Most synthetic urine out there comes with a heatpad as the heating method.
  3. Heat activator powder, that will agitate the liquid and raise the temperature as it dissolves, is another option. It’s by far the best option, which is why it’s incredible that only one synthetic urine brand uses it.

Buying Fake Urine From Marketplaces & Major Retailers

If you’re looking to buy synthetic urine, especially with quick delivery, then the obvious places to look at the big marketplace sites like Amazon or eBay, or major retailers like Walmart, Walgreens, or GNC, that are likely to have a choice of items.

But when it comes to buying synthetic urine online from major outlets, there are several problems, so let’s highlight them in detail now one at a time:

  1. The best synthetic urine is not available from these types of site. It’s specialist and not sold cheaply at wholesale to be available in that way.
  2. The brands of fake pee you will see advertised a lot are sold at wholesale for very cheap prices. This allows them to be sold on marketplace sites, and local smoke shops and retailers, at big markups.
  3. The best fake urine brand on the market is only available from the company who make it right now. It’s a specialist product at a premium price.
  4. Sites like Amazon and eBay are ripe for fake products. Detox drinks and synthetic urine are definitely sold as fakes, which means you’re not getting much else than colored water should you be caught out.

These Are The Synthetic Urine Products To Avoid

I’m now going to tell you the names of all the synthetic urine products that will fail you a modern drug test.  None of these has the composition to pass even basic modern validity checks, and if the checks are more advanced then they will definitely fail.

None of them are particularly convincing either. Held up the light, they can look odd; they don’t smell like urine, and they don’t froth like urine. An experienced person, or someone with suspicion who looks at them more closely physically, will spot them immediately.

Also, some of these may contain biocide preservatives to extend the shelf life. This can be problematic as it may be a test that is part of the validity check process on a sample.

Avoid these fake urine products:

Unfortunately, if synthetic urine is available on the major retail websites we have discussed, then these will be the brands you find.

Also, it appears that companies like Walmart have also stopped selling synthetic urine. It’s illegal to use it to try and pass a drug test, so although it’s not legal to sell it, you can see exactly why they would now avoid the controversy.

The Best Synthetic Urine Brand Is Not Available On Amazon

Forget trying to find a decent synthetic urine product on marketplace sites like Amazon or eBay, or major retailers like Walgreens or Walmart.

You simply can’t get the quality, and you may even encounter fakes.

The best fake urine on the market is called Quick Luck. It’s the best for the following key reasons:

  • Highly complex formula
  • Contains 14 common compounds found in human urine
  • Contains the right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • No biocide preservatives
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity
  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine
  • Don’t use a heatpad

As you can see from that list, there are several crucial reasons why it’s far superior to any other brand on the market today. Let’s talk you through them in more detail now.

  1. Quick Luck is the most complex formula. It will pass standard validity checks, and even more advanced ones. With 14 chemicals in it, even more unusual compounds present in human urine will be found.
  2. Crucially, it will fool human scrutiny physically as well. It has all the characteristics needed to do so, and put up against a sample of real urine, I would defy you to tell the difference.
  3. The third point is that it doesn’t rely on the use of a heat pad. Quick Luck uses heat activator powder instead. It lifts the temperature through agitation as it dissolves. The more powder you add more quickly, the higher the temperature will get.

Quick Luck Instructions

Let’s talk you through how to use Quick Luck to easily pass an unsupervised (unobserved) drug test.

Remember, all drug tests are unsupervised unless you are told in advance. So you will know if using synthetic urine is an option or not.

These are the instructions for using Quick Luck:

  1. There’s no preparation for Quick Luck because it comes premixed. As you are going to raise the temperature if needed using heat activator powder, you don’t need a microwave, hot water, or any other preparation.
  2. Simply tuck the sample of urine into your underwear to conceal it from detection, then head off to the test then you location. Doing this will also keep it within a few degrees of body temperature. Note that Quick Luck does actually come with a heatpad as well as heat activator powder. If you live somewhere cold, you could use the heatpad to raise the temperature until the moment you use the heat activator powder.
  3. On arrival, before you go into the building you will discreetly get the temperature within the correct range. You will do this using the heat activator powder in just a couple of minutes.
  4. Simply tap in about one quarter of the heat activator powder and shake the sample gently until it’s dissolved. Watch the temperature strip for 30 seconds to see if it gets a reading. If not, then tap in small amounts and repeat the process until you do get a good reading.
  5. Tuck the sample back into your underwear to keep it warm, then go in and submit it within about 15 minutes to guarantee your success.

Where To Buy Quick Luck Urine

As you can see, buying cheap and ineffective synthetic urine is a really bad strategy because you will get caught.

Amazon and Walgreens are not the sort of places you should be buying specialist drug test products from. Quick Luck is the best on the market and is only available direct from the company who make it, clear choice.

Quick Luck costs around $120, but is incomparable for value and quality. You can buy it directly from their website here. To Learn more about Quick Luck, click here.

Military Drug Test Guide: Army & Air Force Drug Testing – What Drugs To The Military Test For, Cut Off Levels, Process & When You Can Be Tested

Do you need to know everything about military drug testing? Well, this guide has you covered completely.

Although I’m not in the army myself, I’ve been dealing with drug testing privately and professionally for a decade. I also have a friend in the army, and another in the Marine Corps, and have talked to both of these about their experiences before writing this guide.

So this is going to cover everything you need to know about drug testing in the military. When you could face one, the type of testing done, what drugs to the military test for, and military drug test cut-off levels (are they important?).

The Basics Of Drug Testing Policies In The US Military (Army, Marine Corps, Air Force, Navy)

When people talk about United States military drug tests, they usually think about the army. But remember that there are several branches: Army, Air Force, Navy, and Marine Corps (the army within the Navy).

All of these are covered by the American federal policy on drug use and testing in the United States military.

To put you straight straightaway, the military has a zero tolerance on drug use. That’s everything from marijuana through to modern synthetic drugs.

In the army specifically, each commander must test 10% of their unit per month. Some commanders even test 100% of their people every month, but this tends to be for more specialist units. Wherever you are, you will be tested.

Reasons You Could Face Military Drug Testing

Unlike in the civilian world, there are very specific situations under which you could face a drug test.

  1. During enlistment or commissioning

Every new recruit or promotion must undergo drug testing before they can begin serving their country. This is pretty straightforward, if you test positive, you don’t get in, or you get kicked out. This is no different to the civilian world, where you would not get a job if you fail a drug test after interview.

  1. Random testing
  2. Random testing is done religiously in the army, Navy, Air Force, and Marine Corps. 10% of the unit should be done each month as a minimum. In fact, many units exceed this, especially specialist units, or units about to head off overseas, and for other situations.
  3. Suspicion/probable cause testing
  4. It’s a legal minefield in the civilian world to test people with suspicion because it can be seen as discrimination. That’s not the case in the military though. Commanders have the authority to administer as many drug tests as they want, when they want. This suspicion can be anything they want, and doesn’t have to be justified anywhere.
  5. Pre-deployment or post-deployment and post-leave testing
  6. At any of these key times drug testing is usually universal, apart from maybe post deployment depending on the location you were deployed to. So in any active service environment, going into it, going out of it, or coming back from leave in the civilian world, you can expect a drug test.
  7. Post accident/incident testing
  8. If there is an accident, or any unusual incident, then drug testing could form part of the investigation. This could be anything from an equipment failure, through to mismanagement, a physical accident, or even a tactical error in training.

Army Drug Test Process

Look, I think it’s becoming obvious already that just as you are almost in a different society, with different rules and even its own courts and prisons, so with drug testing, you are completely at the whim of the army and particularly your unit commander.

If that person wants you tested every single day of your career, then there appears to be nothing to stop it, although I’m sure there must be a point at which they would have to justify that to their superiors.

In terms of the actual process of drug testing, it’s often done by the unit itself (trained personnel), or even sometimes through civilian drug testing companies.

Whoever tests the sample, they have to have an accredited lab status with the military and adhere to that with a rigorous paper trail.

Put all that together, and this is the snapshot you need about the process of drug testing in the military:

  • Always a supervised drug test
  • Highly structured chain of custody
  • Only accredited labs involved
  • Samples are always lab analyzed
  • Zero tolerance policy for drug test failure

It’s mostly urine drug testing that is done. This offers the best balance between getting results of several days history versus cost.

The drug tests are always monitored. There are strict conditions about how they are conducted. Privacy and personal respect are maintained, but you will be observed throughout the process to prevent adulteration or substitution.

After collection, the sample is sealed and labelled with paperwork. It is collected securely and taken to the place will be tested, and then returned using similar inaccessible methods.

In addition to all that, the accredited labs always conduct an enzyme immunoassay is the first step, and then if it shows positive for drugs, they will follow-up immediately with gas chromatography – mass spectrometry, or even liquid chromatography – tandem mass spectrometry analysis.

Military 5 & 10 Panel Drug Tests

The military 5 panel drug test is the industry standard one that is used in civilian settings as well. It looks for the following drugs:

  • Marijuana
  • Amphetamines/methamphetamines
  • Cocaine
  • PCP
  • Opiates

The military doesn’t swap panels in and out of standard drug tests, so you always know that those of the drugs that will be looked for on the standard military test. This is exactly the same as the Department of Transport standard 5 panel test, which can also be beaten simply by taking drugs not looked for.

The military 10 panel test has everything on the five panel test, along with the following five editions:

  • Barbiturates
  • Benzodiazepines
  • Methadone
  • Quaaludes
  • Propoxyphene

As you can see, using standard drug testing the military does have the means to quickly identify drug use for most common types of substance.

Military 26 Panel Drug Test

It’s important not to scare you by telling you that the military 26 panel drug test is incredibly rarely used.

This it’s mostly used as the ultimate deterrent, and only employed in situations where they really want to scare people for truly get to the bottom of what’s going on.

The 26 panel military test looks for an almost comprehensive range of standard drugs and medications, but also an extended set of panels that look for synthetic and rarer drugs as well.

Overall, the military panel looks for the following 26 substances:

Amphetamines/methamphetamines, cocaine, cannabis, MDMA, opiates, MDA, hydrocodone, oxycodone, oxymorphone, hydromorphone, benzodiazepines, methadone, barbiturates, propoxyphene, synthetic cannabinoids, novel cannabinoids, synthetic cathinones, tramadol, fentanyl, ketamine, LSD, steroids, PCP, buprenorphine, carisoprodol, meprobamate, and Quaaludes (methaqualone).

Military Drug Test Cut-Off Levels

I don’t think you should worry about cut-off levels on any drug test. They are always slightly different, and depend on the test and the lab/company doing the test.Also, if you are borderline, and pass a home drug test, these usually have worse cut-off levels, so you could still fail a lab test.

Forget the cut-off levels and focus more on the number of days it’s been since you’ve taken drugs, your dosage, and the likely time it would take you to get clean.

Consequences Of Failing A Military Drug Test

If you fail a military drug test then you are going to face immediate and swift consequences. There is a standard administrative actions process that will ultimately lead to discharge in 90% of circumstances.

Look, if you’re a specialist, and they have invested a lot of money in your training, or you are in a key position difficult to replace, especially non-leadership as examples have to be made for leaders taking drugs, then you might get away with being put on a rehabilitation and monitoring program. But that’s rare.

Overwhelmingly, if you fail a drug test then you will be kicked out of the military with a dishonorable discharge.

Worse, if you are dealing or there are some other more significant circumstances then you could face a court-martial followed by imprisonment within the military prison system.

How To Beat Army/Air Force/Marine Corps Drug Tests

You can’t use synthetic urine to bet a military drug test because they are all observed. They may only be indirectly observed, but the process is far more rigorous than in civilian drug testing.

Therefore, you have the following strategies to beat a urine military drug test:

  1. Fully detox and accelerate that process by up to 60% by using Toxin Rid detox pills. So if it would take you a week to get clean, you could be clean in as little as three days.
  2. Mask the toxins using Rthe escue Cleanse detox drink. This works better if you have taken small amounts of drugs, or only one or two doses in the past week. It will mask toxins in your body for up to 5 hours.
  3. The best combo strategy is to get clean for as many days as you can using Toxin Rid, which will make it easier for Rescue Cleanse to mask any remaining drug metabolites in your body for long enough to submit a clean sample.

Chain Of Custody For Drug Testing: When Is COC Used & What Does It Mean?

This article is everything you need to know about the chain of custody drug screen process. I get it, that’s not very exciting. But it is necessary to understand the process if you are facing a drug test that is subject to it.

So I got you covered here with everything you need to know in the next five minutes about the chain of custody for drug testing. What the chain of custody is, including the custody and control forms that are relevant. When chain of custody is use, and when it’s not used.

I’ll also give you a few tips on how you can pass any type of drug test, regardless of whether it’s under the chain of custody rules.

The Chain Of Custody Process – Federal Law Vs State Law

As with most things in the USA, federal law covers some circumstances, and then state law expands on these guidelines.

In terms of federally mandated chains of custody, they apply the following circumstances:

When it comes to state laws and regulations, under a non-federal context, states are pretty much all created their own drug testing laws, which will include chain of custody criteria under certain circumstances.

These include the following general types:

  1. Some states specify that private employers have to follow specific protocols for their drug testing, and some of these states specify specific chain of custody procedures, or at the very least, that one must be in place of some sort.
  2. Legal and judicial chain of custody protocols apply for a court order drug test in most states. So things like probation, and child custody are covered by this.
  3. Some states also extend to medical drug testing, but this is rare. Generally, medical and other drug testing is left up to the individual health care provider, company, or organization.

When Is A Chain Of Custody Process Required?

So I can’t be specific to every state here, but I can give you a good idea of when a chain of custody process is likely to apply to the drug test you face. Basically, any mandatory drug testing will be covered and have a chain of custody process, including custody and control forms.

This will be things like workplace drug testing in regulated industries, legal and court-ordered drug testing, pre-employment drug screens in regulated industries, and sports drug testing.

You Don’t Always Need A Chain Of Custody For Drug Screens

It’s also important to note that not many situations actually require a chain of custody process, and there are no forms or anything else involved.

This is actually the majority of drug testing, carried out for employment purposes, medical purposes, and others, by private companies and organizations.

Voluntary or informal drug testing, routine stuff for things like employment, are not covered by any chain of custody outside of one that the individual company or organization insists on through their own policies.

court ordered drug test

The Chain Of Custody Drug Screen Process


If you’re facing a drug test that involves a chain of custody process, including a CoC drug test form, then this is how chain of custody typically works, in terms of process and steps:

  1. The first step is verification. This will verify your identity through providing a form of ID, and potentially being searched as the first stage of stopping tampering or substitution. This is actually no different to any other type of drug testing, they will always ask for proof of ID and record it to verify you are the person who should be submitting the sample.
  2. The second step is sample collection (hair, saliva, blood, or urine). The collector of the sample has to be certified in the state, and control conditions must be insured to prevent tampering or substitution issues.
  3. Paperwork is completed before and after the drug test. This will include a chain of custody form (CCF or CoC), confirmation that identity has been collected, along with the date, time, and location of collection. Also, specific details about the sample will be recorded.
  4. The sample will be sealed and labeled using a tamper-evident seal. This is done using specific labels and barcodes are also always used. The person being tested has to verify and sign that they have observed this ceiling and labelling process and that it is genuine.
  5. Secure transport to the lab is then ensured. Only accredited labs can be used, and the transport is secure. Note that once bar-coded, that barcode is scanned as part of the process of recording and verifying movement of the sample.
  6. Upon receipt, the lab verifies and records all of the details, cross-referencing the details on the custody and control form.
  7. Testing is completed on the sample, the panel drug test, the urinalysis. This is done under strict protocols to ensure accuracy. If the sample test positive, then gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis will be used to confirm.
  8. Results are reported using a standard process, including everything is documented and reviewed as laid out in the control form and legalized process.
  9. The final step is the maintenance of records. These are stored securely for the period specified under federal or state laws.

The Custody And Control Form (COC Drug Test Form) – What Is It?

The control form is exactly as it states really. It is a single document that follows you through the process and records every part. It is then filed for future reference as required.

It contains the basics of the process, and carries things such as your name, type of test, reason for test, outcome, follow-up actions, basically everything related to the test you can think of.

The Department of Transport testing specifically, it will also state if it was a split sample or not. Because under these guidelines, the sample has to be large enough to be split in half, so that the other half of the sample can be used if the first half of the sample is tested and is positive.

It tells anyone reading it who performed the test, what lab, what type of analysis was done, you get the idea.

When Should You Worry About The Implications Of Chain Of Custody During Drug Testing?

In honesty, there aren’t really any additional implications of chain-of-custody drug screens. They are no different to any other type of drug test, there is just a standard set of steps and paperwork that monitors those steps. Obviously, the type of drug test covered by these regulations is more tightly controlled. Things like Department of transport testing, for example.

But it’s only controlled in terms of process. The actual drug test itself is still mostly unsupervised and will be a standard 5 panel drug test in most instances.

I think it’s also important to say that if you are facing a drug test for employment, medical purposes, and even some private legal circumstances, then no federal or state government-mandated process or chain of custody will be used at all.

Why Is The Chain Of Custody Process Important?

To finish up here, the chain of custody form and process is important under certain circumstances for the following reasons:

  • Ensures integrity of the sample and process
  • Ensures compliance for all parties involved
  • Shows legal compliance
  • Can be referred back to if needed

You might think that because of all those good reasons, all drug tests would have this chain of custody in the process. But because they aren’t covered by government regulations, those extra costs and hoops to jump through are often not wanted or needed.

However, don’t assume that isn’t the case. The company or organization you are drug tested by may have their own process which involves exactly the same steps and similar forms, mimicking federal or state guidelines, because not only does it make things watertight for them, but it also ensures they are covered if legally challenged.

Whatever The Situation You Have These Tools To Pass Available 

If you’re facing a drug test under any circumstances, and you need to be clean, then these are the options you have:

  1. The unsupervised drug test you can submit a fake sample of synthetic urine. Quick Luck is the best on the market, because it’s highly complex and uses heat activator powder to allow you to control the temperature.
  2. To get clean faster, to pass any type of test, use Toxin Rid pills. They speed up the removal of toxins from the body by up to 70% faster than can be achieved naturally.
  3. For oral drug testing use Oral Clear gum. It’s a small capsule of highly concentrated mouthwash that can be used anywhere, even with someone in the room with you, to neutralize your saliva for up to 15 minutes.
  4. For supervised drug testing you can use Rescue Cleanse detox drink. It speeds up the removal of toxins from the body through the kidneys so that there is a gap in the flow of several hours, during which your fresh urine will be clean to submit.

How To Detox After Steroid Cycle & Pass A Steroid Drug Test

If you’re facing a drug test and feel it could look for steroid use, then this guide on steroid drug test passing contains everything you need to know.

I’ll tell you how long steroids like Anavar stay in your system, and which sorts of drug test could look for the presence of anabolic steroid metabolites.

Then, I’ll tell you how to pass urine drug tests, and hair drug tests, using some really easy and affordable strategies. During this guide, I’ll be discussing the following high-quality products, so check them out in advance here if you are impatient to know more:

  • Quick Luck Synthetic Urine
  • Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink
  • Toxin Rid Detox Pills
  • Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo

So, if you’re looking to detox after a steroid cycle and pass a drug test, then everything you need to know is right here to learn in the next five minutes.

What Panel Drug Tests Do Steroids Show Up On?

There’s some great news if you are worried about a steroid drug test though. Steroids aren’t looked for on standard drug tests.  So, if it’s something like a pre-employment drug test, a standard five-panel test, then you’re not going to be found for using steroids.

Also, for most normal purposes, steroid use isn’t going to be an issue anyway. Although they are legal, for most purposes in society, they are irrelevant. This is also true of the military. The standard drug testing completed in the military does not look for steroid use.

But there are some issues.

A standard panel test can have a panel swapped out for one that does look for steroid metabolites. This is rare, and would obviously depend on who was commissioning the test, but it’s possible.

Then, you’ve got the specialist sporting drug test, the PED (Performance Enhancing Drug) test. Obviously, this does look for steroid use, but you would know in advance if you are facing it.

How Long Does Anavar Stay In Your System?

The more general question is how long do anabolic steroids stay in your system? But as an example, let’s answer the question of how long does Anavar stay in your system? Anavar is a classic synthetic androgen and anabolic steroid, that leaves metabolites in the body that can be detected in a drug test.

Here’s the thing. Most anabolic steroids are detectable in urine for around 14 days. That’s the average that most regular users will face.

However, some people who use heavily and have slower metabolisms could be detectable for up to 30 days. So if you have used steroids regularly within the last month, then you probably have traces in your system that could be detected.

The Two Types Of Drug Test You Might Face

There are two types of drug test: supervised and unsupervised. As they suggest, one will mean you are not looked at while you submit your sample and the other will.

If it’s an unsupervised drug test, then the best strategy is to submit a fake sample. Alternatively, you can get clean or mask the toxins.

For a supervised drug test then you only have one option, as you cannot stand in front of someone and poor fake urine into the specimen cup. You either have to get clean in advance, or mask the toxins on the day of your test.

Unsupervised Drug Test: Synthetic Urine

For an unsupervised drug test, synthetic urine is by far and away the easiest way of passing. It’s the least risky, despite what your first thought might be about how easy you would expect it to be for a professional lab to spot a fake sample.

Here’s the thing. A sample goes through the following steps:

  1. Within two minutes of handing your sample over the temperature is checked. As long as it’s within the correct temperature range, it’s valid.
  2. It then goes through a series of basic validity checks. But it’s important to understand that these don’t look at the advanced composition of the liquid. They look for the presence of things that shouldn’t be in the sample, like adulterants, and your fake sample won’t contain them.
  3. If it’s handled by a human, then as long as it closely mimics urine, then no suspicion will be aroused. The best synthetic urine on the market today is called Quick Luck, and is made by the very trustworthy and reputable company Clear Choice.

It has the following characteristics:

  • Perfectly balanced for specific gravity and pH range
  • Contains the right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Looks, froths, and even smells like human urine
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in real urine
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad for temperature maintenance

So Quick Luck has the complexity to get past the testing, and the physical characteristics to get past human scrutiny.

The main reason people fail drug tests when submitting a fake sample is due to submitting it outside the correct temperature range (between 90°F and 100°F) due to the sample cooling before they hand it over, due to a faulty heatpad.

Quick Luck gets around that completely by not using one. Quick Luck uses heat activator powder. This is a little container of white powder that you tap a little of into the liquid. You shake it until it dissolves, and it will agitate the liquid and raise the temperature.

You just keep adding a little in, shaking it until it dissolves, and then watch the temperature strip until it’s within the correct temperature range to submit. Then, you can go into the building and do so confidently.

Don’t worry, it’s undetectable during validity checks, which makes it even more brilliant.

Plus, because it’s unsupervised drug testing, if the temperature has cooled just before you pour into the sample cup, because you are behind a screen, you can simply tap in a little more and get the temperature right. If you are new to synthetic urine, please check out our guide.

Supervised Drug Test: Detox Pills

If you don’t fancy using fake urine, or it’s a supervised drug test, then a natural detox that is accelerated using detox pills is the best strategy.

Toxin Rid is the best pill on the market. They will speed up the removal of toxins by at least 50%. If you’re a regular user of steroids, then the 7 or 10 day courses are the best length ones, and you should allow at least a week for them to work and get you clean (although you could be clean far faster).

Simply take the pills each day, live a healthy lifestyle, and drink plenty of water. If it will take you 14 days to get clean, then you could be clean in less than a week using Toxin Rid.

Make Sure You Have An Insurance Policy In Place

If you are using detox pills alongside a natural detox, then there is a chance that not all the toxins will be removed from the body by the day of your test. You could use a home drug test And test negative, but stray toxins could then still get passed through into your urine, although that’s unlikely.

The best strategy is to use Rescue Cleanse detox drink 90 minutes before you leave. It will push out everything passing through your kidneys and bladder, leaving you clean for a couple of hours during which you can submit your sample with clean urine, knowing that your body will take a few hours to catch up and process any toxins back into your bladder.

Rescue Cleanse is available from Clear Choice, and is the premium detox cleanse drink brand on the market.

Facing A Steroid Drug Test At Short Notice

If you’re facing a steroid drug test at short notice, then your only option really is Rescue Cleanse. It’s a high-risk strategy because the gap in the toxin flow will be shorter due to Rescue Cleanse flushing toxins out, so it will be a shorter period of time before more are processed through the kidneys.

However, unless you are still hammering steroids every day right up to the day of your test, then you still stand around a 95% chance of passing.

Even if you are currently using high doses of steroids, you still stand a 75% chance or better of passing when using Rescue Cleanse as your emergency strategy.

What About Hair Drug Testing?

Hair drug testing is the second most popular type of drug test when it comes to specialist PED testing.

The hair drug test is really difficult to evade because any drug metabolites will get caught up in the hair follicles, and become trapped inside the hair shaft as it grows out of the follicle. This forms an indelible record of your steroid use.

There is only one way to get clean, and that’s the Macujo method. It requires you to go through this method multiple times before your test, usually seven times at least in the days leading up to your hair steroid drug test.

But you can’t detox from steroids for a hair drug test, you have to flush them out of your hair using the Macujo method. The Macujo method uses old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo, which you can buy directly from Test Clear as part of the method.

Overall, the Macujo method is the only way you can get clean to detox after steroid cycles if you are facing a hair drug test.

US Army Banned Substance List: What’s On It – What About The Marine Corps? Full Guide On Banned Substances & Drug Testing

You’d think the army-banned substance list would be straightforward. But it’s a surprisingly complex topic, so let’s dive straight in and get you fully educated right now.

I’ll cover banned substances in the Army, Marine Corps, Navy, and Air Force. I’ll explain the categories and some specific examples. We will also talk a little about some of the surprising things you’ll find in those lists, things that could get you caught out easily.

Plus, I’ll also cover drug and alcohol testing. All that in the next five minutes – so let’s get started right now.

Don’t Confuse The Army Banned Substance List With Drugs And Alcohol

Many people mistakenly think the army banned substance list is about drugs and alcohol, but that’s not actually the case.

In fact, it’s a huge list of banned substances, including a substantial dietary supplement and ingredient list.

Broadly, the Department of Defense list covers the following:

  • Stimulants
  • Prohormones
  • SARMs
  • Synthetic cannabinoids
  • Deemed hazardous compounds
  • Prohibited dietary supplements
  • Any Hemp derived products

That may sound pretty straightforward, but it’s a huge and ever-changing list. It’s such a huge list that there’s even a searchable database just for the dietary supplement ingredients that are banned.

So What Is On The List Of Banned Substances In The Army?

Diving into some specifics now, I mentioned synthetic cannabinoids. This is every cannabinoid that is synthetically produced, including CBD.

That might surprise you, as CBD is actually licensed for therapeutic use. But the army states that because its THC level is not standardized across products, they simply ban all of them.

In terms of dietary supplements, this covers a huge range of things that the army deems could pose health risks or could impair the performance of the individual, as laid out in DoD instruction 6 30.06 “Use of dietary supplements in the DoD”.

It’s huge so I can’t give you a comprehensive list, but here are a few to give you an idea:

  • Weight loss supplements (melatonin II is one example)
  • Ephedrine and Ephedra (both found in weight loss and energy supplements)
  • Peptides (amino acids)
  • Many types of herbal supplement
  • Any supplement not approved by the FDA
  • Hormone and metabolic modulators (including things like aromatase inhibitors)
  • Hormones
  • Unlicensed diuretics
  • Anything on the World Athletics doping banned list
  • All types of nootropics (“smart drugs”)

If in any doubt, the individual should visit the database I mentioned earlier, the OPSS (Operation Supplement Safety) website to check for the ingredients that they want to consume.

Obviously, a lot of that is pretty common and straightforward. But lots of people get caught out by buying things which contain banned ingredients, even though the whole thing is not banned, so it’s essential you are very aware of what you are consuming.

Marine Corps Banned Substance List – Is It Different?

Sometimes people ask if the Marine Corps banned substance list is any different. The answer is no, it’s all categorized under the DoD (Department of Defense) main list.

Also note that the USMC is part of the US Navy and not the US Army, and the list of banned supplements USMC will always be identical to the army list. 

What About The Navy And Air Force?

Again, this is all United States military. Therefore, it’s covered by the Department of Defense rules and regulations.

Therefore, any substance banned in one service arm is banned in them all. Another important point to note, which can be a real problem for some, is that these guidelines on banned substances also apply to reservists and the National Guard.

So even when you’re in the military reserve, and not even in active service, in civilian life, you still have to be aware of these rules and follow them.

Some Surprising Things On The Dod Banned Substances List

Let’s just highlight some of the more surprising things that you’ll find on the banned substances list. The big one for me was CBD. It’s classed as a synthetic cannabinoid, which it is.

However, it has been linked to significant therapeutic benefits, which is why I was very surprised that CBD was on the list.

But here’s the thing, it’s on the list because the military states that you can’t guarantee the amount of THC in it, therefore as that can’t be controlled fully, then they don’t allow it to be used at all by service personnel.

Another slightly surprising one for me was the stimulant DMAA. It’s completely legal to have in sporting pre-workout supplements, and many contain it.

However, because DMAA has been linked to the potential to cause cardiovascular problems with repeated use, a blanket ban is in place on its use if you are in the military. In terms of hormones, note that all of these are not permitted as well, so you couldn’t use hormone replacement therapy if you are in the military either, such as testosterone replacement therapy.

These are the sorts of things that are banned as hormones.

  • Testosterone
  • HCG
  • Growth hormone
  • IGF-1

When you put all that together, then you can see it’s pretty comprehensive in scope. The truth is that most things hormonal, stimulant, or nootropic in nature are banned.

What About Drug Testing?

As you’ve already guessed, anything that gets you high is going to be banned, including, obviously, all types of narcotics. Despite the legality of marijuana in many states, it’s still completely banned at the federal level and in the US military, so it’s a no-no, including low levels of THC found in hemp derived products.

The standard 5 panel drug test always looks the following:

  • Opiates
  • Cocaine
  • PCP
  • Marijuana
  • Amphetamine/methamphetamine

Now look, the highest panel drug testing used by the military standard is the 26 panel one. 26 panels is immense and insane. It covers almost everything you could think of, in terms of narcotic substances and other illegal substances.

You’ll usually only face the 5 panel urine test during your army career, unless there is suspicion of wrongdoing that prompts them to request a higher level of scrutiny.

But remember, you won’t know which five panels are there. These panels can be swapped out if they suspect you have a specific substance abuse situation, and want to target that.

Also note that although alcohol consumption is permitted, the military still enforces policies to prevent misuse of it, which include:

  • Underage drinking
  • On-duty restrictions
  • Off duty restrictions
  • Impair performance
  • Alcohol related incidents

Drugs Not Tested For That Are Also Banned

I talked earlier about herbal supplements. This includes things that get you high, that aren’t looked for on standard drug test, but could be on more advanced screens.

This list includes substances like:

  • Salvia
  • Kratom
  • Magic mushrooms

A lot of guys seem to think they will get a free pass if they use natural herbal highs that aren’t listed on standard drug testing (up to 26 panels).

There are advanced screens that can be used, and they can look for the active ingredients in these types of supplements. But they have to be switched in, or looked for specifically. They are not on any standard military drug tests, including the immense 26 panel one.

Also, note that kratom is an agonist of the opioid receptors, but is not an opiate (naturally occurring rather than an opioid medication). So it won’t trigger a positive result for opiates on a standard drug test, but can be looked for specifically through its metabolites (waste products created on processing in the body).

How To Pass A Military Drug Test

There’s not a lot you can do if you are found to have consumed something that is on the banned substances list, as laid out in the list of banned substances in the army, defined on the maintained database (also available as an app to military personnel).

But here’s the thing, a lot of these things can’t actually be tested for easily. They could be through an advanced gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis, but they wouldn’t be picked up on standard panel drug tests.

In terms of narcotics and medications, there are several ways you can avoid detection:

  1. If it’s an unsupervised drug test, then submit a fake sample. Quick Luck fake urine is the best on the market and doesn’t rely on a heatpad to keep it within the correct temperature range needed. Remember to find out if it’s an unsupervised test in advance though. For more information on synthetic urine, check out our complete guide.
  2. For a supervised test, you can mask the toxins in your body for a few hours using Rescue Cleanse detox drink. Note that this will work for more than drug metabolites, but also note again, that there’s no real test that can be done for a lot of these substances.
  3. You could get genuinely clean to pass any type of scrutiny by accelerated natural detox with detox pills called Toxin Rid. They will speed up the processing of metabolites and other toxins through the kidneys and liver by more than 50%. For more information check out our Toxin Rid review.

Navigating A Probation Drug Test: Ultimate Guide To Passing With Confidence – Panel Tests Explained

 Whether you’re on supervised or unsupervised probation, there will be rules you have to follow. This includes a potential probation drug test at regular interviews, or with suspicion of breaking the terms of your probation.

But don’t worry, we have got you covered fully in the next five minutes. Everything you need to know about drug testing for probation. What probation drug tests look for, the number of panels on the test, what happens when you fail, and how to mitigate failure the best way.

Plus, I’ll tell you exactly how to pass a probation drug test every single time, so you can stop worrying about failure

Drug Testing For Probation: How It Works In The USA

The first thing to understand is that probation can work slightly differently in each state in the USA, due to the nature of the state vs federal system. On top of that, obviously each situation is individual. Plus, judges and how the courts act can be different as well.

So please don’t take everything I say is black and white and definitely going to happen. Be aware of everything, so you don’t get caught out with whatever arises in your own personal situation.

Generally, the goals of probation across the USA are:

  • Minimize prisoner occupancy levels
  • Promote rehabilitation
  • Ensure probation compliance
  • Encourage progress within society
  • Act as a deterrent (suspended sentences)

How Often Are You Drug Tested On Probation?

Ultimately, there’s absolutely no hard and fast rule about when you are drug tested on probation. How often, and when, will depend on a multitude of factors. This can also include the offence you are found guilty of, how you behave and the lifestyle you keep while on probation.

You’ll know the terms of your probation through the documents given to you before the probation starts though.

Generally, you must obviously be compliant with these terms, including any drug testing.

Drug testing on probation can be:

  • Entirely random
  • On a fixed schedule
  • With suspicion
  • Court ordered

Combine all that together, and it’s impossible to predict fully. But ensuring good behavior, minimizing suspicion, and getting a good rapport with the probation officer/service you are working with will all minimize your chances of being drug tested frequently.

What Panel Drug Test Does Probation Use?

When it comes to knowing the panel drug test probation uses, it’s usually a standard 5 panel urine drug test in most situations, either administered through a court or probation drug testing location (some courts have testing on-site) or at a third-party drug testing company location.

Sometimes it can be a mouth swab 5 panel test, but this is actually quite unusual due to the short period of time that drugs are detectable in saliva. But if there is drug testing on-site at the court or probation office, then it can be used.

In terms of what the probation drug test tests for, it’s usually:

  • PCP
  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Methamphetamine/amphetamine
  • Opiates

What Do Probation Drug Test For (Is It A Fixed Set Of Drugs)?

Having told you it’s the standard five panel drug test, a fixed set of substances to look for, I want to give you a warning. You cannot assume it’s going to be a standard test. You will NOT know in advance what number of panels your sample will be tested against.

So even though overwhelmingly it will just be the standard five panel test, you could face a more stringent drug test, depending on the situation.

What Happens If You Fail A Drug Test On Probation

Failing a drug test on probation can have different outcomes, depending on whether it’s your first failed drug test and the nature of failing. Generally, though, these are the things that come into play that will be considered in the proceedings.

  1. Probation violation hearing

Your probation officer will almost certainly schedule a probation violation hearing. You might get away with it if it’s minor, but depending on the circumstances, this could be a full court hearing with a judge.

The judge will take in consideration things like the severity, type of drugs, scenario they were consumed in, and your general compliance with your probation so far.

Obviously the nature of your previous crime and your attitude will come into play here as well.

  1. Face the consequences

The hearing will produce an outcome, and consequences for failing a drug test. For a first-time offence, and depending on other circumstances, it might just be a warning. But there will be strings attached.

You could have your probation contract re-written, making it stricter, and therefore have the terms of your probation changed.

The judge could increase community service hours, increase the number of meetings with your probation officer, order unscheduled home visits from the probation service, and also increase drug testing.

Obviously, depending on the circumstances, this could extend to canceling probation and triggering increased jail time.

  1. Individual factors are considered

The truth is the nature of the crime will matter, as will your personal circumstances.

If they catch you smoking cannabis and it’s your first offense, and you are a family man doing well, you’re unlikely to get anything more than a warning.

Coming into play as well will be the severity of your initial offense that put you on probation in the first place. If you’re on probation for a previous drug use and violent disorder, don’t expect a second chance.

How To Stand The Best Chance Of A Lenient Response

Drug testing probation doesn’t follow a strict process after failure. There are obviously guidelines and normal circumstances from previous experience, but your personal circumstances and the nature of the offense will matter.

To stand the best chance of a lenient response, ensure the following:

  1. Acknowledge your mistake. If necessary use it as a call for help, and ask for help.
  2. If inpatient rehab, outpatient programs, support groups, or other support is on offer, ask for it. It shows remorse and proactive behavior.
  3. Always demonstrate genuine sorrow, even if you aren’t.
  4. Always be informed and prepared. Understand the processes and your rights. Make sure that you consult with an attorney or expert if needed.
  5. Remember that your probation can be revoked on the spot. You’ll be arrested, the warrant is cleared, meaning a requirement to post another bond, and you’ll go right back to the start again. Make sure you understand your legal rights, and do everything possible to avoid this.

Drug Testing & Unsupervised Probation

Unsupervised probation shows more leniency towards minor crimes where you were borderline on being under supervised probation or getting jail time. In terms of the conditions of your probation, and drug testing, these will usually also be more lenient.

You’ll still get terms for your probation, it will talk about drug testing, so you will know where you will stand. Usually, this is a standard clause about drug testing, regardless of the type of probation you are on.

Remember as well, whether it’s supervised or unsupervised, that alcohol testing might also come into play. With unsupervised probation, it’s not a free pass. It also doesn’t mean there are no consequences and you should just carry on doing what you like.

You can be checked up on and drug testing in exactly the same way as with supervised probation. The fact that you aren’t regularly scrutinized or tested doesn’t mean it can’t happen.

How To Pass A Probation Drug Test

The probation drug test is usually a urine sample drug test. Also, when it comes to knowing what panel drug test does probation use, it’s a five panel test.

In fact, everything about it is standard, in terms of the number of panels and the substances looked for, so knowing how to pass a probation drug test is pretty straightforward.

Here’s how you can pass a standard 5 panel drug test on probation:

  1. Synthetic urine

Synthetic Urine is the best way to pass, if the test is unsupervised. However, on probation tests can be supervised, so you need to know in advance of submitting your sample. The best on the market is called Quick Luck, from Clear Choice. It has the characteristics to pass even the most modern drug testing scrutiny.

On top of that, it uses heat activator powder rather than a heatpad to maintain the temperature until you submit it. For more information on synthetic urine, check out our complete guide

  1. Detox drinks

If the test is supervised, then a good quality detox drink called Rescue Cleanse is the best alternative.

Abstain from drug use as long as possible, several days before your test if you have the time and notification. 90 minutes before your test, drink the contents of the bottle and then urinate frequently over one hour. Sip a little extra water if necessary.

Even for heavier users you will get two or three hours clean, and up to 5 hours clean for lighter levels of drug metabolites in the body. For more information on synthetic urine, check out our Rescue Cleanse review.

How To Use An Incognito Belt To Pass A Drug Test: Best Drug Test Cheating Device Revealed

If you’re facing a supervised drug test then your options are limited. What’s the best drug test cheating device you can use to beat it? In this post, I’m going to tell you about Incognito belts, more commonly known as synthetic urine belts.

I’ll tell you exactly what they are and how they work. I review the top three brands, both in terms of the belt and the fake urine they come with. I’ll explain how supervised/observed drug testing works, and what your options are for this type of test.

Plus, I’ll give you a couple of alternative strategies, that don’t involve smuggling anything in, that could still help you pass a supervised drug test.

What Exactly Is A Drug Test Cheating Device Anyway?

When people talk about a drug test cheating device, they are usually referring to a synthetic urine belt. It’s the only real “device” you could use.

There is another physical device that some women use. Without going into too much detail, it fits inside them, and a tube and tap device is held externally so that urine can be passed in a sitting position.

But for Incognito belts we will review here are unisex. So this guide on using a belt-based cheating device applies to everyone.

How The Synthetic Urine Belt Is Used (And When You Can Use It)

The synthetic urine belt is worn around the waist. One or more pouches of synthetic urine is held on or within the belt.

You’ll also tuck or stick heating pads to the belt to raise the temperature and maintain an even temperature until you submit it. The idea is to keep the urine at between 90°F and 100°F and then dispense it discreetly and easily.

You usually dispense it through a tube and tap mechanism. This allows you to do it a natural standing or sitting position, which minimizes suspicion.

You wouldn’t use a synthetic urine belt for an unobserved drug test though, and this is the most common type of drug test.

You would only use it for a supervised test. You’ll know in advance that this is going to be the case, but unfortunately, you won’t know the level of scrutiny you will face. Supervision means someone will be in the vicinity. They may not be looking directly at you, but are there is a deterrent.

However, in extreme circumstances, usually for law enforcement and probation purposes, you will be directly observed urinating so that you physically cannot submit anything else other than your own urine.

The 3 Most Popular Incognito Belts Reviewed

Before I give you my verdict on the best belt and if you should use them at all, let’s talk you through the three most popular synthetic urine belts you can buy.

Note that all three of these come equipped with synthetic urine from the same company. So it’s not just about the quality of the belt, it’s about balancing the quality and ease of use of the belts with the quality of the synthetic urine supplied.

1. Quick Fix Pro Belt Kit

The Spectrum Labs Quick Fix Pro Belt kit comes with 4 fluid ounces of Quick Fix synthetic urine. That’s far more than you’ll need for most standard drug testing.

This does present a problem though. It’s kept in one pouch at the front. This means there’s quite a bit of liquid that you have to conceal with baggy clothing at a point where your bottom and top clothing would naturally meet.

As it costs $60, you’re in effect getting the belt for just $20. That’s really good value for a good-quality synthetic urine belt.

It’s a simple synthetic urine belt with a Velcro strap around it and a pouch of urine on the front. You control the flow of the synthetic urine along the tube and out at the end via a stopper and a rolling flow controller on the tube. It’s simple but effective, however, because it’s a two-step mechanism to deal with, it would look unnatural in a pressure situation.

The belt therefore is really good quality for the money, as long as you can deal with the double mechanism. You could decide to remove the stopper in advance, and rely on the rolling device though.

The urine that Quick Fix offer isn’t very complex. It only contains the basics of urea, uric acid, and creatinine. Sure, it’s balanced for pH, and would potentially pass the most basic modern validity check, but it’s not the best at all.

If you are facing any further scrutiny than cursory this composition testing then Quick Fix will fail a drug test.

  • Good value Incognito kit
  • Large amount of synthetic urine supplied
  • Good quality belt design
  • Double dispensing mechanism could be tricky for some
  • Synthetic urine supplied isn’t very complex

Click here for my detailed Quick Fix urine review.

Quick fix synthetic urine review

2. Clear Choice Incognito Belt

The Clear Choice Incognito belt is another great option if you want to use want to try and pass a drug test. Again, it’s a single pouch held at the front of an attachment belt, with slim heatpads that tuck in to keep it warm.

So it suffers from the same issue of being a large pouch in a single location that could be difficult to hide unless you use the right clothing. The pads are thinner though, which will minimize the issue slightly and distribute the heat better as there are a pair of them.

The urine is dispensed via a single tap mechanism. So slightly easier than the Quick Fix belt to use.

The urine you get with this kit is far superior. It’s Quick Luck synthetic urine, the best you can buy. Quick Luck is highly complex, containing 14, chemicals found in urine, rather than the three of Quick Fix.

It costs $130, so twice the price of the Quick Fix belt, but you’re getting synthetic urine with the kit that’s capable of passing a modern drug test.

When you consider that Quick Luck costs $110 on its own, then you can see you’re actually getting the belt for just $20.

  • Easy-to-use synthetic urine belt
  • The quality of the urine is unrivaled
  • Single tap mechanism is easier to use
  • Suffers from the single large pouch at the front issue

Quick luck reviews

3. Monkey Whizz Monkey Dong Belt

This Incognito belt is slightly different. Made by company called Serious Monkey Bizzness, who make a range of products commonly known as “Monkey Whizz”, despite only one product actually being called that.

All of their products use the same synthetic urine. In terms of quality, it’s almost identical to Quick Fix in composition. So it’s not particularly capable of passing the scrutiny of modern drug testing validity checks.

The belt itself is the best design of the lot. There are four different chambers into which the premixed urine is loaded. Each of these chambers has a slot to put a thin heatpad behind it as well, so the urine is kept at an even temperature despite being distributed around the belt. This also means it’s far more discreet. There’s no bulge on this belt at all, because it’s so thin compared to the others. It’s by far the best design.

It’s different as well because you use it with a prosthetic penis attachment, rather than a tube and tap dispenser.

The penis attachment is available in five different colors to try and match your skin tone and make it less obvious that you are using it if someone catches sight of it from a distance (up close they’d never mistake it for the real thing).

To use it, simply squeeze the prosthetic to start releasing the synthetic urine, and let go for it to stop. Therefore, you should be able to use it easily while appearing normal. Obviously, this product is only designed to be used by men. But it’s the best designed overall, and in the situation of a supervised test, the belt design would be most likely to help you pass.

But it’s let down by the poor-quality urine. It’s not good at all, and compared to the Quick Luck included in the Clear Choice belt, it’s incomparably bad.

  • Best designed belt
  • Prosthetic is more likely to succeed
  • Easy-to-use squeeze mechanism
  • Let down by poor-quality urine

The Million Dollar Question: Should You Actually Use A Synthetic Urine Belt?

Tests are unsupervised, meaning you’ll be behind a screen or in a completely separate room when you submit your sample into the specimen cup.

Supervised/observed tests where someone will be at least in the room with you, and in extreme circumstances watching you urinate, are only done under very specific circumstances, such as:

  • Probation
  • Law enforcement
  • Court order
  • DOT post-rehab retest
  • Standard drug test failure retest
  • Some medically ordered drug tests
  • Drug rehabilitation program drug tests

So you’re going to be well aware in advance of whether it’s going to be a supervised/observed drug test during which someone would be watching you closely enough to not make simply pouring synthetic urine from a bottle into the specimen cup viable.

But you have to ask: could someone be fooled by me using a synthetic urine belt? For me, the answer is pretty much universally going to be no.

The use of a belt sounds great. The best belt is very discreet. And doesn’t that prosthetic penis sound a great idea?

But the truth is that it’s very difficult to submit the urine naturally. Any gap in the flow, or splashing, or problems, and you’re going to get caught for sound or movement. Any glance at you, and they are going to see a tube, or you trying to stand with your back to them in some way. It’s all just very suspicious.

Alternative Strategy: Detox Drink + Detox Pills

Under extreme circumstances, the synthetic urine belt drug test cheating device could work, and could be your only option. But that doesn’t mean you don’t have any other options, so let’s talk you through them now.

The best alternative strategy is to detox for the number of days you have before your test and accelerate that detox with detox pills.

Toxin Rid are the best on the market. They can speed up the removal of toxins by around 60%.

Even a heavy weed smoker could be clean in a week, and other heavy drug users in around four or five days after starting the pill course. Simply abstain from drugs, live as healthy as possible, and take the pills every day. On the last day of the course, use the supplied detox liquid as well.

Then, use Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse detox drink 90 minutes before you leave. This will mask any remaining toxins, and is your insurance policy.

Even if you can’t get clean, the Toxin Rid pills will minimize the flow of toxins out of your body, leaving less work for Rescue Cleanse to do, and therefore giving you a longer time clean before fresh toxins enter the bladder.

Click here to buy Rescue Cleanse, and click here to buy Toxin Rid detox pills.

Emergency Strategy: Detox Drink

If you’ve 24 hours or less before your test, then you really haven’t got much choice other than trying to submit fake urine through a belt device.

However, unless you have really high levels of drug metabolites in your body, then a detox drink could just work on its own. Rescue Cleanse from Clear Choice is the only detox drink I could ever recommend, but it can do the job.

It flushes toxins from your kidneys and out through your bladder while flooding the body with common things found in urine. These get passed through as it splash out, leaving you with clean urine for a few hours.

A heavy user may only be clean for about two hours, and a light user up to 5 hours. This is just long enough for you to go and submit your sample. Overall, it’s got about 70% chance of passing, but for me, that’s higher than the chance you would have trying to submit fake urine through an obvious device.

Do Truck Drivers Get Drug Tested? When And How They Are Tested, Who Gets Tested – Do All CDL Jobs Drug Test?

Obviously truck drivers need to be safe. But do truck drivers get drug tested, and if so, how often?

Federal law and the Department of Transport focus heavily on safety, and one aspect of that is drug testing for CDL (Commercial Driver License) holders. But what about truck drivers who don’t have a CDL? Do state or federal laws, or any requirements of the Department of Transport (DOT), cover them?

I’m going to cover everything you need to know. I’ll tell you when truck drivers could get drug tests, how often truck drivers can get drug tests, and cover all the legal aspects for CDL and non-CDL drug testing.

What Vehicles & Drivers Require A CDL (Commercial Drivers License)?

The first thing I want to do here is just clarify which vehicles and drivers are covered by the Department of Transport regulations, and require a commercial driver’s license to operate them.

These are the conditions:

  • A gross vehicle weight rating of 26,001 pounds greater
  • Hose a trailer with a GVWR of greater than 10,000 pounds
  • A vehicle designed to carry 16 or more passengers
  • Carries hazardous weight requiring a placard

So any driving jobs in those categories require a CDL and will be covered by the drug and alcohol testing rules that are laid out by the FMCSA (Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration), which is part of the Department of Transport.

Are Non-CDL Truck Drivers Drug Tested Under Federal Law?

Now we have covered the types of drivers who are drug tested under federal law, what about non-CDL truck drivers?

The answer is no. They are not covered by the same federal regulations, so does that mean they aren’t drug tested?

As with any employee, the employer can still implement company policies on drug use and drug testing, including alcohol use. In addition to that, state laws may come into play here, which may implement testing requirements for non-CDL drivers, especially in safety-sensitive areas of society.

So if you are in this position, but aren’t sure about testing, then you need to check with the employer or check state law.

State Law Vs Federal Law: Who Wins?

There is a “supremacy clause” in the US Constitution that dictates that federal law always beats state law. There are obvious reasons for that.

This is particularly pertinent nowadays when many states have relaxed or legalized cannabis use. That could make it problematic for CDL truck drivers who fail a drug test due to marijuana use, if it’s completely legal to use and they aren’t under the influence at work.

But marijuana is still illegal at the federal level, which means drug testing carried out under FMCSA regulations must still test for it and still react to failure as for any other drug.

  • Federal law always beats state law
  • Local legalization means nothing
  • All CDL truck drivers are treated equally
  • Failure always has the same consequences

When Could A CDL Truck Driver Be Tested?

So do truck drivers get drug tests? Yes, definitely if they are CDL carriers, and almost definitely as well under employer regulations, because companies need to show due care in case of legal backlash.

So now let’s talk about the circumstances under which a CDL holder will be tested, as laid out by the Federal Motor Carrier Safety Administration.

  1. Pre-employment drug testing

Before you are employed in a regulated industry role, then you must pass a drug test as part of the pre-employment process. Note that alcohol testing isn’t mandatory during recruitment or onboarding.

  1. Random testing

In contrast to most industries nowadays, CDL holders are still subject to stringent random testing regimes. FMCSA regulations state that at least 50% of the drivers employed must be randomly tested every year, and 10% must be randomly tested for alcohol per year.

  1. Testing on reasonable suspicion grounds

If your supervisor/employer has valid grounds then they can carry out reasonable suspicion drug testing. This is based on specific federal guidelines around changes in behavior, speech, appearance, body odor, or situation.

  1. Post-accident testing

If you are involved in an accident, then you will sometimes face a drug test. But there are specific criteria under CDL guidelines for when you would be tested. When there’s a fatality, medical treatment away from the scene is required, or there is disabling damage to any vehicle involved. Alcohol testing must be completed within eight hours, and drug testing within 32 hours of the incident.

  1. Return to duty & follow-up

After you return to work, either from an accident or failing a drug test and going through a rehabilitation program, then you must be drug tested again before you can resume your work duties. There is a return to duty process, which involves working with a substance abuse professional, which must be followed to get you back to work.

What Happens If A CDL Driver Fails A Drug Test?

Look, you don’t need me to tell you that if you are a CDL driver and you fail a drug test then you are going to face significant consequences that could be far-reaching, depending on the circumstances.

This is the process for a first offense:

  • Immediate suspension
  • Return to duty process followed
  • Follow-up testing required
  • Substance abuse professionals involved

Note that in some situations, a CDL driver could lose their job, or their license, even for a first offence. Severity and situation matter.

If you have returned to work and then fail a subsequent drug test, then I can pretty much guarantee that it will result in the removal of your license and the loss of your ability to work in any federally regulated driving position ever again.

What Type Of Drug Test Do Truck Drivers Take?

Federal regulations are very clear about the drug test used. It is the Department of transport stated criteria as well, for all people covered by their general regulations.

It’s always a 5 panel drug test, the industry standard one that is also used widely by most companies, that looks for the following substances:

  • Cannabis
  • Cocaine
  • Amphetamines/methamphetamines
  • Opiates
  • PCP

I find that quite interesting because it’s a very limited number of substances, which doesn’t really take into account things like novel cannabinoids, new synthetic drugs, and less well known substances. In terms of alcohol, a commercial driver’s license holder will fail if they have a blood alcohol concentration of 0.04+ when tested.

It’s really vital to note that even if cannabis and other cannabinoids are completely legal in your state, to remember that federal law wins, and in terms of CDL drivers, it’s still illegal and will still lose you your job.

How Often Do Truck Drivers Get Drug Tested?

 As I said earlier, 50% of the company’s drivers must be tested annually. In addition, 10% must be tested for alcohol. So at a minimum, once every two years.

But it’s important to no that in these safety-sensitive industries, a lot of companies go further. Not only to maintain federal contracts and keep a good reputation, but also for insurance costs and being able to show good practice if legally challenged.

Anecdotally, most CDL drivers are tested annually at some point, and you won’t know when because it’s always random.

Note as well what I said earlier about suspicion testing. As long as it’s documented and follows the guidelines (and how would you prove you are being persecuted against an on the spot opinion?), then you could face additional short-notice tests, depending on your supervisor or relationships.

Can You Hide Drug Use From A CDL Drug Test?

So now you know that yes, truck drivers do get drug tested, and you know how often they get drug tested, let’s talk about how you could beat this drug test.

We know it’s a 5 panel standard urine drug test. It’s also an unsupervised test. This means nobody will be in the room with you, so you won’t be directly observed submitting your sample into the cup.

Here are your options:

  1. Smuggle in a sample of high-quality synthetic urine. This is your best chance of passing, and as the test is unsupervised, is very low risk. Use Quick Luck for the best chance. Click here to buy Quick Luck urine.
  2. If you don’t want to smuggle in a fake sample, then use Rescue Cleanse detox drink. It will flush out drug metabolites faster than you can naturally, to leave you clean for a few hours during which you can submit a clean sample. Note that it’s only a masking agent, and you won’t get clean permanently. Click here to buy Rescue Cleanse from Testnegative.
  3. The third option is to get fully clean, or as clean as you can. Use Toxin Rid detox pills to accelerate the body’s natural eradication process of toxins. This will leave less drug metabolites in your body on the day of your test, and you can then use Rescue Cleanse – which will then stand a better chance of masking what’s left for enough time to submit a clean sample. To buy Toxin Rid, visit Testclear.