Non-DOT Drug Screen – What Is A Non DOT Drug Screen? Full Guide: DOT Vs Non-DOT Drug Screening & How To Pass Both

 I’m going to tell you what the differences are between non-DOT drug screens and Department of Transport (DOT) drug screens. We will cover in detail the key features of each type of test, so you can understand the process for each, and the differences between them.

I’ll then tell you exactly how you can pass any type of drug test, be it for the Department of Transport, or a standard drug test for other purposes.

The Department Of Transport (DOT) Drug Screen Explained

The Department of Transport (DOT) drug testing process is specifically designed to cover employees who hold safety-sensitive positions, specifically in the American transportation industries. This includes commercial truck drivers, railroad workers, airline pilots, and public transport (transit) employees. It also includes federal employees of the same type.

Although it’s a similar drug test, the specifics around DOT drug screening make it a very different experience for people in regulated industries.

Key Features Of DOT Drug Screening

These are the key features you need to know about the Department of Transport drug screening program, to understand how they differ from standard testing:

1. Federal oversight

This drug testing is federally regulated. Any company in the USA covered by the regulations has to comply 100% with the standards and processes of the testing regimes in place.

2. Standardized drug test

The Department of Transport drug test is a standardized urine 5-panel test. There are no deviations from this, no other type of drug test is ever used. The Department of Transport 5 panel test is actually a standard five panel test, as used for non-DOT drug testing as well. However, for private drug testing, panels can be switched out, which isn’t the case for federally regulated industries.

The standard DOT drug test looks for the following substances:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates
  • PCP
  • Amphetamines/methamphetamines

3. People tested is limited and specifically stated

There is no ambiguity about who will be tested, when they will be tested, or how they will be tested. Employees of companies under the Department of Transport covered regulations will be drug tested in a specific way.

This can be good because you will know exactly when and how you will be tested, and understand the process and the consequences.  But it can be bad simply because it means that if you do use any type of drug off-label or recreationally, you have to be incredibly careful and keep it away from your employment.

4. Testing frequency is specific

Department of Transport drug testing is done for very specific reasons as follows:

  • Pre-employment
  • Randomly each year
  • After an accident
  • With reasonable suspicion
  • Return to Duty
  • Follow-up testing after failure

Note that reasonable suspicion is a reason to be tested under the DOT guidelines. This is not usually the case in unregulated industries, because legally it’s a minefield as people could sue the employer for discrimination.

5. Specific documentation & legal requirements required

There are strict paper trails and guidelines written into the legal requirements for federally mandated industries.

They include the following key points:

  1. All drug test must be performed at specified and certified drug testing company labs.
  2. Specific forms, including the Custody & Control Form (CCF) must be used to ensure the chain of custody.
  3. Employees who fail a drug test must be referred to as substance abuse professionals, who must also be regulated and certified for the purpose.
  4. A formal return to work process must be followed. This includes paperwork, interviews, completion of the rehabilitation process and investigation, and a drug test.

Key Features Of Non-DOT Drug Screening

As you can see, the Department of Transport’s federal regulations have a lot of red tape around them to ensure a solid process. That simply isn’t the case with non-DOT drug screens. The key point to understand is that non-DOT drug testing is every other type of drug testing in America right now.

So unless you work in a federally mandated transport company, then the drug testing won’t be covered by those regulations I’ve just explained, and how they perform those tests, the type of test, the paperwork, and follow-up, are all the decisions of the individual company or body.

Let’s look at all that in more detail now:

  1. Employer-specific policies in place

Both the employer or public bodies, own processes are what matters here. Internal policies are what drives the drug screening policies and process. State laws can also play a part in this.

So everything related to DOT drug testing can be discarded from your mind in relation to all other types of drug testing because they are not relevant.

  1. Substances tested for

There is no standard for drug testing. The type of drug test (urine, hair, saliva, blood) is done by the employer or body.

The substances looked for are also by choice. Although there are standard lists of substances looked for on each level of panel test (5 panel and 10 panel for example), individual panels can be swapped out for anything the person who’s paying for the test wants.

To give you some idea of the standard tests, as for the Department of Transport, the 5 panel test looks for:

  • Marijuana
  • Cocaine
  • Opiates
  • Amphetamines
  • PCP

The 10 panel test looks for everything on the five panel test is listed, with the addition of:

  • Benzodiazepines
  • Barbiturates
  • Methadone
  • Methaqualone (Quaaludes)
  • Propoxyphene (Darvon)

In addition, you have to be aware that other substances can be looked for, especially alcohol.

  1. Types of drug test employed

Non-DOT drug screen methods can include any of the following:

  • Urine testing (most common)
  • Hair testing (most dangerous)
  • Saliva testing (cheapest)
  • Blood testing (very rare)

Although you’ll know in advance what type of test it is, you simply can’t prepare for a single type of test throughout your employment, unless you are deeply aware of the type of drug tests that your company or public body users.

  1. Unknown testing frequency

There is no specific testing frequency, type of test, or standard process you can rely on.

You could face a drug test under any of the following circumstances:

  • Pre-employment
  • Random
  • Post-accident
  • Internal process

Note that although most companies have “with reasonable suspicion” written into their employment contracts, due to the fact that they could be sued for discrimination in the modern age, this is now rarely done.

  1. Post-test processes are random

The individual policies will determine what happens during and after a drug test, especially if failed. So you won’t know how it’s going to be handled if you fail a drug test. The options could range from a slap on the wrist through to instant termination of the contract.

You also will know that you have the right to appeal, and to get a retest, but the process for doing so, and how it’s done will also vary dramatically depending on the process being used.

Summary: DOT Vs Non-DOT Drug Screens

So look guys, you’re here because you’re worried about a non-DOT drug screen. What you need to know is how one is performed, and what your options are, right?

Mostly it’s a urine non-DOT drug test, but this isn’t always the case, and as you now know, there is no standardized process or type of test you might face.

In addition, you won’t know what substances are looked for. I think this is odd, because the reason industries are DOT-regulated is because of the danger inherent in using machinery or driving under the influence, yet it’s easier to pass a DOT drug test because you know the exact things they will look for, and the exact things not to take, and what you can get away with.

So in the minefield of all drug testing outside of those industries, all you can do is understand the process generally, and how to avoid detection for any type of drug use.

How Is A Non-DOT Drug Test Performed?

When it comes to how is a non-DOT performed, it will depend on the type of test, but we will focus on the urine test here as it’s by far the most common.

You’ll get an appointment to turn up at a local facility to submit your sample. It will be an unsupervised test, which means nobody will be in the room watching you. You’ll submit your sample, and they will take the temperature of it within two minutes. Then, you’ll leave, and the person who commissioned the test will get the results within a couple of days.

To pass a non-DOT drug screen, you can use the following:

If you’re working for a company that does drug testing of any type, then I strongly suggest that you get those products in your home right now.

It’s actually far more difficult to predict when you’re in a non-DOT situation, so grab this stuff now to ensure your security.

The Celsius Energy Drink Drug Test Panic: Will Celsius Fail A Drug Test (And What To Do If You Are Facing One)?

In October 2023 a TikTok video went viral. It claimed that Celsius energy drink contained narcotics, basically, illegal drugs. But what’s the truth, is there are Celsius energy drink drug test problem? If you drink a Celsius energy drink prior to a drug test, will you fail it?

Don’t worry, I got you covered here by explaining exactly what the Celsius energy drink panic was all about, and what the truth behind it was.

But more than that, I’ll explain exactly what to do to pass a drug test, whether you are worried about false positives and want to avoid that problem, or you have taken drugs and want to avoid getting caught.

What’s The Story Behind Celsius Energy Drink?

In October 2023 hysteria broke out on the social network TikTok. It revolved around an energy drink called Celsius.

This previously little-known energy drink, notable for its marketing as a more natural alternative to brands like Red Bull, suddenly became big news. A video was posted by a woman who claimed she could show it contained illegal drugs.

In the video, the drink was tested against standard panel drug tests and was shown as testing positive after a few minutes for methamphetamine, cocaine, and benzodiazepine.

This led to a wave of stupid people asking anyone who would listen if they should stop drinking it, and whether it was safe. Eventually, sensible people got involved. It should have been obvious that a widely marketed product did not contain illegal drugs, so what was going on?

A doctor, an AMA certified professional, conducted a live drug screening on the same social network, using an advanced UTOX screening, the same one that is done in doctors’ surgeries.

It clearly showed negative results for all drugs. The doctor concluded it was a false positive due to something in the Celsius energy drink that was triggering this fake reaction. I don’t know whether the original woman was serious, or whether she realized there was a way to make money, but 2 million views later, eventually, somebody disproved it.

@musclemaddie97 Does Celsius test positive on a drûg test?! Lets settle this debate👏🏼👏🏼 #celsius #celsiuslivefit #energydrink #fyp #testing #celsiusofficial #celsiustest ♬ original sound – Maddie Kerns

So Does Celsius Energy Drink Really Contain Illegal Drugs?

I think it’s pretty obvious that a highly marketed and available energy drink isn’t going to contain narcotics. That was part of the rush, part of the clamor for clicks in the first place. It was cleverly designed, I believe, to get people clicking and sharing.

They saw the positive drug test, joined the hype train in the comments, shared it, and perpetuated the myth.

Celsius Energy Drink Ingredients: Could They Trigger A False Positive?

What’s actually happening, and can happen with a lot of things, is that false positives are being triggered.

So how does that happen on a modern drug test? An immunoassay drug test mostly looks for, and reacts, to cell-sized parts of the drug, or byproducts called metabolites.

In doing so, it’s mostly looking simply for the shape of those metabolites. The shape of the metabolites triggers an immunoassay response. So if something is pretty similar in shape, then the lower the quality of the drug test, the lower the similarity is, then it can trigger a false positive.

Can celsisus energy cause you fail a drug test

The Same Thing Happened With Red Bull Energy Drink In 2019

This viral craze about Celsius energy drinks wasn’t unique either. The exact same thing happened with Red Bull energy drink in 2019.

The same thing was established, that something in the energy drink was triggering a false positive for certain types of drugs. In the case of Red Bull, it was different drugs that it was triggering. It was testing positive for the opiates Suboxone and oxycodone.

But it doesn’t really matter what it was triggering false positives for, what matters is that it could.

Why You Shouldn’t Use Energy Drinks Before A Drug Test

The simple truth is that you shouldn’t drink an energy drink in the lead-up to a drug test, certainly not the day before or on the day of the test. It appears that several of these energy drinks can trigger false positives for common ingredients, although I don’t know what that ingredient is.

There are other foods and drinks which can trigger false positives as well. The classic is poppy seeds, which can trigger as a false positive, unsurprisingly, for opiate use. As long as you are honest about what you have eaten and drunk in the lead-up to your test then a false positive doesn’t actually matter. Failure would mean a retest which you would pass.

The only issue comes if you’re trying to avoid failing a drug test because you have drugs in your system as well. As a retest is usually observed, it means someone will be in the room with you, ruling out the use of synthetic urine.

To avoid that issue, research false positives, don’t use energy drinks, and detox for as long as you can before your test. Then, pick the perfect method to disguise the drug use as well.

How To Pass A Drug Test (Even With Celsius Energy Drink In Your System)

So now you know the truth, let’s talk you through how to pass a drug test even with something like Celsius energy drink in your system.

Look, if you’re not using drugs on the job, then why should you fail a drug test and lose your job? It is not fair as far as I’m concerned, so let’s talk you through avoiding it now.

1. Synthetic urine (Best Buy: Quick Luck)

The best way to pass an unsupervised drug test is to use synthetic urine called Quick Luck.

An unsupervised drug test is pretty much every standard drug test. You’ll know in advance if it’s not, but they will only observe you for things like retest, probation test, and some of the specialist medical reasons like cessation program access.

Quick Luck has the following crucial characteristics:

  • Within both the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Looks, smells, and froths like urine
  • Contains a total of 14 common chemicals looked for
  • Premixed for use quickly
  • Uses heat activator powder

Quick Luck gets you over the three hurdles you’ll face when submitting a urine sample:

  1. The heat activator powder is simple to use. Simply tap in about one quarter, shake it until it’s dissolved, and watch the temperature strip for 60 seconds. Repeat until you get a reading. That gets around the problem of submitting your sample within the temperature range of human urine.
  2. Because it’s so complex, it will pass the standard validity checks done on a sample. Hell, it’s got 14 chemicals in it, so it would pass slightly more advanced scrutiny as well, which is incredibly rare anyway because it costs more money.
  3. Because it also looks, smells, and froths like human urine, it will pass the scrutiny of a curious human. Sometimes it happens, and they really and honestly wouldn’t be able to tell the difference.

Click here to check out pricing details for Quick Luck synthetic urine.

2. Detox drinks (Best Buy: Rescue Cleanse)

Also made by Clear Choice, Rescue Cleanse is definitely the best detox drink on the market. It doesn’t need any additional water to flush you out, meaning you won’t have an adulterated sample for the validity checks.

Also, Rescue Cleanse floods your body with things needed to flush out toxins through the kidneys at a faster rate.

As well as all that, it floods your body with things found in human urine, so that the excess is passed through the kidneys and keeps things appearing natural.

Rescue Cleanse is damn easy to use as well:

  • Drink the contents of the bottle in 10 minutes
  • Urinate frequently over 60 minutes
  • Submit your sample within two or three hours

That’s all there is to it. But Rescue Cleanse isn’t quite as effective if you have high levels of drug metabolites in the body. In that situation you are better off using synthetic urine.

3. Detox pills (Best Buy: Toxin Rid)

Used on their own, Toxin Rid detox pills will get you clean about 60 or 70% faster than can be achieved naturally. That would mean that even a heavy daily cannabis smoker could be clean in less than a week, where it would usually taken two or even three weeks to get drug metabolites out of the body.

Even if you can’t get clean using the pills in time (short notice drug testing) you can push out a ton more toxins in a few days than you ever could naturally.

Then, on the day of your test, you can use Rescue Cleanse detox drink to mask the rest. Because there are less toxins, your time clean will be longer before drug metabolites start getting processed through the kidneys again.

This combo strategy is perfect if you just can’t get the guts together to smuggle in a fake sample, or if it’s a supervised test where using synthetic urine wouldn’t be possible.

Does Hobby Lobby Drug Test – What Kind Of Drug Test Does Hobby Lobby Use & How To Beat It

As with many big companies in the USA, with lots of people being employed by them, wondering does Hobby Lobby drug test is a common question.

So let’s answer it for you now. I’ll tell you the lowdown on every aspect of Hobby Lobby drug testing. I’ll tell you if they drug test during hiring, or on the job. What happens if you have an accident or are suspected of drug use, and the type of drug test they might use.

Then, I’ll tell you how to beat a Hobby Lobby drug test, no matter when or how it happens.

Background On Hobby Lobby

Although not known outside the USA, it’s a big deal with in the USA in the hobby retail sector.

Founded in 1972, starting as a business in his garage, it now has 900 store locations across the continental USA.

So Hobby Lobby is a big deal in retail generally, and especially in the hobby supply sector, which is why so many people wonder does Hobby Lobby drug test if they are thinking of applying for a job there.

Does Hobby Lobby Drug Test During The Hiring Process?

The first thing you want to know if you are looking at getting a job with Hobby Lobby is do they drug test during the recruitment process? As with a lot of companies in the USA nowadays, the picture is actually mixed. Mostly, no they don’t.

But some locations and some people online have reported they did face a drug test as part of the hiring process, as part of background checks.

So I think you just need to be ready to face a drug test during pre-employment for Hobby Lobby, even though you might not have one.

Does Hobby Lobby Drug Test Existing Employees?

Again, it’s a mixed picture on whether Hobby Lobby conducts drug tests on its existing employees.

Looking at the Hobby Lobby employment contract and company policy available online, it specifically mentions they reserve the right to drug test. This right is stated as random, periodic, with suspicion, or for any other key reason.

The thing is though, in the real world, a lot of Hobby Lobby employees past and present online have said they were never drug tested during their employment. Not during recruitment, or on the job. So again, it’s about location, policy there, and luck.

If you’re in an accident, going for promotion, or you hear about other employees being drug test, then you should potentially expect one in those circumstances. Generally, it doesn’t seem to be widespread, and certainly not any structured, random or periodic testing.

What Kind Of Drug Test Does Hobby Lobby Use?

In every single discussion online around what kind of drug test does Hobby Lobby use, I have only ever seen anyone state that they were asked to submit a urine sample.

This is good because it narrows things down for you. However, note that oral drug testing is catching on more now, because it’s cheaper and anyone can administer it on the spot with little training.

That’s something to read up on, but in this Hobby Lobby drug test guide we are going to focus purely on beating the overwhelmingly used urine drug test.

How Often Does Hobby Lobby Drug Test?

As you’ve already seen, when it comes to how often Hobby Lobby drug test, it’s varied and unpredictable. Overall though, it’s very rare. Not often used during pre-employment, and not often used on the job.

There is a strong chance it could happen if you go for an internal promotion though, or there is strong suspicion that you are inebriated on the job, or there is an accident that you are believed to have caused.

So most of the time when you are employed by Hobby Lobby, you can rest easy. There really doesn’t seem to be a structured policy of random or scheduled drug testing, not even amongst workers who use the light machinery that is sometimes needed for moving stock on and off the shop floor.

How To Beat A Hobby Lobby Drug Test

Now you know when Hobby Lobby does drug tests, how often, and what kind of drug test they mostly do, let’s tell you how to beat one. The thing to remember is that drug testing is always unsupervised unless you have previously failed the test, or it’s for very specific circumstances you will be told about in advance.

Unsupervised means nobody will be in the room with you. Usually, you go into a cubicle/room, which is specially designed to minimize tampering with a sample (for example, blue water in the toilet cistern), then you come out and hand it straight over.

Mostly this means you can use high-quality synthetic urine. It’s easy to smuggle in, as I will explain in a moment. But if the test is supervised, or you simply don’t want to smuggle a sample in, then a detox drink or detox pills (or both combined) is a great alternative strategy.

  1. Synthetic Urine – Best Buy Quick Luck

The easiest way to pass an unsupervised drug test is simply to submit a fake sample of high-quality synthetic urine.

Don’t go for the budget brands, they simply will not work for modern drug testing.

Quick Luck is the best product on the market. It has the following characteristics that set it apart:

  • Highly complex – 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Contains right proportions of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Balanced for both pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Looks, froths, and smells like urine

Overall, this is going to pass validity check and human scrutiny every time under normal drug testing circumstances. All you have to do is ensure that it’s submitted within the correct temperature range to be accepted as a valid human sample. That means handing it over at a temperature between 90°F and 100°F.

Quick Luck is clever because it uses heat activator powder to do this. Just before you enter the building, tap in about one-quarter of the powder, shake it gently until it’s dissolved. It’s undetectable in the drug test and will raise the temperature slightly.

Repeat the process with a little more heat activator powder each time, and watch the temperature strip for about 30 seconds each time, until you get a good reading close to 100°F, but not above that level.

Then, tuck the sample into your underwear (you won’t be intimately searched and it will keep the sample warm) and go in and submit it.

  1. Detox Drink – Best Buy Rescue Cleanse

A detox drink is a good alternative to mask the drug metabolites in your body, but not quite as certain as using Quick Luck. But it’s still above 90% chance as long as you submit your sample within a couple of hours (three or four at most) of using the detox drink.

Don’t buy cheap ones, go for Rescue Cleanse. It’s the most potent formula on the market and doesn’t require the use of additional water which could dilute your sample.

The instructions for using Rescue Cleanse are dead easy. Simply drink the contents of the bottle over about 10 minutes on an empty stomach. Then, allowing it one hour to work its magic, urinate as frequently as you can during that time.

Rescue Cleanse will speed up the removal of all sorts of toxins from the body. Speeding up the amount you urinate, and drawing more toxins through the kidneys and into the bladder during that time.

Doing this means there is a gap created in the flow of toxins into your kidneys and through to your bladder, which should be a minimum of two hours, and usually longer than that. During this time, the fresh urine entering your bladder will be free of toxins, including all types of drug metabolites.

Rescue Cleanse will also keep your sample testing natural and looking natural during that time due to flooding your body with things needed to achieve this.

  1. Detox Pills – Best Buy Toxin Rid

Your third choice is to get permanently clean by accelerating a natural detox with Toxin Rid detox pills.

These can speed up the removal of toxins by the body significantly, sometimes up to 70% or so faster. That would mean even a heavy user or smoker could be clean in a week or less, and light users in a couple of days.

Simply take three pills per hour for the first five hours of the day with plenty of water. On the day before your test, then use the included detox liquid to push out any remaining toxins. It’s that simple to use.

If you still want an insurance policy, on the day of your test, use Rescue Cleanse as I have already outlined. Doing so will flood out any remaining toxins and allow you to definitely be clean because so few are in the body thanks to Toxin Rid.

Does Tractor Supply Drug Test New Hires? All Your Questions On Tractor Supply Drug Testing Answered

Tractor Supply is a big deal in niche retail in the USA, which is why so many people ask the question: does Tractor Supply drug test new hires? Not only is that a perfectly valid question, especially when it comes to drug testing people in states where marijuana is legal now, but the great news is it’s easy to pass one.

I’ll tell you the type of drug test that Tractor Supply does, and when they do it. Then you’ll know exactly when you are most at risk and can prepare.  Then, I’ll tell you exactly how to pass a Tractor Supply drug test, so that you never get caught out.

What’s Tractor Supply’s Drug Testing History On Employees?

Tractor Supply is an old company, having been around for 85 years and growing dramatically to around 2200 stores across 49 states in 2024. The largest rural lifestyle retailer in the USA, it employs more than 50,000 people across our continent.

It’s not just tractors though, they sell domestic lawn and garden supplies, sprinklers, power tools, fencing, basically anything for the agricultural and domestic outdoors market. Having captured the niche, they obviously want good staff. Drug testing was definitely a thing, but how has it changed since the pandemic, and changed with modern attitudes towards cannabis?

What Type Of Drug Test Does Tractor Supply Use?

Overwhelmingly, the same with most retailers, Tractor Supply utilizes third-party companies to conduct urine drug testing on employees. However, in some locations, I’ve seen a few reports of oral drug testing being done. That’s both for pre-employment and on-the-job testing.

But oral drug testing is still incredibly rare it seems, and I’ve only ever seen a handful of reports of it anywhere online that are credible. So if you are facing a Tractor Supply drug test, then it would most likely be a urine drug test and it’s the one you should definitely prepare for.

Does Tractor Supply Drug Test New Hires?

Although Tractor Supply did test new hires, that doesn’t seem to be the case anymore. Again, talking to contacts and researching online, I can find very little credible evidence that new employees get drug tested during the employment process.

I’m not saying it can’t happen, but it certainly isn’t widespread, and I don’t think you’re going to face one for a standard retail employee position.

When Does Tractor Supply Test On The Job?

You’ll be pleased to know that there is very little evidence of Tractor Supply drug testing employees randomly or periodically for no reason. The only evidence that has any depth to it online is around testing after an accident.

That always makes sense to me, because it covers your backside legally. If you don’t drug test, how can you prove in court that you are doing all you can to lower instances of accidents happening in your workplace and protect your staff and customers?

But other than that, it doesn’t seem to happen at all. Not for certain roles, not for promotions, not for any reason you can get concrete evidence for.

Will I Be Drug Tested By Tractor Supply?

Overall, the chances of an employee being drug tested by Tractor Supply are minimal. During pre-employment, it doesn’t seem to happen anymore. If it does, it’s very rare and it’s a urine test.

On the job, it doesn’t happen as part of any structured deterrent program, because they can’t just test the suspicion nowadays because it can be seen as discrimination. They don’t seem to test for promotion, for roles where you use machinery, or even for specialist positions like management.

The only consistent evidence for practice by drug testing is after an accident. Then, overwhelmingly, you are sent for a urine drug test within 24 hours of the incident.

How To Pass A Tractor Supply Drug Test: Synthetic Urine

The great news is that it’s not actually that difficult to pass a Tractor Supply drug test. The drug test will be unsupervised, meaning that you will be searched (not intimately), fill in a form, and then submit your sample in a room on your own.

You’ll come out, and hand the cup over to a person, or put it into a machine, where the temperature will be read, and then usually after you leave, validity checks will be done on it before the immunoassay drug test.

With that knowledge, you can subvert the process simply by submitting fake urine while you are out of sight.But how do you smuggle it in? Well, it’s pretty simple, as they can’t touch you intimately, just wear two pairs of underwear to secure the sample, and tuck the sample right underneath them in your crotch area.

Male or female, that’s going to be kept tight against your skin which will keep it warm, and stop the tell-tale bulge. Then, wear baggy jogging bottoms over the top, and nobody is going to touch you there or see it there.

The best fake urine on the market is called Quick Luck, from a company called Clear Choice who have years of expertise in producing synthetic urine that passes drug tests. Quick Luck is the predecessor of the best synthetic urine you could buy called Sub Solution.

Quick Luck is better than Sub Solution for the following reasons:

  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine
  • Is premixed as a liquid for instant use
  • Contains 14 common chemicals that are always in human urine
  • Contains right amounts of creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Is within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges

When you put all that together, you have one hell of a mix. The power and flexibility of this urine kit is unmatched.It will pass even skilled human scrutiny. The curious employee, or the suspicious lab assistant. Against the light, even sniffing it, it is not going to be suspicious.

It’s got so many of the common chemicals found in urine in it, that if the validity check is more detailed than the usual cursory one then it will still come up trumps.On top of all that, Quick Luck uses something called heat activator powder rather than a heatpad to maintain the temperature within the needed range.

Heat activator powder has the following advantages:

  • Can alter the temperature instantly by raising it
  • Discreet and quick to use
  • Undetectable in a drug test

It’s really easy to use as well. Check the temperature, and if there’s no reading and you know it’s cool, then you can raise it quickly using the heat activator powder. Tap in about one quarter of the supplied vial and shake the container of urine gently for about one minute. Then, look at the temperature strip and watch for a reading.

If you don’t get one, or it’s only just above 90°F, then add a little bit more and repeat the process. You’re looking for a temperature close 100°F on the reading, but not above that.As you can see, Quick Luck is complex and will pass validity checks.

It’s also going to pass curious human scrutiny, which most synthetic urine simply cannot achieve. Plus, he gets around the biggest reason why synthetic urine fails, which is that it’s submitted outside the legal temperature range between 90°F and 100°F.

For more information, check out our detailed, step-by-step synthetic urine guide.

You can purchase Quick Luck synthetic urine from testnegative.

Quick luck reviews

Best Alternative: Detox Drink

If you don’t want to smuggle a sample in, or it’s a supervised drug test where you realistically can’t, then the best alternative is a detox drink. Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink on the market right now and has been for many years. You don’t need additional water, and you just need an empty stomach and 10 minutes to consume it.

Then, after that, you’ll need an hour for it to work. It will flush drug toxins through your body faster than can be achieved naturally. Urinate several times, and you will quickly clean yourself out.

No, it’s not a permanent detox, it just creates a gap in the flow of several hours. Once your body catches up and processes drug metabolites through the kidneys again, you will start testing positive. You should get three or four hours clean though, which is more than enough to go and pass a test. If you have a couple of days’ notice, you can also use Toxin Rid detox pills to accelerate a natural detox before the day of your test as well.

Then, on the day of your test, use Rescue Cleanse as I’ve just stated, and you’ll have fewer drug metabolites for it to flush through, meaning longer clean. Rescue Cleanse will also keep the balance of your urine natural while keeping it looking natural.

Put all that together, Rescue Cleanse can do the following for you:

  • Easy-to-use
  • Gets you clean for one hour
  • Keeps your urine balance natural
  • Keeps your urine looking natural
  • Keeps your urine toxin-free for up to 5 hours
  • Undetectable in drug testing

That’s how easy it is to use Rescue Cleanse to pass a drug test. You don’t stand such a high percentage chance as you do with Quick Luck, but if used correctly, it will be around a 90% chance of passing a drug test even after three or four hours since you consumed it.

Full Concentra Drug Test Guide: Everything You Need To Know – How To Pass A Concentra Drug Test

As one of the big drug testing companies, of course, you want to know how to pass a Concentra drug test. In this full guide, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about Concentra drug testing, from the main two types they do (urine and saliva), to how to check Concentra drug test results.

I’ll then cover passing urine and saliva drug testing at Concentra, and tell you the methods and products you can use to beat them.

Why tell you about here applies to any drug testing company, not just Concentra. Is it doesn’t matter if your drug test is at Concentra, LabCorp, Quest Diagnostics, or anywhere else. They all follow almost identical testing standards. Cut-off levels, processes, machinery, and technology, is all pretty similar.

There are standards they have to follow, and also legally, if one was wildly different to another in terms of ease of passing, then it would create a legal minefield.

Does Concentra Watch You Pee For Drug Tests

Let’s explain the different types of observation you could face during a drug test. The three levels are:

  • Unsupervised
  • Supervised
  • Observed

Nearly all urine drug tests are unsupervised. You’ll go behind a screen, or even more usually into a separate room to submit your sample.

The only time Concentra would watch you pee is if it was for probation, or you had already failed a drug test, or they were suspicious because they had found paraphernalia on you to try and beat the drug test.

You would know in advance if it was supervised (someone in the room) or observed (someone directly watching you), and you would have to agree to that. Obviously, for oral and hair drug testing, you would be observed because someone will be putting the mouth swab in your mouth, or cutting the hair sample from your head.

How To Check Concentra Drug Test Results

When it comes to how to check Concentra drug test results, you shouldn’t have to, and probably can’t.

  • After you submit your sample and leave, the immunoassay will be completed.
  • Then, the person who commissioned the test (usually an employer) will get the results, and you may also get them directly if you have given an email address or phone number to do so. You will know this because they will tell you.
  • If you aren’t sure about any of this, simply ask them when you go along to submit your sample. They will tell you exactly who gets the results and when.

Overall though, the person who commissioned the test gets the results. You won’t actually get them unless they allow that. They will tell you directly once they receive them themselves.

What Type Of  Drug Test Is Most Likely?

Overwhelmingly you are going to be sent for a Concentra urine drug test. It’s by far the most common type of drug test conducted in the USA. The next most likely is an oral drug test. Whether it’s an oral (mouth swab) drug test, or a urine sample test, you’ll know in advance when you are given the appointment time.

That’s the same with hair drug testing, but it’s also much rarer. You would be highly unlikely to face a hair drug test for normal pre-employment or on-the-job drug testing.

How Long Will It Take To Get Concentra Drug Test Results?

After you submit your sample and go home it would usually take around 24-hours is to get a negative result returned to the person who commissioned the test.

So you’re basically looking at the sample being put through a temperature check, a validity check, and the panel drug test urinalysis within 24 hours of handing it over, so same day or the next day (more usually).

However, many of these labs are busy, and you sometimes have to allow an extra day to get results. Also, remember that just because you haven’t heard if you passed or failed, it doesn’t mean the person who commissioned the test hasn’t gotten the results back. That’s a completely separate issue.

Also, if the sample failed the initial immunoassay, then there could be a day or two extra delays while it goes through more rigorous analysis, or the failed drug test could be passed back and a discussion is held about what to do before contacting you.

Rule of thumb though, if you haven’t heard anything within 48 hours of submitting your sample (two complete days have passed since the day) then there’s probably an issue.

How To Pass A Concentra Drug Test

Let’s say that you are going for a drug test at Concentra  or Quest Diagnostics and you know you will fail it.

Doesn’t matter if it’s a urine test or an oral mouth swab test, you have taken drugs of some description in the past few days, and you know you have drug metabolites in your body that will be above the drug test cut-off level.

In that scenario, let’s talk you through exactly how to pass a Concentra drug test right now.

  1. Most Common: Urine Drug Test

For the most common type of drug test, you have two best options:

Here’s what you need to know about each of those options.

Synthetic urine:

Synthetic urine is the easiest way to pass a Concentra urine drug test. Because it will be unsupervised, it’s easy to smuggle in (you will not be intimately searched) by tucking the sample into your crotch area in your underwear.

They might search your bag and items, and pat you down, but they can’t start grabbing your crotch. So putting the sample there and wearing baggy jogging bottoms guarantees success.

Quick Luck is the best synthetic urine you can use for a Concentra drug test for the following reasons:

  • Perfectly balanced for both pH and specific gravity
  • Contains the correct amounts of urea, creatinine, and uric acid
  • Passes advanced scrutiny because it contains 14 common chemicals in urine
  • Looks, smells, and froths like urine
  • Is easy to keep within the correct temperature range

But all that together, and you’ve got the best synthetic urine kit possible for passing an unsupervised drug test. Not only will it pass chemical scrutiny, but it’s also going to pass human scrutiny.

On top of that, it gets around the whole submitting it within the correct temperature range problem.

The legal sample temperature range, between 90°F and 100°F, is very narrow and difficult to achieve with standard heatpads found in cheap and nasty synthetic urine products. Quick Luck urine gets around this by using something clever called heat activator powder instead.

Literally a white powder that is undetectable once it’s dissolved, when tapped into the urine, it reacts as it dissolves and raises the temperature slightly each time.

Tap in about one quarter, shake it gently until it’s dissolved, then watch the temperature strip for about 60 seconds. Repeat with small amounts until you get a good reading, then tuck the sample back into your underwear and you are good to go.

  • Click Here For Our Detailed Quick Luck Synthetic Urine Review.
  • You Can Purchase Quick Luck From Testnegative.

Clear Choice Quick Luck synthetic urine

Detox drink:

Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink on the market. But you must understand that any detox drink is just a masking agent, they don’t fully detox your body.

Rescue Cleanse detox drink is easy to use:

  • Simply drink the contents of the bottle in about 10 minutes on an empty stomach.
  • Give it one hour, and urinate as frequently as you can.
  • Rescue Cleanse will push far more toxins through your kidneys and into your bladder than can be achieved naturally.
  • Doing all this leaves a gap in the flow of toxins out of the body because it’s been accelerated.
  • During this time the fresh urine entering the bladder will be toxin free (usually between 3 – 5 hours).

Rescue Cleanse also floods your body with things found in urine, so some of them are passed through as waste, keeping your urine testing natural as well. If you can’t use synthetic urine because it’s a supervised test, then Rescue Cleanse is the best option.

Click here for our detailed review and click here to buy Rescue Cleanse.

Certo detox alternatives

Oral (Saliva) Drug Test

For the oral drug test, there really is only one choice of product to use to beat one. You can beat a Concentra oral drug test using something called Clear Choice Oral Clear saliva-neutralizing gum. In truth, it’s not really gum at all but is instead a concentrated capsule of mouthwash liquid.

It’s very potent though, and the capsule is no bigger than a standard headache capsule, allowing you to carry it on you all the time discreetly, and even use it discreetly with somebody in the room with you:

  • Simply pop the capsule in your mouth
  • split it between your teeth with your mouth shut, and work the concentrated liquid around using your tongue.
  • You can do this discreetly with somebody close to you, and in around 60 seconds, your mouth will be neutralized for up to 15 minutes.

Because it stays in the mouth (make sure you don’t swallow very often), fresh drug metabolites entering with fresh saliva will get the powerful solution attached to them, changing their shape and disguising them for the drug test.

Oral Clear gum is undetectable in a drug test as well as being discreet, making it perfect even for on the spot drug testing.

For a detailed  Oral Clear Gum review, Click here.  To buy Oral Clear click here.

How To Pass A 4 Panel Drug Test: What Is A 4 Panel Drug Test & How Far Back Does It Go?

What is a 4 panel drug test? I’ll explain everything you need to know in this easy-to-understand guide on passing any type of urine test.

Whether it’s a 4 panel drug test for employment purposes, or 10-panel drug test for employment purposes, the process to pass when you would otherwise fail is exactly the same.

So don’t worry, I’ve got you covered here, and I’ll tell you exactly how to pass a 4 panel drug test with all the details you need, such as how far back panel drug tests go in terms of detecting drugs, and the products you can use to beat any type of scrutiny.

Panel Drug Tests Explained

Panel drug tests all work the same, so it doesn’t matter how many panels are on them. They are called panel drug tests because they often have physical panels. Each panel contains chemicals that react to the presence of certain drug metabolites.

Often nowadays though, there aren’t physical panels at all. They are chemically analyzed in different ways, often in machines with no human intervention.

But it doesn’t matter what type of drug test it is, and the panel drug test name is a bit of a distraction, you just need to know how to not get caught.

How Are Home Panel Drug Tests Different From Lab Tests?

Home panel drug test kits are cheap and basic. They always have actual panels that react as I’ve just described.

The cut-off levels, and the sensitivity of the test, is usually higher than a professional quality drug test as well unless you pay a lot of money.

But bearing in mind you will usually do a home drug test in the lead-up to attending a professional drug test, then it stands to reason the levels of drugs and metabolites in your body will be lower by the time you have the professional test. So if you pass a home drug test, then you’re probably going to pass the lab test.

What Happens During A Drug Test?

People are often surprised at how basic drug testing still is:

  1. You attend the location and you submit your sample into a cup with a temperature strip on it. Within two minutes they have to have tested the temperature to confirm it.
  2. It then goes through validity checks. These are surprisingly basic and the only checks are done. They usually look for the presence of urea and maybe uric acid, creatinine levels, and pH levels. They may also look for the presence of nitrates, adulterants, and biocide. But that’s it, and it is not a lot.
  3. Your sample is then tested via immunoassay urinalysis. This is your panel drug test, a basic reaction test. Only if it fails this, and then only if it’s been paid for, would it even get near a full gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis that can truly analyze the entire sample.

Let’s Talk You Through The 4 Panel Drug Test For Employment

So in truth, your sample just has to be submitted within the correct temperature range (between 90°F and 100°F) and get through the pretty basic validity checks.

Also, to avoid being spotted by an experienced employee, it should look like urine. If it can froth and smell like it, then that’s even better.

The 4 panel drug test for employment only looks for the following substances:

  • Cocaine
  • PCP
  • Opiates
  • Amphetamines

The four panel test is basically the five panel test that is most widely used but without the marijuana panel.

Just be careful though, because you don’t know if they are using the standard test. You could be facing a four-panel test, but they are not interested in opiates, so they have swapped that out for the marijuana panel. So just be prepared to get clean to fool the drug test, regardless of what you have taken.

How Far Back Does A 4 Panel Drug Test Go?

When it comes to telling you how far back a 4 panel drug test goes, we are basically talking about how long drugs are and their metabolites are detectable in urine.

It’s really impossible to tell you the answer to that. The detection times you’ll see online are “average”, but will probably not apply specifically to you.

So when they say cocaine is detectable in urine for up to 48 hours, that’s average. If your body processes things more slowly, you have taken other types of drugs, you’ve taken a more regular number of drugs recently, you have drunk alcohol, a ton of things feeding into this, then it could be a day or two longer.

I always advise on the basic broad strokes as follows:

  1. If you’re a light user (low to moderate doses occasionally, and only once or twice in the past week) then you’ll be clean after about three days to confidently pass a drug test.
  2. If you’re a heavier user than that, then you should expect to fail a drug test within seven days of the last drugs you have taken.

Also note that slow-release benzos and cannabis metabolites, if smoked regularly, build up in the body and can take weeks rather than days to be eradicated.

How To Pass A 4 Panel Drug Test

Hopefully, you can now understand, and be a little less scared of, the 4-panel drug test for employment or any other purpose.

Let’s tell you how to pass a 4-panel drug test. These product instructions apply to any number of panels.

  1. Quick Luck

If it’s an unsupervised drug test (all drug tests are unsupervised unless you are told in advance) then submitting high-quality synthetic urine instead of your own is the easiest way to pass.

Quick Luck is definitely the best product on the market for this purpose.

highly complex, with the following key characteristics:

  • Within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Contains the right proportions of urea, uric acid, and creatinine
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in human urine
  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine

Not only will Quick Luck pass human scrutiny and advanced validity checks, but it will also be easy to submit within the correct temperature range.

Quick Luck employs something called heat activator powder for the job. Tap in about one quarter of the powder, shake it until it’s dissolved, and it will gently raise the temperature. Repeat the process until you get a good reading on the temperature strip.

Click here to buy Quick Luck and view more details.

  1. Rescue Cleanse

If it’s a supervised drug test, or you don’t fancy smuggling a sample of fake urine, then Rescue Cleanse detox drink is a less certain alternative that will still stand a great chance.

Simply drink the bottle of Rescue Cleanse over about 10 minutes, then urinate frequently over the next hour.

Rescue Cleanse will flush out the toxins to create a gap in the toxin flow of up to 5 hours, but more usually 2 – 3 hours.

As well as doing that, it will also flood your body with things found in urine, so that the fresh urine entering the bladder will not only be drug metabolites free, but also will test natural and not appear adulterated.

Click here to buy Rescue Cleanse and view more details.

  1. Toxin Rid

The absolute best way to pass a drug test is to be genuinely clean to do so. Natural detoxification can take a week or longer if you are a regular user. Toxin Rid is the most potent detox pill on the market that can speed up the removal of toxins in the body by up to 75%, and almost always a far more than 50%.

Simply take three pills per hour for the first five hours of each day of the pill course purchased. Drink plenty of water through the rest of the day, and exercise.

After that, a day or two before your test, drink the included detoxification liquid, and if it’s cannabis metabolites you want to get rid of, then use the included fiber supplement. These are both optional, but I’d advise you still use them.

This is your best chance of getting clean as fast as possible, but make sure you use a home drug test kit though, to ensure you are clean on the day of your test. In fact, two or three, and testing every couple of days, will tell you when you start testing clean.

An excellent insurance policy is to team up Toxin Rid with Rescue Cleanse. That way, even though you know you are pretty certainly clean, you can always use the bottle of Rescue Cleanse to give an extra level of security by flushing out any remaining toxins for a few hours to pass your test.

Click here to buy Toxin Rid and view further details.

1st Failed Drug Test On Probation – Understanding The Process & How To Avoid Failing A Drug Test

After your first failed drug test on probation, you need to know exactly what to do and say to get out in the best shape.

After your second failed drug test on probation? Well, that’s a real problem but there’s still a chance if you know what to do. I’ll talk you through what happens with probation drug testing, and how best to act after failing one or two drug tests.

Plus, I’ll talk you through simple methods you can use to avoid failing a drug test at all.

How Does Drug Testing Work With Probation In The USA?

Probation in the USA actually works very different to many other countries, because it’s more widely used and money and conditions are tied to it.

The American system relies on judges making decisions on probation, which isn’t the case in some other countries.

On top of that, you’ve got your individual circumstances, and state laws and variations to consider as well. So how it works for you may not be even how it works for someone else even in your locality right now. Drug tests are usually commissioned with suspicion, or regularity on specific programs.

Occasionally, they are a condition of remaining on probation, with random testing throughout. Overall, drug testing helps to back the goals of probation:

  • Promotes rehabilitation
  • Constantly monitor progress
  • Acts as a deterrent for relapse
  • Encourages compliance with conditions

You Failed Your First Drug Test On Probation – Now What?

What happens after your 1st failed drug test on probation will depend on three key factors:

  • The terms of your probation
  • The judge and probation officers input
  • Your attitude

As it’s impossible for you to know how the judge and probation officers involved, along with other people and agencies, will react, all you can look at your attitude and know the terms of your probation. These three areas are key in terms of what generally happens and what you can influence.

  1. Violation of probation hearing

There will likely be a probation violation hearing, scheduled by your probation officer.

This will usually be a formal hearing where a judge will review the situation and will decide on the outcome. This could be a range of outcomes depending on how severe the violation is, your overall behavior, attitude, compliance, and your prior criminal record. Being positive and humble throughout the lead up to, and in your conduct during, the probation violation hearing can often work wonders for a first offense

  1. Implementation of consequences

If it’s a first-time offense and your criminality is relatively minor, then you could just get a warning.

This will especially be the case for offenses, with a first violation, where you have previously shown good conduct during your probation and in adhering to its conditions.

A second option is to increase your community service hours, this could be in combination with a warning that any further violation would lead to the withdrawal of your probation or some other stated sanction. You could be fined for the probation violation, but this isn’t as common as warnings and community service hour changes.

Another option is to extend your probation period, implement more severe limitations, or even withdraw probation entirely. In addition to all that, for failing a drug test, you could be put on a substance abuse treatment program, put in rehab, or have an existing program intensified or extended. Note also that several of those outcomes can be combined to create a multifaceted outcome that must be obeyed.

  1. How you act matters

If you are in denial and belligerent, then you will usually get harsher penalties. People will want to shock you into change or feel more aggressive in wanting to put you in your place.

Remember, probation is about the following goals:

  • Ensuring compliance
  • Monitoring progress
  • Promoting rehabilitation
  • Acting as a strong deterrent

So if you act with belligerence or indifference, you are more likely to face a deterrent step, rather than promoting rehabilitation and giving you a second chance.

Also, the severity of the offence you were convicted for comes into play here. Being humble, positive, and apologetic, can still go a long way even for more serious offences. This can mean being proactive in discussing help and next steps yourself. Try and show that you are positive about the problem.

Ask for more professional assistance, and demonstrate awareness. You can get more professional assistance through potential in or outpatient programs, support groups, and one-to-one counseling (sometimes, if available).

Talking from a position of understanding the situation helps as well. Get an attorney involved if you are unsure, at least make sure you understand the process thoroughly so you know what you’re talking about, otherwise you could come across as not caring or buying into the process.

You Just Failed Your Second Drug Test On Probation – Now What?

If you’ve already failed the first drug test and are now facing failing your second drug test on probation, then you obviously know already things are going to be pretty serious in comparison to the first failure.

Usually, the action taken against you will obviously be harsher, but also intended to be more decisive to end the situation.

This could mean the following types of responses:

  • Much tighter control on your activities
  • Removal of probation completely
  • Larger combination penalties
  • An inpatient rehab center
  • For alcohol SCRAM abstinence monitoring

Obviously sending you to jail is the ultimate response. But for failing a drug test they can sometimes be reluctant to do so because it increases their chance of rehabilitation failure in the future.

Again, your attitude is crucial. Don’t admit defeat, remain positive, tell them you can change, tell them you can do it, tell them to please not end the probation but give you a chance no matter how scrutinizing and controlled you are during that chance.

Remember to understand the goals of probation, and play into that with your responses. Ultimately it’s better to rehabilitate someone so they can go back into society and act well, so they are not a burden any longer financially or on other people.

What To Tell Your Probation Officer When You Fail A Drug Test?

Whether it’s your first or second failure of a drug test, what you tell your probation officer when you fail that drug test is crucial. Your initial attitude and information given can sway the probation officer into the potentially better or worse assessment and analysis.

How you act towards it, the information you give, the situation, how you play things, your knowledge, and your desire to change or put things right, can all soften the probation services’ initial assessment and recommendation for the judge.

How To Pass A Urine Drug Test Every Single Time

Now look, if you have committed a serious offence and are also taking narcotics, then you really should be honest and not be looking to avoid facing the music. And if you have a real drug problem, then you’re doing yourself no favors by trying to avoid the inevitable outcome of having to face your problems at some stage and clean yourself up.

Things will only get worse, not better if you try and hide the problem. The explosion will only be larger down the line, probably ending up with you going to jail. But for more minor offenses, and where your drug use has been recreational and controlled, then sure, it’s unfair for you to end up in jail or in some ridiculous program. So be honest with yourself, and look at what you should do. If you really feel avoiding getting caught is the best scenario for you, then these are the methods you can use to pass a probation drug test.

1. Synthetic Urine (Best Buy: Quick Luck)

Your 1st drug test on probation will almost always be unsupervised and a standard five panel urine drug test.

This would only change for more specific circumstances where a higher number of panels (looking for more types of drug) was used, but would still probably be unsupervised.

Supervised testing, where you will be indirectly or directly observed, is usually only done for retesting a failure, a second drug test probation failure, or specific circumstances where cheating was highly suspected.

You would be told in advance (usually 24 hours notice) if the test is to be supervised, where a proper physical search would probably also take place.

Remember that for probation drug testing you could be properly physically searched even for an unsupervised test. But they usually won’t touch you intimately, so as long as you discreetly tuck the sample into a pair of underwear, so it’s pulled tight against the body in an area they can’t directly touch, underneath baggy bottoms, then you should be fine.

The best product on the market to use is called Quick Luck, which has the following properties:

  • Highly complex, containing 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Contains the right proportions of key chemicals urea, uric acid, and creatinine
  • Is within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine

Not only will Quick Luck pass the validity checks and any human scrutiny, but it will also allow you to submit the sample within the correct temperature range.

Legally, a sample has to be between 90°F and 100°F. Outside these ranges it is unlikely to have come from the human body. Most products rely on a heatpad, which can kick out a variable heat and fail. But Quick Luck uses something called ‘heat activator powder’. Simply tap in about one-quarter and shake it gently until it’s dissolved. Watch the temperature strip for 60 seconds, and add a few more in steps until you get a good reading.

NOTE: Do not buy smoke shop fake urine brands such as Quick Fix, Upass, or Xstream urine, they do NOT pass a modern lab test.

2. Detox Drinks (Best Buy: Rescue Cleanse)

If the drug test you are facing is supervised, or you are scared that a fake sample could get found even during an unsupervised test, then your best bet is to use a good quality detox drink.

Note the detox drink is only a masking agent that will stop toxins from flowing into your bladder for a few hours.

Rescue Cleanse is the best on the market, and works in the following way:

  1. When you drink it, the volume of liquid, along with the ingredients, pushes out more toxins than can be achieved naturally in the same time. This creates a gap in the flow of toxins to the kidneys and then out into the bladder. This gap, usually between two and five hours in length, is when fresh urine entering the bladder will be free of drug metabolites and will pass a drug test.
  2. Rescue Cleanse also floods the body with things found naturally in urine. These are passed through as waste in the correct proportion, meaning that your urine will still pass validity checks and human scrutiny.

Simply drink Rescue Cleanse in about 10 minutes, urinate three or four times over the next hour, and then go and submit your sample as quickly as possible to stand the best chance of passing.

3. Detox Pills (Best Buy: Toxin Rid)

The third option is to be genuinely clean to pass a drug test. Mostly that will be unrealistic naturally, but using high-quality detox pills to speed up the removal of toxins from your body by 50% or faster, it’s possible to get clean in just a few days.

Toxin Rid of is the best on the market. Simply take three pills per hour for the first five hours of each day while living a healthy lifestyle. On the day before your test, drink the included detox liquid. You consume it in two different batches, and it helps to push out a lot more of the remaining toxins, should there be any.

If you’ve only got a day or two before your test, you can use a one or two-day course, and take more than 15 pills per day, by taking three per hour for more hours per day to push out even more toxins.

At the very least Toxin Rid will remove a ton of metabolites so there are significantly fewer on the day of your drug test. Then, you can use Rescue Cleanse to mask the few remaining drug metabolites, which it will do for longer.

Walmart Drug Test Policy Guide: Does Walmart Drug Test New Hires In 2024?

Does Walmart drug test new hires in 2024, and what’s the Walmart drug test policy generally? I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to know right now.

It can be confusing, because you’ll read a lot of different information online, and a lot of it is actually out of date. The Walmart drug test policy, and what they actually do in reality, has changed dramatically during and after the pandemic.

But I’ve talked to people and researched, and I’m going to tell you what they do for new hires, on-the-job testing, and advanced roles.

If you’re facing an employment drug test, then these are the products you need to check out:

The Walmart Drug Test Policy Explained

Their drug test policy is pretty standard and in line with most companies in the USA today.

They simply state that they reserve the right to drug test during any stage of your employment.

Typically, this includes:

  • Pre-employment
  • With suspicion
  • Periodic
  • Random
  • Role change
  • After an accident

Let me just explain a couple of things to you. People talk about suspicion, but legally you can’t just accuse someone of taking drugs, because it could be discriminatory.

Also, you can’t just test someone and then use as your defense that you suspect they are taking drugs. There has to be something concrete driving the process. Usually, this will be after an accident, or something else legal.

You will read about vindictive managers continually drug testing poor employees, or those they don’t like, to try and get rid of them. Be aware, you have legal rights and if you’re in that situation, you can fight back.

Does Walmart Drug Test For Employment?

If you’re going for a job at Walmart, then you’re obviously wondering does Walmart drug test new hires in 2024, and 2025 if you’re reading later than that.

Obviously we can’t predict the future, but I don’t think the policy will change much now.

The truth is that Walmart doesn’t really drug test for pre-employment anymore. This was starting to happen before the pandemic, due to the legalization of marijuana especially, but during and after the pandemic drug testing slipped even further.

Because we are talking about low-grade, low paid jobs, and with the cost of drug testing going up, a lot of companies seem to have decided it’s just not worth the cost of the drug tests, follow-ups, and management time, when they are paying you peanuts. It’s a sad truth.

The only time you will be drug tested for pre-employment by Walmart is if you are going to be in a role that involves something more specialist, like sporting goods where guns and ammo could be part of the equation, or if you’re using machinery or a vehicle.

Does Walmart Drug Test On The Job?

It’s very rare that Walmart does a drug test on the job for normal shop floor or warehouse employees. These are low grade jobs and it’s simply not worth the effort unless there is an accident, or some other situation where they feel they have to, or are legally obliged to.

There are rare exceptions to this, especially if you change roles to something more responsible, but most people working for Walmart I’ve come across state they have never, ever, had a drug test during pre-employment or on the job in the past few years.

Does Walmart Distribution Center Drug Test?

The distribution center jobs are even worse than the shop ones for turnover of staff. So they don’t bother testing the basic employees, it’s just not financially viable. If you drive a vehicle though, have a specialist role, are a manager, or use machinery, then you probably will be drug tested, either prior to employment for that type of job, or sometimes on the job.

Just like the stores, you’re very unlikely to ever face a drug test as a basic employee.

How Does Walmart Compare To Other Employers?

Walmart seems to be incredibly lax about drug testing, but it’s by design not just poor management. The costs just don’t add up anymore with the turnover of staff and the low risk of problems with people using drugs in reality.

Plus, when it would cost so much money to get rid of that employee and get another one in to replace them, then targeting them with drug tests when they might not have taken anything for days but still get caught out, is increasingly dumb, and employees are cottoning on to that fact.

But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. You could face a Walmart drug test, and that’s the same for any company. Situations differ, and although I’m telling you the overall risk profile here, you have to look at your individual situation and how much you want the job, or to keep the job.

For example, Amazon usually do a mouth swab drug test for all new hires, and urine drug testing on the job with suspicion or accidents.

What Happens If I Fail A Pre-Employment Drug Test?

There is a legal process that must be followed if you fail a drug test. It’s called the “adverse action process” and is part of a federal law to protect people from being discriminated against through drug testing.

You should get the right to see and understand your full drug test results in a one-to-one meeting in private with a company representative. That’s the case for pre-employment and on-the-job testing.

You should get the opportunity to explain the circumstances of the failure and be given a retest should you want one. As you can see, this is one of the reasons Walmart doesn’t bother drug testing as much as it used to. Even if you fail, they have to go through a process that costs even more time and money.

Walmart Detox Kit: What Do I Need To Pass An Employment Drug Test?

Despite their actual drug test policy, it’s unlikely that Walmart drug test new hires in 2024 beyond, or generally during employment.

It’s also getting increasingly unlikely with other businesses. However, a lot of them still do under certain circumstances, and you need to have strategies in place to beat them.

I’d still recommend you prepare for a drug test for pre-employment, and have something with you for on-the-job testing, regardless of how little chance you think there is, because there is still a chance with Walmart employees. Walmart also sells detox products, but they are a waste of money.

These are the products you can use to pass a drug test you could face:

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine

If you’re facing a urine drug test then Quick Luck synthetic urine is the best way to pass. It’s premixed, and doesn’t rely on a heatpad or a microwave to get the temperature right, so it’s perfect for on-the-job drug testing. Even with just two minutes’ notice, out of sight, you can prepare a valid sample.

For pre-employment or any other type of test, it’s also brilliant because you can closely control the temperature, and it’s discreet enough to smuggle in and submit with ease.

These are the characteristics that Quick Luck has:

  • Looks, froths, smells like human urine
  • Contains the right amounts are creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in human urine
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Don’t rely on a heatpad or microwave

Out of sight, simply tap in about one-quarter of the supplied heat activator powder. It’s undetectable, and will slightly raise the temperature. Keep adding a little more, shaking it, and then watching the temperature strip for about 30 seconds each time, until you get a valid sample temperature (a reading on the temperature strip of between 90°F and 100 Fahrenheit). For our detailed Quick Luck synthetic urine review, click here.

That’s how easy it is to use Quick Luck, and you can buy it directly from Quick Luck for just $110 here. Quick Luck is not available in smoke shops, you must buy it online.

  1. Rescue Cleanse detox drink

If it’s a supervised drug test where you will be observed urinating, which would be the case for a failed retest, then a detox drink is your only option at short notice. Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink on the market. Not only will it flush out more toxins than can be achieved with just water, but it will do it at such a rate that it creates a gap in the flow of toxins being processed by the kidneys of several hours.

It floods the bladder, but is also balanced for what the urine contains, keeping it appearing natural, but clean for a few hours. Rescue Cleanse isn’t as good as submitting a fake sample, but even a heavy user should get two or three hours completely clean during which they can submit a good sample. For a detailed guide on how to use detox drinks, click here.

You can buy Rescue Cleanse for just $55 from Clear Choice, by clicking here.

  1. Toxin Rid detox pills

If you’ve got a week before your test, then even as a heavy smoker or user, the seven or 10-day course of Toxin Rid will get you clean in time. With less time, the shorter courses of Toxin Rid will get you partially clean at least.

Then, on the day of your test, use Rescue Cleanse, and because you’ve got fewer toxins in your body, it will work better, and you’ll be clean for longer. For a detailed Toxin Rid review, click here. You can buy Toxin Rid in course lengths from a single day all the way through to 10 days in length, direct from Test Clear by clicking here.


How Long Is Adderall In Your System? Complete Adderall Drug Test Guide

I’m going to tell you how long Adderall is in your system, even if it’s just something like 10 mg of Adderall you’re using. It’s more complex than you might think to answer though.

This is a complete guide to everything you need to know about Adderall in your system, and how to pass a drug test. I’ll cover all the basics you need to know. How long it stays in your system, the different types of Adderall, and the different types of drug tests you could face.

Then, I’ll tell you exactly how to pass both urine and oral drug tests, even with Adderall in your body, so that you never get caught out with an Adderall drug test.

In this guide I refer to the following high-quality products, should you want to check them out first:

  • Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink
  • Quick Luck Synthetic Urine
  • Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum
  • Toxin Rid Detox Pills

How Adderall Works

Adderall is officially prescribed for narcolepsy and ADHD symptom relief. It’s a stimulant medication that contains both amphetamine and dextroamphetamine.

It increases alertness and focus, and helps to calm the mind for ADHD users, and stimulates the mind to keep people awake with narcolepsy problems. Because of these features, Adderall is abused. It improves cognitive performance, and concentration levels, and increases your mental and physical energy.

Put all that together, and unprescribed Adderall use is widespread. But the problem is that even if used moderately, it’s going to appear on a drug test for at least a few days.

How Long Does Adderall Stay In Your System?

It’s really tough to answer how long Adderall stays in your system for. There are a ton of variations for the following reasons:

  • Health
  • Age
  • Kidney or liver problems
  • Frequency of dosing
  • Type of Adderall taken
  • Dosage being taken
  • Other drugs you are taking
  • Weight

When you read online the times Adderall stays in your system, remember that these are average times for moderate users.

What they are saying is that if you’ve taken a single dose of Adderall, then it will leave your body in X days.

For Adderall, that usually means in 72 hours, but can be up to 100 hours. But remember, that’s a single dose.

If you’re taking it more frequently, and even though it’s only got half life of 10 hours, your body never eradicates it all as you take more. This means it could take you a week to get clean, or even slightly longer if you are a daily user.

Note There Are Two Different Types Of Adderall

Remember as well, there are two different types of Adderall. The instant release and the long release versions. So when you see these average times for Adderall to stay in your system, they are talking generally about the short-release version.

When it comes to the long release, it could be released for several days after your last dose, and you don’t know exactly how long that will be.

If you’re taking this frequently, then it could be one or two weeks before you actually start testing clean.

Does Adderall Build Up In Your System?

Unfortunately, yes Adderall does build up in your system. The more you take, the more this happens.

If you aren’t in peak health, and if you’re taking other things, or if you’re not being good to your body, then these times lengthen as well.

Even though Adderall only has a short-ish half-life, regular dosing will mean that if you have been taking it regularly, and have taken in the past seven days, that you should assume you will fail a drug test.

Do Drug Tests Look Specifically For Adderall?

Drug tests don’t need to specifically look for Adderall or anything else that is similar to it. As I’ve said, it contains amphetamine. That means that any drug test that looks for the structure of amphetamines, or amphetamine metabolites, will find Adderall.

The bad news is that the amphetamine drug test panel is on every single standard drug test, from the lowest four-panel test, to the highest 14 panel test. It’s always there, so you will get caught.

How To Pass A Drug Test With Adderall In Your System

So how on earth can you pass a drug test with Adderall in your system, if you are guaranteed to be found using amphetamines?

Well, if you’ve got a prescription, just show them it and explain. If it’s legitimate then there won’t be a problem. But I’m guessing that’s not the situation you are in.

If you haven’t got a prescription, then you have a few choices for passing a urine drug test:

  • Get clean
  • Submit a fake sample
  • Mask the toxins

I’m going to talk about passing a urine drug test first. However, after that, I will cover how to pass an oral drug test with Adderall in your system as well.

1. How To Pass A Urine Drug Test

Urine drug testing is the most common type you would face, and there are three levels of scrutiny you could face:

  • Unsupervised test when nobody is near you (often in a separate room)
  • Supervised test where somebody is near you
  • Observed test where somebody is watching you

Unobserved drug testing is by far the most common, making up over 95% of drug tests done in the USA. You’ll always know in advance if you’re going to be observed in some way.

So you’ve got a variety of situations, but what can you use to avoid detection for Adderall?

Synthetic Urine

If it’s an unsupervised drug test then synthetic urine is definitely the best way of passing. A good quality synthetic urine will pretty much guarantee that you do so. However, most fake urine is awful. It’s always poor quality and complexity, and it doesn’t even look like urine let alone smell or froth like it.

Clear Choice Quick Luck is an exception. It’s not cheap, but it’s the best of the bunch and has no comparison.

Quick Luck has the following key characteristics:

  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in urine
  • Contains the right amounts of urea and uric acid
  • Looks, froths, and even smells like urine

Not only is this advanced enough to pass modern validity checks, even the automated eCup system tests, but it will even pass the visual scrutiny of a curious human.

Better than all that, Quick Luck gets around the main reason why fake urine fails. The reason is that it’s submitted outside the correct temperature range.

Human urine exits the body within a very narrow temperature range, and legally, the sample has to be between 90°F and 100°F to be valid. Most fake urine uses heatpads to keep the sample warm. You have to heat it and then use the heatpad to maintain that temperature, which is problematic.

Quick Luck uses heat activator powder instead. No messing around with microwaves or heating the sample in advance at all.

Just before you go into the building, simply tap in about one-third, shake it until it dissolves (it’s undetectable), and watch the temperature strip. Add a little more until you get a good reading and then go in and submit your sample.

Detox Drink

Detox drinks are great for supervised/observed drug testing, or if you simply don’t have the courage to smuggle in fake urine (although I advise it).

Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink you will find. It’s really powerful and does two things very well.

  1. Firstly, it helps the body flush out drug toxins faster than it can naturally. In doing so it takes a while for the body to catch up again. This can take several hours, and it’s the time during which you can submit fresh, clean urine. Usually, this is around 3 – 5 hours clean.
  2. Rescue Cleanse also floods your body with things found in balanced urine. A lot of this gets pushed through as waste, and even though you flush yourself out, your urine won’t be diluted because it still contains the things that it should.

Rescue Cleanse is dead simple to use. Simply drink the contents of the bottle and then urinate at least three times over the next hour. Then get to your drug test as fast as possible.

It’s not quite as guaranteed as fake urine for unsupervised drug testing but is definitely the next best option if you are facing one at short notice.

Accelerated Detoxification

If you’ve got Adderall in your system, then the best way to confidently pass a urine drug test is to be actually clean.

Sure, as explained, time will detox you. But it’s unlikely you’ll have enough time if you’re a regular user. But you can do accelerated detox using detox pills. Not the rubbish ones that you’ll see cheap online, but the best of the bunch that I’m now going to tell you about.

Toxin Rid is the pill of choice. I’ve used them to detoxify twice. They speed up the removal of toxins in your body by at least 50%, and often more if you really eat healthily, exercise, sweat, and don’t take in any other drugs or alcohol. The five, seven, or 10 day courses should be selected depending on the frequency and dosing of the Adderall you are using.

So, if you’re a moderate user of short-term Adderall, you might get away with the five day course of Toxin Rid. This should have you testing clean in just two or three days.

2. Saliva Drug Test

Saliva drug testing can be problematic because someone can walk up to you and say they are taking your sample almost immediately.

Also, this can be done by somebody at work, by the roadside, by the police, or by probation services. Basically, with a little training and the right equipment they can do it almost on the spot. The good news is that Adderall, like all drugs, doesn’t hang around in saliva for very long. At most, one or two days usually.

But again, if you are using it regularly, it will stay for a day or so longer, and this could be even longer if you’re using slow-release Adderall.

Don’t worry though, there’s an easy way around it called Oral Clear saliva-neutralizing gum.

It’s not actually even a gum, but a capsule of highly concentrated mouthwash liquid. It’s incredibly easy to use and discreet enough to hide anywhere. Pop it in your mouth and split the capsule gently between your teeth with your mouth shut. Then, use your tongue to move the concentrated liquid around the gumline and your cheeks.

Do this for as long as you can and then swallow the lot. It will keep you neutralized of all drug toxins, including amphetamines like Adderall, for up to 15 minutes.

Where To Buy The Products You Need To Pass A Drug Test

When it comes to worrying about how long as Adderall in your system, you don’t have to really worry if you know how to get around the problem.

Even with the accelerated detox, a regular daily user of Adderall will be clean in three or four days. Just be aware that the slow-release version takes longer, although it’s uncommon for people using it recreationally to bother with it.

Let’s finish up here by telling you exactly where you can buy the products I’ve just talked about:

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine is available from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.
  2. Rescue Cleanse detox drink is also available from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.
  3. Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is again also available from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.
  4. Toxin Rid detoxification pills are available in course lengths from a single day through to 10 days in length and are available directly from Test Clear.

Macujo Method Review: Pass A Hair Drug Test Using Old Style Aloe Rid Detox Shampoo

If you’re looking to pass a hair drug test then the Macujo method is definitely the way to achieve it. However, it’s not simple, and you need specialist ingredients to do it.

In this complete Macujo method review, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know to pass a drug test using the Macujo method with old-style Aloe Rid detox shampoo. Not only will I cover the classic Macujo method steps, but I’ll also tell you about how I used it to pass a drug test.

I will compare the original Macujo method to the Jerry G method, and explain the differences between them. All that, plus we will cover hair drug testing generally, including things that won’t work, such as shaving your body hair (and other urban myths).

So in the next five minutes, you’ll learn all you need to know to pass a hair drug test, with details about the best shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test, and how to use it as part of the Macujo method.

This Is How A Hair Drug Test Happens

Hair drug testing is actually no different to urine drug testing. You go along to a location to submit your sample, it’s tested against various panels, and you get your results.

So, the panel test applies to any type of drug test. You could face a five-panel urine test, or a five-panel hair test, looking for exactly the same substances. The fact it’s a hair test doesn’t mean it’s any more detailed in terms of what it looks for. The whole process of submitting the sample is basically the same as a urine test as well, in terms of where you go and how it’s collected.

When you submit your hair sample, they will simply cut around 60 strands of hair from your head. They will ensure that they get right to the scalp using a special cutter. That’s because the most recent hair growth is the most important.

The Reason Why Hair Drug Testing Is Feared

The reason why drug testing is so terrifying is that it’s almost impossible to game it.

Even the best shampoo to pass hair follicle drug testing will struggle to get you clean on its own, because of how hair is structured. When you take drugs, they into your bloodstream. Some of the metabolites (waste products) moving around your bloodstream get trapped under the scalp where the hair follicles are.

As the hair grows, so the metabolites that are caught up in the hair follicles grow out within the shaft of new hair growth.

That means that the drugs are hardcoded into your hair, trapped underneath the hard and flexible cuticle layer of each shaft of hair. The cuticle is a layer of tens of thousands of microscopic scales that overlap to give the hair strength and flexibility.

So, the only way to pass a hair drug test is to somehow open up the entire cuticle layer of every strand of hair on your head, flush out the drug toxins, and then close it all up again as if nothing has happened.

How Long Do Drugs Remain Detectable In Hair?

Something that confuses many people about detectability in hair drug testing is how all drugs are detectable for the same amount of time. Basically, as I’ve explained already when you take drugs, some metabolites get trapped in the hair. As long as the hair is on your head then you are going to be caught.

However, legally, only the most recent 90 days of hair growth, and therefore the most recent 90 days of drug use, can be analyzed. That applies to every type of drug. So, if you haven’t taken anything at all in the past 90 days, then you will pass a hair drug test, no matter what types of drugs it’s trying to detect.

Hair drug testing re-cap:

  • Drug metabolites get trapped within the hair shaft
  • It’s almost impossible to normally remove toxins from within the hair
  • Hair drug tests look for exactly the same drugs as other types
  • The number of panels in the drug test is the number of drugs being looked for
  • Only the most recent 90 days of hair growth are used and analyzed

Using Detox Shampoo For Hair Drug Test Success On Its Own

Obviously, hair drug testing is problematic, but all you have to do is use a good quality detox shampoo and you are guaranteed hair drug test success, right? Unfortunately, it’s not that simple at all. The truth is that no shampoo, even the best shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test, will do the job on its own.

Sure, the best of the bunch, old style Aloe Rid detox shampoo, will get rid of lots of toxins. But it’s not capable of opening up every bit of cuticle layer on every hair shaft and flushing out all toxins. No drug test detox shampoo is capable of doing that.

So although a good quality drug detox shampoo does most of the heavy lifting, you need a method, a group of ingredients together, that will work in a combined way to achieve complete and clear deep cleansing too.

The two methods you will read and hear most about our called the Macujo method and the Jerry G method. I will go through both of these in detail in a moment, but first, let’s tell you more about Old Style Aloe Rid detox shampoo.

A company called Nexxus made something called Aloe Rid shampoo. It was a powerful clarifying shampoo designed for removing heavy toxins. Used by swimmers, people in heavy industries, and in urban environments where pollution was high, it was very potent at removing free radicals.

However, it was too powerful and people complained of irritated scalps. So the company lowered the potency of the formula.

The problem was that it was very good as a detox shampoo. Used alongside other ingredients, in what was to become methods like the Macujo method and Jerry G method, it really worked to get the hair clean.

So it was a disaster for people who wanted to get clean to pass drug tests when Nexxus changed the formula. Over the next few years, the old formula bottle started to change hands for increasingly stupid sums of money. Then fakes appeared, and it all got completely out of control. Let me tell you, there have not been any real bottles of the old formula shampoo available for many years now. If we ever see any, they are fakes.

However, seeing gap in the market, a highly reputable company called Test Clear recreated the formula and called it “old style Aloe toxin rid detox shampoo”.

It’s a very expensive product, costing $235, but it’s a niche product, and it’s the only shampoo formula potent enough to work with the Macujo method to pass a drug test. If you are serious about passing, it’s your only serious option.

What’s The Best Shampoo To Pass A Hair Follicle Drug Test?

Undoubtedly, as I just explained, the best shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test is old-style Aloe Rid toxin detox shampoo. It’s the most potent formula that has the capability to open up the cuticle layer and flush out the toxins.

However, it can’t do it alone. That’s why you need a method that uses other ingredients in a chemically progressive way that work together to fully open up the cuticle layer and allow Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo to flush out the toxins over multiple run-throughs.

Here’s the bottom line: no hair detox shampoo will cleanse your hair on its own.

So forget all of the claims online that you see. You’ll need a method, not just a detox shampoo if you want to cleanse your hair 100% to pass a drug test.

Another good quality detox shampoo is Zydot Ultra Klean. It’s definitely the second best, but on its own it has no chance of getting your hair clean. What it’s good for is deep cleansing your head just before you go and submit your sample. You wouldn’t want stray toxins on the outside of your hair, picked up from somewhere, messing things up.

So it’s not good enough on its own to pass a drug test, but it’s a cheap and effective detox shampoo that ensures that all your hard work doesn’t go to waste on the day of your test.

Avoid Poor Quality Detox Shampoo Products

As I’ve already said, Old Style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo is the only good quality product out there other than Zydot.So when you see the myriad of detox shampoo products to choose from, just think one thing: none of these work!

It’s a simple truth, and no matter what people tell you, no matter what the marketing says, they just won’t clear out all the drug toxins.

Now you know exactly how drugs get trapped under the hair shaft, and how no shampoo in the world is capable on its own of lifting that cuticle layer and pulling out the toxins on its own, then you know that what they are telling you is untrue.

Drug test shampoo like:

  • High voltage
  • STAT shampoo
  • Stinger Detox Shampoo
  • Oasis Hair Follice Detox Shampoo
  • Fake Macujo Shampoo on Amazon/Ebay
  • Test Pass Detox Shampoo

And many others, simply don’t work.

Specifically, I also want to seriously warn you about shampoo called Macujo.

The packaging suggests that it is the official Macujo method shampoo. It’s in a smart and well laid out bottle format, and it would easily make you think it was some official product.

They even send it with the Macujo method to reinforce the message that it’s some official and specialist shampoo. It even costs around the same price old style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo that Test Clear sells.

But it’s just a fake, a scam. It doesn’t contain any special ingredients and is normal shampoo in a shiny bottle that makes big claims to part fools from their money.

The Jerry G Method: This Is Why I Don’t Recommend It

The Macujo method and the Jerry G method are similar in some ways, and the most popular methods used to pass a hair follicle drug test. Let me tell you right here, the Jerry G method can work to pass a drug test. It’s also cheaper than the Macujo method because it doesn’t use Aloe Rid shampoo for the heavy lifting.

The Jerry G method was made up by somebody with the username Jerry G, just as was the case with the Macujo method (also sometimes called Mikes Macujo method).

The problem with the Jerry G method is simple, in that it uses a lot of ammonia bleach. The combination has not only damage scalps and hair shafts temporarily, but for some people it’s done permanent damage.

Also, it raises a ton of suspicion as well. You have to bleach your hair. That means it’s going to be bleached white, or bleached a color.

Think about it. You go for a job interview with hair that’s one color. Two days later you turn up at a test center with hair that is a completely different color and you have a bright red scalp from all the harsh ammonia bleach that you’ve been using.

So sure, if you don’t care about damaging your hair and scalp, then give the Jerry G method a try. But you’re going to have to give a damn good reason why your hair is changed color, and if your hair doesn’t take well to the repeated bleaching and dries out and starts to fall off all over the place, then you’re really going to have a lot of explaining to do.

What Is The Original Macujo Method?

The Macujo method (NOT mike’s macujo method) is similar to the Jerry G method in that it teams up several household products to open up the cuticle layer of the hair and flush out all the drug metabolites.

Where it differs is that the ingredients used are milder, and it harnesses the power of old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo to make it the most effective formula that won’t wreck your hair and scalp.

I’m going to give you detailed Macujo Method instructions in a moment. But that’s the thing you need to understand, running through it won’t damage your hair and scalp, and it will clean out all the drug toxins as long as you have enough time to do the Macujo method several times before the day of your test.

Don’t try and cut corners by cutting out the Aloe Toxin Rid detox shampoo. It’s a crucial ingredient that has no comparison and cannot be replaced. If you’re serious about passing a hair test, then you have to bite the bullet on this and go for it.

Macujo Method Review: Does It Really Work For All Drugs?

All the toxins get trapped in the hair in the same way. Therefore, detox process of removing them happens in the same way.

It doesn’t matter what’s in your hair shaft, the Macujo method will open up the cuticle layer and flush out the toxins/metabolites so you don’t get caught. Even if you are a heavy user and have a serious chemical buildup in your hair.

I used the Macujo method to pass a drug test three years ago. I know that this method works. Let me just tell you a bit about what happened, so you can understand why it’s the best method out there for passing a hair follicle test.

It was a new job, a management position. The new company in the area, and a rare opportunity for me.

I am a daily weed smoker, and the state has legalized weed smoking recreationally as well. But the company I was going to try and get a job with wasn’t tolerant. To me, that’s insane. If you are fit to do the job, and not turning up high, then what’s the problem, when you are doing nothing illegal?

Anyway, I wanted the dream job so I took drastic measures to make sure I didn’t lose out.

Once I had an interview date, I stopped smoking weed and I started running through the Macujo method. I had six days, and I ran through it seven times (twice on the day before my interview).

I passed the interview really well and was asked to report to a testing center within 48 hours so that I could submit a sample for a hair test. If I passed the hair strand test, and the background check (which I knew would be fine), then I was in with a really good chance.

So, I went along to the test center pretty confident. Seven run-throughs of the Macujo method and no weed smoking meant that I should have been clean.

The results came back negative as expected. The Macujo method really worked for me, which is why I am so passionate about passing the exact method you need to use on here, so that other people don’t get caught out.

Full Macujo Method Steps

Enough of the preamble and explanations, let’s get down to it. This is the original Macujo method (not Mike’s method!). That means it’s the set of instructions that I use, and is most widely used.

Some instructions will talk about alternative products such as baking soda, switching around the order it’s completed in, and questioning how certain products could do what is claimed. Ignore all the noise, and just stick with this classic method to stand the best chance of passing a hair follicle test.

The first thing you have to do is get all your ingredients together well in advance so that you are ready to go, follow the instructions carefully:

  1. These are the things you need to pass a drug test using the Original Macujo method:
  • One bottle of old style Aloe toxin rid shampoo
  • One bottle of Zydot Ultra Klean detox shampoo And Conditioner (internal hair purifying treatment)
  • Clean & Clear Pink salicylic shampoo (or a similar salicylic shampoo)
  • Tide Liquid Laundry detergent (or any similar liquid household detergent
  • White vinegar (or it also can be apple cider vinegar)
  • Box of latex gloves
  • Roll of clingfil
  • Shower caps
  1. Let’s talk you through a full Macujo method completion from start to finish now. You’ll need a bath, shower, or at worst a sink, and preferably plenty of warm water as you’re going to use a lot and you’ll get very cold if it’s not a decent temperature.
  2. Wet your hair and then apply vinegar to it. A good handful of vinegar applied to the head, and then worked in with the fingertips (make sure you’ve got those gloves on). Really work this into the scalp and roots.
  3. You’re now going to apply Clean & Clear Pink shampoo to your already stinging scalp. This will make it sting even more, but don’t worry, it’s not doing any damage. Repeat exactly what you did with the vinegar, by working into the scalp thoroughly.
  4. Wrap your head in clingfilm so that every hair strand is compacted and benefits from the mixture. Leave it on for 30 minutes, no matter how long it stings.
  5. Wash the vinegar and shampoo out with plenty of warm water. Do not condition it or use any other hair products. You can comb it or brush it at this point, but make sure it’s a new comb or brush that isn’t contaminated with toxins.
  6. You’ll next wash your hair with old-style Aloe Rid shampoo. Be generous in the amount you use, and really work into the scalp. Then leave it on for five minutes.
  7. Repeat the process again with the old-style Aloe Rid detox shampoo.
  8. The final step of the run through the Macujo method is to apply a small amount of tide liquid detergent your hair. Again, really work it in thoroughly to the scalp and roots, until your hair is squeaky. Then, wash it out thoroughly.
  9. At this stage you can use a very mild conditioner, and comb or brush your hair.
  10. Wash your hair With Zydot Ultra CLean shampoo one hour before your hair follicle test.

Do You Have To Use Zydot Ultra Klean Detox Shampoo?

After your last run through the Macujo method, you’ll be good to go and submit your sample. There’s no point in doing all this work if stray toxins get onto the hair and are then submitted.

That’s where Zydot Ultra clean comes in. It’s a potent detox shampoo that is very affordable and does a great job, use it as the final wash. Use that one hour before you leave, then with a fresh towel and fresh clothes, dress yourself and get ready to go and submit your sample while staying away from all sources of drug contamination.

Doesn’t matter your hair type, toxin exposure or hair length, this shampoo works like a charm.

What Do You Do If You Haven’t Got Seven Days Before Your Hair Drug Test?

Ideally, you will need to run through the Macujo method once per day in the seven days leading up to your test.

If you’ve got fewer days, then simply do it twice per day. Obviously, this is a commitment in terms of time and effort, but you have no choice here. It gets risky if you do it less than seven times, because you just don’t have enough time to flush out all the drug toxins unless you are a moderate smoker or user.

But you might get lucky, and if you simply don’t have the time, then do it twice per day for as many days as you have before your test.

macujo method review

The Macujo Method And Body Hair

If you haven’t got time to do the Macujo steps seven times, or you don’t want to spend the money, then you could have the smart idea of shaving your head. That’s going to raise some serious issues. For a start, whoever has commissioned the test is going to know you shaved your head, as will the lab you go to submit your sample at.

If they can’t take a sample from your head, they will simply take a sample from elsewhere on the body. Hair on your head grows at 0.5 inches per month, so they will take a sample 1.5 inches long. If they can’t do that, they will simply take pairs from your body instead because they grow slower, and therefore will still have the same amount of recorded drug use in them.

And don’t even think about shaving all your body hair, because that’s even more of a red flag.

If you haven’t got long hair yet on your head, you can also do the Macujo method for the hair on your body, if you know that they are going to use that. It’s exactly the same process, you simply do it on the hairs on your body, rather than focusing on the hairs on your head. That will take a lot more time and effort, but the end result will be the same.

Where To Buy Old Style Aloe Rid Detox Shampoo

There’s only one place you can buy genuine old-style Aloe rid detox shampoo, and that’s direct from Test Clear.

It’s not cheap, costing $235 for a single bottle. But that’s enough to do seven times through the Macujo method. Quite simply, it’s the best shampoo to pass a hair follicle drug test. Think about it this way, it’s going to cost you less than $300 to pass a drug test that is important enough for someone to commission an expensive hair test for.

So, don’t worry about a few hundred dollars, this is not going to be one of those situations where cutting corners is possible, or saving money will be worth the effort.

Frequently Asked Questions


How much hair is needed for a drug test?

Around 200 strands of hair are required for a full and accurate hair drug test analysis. In terms of length, approximately 1.5 inches of fresh hair growth is needed. This represents the most recent 90 days growth of your hair, when cut at the follicle on your scalp. It’s important to note that older hair is not tested, so any drug use longer than 90 days ago will not be reported even if you tested positive.

How far back does a 5-panel hair follicle test go?

The number of panels on the hair follicle test is irrelevant. All you need to know about hair drug testing is that they only analyze the last 90 days of growth. This is usually the closest 1.5 inches of hair growth from the follicle at the scalp. All other parts of the shaft of hair older than that are discarded and not tested. Even if they were tested, results for anything longer than 90 days of growth are not recorded.

How long does a hair follicle test detect?

Regardless of the type of hair drug test, they always look at the most recent 90 days of hair growth. This equates to around 1.5 inches of the most current hair growth taken from the root at the follicle, measured, and then the older hair in excess of that is discarded and not tested at all.

This is also true of the collection of body hair. Although other types of hair on the body grow more slowly, they still grow at a constant rate, allowing them to test an average 90 days growth. On all types of hair test, anything after 90 days is disregarded for the results.

How are hair tests performed?

The process of a hair follicle test is pretty straightforward. Using a collection scalpel or other sharp (but safe!) tool, they will take around 200 strands of hair from your head at the root close to the follicle.

The sample is then prepared in liquids that open up the hair shaft protective layer called the cuticle and is then tested using an enzyme-linked immunosorbent assay (ELISA). If drug metabolites are found then you will either fail a test straightaway or sometimes it will go for a full gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis before giving the final result.

What is the Macujo method for hair test?

The Macujo method will help you pass the test by using a combination of household and specialist products to open up the shaft of hair on the head, and flush out the drug toxins. It does this with minimal to no damage to the hair or scalp. You’ll need to do it around seven times before your test, and you’ll need to grab a bottle of old style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo from Test Clear, but it does work as a method very well, and I’ve used it test myself.

Does the Macujo method work for all drugs?

The Macujo method simply opens up the hair shaft and flushes out all the toxins attached to the shaft under the hard cuticle layer. Therefore, it definitely works for all types of toxins, including all drug metabolites. But to ensure that it works properly though, you need to ideally run through the Macujo method seven times in the week leading up to your test, shrinking it to twice per day rather than once if you have less time than that to achieve seven in.

Does Mike’s macujo method work?

The original macujo method works, Mike’s method is basically the same.

Is the Macujo method permanent?

The Macujo method is a permanent detoxification method to pass a hair drug test. However, it only works if you use the right ingredients in the right order (including old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo from Test Clear). You’ll need to run through it once per day for the seven days leading up to your test to really ensure you clean every strand of hair inside. If you’ve got less days available than that before your test, double up on some days (morning and evening) to try and complete seven run-throughs.

Does the Macujo method work for Coke?

The Macujo method works by using a combination of household and specialist products to open up the hard top layer of the hair shaft called the cuticle. It does this to every hair on your head. Once open, it flushes out some or all of the toxins. That’s why it’s advised to run through the Macujo method several times before the day of your test, to ensure every part of every hair shaft has been opened and cleansed.

In this process, all toxins are removed, including all types of drug metabolites and harsh chemicals. So yes, the Macujo method will work for cocaine and any other type of drug.

Can you use conditioner after the Macujo method?

The Macujo method opens up each hair shaft’s top layer, a hard scaly layer called the cuticle layer. After doing this, it flushes out drug toxins from within. So you can see, the hair has to be accessible to be opened.

Conditioner coats the hair shaft, and affects the cuticle layer. So it’s not advised to use conditioner while doing the Macujo method. Sure, after you run through it for the last time you can use conditioner to start getting your hair in good condition, and for it to feel less suspicious when giving your hair sample.

Does Macujo method work for black people?

If you check out some other Macujo method reviews you will see some were written by black people, some even had dreadlocks. The Macujo method will work for all types of hair. It works by opening up the hard cuticle layer that covers each shaft of hair, and flushing out drug toxins lying underneath it. This has to be done multiple times to ensure all toxins are removed from the hair prior to your drug test.

However, ideally, the hair should be loose so that all shafts of hair can be coated and opened be flushed out. Obviously, plaited hair or dreadlocks present a problem here. But with multiple applications and really working the various substances in well each time it is possible, but you need to run through it multiple times and focus on these thick and intertwined areas of hair.