How To Pass A 4 Panel Drug Test: What Is A 4 Panel Drug Test & How Far Back Does It Go?

What is a 4 panel drug test? I’ll explain everything you need to know in this easy-to-understand guide on passing any type of urine test.

Whether it’s a 4 panel drug test for employment purposes, or 10-panel drug test for employment purposes, the process to pass when you would otherwise fail is exactly the same.

So don’t worry, I’ve got you covered here, and I’ll tell you exactly how to pass a 4 panel drug test with all the details you need, such as how far back panel drug tests go in terms of detecting drugs, and the products you can use to beat any type of scrutiny.

Panel Drug Tests Explained

Panel drug tests all work the same, so it doesn’t matter how many panels are on them. They are called panel drug tests because they often have physical panels. Each panel contains chemicals that react to the presence of certain drug metabolites.

Often nowadays though, there aren’t physical panels at all. They are chemically analyzed in different ways, often in machines with no human intervention.

But it doesn’t matter what type of drug test it is, and the panel drug test name is a bit of a distraction, you just need to know how to not get caught.

How Are Home Panel Drug Tests Different From Lab Tests?

Home panel drug test kits are cheap and basic. They always have actual panels that react as I’ve just described.

The cut-off levels, and the sensitivity of the test, is usually higher than a professional quality drug test as well unless you pay a lot of money.

But bearing in mind you will usually do a home drug test in the lead-up to attending a professional drug test, then it stands to reason the levels of drugs and metabolites in your body will be lower by the time you have the professional test. So if you pass a home drug test, then you’re probably going to pass the lab test.

What Happens During A Drug Test?

People are often surprised at how basic drug testing still is:

  1. You attend the location and you submit your sample into a cup with a temperature strip on it. Within two minutes they have to have tested the temperature to confirm it.
  2. It then goes through validity checks. These are surprisingly basic and the only checks are done. They usually look for the presence of urea and maybe uric acid, creatinine levels, and pH levels. They may also look for the presence of nitrates, adulterants, and biocide. But that’s it, and it is not a lot.
  3. Your sample is then tested via immunoassay urinalysis. This is your panel drug test, a basic reaction test. Only if it fails this, and then only if it’s been paid for, would it even get near a full gas chromatography-mass spectrometry analysis that can truly analyze the entire sample.

Let’s Talk You Through The 4 Panel Drug Test For Employment

So in truth, your sample just has to be submitted within the correct temperature range (between 90°F and 100°F) and get through the pretty basic validity checks.

Also, to avoid being spotted by an experienced employee, it should look like urine. If it can froth and smell like it, then that’s even better.

The 4 panel drug test for employment only looks for the following substances:

  • Cocaine
  • PCP
  • Opiates
  • Amphetamines

The four panel test is basically the five panel test that is most widely used but without the marijuana panel.

Just be careful though, because you don’t know if they are using the standard test. You could be facing a four-panel test, but they are not interested in opiates, so they have swapped that out for the marijuana panel. So just be prepared to get clean to fool the drug test, regardless of what you have taken.

How Far Back Does A 4 Panel Drug Test Go?

When it comes to telling you how far back a 4 panel drug test goes, we are basically talking about how long drugs are and their metabolites are detectable in urine.

It’s really impossible to tell you the answer to that. The detection times you’ll see online are “average”, but will probably not apply specifically to you.

So when they say cocaine is detectable in urine for up to 48 hours, that’s average. If your body processes things more slowly, you have taken other types of drugs, you’ve taken a more regular number of drugs recently, you have drunk alcohol, a ton of things feeding into this, then it could be a day or two longer.

I always advise on the basic broad strokes as follows:

  1. If you’re a light user (low to moderate doses occasionally, and only once or twice in the past week) then you’ll be clean after about three days to confidently pass a drug test.
  2. If you’re a heavier user than that, then you should expect to fail a drug test within seven days of the last drugs you have taken.

Also note that slow-release benzos and cannabis metabolites, if smoked regularly, build up in the body and can take weeks rather than days to be eradicated.

How To Pass A 4 Panel Drug Test

Hopefully, you can now understand, and be a little less scared of, the 4-panel drug test for employment or any other purpose.

Let’s tell you how to pass a 4-panel drug test. These product instructions apply to any number of panels.

  1. Quick Luck

If it’s an unsupervised drug test (all drug tests are unsupervised unless you are told in advance) then submitting high-quality synthetic urine instead of your own is the easiest way to pass.

Quick Luck is definitely the best product on the market for this purpose.

highly complex, with the following key characteristics:

  • Within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Contains the right proportions of urea, uric acid, and creatinine
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in human urine
  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine

Not only will Quick Luck pass human scrutiny and advanced validity checks, but it will also be easy to submit within the correct temperature range.

Quick Luck employs something called heat activator powder for the job. Tap in about one quarter of the powder, shake it until it’s dissolved, and it will gently raise the temperature. Repeat the process until you get a good reading on the temperature strip.

Click here to buy Quick Luck and view more details.

  1. Rescue Cleanse

If it’s a supervised drug test, or you don’t fancy smuggling a sample of fake urine, then Rescue Cleanse detox drink is a less certain alternative that will still stand a great chance.

Simply drink the bottle of Rescue Cleanse over about 10 minutes, then urinate frequently over the next hour.

Rescue Cleanse will flush out the toxins to create a gap in the toxin flow of up to 5 hours, but more usually 2 – 3 hours.

As well as doing that, it will also flood your body with things found in urine, so that the fresh urine entering the bladder will not only be drug metabolites free, but also will test natural and not appear adulterated.

Click here to buy Rescue Cleanse and view more details.

  1. Toxin Rid

The absolute best way to pass a drug test is to be genuinely clean to do so. Natural detoxification can take a week or longer if you are a regular user. Toxin Rid is the most potent detox pill on the market that can speed up the removal of toxins in the body by up to 75%, and almost always a far more than 50%.

Simply take three pills per hour for the first five hours of each day of the pill course purchased. Drink plenty of water through the rest of the day, and exercise.

After that, a day or two before your test, drink the included detoxification liquid, and if it’s cannabis metabolites you want to get rid of, then use the included fiber supplement. These are both optional, but I’d advise you still use them.

This is your best chance of getting clean as fast as possible, but make sure you use a home drug test kit though, to ensure you are clean on the day of your test. In fact, two or three, and testing every couple of days, will tell you when you start testing clean.

An excellent insurance policy is to team up Toxin Rid with Rescue Cleanse. That way, even though you know you are pretty certainly clean, you can always use the bottle of Rescue Cleanse to give an extra level of security by flushing out any remaining toxins for a few hours to pass your test.

Click here to buy Toxin Rid and view further details.

1st Failed Drug Test On Probation – Understanding The Process & How To Avoid Failing A Drug Test

After your first failed drug test on probation, you need to know exactly what to do and say to get out in the best shape.

After your second failed drug test on probation? Well, that’s a real problem but there’s still a chance if you know what to do. I’ll talk you through what happens with probation drug testing, and how best to act after failing one or two drug tests.

Plus, I’ll talk you through simple methods you can use to avoid failing a drug test at all.

How Does Drug Testing Work With Probation In The USA?

Probation in the USA actually works very different to many other countries, because it’s more widely used and money and conditions are tied to it.

The American system relies on judges making decisions on probation, which isn’t the case in some other countries.

On top of that, you’ve got your individual circumstances, and state laws and variations to consider as well. So how it works for you may not be even how it works for someone else even in your locality right now. Drug tests are usually commissioned with suspicion, or regularity on specific programs.

Occasionally, they are a condition of remaining on probation, with random testing throughout. Overall, drug testing helps to back the goals of probation:

  • Promotes rehabilitation
  • Constantly monitor progress
  • Acts as a deterrent for relapse
  • Encourages compliance with conditions

You Failed Your First Drug Test On Probation – Now What?

What happens after your 1st failed drug test on probation will depend on three key factors:

  • The terms of your probation
  • The judge and probation officers input
  • Your attitude

As it’s impossible for you to know how the judge and probation officers involved, along with other people and agencies, will react, all you can look at your attitude and know the terms of your probation. These three areas are key in terms of what generally happens and what you can influence.

  1. Violation of probation hearing

There will likely be a probation violation hearing, scheduled by your probation officer.

This will usually be a formal hearing where a judge will review the situation and will decide on the outcome. This could be a range of outcomes depending on how severe the violation is, your overall behavior, attitude, compliance, and your prior criminal record. Being positive and humble throughout the lead up to, and in your conduct during, the probation violation hearing can often work wonders for a first offense

  1. Implementation of consequences

If it’s a first-time offense and your criminality is relatively minor, then you could just get a warning.

This will especially be the case for offenses, with a first violation, where you have previously shown good conduct during your probation and in adhering to its conditions.

A second option is to increase your community service hours, this could be in combination with a warning that any further violation would lead to the withdrawal of your probation or some other stated sanction. You could be fined for the probation violation, but this isn’t as common as warnings and community service hour changes.

Another option is to extend your probation period, implement more severe limitations, or even withdraw probation entirely. In addition to all that, for failing a drug test, you could be put on a substance abuse treatment program, put in rehab, or have an existing program intensified or extended. Note also that several of those outcomes can be combined to create a multifaceted outcome that must be obeyed.

  1. How you act matters

If you are in denial and belligerent, then you will usually get harsher penalties. People will want to shock you into change or feel more aggressive in wanting to put you in your place.

Remember, probation is about the following goals:

  • Ensuring compliance
  • Monitoring progress
  • Promoting rehabilitation
  • Acting as a strong deterrent

So if you act with belligerence or indifference, you are more likely to face a deterrent step, rather than promoting rehabilitation and giving you a second chance.

Also, the severity of the offence you were convicted for comes into play here. Being humble, positive, and apologetic, can still go a long way even for more serious offences. This can mean being proactive in discussing help and next steps yourself. Try and show that you are positive about the problem.

Ask for more professional assistance, and demonstrate awareness. You can get more professional assistance through potential in or outpatient programs, support groups, and one-to-one counseling (sometimes, if available).

Talking from a position of understanding the situation helps as well. Get an attorney involved if you are unsure, at least make sure you understand the process thoroughly so you know what you’re talking about, otherwise you could come across as not caring or buying into the process.

You Just Failed Your Second Drug Test On Probation – Now What?

If you’ve already failed the first drug test and are now facing failing your second drug test on probation, then you obviously know already things are going to be pretty serious in comparison to the first failure.

Usually, the action taken against you will obviously be harsher, but also intended to be more decisive to end the situation.

This could mean the following types of responses:

  • Much tighter control on your activities
  • Removal of probation completely
  • Larger combination penalties
  • An inpatient rehab center
  • For alcohol SCRAM abstinence monitoring

Obviously sending you to jail is the ultimate response. But for failing a drug test they can sometimes be reluctant to do so because it increases their chance of rehabilitation failure in the future.

Again, your attitude is crucial. Don’t admit defeat, remain positive, tell them you can change, tell them you can do it, tell them to please not end the probation but give you a chance no matter how scrutinizing and controlled you are during that chance.

Remember to understand the goals of probation, and play into that with your responses. Ultimately it’s better to rehabilitate someone so they can go back into society and act well, so they are not a burden any longer financially or on other people.

What To Tell Your Probation Officer When You Fail A Drug Test?

Whether it’s your first or second failure of a drug test, what you tell your probation officer when you fail that drug test is crucial. Your initial attitude and information given can sway the probation officer into the potentially better or worse assessment and analysis.

How you act towards it, the information you give, the situation, how you play things, your knowledge, and your desire to change or put things right, can all soften the probation services’ initial assessment and recommendation for the judge.

How To Pass A Urine Drug Test Every Single Time

Now look, if you have committed a serious offence and are also taking narcotics, then you really should be honest and not be looking to avoid facing the music. And if you have a real drug problem, then you’re doing yourself no favors by trying to avoid the inevitable outcome of having to face your problems at some stage and clean yourself up.

Things will only get worse, not better if you try and hide the problem. The explosion will only be larger down the line, probably ending up with you going to jail. But for more minor offenses, and where your drug use has been recreational and controlled, then sure, it’s unfair for you to end up in jail or in some ridiculous program. So be honest with yourself, and look at what you should do. If you really feel avoiding getting caught is the best scenario for you, then these are the methods you can use to pass a probation drug test.

1. Synthetic Urine (Best Buy: Quick Luck)

Your 1st drug test on probation will almost always be unsupervised and a standard five panel urine drug test.

This would only change for more specific circumstances where a higher number of panels (looking for more types of drug) was used, but would still probably be unsupervised.

Supervised testing, where you will be indirectly or directly observed, is usually only done for retesting a failure, a second drug test probation failure, or specific circumstances where cheating was highly suspected.

You would be told in advance (usually 24 hours notice) if the test is to be supervised, where a proper physical search would probably also take place.

Remember that for probation drug testing you could be properly physically searched even for an unsupervised test. But they usually won’t touch you intimately, so as long as you discreetly tuck the sample into a pair of underwear, so it’s pulled tight against the body in an area they can’t directly touch, underneath baggy bottoms, then you should be fine.

The best product on the market to use is called Quick Luck, which has the following properties:

  • Highly complex, containing 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Contains the right proportions of key chemicals urea, uric acid, and creatinine
  • Is within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine

Not only will Quick Luck pass the validity checks and any human scrutiny, but it will also allow you to submit the sample within the correct temperature range.

Legally, a sample has to be between 90°F and 100°F. Outside these ranges it is unlikely to have come from the human body. Most products rely on a heatpad, which can kick out a variable heat and fail. But Quick Luck uses something called ‘heat activator powder’. Simply tap in about one-quarter and shake it gently until it’s dissolved. Watch the temperature strip for 60 seconds, and add a few more in steps until you get a good reading.

NOTE: Do not buy smoke shop fake urine brands such as Quick Fix, Upass, or Xstream urine, they do NOT pass a modern lab test.

2. Detox Drinks (Best Buy: Rescue Cleanse)

If the drug test you are facing is supervised, or you are scared that a fake sample could get found even during an unsupervised test, then your best bet is to use a good quality detox drink.

Note the detox drink is only a masking agent that will stop toxins from flowing into your bladder for a few hours.

Rescue Cleanse is the best on the market, and works in the following way:

  1. When you drink it, the volume of liquid, along with the ingredients, pushes out more toxins than can be achieved naturally in the same time. This creates a gap in the flow of toxins to the kidneys and then out into the bladder. This gap, usually between two and five hours in length, is when fresh urine entering the bladder will be free of drug metabolites and will pass a drug test.
  2. Rescue Cleanse also floods the body with things found naturally in urine. These are passed through as waste in the correct proportion, meaning that your urine will still pass validity checks and human scrutiny.

Simply drink Rescue Cleanse in about 10 minutes, urinate three or four times over the next hour, and then go and submit your sample as quickly as possible to stand the best chance of passing.

3. Detox Pills (Best Buy: Toxin Rid)

The third option is to be genuinely clean to pass a drug test. Mostly that will be unrealistic naturally, but using high-quality detox pills to speed up the removal of toxins from your body by 50% or faster, it’s possible to get clean in just a few days.

Toxin Rid of is the best on the market. Simply take three pills per hour for the first five hours of each day while living a healthy lifestyle. On the day before your test, drink the included detox liquid. You consume it in two different batches, and it helps to push out a lot more of the remaining toxins, should there be any.

If you’ve only got a day or two before your test, you can use a one or two-day course, and take more than 15 pills per day, by taking three per hour for more hours per day to push out even more toxins.

At the very least Toxin Rid will remove a ton of metabolites so there are significantly fewer on the day of your drug test. Then, you can use Rescue Cleanse to mask the few remaining drug metabolites, which it will do for longer.

Walmart Drug Test Policy Guide: Does Walmart Drug Test New Hires In 2024?

Does Walmart drug test new hires in 2024, and what’s the Walmart drug test policy generally? I’m going to tell you exactly what you need to know right now.

It can be confusing, because you’ll read a lot of different information online, and a lot of it is actually out of date. The Walmart drug test policy, and what they actually do in reality, has changed dramatically during and after the pandemic.

But I’ve talked to people and researched, and I’m going to tell you what they do for new hires, on-the-job testing, and advanced roles.

If you’re facing an employment drug test, then these are the products you need to check out:

The Walmart Drug Test Policy Explained

Their drug test policy is pretty standard and in line with most companies in the USA today.

They simply state that they reserve the right to drug test during any stage of your employment.

Typically, this includes:

  • Pre-employment
  • With suspicion
  • Periodic
  • Random
  • Role change
  • After an accident

Let me just explain a couple of things to you. People talk about suspicion, but legally you can’t just accuse someone of taking drugs, because it could be discriminatory.

Also, you can’t just test someone and then use as your defense that you suspect they are taking drugs. There has to be something concrete driving the process. Usually, this will be after an accident, or something else legal.

You will read about vindictive managers continually drug testing poor employees, or those they don’t like, to try and get rid of them. Be aware, you have legal rights and if you’re in that situation, you can fight back.

Does Walmart Drug Test For Employment?

If you’re going for a job at Walmart, then you’re obviously wondering does Walmart drug test new hires in 2024, and 2025 if you’re reading later than that.

Obviously we can’t predict the future, but I don’t think the policy will change much now.

The truth is that Walmart doesn’t really drug test for pre-employment anymore. This was starting to happen before the pandemic, due to the legalization of marijuana especially, but during and after the pandemic drug testing slipped even further.

Because we are talking about low-grade, low paid jobs, and with the cost of drug testing going up, a lot of companies seem to have decided it’s just not worth the cost of the drug tests, follow-ups, and management time, when they are paying you peanuts. It’s a sad truth.

The only time you will be drug tested for pre-employment by Walmart is if you are going to be in a role that involves something more specialist, like sporting goods where guns and ammo could be part of the equation, or if you’re using machinery or a vehicle.

Does Walmart Drug Test On The Job?

It’s very rare that Walmart does a drug test on the job for normal shop floor or warehouse employees. These are low grade jobs and it’s simply not worth the effort unless there is an accident, or some other situation where they feel they have to, or are legally obliged to.

There are rare exceptions to this, especially if you change roles to something more responsible, but most people working for Walmart I’ve come across state they have never, ever, had a drug test during pre-employment or on the job in the past few years.

Does Walmart Distribution Center Drug Test?

The distribution center jobs are even worse than the shop ones for turnover of staff. So they don’t bother testing the basic employees, it’s just not financially viable. If you drive a vehicle though, have a specialist role, are a manager, or use machinery, then you probably will be drug tested, either prior to employment for that type of job, or sometimes on the job.

Just like the stores, you’re very unlikely to ever face a drug test as a basic employee.

How Does Walmart Compare To Other Employers?

Walmart seems to be incredibly lax about drug testing, but it’s by design not just poor management. The costs just don’t add up anymore with the turnover of staff and the low risk of problems with people using drugs in reality.

Plus, when it would cost so much money to get rid of that employee and get another one in to replace them, then targeting them with drug tests when they might not have taken anything for days but still get caught out, is increasingly dumb, and employees are cottoning on to that fact.

But that doesn’t mean it won’t happen. You could face a Walmart drug test, and that’s the same for any company. Situations differ, and although I’m telling you the overall risk profile here, you have to look at your individual situation and how much you want the job, or to keep the job.

For example, Amazon usually do a mouth swab drug test for all new hires, and urine drug testing on the job with suspicion or accidents.

What Happens If I Fail A Pre-Employment Drug Test?

There is a legal process that must be followed if you fail a drug test. It’s called the “adverse action process” and is part of a federal law to protect people from being discriminated against through drug testing.

You should get the right to see and understand your full drug test results in a one-to-one meeting in private with a company representative. That’s the case for pre-employment and on-the-job testing.

You should get the opportunity to explain the circumstances of the failure and be given a retest should you want one. As you can see, this is one of the reasons Walmart doesn’t bother drug testing as much as it used to. Even if you fail, they have to go through a process that costs even more time and money.

Walmart Detox Kit: What Do I Need To Pass An Employment Drug Test?

Despite their actual drug test policy, it’s unlikely that Walmart drug test new hires in 2024 beyond, or generally during employment.

It’s also getting increasingly unlikely with other businesses. However, a lot of them still do under certain circumstances, and you need to have strategies in place to beat them.

I’d still recommend you prepare for a drug test for pre-employment, and have something with you for on-the-job testing, regardless of how little chance you think there is, because there is still a chance with Walmart employees. Walmart also sells detox products, but they are a waste of money.

These are the products you can use to pass a drug test you could face:

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine

If you’re facing a urine drug test then Quick Luck synthetic urine is the best way to pass. It’s premixed, and doesn’t rely on a heatpad or a microwave to get the temperature right, so it’s perfect for on-the-job drug testing. Even with just two minutes’ notice, out of sight, you can prepare a valid sample.

For pre-employment or any other type of test, it’s also brilliant because you can closely control the temperature, and it’s discreet enough to smuggle in and submit with ease.

These are the characteristics that Quick Luck has:

  • Looks, froths, smells like human urine
  • Contains the right amounts are creatinine, urea, and uric acid
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in human urine
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Don’t rely on a heatpad or microwave

Out of sight, simply tap in about one-quarter of the supplied heat activator powder. It’s undetectable, and will slightly raise the temperature. Keep adding a little more, shaking it, and then watching the temperature strip for about 30 seconds each time, until you get a valid sample temperature (a reading on the temperature strip of between 90°F and 100 Fahrenheit). For our detailed Quick Luck synthetic urine review, click here.

That’s how easy it is to use Quick Luck, and you can buy it directly from Quick Luck for just $110 here. Quick Luck is not available in smoke shops, you must buy it online.

  1. Rescue Cleanse detox drink

If it’s a supervised drug test where you will be observed urinating, which would be the case for a failed retest, then a detox drink is your only option at short notice. Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink on the market. Not only will it flush out more toxins than can be achieved with just water, but it will do it at such a rate that it creates a gap in the flow of toxins being processed by the kidneys of several hours.

It floods the bladder, but is also balanced for what the urine contains, keeping it appearing natural, but clean for a few hours. Rescue Cleanse isn’t as good as submitting a fake sample, but even a heavy user should get two or three hours completely clean during which they can submit a good sample. For a detailed guide on how to use detox drinks, click here.

You can buy Rescue Cleanse for just $55 from Clear Choice, by clicking here.

  1. Toxin Rid detox pills

If you’ve got a week before your test, then even as a heavy smoker or user, the seven or 10-day course of Toxin Rid will get you clean in time. With less time, the shorter courses of Toxin Rid will get you partially clean at least.

Then, on the day of your test, use Rescue Cleanse, and because you’ve got fewer toxins in your body, it will work better, and you’ll be clean for longer. For a detailed Toxin Rid review, click here. You can buy Toxin Rid in course lengths from a single day all the way through to 10 days in length, direct from Test Clear by clicking here.


Herbal Clean QCarbo Vs Detoxify Mega Clean: Which Is The Best THC Detox Drink?

QCarbo and Mega Clean are two very well-known popular detox drinks. They are both sold by Walmart, which is one of the reasons for that. But in the battle of QCarbo Vs Mega Clean, who wins. I am going to tell you everything you need to know about both of these detox drinks. I’ll review each in turn, and tell you about their quality.

I’ll explain exactly how a detox drink needs to work to pass a drug test, and how you must use one to stand any chance of passing. I’ll then talk to you about an alternative strategy you can use that gives you a higher chance of passing than just using a detox drink.

Let’s Talk About Herbal Cleanse QCarbo Detox

QCarbo is actually a range of several detox drinks, with different flavors, and in three different sizes (16, 20, and 32 fluid ounces size).

QCarbo has been around for many years, and is one of the detox drinks which is sold by American majors like Walmart, Walgreens, and GNC. QCarbo has a long list of ingredients, but most of them just make it taste nice and look good.

But it does contain a “proprietary blend”, that does the heavy lifting. That contains the following:

  • Creatine Monohydrate: Often used in fitness supplements to help improve performance.
  • Dandelion Root Extract: Commonly used for its diuretic effects.
  • Burdock Root Extract: May have blood purifying properties.
  • Turmeric Root Extract: Linked to anti-inflammatory and antioxidant properties.
  • Milk Thistle Seed Extract: Traditionally used to support liver health.
  • Echinacea Purpurea Leaf Extract: Used to boost the immune system.
  • Juniper Berry Extract: UIs another a diuretic and supports urinary tract health.
  • Apple Pectin: A type of fiber that can aid your digestion.
  • Fibersol: A soluble fiber that can help with digestive health.
  • Psyllium Husk: Another form of fiber that is often used as a laxative.
  • Licorice Root: Has a long history of use for various digestive issues.
  • Cayenne Pepper: Added for its potential metabolism-boosting effects.

Wow! How could this stuff not work with all that in it?

The problem is though that it’s the size and strength of the proprietary blend in these products that matters.

It’s the combination of the volume of liquid, alongside how potent it is flushing toxins out faster and can be achieved naturally that matters.

On the surface, especially the large 32 fluid ounces size appears to be in with a chance of keeping you clean for a few hours to pass a drug test.

Now Let’s Talk About Detoxify Mega Clean Detox Drink

Mega Clean detox drink is another very popular detox drink that also sold by the same large American retailers. It’s made by a company called Detoxify who make a wide range of detox drinks and related products such as pills, and combo pill and drink products.

It can be a little confusing because every single product has the same red packaging and fonts on them, as well as similar names.

But what we are talking about is the Mega Clean 32-fluid-ounce product. There is 20 fluid ounce one (XXtra Clean), and a 16 fluid ounce one (Mighty Clean).

I think its important to note that all of these products, including the more expensive 32 fluid ounce Mega Clean NT which comes with a single ‘MetaBoost’ capsule whose ingredients don’t convince me at all, contain basically an identical proprietary blend.

But continuing to focus on the standard Mega Clean 32oz, these are the ingredients in it:

  • Milk Thistle Seed Extract: Known for its liver-protective properties.
  • American Ginseng Root Extract: Can boost the immune system and improve energy levels.
  • Guarana Seed Extract: Contains caffeine and is often used for its stimulant effects.
  • Burdock Root Extract: Traditionally used for its blood purifying effects.
  • Stinging Nettle Leaf Extract: Acts as a diuretic and can support urinary health.
  • Taurine: An amino acid that is important for many bodily functions.
  • Uva Ursi Leaf Extract: Commonly used for its diuretic and urinary tract benefits.

As you can see, many of the key ingredients in the Mega Clean proprietary blend are hitting the right spot.

Diuretics, urinary tract health, blood and immune system boosting, liver, kidneys, all the tick boxes are checked.

How To Use A Detox Drink To Pass A Drug Test

Let’s talk you through how you need to use a detox drink to stand a chance of passing a drug test, and what a good detox drink will do when you consume it.

  1. You should abstain from drug toxins and other things that slow your system down as soon as you know you have a drug test. Even a couple of days of natural detoxification can mean a lot of metabolites have left the body, meaning a slower movement of them through the kidneys and into the bladder.
  2. On the day of your test, 90 minutes before you leave, your drink the contents of the bottle. Some detox drinks then get you to refill the bottle and drink additional water (both Mega Clean and QCarbo instruct you to do so).
  3. You’ll then urinate several times over the next hour, and then go and submit your sample.

So as you can see, using a detox drink is pretty straightforward. But you must understand they are just masking agents, that work temporarily for a few hours by doing the following:

  1. A) A good quality detox drink will push toxins out of the body through the kidneys and bladder far faster than they are being processed by the body. This creates a gap in the flow of toxins, that takes several hours to be caught up. It’s during that 3 – 5 hours gap that your urine will be toxin free.
  1. B) Top-quality detox drinks also flood your body with things commonly found in urine. By doing so in volume and in balance, when you create that gap in the flow, the urine which is appearing in your bladder still contains the things that would be looked for on drug test validity checks.
  2. C) Finally, the best detox drinks also stain your urine the correct color and keep it frothing and smelling as it should as well.

QCarbo Verdict: Doesn’t Have The Ingredients And Potency To Pass A Modern Drug Test

Looking at the proprietary blend, at 17 g, it’s very large, five times the size of the Mega Clean proprietary blend.

It also contains many of the same key ingredients. So surely QCarbo32 is better than Mega Clean 32? Well, looking closely at the ingredients, the number one ingredient is actually Maltodextrin. It’s a powder that’s heavy and a carbohydrate.

It’s a filler. It’s adding nothing to the detoxification process, but it whacks up the size of the proprietary blend on the ingredients list.

Apart from that shady point, generally, QCarbo just hasn’t got the key ingredients in enough volume.

Worse than the above, is the fact that it’s got a poor track record. QCarbo 16 reviews are particularly bad, which is unsurprising considering there’s only 16 fluid ounces of liquid which isn’t even enough to flush out a child.

But even the larger 32 fluid ounce size has a poor track record of user reviews.

Does QCarbo work? For me, it’s doubtful. You might get through if you have lower levels of metabolites working their way out of your body, but I personally would never use it or recommend it.

Does Mega Clean Work: Can It Pass A Modern Drug Test?

On its own, Mega Clean is a good option. But only if you’ve got low levels of drug metabolites in your body, or you have managed to abstain for at least two days before your test.

If you’re a regular weed smoker, or you are taking drugs quite frequently in the lead-up up your test, then the gap in the flow of metabolites I’ve explained earlier will be very low, and may not completely stop.

But of the easily obtainable detox drinks, Mega Clean is one of the few that could work and is definitely a better option than QCarbo.

How To Pass A Drug Test With Mega Clean: Combo Strategy That Really Works

The absolute best option is to grab yourself a short course of Toxin Rid detox pills with a bottle of Mega Clean detox. As long as you’ve got at least 24 hours, preferably 40 hours or 72 hours, before your test, you can detoxify your body and accelerate it using the detox pills.

This will obviously leave a slower flow of metabolites exiting the body, which means a bigger gap in the flow of those toxins created by Mega Clean.

If you buy Mega Clean from Test Clear, you get six free Toxin Rid pills bundled in. This gives you a short course of pre-rid pills, that you can use on the day of your test to push out more toxins than you could naturally. It’s a completely free bonus.

Alternatively from Test Clear, you could also buy an additional single day of the full Toxin Rid pill course. Or maybe if you have the time, a two-day course.

Doing a two-day course of Toxin Rid, then using the free pre-rid pills on the day before your test, and then masking the toxins were Mega Clean, is an almost surefire guarantee of passing.

Where To Buy SARMs? Things Have Changed: Best SARMs Sale Now

For many years, SARMs have been all the rage in bodybuilding, without the roid rage. Better energy, better muscle growth, faster recovery; they were the holy Grail.

But things have changed, and where to buy SARMs & how, or if, you use them has to change as well.

In this complete guide I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about the new reality. I’ll be talking mainly about the SARMs for sale from these remaining reputable companies:

  • CrazyBulk SARMs supplements
  • Chemyo SARMs & PCT
  • Behemoth Labz SARMS, Prohormones & Peptides

I’ll do detailed product reviews for all three of those companies, and tell you how good and reliable they are. If you’re looking for the best SARMs company, one or all of them will fit the bill.

I’ll also cover stacking SARMs and other supplements together to maximize returns on your effort, with advice on dosing, cycling, and realistic stacks.

Plus, I’ll cover when not to buy SARMs, why the SARMs market has changed (for the worse and forever), and how you can insulate yourself against problems in the future.

Which Is The Best SARMs Company?

I’m going to do full reviews of the top three leading SARMs companies in a little while. As an experienced SARMs vendor, I want to give you an overview of why they are considered the best and what traits a successful SARMs company now possesses.

Unsurprisingly, it’s about these things:

  • Quality control and safety
  • Size of range, which includes high quality SARMs products and even injectable SARMs or capsule SARMs
  • Competitive pricing and offers
  • Reliability, payment methods, and top-notch customer service
  • Results, results, results! Because that’s the proof of how well their SARMs work

1. CrazyBulk

This company is one of my favorite recommendations for buying SARMs. Unlike anabolic steroids, they offer a comprehensive range of research compounds and dietary supplements with attributes that mimic selective androgen receptor modulators.

CrazyBulk is all about quality control and ensuring you aren’t putting untested chemicals into your body. They are at the forefront of cutting edge research compounds and are dedicated to customer satisfaction.

2. Chemyo SARMs

When researching SARMs, Chemyo stands out as one of the few genuine and best SARMs vendors on the market. They have a stringent third party testing process, ensuring the product you get is pure and potent. They are a leading supplier, especially known for their larger 50 mL dropper bottles, which is an advantage over other companies that typically sell in 30 mL quantities.

3. Behemoth Labz

Behemoth Labz is not only a top place for buying SARMs, but they are also one of the few all-rounders, stocking SARMs, peptides, and prohormones of excellent product quality. They ensure that their offerings are safe for human consumption and are all about giving fitness enthusiasts an edge. They are unique in providing post cycle therapy supplements, making them a one-stop-shop for those looking to maximize gains, strength, and recovery.

The Differences Between Steroids, Prohormones And SARMs

Looking at the differences between steroids, prohormones, and SARMs, it’s evident how these compounds have gained popularity. It’s literally a sliding scale of risk:

  1. Anabolic steroids are illegal, difficult to get hold of, especially if you’re considering a place to buy SARMs, and dangerous to use. They can be cut with other research chemicals, posing significant health risks. The results they produce in terms of lean muscle mass are profound, but the damage they can inflict on the male body is considerable. They do provide the most potent androgenic responses in muscle and bone tissue but at a substantial risk to overall health.
  2. Prohormones used to pose challenges similar to anabolic steroids. The newer, legal ones are not as potent as the older generation. Fully anabolic, they work in the body similarly to anabolic steroids, but with a milder effect. In terms of their potency, they aren’t as strong as SARMs like RAD-140, LDG-4033, S-3, or S-23, which are sometimes available in liquid form.
  3. SARMs have been a game-changer. Often offered in a liquid sarms format, they selectively target androgen receptors in muscle and bone tissue, offering benefits similar to steroids and prohormones without the associated risks. However, finding a reliable place to buy SARMs has become challenging, with the quality being a significant concern. Genuine, highest quality SARMs like RAD-140, LDG-4033, S-3, or S-23 can still deliver excellent results when integrated into a SARMs cycle.
  4. SARMs alternatives are the new trend. While not quite as potent as traditional SARMs, research has shown they can produce high quality SARMs results. They’re more like “just SARMs” in their benefits – not extremely potent but safe, affordable, and widely available, making them a great option for those looking to avoid the risks of the other compounds.

The SARMs Market & Quality Has Changed Dramatically

Just before the pandemic kicked off, America pressured China to ban the manufacture and export of SARMs, including high-quality sarms and powder sarms, through the network of grey market labs that had supplied the global market, including some popular sarms producers.

Then, the pandemic meant that a lot of labs closed or transferred their capacity to support national responses, affecting many fitness enthusiasts.

On top of that, some Eastern European labs, specifically in Russia, Belarus, and Ukraine, started to take up the slack of grey market production. But as we all know, the political and social turbulence in these regions impacted the operations of businesses such as sports technology labs sarms and amino asylum. Consequently, nothing significant is going to be exported any time soon.

Even worse, regulatory pressure from the FDA in the USA has stepped up. This added pressure was a primary reason cited by several nootropics/SARMs sellers who have now closed, including the renowned supplier,

Put all that together, and it’s led to a dramatic cut in supply. Selling sarms has become more challenging, leading to rising prices, and unscrupulous sellers cutting the SARMs with other chemicals to maximize profits. Sadly, this will likely worsen, and eventually, this unsustainable situation will bring an end to the SARMs market.

Buying Legal Alternatives Instead Of SARMs Is Now A Realistic Strategy

So, prohormones aren’t that potent anymore, less potent than androgenic SARMs. Anabolic steroids shouldn’t even be on your radar unless you have a serious death wish. But with sarms vendors not always offering consistently high quality products and with fast shipping, SARMs are becoming more of a risk and expensive to take.

Where do you go from here? You could try peptides. But they have a very patchy and unproven track record, and I’ve certainly struggled to get results with them.

For me, that’s led me back to legal SARMs alternatives. They have the following traits:

  • Contain completely natural ingredients with third-party testing ensuring high quality products. · Ingredients are safe and scientifically proven.
  • Not as potent as selective androgen receptor modulators but they show notable results.
  • Constructed to closely mimic the different types of sarms, especially how sarms bind.
  • Easy and safe to take, with some even offering a money-back guarantee.
  • Very affordable, competitive prices, and easily obtainable.

They aren’t as potent as SARMs, but some of them come pretty damn close, if you work out hard and you stack them. With the state of the current market, stock sarms are becoming harder to find, and with the inconsistency among sarms vendors, choosing legal alternatives seems more reasonable. I know that’s the case, and so can you after a couple of cycles.

On the other side of that coin, what choice do you have? Supply of everything else is drying up, quality is going down, and risk is rising dramatically, so why not grab yourself something which mimics the output of SARMs, but is risk-free and with more transparent payment methods?

Reviews Of The Best SARMs Companies & SARMs For Sale

I’m not saying the SARMs market is dead. A few companies, perhaps some of the best sarms vendors, are still managing to get their hands on SARMs. I have no idea how, and I’m guessing it’s through a quiet network of little labs either in the USA or abroad, which are still producing them on the side.

That’s obviously problematic unless you get those quality guarantees. Those independent third-party lab test reports, published for each batch, ensure the product quality you’re buying sarms for is genuine, so you know they are what you are purchasing.

What I’ve done here is put together a profile of each best SARMs companies, so you know where the place to buy sarms that actually work right now.

But in terms of SARMs for sale, that’s tough, and my number one recommendation now is the SARMs-like potent supplements that offer a safer and more affordable/reliable alternative, especially when considering various payment options.

You can also stack both together. That’s a strategy I now employ. I would use a stack of natural SARMs, with an individual bulking, cutting, strength, or energy SARM research chemical.

That minimizes risk, minimizes costs, and maximizes my output in a strategy I recommend everybody now tries.

The reason I recommend you try it is because it’s only going to get worse. SARMs supplies are not gonna suddenly come back to where they were five years ago, and so you basically have no choice anyway.

So enjoy the reviews, and please now look at bodybuilding supplements as a holistic and stackable option, where you utilize different types together, or focus on the potency of legal SARMs, so you can just get working to get to the goals you are looking to achieve.

Best SARMs Company #1: CrazyBulk

CrazyBulk sells legal SARMs alternatives, sometimes also referred to as legal steroids alternatives.

To be clear, CrazyBulk products are completely naturally constructed. They don’t contain research chemical anabolics.

So although the output and results can be anabolic and significant, these are not going to give you any of the problems that SARMs and steroids do.

Why CrazyBulk?

More and more people are finding that the dietary supplements and natural SARMs products from this company, often referred to as Crazy Bulk, are boosting their output dramatically. And this happens without resorting to SARMs or steroids at all, showcasing the cutting-edge research compounds they employ.

I know quite a few guys who are switching from traditional SARMs to these products. Partly it’s because of the supply and risk problem, and partly it’s because you can get good results without hiding what you are doing. Plus, these products are backed by third party lab testing which speaks volumes for their quality.

Safe and effective, and very affordable if you follow the strategy I’m going to talk to you about in a moment to maximize the amount you can buy, they are really worth trying for a couple of cycles to see what gains you can make, how much increase lean muscle mass you can achieve, and how strength and improved T levels can be built.

Let’s take a look at the CrazyBulk supplements you can buy right now, especially those that offer sarms alternatives.

1. Trenorol

The composition of this uses completely safe, natural ingredients to mimic the output of the anabolic steroid Trenbolone. Does it achieve it? Yes, but obviously not to the same aggressive levels.

Built around the proven ingredients beta-sitosterol and pepsin, it has the ability to help absorb proteins consumed more efficiently and put them to use in muscle tissue.

While doing that, it can also lower estrogen levels by working as a natural aromatase inhibitor. This allows more testosterone to remain free and available to use.

Put that all together, and you’ve got a safe supplement that can help you to fuel muscle development faster, improve your T levels and energy/determination, and help you to burn fat faster.

2. D-Bal

This legal steroid has been designed to mimic the output of Dianabol, also often referred to as methandienone. It’s a potent anabolic steroid that delivers crazy muscle development.

D-Bal delivers its punch through a combo of key minerals, amino acids, and other ingredients, including Ashwagandha and Suma Root.

Containing phytosterols (plant steroids), not only does this potent supplement reflect the output of the anabolic steroid it’s mimicking, but it can also help with recovery.

So with this, you’ll increase your levels of free testosterone. That will increase output and performance, determination, fat burning, and muscle building.

You’ll also deliver higher levels of protein availability into muscle tissue, helping you to build your gains faster, and helping with recovery.

3. Testo-Max

A naturally proven testosterone booster, this really can elevate levels of free testosterone significantly.

Containing crucial natural ingredients proven to help aid testosterone production and maintenance, it will also act as an aromatase inhibitor, protecting your testosterone from being devoured by the female hormone.

You’ll feel stronger, happier, more determined, get better output from it, and recover faster using this formula.

4. HGH-X2

There are four ingredients in this supplement (Hawthorn Berry, L-Arginine, Mucuna Pruriens, and Maca Root) that produce the benefits it delivers.

It has the ability to produce higher levels of human growth hormone (HGH), which is crucial to muscle development, and levels of another hormone called IGF-1, as well as testosterone production.

You’ll improve blood flow, get better protein synthesis to deliver to your muscles, and you’ll get higher levels of dopamine which will allow you to work out with a much higher level of determination.

5. Decaduro

This is another supplement constructed carefully from legal and safe ingredients to mimic the effects of the banned anabolic steroid Deca-Durabolin.

It increases levels of nitrogen, which is essential for effective protein synthesis (key to building muscle), and also better retaining nitrogen, which really helps with output, recovery, and muscle development.

6. Anvarol

Mimicking the effects of the banned AAS Anadrole, this is another potent muscle building formula.

Delivering high levels of oxygen sure muscle tissue, your work out harder and longer. It also increases red blood cell count, which helps to deliver oxygen to muscle tissue, and lowers muscle fatigue.

Containing Asphaltum, whey protein, and amino acids, you’ll also have fuel for larger muscle tissue growth.

7. Clenbutrol

One of the most potent cutting agents ever was the chemical Clenbuterol, but it had hideous side effects. This completely safe and natural alternative closely mimics the results.

You’ll get very strong fat burning properties from this supplement, making it ideal for cutting significant amounts of fat during a cutting cycle, or even to use safely when you are bulking as well.

Based around the principle of thermogenesis, it helps to increase your basal metabolic rate, delivering a higher level of energy availability and fat burning.

8. Anvarol

This potent supplement is based on the effects output of the anabolic steroid Anavar, but without the sides.

It’s great for cutting fat. Using specially constructed concentrates, it helps to boost your energy levels, improve DHEA levels (which can also boost testosterone), and even hard and lean muscle gains.

9. Winsol

The last supplement from CrazyBulk, which is a clear reflection of their research purposes and sports technology labs based approach, mimics the results of the steroid Winstrol very closely, but highly effectively and safely.

This is a muscle hardener. It will help you cut fat, and define your muscles. It’s the finisher, it’s the polish that will reveal your hard work in all its glory. Honest companies like CrazyBulk ensure their users get the results they desire without compromising on health.

How Do You Best Use CrazyBulk Supplements?

With all that potency in so many supplements, especially from a relatively new brand, it can seem overwhelming. But it’s actually really simple to get started with the supplements.

Just look at whether you are bulking, focusing on fat loss (cutting), or wanting a more balanced maintenance regime. Depending on your goals, you’ll tailor the supplements you use to the workouts you are planning to do, and with several companies in the market, you have a variety of payment options to choose from.

You’ll use them for around 60 days, about two months in a cycle. This will give you time to develop and assess. Then, do a second cycle to reinforce your results and get a great insight into how well the supplements will work for you.

The Power Of CrazyBulk Supplements Is In Stacking Them

Because the supplements are not as potent as SARMs or steroids, it’s best to stack them to get the results that mimic those illegal supplements. They are especially ideal for those who are keen on fat loss without the adverse effects of SARMs.

They are completely safe and only contain proven natural ingredients. For many looking for a legitimate place to buy SARMs, these are becoming the go-to choice due to their ability to selectively target androgen receptors without the associated risks of SARMs.

It doesn’t matter how many you stack together, you’re just amplifying the benefits and increasing returns on your effort investment, offering longer longevity materials for your body’s growth.

You’ll also save a ton of cash, as I’ll explain to you after I describe the stacks.

1. CrazyBulk bulking stack

For one low price you will get Trenorol, Decaduro, Testo-Max, and D-Bal combined into a potent bulking stack.

Simply take the capsules first thing in the morning as instructed, and at the same rate even on the days when you are not working out to keep fueling your development (apart from Deca-Duro which should be taken at a rate of one capsule on the days you don’t work out).

After a couple of weeks, you’ll start to feel and see the difference. High levels of energy, fat burning, elevated testosterone, and a noticeable increase in muscle size.

2. CrazyBulk cutting Stack

This does exactly what it says on the tin, and helps to cut significant amounts of body fat while elevating your energy levels to the stratosphere.

It contains Anvarol, Testo-Max, Clenbutrol, and Winsol, teaming up four potent natural bodybuilding supplements to deliver a SARMs-like aggressive output that protects muscle mass, hardens your muscle tone, and builds your energy levels to burn fat aggressively.

3. Ultimate stack

Containing six of the potent natural bodybuilding supplements we have discussed (D-Bal, Trenorol, Clenbutrol, Testo-Max, Decaduro, and Anadrole), this is a great all-round power and maintenance stack.

Delivering fat cutting, energy increases, faster recovery times, higher levels of muscle growth, and muscle hardening, it’s a great all-rounder for doing everything at once.

4. Growth stack

This will help to build muscle through improving levels of testosterone and human growth hormone at its core.

Containing HGH-X2, Testo-Max, D-Bal, Decaduro, and Clenbutrol, this will deliver significant gain increases. You’ll also feel the drive and power of higher levels of androgens racing through your veins.

5. Strength Stack

Struggling to complete your sets? Having to end your routine early? Then you need more core strength, and this stack delivers.

Using the potency of D-Bal, Testo-Max, Anvarol, Trenorol, combined, this will definitely improve your strength significantly over a single cycle, and notably after two.

Here’s The Best Way To Save Money And Maximize Your Gains Using CrazyBulk Supplements

Here’s your section integrated with the provided keywords without significantly altering its original structure:

Let’s finish this review of CrazyBulk, a top sarms vendor, and where to get high quality SARMs-like supplements in terms of potency at the best price, by telling you exactly how to get the best deal on these.

For a start, buy the stacks rather than the individual supplements. Not only are they pre-made, and it’s a simple one click to add to your shopping cart, but you’ll get up to 40% off the individual costs. And, when considering high quality products, these stacks from CrazyBulk really offer value for money.

Then, make sure you look for the 20% discount code you’ll find on the homepage. It’s always there, but it changes. Paste that into your shopping cart.

Finally, understand you’ll get completely free shipping. So, you’ll save an incredible amount of money, and you’ll get free shipping, ensuring that you get the best from sports technology labs sarms offerings.

But there is one final trick. Buy two months (a complete cycle) and you’ll get a third free.

Put all that together, and you are saving around 60% on the individual sale prices.

Best SARMs Company #2: Chemyo

If you want to try actual SARMs, or as I recommend now, enhance your SARMs alternative stack from CrazyBulk with a single androgenic or non-androgenic SARM, to boost muscle building or energy output, then Chemyo are incredible choice.

They are one of the few SARMs companies remaining who actually deliver good quality SARMs. But prices are going up, and I’d advise you buy as much as you reasonably can soon.

They sell a good range of SARMs:

  • S-23
  • RAD-140/150
  • GW-501516/0742
  • YK-11
  • S-4
  • MK-2866
  • MK-677
  • SR-9009
  • AC-262

Put all that together, and you got more than enough SARMs to create bulking, cutting, and strength stacks forever.

When off-cycle, use CrazyBulk SARMs alternatives or use CrazyBulk SARMs all the time and enhance the potency with a single research chemical.

However you play this, Chemyo offers high-purity SARMs, with independent third-party lab test reports published on their website.

They also sell SARMs in 50 mL dropper bottles, rather than the more usual 30 mL sizes. You simply get more SARMs for your money, and you don’t pay a lot more money for the extra.

I’ve had fantastic returns buying the best SARMs from this company, and I always make sure I have them in stock so I can survive the next year, and spread them out as much as possible should things get worse in terms of availability.

Best SARMs Company #3: Behemoth Labz

Behemoth Labz I one of the few reliable SARMs sellers left that is truly a “one-stop shop” for SARMs, peptides, PCT supplements, and even prohormones.

Available in capsules, liquids, and powder, this is one of the best ranges still available that’s reasonably priced.

They also do their own range of SARMs like supplements, so you could also experiment with stacking those in a safe way to enhance your gains as well.

I like about this company is the inbuilt stacks you can buy. Two, sometimes three different SARMs all within the same capsule, meaning you just take one or two capsules and you’ll get a complete stack.

Right now, they have a huge range of single capsule stacks available, and here are just three examples:

  • Behemoth capsules: S-4, LGD-4033, MK-677
  • Demigod capsules: MK-2866, GW-501516
  • Gorilla capsules: MK-2866, MK-677, LGD-4033, RAD-140, GW-501516

In total, there are an incredible 19 different SARMs stacks available, and you’ll save a bunch of money on focusing on purchasing stacks to use.

How To Stack SARMs & SARMs-like Supplements For Maximum Returns

If you can get good quality SARMs right now, then you can still use SARMs stacks. But you are not going to be able to do this forever, even if you stock up.

I do recommend you stock up, and I recommend you try and buy a year’s worth of SARMs stacks if you can (a minimum of three).

However, the reality is that SARMs are dying. Purity is going down, quality is poor, prices are going up, and eventually, the legal loopholes in the USA are going to be closed by the FDA, legislation will be brought in to make the SARMs control act even more complete, and they will vanish.

So start your transition now, by beginning to experiment with SARMs and legal steroids from CrazyBulk on their own, and giving them a kick if needed by stacking them with a single SARM to get the best of both worlds.

Best PCT Supplements & When To Use Them

CrazyBulk natural SARM alternatives work like SARMs, but you don’t need PCT supplements.

The reason is that they don’t mimic testosterone in the body, where they raise levels of androgens, it’s because they physically allow the body a better chance of creating more or retaining more, of its own.

Through the use of natural ingredients which help the body to produce more testosterone, hGH, or even a natural aromatase inhibitor that blocks the conversion of testosterone into estrogen, you’ll just have more androgens to work with.

If you still are using SARMs, then Behemoth Labz do sell some PCT supplements. But they are safe and natural ones, not Nolvadex or Clomid.

Again, it’s getting tougher to get your hands on generic Nolvadex, Clomid, or raloxifene, along with other sarms and aromatase inhibitors.

Even if you get the SARMs, it’s getting tougher to offset testosterone drop if you are using androgenic ones. That’s something else to consider because it’s only going to get worse, and you really don’t want to be compounding your errors by taking poor-quality SARMs that damage you, and then not bouncing your testosterone levels back correctly.

Conclusion: Buying And Using SARMs Has Changed

The conclusion of my guide on where to buy SARMs is it is time to consider not buying them in the near future.

Sure, find SARMs for sale and use them right now. However, it’s going to be harder to find sellers that are high-quality over the next year or two. And regulation is coming, and it’s coming fast. You will not just be wondering where to get SARMs, you’ll be wondering what the hell to do without them.

So it’s time to look for SARMs for sale in a different way, to look at supporting natural bodybuilding supplements of high-quality that mimic SARMs, with one or two actual SARMs, to create hybrid stacks.

That way you are spreading out the SARMs, and amplifying the natural supplement effects beyond that. Eventually, you will be able to SARMs at all, and you’ll have to either go with completely natural SARMs alternatives, or pair them up with peptides to try and amplify the results.

Whatever your strategy is, it’s time to try legal SARMs supplements like those from CrazyBulk now.

See how they work for you, build them into your routine, and get used to the fact that just like anabolic steroids and prohormones before them, SARMs will soon be almost completely unattainable.

Check out the CrazyBulk stacks range here, the Chemyo SARMs range here, and the Behemoth SARMs stack range here.


24 Hour Detox Cleanse Guide: 3 Best Ways To Detox Your Body In Just 24 Hours

If you’re looking to pass a drug test at short notice, then understanding what is possible and what isn’t is crucial. I’m going to tell you what the best way to detox your body in 24 hours is right now.

But it’s not a straightforward answer. The best 24-hour detox cleanse for one person isn’t going to work as well for someone else. How much time you’ve got, the circumstances of the test, and who you are, all matter. But don’t worry, I got you covered.

You’ll learn about three methods for passing a drug test with just 24 hours notice, plus a bonus for the method that doesn’t rely on detoxification at all.

How Long Do Drug Toxins Stay In Your Urine?

If you search online, you’ll be told some pretty straightforward facts about how long drug toxins are detectable in urine for.

Take a look at the average detection times, they don’t look that scary:

  • Cocaine up to 48 hours
  • Marijuana up to 72 hours
  • PCP up to 72 hours
  • Opiates up to 48 hours
  • Methamphetamine up to 72 hours
  • Benzodiazepines up to 96 hours

The problem with those “average” detection times is that they are not really representative of anyone who takes drugs more than very infrequently. They don’t account the fact that a lot of people also don’t take the same number of drugs all the time, so have spikes in detection times.

If you are taking drugs then you regularly, then the metabolites build up in the system and the body takes time to process them. If you have taken drugs even twice in the past seven days at higher doses, then it will be 3 – 5 days before you are clean, rather than the more average one or two.

This gets even worse for cannabis as I’ll explain later, but if you are taking things more often than “average”, then even if you stop, you should assume you’ll fail a drug test within seven days of stopping.

Couldn’t I Just Get Clean Naturally?

You certainly can get clean naturally, but only at the fastest rate that the body can achieve.

If you’re taking drugs even semi-regularly, then there’s no way on earth you’re going to be clean quickly, so it’s never going to be the best way to detox your body in just 24 hours.

Sure, if you’re a light user it may only take you a day or two, but even then, it’s a bit of a lottery and you will need home drug test kits to ensure you are clean. It’s far better to plan and prepare, and assume you would fail so that you can use one of the methods outlined here to ensure that you will 100% pass that test.

Is There Are Genuine Best Marijuana Detox Kits?

Marijuana works slightly differently in the body, which I’m going to explain to you in more detail in a moment.

But first I just want to warn you about claims you’ll often see around claims to be the best marijuana detox kit.

You’ll be told that certain products work best for marijuana, and target it specifically. Although it’s possible to target marijuana metabolites in the body slightly, it’s not foolproof and will not speed up the complete removal of cannabis from the body much faster than a good quality all-drug detox cleanse product.

Detox Marijuana Fast: Is It Different From Other Types Of Drug?

Fast marijuana detoxing is actually tougher than other types of drugs if you are using it more than very infrequently.

The simple reason is that marijuana metabolites are shaped differently from other types of drugs. Because of the shape, they can cling to fat cells in the body which means that they are removed in a non-linear manner.

This also means that most cannabis metabolites actually exit the body through the bowels, as this is the way that excess fat is transported out. Up to 60% of cannabis metabolites exit through the bowels.

So speeding up the removal of cannabis isn’t just about flushing out the body through the urinary tract, it’s also about attracting fat to the bowel through increasing levels of fiber and bile to achieve this.

Methods To Get Clean To Pass A Drug Test Fast

Now we have covered the basics around drug metabolites in the body, let’s talk specifically about the best way to detox your body in 24 hours.

I’m going to cover four methods here that can all achieve a 24-hour detox cleanse, or get around the problem entirely.

1. Synthetic Urine

I want to start with the bonus method I mentioned at the start of this guide. It doesn’t involve detoxification at all and can be used instantly, as long as you’ve got just a few minutes to be out of sight before your test.

Don’t be fooled by cheap fake urine reviews telling you that it doesn’t work. The reason those cheap brands don’t work is that they don’t contain enough to get through the validity checks, they don’t pass human scrutiny, and they come with heatpads that are poor quality so the temperature of the sample is wrong.

I want to talk to you instead about Quick Luck. Expensive, but is the best on the market by a mile.

These are the properties of Quick Luck which set it apart:

  • Premixed for convenience
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad
  • Contains the right portions of urea and uric acid
  • Contains the right proportion of creatinine
  • Is within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Looks, froths, and smells like human urine

Put all that together and you’ve got a highly complex liquid that will pass the validity checks that urine samples go through after submission.

Plus, it doesn’t rely on a heatpad which can fail. It uses something called heat activator powder instead.

The heat activator powder is simply a white powder that when dissolved in liquid raises its temperature slightly. Simply tap in about one quarter just before you go into the building to submit your sample, and shake it gently until it dissolves. It’s completely undetectable. Keep adding a little more until you get a good reading on the temperature strip.

Quick Luck is the most complex solution to passing an unsupervised drug test. You can prepare the sample within the correct temperature range and to minutes out of sight, and it will pass all modern standard drug testing checks.

Using it means is absolutely no need to worry about the best way to detox your body at all, you don’t need to cleanse it, and there’s no need to do anything other than prepare the sample.

2. Detox Drink

If you don’t want to use fake urine, and you’re facing a drug test at short notice, then an easy way to try and pass is to use a high-quality detox drink. Rescue Cleanse is the detox drink I recommend, and the one I’m going to talk to you about right now.

Simply drink your bottle of Rescue Cleanse on an empty stomach for about 10 minutes. Then urinate as frequently as you can over the next hour (a little more extra water is acceptable to drink) to flush out the toxins.

Because the detox drink will flush out faster than you can naturally, it creates a gap in the flow of toxins from the body, while also at the same time keeping your urine balanced and appearing natural due to its ingredients.

This gap in the toxin flow can be up to 5 hours for a light user. If you’ve got heavier amounts of metabolites in your body that time can be reduced to around three hours.

The point is though that this is a simple way of getting a gap in the flow of drug toxins into your bladder so that you can submit a sample during that time with urine that doesn’t contain drug toxins.

Just note that if you’re a really heavy user you may still get stray toxins pretty quickly, so it’s not foolproof and its effectiveness will depend on the amount of drugs you have taken recently.

3. Accelerated Natural Detox

If you want to try and get genuinely clean, then your best 24 hour detox cleanse method is an accelerated detox using detox pills.

Toxin Rid are the pills I will mention here because they are by far and away the best pills you can buy. It’s also not just a pill course, you also get detox liquid, and specifically for marijuana, you also get a powerful fiber supplement.

The 24 hour pill course is probably what you’re looking at here, although I would also recommend you look at buying a 48 hour course and doubling up on taking the pills during the day for 10 hours rather than five, in an emergency.

The basic instructions are as follows:

  • Take three pills per hour with 8 fluid ounces of water
  • Take three pills per hour for the first five hours of the day
  • After the 15 pills have been taken eat and live well
  • Drink plenty of water and exercise

After you have taken all the pills, you can drink the detox liquid in 2 halves over a couple of hours to increase the removal of toxins.

If it’s cannabis you’re trying to get rid of, you can then use the powerful fiber supplement. Mix this up and drink it quickly, and then sip plenty of water afterward. This will draw even more cannabis metabolites into the bowel for removal.

Toxin Rid can speed up the removal of toxins by at least 50%. That means that if you are a light to moderate user who is taken something in the past couple of days so, then you could get clean to pass a test. Just make sure you use a home drug test kit to check before you leave to submit your sample.

4. Best 24Hour Detox Cleanse: Detox Pill & Drink Combo

If you want to get as clean as possible, so you can pass a test with your own urine, then the best 24-hour detox cleanse is a combination of the two methods we have just discussed.

First, you’ll run that 24-hour course of Toxin Rid. Maybe get the 48-hour course and take the pills for longer than five hours during the day if you want. It’s not going to kill you to take a few extra potent herbal pills to flush out more toxins for just a single day.

90 minutes before you leave for your test the next day, use the bottle of Rescue Cleanse as I’ve already instructed. Make sure you do it on an empty stomach so it gets to work fast. That should give you a far longer clean and mean that you can submit your own urine to pass that important drug test with ease.

Just make sure that you have some good quality home drug test kit handy so you can test your progress for getting clean during the course, and just before you leave.

Where To Buy Detox Cleanse Products & Synthetic Urine

So for me, the two best methods you have to detox your body in 24 hours are:

  1. Don’t bother at all and instead use high-quality Quick Luck synthetic urine.
  2. Use the combo method to push out as many toxins as possible with pills the day before your test, and then mask the remaining with Rescue Cleanse just before you leave.

So let’s finish up here by telling you exactly where you can buy these high-quality detoxification products: Toxin Rid detox pills can be bought from Test Clear. The single-day course is just $59.95, and includes the detox liquid and fiber supplement as part of that.

Rescue Cleanse detox drink is available directly from Clear Choice, through their webstore at test negative. It’s just $55 for a bottle.

Quick Luck synthetic urine is also available from Clear Choice. It costs $100, but you are getting the best synthetic urine in the world for your money.

Test Clear also sells a range of high-quality drug tests as well. For just $10 you can buy any single drug test kit, meaning that you can buy two or three and monitor your progress to reassure you that you are genuinely clean to pass a test after using your chosen 24-hour detox cleanse

How To Use Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum To Pass A Drug Test: Oral Clear Gum Review

If you’re looking for something to help you pass an oral drug test, then Oral Clear saliva-neutralizing gum will be something you read about pretty quickly. But how good is it? In this Oral Clear gum review, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know.

We will discuss how using detox gum for saliva drug tests works, and how it compares to the best Oral Clear gum alternative. Plus, I’ll give you full instructions for using Oral Clear, and some top tips on increasing your chances of passing a swab drug test.

If you’d like to check out Oral Clear gum at the best price right now before we start, you can here:

>>>> Clear Choice Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum

How Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum Works

Oral Clear gum isn’t gum at all. That’s the surprising fact about it. Oral Clear is actually a small capsule, slightly bigger than a standard 500 mg medicine capsule, of highly concentrated mouthwash liquid.

But don’t dismiss it as just being another detox mouthwash product in fancy packaging. Because it’s so concentrated, it means that you can smuggle it in anywhere and use it anywhere because it’s totally discreet. That’s what you pay for, the convenience and discretion, that you simply can’t get with standard saliva neutralizing mouthwash products.

Oral Clear Gum Alternatives: Saliva Detox Mouthwashes

There aren’t any exact alternatives to Oral Clear. However, there is one good mouthwash product alternative:

It is relatively cheap at around $30. It will also neutralize your saliva for up to 15 minutes. But on the downside, you can’t use it discreetly. It’s a small bottle of liquid that you have to pour into your mouth, swill around, and then spit out.

You could try and swallow it, but believe me, it will make you retch. Plus, you’ve still got a small bottle to get rid of which would be highly incriminating if found.

That’s why I chose to spend the extra money on Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum instead. Although it’s still a saliva detox mouthwash, its format and concentration mean that you can literally use it with somebody in the room with you, which is impossible with these bottles of mouthwash products.

The Different Types Of Oral Drug Tests You Could Face

Although the oral drug test is always the same in that something is used to collect a sample of saliva that is then tested against panels to see how they react to individual types of drugs, the process of taking them can vary slightly.

These are the three different ways that the sample could been taken:

  1. Although this is rare, the person conducting the test can give you a mouth swab to collect the sample. If they do, it’s a golden opportunity to avoid the lower part of the mouth as much as possible, particularly under your tongue and around the gumline.
  2. The most common type of test is where someone else will use the mouth swab to collect a sample, focusing on the lower inside cheek, under your tongue, and around the gumline, especially the inner gumline.
  3. A variation that is used by some testing companies, and is often used by the drug testing companies who work with Amazon, is to use an oversized mouth swab which is left in the mouth like a thermometer is. It sits there for about five minutes until it changes color on the swab to show that a good enough saliva sample has been collected.

Oral Clear Is Perfect For On The Spot Swab Drug Testing

The problem with swab drug testing is that it can be conducted at very short notice, on the spot sometimes, like beside the roadside. Even if it’s not literally on the spot, it can be conducted at very short notice, and it can mean you are not out of sight to use a standard mouthwash product to neutralize your saliva. Neither can you take countermeasures in the hours leading up to the test.

I’ll go through the full instructions a moment, but Oral Clear is the perfect gum for a swab drug test because it’s so discreet. Because it is a tiny capsule that you can carry anywhere, and because it’s so discreet to use, even with someone in the room with you, it’s absolutely perfect for any type of oral drug test.

Oral Clear Instructions: Using This Detox Gum A Saliva Drug Tests

Oral Clear is really simple to use, so let’s talk you through the instructions and scenarios you could face right now, so you can see just how good it is.

Let’s imagine that you are at an employment open day, something like Amazon. You have had your interview, and are now sitting waiting with other people to be called in for an oral sample drug test.

You might be able to slope off to the toilet, but you couldn’t guarantee it, which is why Oral Clear detox gum is essential.

You’ll be sitting in a room full of people, but nobody is staring directly at you. So, you simply cup the small capsule in your hand, cough, and put your hand over your mouth. Pop the capsule in, and close your mouth.

Nobody has seen anything unusual. With your mouth shut, you can then gently split the capsule between your teeth. Again, no one is seeing anything.

Then, slowly move the liquid around your mouth. You can do this as if you are sucking a sweet, again not producing any evidence outside your mouth. Also, use your tongue to work the liquid into the cheeks, and around your gumline.

You can practice this now. Look at yourself in the mirror doing what I’ve just explained. Your action simply cannot be detected unless somebody is suspicious and looking straight at you, in which case you would simply stop and swallow what’s left.

After a couple of minutes of doing this, simply swallow the lot. The capsule dissolves, and the mouthwash leaves no trace in your mouth that could be shown up by any part of a drug test.

As you can see, it’s dead easy to use, highly discreet, and effective for at least 15 minutes. That’s why it’s worth the money, and exactly why it’s so much better than a standard mouthwash. If you’re not sure what sort of oral drug testing scenario you could be facing, then just keeping Oral Clear in your pocket is the ultimate guarantee of standing the best chance of passing.

oral clear saliva neutralizing gum

Tips For Enhancing Your Chances Of Passing A Mouth Swab Drug Test

There are several things you can do to increase your chances of passing a mouth swab drug test. The first is to get as many drug toxins out of your body in the days leading up to your test as you possibly can.

Obviously, this means stopping taking drugs. But it would also mean doing a short course of Toxin Rid detox pills. These will speed up the removal of toxins from the body by 50% or more. Even a 24-hour course, but preferably 48 hour course in the two days before your test, will mean you have very few toxins in your saliva by that point.

But if it is a shorter-term drug test with only a few hour’s notice, then you can still:

  • Brush your teeth every hour
  • Sip water constantly
  • Chew gum constantly
  • Use mouthwash every hour

Literally anything you can do to increase the turnover of saliva in your mouth will reduce the time that drug metabolites appear in it, and also reduce the volume of metabolites appearing.

But, regardless of the actual situation, Oral Clear gum is the most potent product on the market, which is also the most discreet and can be used in any situation.

Don’t Rely On Home Remedies – They Don’t Work

I’ve mentioned brushing your teeth, drinking water, and chewing gum. These are home remedies in a way, but they sensibly help to move saliva through the mouth faster. But don’t believe home remedy solutions about different types of liquid, acidic liquids specifically, baking powder, anything like that.

The only thing which can truly get rid of drug toxins in the mouth, and then neutralize those coming out of the saliva glands for any length of time, is a specialist mouthwash product designed to do just that.

Where To Buy Oral Clear Gum

There’s only one place you can buy genuine Oral Clear from, and that’s directly from Clear Choice. It’s a specialist product, and it’s the best that you can get in its class. You’ll have to pay well for it, because it’s so specialist. One capsule of Oral Clear costs $90. It’s expensive, but you get what you pay for, as I’ve explained in this Oral Clear gum review.

Why take the risk, when the alternative is having to fudge things and maybe then get caught?

You can order Oral Clear right now, through the Clear Choice web store, at test negative.

Certo (Sure Jell) Method Guide – Does Certo Work For Urine Testing?

If you’re looking to pass a drug test easily and cheaply then the Certo method will be something you’ll hear about pretty soon in your investigations. Also known as the Sure Jell method, it was common around a decade ago when there were less high-quality detox products readily available.

So is Certo good enough to pass urine tests? I’m going to answer that key question for you now. But more than that, this is a complete guide not only on how to complete the Certo method, but also telling you if it’s scientifically possible for it to work, and what you could use instead to pass a modern drug test.

What Exactly Is The Certo Drug Test Method?

The Certo method uses cheap household products to help remove cannabis toxins from the body so that you can pass a drug test. Note that I use the word cannabis. That’s because this drug test method is specifically designed to remove cannabis metabolites in the body. It’s not designed for other types of drug metabolites.

So unless you’re looking to cleanse yourself of marijuana smoking signs, or the use of novel cannabinoids such as Delta 8, then you can skip to the end of this guide where I tell you about three methods that will help you to pass advanced urine drug tests.

Why It’s Believed The Certo Drug Test Method Could Work

The idea behind the Certo method is that the fruit pectin creates a sort of gel-like substance in the digestive tract that traps drug metabolites and prevents them from being excreted in the urine.

Fruit pectin is a dense form of dietary fiber. So by consuming it in large amounts quickly, we are creating lots of bile and drawing a ton of marijuana metabolites potentially into the bowel very quickly. Instead, they are removed faster in your stools. The large amounts of water consumed with the Certo method help to dilute and flush out the kidneys and urine, reducing the concentration of any remaining metabolites.

If you’re wondering why we want to draw cannabis metabolites to the bowel, it’s because we need to. You can’t do this with other types of drugs, because they universally exit through the skin or (predominantly) through the kidneys and bladder. But up to 60% of cannabis metabolites actually exit the body through the bowels, because cannabis metabolites are a different shape and readily attached to fat cells in the body.

That’s why the Certo/Sure Jell method has some potential to work, but only specifically for the removal of cannabis toxins faster than can be achieved naturally.

Certo drug test hack

This Is The Full Certo (Sure Jell) Drug Test Method Instructions

Let’s now go through the full Certo drug test hack and instructions, so you can see what’s involved. This is the “classic” method that’s been around for nearly 2 decades.

Materials Needed:

  1. Certo or Sure Jell – These are brands of fruit pectin, commonly used in home canning to thicken jams and jellies.
  2. Sports Drink – A drink like Gatorade is most recommended.
  3. Water – Large amounts of water are consumed as part of the process.
  4. Creatine Supplement – This is used to help maintain normal creatinine levels in the urine.
  5. Multivitamins – Especially containing B vitamins, to help give the urine a normal yellow color.

Method (stage I – night for your test):

The night before the test, mix one packet of Certo pectin fiber with a large bottle of sports drink. Shake the mixture thoroughly until the Certo is fully dissolved. Drink the entire mixture down swiftly in about 10 minutes. Then follow this up by drinking around 30 fluid ounces of water (about a liter) over the next hour.

Make sure you do this a couple of hours before bed, so you can then urinate a couple of times to clear your bladder and clean out toxins before you sleep.

Method (stage II – day of your test):

On the morning of the drug test, three hours before your test, repeat the Certo and sports drink mixture as I’ve already explained above. This includes drinking the water and urinating for an hour afterward.

At the end of the hour, you will mix the creatine with water (around 8 fluid ounces) and consume that, while also taking a multivitamin pill. Doing this will ensure that creatinine appears in your diluted sample that it contains vitamins and is stained the correct color (requires B vitamins). Some say taking one aspirin tablet also helps.

You’ll then urinate a couple of times in the hour after that, and then get to your test to submit your sample as quickly as possible.

The Famous Certo Gatorade Method

Gatorade is just a sports drink. The main reason to drink it is that contains sugars, caffeine, and electrolytes.

Pretty much any sports drink that contains those could be used instead of Gatorade. It’s just always mentioned because it’s a big brand found in the USA (even though it’s not actually found in many other countries with the same popularity). You don’t actually need to drink sports drinks at all. You could use water, and consume it with an electrolyte pill that will contain the key ingredients of zinc, magnesium, and salts.

However, especially if you’re in the USA, it’s easier to just grab a bottle of Gatorade if it’s not something that you wouldn’t react badly to.

The ” Certo Drug Detox Method ” Is A “Home Remedy” Drug Test Solution

The Certo method is a home remedy method. That means it uses easily obtainable household ingredients to try and pass a urine drug test. Other such home remedy methods have been touted for decades.

These are some of the most common (unproven methods) you’ll read about:

  • White wine vinegar
  • Apple cider vinegar
  • Green tea
  • Other types of specialist tea
  • Bleach (yes, you read that right)
  • Baking soda and water
  • Cranberry juice
  • Aspirin tablet
  • Citric acid

The problem with all of those home remedies is they are absolute nonsense. None of these are scientifically proven. There is no way on earth they will flush out drug toxins from your body any quicker than water would.

Plus, drinking excess liquid will promote urination and is not only going to leave your sample diluted (easily spotted in validity checks) but drinking too excess can expand cells in the body and cause overhydration which can lead to significant fast-moving health problems.

Does The Certo Drug Test Method Work?

You’re probably already pretty aware of where I’m going to go with this, and the answer I’m going to give you. Does the Certo drug test method work – not a chance in hell? There is no scientific evidence behind it.

These are the exact reasons why it won’t work:

  1. Although the Certo/sure jell is rich in fiber, and it will draw more cannabis metabolites to the bowel, it won’t do anything to speed up the removal of toxins through the bladder, other than drinking the large amount of liquid involved in it.
  2. The large amount applicable significantly dilutes your sample. It will also not accelerate the flow of toxins fast enough to create a gap in the toxin flow. That’s a crucial point. You’re not trying to get rid of all the cannabis metabolites, because you can’t. You’re trying to flush them out faster than natural, so it takes your body several hours to catch up.
  3. Just taking some creatine and a vitamin B is not going to fool modern validity checks on your sample. They will spot that it’s been diluted because of the frequent urination and adulterated with a simple dipstick test.
  4. If you’re looking to get rid of any other drugs than marijuana then you are just shit out of luck anyway, because it won’t flush them out any faster than would simply drinking water.

Put all that together, and although the Certo method can draw THC metabolites into the bowel faster than natural, and it will help get rid of more cannabis metabolites, it’s not going to help you pass a drug test. It’s not a complete natural detoxification process method because it doesn’t address drug metabolites in the urine, nor the fact that your urine will be totally lacking in balance.

My advice is simple: forget the Sure Jell detox method of the get-home remedies to try and cut corners for a urine drug test. The only things that will help you are specialist products, so let’s talk you through them in detail now.

Best Way To Get Genuinely Clean To Pass A Drug Test: Toxin Rid Pills

If you’ve got time before your drug test, then the easiest way to pass is to get genuinely clean. You can do this with high-quality detox pills called Toxin Rid (click here for our review).

Available exclusively from Test Clear, they are the most potent pills on the market that contain a range of natural ingredients that help speed up the removal of toxins in the body by up to 60%. Toxin Rid is available in course lengths from one day through to 10 days, and you should tailor the course length you choose the amount of drug metabolites you suspect you have in your body.

To help you, broadly these are the brackets you should work within when choosing a course length:

  • For lower toxin exposure select the 1 – 3 day courses
  • For moderate toxin exposure let the 3 – 5 day courses
  • For higher levels of toxin exposure, select the six-day or higher courses
  • If you are a regular daily weed smoker then select the full Toxin Rid 10 day course

Obviously, it’s not easy to recommend the exact course length you will need, because certain substances require more time than others, but if you are a regular daily cannabis smoker then I would always go for the seven day course or the 10 day course if you have the time before your test.

Basically, by a course that matches the length of time you have in days before your test, or you suspect you will get.

Using Toxin Rid is really simple, and you just follow these easy instructions:

  1. Follow the principles of a natural detox process, living healthily, exercising, and drinking plenty of water.
  2. Every day of the pill course, during the first five hours of the day you are awake, take three pills per hour with 8 fluid ounces of water each time. Then live well, drink plenty of water, and urinate regularly throughout the day.
  3. On the last day of the pill course, two hours after the last detox pills, mix up half the detoxification liquid. Drink that smoothly over 10 minutes, then abstain from drinking or eating for two hours.
  4. Two hours later repeat the process, and abstain from drinking or eating for another two hours.
  5. For cannabis users, use the fiber supplement on the day after the detox liquid. This works like fruit pectin (Certo) by drawing more cannabis metabolites into the bowel in the same way.
  6. Check yourself with a home drug testing kit before going to the testing center.

Because you’re not doing all this just before your urine drug test anyway, and it’s more structured in replacing things lost by the body within the pills, alongside a potent detoxification liquid, then your sample will still be natural and balanced during most drug test validity checks. To buy Toxin Rid from Testclear, click here.

Weed detox pills

Best Way To Mask The Toxins To Pass A Drug Test: Rescue Cleanse

If you’ve got lower levels of drug metabolites in your body, and not much time before your test, then a detox drink might be the best way to go.

Detox drinks don’t detox you that much, other than pushing out toxins faster than your body can naturally at that moment in time. That creates a gap in the flow toxins of a few hours, during which your urine sample will be clean of them. Rescue Cleanse also floods the body with things found in urine, like creatinine (creatine) and vitamins and minerals. These flush through the body as well, keeping the fresh urine testing naturally. My NB2 recommendation would be Detoxify mega clean detox drink.

Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean on its own probably won’t work for long enough if you have higher levels of metabolites in your body though.

The combo strategy is then the best:

Do a 24-hour detox, massively accelerated by potent Toxin Rid pills. That will leave fewer toxins flowing out of the body on the day of your test, meaning Rescue Cleanse or Detoxify Mega Clean has less work to do.

Click here for our detailed review and click here to buy Rescue Cleanse.

Certo detox alternatives

Best Way To Pass An Unsupervised Drug Test: Quick Luck

Drug tests are mostly unsupervised, meaning that there will be nobody in view, nobody will be looking at you, and usually nobody even in the same room when you submit your urine sample.

You’ll know in advance if it’s a supervised test unless you are caught with something that you have tried to smuggle in, in which case they can then demand the test is supervised and brackets you don’t have to agree).

So for most drug tests, you could use synthetic urine, because nobody is going to be observing you submit your sample.

Quick Luck synthetic urine is the best product on the market. It has the following characteristics:

  • Contains 14, chemicals found in urine
  • Contains the correct amount of creatinine, urea, uric acid
  • Is within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • It looks, froths, and smells like urine

So Quick Luck will get past even the most rigorous validity checks and will then obviously pass the immunoassay (urinalysis).

The biggest reason why people submitting fake samples get caught though is because they submit it outside the correct temperature range (legally a sample has to be between 90°F and 100°F).

Quick Luck synthetic urine uses heat activator powder instead of a heatpad. This allows you to simply transport the premixed synthetic urine to the venue, and then prepare it discreetly just before you go in. Tap in about one-quarter of the activator powder and shake it until it’s dissolved. Watch the temperature strip, and if you don’t get a reading, repeat the process with small amounts until you do.

Easy to use, complex, and it will fool close expert human scrutiny, making Quick Luck the best solution for unsupervised drug testing. If you are new to synthetic urine check out our detailed guide.

Click Here For Our Detailed Quick Luck Synthetic Urine Review.

You Can Purchase Quick Luck From Testnegative.

Clear Choice Quick Luck synthetic urine

Where To Buy The Products You Need To Pass A Modern Drug Test

As you can see, the Certo drug test method is a load of nonsense. No home remedies will pass drug tests, because even if they manage to get you clean they will leave you horribly adulterated and you will fail the validity checks. Combining certo with other detox techniques also won’t work.

So let’s tell you where you can buy the products I’ve explained about above, which will definitely help you to pass a drug test:

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine is available direct from Clear Choice, through their test negative webstore.
  2. Rescue Cleanse detox drink is also available from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative
  3. Toxin Rid detox pills are available directly from Test Clear

Don’t forget, if you are using any detox kits, drinks or detox pills, that you will need home drug test kits to see if you are clean before you submit your sample. These home drug test kits are affordable, and both Test Clear and Clear Choice have them for sale, so you can order them at the same time.


Certo Detox Method FAQ

What is Certo used for?

Certo is a fruit pectin that is used as part of something called the Certo method. It’s also referred to as the Sure Jell method, which is another brand of fruit pectin. Basically, it doesn’t matter what brand of fruit pectin you use. The idea is that the high-fiber of this fruit pectin creates bile and draws cannabis metabolites into the bowel at a faster rate, leaving less to pass through your kidneys and into your bladder.

How effective is Certo?

The Certo method is effective at drawing higher levels of cannabis metabolites into the bowel for removal. But it’s not a complete solution. It does absolutely nothing to address the fact that the large amount of liquid you drink with this method, even when you also take a creatine supplement and multivitamin, cannot disguise the fact that you have adulterated your sample. It is not effective either for complete removal or temporary masking of toxins after drug use. Overall, it is not particularly effective and shouldn’t be relied on at all.

Where can I get Certo?


Certo, like another brand called Sure Jell, is simply fruit pectin. It’s found in the bakery and cooking area of almost any supermarket. You’ll also usually get a supermarket’s own brand of fruit pectin that’s far cheaper than brands like Certo.

I really wouldn’t advise you to use Certo though, as it’s highly inefficient for removing THC metabolites. A far better option is to use Toxin Rid pills in the lead up to your drug test, and then use Detoxify Mega Clean or other detox drinks on the day of your test to mask any remaining ones.

How to take Certo?

To take Certo to get rid of cannabis metabolites you have to use it as part of something called the Certo method. It’s also known as the Sure J ell method. It involves multiple drinking of Certo fruit pectin, along with Gatorade, multivitamins, and creatine. All you need to know is that it doesn’t work. You need a professional detox drink like Rescue Cleanse instead, preferably backed up by a short course of Toxin Rid pills to eliminate more toxins before the day of your test.

How does Certo detox your body?

Certo drug test hack doesn’t detox your body. It helps draw more THC metabolites to the bowel so that the total of cannabis metabolites removed from the body is more than usual, but it doesn’t effectively remove them all. Nor is it any good for other types of drug other than cannabis. A good quality detox drink like Rescue Cleanse is the most effective way of masking the toxins. Home remedies like the sure jell method are totally inefficient and should never be trusted when good quality products are available instead.

How to use Sure Jell to pass drug test?

The idea with the Certo method is to consume it over two days, alongside Gatorade sports drink, multivitamins, and creatine supplements. Doing this is meant to draw moredrug toxins into the bowel for faster removal, and will help to keep your urine appearing natural rather than diluted.

The problem with this claim is it’s not true. It can’t do all of that successfully. At the very least, the dilution of your sample will be noticed and it won’t bring metabolites in your urine under the detectable levels. You need a proper detoxification pill course like Toxin Rid and a proper detox drink like Rescue Cleanse to mask the remaining toxins instead.

How long does Certo last after taking it?

Certo is not a masking strategy. So there is no max time it will last. It’s meant to work to remove cannabis metabolites permanently. Although the idea is that potentially you could mask the toxins on the day by flushing out your bladder and then using multivitamins and creatine alongside the slowing down of metabolites appearing in your urine to mask for a few hours, in reality, it’s not a viable strategy.

How long does Certo work for urine test?

The Certo drug test hack is actually meant to be a permanent detoxification method, not just a masking strategy. However, the idea is that it should also slow the flow of metabolites into the bladder, and disguise the fact you have flushed yourself out. Unfortunately, in reality this simply isn’t true. The Certo method is a poor quality home remedy that will not help you pass drug tests unless you get incredibly lucky.

How Long Is Adderall In Your System? Complete Adderall Drug Test Guide

I’m going to tell you how long Adderall is in your system, even if it’s just something like 10 mg of Adderall you’re using. It’s more complex than you might think to answer though.

This is a complete guide to everything you need to know about Adderall in your system, and how to pass a drug test. I’ll cover all the basics you need to know. How long it stays in your system, the different types of Adderall, and the different types of drug tests you could face.

Then, I’ll tell you exactly how to pass both urine and oral drug tests, even with Adderall in your body, so that you never get caught out with an Adderall drug test.

In this guide I refer to the following high-quality products, should you want to check them out first:

  • Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink
  • Quick Luck Synthetic Urine
  • Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum
  • Toxin Rid Detox Pills

How Adderall Works

Adderall is officially prescribed for narcolepsy and ADHD symptom relief. It’s a stimulant medication that contains both amphetamine and dextroamphetamine.

It increases alertness and focus, and helps to calm the mind for ADHD users, and stimulates the mind to keep people awake with narcolepsy problems. Because of these features, Adderall is abused. It improves cognitive performance, and concentration levels, and increases your mental and physical energy.

Put all that together, and unprescribed Adderall use is widespread. But the problem is that even if used moderately, it’s going to appear on a drug test for at least a few days.

How Long Does Adderall Stay In Your System?

It’s really tough to answer how long Adderall stays in your system for. There are a ton of variations for the following reasons:

  • Health
  • Age
  • Kidney or liver problems
  • Frequency of dosing
  • Type of Adderall taken
  • Dosage being taken
  • Other drugs you are taking
  • Weight

When you read online the times Adderall stays in your system, remember that these are average times for moderate users.

What they are saying is that if you’ve taken a single dose of Adderall, then it will leave your body in X days.

For Adderall, that usually means in 72 hours, but can be up to 100 hours. But remember, that’s a single dose.

If you’re taking it more frequently, and even though it’s only got half life of 10 hours, your body never eradicates it all as you take more. This means it could take you a week to get clean, or even slightly longer if you are a daily user.

Note There Are Two Different Types Of Adderall

Remember as well, there are two different types of Adderall. The instant release and the long release versions. So when you see these average times for Adderall to stay in your system, they are talking generally about the short-release version.

When it comes to the long release, it could be released for several days after your last dose, and you don’t know exactly how long that will be.

If you’re taking this frequently, then it could be one or two weeks before you actually start testing clean.

Does Adderall Build Up In Your System?

Unfortunately, yes Adderall does build up in your system. The more you take, the more this happens.

If you aren’t in peak health, and if you’re taking other things, or if you’re not being good to your body, then these times lengthen as well.

Even though Adderall only has a short-ish half-life, regular dosing will mean that if you have been taking it regularly, and have taken in the past seven days, that you should assume you will fail a drug test.

Do Drug Tests Look Specifically For Adderall?

Drug tests don’t need to specifically look for Adderall or anything else that is similar to it. As I’ve said, it contains amphetamine. That means that any drug test that looks for the structure of amphetamines, or amphetamine metabolites, will find Adderall.

The bad news is that the amphetamine drug test panel is on every single standard drug test, from the lowest four-panel test, to the highest 14 panel test. It’s always there, so you will get caught.

How To Pass A Drug Test With Adderall In Your System

So how on earth can you pass a drug test with Adderall in your system, if you are guaranteed to be found using amphetamines?

Well, if you’ve got a prescription, just show them it and explain. If it’s legitimate then there won’t be a problem. But I’m guessing that’s not the situation you are in.

If you haven’t got a prescription, then you have a few choices for passing a urine drug test:

  • Get clean
  • Submit a fake sample
  • Mask the toxins

I’m going to talk about passing a urine drug test first. However, after that, I will cover how to pass an oral drug test with Adderall in your system as well.

1. How To Pass A Urine Drug Test

Urine drug testing is the most common type you would face, and there are three levels of scrutiny you could face:

  • Unsupervised test when nobody is near you (often in a separate room)
  • Supervised test where somebody is near you
  • Observed test where somebody is watching you

Unobserved drug testing is by far the most common, making up over 95% of drug tests done in the USA. You’ll always know in advance if you’re going to be observed in some way.

So you’ve got a variety of situations, but what can you use to avoid detection for Adderall?

Synthetic Urine

If it’s an unsupervised drug test then synthetic urine is definitely the best way of passing. A good quality synthetic urine will pretty much guarantee that you do so. However, most fake urine is awful. It’s always poor quality and complexity, and it doesn’t even look like urine let alone smell or froth like it.

Clear Choice Quick Luck is an exception. It’s not cheap, but it’s the best of the bunch and has no comparison.

Quick Luck has the following key characteristics:

  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Contains the right amount of creatinine
  • Contains 14 common chemicals found in urine
  • Contains the right amounts of urea and uric acid
  • Looks, froths, and even smells like urine

Not only is this advanced enough to pass modern validity checks, even the automated eCup system tests, but it will even pass the visual scrutiny of a curious human.

Better than all that, Quick Luck gets around the main reason why fake urine fails. The reason is that it’s submitted outside the correct temperature range.

Human urine exits the body within a very narrow temperature range, and legally, the sample has to be between 90°F and 100°F to be valid. Most fake urine uses heatpads to keep the sample warm. You have to heat it and then use the heatpad to maintain that temperature, which is problematic.

Quick Luck uses heat activator powder instead. No messing around with microwaves or heating the sample in advance at all.

Just before you go into the building, simply tap in about one-third, shake it until it dissolves (it’s undetectable), and watch the temperature strip. Add a little more until you get a good reading and then go in and submit your sample.

Detox Drink

Detox drinks are great for supervised/observed drug testing, or if you simply don’t have the courage to smuggle in fake urine (although I advise it).

Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink you will find. It’s really powerful and does two things very well.

  1. Firstly, it helps the body flush out drug toxins faster than it can naturally. In doing so it takes a while for the body to catch up again. This can take several hours, and it’s the time during which you can submit fresh, clean urine. Usually, this is around 3 – 5 hours clean.
  2. Rescue Cleanse also floods your body with things found in balanced urine. A lot of this gets pushed through as waste, and even though you flush yourself out, your urine won’t be diluted because it still contains the things that it should.

Rescue Cleanse is dead simple to use. Simply drink the contents of the bottle and then urinate at least three times over the next hour. Then get to your drug test as fast as possible.

It’s not quite as guaranteed as fake urine for unsupervised drug testing but is definitely the next best option if you are facing one at short notice.

Accelerated Detoxification

If you’ve got Adderall in your system, then the best way to confidently pass a urine drug test is to be actually clean.

Sure, as explained, time will detox you. But it’s unlikely you’ll have enough time if you’re a regular user. But you can do accelerated detox using detox pills. Not the rubbish ones that you’ll see cheap online, but the best of the bunch that I’m now going to tell you about.

Toxin Rid is the pill of choice. I’ve used them to detoxify twice. They speed up the removal of toxins in your body by at least 50%, and often more if you really eat healthily, exercise, sweat, and don’t take in any other drugs or alcohol. The five, seven, or 10 day courses should be selected depending on the frequency and dosing of the Adderall you are using.

So, if you’re a moderate user of short-term Adderall, you might get away with the five day course of Toxin Rid. This should have you testing clean in just two or three days.

2. Saliva Drug Test

Saliva drug testing can be problematic because someone can walk up to you and say they are taking your sample almost immediately.

Also, this can be done by somebody at work, by the roadside, by the police, or by probation services. Basically, with a little training and the right equipment they can do it almost on the spot. The good news is that Adderall, like all drugs, doesn’t hang around in saliva for very long. At most, one or two days usually.

But again, if you are using it regularly, it will stay for a day or so longer, and this could be even longer if you’re using slow-release Adderall.

Don’t worry though, there’s an easy way around it called Oral Clear saliva-neutralizing gum.

It’s not actually even a gum, but a capsule of highly concentrated mouthwash liquid. It’s incredibly easy to use and discreet enough to hide anywhere. Pop it in your mouth and split the capsule gently between your teeth with your mouth shut. Then, use your tongue to move the concentrated liquid around the gumline and your cheeks.

Do this for as long as you can and then swallow the lot. It will keep you neutralized of all drug toxins, including amphetamines like Adderall, for up to 15 minutes.

Where To Buy The Products You Need To Pass A Drug Test

When it comes to worrying about how long as Adderall in your system, you don’t have to really worry if you know how to get around the problem.

Even with the accelerated detox, a regular daily user of Adderall will be clean in three or four days. Just be aware that the slow-release version takes longer, although it’s uncommon for people using it recreationally to bother with it.

Let’s finish up here by telling you exactly where you can buy the products I’ve just talked about:

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine is available from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.
  2. Rescue Cleanse detox drink is also available from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.
  3. Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is again also available from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.
  4. Toxin Rid detoxification pills are available in course lengths from a single day through to 10 days in length and are available directly from Test Clear.

Detox For Drug Test: Walgreens & Amazon – Best Drug Test Kits And How To Pass Any Drug Test

 If you’re looking to detox for a drug test, then Walgreens is an obvious place to look. Lots of products, good prices, and quick ordering. But are detox for drug test Walgreens and Amazon options, along with sites like eBay and Walmart, the best?

In this complete guide, I’m going to cover the best drug detox kits, how to use them, and where to buy them from. I’ll explain how to use each drug detox cleanse kit in detail, explain limitations, and help you understand the strategies that give you the best chance of passing an important drug test.

If you’d like to check out the high-quality products we will be comparing Walgreens options to, then you can here:

What Sort Of Drug Test Are You Facing?

In truth, there’s no such thing as a single best detox cleanse kit, so trying to explain what the best drug test kits are is pretty impossible. But what you can do is use the best specific products and strategies for the type of drug test you face. So what sort of test are you facing?

  1. The most common type of drug test in the USA and beyond is the urine drug test. It’s affordable, quick, and can catch you out for several days after you last took drugs.

There are two types, unsupervised testing and supervised. Most tests are unsupervised, meaning nobody will be watching you.

With the urine test, you have the following options:

  • Submit a fake sample (synthetic urine)
  • Mask the toxins for a few hours (detox drinks)
  • Try and get completely clean (detox pills)
  • Hybrid method to lower drug metabolites levels (detox pills + detox drink)
  1. The second most common drug test type is the oral drug test. They take a sample of your saliva and test that. It’s cheap and anyone can administer the test, but will only catch someone out for two or three days after the last took drugs.

Walgreens Detox Kits: What Detox Cleanse Kit Options Are There?

You really haven’t got a lot of options for finding detox kits at Walgreens, and especially not weed detox Walgreens options.

They sell QCarbo32, a really poor-quality detox drink (click for our review). In my testing a few years back, I found as a daily weed smoker it couldn’t mask the toxins for a home drug test. It simply wasn’t potent enough to create a gap in the flow of toxins through the kidneys into the bladder.

They sell a ton of pretty useless detox pills, which they advertise as detox cleanse kits. You can get a 10-day detox kit, and a ton of shorter-term options.

As an example, they sell something called the RenewLife 2 part, 3 day cleanse (advanced herbal formula). Basically, guys, it’s junk. The ingredients are rubbish, and it costs just $4.29. Let me tell you, you might as well use headache pills for the good it will do.

Amazon, eBay, Walmart Any Better?

There’s absolutely nothing at Walgreens to help you, other than a detox drink called Mega Clean which I’ll cover in a little while. It’s the same story for all of the big marketplace sites like Amazon, eBay, and Walmart. They sell junk at low prices.

If you want to pass a drug test, then you need specialist products from specialist retailers. They aren’t cheap, but they are potent and will do the job they claim.

Best Strategies To Pass Drug Tests

Hopefully, my warnings will have convinced you that there’s no point in messing around with cheap rubbish. The best strategies to pass drug testing include using top-quality products As with anything in life, you want the best chance of success, so let’s now talk you through the strategies that will maximize your chances of passing a drug test.

1. Quick Luck Synthetic Urine

Most drug tests are unsupervised. That means you’ll be behind a screen, or in a different room when you submit your sample. If it’s one of the newer digital eCup tests, where you put the sample into a machine for analysis, then there are no humans involved at all.

This makes the unsupervised drug test perfect for submitting a fake sample. Obviously, you can’t use one during a supervised test where you would be observed urinating, but they are very rare and you would know in advance it was going to be that type of test.

Don’t be fooled by cheap fake urine. Stuff like Magnum, Urine Luck, and U Pass are all cheap and nasty, and just don’t have the complexity to fool modern drug analysis, or even a curious human. Quick Luck is totally different though. It’s a level above and is itself a development of the best fake urine out there until it arrived on the scene, called Sub Solution.

Made by a company called Clear Choice, Quick Luck has the following characteristics:

  • Looks, froths, and smells like urine
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity ranges
  • Contains the right amounts of creatinine, urea, uric acid
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad to maintain the temperature

Quick Luck will pass all standard validity checks due to what it contains. The validity check will look for things found in urine, and Quick Luck has everything that is common to it. It will also pass human scrutiny. The curious or suspicious person will not be able to tell it apart from the real sample, and I would defy you to tell the difference either.

Quick Luck is the best fake urine you can buy, and the best way of passing an unsupervised drug test. Click Here For Our Detailed Quick Luck Review.

You can buy Quick Luck directly from Clear Choice, for $100.

Clear Choice Quick Luck synthetic urine

2. Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink

Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse is the best detox drink on the market. It has a limitation, but all detox drinks do.

A detox drink does not fully detox your body. It’s not a permanent detoxification product. Detox drinks are masking agents.

They work by doing the following:

  1. A good detox drink will contain things that can flush out your body of toxins faster than can be achieved naturally. This, along with the volume of liquid, means that you will not only urinate more frequently but more toxins will be drawn out in a short space of time.
  2. By speeding up the removal of toxins faster than can be achieved naturally, it creates a gap in the flow of toxins going into the kidneys, through them, and out into your urine. Typically, this gap is up to 5 hours, but for heavy users could be as low as two hours. But it’s still a good window during which you can submit a clean sample.
  3. A good quality detox drink like Rescue Cleanse will also flood your body with things found in urine. Because of the flood, some will be passed through as waste, and will appear in your urine in the correct balances to keep it appearing normal for those validity checks.

Using Rescue Cleanse is very simple as well. Simply drink the liquid in the bottle (32 fluid ounces) about 90 minutes before your test. Spend the next hour urinating at least three or four times, and then head to the test center and submit your sample as quickly as possible.

Rescue Cleanse is very affordable at $65. Made by Clear Choice, it’s available directly here.

3. Toxin Rid Detox Pills

The best way to pass a urine or oral drug test is to be completely clean of drug toxins so that you can confidently. The problem is that it can take several days after your last dose or smoke to get clean. If you’re a regular cannabis smoker, because of the way they work in the body, it can actually be several weeks before you test clean after your last joint.

On average, if you have taken something in the past three or four days, then you’ll probably fail a drug test. You can add several days to that if you’re taking large doses very regularly.

The best chance of getting genuinely clean is to use Toxin Rid detox pills. Highly potent, they will speed up the removal of toxins from your body by 50%, and sometimes up to 75% faster than can be achieved naturally.

That would mean that even as a regular weed smoker, who would take two weeks or more to get clean, could be clean in a week or less.

Even if you can’t get completely clean, it will leave far fewer toxins in your body. You can then use a good quality detox drink like Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean to mask the remaining ones, and because there are less toxins flowing out of your body, the time during which you will test negative will be extended.

Toxin Rid is available in variety of course lengths:

  • 1 – 3 day courses for partial detoxification of heavy users, and full detoxification of light users.
  • 4 – 6 day courses for full detoxification of light to moderate users, and partial detoxification of heavy users.
  • 7 – 10 day courses for full detoxification of moderate and heavy users.

Toxin Rid instructions are simple as well:

  • Simply take three pills per hour for the first five hours of each day of the course.
  • Then, on the last day, after your last pills, mix up the detox liquid and drink that. It’s a potent liquid that will push out a lot of the remaining toxins queueing up to exit the body.
  • If you’re a weed smoker, you can also then use the optional fiber supplement. Because up to 60% of cannabis metabolites exit through the bowel, this potent fiber supplement will help to draw many of those metabolites into the bowel and clean them out quickly.

Toxin Rid courses are available to buy from as little as $59.95. You can buy Toxin Rid courses directly from Test Clear.

Weed detox pills

4. Mega Clean Detox Drink

I’ll just recommend Mega Clean here. Although it’s available from Walgreens, on its own it’s not as potent as Rescue Cleanse so is not as recommended unless you have no other option.

If you buy it from Test Clear though, the company who make Toxin Rid pills, then you’ll get six potent pre-rid pills bundled in free. That’s enough to do a strong 24-hour detox on the day before your test. It will push out a ton of toxins, and leave less in the body for Mega Clean to mask.

You can buy Mega Clean with the free pre-rid pills direct from Test Clear here.

Certo detox alternatives

5. Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum

If you’re facing an oral drug test, which you could if you’re going for a job with a company like Amazon that definitely do oral drug testing, then there’s only one product I can recommend. Oral Clear is a saliva-neutralizing product. Often called a gum, it’s really a small capsule of highly concentrated mouthwash-neutralizing liquid.

It’s really easy to use as well:

  1. Discreetly cup the capsule in the palm of your hand, and put your hand your mouth to push the capsule in. It’s only the size of a standard headache capsule.
  2. With your mouth closed, gently split the capsule between your teeth. Keeping the liquid in your mouth, move it gently around your mouth to cover each area. Use your tongue to work it into the gumline and other difficult-to-reach areas.
  3. The last step is to swallow the lot. It will get rid of all traces of you having used it, and the mouthwash itself is undetectable on a drug test.

Oral Clear will keep your saliva neutralized for up to 15 minutes, and that’s the same for fresh saliva coming into your mouth as well. For a detailed  Oral Clear Gum review, Click here. Oral Clear is available to buy from Clear Choice for $95 right here.