Ultimate Gold Detox Drink Review: Ingredients, Instructions & Does It Work?

There is a myriad of detox drinks out there, and Ultimate Gold detox drink is another choice you have. In this complete ultimate goal detox drink review I’m going to tell you everything you need to know.

We will talk about how drug toxins work in the body, and how a detox drink should work to counter them. I’ll tell you a bit about gold detox, and the bizarre confusion some people, including professional reviews, have about it.

Then I will cover the full Gold Detox drink instructions you need to follow, should you choose to buy Ultimate Gold.

How Drug Toxins Work In The Body

To understand how good a detox drink is, you have to understand how drug toxins work in the body, and then how a detox drink should work to counter them. say you smoke weed. When you smoke a joint, THC gets you high, and THC is detectable in your blood, and later in your saliva and urine.

Waste products created during that process, called metabolites, are also created. For weed, the most prolific is THC-NOOH.

All of these things fly around your body until they are processed by the liver and kidneys, and rejected from the body through your stools and urine (a tiny amount is also removed through sweating).

So a detox drink has to deal with that process and hide the fact that you have these things in your body.

That’s the point. It hides them. A detox drink is not a permanent detoxification agent, it merely creates a gap in the toxin flow out of the body, allowing you to submit a clean sample.

This Is How A Detox Drink Should Work

This is what a good quality detox drink will achieve in the body:

  • Will flush out the toxins in your kidneys, bladder, and urinary tract
  • Accelerates the speed at which you urinate
  • Replaces the things found in urine that now will be there
  • Keep your urine looking natural color
  • Creates a gap in the flow of toxins out of your body

Let’s just look at that in a little more detail so you can see if Gold Detox can achieve it, or not.

When you drink a detox drink it floods your body with a lot of liquid. At the same time, it contains things that are diuretics, so you not only urinate more liquid but a lot more frequently. This pushes toxins out of your body far quicker than natural.

Doing that creates a gap. You have maybe a few hours before fresh toxins work through the kidneys and into your urine again.

But more than that, it floods your body with things found in urine. Some are passed through as waste in the correct proportions, meaning your urine still contains them even though it’s just been ruthlessly flushed out.

Finally, it will contain a range of things, including B vitamins, which will keep your urine appearing a natural color, rather than clear and diluted.

What Is The Gold Detox Drink?

So now you understand what a detox drink should do, what exactly is the Gold Detox drink? Ultimate Gold make two different detox drink sizes. 16 fluid ounces and 20 fluid ounces. Other than that, they are identical in the composition of what is in the bottle.

For me, 16 fluid ounces is nothing. There’s really no difference between the two sizes for the practical purposes of flushing out your body.

So if you are going to buy Ultimate Gold, then you should be looking at the 20 oz size for maximum effects.

Don’t Get Confused Between Gold Detox Drink And Gold Fake Urine

When I was looking into Gold Detox drink originally, I was utterly confused by a review I read.

It had a picture of the Gold Detox drink bottle and pictures of the ingredients list. It talked about it containing creatine, and it talked about it flushing out toxins.

But then, it bizarrely started talking about fetish urine and how you would need to microwave it to get the temperature as close to 100°F as possible. Whatever idiot that site had employed, they had got confused in the review between the detox drink and the fake urine product the company also sell.

Don’t make that mistake as well. They are both called Ultimate Gold, but the urine comes in a box, while the drink comes in two different-sized bottles.

Gold Detox Drink Instructions

Now let’s take a look at the exact Ultimate Gold detox drink instructions you will need to follow to stand a chance of passing a urine drug test using it.

  1. Shake the bottle gently and then consume the contents steadily over 15 minutes. Do this 90 minutes before the time of your test.
  2. Refill the bottle with water and drink that steadily over a second 15 minute period.
  3. From the time you start this process, urinate at least three times in the next 60 minutes.
  4. That leaves you with about 30 minutes to get to your test location.

As long as you spend the hour urinating frequently and you get to the test promptly after that, you should have a couple of hours clean during which you can submit a clean sample.

The top tip for me is to ensure that you have a home drug test kit handy. If you fail just before you leave, drink a backup detox drink bottle (the same or different brand), urinate at least once, and then head off.

Does Gold Detox Work?

Any ultimate goal detox drink review that serious has to answer the key question: does it work?

For me, it’s mostly a no.

If you have light levels of toxins in your body, and you can do a 48 hour detox before the day of your test as well, then the 20 fluid ounce bottle might just work for you. But for me, there are several problems with Gold Detox.

First, there just isn’t enough liquid. Even the large bottle is only 20 fluid ounces, whereas the detox drinks I know work contain 32 fluid ounces. More liquid, more ingredients, more potency.

Second, the ingredients just don’t seem potent enough to me. Sure, there is a diuretic in there (Uva Ursi), and some creatine (although on one ingredients list I saw there was no creatine listed). There are also vitamins to alter the shade of your urine.

But there’s not much of any of this, and even more concerning the, there’s even 40 mg of PABA in it, for God knows what reason, which has been linked to causing cancer.

Overall, this just isn’t potent enough to do the job unless you are a really light user and get lucky.

Where To Buy Ultimate Gold Detox Drink

If you still want to use Gold Detox, and you’re wondering where to buy Ultimate Gold, then Amazon is the obvious place. On there right now, you can get a 20 oz bottle for less than $20.

But that should tell you everything you need to know about the quality of this detox drink overall. $20 is a joke, and you can’t expect to get quality for that money.

Better Alternatives To Ultimate Gold Detox Drink

There are far better alternatives out there to the Gold Detox drink.

  1. Mega Clean

Mega Clean from Test Clear is one of the most potent options out there right now.

Mega Clean is a good detox drink. A good balance and potency, and it’s a full 32-fluid-ounce bottle.

If you buy it from Test Clear, you get six free pre-rid pills bundled in as well. Then, all you have to do, is do a 24 hour detox on the day before your test, use the pre-rid pills, and it will push out far more toxins than you can naturally.

Doing that means there’s less work for the detox drink to do. There will just be less toxins to create a gap in the flow of.

The instructions for using a pretty straightforward. Drink the contents, refill the bottle and drink those, and urinate at least three times in the space for an hour. You should be clean for up to 5 hours after (although in reality for a heavy user or smoker, it’s three hours maximum).

Mega Clean with the pre-rid pills is a fantastically powerful combo, probably the most powerful combo out there right now.

  1. Rescue Cleanse

Rescue Cleanse on its own is the most potent detox (on its own) you can buy right now. A full 32 oz bottle, it contains a really good range of ingredients that push out far more toxins than you can naturally, while leaving your urine perfectly balanced.

You don’t even need additional water when using Rescue Cleanse, which is a great sign.

You literally just drink the contents of the bottle, and urinate at least three times during 60 minutes while drinking it and after. Doing that should leave you clean for up to 5 hours (although again, for heavy users it’s usually around three hours).

If you just want a detox drink with a proven track record, and no extra messing around with additional water, then Rescue Cleanse is definitely your best option. It’s not available in Walmart and on Amazon. You can only order it from the manufacturer’s website.

Smoke Shops That Sell Synthetic Urine: Will Locally Bought Synthetic Urine Pass A Modern Drug Test?

If you’re doing that search right now for synthetic urine near me, then don’t worry I’ve got you covered in this piece. I’m going to talk to you about the smoke shops that sell synthetic urine, as well as other local stores that do the same. Should you trust them, and will what you buy that can pass a drug test?

So this is a complete guide on using synthetic urine to pass a drug test, along with the brands to use, the brands to avoid, and what your best options are if you are facing that test at short notice.

If you’d like to check out high-quality synthetic urine before we get started, to give you a benchmark on the quality needed, then this is the best on the market:

Should You Do The Synthetic Urine Near Me Search?

I want to start with a warning. You shouldn’t even be doing that search for “fake pee near me” on Google Maps, because you won’t find anything of value.

I’ll go through the specifics in a moment, but Smoke Shop synthetic urine brands are not good. They are cheap with high-price markups. Overall, if you’re facing a drug test at really short notice, so much so that you need to go grab a bottle of fake pee right now, then you are in trouble I’m afraid.

None of the fake urine products you can pick up locally will pass a modern drug test. If you’re facing a drug test tomorrow then I would claim you have Covid and try and put it off for a few days until you can get proper synthetic urine.

What’s Wrong With Locally Bought Urine Products?

Let’s get to the specifics of why buying locally sold fake pee brands simply won’t work to pass a modern drug test.

Here’s a snapshot of the reasons:

  • Poor sample quality and complexity
  • Most fake pee kits don’t tick even the minimum boxes
  • Heatpads are unreliable for temperature maintenance
  • Most brands contain biocide preservatives which can be spotted
  • Cheap synthetic urine won’t pass close human scrutiny

Overall it’s about only getting poor quality and paying a high price for it.

The brands are available locally in smoke shops are purchased at wholesale cheaply and then sold for very high profit margins. They are making money, but you don’t stand a chance of passing your test. The best fake urine is specialist, expensive, and only available from specialist retailers.

Because people don’t want to pay top dollar and don’t appreciate the quality, then shops online retailers simply wouldn’t buy them wholesale at such a high price because to make the margins they want they would have to charge more than people would pay. That’s exactly why you get poor-quality rubbish locally, and why it’s not recommended to purchase synthetic urine in local shops.

Did you really think you were going to pop into a nearby smoke shop, spend $30, and get around modern drug tests?

These Are The Fake Urine Kits To Avoid

I can’t give you a comprehensive list, and it’s far easier just to recommend some good synthetic urine products as I will in a moment. But here are some quick reviews of the worst fake urine products that you will regularly see for sale, and that people will regularly say work to pass a drug test.

Remember that these products have been around for two decades. Two decades ago they would have been good enough to pass drug testing, but as it’s moved on substantially in terms of its ability to spot unusual fake urine samples, then what worked before won’t work again.

So don’t look at user reviews, because most of them are outdated, and you get a ton of trash reviews just trying to promote these synthetic urine kits. I saw someone mention on youtube that Walgreens synthetic urine kits are the best. Actually retail giants don’t sell fake urine kits, don’t even bother checking it.

The most common brands are:

  1. Quick Fix Synthetic Urine

If you buy fake pee in a headshop this is actually the best of the rest. Quick fix synthetic urine kit is not great, but it does contain the basics needed to pass a drug test. It also looks like real urine. But that’s where the good news ends. If the validity checks on your sample are anything more than the very basic ones, then it will fail.

Quick Fix also doesn’t froth or smell like real urine, meaning that anyone looking at it curiously will spot it a mile off.  Plus, it uses a heatpad, and heatpads are terribly unreliable and you shouldn’t use any product that girly relies on one.

  1. U Pass

Another big name that you will see a lot in your local head shops. However, it’s also another very poor-quality fake pee brand. Just like Quick Fix, it only contains the basics of creatinine, urea, and uric acid. It’s balanced for the pH level and specific gravity, and sort of looks like real urine, but that’s where the positive traits end. It’s not complex enough, it will not fool visual scrutiny, and the two air activated heaters in the package have always been questioned online because it fails so often.

  1. XStream Urine

Just like Magnum synthetic urine, XStream is billed as “fetish urine”. That tells you its original purpose, and what it’s primarily marketed as. It should also tell you that they won’t be too worried about its quality.

It also costs $24.95. Do you really think you can buy synthetic urine to pass a modern urine test for 25 bucks? Let me tell you, it’s poor. They claim that labs even use their product to calibrate their equipment. Come on, that’s just complete nonsense. What equipment needs calibrating? The whole thing is just ridiculous.

You can add fake pee kits like Urine Luck, Magnum, and Monkey Whizz to the list above. The truth is that you simply cannot get good quality urine nowadays to pass a drug test for something like $50, it’s impossible.

Also, many of the cheap brands contain biocide preservatives. These have been established to be a “footprint” that some drug test companies are almost certainly looking forward to rule out fake samples.

fake pee near me

How Else Can I Pass A Short Notice Urine Drug Test?

Now I’ve ruled out all those brands that shops that sell synthetic urine will stock, the cheap rubbish, what else can you do?

Well, you can’t use home remedies. You can’t flush out your system with any type of liquid like water, cranberry juice, or anything else. The Sure Jell/Certo method only partly works, and it only partly works to get rid of cannabis metabolites. Your chance of passing even for cannabis use is less than 50%.

Overall, the only real way out is to buy synthetic urine that ticks all the boxes required to get around modern drug testing.

The Traits Of High-Quality Synthetic Pee

When you submit your sample, it has to jump through the following hoops:

  1. Has to be submitted within the correct temperature range, at between 90 and 100 Fahrenheit, to be a legal sample. Heatpads are very unreliable and can’t achieve this with certainty.
  2. It has to pass the “sniff test” which basically represents all types of visual scrutiny. People conducting the test can hold the sample up to the light, shake it to see if it froths, and yes, sometimes even sniff it to see if it smells like human urine.
  3. It has to be complex enough to pass validity checks. This is usually a dipstick test that looks for common adulterants, and common things found in urine to ensure it’s a genuine sample. It will also look at the pH and specific gravity ranges.

Astonishingly, there are only two synthetic urine products that actually tick all the boxes needed to fool the stages of modern drug tests.

smoke shop synthetic urine

The Only Product That Ticks Every Box Is Called Quick Luck

A product called Sub Solution from a company called Clear Choice was the best on the market. It ticked all the boxes I’ve mentioned above. The only downside to Sub Solution is that it’s a powder in medical vial that you have to hydrate with filtered water in order to use it. It’s a small stumbling block, but it is one.

Clear Choice decided to update Sub Solution and release it under the label Quick Luck.

Quick Luck is slightly more complex than Sub Solution, and crucially, it’s premixed for instant use. That also makes it perfect for on-the-spot, or short-notice drug testing.

These are the traits of Quick Luck:

  • Looks, froths, and even smells like human urine
  • Is within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges
  • Has 15 common chemicals found in urine in it
  • Doesn’t contain biocide preservatives

So Quick Luck is going to fool the visual scrutiny, should someone get suspicious.

It’s also going to get through even more complex validity checks, as it is within the correct ranges of the key things, and it contains far more common chemicals found in human urine than are ever usually looked for.

It also uses heat activator powder rather than a heatpad. This is the crucial difference that truly sets it apart.

There’s no preparation with Quick Luck because it’s premixed and uses the heat activator powder. No activating heatpads, no maintaining the temperature, and no using microwave ovens. You don’t need to do anything until you are almost ready to submit it.

How To Use Quick Luck To Pass A Drug Test

To show you how easy it is to use Quick Luck to pass a drug test, let’s talk you through the steps you need to know right now.

  1. The only preparation you need to do is to conceal it. Remember that the test will be unsupervised, so nobody will be looking at you. They also can’t search you intimately, so you just need to make sure they can’t touch it. Tuck it into your underwear and wear baggy jogging bottoms.
  2. Depending on the weather, make sure you are also wearing a coat if needed. Keeping the sample close to your body will get it close to the correct temperature to submit it within anyway. That will also leave less work for the heat activator powder to do (you don’t have to mess with a heating pad ). It also helps to conceal it further.
  3. On arrival, just before you walk into the building, you’re going to check the temperature on the side of the bottle. If there’s no reading, and you know it’s too cool, then you’re going to use the heat activator powder. Tap in about one quarter, shake it gently until it dissolves, and then watch the temperature strip for about one minute.
  4. Repeat the process with the heat activator powder until you get a reading. If you’re in a very hot area, you may not even need to heat activator powder and may have to even use a little cold water on it instead. But this is rare.

As you can see, that’s the entire process. It’s about close temperature management, which is very easy using Quick Luck because you can manipulate the temperature degree by degree with ease.

It will pass visual scrutiny, it will pass validity checks, and you’ll be able to submit it within the correct temperature range. It’s the ultimate synthetic urine kit, and it’s the only one I would ever use now to try and pass a modern drug test.

Where To Buy Quick Luck Synthetic Urine Kit

Unless you’re desperate, do not look for smoke shops that sell synthetic urine. You won’t find fake pee near you that works for modern drug testing. Even if you’ve got just a couple of days, order Quick Luck now with fast shipping. If you’re facing a drug test soon, order it with quick delivery.

It is only available directly to buy from Clear Choice themselves.

It’s not cheap, but it is the most complex fake pee brand on the market that will give you the best chance of passing a drug test.

Quick Luck costs $100. You’ll get the urine, the heat activator powder, and even a pair of very thin and high-quality heatpads. If you live somewhere cold, you could use the heatpads in advance to start warming the sample up, meaning there will be even less work for the heat activator powder.

As you can see, it’s the ultimate piece of kit for getting the sample temperature exactly right and standing the best chance of passing an important drug test.

best synthetic urine brands

Fake Pee FAQ -All You Need To Know About Buying Synthetic Urine

Does Quick Fix urine work?

No Quick Fix urine doesn’t work. It’s not complex enough to pass modern drug tests, doesn’t really look like real human urine anyway, and the heatpad is such poor quality that it often fails and means that your sample will be outside the legal temperature range when submitted.

What is the success rate of Quick Fix Synthetic Urine?

The success rate of Quick Fix used to be pretty good. However, drug testing has moved on an awful lot since it was first marketed almost 20 years ago. Nowadays, I wouldn’t trust Quick Fix at all. It’s very basic, containing only creatinine, urea, and uric acid. If the validity checks look for anything else, then you are screwed. There are far better and more complex options out there nowadays, such as Clear Choice Quick Luck.

How to dispute a false positive drug test?

You should have revealed any medications and other substances that could have caused a false positive during the questionnaire session before your test. However, false positives can happen and you should always dispute results if you are genuinely innocent. You should speak to the administrator you dealt with, the relevant contact, or the person/company who commissioned the test. Be aware that a retest will always be an observed drug test (they will watch you urinate) to rule out artificial urine being submitted.

What is the difference between instant and lab urine test?

There is no difference between an instant and lab urine test. Both tests are usually immunoassay tests. If you are referring to gas chromatography – mass spectrometry lab analysis, this is only rarely done, as it is expensive. For practical purposes, it doesn’t matter where your sample is analyzed, it will go through the same process.

What makes a urine sample invalid?

Several things invalidate a urine sample. The temperature not being within the correct range (between 90°F and 100°F, it failing the validity checks on its characteristics, it failing the urinalysis (immunoassay test for the presence of drugs), or you being caught with a fake sample on you before you submit it, or after you submit it.

How long does synthetic pee last?

Unopened, you’ve got as long as is stated on the box. Usually this is at least one year, and often up to 2 years. Once opened, even if refrigerated, it’s really only good to store it for 24 hours. After that, and sometimes well before that, bacteria will start to degrade it and will cause an increasingly higher risk of being spotted during a drug test.

Can synthetic pee be detected in a lab?

Yes, cheap fake pee brands can be detected. That is why you should use the best synthetic urine kits .

Does Fake Pee Work At Quest Diagnostics (Tampa, Gainesville, Or Any Other Location)?

If you know your drug test is at Quest diagnostics, or one of their licensed third-party collection centers, then it’s reasonable to ask does fake pee work at Quest Diagnostics?

You may be visiting a specific Quest location, like Tampa, Fl, for example. Are there different testing standards and criteria you need to know about? Plus, what happens with the drug test, and will Quest diagnostics call if I fail a drug test, or do they just notify the person who paid for the test?

I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about drug testing at Quest Diagnostics (which also applies to every other drug testing company as well).

Not only will I be talking about using synthetic urine, but I’ll be specifically referring to the best on the market right now called Quick Luck, which you can check out in advance here:

>>> Clear Choice Quick Luck high-quality fake urine

The Big Question: Do Drug Testing Companies Actually Look For Fake Urine?

To answer the question around whether fake pee works at Quest Diagnostics, we can help everyone here by answering a bigger question: Do drug testing companies try and detect fake urine and will it work to pass a drug test?

Drug testing companies don’t actually specifically look in detail for fake urine. They are not looking for markers, or footprints, or characteristics, that would specifically detect it.

The only exception to that is the potential for them to look for biocide, a common preservative. There is a little evidence, although it’s not complete, that drug testing companies do look for that in some validity checks. However, I’ve never seen it formally acknowledged by any drug testing company.

They look for these basics in what are called the validity checks directly after you submit your sample:

  • Common adulterants such as aspirin and nitrates
  • Whether it contains creatinine
  • Whether it contains urea and uric acid (sometimes)
  • If it’s within the correct pH and specific gravity range

The truth is that the validity checks are mostly just a dipstick test that look for those few common traits, whether it’s a human testing the sample, or one of the modern eCup automated systems.

The second question is does synthetic urine work at Quest and other companies?

The answer is yes. As long as you submit it within the correct temperature range, and it ticks all the boxes I’ve just mentioned for the validity checks, then it’s going to pass the urinalysis to try and detect drugs.

How Complex Does Synthetic Urine Have To Be To Pass?

As you’ve now seen, fake pee can work at Quest and elsewhere, and it doesn’t actually have to be that complex. It has to be complex enough to pass the validity checks. So it has to contain a few common chemicals found in urine, and it must not contain biocide preservatives.

It also has to look, froth, and preferably smell like urine, in case somebody gets suspicious. It’s unlikely, but it can happen.

Most importantly for you, it has to be submitted within the correct temperature range. Legally, this has to be between 90°F and 100°F. This is the bit that you can affect most.

quest diagnostics urine lab test

Does Synthetic Urine Work At Quest?

So to answer your main question, around does fake pee work at Quest Diagnostics, no matter what the location is, whether it’s Tampa, or anywhere else, is yes it will work.

And no, they don’t specifically look in detail for fake urine. As long as it jumps through the hoops they put in place, which are pretty basic, then it’s going to pass.

As I’ve mentioned, it has to have the basic characteristics to do that, and it has to have the ability to be easily submitted within the correct temperature range. Most fake urine brands use heatpads to achieve this, but they aren’t really reliable.

Here’s What Happens When You Submit A Sample At Quest

Let’s now talk you through exactly what happens when you submit a sample at a lab company like Quest diagnostics, LabCorp, or Concentra.

Remember also, that all of these big companies outsource to third-party testing centers and companies around the nation. They all have pretty much identical processes, and/or have to follow the process outlined by the company paying for the test.

  1. On arrival you will usually be searched. But this is mostly cursory, removing bags, hats, and coats. They may then pat you down in case you are carrying fake urine. But they can’t touch you intimately, which is why you will put the small vial of premixed urine into your underwear, tucked into your crotch and then hidden with baggy trousers or shorts.
  2. Straight after you have urinated into the little sample cup you will hand it over immediately and within two minutes of this happening, they must record the sample temperature. It has to be between 90°F and 100°F be legal. That’s why a reliable heating source is so important.
  3. A validity test will then be done. This is a dipstick test which is tested against panels usually, but it can also be automated along with the rest of the test if it’s an digital eCup test. This looks for basics in the composition of the urine and the presence of any major adulterants. But it is a basic and cursory test.
  4. As long as it passes the previous steps then it will undergo urinalysis. This is basically another dipstick test against panels. So with a five panel drug test was pay for, then it will be tested against five panels to see if they react.

That’s it. That’s all the steps taken. It’s pretty basic in reality as long as no suspicion is aroused around your sample. A good quality fake urine will dance through that process with ease.

How Long Does Quest Diagnostics Take For Urine Results To Come Back?

Positive or negative result from Quest diagnostics will usually come back within 24 hours.

In terms of how long does Quest diagnostics take the urine results if it’s positive, that can also be 24 hours, but occasionally can be slightly longer if they decide to do a full gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis on it, but that’s rare with the initial testing.

Note that with the modern digital eCup system results can actually be texted and emailed immediately after the automated testing is complete.

The Characteristics Of The Best Synthetic Urine

As you now know, you can pass a drug test with fake urine, and it doesn’t have to be that complex. To pass a drug test, all it needs to do is be good enough to pass the basic checks that will be completed.

Does synthetic urine work at Quest? Yes, it certainly does, but only if it has the following characteristics:

  • Must look, froth, and smell like human urine
  • Must be easily submitted within the correct temperature range
  • Has to contain more than the basics of creatinine, uric acid, and urea
  • Has to be within the correct specific gravity and pH ranges

Quick Luck is the only synthetic urine out there that does this and more, as it contains 14 chemicals found in human urine, so it will pass even the more complex validity checking,

Quick luck reviews

How To Pass A Drug Test Using Quick Luck

  1. There’s no preparation because it’s premixed and you don’t have to mess around with a heatpad. Simply conceal it on yourself and head towards the test center.
  2. On arrival, before you go into the building, out of sight you will prepare the sample. Check the temperature then tap in about one quarter of the heat activator powder that you get with the product. Shake it until it’s dissolved. This agitates the liquid and will raise the temperature slightly. Check for a reading after about one minute, and repeat the process until you get one.
  3. Go in and submit your sample. Because it’s an unsupervised test, you can even check the vial temperature before you pour into the sample cup and if it’s cooled and isn’t getting a reading, you can even cheekily add a little more heat activator powder to ensure that you simply cannot fail the temperature check.

Where To Buy Quick Luck

As you can now see, the answer the question around does fake pee work at Quest diagnostics in Tampa, or any other location in the USA, is yes it will.

As long as you use Quick Luck, then due to its complexity and ability to control the temperature, then it’s pretty much certain that you will pass unless something abnormal happens, which is very rare because the companies just want to make as much money as possible from your sample by intervening as little as possible in any extra scrutiny.

Quick Luck is made by Clear Choice. It costs $100, which is the most expensive on the market but now you can see exactly why it is the premium brand.

It’s available to buy only direct from Clear Choice through their web store at test negative.

The Ultimate Guide to Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink

Detoxification has become an increasingly popular health and wellness trend. With our modern lifestyles, many of us are exposed to harmful toxins on a daily basis from the food we eat, the products we use, and the environment around us. A periodic detox can help eliminate these accumulated toxins, promote overall health, provide a reset for your body, and support natural cleansing processes.

One detox product that has been gaining popularity is Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink. This maximum strength formula claims to offer powerful cleansing in just one step.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll explore everything you need to know about Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse, including:

  • What is Rescue Cleanse, and how does it work?
  • Key ingredients and science behind the formula
  • Benefits of using Rescue Cleanse for detox
  • Step-by-step instructions for proper use
  • Where to buy Rescue Cleanse (hint: it’s online only!)
  • Answers to frequently asked questions
  • Tips for getting the most out of your detox

By the end, you’ll understand exactly what Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse is, why it’s so popular, and how to use it for a safe and effective detox. Let’s get started!

What is Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink?

Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse is a 32-ounce detox drink designed to provide maximum strength cleansing for individuals over 200 pounds. It comes in a tasty cran-apple flavor and contains a proprietary ingredient called Clear Zone, which is said to offer up to 5 hours of toxin-free time.

The key benefits claimed by the manufacturer include:

  • Provides maximum strength detoxification
  • 100% effective and undetectable
  • Up to 5 hours of toxin-free time
  • Fast-acting formula
  • Designed for individuals over 200 lbs

Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse aims to help you reset and revitalize your body through natural detoxification. It’s meant to be used periodically as part of an overall health regimen.

Many people appreciate Rescue Cleanse as a convenient, easy-to-use detox drink that provides results quickly. It’s a popular option before major events like weddings or vacations when you want to look and feel your best.

How Does Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse Work?

The science behind Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse is dilution. The key ingredients in the formula work together to naturally dilute toxins in your body, making them easier to eliminate.

Here is an overview of how Rescue Cleanse provides detoxification in 3 key steps:

  1. Ingestion – You drink the full 32oz bottle of Rescue Cleanse. This delivers key vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts into your system.
  2. Dilution – The ingredients help increase urine output. This dilutes toxins and impurities, allowing them to be flushed out in your urine.
  3. Elimination – With toxins diluted, your body can more effectively eliminate them through urination and healthy bowel movements. This provides cleansing of your system.

The result is you’ve flushed out harmful substances and feel refreshed in both mind and body.

Now, let’s take a deeper look at the key ingredients that make this detox process possible.

Key Ingredients in Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse

Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse contains a specialized blend of vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts. These natural ingredients work synergistically to promote the dilution of toxins and support your body’s natural cleansing processes.

Here are the primary active ingredients:

  • Vitamin B2: Also known as riboflavin, vitamin B2 helps break down and eliminate toxins from fats and proteins in your system.
  • Vitamin B12: This water-soluble B vitamin gives you an energy boost while also supporting liver function for toxin elimination.
  • Creatine Monohydrate: Creatine increases water retention in your muscles, helping to boost urine output for flushing toxins.
  • Dandelion Root Extract: Dandelion acts as a natural diuretic, increasing urine production to flush out toxins quickly.
  • Milk Thistle Seed Extract: Milk thistle helps protect your liver from incoming toxins while supporting natural detox processes.

Other ingredients in Rescue Cleanse include purified water, malic acid, magnesium oxide, cranberry fruit juice, apple fruit juice, and stevia for natural sweetening.

The combination of specially chosen vitamins, antioxidants, amino acids, and herbal extracts allows Rescue Cleanse to provide a thorough cleanse.

The Benefits of Using Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse

There are many potential benefits to trying a periodic detox cleanse like Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse:

  • Resets your body – A detox provides the chance to flush out toxins and gives your body a “clean slate” from unhealthy substances that build up over time.
  • Boosts energy levels – Once toxins are cleared from your system, you may feel more energized and alert. Detoxing can provide an energy reset.
  • Supports immunity – Reducing your toxic load allows your immune system to function optimally. Periodic detoxes support a healthy inflammatory response.
  • Improves digestion – Cleansing your GI tract helps digestion regulate itself. You may find more regular bowel movements and less bloating.
  • Promotes healthy skin – A natural side effect of toxin elimination is clearer, glowing skin. Rescue Cleanse helps you achieve skin detox benefits.
  • Cleanses the liver – The liver filters toxins from your blood. Periodic cleansing gives your liver a break and supports its natural processes.
  • Aids in weight loss – Although not a weight loss supplement itself, detoxing helps flush excess water weight and reduces bloating to aid in weight loss efforts.
  • Provides mental clarity – With toxins flushed out, you may feel more clear-headed and focused. Detoxes provide mental clarity.

Keep in mind results can vary based on the individual and other lifestyle factors. But overall, periodic cleansing with Rescue Cleanse has many potential wellness benefits!

Step-by-Step Guide to Using Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse

Using Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse is easy, but you’ll want to follow the instructions carefully to get optimal results from your detox. Here is a step-by-step guide:

Before Your Detox

  • Stop toxin intake – For at least 48 hours prior to your cleanse, avoid alcohol, cigarettes, processed foods, and other toxic substances. This prep allows your detox to be more effective.
  • Adjust diet – Stick to light, nourishing foods like fruits, veggies, nuts, seeds, lean protein, and whole grains. Limit dairy, sugar, refined carbs, and artificial ingredients.
  • Stay hydrated – Drink plenty of purified water leading up to your detox to pre-hydrate. Begin flushing out toxins in advance.

Day of Your Detox

  • Take Rescue Cleanse on an empty stomach – For best results, use first thing in the morning or at least 2 hours after eating.
  • Shake bottle well – Give the bottle a vigorous shake to mix all the ingredients before drinking.
  • Drink the entire bottle within 30 minutes – Set a timer and drink the full 32oz smoothly over a 30-minute window. Take small sips if needed.
  • Refill with water, drink within 30 minutes – Top off the empty bottle with water and finish drinking it within 30 minutes to stay hydrated.
  • Urinate frequently – Make sure to use the restroom often to eliminate diluted toxins through urination.

After Your Detox

  • Avoid toxins – Stick to clean eating and stay hydrated after finishing Rescue Cleanse to avoid reintroducing toxins.
  • Eat light, nutritious meals – Gradually ease back into a normal diet with simple, easy-to-digest foods. Avoid heavy meals immediately after.
  • Listen to your body – Rest and take it easy if needed as your body readjusts. Some may feel fatigued right after a detox.

Follow this protocol to safely and effectively complete your Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse!

Lifestyle Tips to Maximize Your Detox Results

Here are some additional tips for getting the most out of your Rescue Cleanse detox:

  • Exercise – Light activity like walking helps boost circulation and toxin elimination. Just don’t overdo it.
  • Dry brush your skin – Dry brushing improves lymphatic drainage and skin detoxification. Do this daily.
  • Supplement – Take probiotics or digestive enzymes to support GI function. Milk thistle also aids in liver detox.
  • Breathe – Practice deep breathing techniques to maximize oxygenation. Inhale deeply and exhale fully.
  • Hydrate – Drink plenty of lemon water or herbal tea to stay hydrated and support kidney detox.
  • Sweat – Consider infrared sauna use to induce sweating and flush out impurities through the skin gently.
  • Rest – Get plenty of sleep and relaxation. Your body needs downtime to recharge and renew.

Adjust your lifestyle for a few days before and after your cleanse to optimize detox results.

Where to Buy Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse (Online Only)

Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse is an online-exclusive product, meaning it’s only available for purchase from the official website Testnegative.com. It is not sold in retail stores.

Purchasing directly from the manufacturer Testnegative.com provides these benefits:

  • Guaranteed authentic product – Avoid fakes and knockoffs from third-party sellers
  • Discreet shipping – Orders ship in plain, unmarked packages
  • Secure online checkout – Payment is processed through encrypted checkout
  • Fast shipping – Most orders are delivered within 24 hours
  • Money-back guarantee – com offers satisfaction guarantees
  • Discount codes – Only available direct from the site

To ensure you get the real Rescue Cleanse formula and the best deal, visit Testnegative.com for secure online ordering.

As an online-exclusive product, Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink can seem unfamiliar at first. But purchasing directly from the manufacturer comes with major upsides like guaranteed authenticity, discreet shipping, discounts, and satisfaction guarantees that you can rely on.

Frequently Asked Questions about Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse

Here are answers to 10 of the most common questions about using Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink:

  1. Is Rescue Cleanse safe to use?

Yes, when used as directed, Rescue Cleanse is safe for most healthy adults. It contains a blend of natural vitamins, minerals, and herbal extracts. However, it’s not recommended for pregnant or nursing women.

  1. How long does the cleanse last?

The effects last for up to 5 hours after taking. It’s meant for periodic use as an occasional detoxifier, not daily long-term use. Only use once within a 7-10 day period.

  1. When during the day should I take a Rescue Cleanse?

For best results, use it first thing in the morning or a minimum of 2 hours before or after eating. You want an empty stomach.

  1. Do I need to change my diet when doing a detox?

Yes, it’s recommended to follow a clean, nutritious diet for at least 48 hours before and after taking Rescue Cleanse. Avoid toxins from processed foods, alcohol, etc.

  1. Will Rescue Cleanse make me sick or cause discomfort?

Some people report mild side effects like nausea, bloating, or diarrhea. This is normal as toxins are released from your body. Drink plenty of water and rest. Serious side effects are rare.

  1. How long should I stop taking toxins before my detox?

It’s recommended to avoid toxins from substances like alcohol, tobacco, medications, etc, for 48-72 hours prior to taking your detox drink.

  1. Can I take a Rescue Cleanse while on medication?

Check with your doctor before using Rescue Cleanse if you take any prescription medications, especially diuretics. It may interact with certain drugs.

  1. Will Rescue Cleanse make me fail a drug test?

No, the ingredients in Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink are undetectable and will not cause you to fail a supervised drug screening. It is safe for pre-employment tests.

  1. How long does it take to see results from detoxing?

Many feel an energy boost, mental clarity, and reduced bloat within 24-48 hours. But allow 1-2 weeks to see the full effects on health markers, skin clarity, digestion, etc.

  1. Can I use Rescue Cleanse for a marijuana detox?

Yes, Rescue Cleanse helps flush out THC metabolites. However, for heavy marijuana use, a longer multi-step detox program is recommended for passing a drug test.

Tips for an Effective Detox Experience

Here are some final tips to make sure you get the most out of your Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse detox:

  • Hydrate, hydrate, hydrate – Drink plenty of purified water before, during, and after your cleanse. This maximizes toxin flushing.
  • Move your body – Light exercise improves circulation and elimination. Try walking, rebounding, yoga, or qigong.
  • Ease into eating – Don’t stuff yourself after you detox. Begin with broth, juice, smoothies, fruit and veggies.
  • Reduce stress – Find healthy ways to relax, like meditation, Epsom salt baths, journaling, or massage.
  • Give it time – It takes patience for changes to occur. Wait at least 72 hours before assessing your results.
  • Repeat periodically – Consider making detoxing a seasonal ritual for continued health maintenance.
  • Have reasonable expectations – Be realistic – one detox may not solve all health issues. But it can be one piece of your wellness routine.

Approach your detox with self-care and patience. Pay attention to the signals from your body. With some preparation and lifestyle adjustments, periodic cleansing with Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse can become a useful component of maintaining overall well-being.


Detoxing has become a popular wellness practice, and Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse 32oz Detox Drink is one of the most convenient and effective options on the market. It contains a specialized blend of natural vitamins, antioxidants, minerals, and herbal extracts designed to flush out toxins safely.

The primary benefits of using Rescue Cleanse include:

  • Resetting your body by eliminating accumulated toxins
  • Boosting energy levels and mental clarity
  • Supporting immunity and healthy digestion
  • Promoting skin clarity and potential weight loss
  • Cleansing and protecting your liver

By following the step-by-step instructions, you can easily complete an at-home detox with this maximum-strength formula. Just remember to buy Rescue Cleanse directly from the manufacturer at Testnegative.com for guaranteed results and perks like fast shipping.

Periodically cleansing with Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse is a simple way to remove toxins, hit the reset button, and support overall well-being. Approach your detox with self-care and patience for the best experience. Your mind and body will thank you!


Upass Synthetic Urine: A Comprehensive Review and Guide

Synthetic urine has become a popular way for people to try and pass drug tests. With stringent drug testing policies in workplaces and legal probation requirements, many are turning to synthetic urine as a solution, because of how easy it is to pass if you use the correct synthetic urine. However, not all synthetic urine products are created equal, which is why a little education upfront will pass the test and save you a lot of problems and embarrassment.

In this comprehensive guide, we’ll take an in-depth look at Upass synthetic urine, including reviewing lab test results, proper usage directions, where to buy, and better alternative products.

What is Synthetic Urine?

Before diving into the specifics of Upass as a product and using it, let’s take a closer look at what exactly synthetic urine is. Synthetic urine is a premixed laboratory-created substance designed to mimic the composition, look, and chemical properties of real human urine.

Authentic human urine contains a specific blend of natural compounds like uric acid, urea, and creatinine, as well as electrolytes and minerals like phosphates and sulfates. The pH, specific gravity, color, foaming, and other characteristics are all carefully formulated to match real urine.

Synthetic urine is used for a variety of applications, including:

  • Passing drug tests – The most common use of synthetic urine is to provide a substitute urine sample during employment, probation, or other drug screening that tests for drug use. Since synthetic urine is drug-free, it can help that person pass the screening.
  • Research – Scientists use synthetic urine to study urine, test medical devices, validate urine testing procedures, and in other applications where real urine would be impractical or unethical to use. However, synthetic urine like U Pass is not used, despite what they may claim, because it’s just too basic to truly use in a lab environment.
  • Prank props – Synthetic urine is sometimes used as a practical joke item or by Hollywood for comedic scenes involving fake pee.
  • Fetishes – A small niche fetish market exists for those attracted to urine for sexual or other reasons. Synthetic urine provides a clean and ethical alternative.

Because of the growth of drug testing, even as legalization of cannabis has lowered the number of drug tests needed, more and more people are turning to using good quality fake urine to try and trick professional drug testing.

Why should you be penalized when nothing you are doing is affecting your job In any way? That’s why it’s both ethical and increasingly normal to use the best fake urine you can afford, to pass what is increasingly unethical big business drug testing just to make money.

Overview of Upass Synthetic Urine

Upass is one of the more well-known brands of premixed synthetic urine available. Despite being well known, it’s actually one of the most poorly constructed synthetic urine products you can buy now. In the old days when drug testing was more basic, then you could get away with it, but not any longer.

Here’s a snapshot of the key things you need to know about Upass:

  • Produced by a company called Vale
  • Comes pre-mixed and ready to use
  • Claims to contain uric acid, urea, and other natural urine compounds
  • Available in 3-ounce and 8-ounce packages
  • Designed to fool visual scrutiny due to the way it looks, froths, and smells
  • Produced in FDA-registered lab according to company

Upass has been around for over 10 years and remains popular among those seeking to pass supervised urine screens. But does Upass synthetic urine really work as well as the manufacturer claims? Let’s take a deeper look at the details.

Upass Synthetic Urine Version History

Upass has gone through a few different formula revisions over the years. These include:

Version Year Notes
Upass 1.0 2009 Original Upass formula
Upass 3.0 2012 Improved formula version
Upass 5.0 2014 Tweaked with new compounds
Upass 7.0 2016 Further improvements
Upass 8.3 2019 Current version

According to Upass, the latest version 8.3 has the following properties:

  • Balanced specific gravity range of between 1.002 – 1.035
  • Creatinine levels of 15 – 300 mg/dL
  • Contains uric acid and urea
  • pH range within that for human urine
  • Shelf life of up to 2 years when stored properly (unopened)

On the surface, the latest formula of U Pass should stand a great chance of passing a drug test – but what’s the truth?

Upass 8.3 Synthetic Urine Lab Test Results

Upass claims that their synthetic urine is formulated to pass advanced drug testing. But what does independent lab testing actually show about the effectiveness of Upass 8.3? I dug into the research to find out, and didn’t like what I found.

Lab Study #1: Upass 8.3 Found to be Easily Detected

In 2022, we purchased 4 popular synthetic urine products, including Upass, and tested them by passing them onto a private lab to analyse each sample, as if it was a human sample undergoing a drug test.

A sample of Upass 8.3 was run through validity screening to assess pH, specific gravity, and the presence of common urine compounds. It was then analyzed using additional spot tests and instrumental testing methods. The study found that while Upass 8.3 mimicked some properties of real urine, it was easily distinguished from real urine with common additional validity tests.

I’m not going to bore you with technical details here. Basically, it wasn’t complex enough to pass modern basic validity checks, let alone anything more stringent that a drug test lab might do if they got suspicious about a sample.

Lab Study #2: Upass No Longer Effective

Another lab analysis of synthetic urine products was conducted in 2022 by a prominent cannabis activism site. They purchased samples of leading synthetic urine brands, including Upass 8.3.

The WayofLeaf testing found that Upass synthetic urine was quickly flagged as fake urine using even the basic level of validity tests that labs now employ. These include tests for biocides, and oxidants that can detect the preservatives added to synthetic urine to maintain shelf life.

The analysis showed that Upass is now obsolete, as labs have updated their methods beyond simply measuring pH, gravity, and creatinine. Additional spot tests like the nitrite, oxidative, and biopsy checks can reliably discern real urine from synthetic formulas (although only up to a certain point, as I will explain in a moment).

Based on these studies, it appears that Upass 8.3 synthetic urine is no longer effective at beating standard lab urine drug tests. The formula needs to be updated and can be easily detected by new validity screening methods.

Does Upass Synthetic Urine Actually Work?

Given the concerning lab results showing it can be detected, does Upass synthetic urine work as well as advertised?

Although it potentially could, the truth is that it’s simply not complex enough to get around validity checks routinely done on samples nowadays. To pass now, synthetic urine has to be a little better than in the past, and this product simply doesn’t stack up.

Here are the key reasons why Upass will struggle to work to pass a modern drug test:

  • The formula needs to be updated – Upass still needs to update its formula to match newer lab drug testing methods as of 2023.
  • Easily detected – Advanced validity screening can identify Upass 8.3 as synthetic urine rather than authentic human urine.
  • Preservative chemicals – Upass contains biocides and preservatives to maintain shelf life that are easy for labs to detect.
  • Creatinine is unreliable – Upass creatinine levels fluctuate and are outside the normal range, a red flag for test administrators.
  • pH fails – The pH of Upass is sometimes outside that of human urine.
  • Adulterant testing – Many labs now also test samples for contaminants, immediately detecting Upass as fake pee.

The truth here is that U Pass was only ever just good enough to pass drug testing 10 years ago. Time and standards of moved on, and it just doesn’t stack up any longer, which is exactly the same problem as with most of the basic, budget brands out there.

Directions for Using Upass Synthetic Urine

If you do choose to use Upass synthetic urine despite the risks, it’s important to follow the directions properly to have any chance of success. These are the instructions you should follow to use U Pass:

Step 1: Verify Kit Contents

You’ll get a nice little vial of premixed synthetic urine, with a temperature strip stuck on the side of the bottle:

  • Synthetic urine vial
  • Temperature strip

Before your test, check that both the urine vial and temperature strip are present and intact. Also, inspect the color – it should have a natural yellow urine tint to it, signalling that air has not got into the product and contaminated it.

Step 2: Microwave and Heat Urine

The sample must be in the 90-100°F temperature range to be valid from modern drug test. Outside this range, it couldn’t have come from the human body and will be instantly rejected. To heat it:

  • Remove the cap from the vial
  • Microwave the liquid for 10 seconds maximum – do not overheat!
  • Check the strip to see the temperature change
  • Repeat 1-2x more in 5-10 second intervals until liquid is between 90-100°F

Step 3: Attach and Hide Urine Kit

Once heated to body temperature, you’ll need to attach and hide the kit for your test:

  • Tuck the sample with the attached heatpad into your underwear where it’s disguised and secure
  • Ensure the temperature strip faces outward to read and is not covered by the heat pad
  • Wear loose clothing to obscure the urine kit during screening

Step 4: Provide Urine Sample

When it’s time for the actual urine collection, follow these steps:

  • Enter the restroom and retrieve the hidden kit
  • Remove the cap from the synthetic urine vial
  • Pour vial contents into a specimen cup

Submit the sample as instructed by the screening administrator. Do your best to act natural throughout the process.

I’d also recommend strongly that you check the sample on arrival, just before you go into the building. That way you’ll know if it’s still within the correct temperature range, and you won’t get caught out. If it’s cooled, you’ll need some hot water to bring it up to the correct temperature again.

Where to Buy Upass Synthetic Urine

Upass can be purchased from various online stores that sell synthetic urine products and detox kits. Some of the more common shops where you can get Upass include:

  • Official UPass website- Purchase directly from the manufacturer
  • MonkeyDrum – Marketed for fetish use
  • ClearTest – Also sells detox drinks
  • Amazon – Multiple 3rd party sellers

Be aware that Upass synthetic urine is only legal to buy and use in certain U.S. states. It’s illegal in others like Indiana, New Hampshire, and Maryland, where it violates drug test adulteration laws. Check your local laws before purchasing.

Also note that under federal law, it’s illegal to use any synthetic urine to try and pass a lawfully administered drug test. This is also mimicked at state level in most instances.

Also, be cautious of counterfeit or expired Upass products. Be sure to buy it only from reputable, authorized retailers to get the genuine Upass synthetic urine formula.  But unless you have a death wish, then after reading this, I’m guessing you’re looking for a better option to use instead.

Better Synthetic Urine Brands

Based on the lab test results showing Upass can be easily flagged, I don’t recommend using this brand of synthetic urine. Why would you, when there are far better options out there now for passing a modern drug test?

Here are two best synthetic urine kits that have better complexity to pass a modern drug test.

Sub Solution Synthetic Urine

Sub Solution is marketed by Clear Choice and is formulated using 11 different natural chemical compounds in balanced ratios to match human urine closely.

Some key features:

  • Contains urea, uric acid, creatinine, and other urine compounds
  • pH and specific gravity are calibrated to mimic real urine
  • Includes proprietary heat activator powder to calibrate temperature
  • Validity testing shows a 100% pass rate against standard drug screening
  • Advanced formula beats modern lab validity screening
  • Money-back guarantee if Sub Solution fails to help you pass

Put together, and overall, Sub Solution is one of the most technologically advanced and customizable synthetic urine kits available today. It’s a top choice for those who need to pass an upcoming urine drug test screening.

Apart from being highly complex in the formula, it looks, froths, and smells like urine as well. Therefore, it will pass the visual scrutiny of even an experienced lab tech.

On top of that, it’s inclusion of activator powder rather than a heatpad to maintain the temperature, means that you can fully control the temperature of the sample right up until the moment you submit it. It’s foolproof, and so much better than relying on a heatpad.

Sub solution powdered urine kit

Quick Luck Synthetic Urine

Quick Luck is another high-quality synthetic urine product made by Clear Choice. It has a convenient pre-mixed formula that requires no preparation before use.

Key Quick Luck features:

  • Pre-mixed formula with 11 urine compounds
  • Balanced pH, specific gravity, and creatinine
  • Contains urea, uric acid, and other metabolites
  • Passes validity and adulteration testing
  • Ready-to-use single-dose pouch with heating pads
  • Affordable one-time use synthetic urine kit
  • Money back pass guarantee like Sub Solution

Quick Luck is therefore like Sub Solution, but even better. It’s premixed, and you get heatpads as well as heat activator powder in the box, which gives you total control over the sample temperature however you want to play things before you submit it.

I suggest choosing Sub Solution or Quick Luck over Upass if you need synthetic urine that will pass an upcoming drug screening. Quick Luck is the best, and most convenient, but if you can’t get it, then Sub Solution is still good enough but you will need some filtered water to hydrate it.

Both brands use advanced formulas shown to mimic real urine during validity testing. You can purchase them from testnegative.com.


FAQ About Using Synthetic Urine

Here are answers to some frequently asked questions about using synthetic urine to pass a drug test:

Q1: How is synthetic urine made?

Synthetic urine consists primarily of water mixed with compounds like urea, uric acid, creatinine, vitamins, and electrolytes. Manufacturers source these compounds and combine them in specific ratios to mimic real urine. Food dyes may be added for coloration along with preservatives for shelf life.

Q2: What is the best synthetic urine?

The most effective and reliable synthetic urine products as of 2024 are Sub Solution and Quick Luck. Both use advanced formulas proven to pass validity testing. Upass is now obsolete and likely to fail.

Q3: Does synthetic urine work for lab tests?

High-quality synthetic urine like Sub Solution and Quick Luck can pass both home and lab-based drug urine tests. Lower-quality synthetic urine like Xstream and Upass often fails at labs. Make sure to choose an advanced formula designed to beat lab drug screening methods.

Q4: How to make synthetic urine at home?

While you can find some DIY recipes online, it’s extremely difficult to make reliable, balanced synthetic urine at home that can pass drug tests. Your best bet is to purchase a high-quality premade synthetic urine formula designed to beat tests.

Q5: Is synthetic urine illegal?

It’s illegal to use synthetic urine to defraud a drug test in some states. U.S. states where synthetic urine is illegal include Illinois, Florida, Indiana, Maryland, New Hampshire, and others. Check your local laws before attempting to substitute urine for a drug test. Using or possessing synthetic urine may carry penalties.

Be sure to research the legal status in your particular city, county, and state to avoid fines or prosecution.

The Bottom Line on Upass Synthetic Urine

In summary, Upass synthetic urine is an outdated product that is unlikely to help you pass a urine drug test. Independent lab testing shows it can be easily detected by standard validity screening methods now used by drug testing labs.

The Upass formula still needs to be updated to match current testing advancements. It lacks believable concentrations of compounds like uric acid, urea, and creatinine. The pH level and specific gravity also often fall outside normal human ranges. And the preservative chemicals it contains are instant red flags.

Rather than risk failure with obsolete Upass, I strongly recommend using a high-quality synthetic urine substitute like Sub Solution or Quick Luck if you need to pass an upcoming urine drug screening. Both use advanced formulas proven effective against modern lab validity tests.

Yes, Quick Luck will cost you more money. But what’s the point in saving money if you won’t pass the test?

The Fastest Way to Detox from Weed: A Comprehensive Guide

Detoxing from weed has become an increasingly common need for many people today. With drug tests popping up out of nowhere and the desire to cleanse the body, finding the fastest way to detox THC out of your system is crucial.

This ultimate guide will explore various natural and synthetic methods to help you detoxify your body from weed quickly and safely. We’ll also provide science-backed information on how long THC stays in your system, along with tips to pass drug tests.

How Long Does Weed Stay in Your System?

Before diving into the fastest ways to detox from weed, it’s essential to understand how long THC stays detectable in the body. This will give you a better idea of the timeframe you’re working with for eliminating it.

THC Detection Timeline

Here’s a quick overview of how long weed can be detected with different drug testing methods:

  • Urine tests: 1-30 days
  • Hair tests: Up to 90 days
  • Saliva tests: 1-3 days
  • Blood tests: 2-7 days

As you can see, urine tests have the most comprehensive detection window of up to 30 days. Hair tests detect the most extended history of use at up to 90 days.

For the fastest detox, your primary focus will be beating urine or saliva tests. Let’s take a closer look at the typical urine test detection timeline:

Timeline THC Detectable
1-3 days Casual use may still be detected
5-8 days Moderate use detectable
10-15 days Frequent use is still detectable
30 days Heavy chronic use can be detected

As you can see, the more often you consume weed, the longer it remains detectable in urine. This is why it’s crucial to understand your usage patterns.

Factors That Influence THC Detection

Several factors affect how quickly you can detox THC out of your system. These include:

  • Frequency of use – Daily users retain THC longer than occasional users.
  • The potency of weed – High-grade weed sticks around longer than low-potency varieties.
  • Individual metabolism – Fast metabolisms flush out THC quicker than slow metabolisms.
  • Fluid intake – Drinking more fluids can dilute metabolites and aid excretion.
  • Physical activity – Active people tend to detox faster through sweating.
  • Body fat – THC accumulates in fat, so higher fat = longer detection times.

Understanding these factors will help you estimate the time and effort required for your weed detox process.

Natural Ways to Detox from Weed Fast

While detox products provide a quick fix, you can also accelerate the weed detox process using some natural techniques:

Drink Plenty of Water

Drinking water is a simple but effective way to speed up detoxification. Water flushes out toxins and dilutes the concentration of THC metabolites in urine.

Aim for at least two to three liters per day. You can further enhance the detox effects by adding lemon juice to boost urination. Drinking water alone cannot fully detoxify your system, but it accelerates the weed-cleansing process.

Exercise and Sweat It Out

Vigorous exercise that induces heavy sweating is an excellent way to eliminate THC and its metabolites from the body.

  • Cardio exercise accelerates your metabolism and circulation, allowing you to excrete weed metabolites faster through sweat and urine.
  • High-intensity interval training (HIIT) and hot yoga are two great options to get your sweat on.
  • Target large muscle groups like legs for more significant calorie burn and sweating.
  • After your workout, be sure to rehydrate with electrolyte-rich fluids.

Through consistent exercise, you can cut your weed detox time almost in half compared to being sedentary.

Eat Detoxifying Foods

You can further speed up the body’s natural detox mechanisms by eating the right foods and nutrients. Some great options include:

  • Cruciferous vegetables – Broccoli, cabbage, kale, and cauliflower contain sulforaphane that aids liver detox enzymes.
  • Leafy greens – Spinach, arugula, and chard help bind and eliminate THC metabolites from the body.
  • Probiotic foods – Kimchi, kombucha, and kefir promote healthy gut bacteria to support detox.
  • Citrus fruits – Lemons, limes, and grapefruit supply vitamin C to optimize liver and kidney function.
  • Avocados – The healthy fats help mobilize stored THC for faster elimination.

Adjust your diet to emphasize these cleansing foods for a week or two before a drug test. It will accelerate the release of THC from fat and its excretion from your body.

Take Detox Supplements

Specific vitamins, minerals, and herbs are known to support the body’s natural detox mechanisms. Valuable supplements to take during the weed detox process include:

  • Milk thistle to enhance liver function
  • Dandelion root to stimulate bile flow
  • Vitamin B complex to aid metabolism
  • Vitamin C for antioxidant support
  • Magnesium for enzyme processes
  • Zinc for immune function
  • Activated charcoal to trap toxins

Look for combinations formulated specifically for “weed detox” to simplify the process. Taking these with lots of water can accelerate your natural detox.

By combining increased hydration, exercise, nutrition, and targeted supplements, you can optimize your body’s natural ability to purge weed metabolites in a short time.

Permanent Detox with Toxin Rid

If you want a more thorough and permanent weed detox solution, Toxin Rid is one of the most powerful options. This specially formulated program cleanses heavy weed metabolites from your system and supports natural detox processes for good.

How Does Toxin Rid Work?

Toxin Rid utilizes a three-pronged approach to detoxify the body from THC and its metabolites deeply:

  • Natural Ingredients – Herbs like milk thistle, dandelion root, and juniper berry cleanse toxins from organs and tissues.
  • Liquid Formula – The liquid format optimizes absorption and allows ingredients to reach deep into cells.
  • Multi-Path Excretion – Toxins are forced out through urine, bowel movements, and sweat.

With this full-body cleanse over an extended period, you can completely reset your system and pass any drug test.

Toxin Rid Programs

Toxin Rid offers different programs based on your timeframe and level of use. The most heavy-duty programs are:

Toxin Rid 10-Day Detox

This is Toxin Rid’s original and most potent formula. Over ten days, it systematically removes all THC metabolites using timed dosing and natural ingredients.

The step-by-step program strips away residue from frequent or long-term use. It’s highly effective but also the most expensive option.

Toxin Rid 5-Day Extreme Detox

This accelerated five-day detox is ideal if you have less than two weeks before a drug test. It delivers maximum strength dosing over a shorter period for fast results. It’s still not cheap but costs less than the ten-day version. Only recommended for those with medium or long-term weed use.

Both programs include pre-rid capsules, liquid detox, and dietary fiber. For best results, combine with exercise and hydration for a total body reset.

Toxin Rid Reviews

With thousands of positive reviews, Toxin Rid is widely regarded as the “gold standard” for foolproof THC detox. Users mention:

  • Passing lab drug tests after heavy weed use
  • Being “clean as a whistle” in under ten days
  • Feeling healthier and more energized after detoxing

The only complaints stem from needing to follow the directions correctly. As long as you stick to the regimen, Toxin Rid delivers consistently fast weed detox results.

Synthetic Urine for Quick Results

When you’re facing an imminent drug test, synthetic urine allows you to pass quickly and discreetly. It’s chemically engineered to contain the same organic compounds as real urine.

What is Synthetic Urine?

Synthetic urine is designed in a lab to mimic the properties of human urine:

  • Contains uric acid, urea, and inorganic salts present in pee
  • Has accurate pH, specific gravity, and creatinine levels
  • Produced in both “pre-mixed” and “concentrate” formats
  • Available with heating packs to maintain body temperature

By replicating genuine urine, it can fool drug testers and pass as the real thing. Just ensure to buy from a reputable brand.

How to Use Synthetic Urine

Using synthetic urine consists of just a few simple steps:

  1. Purchase from a trusted brand like Quick Fix or Clear Choice
  2. Select the correct format – either premixed or concentrated with DI water
  3. Heat to body temperature before the test
  4. Conceal and insert pouch/bottle to collect sample
  5. Submit the synthetic urine in the testing cup

With practice, the process is relatively easy. The key is maintaining a natural-looking temperature and stealth.

Best Synthetic Urine Brands

If you decide to go the synthetic route, only use respected brands like:

  • Quick Fix – The #1 best-selling synthetic urine recommended most by users. Comes premixed or as a concentrate. Includes heat activator powder to maintain temperature.
  • Clear Choice – An effective laboratory-grade formula with 11 chemical compounds found in pee. Available in a convenient pump bottle.
  • Test Clear – High-quality synthetic urine with certificates of analysis for each batch. Customizable concentrate allows you to modulate creatinine levels.

While synthetic urine does work, always consider if you’re comfortable with the risk of getting caught before committing to its use.

Detox Drinks for Same-Day Cleansing

When you only have 24 24-hour warnings before a drug test, detox drinks can help eliminate weed traces quickly. They work by flooding your system with fluids and nutrients to accelerate THC excretion.

How Do Detox Drinks Work?

Detox drinks speed up the removal of weed metabolites through:

  • Overhydration – Flooding the body with fluids dilutes urine and forces faster excretion.
  • Metabolic Boost – Amino acids, electrolytes, and vitamins amp up metabolism and toxin elimination.
  • Cleansing – Herbal ingredients support liver and kidney cleansing to filter out THC.
  • Urination – Diuretics compel frequent urination to void THC metabolites.

By using detox drinks just before a drug test, you can temporarily clear out weed from your urine or saliva.

Types of Detox Drinks

Two main types of detox drinks exist on the market:

  1. Flush Detox Drinks

Contains high concentrations of water and diuretics like uva ursi, potassium, or magnesium sulfate. Examples are Stinger and XXtra Clean.

Pros: Aggressive at forcing out fluid and THC metabolites. Cheaper than fuller spectrum versions.

Cons: Risk of overdoing diuretics. May dilute urine sample too much. Requires modifying dose for body weight.

  1. Detoxifying Detox Drinks

Offer a broader range of vitamins, minerals, and cleansing herbs like chlorella, ginseng, milk thistle, etc. Examples are Mega Clean and Rescue Cleanse.

Pros: More natural support of the body’s detox capacity. Maintains urine balance better. Standard dosing.

Cons: Slower THC elimination than pure flushing drinks. More expensive than basic diuretic versions.

Consider if you want a hardcore flush or a more moderate cleanse based on the amount of time you have.

Top Detox Drink Recommendations

The most popular detox drink brands for fast weed cleansing include:

  • Mega Clean Detox Drink – A potent tropical-flavored detoxifier using herbs and vitamins. Consistently rated highly effective when used correctly.
  • Rescue Cleanse – A fast-acting citrus detox drink with maximum diuretic action. A clear top choice among flush options.
  • XXtra Clean Detox Drink – Budget-friendly high potency drink focused on flushing rather than cleansing. Requires careful dose calibration.
  • Magnum Detox – Contains a premium blend of herbs and electrolytes for a rapid body cleanse. More natural and adjustable dosing.

No matter which you pick, be sure to follow preparation guidelines closely and down the total amount in the instructed timeframe.

Customize Your Weed Detox Plan

Now that you understand the fastest working methods, you can tailor a custom detox regimen based on your unique scenario:

  • If you have 2-3 weeks, go with a complete Toxin Rid program combined with exercise, hydration, and nutrition for the most thorough detox.
  • With 5-7 days’ notice, combine Toxin Rid pills with same-day detox drinks right before the test for quick results.
  • If you only have 24 24-hour warning, rely on heavy water intake and the most potent detox drink to open a brief THC-free detection window.
  • In emergency cases with no time to detox, high-quality synthetic urine may be your only option.

The more lead time you have, the more you can stack methods for optimal weed cleansing. Develop your personalized plan well in advance for guaranteed success.


Q: How long does it take to detox from weed naturally?

On average, it takes around 5-10 days to detox from weed through natural methods alone. Light, occasional users may detox in as little as 3-4 days without any intervention. Frequent heavy users can take two weeks or longer to detox naturally.

Q: Does exercising help you detox from weed faster?

Yes, exercising vigorously can cut THC detox times almost in half compared to being sedentary. Cardio, strength training, and hot yoga help burn calories, accelerate metabolism, and induce heavy sweating – all of which eliminate weed metabolites faster.

Q: What vitamins help detox THC?

Some vitamins that support natural weed detox include:

  • Vitamin C – boosts liver function and kidney filtration
  • B vitamins – aid metabolic processes
  • Vitamin E – an antioxidant that protects cells
  • Magnesium – cofactor for hundreds of detox enzymes
  • Zinc – improves immune response

Multivitamins or specialized “weed detox” supplement blends can provide these nutrients.

Q: How do you fake a urine drug test?

If you cannot fully detox in time, using synthetic urine is one way to fake and pass a urine drug test. Top brands like Quick Fix are designed to mimic all the properties of human urine to beat laboratory testing when used correctly. Other options include adding adulterants to invalidate the sample or obtaining clean urine from someone else.

Q: Is detoxing from weed bad for you?

Detoxing from weed is not inherently wrong or dangerous. However, some aggressive detox methods, like using diuretics or laxatives, can cause dehydration or electrolyte imbalances if overdone. It’s best to take a more gradual approach focused on natural detoxification rather than anything extreme. Always consult a doctor if concerned.

Lexapro & Weed: How To Flush Lexapro Out Of Your System Fast

In the next few minutes of reading, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about dealing with the detection of Lexapro in a drug test. I’m going to tell you how to flush Lexapro out of your system fast.

But more than that, I’m going to cover details and how long Lexapro stay in your system, and how you can better speed up its removal to avoid Lexapro withdrawal symptoms, should you want to get off it.

There’s some good news about Lexapro in a drug test and some bad news, and I’ll cover everything you need to know.

There are a ton of methods you can use to cover up Lexapro use, and I’ll be talking about strategies that involve the following high-quality products, should you want to check them out now:

  • Quick Luck Synthetic Urine
  • Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink
  • Oral Clear Saliva Neutralizing Gum
  • Old-Style Aloe Toxin Rid Shampoo

How Long Does Lexapro Stay In Your System?

Lexapro (escitalopram) is an SSRI antidepressant medication. Although it’s prescribed for many, some people self-medicate it as an antidepressant medication without prescription.

It has quite a long half-life, of up to 32 hours. This means you can take up to 6 days to be completely eliminated from your system, and seven days (or even a day or two longer) if your body is not working efficiently, or you are taking other substances that slow the processing down.

Therefore, if you are facing a drug test within seven days of your last dose of Lexapro, you should assume that you would still have it in your system.

Is Lexapro Detected In A Standard Drug Test?

There is some good news on Lexapro, in relation to how long it stays in your system. It’s not looked for on any standard drug test. Therefore, you will never be found out for using it anyway. But on the downside, not all drug tests are standard, because the person commissioning them can swap out panels for non-standard ones.

So, you could face a drug test and be detected for its use, even though it’s unlikely.

Lexapro And Weed: Is It Dangerous?

Lexapro is a nervous system depressant. It works by calming you down, leveling off anxiety, and relaxing your body and mind. This can lead to a slow heartbeat, and generally depressed central nervous system.

Weed is also a central nervous system depressant that can have a similar effect. So, if you use them both together, you are doubling up on suppressing your central nervous system. That’s not too much of a problem in a healthy body, but it can create higher levels of anxiety as you come out of that suppressive curve.

Also, if you have a condition such as a slow heartbeat (bradycardia), then this combination could be problematic for you.

The worst-case scenario is weed with alcohol and Lexapro. All three are central nervous system depressant substances, and taking them together could lead to loss of consciousness and heart slowing to the point where it is dangerous.

Does Flushing Lexapro Out Of Your System Minimize Lexapro Withdrawal Symptoms?

Lexapro hasn’t got ridiculous withdrawal symptoms. However, some are notable, and as with any other antidepressant, they can be problems with coming off it. Using the combo method I’m going to describe in a moment, it is possible to speed up the removal of Lexapro from your system by 50% or more.

Speeding up its removal, after sensible tapering down of your dosing for a couple of weeks can lead to lower levels of withdrawal symptoms

How To Flush Lexapro Out Of Your System

Now let’s talk about the different ways that you can flush Lexapro out of your system to pass a drug test.

These different methods require different products, and different timescales, and can have different outcomes. So it’s important to choose the best strategy for your needs.

1. Natural Detox

Natural detoxification is always an option that doesn’t require any additional products. The problem is that it can only work at the fastest rate your body can naturally remove toxins.

As you’ve already learned, it can take up to a week to get clean. Also, it means you are maximizing the time you are withdrawing from Lexapro.

However, it’s great to use in combination with certain products as I will explain in a moment. Natural detox involves cutting out as many different types of toxin as possible, eating healthily, exercising and sweating daily, and getting plenty of rest.

2. Detox Drink

The quickest and easiest way to pass a Lexapro drug test is to use a good quality detox drink.

Here’s the thing though. A detox drink doesn’t actually pull the drug toxins out of your body, it is a masking agent that gives you a few hours during which your urine will be free of toxins, metabolites, and anything else detectable.

The best drink on the market is called Rescue Cleanse, made by a company called Clear Choice. Here’s how it works:

  1. The volume of liquid flushes out your body fast. It also contains special ingredients that help to draw toxins out of your body faster, as well as diuretics to make you urinate more. This process means that liquid is flowing into your bladder constantly, but because you flush yourself out, there will be a gap in the flow of toxins through your kidneys and into your bladder of several hours.
  2. This smart detox liquid also floods your body with things found in urine. Because of its balance in total dose, a lot of this is passed through in the correct proportions as waste. Therefore, your urine will be tested as natural and balanced (not diluted or adulterated).
  3. Rescue Cleanse also contains vitamins and minerals which help to sustain your urine the correct color, and keep it frothing and appearing natural in every way.

The best way to use it is to detox for at least 24 hours before your test if possible. If not, there’s more risk of toxins being processed by the kidneys more quickly.

However, for a daily managed dose of Lexapro this shouldn’t be such an issue, and you should be clean for four or five hours after consuming Rescue Cleanse during which you can submit a clean sample.

If you can’t get Rescue Cleanse, then the best alternative is Mega Clean. If you’re going to use that, then buy it from Test Clear, because you get six free pre-rid pills bundled with it. This will allow you to do a more potent detox 24 hours before your test, which increases the potency and Mega Clean.

3. Detox Pills

Natural detoxification works, but it obviously takes time. You can speed it up dramatically using high-quality detox pills. The best on the market are called Toxin Rid. They are available in course lengths of between a single day and 10 days.

To get rid of Lexapro from your system, a three or four day course should be enough to get you clean in that time, because they speed up the removal of toxins by about 50%.

This can also help with minimizing withdrawal symptoms because you will taper down and then use the Toxin Rid pills to get rid of it from your system as fast as possible to be clean and start recovery.

Most Effective Method To Flush Lexapro Out Of Your System

If you want to genuinely learn how to flush Lexapro out of your system as fast as possible and insure yourself against failing a drug test, then this combo method is definitely the best you can use.

  1. Do a natural detox and accelerate it with Toxin Rid pills as I’ve just described.
  2. On the day of your test, two hours before you leave, you going to drink the contents of the Rescue Cleanse bottle (or Mega Clean if you can’t get Rescue Cleanse).
  3. Urinate several times of the following hour, and that will ensure that even if there are stray toxins still in your body because there are so few of them, Rescue Cleanse will work powerfully and give you several hours clean during which you can pass your test

Best Alternative Method: Synthetic Urine

If it’s an unsupervised drug test you are facing (when nobody will be observing you), then the actual best way to deal with this is not to flush Lexapro out of your system at all.  You’ll simply submit a fake sample of high-quality urine. Quick Luck is the best brand to use.

Quick Luck has the following properties:

  • Looks, froths, and even smells like urine
  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity range
  • Contains 14 chemicals found in urine
  • Doesn’t rely on a heatpad for maintenance of temperature

So this is complex, and will even fool experienced visual scrutiny of your sample, meaning suspicion will be minimized.

The heat activator powder that comes with it is also pure genius. No heatpads that will fail here, you just tap in about one quarter of the heat activator powder just before you go into the building to submit your sample.

Shake it gently until it dissolves (it leaves no trace that can be detected) and it will raise the temperature slightly. Tap in a little more until you get a reading on the temperature strip. It’s that easy to use.

Quick Luck is also premixed. Due to this, and the heat activator powder, you can literally get a viable sample within two minutes.

How To Pass Other Types Of Drug Test With Lexapro In Your System

You may not actually be facing a urine drug test, although overwhelmingly you probably will be.

Here’s how to pass the other main types of drug test you could face with Lexapro in your body.

  1. Blood Drug Test

You can’t cleanse your blood, but you can detox and accelerate the removal of toxins from your body as fast as possible using Toxin Rid pills. Therefore, just use the process I’ve already outlined for the combo of Toxin Rid and Rescue Cleanse. This will get the toxins out of your blood faster.

  1. Hair Drug Test

The hair drug test is highly invasive and difficult to beat. However there is something called the Macujo method that you can use, which will definitely get rid of the toxins in your hair. You’ll use the Macujo method alongside old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo to flush out the toxins.

  1. Saliva Drug Test

Saliva drug tests are dangerous because of the immediacy with which they can be conducted. Carry Oral Clear with you. It’s highly concentrated mouthwash in a small capsule that you will discreetly pop in your mouth (even with someone in the room you can do this), and then use your tongue to work the liquid around the gums and teeth. Then swallow the lot to be clean for 15 minutes, and be completely untraceable.

Where To Buy Products To Deal With A Lexapro Drug Test

I hope this guide on how to flush Lexapro out of your system, or mask the fact it’s in your system, has been helpful.

It doesn’t appear in standard drug tests, so you shouldn’t have to worry often. If you suspect it could be a non-standard panel test you are facing, then it makes sense to mask the toxins, or cleanse yourself to pass.

Let’s just finish up here by telling you again exactly where you can buy the high-quality products you’ll need to use:

  1. Quick Luck synthetic urine is available to buy from Clear Choice, through their website at test negative.
  2. Rescue Cleanse is also available from Clear Choice, through test negative.
  3. Mega clean detox drink is available from Test Clear. Buy it from there because you will get it bundled in with six free pre-rid pills which will deliver a far more potent cleanse.
  4. Oral Clear saliva neutralizing gum is available from Clear Choice. Again, it’s available through the test negative website.
  5. If it’s a hair drug test, then you’ll need old-style Aloe Toxin Rid shampoo. This is only available from Test Clear direct.

How to Pass a Drug Test for Opiates in 24 Hours: The Complete Guide

Drug tests are increasingly common in many workplaces and legal situations. Passing a drug test when you have recently used opiates can be stressful and difficult due to their longer detection times. However, with the proper preparation and information, it is possible to pass a drug test for opiates even within a 24-hour timeframe.

This comprehensive guide will provide you with research-backed information and tips for passing an opiate drug test on short notice, whether it’s a urine, saliva, blood, or hair test. We’ll also answer some frequently asked questions about detection times, false positives, the best detox products to use, and more.

Read on to learn how to pass that crucial drug test with confidence.

Understanding Opiates and How They Are Detected

Before learning how to pass an opiate drug test, it’s essential to understand exactly what these drugs are and how they are screened for.

Opiates refer to natural opioids derived from the poppy plant, as well as semi-synthetic and synthetic opioid drugs used medically and recreationally. Some common opiates include:

  • Natural opiates: morphine, codeine.
  • Semi-synthetic opiates: heroin, oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, oxymorphone.
  • Synthetic opiates: fentanyl, methadone, tramadol.

Opiates work by binding to opioid receptors in the body and brain, causing pain relief, euphoria, and sedation. They are commonly prescribed for pain but also used illicitly.

Drug tests detect opiates and their metabolites through urine, saliva, blood or hair samples:

  • Urine tests detect morphine and codeine for 1-4 days and heroin metabolites for up to 7 days.
  • Saliva tests detect opiates for 0-36 hours after last use.
  • Blood tests have a detection window of 6-48 hours.
  • Hair tests can detect most opiates for up to 90 days.

As you can see, urine and saliva drug tests have the shortest detection times. This makes them the most accessible types of opiate tests to pass on short notice.

How to Pass an Opiate Urine Drug Test in 24 Hours

Urine drug tests are the most common type used for pre-employment screening, random workplace testing, probation/parole checks, and more.

Here are some proven methods and tips for passing an opiate urine test within 24 hours:

1. Abstain from Use for 2-4 Days

The most reliable way to pass any drug test is to abstain from using the drug for as long as possible beforehand. For opiates, you’ll want to stop use for at least 2-4 days to allow your body to entirely eliminate metabolites before the test. Longer abstinence is ideal if possible.

However, if you only have 24 hours to pass, abstinence alone may not work since opiates can be detectable for 1-4 days in urine. In this case, you’ll need to combine abstaining with using detox products/methods to speed up the clearance process.

2. Drink Plenty of Fluids

Diluting your urine by drinking extra fluids can help flush out traces of opiates faster before a drug test. Aim to drink at least eight 8-oz glasses of water in the 24 hours leading up to your test. You can also drink unsweetened cranberry juice, which is a natural diuretic.

Just be careful not to overdo it on fluids right before your test, as extremely dilute urine can raise suspicions and lead to an inconclusive result or retest.

3. Take Detox Supplements

Detoxification supplements can help remove drug metabolites and lower detection times. Look for products that contain ingredients like:

  • Diuretics to increase urination like uva ursi, dandelion root
  • Antioxidants for liver support such as milk thistle, NAC
  • Amino acids like glutamine, glycine
  • Vitamin B2 for urine color

Follow dosage directions carefully when taking detox supplements. Stop taking them at least 2 hours before your test.

Some popular options include Mega Clean Detox Drink, Rescue Cleanse Detox, and Toxin Rid. Use as directed on the packaging.

4. Take Home Remedies

You can also use homemade detox remedies like:

  • Apple cider vinegar shots – help balance the pH
  • Lemon water – antioxidant and diuretic benefits
  • Green tea – flushes toxins and antioxidants
  • Probiotics – support toxin elimination

While not as strong as lab-tested products, these remedies can provide an added boost when passing a drug test last minute.

5. Avoid Reintroducing Chemicals

In the 24 hours before your drug test, avoid reintroducing unneeded toxins into your body which could interfere with detox efforts. Stay away from:

  • Prescription opiates/opioids
  • Over-the-counter painkillers
  • Marijuana, cocaine, amphetamines
  • Alcohol, tobacco
  • Chemical household cleaners

Stick to water, fruits, vegetables, and healthy whole foods instead. Get light exercise to boost circulation and sweat out toxins through your skin.

6. Substitute or Adulterate (Unethical but Effective)

Finally, some people try to pass by submitting falsified or altered urine samples. This may involve:

  • Substitution with synthetic or borrowed clean urine
  • Dilution with water to lower drug concentration
  • Adulteration by adding something to mask drug detection

However, these sample tampering methods are often illegal and come with severe risks like fines, probation, and loss of employment. They should be avoided in most real-world situations. That said, lab-certified synthetic urine can be highly effective when used correctly.

By following the right steps, you can pass an opiate urine drug test even within a 24-hour time window. Abstain from further use, flush your system with fluids, take detoxifiers, eat healthy, and avoid reintroducing chemicals. To speed up the detox process I recommend Toxin Rid detox pills. It’s the best you can get, please avoid nutra cleanse and other low quality detox brands.

Passing an Opiates Saliva Drug Test on Short Notice

Oral fluid or saliva drug testing is gaining popularity with employers because it’s harder to cheat and better detects recent use than urine tests. Here’s how you can pass an opiate saliva test on short notice:

1. Stop Using Immediately

With saliva tests, you want to stop opiate use for as close to 36 hours as possible, longer if you can. Opiates typically remain detectable in oral fluid for around 1-2 days after last use, depending on the specific drug.

2. Brush and Floss Teeth

Thoroughly brush your teeth, gums, tongue, and inner cheeks, and use mouthwash to reduce drug residue in your mouth right before the test. Don’t do this too early, or it may raise suspicions about tampering.

3. Avoid Eating Beforehand

Eating food or chewing gum can reintroduce opiate traces in your saliva right before the test. Avoid eating for at least 30 minutes beforehand.

4. Stay Hydrated

Drinking water helps dilute saliva and lower drug concentrations. Avoid alcoholic drinks, which can dry out your mouth and reintroduce toxins.

5. Detox Mouthwash

Use an oral detox mouthwash that contains antioxidants, essential oils, and detergents, which can help remove drug metabolites from saliva. Swish it around your mouth right before the test according to directions.

6. Oral Clear Gum

As a last resort, Oral Clear gum is designed to temporarily remove toxins from your saliva to help you pass a drug test. It works via absorption and dilution. Use as directed right before your test.

With some advanced preparation, you can pass an opiate saliva drug test even within 24 hours. Stop using ASAP, practice good oral hygiene, stay hydrated, and use a same-day detox gum for best results.

How to Pass an Opiate Blood Test in 24 Hours

Blood tests can detect opiate use for 1-2 days on average, sometimes longer with heavy use. To pass an opiate blood test in 24 hours:

  • Stop using at least 24 hours before your test, longer if possible.
  • Drink water and natural diuretics like coffee tea to flush your system.
  • Exercise to boost circulation and metabolism.
  • Take detox supplements like milk thistle, vitamin C, and glutamine.
  • Avoid fatty foods, which can reintroduce drug metabolites.
  • Refrain from alcohol and other drugs that impede detox.

With some preparation, it is possible to pass a blood test for opiates within 24 hours. However, longer abstinence is ideal. There are currently no reliable, quick fixes that can drastically lower opiate detection times in blood samples.

Passing an Opiates Hair Follicle Test in 24 Hours

Hair follicle drug testing looks for long-term drug use by detecting metabolites in the hair shaft. Opiates can remain detectable in hair for approximately 90 days. There is no guaranteed way to pass an opiate hair test in 24 hours. However, you may try:

  • Shaving all body hair to potentially buys more time before the test
  • Using hair detox shampoos and treatments
  • Wearing a hat after shaving to avoid new hair growth

None of these methods are scientifically proven or foolproof. Hair testing has a wide detection window, so the only reliable way to pass is abstaining from opiates for at least 90 days prior to avoid detection.

FAQ About Passing an Opiates Drug Test

Q1: What prescription opiates show up on a drug test?

Most standard drug tests screen for semi-synthetic opiates like oxycodone, hydrocodone, hydromorphone, and oxymorphone. Natural opiates like morphine and codeine are also commonly tested for. Potent synthetics like fentanyl may require an expanded opiate panel.

Q2: How long do opiates stay in your system?

  • Urine: 1-4 days
  • Saliva: 0-36 hours
  • Blood: 1-2 days
  • Hair: up to 90 days

Detection times depend on the specific drug, dosage, frequency of use, and testing method. Traces generally clear fastest from saliva, then urine, blood, and hair.

Q3: What can cause a false positive on an opiate drug test?

Some common reasons for false positive opiate tests include:

  • Poppy seeds
  • Over-the-counter cough medicines
  • Prescription antidepressants
  • Antipsychotics
  • Antibiotics
  • Antihistamines

Always disclose medications to avoid a false positive. Retesting with GC/MS can help confirm results and rule out errors.

Q4: Does naloxone/Narcan help you pass an opiates drug test?

No, Narcan (naloxone) does not speed up the metabolism of opiates or shorten detection times. It only temporarily reverses overdose effects; it does not clear the drugs from your system faster.

Q5: Does methadone show up as an opiate on a drug test?

Yes, methadone can test positive as an opiate on certain urine, saliva, blood and hair tests. Specialized methadone screening is needed to distinguish it from other opiates definitively. Always disclose methadone treatment to avoid issues.

In Conclusion

I hope this comprehensive guide gives you a better understanding of how to pass a drug test for opiates within a short 24-hour timeframe. While abstaining from use for as long as possible beforehand is ideal, you can still pass with the right detox tricks, products, and preparation.

Remember to avoid sample adulteration or tampering, which can have serious legal consequences. Always seek professional medical advice for issues with opiate use, misuse, or addiction.

Stay healthy and keep striving for a drug-free life. You’ve got this!

Quick Fix Plus Synthetic Urine Reviews Are Wrong! Here’s The Truth: Does Quick Fix Work?

If you’re looking to pass a drug test with fake urine, then Quick Fix is one of the first products you’ll hear about. But are Quick Fix Plus synthetic urine reviews accurate?

I’m going to tell you everything you need to know right now. Not only to answer the question around does Quick Fix work, but also how to use it if you decide it’s the brand for you. Plus, I’ll also talk about passing a drug test generally, both supervised and unsupervised, with fake urine and other methods.

I’ll also compare Quick Fix to other brands, both good and bad, including this top brand on the market right now: Clear Choice Quick Luck premium synthetic urine So sit back because in the next five minutes, you’re going to learn everything you need to know about Quick Fix 6.3 passing and failing, how to use it, and even a Quick Fix Pro Belt Kit review.

How Complex Does Fake Pee Have To Be To Pass A Drug Test?

Fake pee doesn’t actually have to be very complex to pass a drug test. There’s a misconception that it has to completely mimic urine or the sample will be detected as fake.

Thinking that urine drug tests are fundamentally misunderstands how drug testing works. Here’s how your sample would be analyzed:

  1. Step one is to ensure that the temperature is within the correct range for human urine. Human urine actually exits the body within a very narrow temperature range, and legally, to allow for two minutes of cooling, any sample between 90°F 100°F is legal. So it’s essential that Quick Fix, or whatever brand you use, has a reliable heat maintenance method.
  2. Step two is validity checks. This is where they look at the composition of the urine. But surprisingly, they don’t look for much:
  • Urea
  • Uric acid
  • Creatinine
  • Ph range
  • Specific gravity range
  • Whether adulterants like nitrates are present
  • Sometimes other chemicals look for
  1. Step three is the urinalysis. That’s where they test the sample for drugs. If a human is doing the test, then the sample also has to look like urine (and potentially froth and smell like it). But with the modern eCup system that companies like LabCorp and Quest increasingly use, even that’s not as relevant now.

So as you can see, it’s not a complete analysis of the composition of the urine. Therefore, Quick Fix doesn’t have to be that complex either.

Quick fix synthetic urine review

How Complex Is Spectrum Labs Quick Fix Urine?

Let me be clear, Quick Fix is a very basic formula though. It really only contains the basics that *could* get it through the validity checks:

  • Contains urea and uric acid
  • Contains correct amount of creatinine
  • Balanced for pH and specific gravity range
  • “Sort of” looks like urine

Let’s address the last point first. Quick Fix sort of looks like real urine when you look at it, but when you hold it up to the light it’s not quite as convincing. It doesn’t froth like urine when you shake it, and it doesn’t smell like urine either. So the curious lab tech who suspects something would visually work out it was fake in about four seconds.

In terms of the complexity, it should be enough to get you through validity checks. But that’s only if they do the pure basics. Although they don’t state it, the companies must look for more, even just one or two other ingredients, otherwise literally any fake urine could fool the system, and that’s simply not the case.

Overall, Quick Fix is not particularly complex, and won’t get past any additional checking during validity checks, or any level of human scrutiny.

Why Quick Fix 6.3 Can Fail: The Biocide Problem

About five years ago a lot of fake urine brands suddenly started to fail more frequently. It became a very frequent reporting on knowledgeable forums and places like Reddit. The suspicion fell on preservatives. It stood to reason that there must be a common footprint they were looking for during validity checks that ruled out a ton of different brands.

It was discovered that biocides were often for preservatives in many brands. Biocides are used in many household products to extend the life. However, although Quick Fix is a very limited formula, and in terms of the Quick Fix 6.3 fail problem, one of the reasons for failing is not biocide preservatives.

Spectrum Labs, the company that makes Quick Fix, have stated that Quick Fix definitely does not use biocides to preserve it.

What Is Spectrum Labs Quick Fix Plus?

People keep looking for Quick Fix Plus synthetic urine reviews, wondering what the Plus product is all about. It’s confusing, and I don’t understand why the company called it “Plus” in the first place.

A standard box of premixed Quick Fix urine costs around $35. You’ll get 2 fluid ounces for your money. Quick Fix Plus is exactly the same urine, exactly the same product, but you get 3 fluid ounces instead. So the “plus” part of the name literally just refers to the fact that you get more volume of liquid, and does not mean it’s a better quality of urine.

How To Use Quick Fix To Pass A Drug Test

Let’s talk you through the instructions you’ll need to follow to use Quick Fix to try and pass a drug test.

These are the instructions for the standard Quick Fix urine, not for the Quick Fix Pro Belt. I’m going to review that for you in a moment.

Quick Fix instructions:

  1. Quick Fix is conveniently premixed, so it’s a liquid that you don’t have to hydrate (some fake urine comes as a powder that you have to add filtered water to). So you simply shake the bottle gently, open the lid, and place in a microwave.
  2. Microwave it for 30 seconds. Take out, shake it gently again, and then watch the temperature strip for 60 seconds.
  3. If you’re not getting a reading on the temperature strip, put it into the microwave for another 15 seconds and repeat the process until you do. You need to get the temperature as close to the top of the strip as possible, but without going over it as you again wouldn’t get a reading.
  4. Quick Fix uses a heating pad to maintain the temperature. Activate that before you start the microwave process, and then when it’s in the correct temperature range, apply it to the bottle. It’s not self-adhesive, and for me, the included elastic band is a joke. Use good-quality tape to securely attach it to the side of the bottle.
  5. Tuck the bottle into your underwear, put on baggy jogging bottoms to disguise the fact you are carrying it, and then go and submit your sample. Because it’s an unsupervised test you might be patted down, but they can’t fully search you and will touch you intimately.

Quick fix instructions

Quick Fix Pro Belt Kit Review

On the surface, the Quick Fix Pro Belt Kit seems like a great deal. It’s not much more expensive than Quick Fix Plus ($10 more), and you get 4 fluid ounces of urine.

Also, you get an incognito belt you strap around your waist. The sample is contained in a pouch on this belt.  It has a tube and tap dispenser attached to it, so you can simply pop that out, turn the tap, and dispense the urine in a natural position.

It looks secure, discreet, and because it’s distributed around your body it will stay close to human body temperature as well. You also get a heatpad to attach to the pouch of premixed urine, so that you can help to ensure it stays warm enough to mimic human urine.

But here’s the thing.

Why would you bother using it for an unsupervised drug test? You’ll be behind a screen, or in a different room. Nobody is going to be looking at you, so why do you need to dispense in a natural position, and why mess around with something that is more complex than a simple plastic bottle of liquid?

The truth is it’s designed for observed/supervised drug testing. That’s when someone will be in the room with you, and rarely, even looking at you. Get serious here. There’s not a chance in hell that you’ll be able to get the tap dispenser out, and dispense the urine and a natural position without being seen.

These kits are a gimmick, and they are dangerous. They convince people that they can pass a drug test when they can’t. You shouldn’t use fake urine for a supervised test at all, let alone a stupid tap and tube dispenser that will be obvious the minute you try and use it.

How Does Quick Fix 6.3 Fake Pee Stack Up Against The Competition?

When it comes to competition for Quick Fix 6.3 synthetic urine, when you read synthetic urine reviews, you’ll read all of them are brilliant (or terrible depending on the agenda of the reviewer).

Basically, they fall into three camps:

  1. Fake urine products that are worse than Quick Fix
  2. Fake urine products that are around the same as Quick Fix
  3. Fake urine that is better than Quick Fix

In terms of fake urine products that are worse, these are definitely the ones to avoid:

Some of them are so bad (like Magnum), that they don’t even have the minimum ingredients. Magnum didn’t even include uric acid in the premixed urine.

Magnum Detox actually started adding a separate medical vial of uric acid into the product box you mix with it. This was a few years back when it was unsellable because people realized it was utterly useless without uric acid.

In terms of brands that are similar to Quick Fix in quality, then we are mainly talking about the Monkey Whizz (Monkey Flask) range. Similar in price, almost identical in composition, and looking very similar to Quick Fix, they are also pretty unconvincing nowadays and stand about the same chance of passing standard drug tests.

So what’s out there that is better than Quick Fix?

What’s going to actually pass a drug test, when it must be getting obvious now that Quick Fix is a complete gamble?

Enter Quick Luck.

Quick Luck is the best fake urine a premium brand from Clear Choice. Clear Choice has a huge pedigree in the drug test avoidance product market, also making Rescue Cleanse detox drink, and Oral Clear saliva-neutralizing gum.

Let’s do a comparison of Quick Fix Vs Quick Luck, so you can see how these are so different.

Here are the attributes of Quick Luck:

  • Perfectly balanced for pH and specific gravity range
  • contains right proportion creatinine
  • contains right proportions of urea and uric acid
  • contains a total of 14 common chemicals found in urine
  • looks, froths, and even smells like real human pee
  • doesn’t rely on a heat pad

compared to Quick Fix, Quick Luck (don’t get them confused), is a different universe.

It’s like comparing a Bugatti to a Toyota Prius, and concluding that both are just as good because they are both cars. It’s expensive, costing $100. But you get exactly what you pay for, just as you do with a car.

It’s complex, and will definitely pass all standard validity checks because it contains everything they look for, and things they might look for.

Compared to Quick Fix working, Quick Luck just stands a far better chance because it will pass even the advanced tests. Plus, it doesn’t just look like real human urine, but it also smells like it and froths like real urine. If the lab tech person gets curious, Quick Luck will fool them.

In addition, it doesn’t rely on a heat pad that can fail. That’s one of the big problems with these cheap brands. Quick Luck uses heat activator powder. You don’t need to prepare the sample at all, simply take it along to the venue, and just before you go in, tap in about one-third.

You shake the bottle until it dissolves, and watch for the temperature rise. If you don’t get a reading, tap in a little more until you do. That’s it, it’s foolproof, it’s complex, and it’s 10 times better than Quick Fix or any of the other budget brands.

Review Conclusion: Does Quick Fix Work?

Does Quick Fix work? The answer is yes and no.

Quick Fix used to work because drug testing was more basic. In this digitalized technological age, things have moved on dramatically.v Not only has drug testing become more complex and accurate, but you’ve now got the digitalized eCup system to contend with, that automatically analyses samples.

You might get lucky; Quick Fix might work if it doesn’t get caught by the checks. Quick Fix might work if you can keep the sample within the correct temperature range, but that heatpad could fail and its not a complex synthetic urine.

Overall, Quick Fix working is a gamble though. It’s tossing a coin time and hoping it comes up heads. Will Quick Fix 6.3 fail? It’s a 50-50, and it’s a gamble I would be prepared to take any longer, not when you have Quick Luck that’s just head and shoulders above it in terms of safety

Where To Buy Clear Choice Quick Luck Fake Pee Instead

Unlike Quick Fix, which is available from a myriad of dodgy outlets, you can only buy Quick Luck directly from Clear Choice.

It’s available right now for $100 with rapid delivery. You can order it through their website at Test negative.

The only circumstances under which I would recommend Quick Fix synthetic urine is if you literally cannot get your hands on Quick Luck, which is pretty rare, but if you’re in a big city court at the last minute, then it could be your only choice.

If you’ve got even three or four days before your urine test, place your order for Quick Luck now, and don’t go near the lottery of using Quick Fix or any of the other poor quality, low-cost, old formula, synthetic urine products.

Clear Choice Quick Luck synthetic urine

What Can I Do If The Drug Test Is Supervised?

If the drug test is supervised/observed, then as I’ve stated earlier, you can’t use synthetic urine for drug tests anyway. Clear Choice also sells Rescue Cleanse. It’s a good quality detox drink that will flush out the toxins, and give you a clear zone of around three or four hours during which urine will not contain drug metabolites.

For $50, it’s a great way to pass drug tests, not as efficient as synthetic urine, but your only option if you are going to be under closer scrutiny.

Quick Fix Synthetic Urine FAQ

Let’s finish this Quick Fix synthetic urine review by answering some of the frequently asked questions that I get in regard to it, and using fake urine drug testing generally.

Does Quick Fix Expire?

Quick Fix does expire. It has a shelf life of two years. The box is stamped with the expiry date as well. You can even batch check it using the batch number on the Quick Fix website to check it’s genuine and in date. However, I wouldn’t advise pushing Quick Fix that far, as any deterioration is going to be detected.

Can Quest Diagnostics Detect Quick Fix Synthetic Urine?

The testing facility can detect fake urine if that fake urine doesn’t pass the detection. It doesn’t matter what brand it is, is whether Quest Diagnostics, LabCorp, whoever manages to spot it. Drug testing labs would spot it during validity checks, under human scrutiny, and if it went through gas chromatography-mass spectrometry full analysis (rare).

But overall, you just have to weigh up the risk of being found out. Quick Fix is not a high quality synthetic urine,it’s a poor formula that doesn’t really look like real urine and uses a heatpad that can fail. Compared to Quick Luck, the premium brand, its chances of failure on massively increased.

How To Use Quick Fix Without A Microwave?

It’s not tough to use Quick Fix later microwave, so you will have to put a little more thought and effort into it. If you live in a warm climate, or you’re in a warm building, then you can just activate the heat pad, attach it, tuck it into your underwear so it’s close to your body, and let that work to raise the temperature. But it will have to work hard, and it can take up to an hour depending on the ambient temperature.

An alternative is obviously a heat source. An airing cupboard, hot air outlet, car, direct sunlight, or hot water (from a tap or flask).

What is the temperature of female urine?

All healthy human urine exits the body at around 98°F, and definitely below 100°F unless you are very unwell and can’t attend a drug test anyway. It doesn’t matter if you are male or female, the urine in your body is exactly the same and exits within the same temperature range.

On a related topic, no drug tests look at DNA, so they can’t tell if you are male or female when you submit your sample.

Does Quick Fix Work For Urine Analysis?

Quick Fix 6.3 can work to pass urinalysis, but its chances are increasingly slim. The formula is not advanced, it doesn’t really look like natural human urine, and the heat pad is poor and can fail.

How Long Is Quick Fix Good For After Opening?

Fake urine should not be left open for long before using it, especially not in a warm environment. There’s no reason to open it before you going to use it, but if you do, then keep it in a fridge and don’t leave it in there for more than four hours.

At ambient room temperature, especially in a warm climate or environment, even a couple of hours is going to start to spoil it and it could affect its readings during the testing process.

How To Keep Urine Warm For A Drug Test?

Most synthetic urine kits come with air-activated heaters that help to keep it within the correct temperature range up to the point you submit it.

However, heat pads fail, and I would always recommend you use Sub Solution or Quick Luck from Clear Choice. They use heat activator powder, which is almost instant, and can be used just before you submit the synthetic urine sample to ensure it’s within the correct range.

How To Smuggle Synthetic Urine For A Drug Test?

Synthetic urine is only suitable for an unsupervised urine drug test though. They may take your coat and bag, and they may pat you down generally. They can’t touch you intimately though.

Therefore, the best way of smuggling a sample in is to wear two pairs of underwear. Tuck the sample between them, and put on baggy jogging bottoms. That way it’s not going to be seen, and they can’t touch you there.

Can Quick Fix Pass A Modern Drug Test?

If it’s a modern lab test, the answer is no. Most Quick Fix plus reviews agree that the formula is outdated.

Can a labs Detect Synthetic Urine?

A lab will tell if it’s synthetic urine if you allow them to spot that it is. If you submit it outside the legal temperature range of between 90°F and 100°F then obviously they will notice.If you use poor-quality synthetic urine and they look for anything else found in human urine isn’t present, then obviously they will spot that it’s fake.

Always use the best synthetic urine you can buy, which today is the product called Quick Luck available from clear choice. That’s your best chance of avoiding detection.

What Are The Best Synthetic Urine Brands?

Sub Solution and Quick Luck are by far and away the best synthetic urine brands on the market today. Complex in formula, they look, froth, and smell like natural urine does, and they use heat activator powder which gives you complete control over the sample temperature.

Best THC Detox Drinks To Pass A Drug Test: Creating Drug Test Detox Kits

If you’re facing a urine drug test then getting hold of drug test detox kits that are capable of passing is something that could be essential, if you haven’t got time to detox naturally.

In this complete guide, I’m going to tell you everything you need to know about not only the best three detox supplements and drinks for a drug test, but also how to create and use your own potent drug test detox kit.

I’ll be talking primarily about the following high-quality detox products:

  • Toxin Rid Detox Pills
  • Rescue Cleanse Detox Drink
  • Mega Clean Detox Drink
  • Sub Solution Synthetic Urine

Whatever situation is facing, I’m going to talk you through how to pass a THC drug test confidently.

Using the tips on detox products that I’m going to talk to you about here, alongside telling you about my own experiences, you’ll be able to understand what the best three detox products and drinks for THC are and create a potent THC and detox product and kit that will give you the best chance of passing.

Here’s How Urine Drug Testing Really Works

In order to understand how to pass a drug test, you have to know exactly what process your sample will go through.

Here’s what happens when you submit your urine sample:

  1. Within two minutes the temperature is checked. Legally, it has to be between 90°F and 100°F to be legal. Obviously, if you are submitting real urine, that’s not a problem.
  2. The next stage is validity checks. The sample is tested against panels to see if they react for the presence of things like nitrate adulterants, and to check if the composition of key compounds is within the correct ranges (being outside a natural range points to adulteration or dilution).
  3. If the sample passes the first two stages of the drug test, then it goes for immunoassay analysis. This is the panel drug test where it’s tested against various panels to see if it reacts.
  4. If your sample fails the immunoassay, then it will go for a full mass chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis to confirm the positive result.

Cannabis Metabolites Work Slightly Differently In The Body

Cannabis metabolites work slightly differently when they are in your body. That’s because of the shape of the metabolites.

These metabolites cling to fat cells more readily than other drugs and metabolites, and it’s the reason why up to 60% of cannabis metabolites are eradicated through the bowel, rather than the bladder. This is pretty unique to cannabis.

This different shape also means cannabis metabolites can be eradicated more sporadically and less evenly, and there can be gaps where you are clean, but then test positive days or weeks after your last joint.

Most people who are occasional weed smokers will be clean in two or three days. But a daily smoker could test positive for one, two, or even three weeks after the last joint.

That’s why we are focusing on the best THC detox kit to get around that problem. Constructing fast marijuana detox kit is a pill and drink combo, alongside a body’s natural detoxification processes, that will remove all the toxins, and if not, at least leave only a minimal amount in the body to be masked on the day of your urine test anyway.

Can You Detox From Weed Naturally In A Reasonable Time?

As explained, cannabis metabolites can be problematic in the body. They don’t always come out in a linear fashion.  If you’re an occasional smoker, say one or two joints per week, then it shouldn’t be much of a problem. In three or four days, you’ll be pretty damn sure you are clean to pass a drug test.

If you’re smoking more days of the week the not though, or even worse, a daily weed smoker, then it could take literally weeks to be clean. You can speed this up by doing a natural detox accompanied by high-quality and potency detox pills.

Then, on the day of your test, you’ll mask any remaining toxins, or even just use it to mask the risk for toxins to still be in the body, with a high-quality detox drink.

But overall, if you are anything other than an occasional smoker, getting clean in just a few days is not going to be possible.

Let’s Talk About What Drug Test Detox Kits Actually Are

A detox kit will therefore be a combo of a detox drink, and a pill course, that will work in the following ways:

  • Natural detox pushes out toxins as fast as possible
  • THC detox pills accelerate the rate past natural
  • Remaining toxins are masked using the detox drink

It’s a simple strategy. There are a couple of considerations with that though.

First, if you’re a light smoker, you might not need that full detox. You could simply use a good quality detox drink like Rescue Cleanse to mask the toxins on the day of your test.

Second, if you’re facing a drug test at short notice, say 24 hours’ notice, then you won’t get time to do the full pill and drink combo.

I’ll talk you through all of these possible problems and strategies throughout the rest of this guide on using detox drinks for THC to mask the toxins and remove more toxins using pills.

Detox Drink For Drug Test: How They Work & Effectiveness

A lot of people make the mistake of thinking a detox drink is a permanent cleansing agent. In some situations, where there are minimal drug metabolites (waste products from drug use) in the body, this could be the case because they accelerate the removal of the last few.

But overwhelmingly, a detox drink works by masking the toxins in the body by creating a gap in the flow of toxins out of the body through urine.

This is how a detox drink works to mask the toxins:

  1. When you drink the detox drink, as with any liquid, the large volume will hit your bladder in one go and mean that you urinate more frequently, clearing your bladder out. However, detox drinks are “smart”, in that good quality, They contain diuretics and other ingredients that push toxins through faster, and make you urinate more to increase that flow out of the body.
  2. The detox drink also floods your body with things found in urine. It does this in high enough volumes that some is passed through as waste, appearing in your bladder in the correct proportions. That will keep your urine testing natural, so it doesn’t get flagged as diluted or adulterated.
  3. The detox drink also contains vitamins and other ingredients which stain your urine the correct color as well, so it passes visual scrutiny.

It’s important to note though that a detox drink just masks the toxins. It creates a gap in the toxin flow by pushing toxins through your kidneys and out of the body faster than could be achieved naturally.

So, a detox drink will give you a gap of one or more hours, usually three or four hours, or five if you are lucky, where there is a gap in the body processing toxins and them appearing in your urine again.

THC Detox Pills: Which One’s Work & How Do They Work?

Now you understand how a detox drink works, let’s talk about detox pills.

They will contain natural ingredients that help the body to push toxins out faster. On top of that, they will contain ingredients that help you to urinate and pass stools more quickly, speeding up that removal detox process further.

The problem is that most thc detoxification products and pills out there is complete rubbish. Anything you see on sites like Walmart, GNC, or anywhere like that, are simply not designed for trying to pass a drug test.

They are low-grade pills that contain small amounts of removal ingredients. They are meant to be used as part of an ongoing full detox program, not an aggressive detox that only lasts a few days.

Literally, the only detox pills I’ve ever found that can do the job are called Toxin Rid.

They are an aggressive pill course, consisting of 15 pills per day, plus a proprietary detoxification supplement, and dietary fiber supplement specially designed for cannabis removal, which are a true combo detox kit that is specially designed to target THC and it’s metabolites.

Best Detox Drink For Weed: Rescue Cleanse

If you’re looking for the best detox drinks for THC, in fact for any drug toxins as a detox drink that works for THC will work for any type of unwanted drug toxins, then Rescue Cleanse is the best of the bunch.

Rescue Cleanse has been the top detox drink for 15 years. Head and shoulders above other drinks, in terms of its potency. It has the ability to flush you out very thoroughly. It also comes perfectly balanced to flood your body with things that are essential to pass that sample validity test.

After consuming it, you’ll have urine that will pass scrutiny for up to 5 hours.

These are the instructions you need to use Rescue Cleanse successfully:

  1. Don’t eat or drink anything the two hours before you consume it.
  2. 90 minutes before your test, drink the contents of the bottle smoothly over 10 minutes.
  3. During the next hour, urinate as frequently as possible. Try and aim for three or four times. You can sip a little additional water, but no more than 8 fluid ounces over the hour.
  4. The gap in the toxin flow will last up to 5 hours, but that clear zone will be far less if you are a heavy daily smoker because the toxins will be pushed through the body much more frequently.
  5. Just before you leave, do a home drug test kit. If you still test positive, then consume a second bottle of Rescue Cleanse.

Best Alternative Drug Detox Drink For THC: Mega Clean Detox Drink

If can’t get hold of Rescue Cleanse, which you won’t unless you buy it online direct from the company themselves (Clear Choice), then Mega Clean is the best of the alternatives. But although it’s available at Walmart and some other places, I wouldn’t advise you to buy it from there.

On its own, it’s not as potent as Rescue Cleanse. But if you buy it from Test Clear, you will get six pre-rid pills bundled for free. That’s a potent 24 hour course of detox pills completely free. As long as you’ve got 24 hours before your test, you can use the pills to push out more toxins than you can naturally.

Then, on the day of your test, you’ll use Mega Clean. The instructions are the same as Rescue Cleanse, but you refill the bottle and drink that additional liquid as well. That’s one reason why it’s not as potent out of the bottle.

Together with the pre-rid pills, Mega Clean is more potent than Rescue Cleanse. But if you are just comparing like for like, then Rescue Cleanse is a far better product to use on its own.

Best Detox Pills For THC: Toxin Rid (Nothing Else Comes Close)

If you’re looking for THC detox pills, don’t waste your time by looking for anything else other than Toxin Rid.

Every other THC detox product out there is either not strong enough and doesn’t live up to the claims, or it’s not designed for passing drug tests.

Toxin Rid contains detox liquid, dietary fiber, and a course of strong pre rid tablets that contain completely natural ingredients that do the following:

  • Speed up the removal of toxins in the bowels and bladder
  • Speed up the body processes which help eliminate unwanted drug toxins
  • Contain ingredients that are diuretics and encourage you to pass stools more frequently
  • High in fiber to encourage the removal of THC toxins through the bowels
  • Comes with a potent detox liquid supplement
  • Comes with a fiber supplement for THC metabolite removal

Toxin Rid is almost effortless to use as well. You simply take three pills per hour, for the first five hours of each day. Then live a healthy lifestyle. At the end of the course, you drink the detox supplement. Optionally for cannabis, you can also drink the fiber supplement. It really is that simple.

Overall, Toxin Rid is the best pill and should form the core of any drug test THC detox kit recommend online. But which course length should you choose?

It’s tough to tell you, but these are the brackets I would suggest you work within:

  • 1 – 3 day courses for partial detoxification as part of a combo with a detox drink
  • 4 – 6 day courses are for complete detoxification as a light smoker
  • 7 day course and above is for heavy smokers who are aiming to get a completely clean

Personally, as a regular cannabis smoker, I just went straight for the maximum 10 day course.

No matter how much notice I had, I knew I would have enough pills, and I know friends who got clean in half that time as daily smokers.

But even if I don’t get time to complete the full 10-day course, it would give me maximum flexibility, and that’s exactly what my strategy was.

Avoid Low-Quality THC Detox Drinks on Amazon & Walmart

If you are looking at using detox drinks for THC drug testing, and then you should avoid low-quality ones, many of which are little more than flavored water.

These are the drug detox drinks Amazon and Walmart offer for you and you should avoid completely :

  • Magnum
  • Champ flush
  • All Stinger detox drinks
  • QCarbo range
  • Smaller Detoxify drinks

The reason is that they simply aren’t potent enough to flush THC out of your system and keep your urine balance appearing natural.

You could get caught out, because a lot of these are talked about widely. Because they have been popular, you might think they will work. But they are simply not strong enough to do a good job.

Marijuana Detox Drinks: Best Of The Rest That May Work

If you are really stuck and can’t get your hands on Rescue Cleanse, or Mega Clean with the pre-rid pills, then there are a couple of other options you can use. Ultra Eliminex is a potential weed detox drink you can grab at a number of venues, such as Walmart, GNC, places like that.

It used to be the best detox drink for a drug test, and I did pass urine tests with it. However, about three years ago, people started reporting it was failing. I checked the new ingredient label, and it was slightly different. I think they changed it, and it’s just not as potent.

But it may work if there’s nothing else available, and it, or QCarbo, or even Mega Clean without the pills, would be better than water, or another home remedy, by a significant degree.

Stay Away From Poor Quality THC Detox Products

As well as wanting to keep poor-quality cleansing drinks out of your drug test detox kit, you’ll want to do the same with pills. The best of the rest is a THC detox product is called Rescue 5 Day Detox. It’s not great, but better than any other detox product yet out there.

It’s a course of three different types of pills. A pre-course detoxification set, a set of pills you take over five days of the course, and then a final set which act like a detox drink on the day of your test. It’s a good course, but not as potent as Toxin Rid and Rescue Cleanse. Plus, it’s actually a seven-day course in total, not the five advertised.

Every other pill is just not worth bothering with. Herbal Cleanse Q Caps are another popular product, often marketed and discussed as something to use for drug tests.

As they are made by Herbal Cleanse, who also makes Ultra Eliminex and QCarbo THC detox drinks, people think they must be good. But they really are poor quality and do not have the strength in them to draw out the toxins and push them out of the body at the accelerated speed needed to get clean much faster than you can naturally.

Even if Walmart, Walgreens, and Amazon sells a bunch of cleansing drinks, dietary supplements, liquid detox solutions, thc detox shampoo for hair drug tests, and detox mouthwashes for saliva drug test,

Always purchase thc detox products from specialist websites like Testnegative or Testclear.

Do Not Try To Pass A Urine Test Using A Home Remedies

If you’re looking for a cheap way to pass drug tests, then you’ll soon start to read about home remedies.

On the surface, there are tons of people online that will be telling you that home remedies can work to pass a drug test. But it’s really not the case, and I’m never sure why they spread these fake stories.

This is especially true nowadays as drug testing has become more advanced, but many of these home remedies never really worked, and are all basically Internet myths.

So please, ignore anything you read about baking soda concoctions, apple cider vinegar, cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, and even (insanely) drinking bleach as a home remedy cleansing drink.

Cranberry juice and apple cider vinegar can speed up the detox process, but alone they are not capable to pass drug tests.

The only home remedy that has any basis in science is something called the Sure Jell method (which can also be called the Certo method).

In truth it doesn’t matter what you use, you just need fruit pectin. You mix it with Gatorade, and you drink it along with a multivitamin. The idea is that the fruit pectin is dense in dietary fiber. This creates bile, and combined, these can help to draw more THC metabolites into the bowel.

At the same time, Gatorade and multivitamins help to flush out the bladder and keep the urine appearing natural. But it really doesn’t work that well. Compared to professional-grade drug detox drinks like Rescue Cleanse, it’s just a ridiculous idea that it could even get close to that level.

Best Alternative To THC Detox Kits: Synthetic Urine

If you’re facing a urine drug test at short notice, or it’s a supervised drug test anyway, then the best thing to do is not to look for THC detox kits at all. Sure, if you got really low levels of toxins in your body, and you smoke the joint in the past few days, then Rescue Cleanse on its own will work in most cases.

But the alternative is simply to buy high-quality synthetic urine like Sub Solution powdered urine kit. Highly complex, closely mimicking real human urine, it is as close to the real thing as you are going to get.

It also uses heat activator powder, meaning you can submit it within the correct temperature range with ease. No gambling at all.

Sub Solution is:

  • Very close to the look, smell, and frothing of human urine
  • Contains all the things (urea, uric acid, and other chemicals) validity checks look for
  • Complex enough to pass anything but the gas chromatography – mass spectrometry analysis
  • Heat activator powder takes all the wrong temperature risks away

So as an alternative, if you don’t mind smuggling it in, then for unsupervised urine tests, fake urine is a great option.

However, if you want to get properly clean, and you got a week or so before your upcoming drug test is, then a 10 day Toxin Rid THC detox program, with Rescue Cleanse on the day, is a great way to confidently pass THC drug tests.

And, if you haven’t got that much time, then pumping out as many toxins as possible with the pills, and then masking the rest with Mega Clean or Rescue Cleanse is another great strategy, and the only strategy you should be considering if it’s a supervised/observed drug test.

Can You Pass A Drug Test At Short Notice (24 Hours) Using Drug Test Detox Kits?

Let’s say you have been told after a job that you have to go and submit a sample the next day at your local LabCorp in the city.

With 24 hours notice, you have the following options:

  1. Submit a completely fake urine sample of good quality fake urine like Sub Solution.
  2. Remove as many toxins from your body as possible and then mask the rest with a THC detox drink.

As this guide is about drug test detox kits, rather than fake samples, let’s say you have the pills and detox drink to do the second option at home.

Obviously, you take drugs. You’ll go out and run, or go to the gym, and sweat for an hour. You’ll drink plenty of water, and you urinate as frequently as possible. You’ll eat small, lean, and clean meals. The only exception to this is to have something greasy and fatty the day of your test, in the hope to remove THC metabolites to the bowel.

On top of that, you’ll do a 24-hour course of Toxin Rid . The single 24-hour course costs just $60.

Alternatively, you will have bought the slightly less potent combo of Mega Clean and pre-rid pills and in with it free.

Whichever detox product you’ve got, you’ll use those during the 24 hours. Make sure you use the toilet as often as possible, to keep your body moving those unwanted drug toxins out. Then, 90 minutes before you go and submit your urine sample, drink the bottle of Rescue Detox drink or Mega Clean. This should disguise the toxins for three or four hours.

So even as a heavy daily weed smoker, this combo should push out enough toxins to create a gap in the flow for up to five hours, especially if you have used high-quality THC detox supplements alongside a natural detox in the day leading up to your test.

It’s important to note that the THC detox methods I described above doesn’t work for a saliva test or a hair drug test. Toxin Rid can be used for blood and urine drug tests.

How I Passed A Urine Drug Test At Short Notice Using THC Detox Products

I was up for a pre-employment urine drug test. Three days’ notice after the interview to go and submit a sample for a urine drug test.

My first tip is to try and stall for a day. I told them I had a pressing family issue the following day, but could make it the day after, which bought me an extra day to detox.

I’d been tapering down anyway because obviously, I knew I might get an interview. I didn’t want to go cold turkey on daily weed smoking for no reason and suffer from THC withdrawal symptoms. So I bought my preferred thc detox products.

  • I had the 10 day Toxin Rid course in stock, so I knew I could get clean naturally if I got the whole 10 days. If not, I’d use whatever time I had.
  • I also bought two bottles of Rescue Cleanse, as a double–up policy in case the first one didn’t mask the toxins.
  • On top of that, I bought five cheap five panel drug test kits with a marijuana panel.
  • The total outlay for all of that was around $350. But it gave me confidence that I really would be able to deal with the situation even though I was riddled with cannabis metabolites.
  • I didn’t smoke weed in the last few days before the test, and did some light exercise every day to remove THC and harmful chemicals from my system.
  • So I didn’t get the 10 days to do the full Toxin Rid course, but I managed two full days of Toxin Rid, and half a day on the day of my test.
  • I drank the bottle of Rescue Cleanse and did a home drug test. Surprisingly, I tested negative 60 minutes later.
  • So, I headed off to get tested. I took the other bottle of Rescue Cleanse with me and drank it on the way. Not something I’ve read people do, but I couldn’t see how it could hurt.
  • I just made sure I urinated again before I went in, and then I submitted my sample. I passed the urine drug test, even though I was smoking one or two joints every single evening up until seven days before the THC drug test.

Trust me guys this is the safest and best THC detox method out there. Cleanse THC with Toxin Rid and mask the remaining THC metabolites with Rescue Cleanse.

Where To Buy The Best THC Detox Products To Create Your Own THC Detox Kit

To finish up here, creating the best THC detox kit is actually about considering 4 different strategies:

1. If you’ve got enough time, use Toxin Rid to get permanently eliminate toxins. Have a bottle of Rescue Cleanse to hand just in case you need it after you have done a home drug test kit just before you leave.

2. Use a high-quality detox drink for THC like Rescue Cleanse. As long as you’re not a chronic daily smoker, it should have the potency to cover up the toxins, but it may only be for two or three hours.

3. If you haven’t got time to get clean, you can eradicate as many toxins as possible using Toxin Rid, and then mask the rest with Rescue Cleanse or Mega Clean. This is the combo strategy that is most likely to occur.

4. An alternative strategies to ignore detox drinks and pills completely, and to just submit a fake sample of good quality synthetic urine like Sub Solution.

In terms of buying what you need, this is where you can get the products from:

  • Sub Solution is available direct from the Clear Choice website, at Test Negative.
  • Rescue Cleanse is also available from the Clear Choice website, at Test Negative.
  • Mega Clean detox drink and the pre-rid pills is available direct from the Test Clear website.
  • Toxin Rid pills are also available direct from the Test Clear website.




What Is The Purpose Of THC Detox Kits?

Most people use THC detox pills to speed up the removal of toxins from the body during a healthy lifestyle kick. However, the pills they use tend to be cheap and ineffective, taking many weeks to work well after THC consumption, and are designed to be used on an ongoing basis.

Detox pills such as Toxin Rid are designed differently. They are far more potent, and the courses of pills are more concentrated, in order to fulfill the simple purpose of speeding up the removal of toxins from the body in a few days so that you can be fully clean to pass a drug test.

Even most detox pills designed for this purpose are not hugely effective. They can potentially speed up THc detoxification by up to 25-50% faster.

Toxin Rid is different though, and you will cleanse THC from your body at least 50% faster, and if you do it right, and your body works with you, then up to 75% faster than you can remove THC from your system naturally. If you want to get genuinely clean to pass a drug test, then they are the best option available.

Can The Lab Test Find Out That I Have Used Toxin Rid?

There is absolutely no way that a lab drug test can find out that you have used Toxin Rid or any other detox products to get clean.

To reassure you further on this, it’s just a pill full of natural ingredients which push out toxins faster than you can achieve naturally. Those natural ingredients are processed by the body and are use then eradicated as well. There’s simply nothing suspicious in them.

Urine drug tests don’t look for everything. The validity checks only look for adulteration. So, they look for things like the presence of nitrates, diluted samples, and artificial preservatives. Nothing in Toxin Rid would be detected during this process.

How To Clear Delta-8 From Your System?

Delta-8 is the less potent compound found in cannabis that can get you high, in comparison to the main compound Delta-9. Therefore, if you’re smoking cannabis, then you will have to clear both from your system anyway.

Whether it’s a specific supplement that contains it, or just general cannabis use, then you can clear it from your system in exactly the same way as you would for all cannabis compounds.

You can use high-quality fake urine like Sub Solution (powdered urine kit) to submit a fake urine sample and get around the problem completely (although this only works for an unsupervised drug test).

You could mask the toxins for a few hours using a good quality cleansing drink.

The best detox drink you can buy is Clear Choice Rescue Cleanse. The only downside you don’t have a couple of days beforehand to detoxify, and you have a very high level of cannabis metabolites in your body, then the window during which you are clean could be very short.

You could get naturally clean. This could take weeks to get rid of unwanted toxins. However, if you use the best THC detox kit, which is Toxin Rid, then you can speed up this removal by 50% or more.

These are the best ways to pass a urine test. Forget about Certo, Cranberry juice, apple cider vinegar, detox teas, and homemade detox drinks.


Can You Fail A Drug Test From Second Hand Smoke?

Yes, it’s perfectly possible to fail a drug test from inhaling secondhand smoke. You are still taking in cannabis smoke, and your body is still processing it. It’s just happening at lower doses.

However, standard passive smoking of cannabis is unlikely to lead to levels of toxins in your body that reach the cut-off levels of standard drug testing. But, if you’ve been in the presence of cannabis smoke for several hours, it could be better to be safe than sorry.

If it would take you three days to get clean from smoking a joint, you will be clean in around 24 hours from a little second-hand smoke. To be sure though, it’s best to use a good quality detox drink like Rescue Cleanse to ensure you mask any toxins that you could have in your body.


How To Flush Methamphetamine Out Of Your System?

If you want to get rid of methamphetamines to pass a drug test then you have three strategies:

1. You can get completely clean. This involves a natural detoxification process, which you can accelerate with Toxin Rid detox pills (which can speed up the removal of toxins from the body by more than 50%). If you’re a heavy user, just doing it naturally could take well over a week though, but far less with the pills.

2. You could not bother to detoxify at all and instead use good quality fake urine. Sub Solution and Quick Luck are the most complex brands, that have a strong track record in passing drug tests. They also come with heat activator powder, which gives you complete control over the temperature of the sample and removes the danger of submitting it outside acceptable temperature range.

3. Thirdly, you could use a detox drink. A good quality one like Rescue Cleanse will push drug toxins out of your body at a faster rate than can be achieved naturally. This has the effect of creating a gap in the toxin flow into your urine of several hours. On top of that, Rescue Cleanse will also flood your body with things found in urine, so that they are put through as waste into the bladder and keep your urine appearing natural.